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Coronavirus Pandemic - How are you holding up?
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Except for the excessive hoarding of various stuff and being "quarantined"...things are pretty good
Liked by alsx (Mar 21, 2020), Akhenaten (Mar 19, 2020)
(March 18, 2020, 10:24 pm)InflatoPreggo Didn’t Italy start to not help those who were deemed too ill to be saved in the hospitals?

Yes.  Since the virus has overwhelmed their health care system, doctors are having to make battlefield-type decisions about who to treat and who to let die because there aren't enough people and resources to treat everyone.

Now, Italy's population is older (on average) than the US and the rest of Europe, so they are a bit of an extreme case.
Liked by jokerpaso (Apr 8, 2020), joebillyjoe (Mar 20, 2020), Akhenaten (Mar 19, 2020), (Mar 19, 2020), alsx (Mar 19, 2020)
Italy is being hit hard because they live in multi-generational households, which means younger people with mild or asymptomatic cases are coming home and spreading it to their grandparents. In the US, older people tend to live alone or in nursing homes. Also, Continental European and East Asian countires have fairly high rates of tobacco usage, which leads to respiratory problems later in life.
Liked by jokerpaso (Apr 8, 2020), joebillyjoe (Mar 20, 2020), Akhenaten (Mar 19, 2020), (Mar 19, 2020), alsx (Mar 19, 2020), humpbumps (Mar 19, 2020)
(March 19, 2020, 10:16 am)Feunski Italy is being hit hard because they live in multi-generational households, which means younger people with mild or asymptomatic cases are coming home and spreading it to their grandparents. In the US, older people tend to live alone or in nursing homes. Also, Continental European and East Asian countires have fairly high rates of tobacco usage, which leads to respiratory problems later in life.

They also tend to live in tightly packed cities, many of which are made up of ancient buildings that weren't built with 21st Century sanitation in mind. I know this from having stayed in Florence and Rome for over a month. Beautiful historic cities, but also kinda filthy at the same time.
Liked by humpbumps (Apr 29, 2020)
I'm kinda panicking over it. My state's on near full lockdown. I work an essential job but I'm afraid of bringing the virus home to my sick parents. They're on oxygen. Furthermore, I'm TERRIFIED of running out of toilet paper now since I have IBS and thus, chronic diarrhea. So clearly my worries are not so much the virus but what the virus has caused others to do. Except for my parents, big not looking forward to them getting sick. Big afraid.
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 22, 2020)
Glad that we’re all doing what we can to stop the spread. As for the toilet paper hoarders, yeah don’t do that, you’re taking away from the most vulnerable people. All that said when the toilet paper does run out our plan is to wash our asses in the shower after poops and use a rag to clean up after a pee and then rinse out the pee rag really well with soap and water and then wash hands obviously really well. This is to help us keep going, we can adapt, but I realize for some people they can’t climb in and out of a tub/shower but we have one of those detachable shower heads that has the hose so you can angle it to clean your lower bits.

Thank you for keeping the peace everyone! Take care of yourself, help others when you can while also keeping the self isolating in mind.
Two pregnancies later, my uterus wants more babies and to feel that stretched tight, heavy feeling again. My belly is currently very pregnant-looking but otherwise I am healthy. I’m into having my navel licked and sucked and belly caressing, and cum inflating! What do you like?
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 22, 2020)
here in Brazil it's started last week with people coming from italy. Sao Paulo and Rio are the most affected cities but everything's been closed down. everyone as isolated as they can be. hopefully the infectuon growth curve will be flatter around here.
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 22, 2020)
1st I blame animals for making this. The only animals that should be alive are the ones we eat. I am not living the rest of my life like dis. I predict a few mass suicides & most of society will be like bad Star City 2040 (cities boarded up & people all poor). On the plus side celebrities will hopefully be poor. They've been too good for too long!

Michigan will NOT be having a shelter in place. We still shop wherever we want (no indoor malls) & get our crap. I dont use TP until further notice (I go without touching the toilet or myself & I use my showerhead until I'm clean). My dad is a doctor & still does calls & mom works from home. I hope summer aint ruined. Idk about TV shows. Looks like the new Superman show & Green Arrow show are not happening. I still go to Target & stuff.

I will be here after the virus & people are gone. An if anyone breaks in my place they will get a red arrow to their body. I hide my valuables & lock all doors. We need to start killing animals that we dont need for food to stop them from making us sick. Im sure the world would be fine if we had no bats
As I mentioned in my previous post, I work in a grocery store as the head stocker, and have personally witnessed the worse side of this virus for the past few weeks (suprisenly I haven't witnessed a fight yet) Although I have legit been swarmed by a group of people every time I bring out a pallet of toilet paper out on to the floor.

But on my end, it's not too bad at all. Living in a small town of about 13,000 residents, we've been averaging at least $85,000 in sales daily for the past 10 days (we've even broken an all time record of $103,000 in a single ) And for me, the timing has been perfect. The week prior I've received a promotion to become lead stocker, as well as my yearly appraisal which came with a second raise.

And today I received a message from the corporate headquarters that from now until May, every employee within the company will receive a $2 raise. And count the weekly overtime that I'm getting, and I am making bank.

And seeing how some states are now classifying grocery workers as essential, my job security is iron locked for a while.
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 22, 2020), alsx (Mar 22, 2020), orta03 (Mar 21, 2020)
Just really getting ticked off. People are panicking and shutting stuff down over nothing, tbh. More people die of car accidents every day than the coronavirus. The media fear tactics are what the problem is.

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