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Coronavirus Pandemic - How are you holding up?
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Our beef shouldnt be protesting our governors! It is china. Long story short: they were studying the virus in a lab & it got free cus somehow the lab isnt secure (a used condom is more secure) & the doctor died from it & the lab (or government) wiped 2 students records to make it look like they were never there. China doesnt want to take responsibility because they are like Trump. They don't want to pay trillions to the world. They never even APOLOGIZED!

Not once. Why should Trump & our government be paying us when China should be converting their money to USD to help but they are too shitty to do that. They made the whole world sick & what are they doing? Protecting themselves only. I'm sure they broke some law! Their allies should leave n join us.

China: shut down the entertainment industry, schools, colleges, small businesses & malls. They ruined holidays! They are too stubborn & STUPID to use critical thinking & go "I'm sorry everyone for our lab not being secure. I will buy ventilators & dialysis for everyone in the world who needs it. I will pay every country effected as much money as they need". Not doing that shows how: immature, selfish, dumb & how much of a PUSSY they are!

China is the reason family & friends got sick & died! China is the reason why Fred The Godson (rapper) died! China is the reason why you may not see your fave show again! By the time we get a cure it will be 2023 at best (wont be made till Nov 2021 or Jan 2022) then after every country gets it it will be 2023. Shows like Flash, Supergirl & Stargirl (season 2) may never come on & be canceled. Shows csnt go 12 months or more with no filming.

If I could I'd film myself on twitter & tiktok burning the Chinese flag & saying offensive Chinese things to signal my anger! They lied to us & told us people eating bat soup was the reason people got sick. I'd rather still die from the virus though because: people usually die from: getting stabbed, arson, vehicle accidents & shot up. Makes you wonder why they were studying the virus to begin with¿
(April 29, 2020, 9:18 pm)gdog COVID is no worse than the flu why do you think that you aren't seeing young or even middle aged patients fighting this infection?   In my state 60% of the "deaths" were in nursing homes that's where people get sent to die anyway.   The fact that "victims" aren't on TV is because they are either extreemly old, morbidly obese or pack a day smokers.   Time to REOPEN AMERICA that is all!

The majority of medical professionals seem to think it's worse than the flu. 

There have also been plenty of younger victims. Most of them survive but it's still pretty horrid to get and it takes them out of the workplace, and has resulted in higher risk of stroke and blod clots in covid cases that aren't especially old.

If you like I could link you stories about specific victims of covid-19 but you could just as easily google them yourself. In any case the economic impact of infecting more of the population will result in a greater harm due to overwhelming healthcare. Reopening means that people who need to go to the doctor for non-covid related illness are more likely to die.
Liked by Akhenaten (May 3, 2020), Lucifer Morningstar (Apr 30, 2020)
(April 30, 2020, 2:38 am)Thechickenlawyer Our beef shouldnt be protesting our governors! It is china. Long story short: they were studying the virus in a lab & it got free cus somehow the lab isnt secure (a used condom is more secure) & the doctor died from it & the lab (or government) wiped 2 students records to make it look like they were never there. China doesnt want to take responsibility because they are like Trump. They don't want to pay trillions to the world. They never even APOLOGIZED!

Not once. Why should Trump & our government be paying us when China should be converting their money to USD to help but they are too shitty to do that. They made the whole world sick & what are they doing? Protecting themselves only. I'm sure they broke some law! Their allies should leave n join us.

China: shut down the entertainment industry, schools, colleges, small businesses & malls. They ruined holidays! They are too stubborn & STUPID to use critical thinking & go "I'm sorry everyone for our lab not being secure. I will buy ventilators & dialysis for everyone in the world who needs it. I will pay every country effected as much money as they need". Not doing that shows how: immature, selfish, dumb & how much of a PUSSY they are!

China is the reason family & friends got sick & died! China is the reason why Fred The Godson (rapper) died! China is the reason why you may not see your fave show again! By the time we get a cure it will be 2023 at best (wont be made till Nov 2021 or Jan 2022) then after every country gets it it will be 2023. Shows like Flash, Supergirl & Stargirl (season 2) may never come on & be canceled. Shows csnt go 12 months or more with no filming.

If I could I'd film myself on twitter & tiktok burning the Chinese flag & saying offensive Chinese things to signal my anger! They lied to us & told us people eating bat soup was the reason people got sick. I'd rather still die from the virus though because: people usually die from: getting stabbed, arson, vehicle accidents & shot up. Makes you wonder why they were studying the virus to begin with¿

The lab thing may or may not be true (the pangolin -> bat -> human transmission is quite likely)

 but I agree that the CCP should definitely be held accountable too. There was that one chinese doctor who attempted to give out warnings early on and was silenced as a traitor spreading panic early on, died of covid-19, then the chinese government flips their opinion on him months after they failed to contain it in Wuhan. The chinese governments' early denial of the disease has lead to hundreds of thousands of deaths.

 I really hate how the US and China spinning their propaganda is leading to a lot of anti-Chinese racism.
Liked by Lucifer Morningstar (Apr 30, 2020)
The virus kills perfectly healthy young people, not just the elderly and vulnerable. The problem is how our bodies' immune systems react to it, and it's still a big mystery. But to say it's no worse than a cold/flu is more BS from Trump before he realized he had a shituation on his hands.
Liked by auto_asphyx (May 3, 2020)
i'm hanging in there. i will apologize for my "it's not as bad as it seems" comment. to me, in my honest opinion, it didn't seem as bad. now, entering month 2 of lockdown, i see it is pretty bad, but getting better somewhat. atleast in my State the number of severe and hospitalized cases are decreasing, though number of total cases are still increasing
My company assigned me to work in our retail stores because of the business need, so not only am I not getting to stay home, I have to be on the front line dealing with customers fighting every precaution. I'm working three times as hard as I usually do, I'm way more stressed, and on top of that my wife and kids are struggling too.

The whole situation sucks.

P.S. A lot of people on unemployment are getting three times as much money as I am and get to stay home all day. Then they bitch about that.

Good times...
I feel you belliusmaximus. I got laid off at my old job in a vending company and had to go back to retail at my first job. It sucks being like doing it but at least im outside most the day and im making very good money.
At this point you can turn blue in the face all you want in regards to how serious or not the situation is, it's not going to stop everyone in their tracks. You can run ads all day long telling people to stay at home and practice social distancing, yet cities and states are opening back up now. We've been dealing with this for over two months now and everyday at work I'm still seeing either people in full hazmat gear or people with no protection whatsoever. And whether you're staying home or not, nothing is going to improve until they find a vaccine that's actually effective. And whether or not you're taking this seriously, you're always going to have someone who is going to have the opposite of your stance on the issue. So all in all, just take care of yourself and the people you care about and forget what the rest of the world thinks or does about the virus.
There will always be more people. People will be born again (along with all the unneeded unplanned pregnancies). Seniors serve no purpose now. All people do is worry and stress about em.

People were taught "what to do in case of a fire, a flood or earthquake" but not a pandemic.. why? No one thought this would happen. The last time this happened was in 1918. Maybe an alien invasion or rebellion will come next since people don't think they will happen. I'd rather die from this virus than the other ways. You will die from: getting stabbed/cut, arson, car accident, heart attack on the toilet (how Elvis went down) or shot up.

TV thinks they should make changes & work without a vaccine.. sure an while we're here lets say women shouldn't vote (its sarcasm). 1 of my fave actresses is diabetic (Type 1) & I'm sure she wouldnt want to go out & risk her life for a show. Shows should wait until 2022 or longer (depending on when we get vaccinated) to film. It only takes 1 person to get everyone sick
Lucifer Morningstar
(May 4, 2020, 4:51 am)Thechickenlawyer There will always be more people. People will be born again (along with all the unneeded unplanned pregnancies). Seniors serve no purpose now. All people do is worry and stress about em.

People were taught "what to do in case of a fire, a flood or earthquake" but not a pandemic.. why? No one thought this would happen. The last time this happened was in 1918. Maybe an alien invasion or rebellion will come next since people don't think they will happen. I'd rather die from this virus than the other ways. You will die from: getting stabbed/cut, arson, car accident, heart attack on the toilet (how Elvis went down) or shot up.

TV thinks they should make changes & work without a vaccine.. sure an while we're here lets say women shouldn't vote (its sarcasm). 1 of my fave actresses is diabetic (Type 1) & I'm sure she wouldnt want to go out & risk her life for a show. Shows should wait until 2022 or longer (depending on when we get vaccinated) to film. It only takes 1 person to get everyone sick

I think you already pointed out the flaws in your mindset by saying "there will always be more people and seniors are worthless anyway." You know, those fucking people are family and friends to others. They matter to them. Once they're gone, you can't have them back. They might be raw numbers to you, but the same logic indicates that you and anyone significant to you is also a part of that raw number. Seniors have retired, and some of them are even still working and contributing as best they can. Actually, all seniors contribute if they are consumers. They buy goods and use their money everyday. You know who doesn't contribute? A dead victim claimed by this pandemic. That is why we must treat people and hope the gross majority of cases recover while minimizing deaths as much as we can. Those who die are never truly replaced. They might be in the census population. However like I said before, those brothers, sisters, partners, fathers, mothers, etc. are irreplaceable. That is why people worry about seniors so much. They are human just like we are. You'll be at that age perhaps someday as well. How would you want to be treated? Cared for, or left to behind?

Just take a step back and see how callous it is to just say that those people who die do not matter.
Liked by Akhenaten (May 4, 2020)

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