Michelle's Story
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I started this on another site, but given my love of pregnancy, I thought this would be a good site to post on. I've dropped by the site before, but just joined. I've got a total of 13 chapters so far, plus a few other stories as well if there is a good reception here. Hope everyone enjoys.


Michelle had had a bad day, and it was blatantly obvious. Her shoulders were slumped, her head was hanging low, her hair was disheveled and her make-up smeared, her apron and the blouse she wore underneath were badly stained, and she shuffled slowly along, walking at the pace of one who had nowhere to go, or who didn’t want to go where they were headed.


It was a pattern he had seen before. She was only 18, closing on 19, but had been going to school at the local university for the last three years after testing out of high school and angering her perfectionist parents. As punishment for what they viewed as laziness, they forced her to pay rent to live at their home, and refused to help with her cell phone bill, her books, transportation or tuition. All of which meant she was forced to take the crappy waitressing job she was now headed home from.

But because she had to work full time to pay for the full course load her parents demanded, her school work suffered, causing her parents to threaten to raise her rent to punished her for her perceived sloth. All of which meant she was stuck, not able to save enough to move out and save for school, and not able to do well enough in school to satisfy her parents and earn a degree that would allow her to make more money.

This Catch-22 caused Michelle to become depressed, which, at it’s worst, led her to run away from home, only increasing her family’s apathy towards her. Once, this meant she had run away from home and returned before anyone noticed she was gone.

What made Michelle even more perfect in the eyes of the man watching her trudge home from across the street was that she was a gorgeous specimen of the human female. She was of Southeast Asian descent, Thai and Chinese specifically, and was also a very petite girl, standing barely 4’ 10” tall and weighing only 95 pounds soaking wet. Despite her small stature, however, she had curves that would make a mountain road jealous.

Her breasts were firm and round with almost no sag, and were very generous for her size, filling a B cup bra to the brim, and topped with thick, half inch long nipples and slightly puffy areolas a little less than two inches in diameter, all in that lovely chocolate brown found so often on Asian girls. Her firm, taut belly spread out into her wide, childbearing hips, which, along with her slim waist, gave her a very definite hourglass body shape that was the envy of many women. Those hips gave way to her long, athletic legs with firm shapely thighs and calves, which were topped by a beautiful heart shaped ass. And then there were her slim, dainty arms and wrists, which gave her a delicate quality that men loved. Gazing out over all this was her angelic face, with her dark eyes and long jet black hair.

All in all, she was quite the tasty little number, which was not lost on him, her stalker. He had been watching her patiently for several days now, and had hired men to watch her for several months prior to his arrival in her neighborhood. And the worry and despair etched on her face suggested his patience would soon pay off, and he would leave the neighborhood as quietly as he came.

As Michelle entered her house, he let the surveillance equipment scattered throughout the house take over and pulled away from the curb, letting his three year old Camry blend with all the others in suburban America.

As he drove back to his hotel room, he reflected on how he’d gotten to where he was. He’d first come across Michelle when she had posted on a fetish website about a year and a half prior, under the name LonelyLady, and, being the clever guy he was, it hadn’t been too difficult to trace her IP address back to the computer at the university where she’d posted; it seemed her parents were prudes as well as perfectionists. After that, he’d had to wait until she posted again, then wade through security footage to figure out who had entered the computer lab both times. Once he had that, it was a simple matter of checking the log-in records and finding her academic records.

That was about six months ago. He’d hired a guy to watch her, before he’d arrived last week to take over. In that time, he’d watched surveillance footage, listened in on phone calls, read her online posts, followed her grades, and spied on her at work. He’d learned all there was to know about her; from what he’d gleaned from watching her, he knew more about her than her own family did, not that they’d made any great effort to get to know her, particularly in the past few years. Which made him feel better about what he was planning.

Back at the hotel, he checked the security cameras and saw Michelle was getting into the shower. That seemed liked a good idea to him, so he got in the shower and washed away the grime from the day. He had finished his shower and dried off when he checked the cameras again, and did a double take at what he saw; Michelle was packing her bags. She had gotten a call just before leaving the restaurant, and although he hadn’t yet listened to the recording of the call, he suspected that might be the reason she seemed to be getting ready to leave in a hurry.

That meant he had to get ready in a hurry as well; although he was planning for this moment, he hadn’t expected it so soon. Still, he was ready, and could move his time table up a few days. He quickly gathered his things, and, after one more check of the hidden cameras, loaded up his car and headed towards Michelle’s house.

Michelle had finished getting ready to leave, and had walked out through the backyard into the alley behind the house. She had her backpack and two duffel bags, enough to stay away from home until finals were over. She didn’t know where she was going to stay; she’d figure that out later. The last thing she saw as she stepped out into the alley was a dark grey Camry, before powerful arms grabbed her. She struggled, but the anaesthetic was powerful, and in just a few seconds, she passed out.
Liked by vestrumtobias (Nov 14, 2021), hughman (Jun 16, 2021), mwczarth (Mar 24, 2013), morgans1991 (Mar 23, 2013)
you've certainly got me intrigued!

More please!
Liked by TexasCmedic (Apr 9, 2020)
Wow, your build up is very skillfull. there was no pregnancy content and I'm not even mad abiut it. lol
can't wait for the following chapters. Will this story have a rapid pregnancy progression or regular?
Liked by TexasCmedic (Apr 9, 2020)
I'm glad my story has been well received, and more is indeed coming. As for your question, Futra, patience shall be rewarded. Wink
Since there is a time limit on how old a post can be and still be edited, I figured it's about time to just go ahead and post chapter 2. Since I've already started posts with the chapter in the title, I'll go ahead and keep posting. I hope every one enjoys, and please leave comments.


Michelle slowly drifted back into consciousness, the sound of TV waking her up. When her eyes finally opened, she could see she was in a hotel suite, and a nice one at that. It wasn't the Waldorf Astoria, but it certainly wasn't a Motel 6. There was a picture window looking out over the city, a good sized LCD TV towards the foot of the bed, and a small kitchenette with living room opposite the window. She could also tell she was laying down on a king sized bed, with very comfortable sheets.

She then started paying attention to herself. The first thing she noticed was the gag. She could breathe just fine, but she couldn't talk or yell. And she was relieved to find that she was still clothed and, aside from a mild headache from whatever she had been drugged with, she felt fine. So she hadn't been raped or beaten while she was out. She was also handcuffed to the bed, laying roughly spread eagle, though whoever her captor was had taken care not to spread her limbs too far and had used padded handcuffs, and realized she was actually fairly comfortable. But a quick pull on the handcuffs revealed that although they were padded, they were strong and securely fastened to the bed. So she may have been comfortable, but she wasn't going anywhere and she wasn't going to be getting any help.

At this point, she turned to the TV, and was surprised to see that instead of the porno, sports or action movie she expected, the TV was showing a documentary on the origins of the universe on the Discovery Channel. She couldn't really hear what was being said, but as Morgan Freeman murmured on, she realized, for the first time, that she was truly in trouble.

As a psychology major, she had spent some time learning about the way the criminal mind works, but so far what she had seen didn't match up with the usual behavior of criminals. She'd been taken from behind right as she left her back yard and immediately drugged, given her no time to struggle, so this guy was well prepared. He also seemed to have at least some money in the bank, judging by the suite she was in, so he had resources. And, judging by his choice of entertainment, he was intelligent as well. Perhaps worst of all, though, was the fact that he wasn't there when she woke up and hadn't done anything thing while she was out, meaning he was confident in his ability to get away with his crime, and also patient, so he wouldn't be taking any unnecessary risks. Things were not looking good for Michelle.

Despite the fact that she knew she had to stay calm in order to have any chance of escape, Michelle could feel the panic rising. She was at the mercy of an intelligent, confident and resourceful criminal, and it was unlikely her family had noticed her absence yet, so she was truly on her own. With that realization, her panic reached a fever pitch, and she thrashed on the bed, squeaking as loud as she could and pulling on her restraints with all her strength, but all she managed to do was tire herself out and bruise her wrists and ankles with her struggling. She stopped thrashing and started to sob.

About 15 minutes or so after she stopped struggling, she heard the lock click and the door swing open. At first Michelle couldn't see anything other than his silhouette in the dark room, but after the door was closed he turned on the lights and she got her first look at the man who now held her life in his hands.

Under other circumstances, she would have found him quite attractive, and had to admit that even in her current situation he was handsome. He was fairly tall, just under 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders and well defined muscles, those she could see anyway. He had slightly wavy light brown hair, and hazel eyes that bordered on green set in a ruggedly handsome face. And he had an even tan that suggested he spent a fair amount of time outside, but not enough for him to be a laborer, not that a laborer could have afforded the room they were in anyway. And when he spoke, he had a deep but smooth voice, somewhat like Brad Pitt.

"Well, hello, Michelle, glad to see you're awake at last."

Despite the fact that she knew he was well prepared, hearing him say her name so casually unnerved her, and her eyes grew wide with fear.

"Yes, I know who you are. I know a great many things about you, I suspect more than your own family does, and more than you know, in a way. But I'm sure you'll feel more talkative with that gag out of your mouth."

With that he moved to the head of the bed, and handed her a mirror. He also did something below the bed that loosened the handcuff that chained her right hand to the bed.

“Before I take it out, however, I want you to take a look at yourself in that mirror I gave you.”

Michelle complied. The first thing she noticed was the gag, which was a simple rubber ball gag with a hole in it to allow her to breathe easily. Of more interest to her, however, was the collar she saw around her neck. It was a simple black collar that looked like it was made of leather, and was completely seamless in front. In the back there was a smooth metal latch, with no lock that she could see, which was thicker than the rest of the collar, which made Michelle wonder, but she figured it probably wasn’t good for her.

“That collar is designed to be tamper-proof, so you can’t take it off, and it has a tracker in it so I can see where you are at all times. More importantly for you, it is also a shock collar that is designed to incapacitate you if you try to leave the room, tamper with the collar or make to much noise. I’ve also got a remote control if you try to attack me or do something to make me angry. And, just to prove I’m not bluffing...”

As he said that, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and tapped the screen a few times. Suddenly, Michelle felt the muscles in her neck contract, and she felt a burning sensation where the collar contacted her skin. It wasn’t very painful, but she was sure it could be made much more worse. She looked up at him, genuinely fearful now of what he could do. He reached down to her, and she couldn’t help flinching away from him. He took off the gag so she could talk, but all Michelle could do was stare mutely at him in fear.

He sighed, “Look, I’m not a cruel person, and I don’t want to see you in pain any more than you do. Yes, I’ve kidnapped you, but it will be a lot more pleasant for both of us if you’d talk a bit instead of staring at me in terror. Besides, I’m sure you’re hungry. You’ve been asleep for almost 16 hours by now.”

With that, he walked over to the counter by the door, and came back with a pizza and a 6 pack of soda. Without a word, he put the pizza box next to Michelle and handed her a soda, then loosened the other handcuffs before sitting down in a chair next to the bed with his own slice and soda, and turned his attention to the TV. Michelle silently watched him as she ate, noticing that he was devoting his attention to the TV, which by now had started a show about how things were made, confirming her earlier suspicion that he was indeed quite intelligent. When a commercial started, she decided it was time for her to speak up.

“What are you going to do with me?”, she asked in a tiny voice.

“Say again?”

“What are you going to do with me?”, she asked again in a stronger voice.

He paused before replying, “I think that’s a question for later.”

“Why?”, she persisted, “You’ve kept me alive and you’ve shown me your face, so you’re either planning to kill me or never let me go.”

“Like I said, I’m not a cruel person”, he replied.

“And what does that mean? You’re planning on keeping me locked up for the rest of my life? What about school? And my family?”, she shouted, jumping up and getting increasingly agitated. “You can’t keep-gerk!”

With that, the collar switched on sending a 3 second burst of 15,000 volts surging through her system, knocking her back onto the bed, where she simply lay there, sobbing, quietly. He watched her for a few seconds, then lay down next to her and put his arms around her, holding her close. Michelle kept sobbing, not sure what to think, knowing she was supposed to hate the man who had taken her, but unable to deny that she felt strangely good in his arms.

he leaned in and kissed her neck, and said softly, “Now isn’t the time to talk about that. For now just relax.”

Michelle continued to cry quietly, but calmed a little more, still confused about what she was feeling. They lay this way for a few minutes, before he shifted his hand, slipping it under her blouse and started to massage her belly. This had a strange calming effect on Michelle, who stopped crying and simply lay there, starting to enjoy the sensation of his massage. She didn’t even protest a few minutes later when he raised his arms, taking her blouse and bra off as he did so, leaving her nude from the waist up.

He moved his massage to her now bare breasts, kneading them in his big hands. He started to play with her nipples as they started to respond to his touch, growing longer and thicker, sending bursts of pleasure through Michelle’s body, who was getting both more turned on and more confused by the second. Due to her strict upbringing, she’d never had a boyfriend, and though she had certainly masturbated before, it had never felt as good as it was starting to.

As his left hand continued massaging her breasts, his right hand wandered lower, stroking her legs for a few minutes before he unbuttoned her shorts and slipped his hand inside her panties. This got Michelle’s attention, and she squealed as she grabbed his hand and clamped her legs together, trying to deny him access.

“No, please don’t!”, she cried, “I’m still a virgin, I was going to save myself for marriage!”

“That’s too bad,” he whispered to her.

“No, please stop, no!”, she continued to protest.

“You’re chained to a bed, with a shock collar around your neck that will knock you unconscious if you try to escape or fight back,” he reminded her. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me, so I suggest you just relax and enjoy yourself.”

Michelle went back to crying silently, hoping that she had misread his actions and that he wouldn’t rape her, as he slipped her shorts and panties down her legs, exposing the rest of her body to his gaze and his wandering hands. He continued to stroke and pet her for a few moments before getting out of bed. Michelle didn’t move, and just listened to rustling behind her while she cried, before she felt him get back in bed beside her. When he cuddled back up to her, she felt a different sensation against her back, and felt something warm and solid nestled between the two creamy globes of her bottom. With a start, she realized he was naked as well, and tensed up, fearful of what she now knew was inevitable.

As she started crying again, he went back to petting her. When he finally brushed her clit for the first time, she gasped, as a jolt of pleasure surged through her body. he continued to rub her pussy and clit, causing her to moan in between her sobs. As her pussy continued to get wetter, he decided she was ready, so he rolled her over, slipped a thick pillow under her hips and knelt between her legs, allowing Michelle to see him nude for the first time. She decided she liked what she saw. He had well defined muscled like she suspected, with big arms and sculpted abs. The smooth tan she saw earlier was continued onto his torso, which was mostly hairless except for a patch on his belly that spread down to his crotch. But it was what she saw hanging below that patch that made her eyes widen in fear.

What she saw was his cock, which, to her, looked impossibly massive, and an equally impressive set of balls hanging below it. His cock was already fully hard, roughly seven and a half inches long and a little over two inches thick, which was very nearly the size of her wrists, if not bigger. And, even more worryingly, the length was nearly a third the length of her entire torso. Where the hell would that much cock go inside her, Michelle wondered, clamping her legs together and feeling the panic rising once again.

“Wait, no, don’t! That’ll never fit!”

He just smiled at her and grabbed her wrists with one hand, pinning them above her head and forcing his legs between hers. He reached down between their bodies and guided the head of his cock to the mouth of her wet pussy. He watched as her chest heave as she nearly hyperventilated, making small mewling noises of fear as he started to push his cock inside her.

Michelle groaned as she felt his massive cock head stretch her pussy lips further than they had ever stretched before, turning white with the strain of accommodating something so large. She started panting even harder as he forced more of his invading organ inside her, the stretching becoming painful as she imagined she could feel her internal organs being pushed aside to make room. She knew the first time would be uncomfortable, even without a hymen, but this was insane. Michelle looked down and saw that he was barely half way in and she was already feeling like she was being split in half; she had no idea if her body could take any more of this punishment.

“Fuck! You’re splitting me open!”, she wailed. “Please, fucking take it out!”

“No way,” he grinned down at her. “ We haven’t gotten to the best part yet. Just relax, the worst will be over soon, then you’ll feel much better.”

With that, he gave a harder push, sliding almost the rest of the way in. Michelle wailed in fear and pain as he slid all the way in, feeling his trimmed pubic hair brush against her hairless mound.


He ignored her, and simply held still as she writhed and moaned beneath him, letting her start to adjust to his size, and to keep from cumming from the sheer tightness of her no longer virgin pussy and the feeling of her cervix dancing on his cock head. Her squirming wasn’t making it easy though, and it was by sheer will power that he didn’t squirt more than a big dollop of pre-cum inside her. Eventually she started to get used to his size and started calming down, with just the occasional twinge of discomfort reminding her of how much she had stretched in the last minute or two. It even started to feel a little pleasurable.

Just when she thought she had accommodated his member, he pulled about half way out before thrusting back in causing her to grunt in an unfamiliar mix of pleasure and pain as his head banged against her cervix. He waited for a second while she squirmed under him, then started a slow in and out motion, pulling his cock halfway then pushing it back in until he was once again nestled against her innermost gate. He kept up an even pace for about 5 minutes, feeling her pussy get even wetter and start to twitch in pleasure. For her part, Michelle was still feeling pain, but feeling more and more pleasure radiating from where their bodies were now joined together and couldn’t help thrusting her hips back at he each time he reentered her depths.

By now he could tell she was feeling more pleasure than pain, so he started to speed up, pulling almost all the way out before plunging back in, causing the levels of both pleasure and pain Michelle was feeling to increase. With each thrust, she grew more confused, wondering where these wonderful feelings were coming from. She’d fantasized about being raped before, but never thought she’d enjoy the reality of it. Now here she was being raped, and she wasn’t sure she would have stopped him, even if she had been able to.

As these thoughts were running through her head, she felt he let go of her wrists, and without even realizing it found herself wrapping her arms around as much of his torso as he could, pulling him closer to her as he leaned closer to her to whisper in her ear.

“I can feel how much you want this. You’re enjoying this as much as I am. I can feel you trembling beneath me.”

Michelle gasped as he thrust extra hard to emphasize what he was saying, only partially aware that she realized he was right.

“And I know there’s even more that you want, your deepest desire, to serve someone, forever there just for them.”

Michelle could feel her orgasm rising as he plucked the strings of her most hidden desires and fantasies. Had she been more aware, she might have wondered how he knew all this, but in her pre-orgasmic state it simply fed the growing fires of her arousal.

“This is a special time for both of us, you know”, he panted in her ear as he hammered away at her dripping pussy. “You came to me at the perfect time. I tested you earlier, you ovulated while you were passed out. And you’re completely unprotected, so as soon as you cum, you’ll be pregnant...!”

With that, he grunted as he slammed himself all the way into Michelle, grinding their pelvic bones together as he came deep inside her, feeling her taut pussy muscles spasming against him, milking him for everything he had, which was a lot.

Michelle, however, could care less about what he was feeling; as soon as she heard him mention her risk for pregnancy, she came harder than she had ever come before, seeing bright flashes of light in her eyes, and hearing a strange, strangled wail that she didn’t realize she was making. She jerked spasmodically against the unyielding mass of his body as she was crushed beneath him, nearly passing out from the force of her orgasm.

When she regained enough conscious thought to see what was around her, she found herself on her side, with he’s large but softening cock still inside her and his strong arms holding her close to his chest as the last of her orgasmic tremors swept through her. She was panting like she’d just sprinted a whole marathon, covered in enough sweat that it looked as if she had been in a pool, and was sore all over, particularly where she had stretched to accommodate his member, but despite all that, she couldn’t remember a time she felt more secure or satisfied. And with a start she realized she felt more comfortable here, in the arms of her rapist, than she could ever remember feeling.

After nearly 20 minutes, Michelle finally recovered enough to talk, and decided it was time to find out exactly what was going on.

“I asked you earlier what you wanted from me, and you said it would have to wait. I want to know what you’re planning.”

“Well, well”, he chuckled, “you’re certainly the curious one. I suppose it’s only fair. I’m not going to spoil all the surprises right now, but I’ll tell you some of it.”

He paused as he considered how much to tell her.

“As you’ve guessed, I’m not going to kill you, or maim you, or do anything to hurt you. I guess you could call me a... collector, of sorts.”

Michelle gave him a quizzical look at his characterization of himself as a collector, but didn’t say anything and just let him continue.

“I’ve been fortunate enough to earn enough that instead of working, I’m able to find young women like you and help them live the lives they’ve always wanted. In that way, I’m a bit of a collector of women.”

“You mean, I’m just one in a long string of victims?”, Michelle said, starting to cry again, “You made it seem like you cared, even a little, now I’m just a trophy in your collection.”

He held her closer as she cried. “You’re not just a trophy. None of the women in my ‘collection’ are just trophies. They’re there out of their own free will. You’ll see when we get there.”

“Get there?”, Michelle asked, “Where is there?“

He laughed. “We’ll be going there soon enough. I think you’ll like it. In the mean time, take a nap, we’ve got a flight in a few hours.”

Michelle perked up a bit, realizing she’d have a chance at freedom in the airport, or on the way there. At the very least, she’d be caught on camera, and then the authorities would know which flight she was on and where she was heading. She wanted to be careful not to let him know what she was planning though. So she decided to keep asking questions to keep his mind off that.

“And how do you know so much about me? You know all about my fetishes, and I don’t even know your name.”

“Simple”, he replied, “Like I said, I know you extremely well. That includes your online posts, where you spilled your guts about your deepest, darkest desires.”

Michelle blushed at that, knowing exactly what posts he was talking about.

“And I’ve seen your various files”, he continued, “your academic records, medical records, I’ve even listened to a number of your phone calls. I wanted to be absolutely sure that you could be happy with me, and I with you, before I did anything. I also wanted to make sure that you could cut all ties with your family without it being traumatic, which, given your family’s history seems easy enough. Like I said, I’m not cruel.”

She had to admit, he had known exactly how to turn her on, and she hadn’t been happy with the life she had been living for at least 5 years. Perhaps she wouldn’t be too disappointed if she didn’t escape in the airport and the authorities missed her. It was something to consider.

“No, you’re not, I guess,” she sighed, unconsciously snuggling closer to him.

“And since you asked, my name is Dave.”

“A very ordinary name for someone doing something so un-ordinary”, Michelle yawned, feeling the effects of the earlier pleasure taking their toll.

“Just relax and rest,” he said to her, “You’ll find out more soon enough.”

Michelle could live with that for now, and drifted back off to sleep.
Liked by vestrumtobias (Feb 2, 2023), hughman (Jun 16, 2021)
M A Zing story man!!!
Thank you very much. I'll be posting chapter 3 soon.
I really enjoy your writing style, BrotherBear. Any chance we could get another chapter?
Sorry I haven't been around recently, I've been busy with life. My thanks to admin for merging my posts to help keep the forums from getting out of control. I've got chapters up through 13 done, and working on chapter 14 currently. If you're a fan of the story, keep bugging me and I'll keep the chapters coming.


Once again Michelle drifted back into consciousness, and once again it was the sound of TV that greeted her as she opened her eyes. This time, the TV wasn’t showing a documentary like last time, but was instead tuned to a news channel. And like last time, she made a quick assessment of her surroundings. Like last time, she was handcuffed to the bed in the same room, which really wasn’t surprising.

Unlike last time, however, the handcuffs that secured her to the bed were pretty loose, loose enough in fact to allow her to sit up and move around the bed, which was nice considering how sore she was after the night before, though not enough to allow her to reach under the bed and release whatever it was that attached the handcuffs to the bed. She also wasn’t gagged this time, which was nice, because the gag had been very uncomfortable. And Dave had been considerate enough to leave her the remote for the TV, as well as some pizza and soda from the night before. Clearly he trusted her enough to keep quiet while he was gone. After all, the shock collar that was still around her neck would see to that. So, while she was still a prisoner, she was at least comfortable.

Michelle then wondered how long she had been asleep, and how long Dave would be gone. She hadn’t given up on escaping, but it would at least be nice to have someone to talk to. So instead she resigned herself to channel surfing, before settling on, somewhat ironically, a documentary on the research into the inner works of the human brain on the Discovery Channel. She’d at least get out of this a little more knowledgeable.

Michelle had been watching TV for about 5 hours, and was starting to get tired of it as well as needing to use the bathroom, when she heard the door open and saw Dave step into the room. Without even realising it, she smiled as he came into the room, unconsciously glad to see him.

Dave smiled back, and walked across the room, setting the bag he was carrying on the counter next to the door.

“I’m glad to see you’re up”, he greeted her. “I’ll let you up so you can use the bathroom, then we can eat.”

“That would be great”, Michelle replied. “I’m getting bored of TV. And I definitely need to use the bathroom.”

He unfastened her handcuffs, and walked with her to the bathroom. While she sat on the toilet, Michelle’s mind strayed to the door to the hotel room, which was, as in most hotel rooms, right by the bathroom door. Perhaps she could simply throw the door open and make a run for it? Unfortunately, that had several flaws that she could see; she was pretty sure he could run faster than her, and they were definitely pretty high up in the hotel considering how much of the city she could see from the window. And, perhaps more importantly, there was the collar to consider, as she rubbed the smooth leather and polished metal of the device; she doubted she could get more than a few steps outside the door before the collar rendered her helpless. No, her best bet at escape was still the airport; lots of people and security cameras, so even if the collar knocked her down, people would see it and help her.

Satisfied that she’d come to the best conclusion she could considering her situation, she finished up and flushed the toilet, before washing her hands and leaving the bathroom. As she did, she looked, somewhat longingly, at the door to the hotel, and was suddenly glad she hadn’t tried to make a run for it then; at the top of the door, out of her reach, was an extra lock. If she’d been too hasty, all she would have done is rattle the door, and undoubtedly anger Dave. She’d have to wait.

When Michelle turned back towards the bed, she saw that Dave had set out several take out boxes of food on the bed, and was watching her with a slight smile on his face as she came out of the bathroom. She blushed, realizing he was watching her to she her reaction to the seemingly unguarded door, watching to see if she would run or not.

“Your dinner’s here on the bed, not on the door”, Dave said, with a bemused look on his face, startling Michelle out of her trance. “Hurry up before it gets cold.”

Still blushing, she walked over to the bed and sat down opposite Dave, and took in the spread that Dave had brought. It was Italian, not super fancy, as evidenced by the Styrofoam take out boxes with the Olive Garden logo on it, but it still looked delicious, and there was plenty of it.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted”, Dave continued, “so I just got what looked good. There’s salad and breadsticks, of course, and seafood alfredo, lasagna rollata al forno and chicken scampi. There’s also some ice cream for dessert, and I got this for dinner.”

With that he turned around and pulled a bottle of white white and two glasses from the floor by the bed. This started to excite Michelle; her parents were extremely strict and religious, and as such, they had never let her have any alcohol, so the little she had tried was quick sips she’d sneak from their glasses when they weren’t looking, or on the very rare occasion when she made it to a friend’s party. So this was a treat for her, and she hoped his taste in hotels and TV shows continued to his taste in wine.

“I’ve almost never had wine, is this any good?”

Dave laughed. “I’m not an expert, but I like this winery. It’s not the most expensive, but I like it.”

With that he quickly removed the cork and poured them each a glass, handing one to Michelle. He held his up for a toast, “Although it’s probably not the most usual manner to start a relationship of any kind, I think we can make something of it. So, to us, and whatever this becomes.”

Michelle stopped to think about it for a sec, and decided, what the hell? She had to admit last night was fun, and even if she did plan on escaping when they got to the airport, she could still have some fun in the meantime.

“We’ll see.” She smiled. “It is weird, but it hasn’t been all bad.”

Dave laughed. “It’ll get better, I promise. In the meantime, dig in. Feel free to grab whatever you want.”

Right as he said that, her stomach growled, showing just how hungry she was, and they had a good laugh. With that, they started eating, mostly in silence, enjoying the food, and a romantic comedy that Michelle had turned on before Dave arrived. Once they had finished the food (and, in Michelle’s case, three classes of wine), they lay back and relaxed, feeling full.

“Feel like some ice cream?”

“No thanks”, Michelle giggled, “but I’ll have another glass of wine. I think I like this brand too.”

Dave laughed as he poured her some more, “Well, while you enjoy that glass, I’ll clean up.”

“Thanks. I don’t get wine very often, but I’m enjoying it”, Michelle said, clearly getting giggly from the wine. She watched him clean for a minute before continuing, “You know, it’s weird, but I haven’t felt this relaxed in a long time. And it’s not just the wine, either. It felt good last night, too...”

“Remember, I know you better than you know”, Dave reminded her. “I started studying you almost two years ago, and I’ve dug deep. Like I know about your deep desire to serve, and have lots of children for a powerful man. And I know about how you ran away six months ago, and your family never knew.”

Michelle started crying at the mention of that; it had hurt when she realized her family cared so little that she had been gone for half a week and no one noticed. Now this stranger, whom she had only known about 24 hours, was telling her things her own family didn’t even suspect. She collapsed onto the bed, awash in emotion, and cried, as she felt Dave get into bed and wrap his arms around her. She couldn’t do anything else, just cried until she couldn’t cry anymore.

When she had cried herself out, about ten minutes or so after she started, she started talking, not really thinking about what she was going to say, just started babbling.

“Ever since I was young, I’ve just wanted to be a mom”, she sobbed. “I saw how my mom handles her life, and I don’t want that. But they pushed me anyway and I didn’t want to do it, but I did it to make them happy, but they weren’t no matter what...”

Michelle kept babbling to Dave, pouring out her frustrations that had built up over the last few years. When she was done, she felt drained, but at the same time as though a weight had been lifted off her, and simply lay there, cuddled up against his chest. Dave let her be, knowing she was emotionally drained. He’d planned on telling her what her parents refused to, but after her emotional outpouring, he could tell it wasn’t the right time.

“Where were you earlier today?”, Michelle asked, not wanting to stay silent, but not wanting to return to the emotionally draining rant she’d just finished.

“Hmm...? Oh,” Dave stammered, brought out of his own thoughts. “I’ve been at a conference here in town. I’m here representing my company.”

“What company is it? What does your company do?”

“It’s a motorsports company. We’re pretty new, so we don’t really have a focus, but so far we’ve been focusing on modifying cars for street and race use.”

“Really?”, Michelle gasped. “That’s cool! I think cars are cool, but my parents thought it was a waste of time, so I wasn’t allowed to talk about them. The only time I could read about them was during breaks at school.”

Dave laughed. “I thought that might be the case. I’ll have to take you out for a ride in my cars when we get to my house.”

“That sounds like fun,” she said. Michelle was starting to seriously question whether she wanted to go home now. He’d given her wine, was interested in cars, and seemed far more laid back and interested in her than her own parents. “I think I’d like that. For now, I’d like some more wine.”

At the mention of wine, Dave rolled off the bed and walked over to the fridge.

“I’m afraid we’ve finished the wine. I hadn’t expected you to like it so much, so I only bought the one bottle. I do have some Scotch with me, if you’d like to try that.”

Although she was disappointed the wine was gone, the thought of trying something else that was new and, until now, forbidden, was exciting to Michelle. “Sure, that sounds good.”

Dave pulled out a bottle about half full with amber liquid and two new glasses. He took a couple of ice cubes from the freezer portion of the fridge and dropped one in each glass. As he walked over to the bed, he said, “Careful about drinking this too fast, it’s a lot stronger than the wine.”

With that, he handed her one of the glasses and filled them both about a third of the way with the Scotch. He held his glass up for a toast.

“Again, to us.”

“To us”, Michelle replied with a smile, genuinely meaning it. Then she took a big sip of the Scotch and felt it burn as it went down her throat. She coughed after it went down, not used to the strong taste of it.

“Wow”, she sputtered, “this is strong. I guess it’s an acquired taste.”

“I guess it can be”, Dave chuckled. “Personally it’s my favorite.”

Michelle took another sip, determined to at least finish what was in her glass. After a few more minutes of chatting and sipping their Scotch, they had both finished their drinks, and Michelle was starting to feel the effects, with the giggles and lightheadedness she had felt after drinking the wine returning full force. She decided that she liked the sensation, but wasn’t sure about the taste of the drink. For now, she preferred the wine, but that didn’t stop her from refilling her glass. It was that second glass, which she finished pretty quickly, that really started making her feel good.

With the alcohol starting to take over, Michelle could feel a tingling growing in the pit of her stomach: not the kind of tingling she had experienced before, when she was scared, but something new she couldn’t place. She wasn’t really sure why, but all of a sudden she found herself climbing on Dave’s lap, and leaning back against Dave’s chest. When she felt Dave’s hand slip under her shirt and start massaging her belly, Michelle felt the tingling intensify, and she realized what it was; she was horny. She’d felt it the night before, but she hadn’t realized exactly what it was then. Now, even though she was definitely under the influence of the wine and Scotch, she could tell exactly what is. And she wasn’t afraid like last night; instead, she welcomed it, and arched her back to rub her belly against his hand.

Dave hadn’t been expecting Michelle to do this, but he certainly wasn’t complaining. In fact, he took it as a sign, even though the tiny woman in his lap had been affected far more by the alcohol than he had, that she wasn’t afraid of him, and liked the feelings he could give her. And he was more than willing to give her all the wonderful feelings she wanted.

Michelle luxuriated in the feelings she was getting from Dave’s hand, enjoying it even more than the first time the night before. After a few minutes, Michelle felt Dave’s hand shift, sliding further up her shirt, cupping and kneading her breast, and then she felt his other hand slip inside the waistband of her sweats. At that moment, despite what she was feeling, she had a random thought; when on earth did I get dressed? But the thought was quickly forgotten, when his hand brushed over her clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through her system and erasing any other thought she may have had at the moment.

Watching her and feeling her body squirm against his, Dave could tell he was hitting all the right buttons. He kept up the stimulation with his hands, and grinned, whispering in her ear, “Tell me how much you want it.”

Hearing this from him, Michelle let out a breathy moan. But despite what she was feeling, she wasn’t ready to admit to the man who had all but raped her how much she really wanted it. Even as she could feel the heat rising in the pit of her stomach, she was determined to last as long as she could before she begged him for it.

Dave could actually feel her body get warmer as she got more and more turned on, and gripped her tighter as her squirming got more intense, the constriction only fanning the flames of her desire. He just kept it up, pushing her down on the bed underneath him as he slipped off his pants.

Feeling Dave lay down on her, and feeling his massive cock slide between the cheeks of her ass as he continued to fondle her was the last straw for Michelle. She felt a mini orgasm wash over her as she breathed “Please...”, her voice barely audible over the sound of her moans.

“What was that?”, Dave asked, wanting to draw out her pleasurable torture as long as he could.

“Please,” she pleaded, louder this time. When he did nothing, she kept pleading with him, “Please. Please. Please. Please”, almost becoming a mantra for her as she began begging for her release. She could do nothing but moan and squirm and beg as she lay beneath him.

“Please what?” he teased her, pleased to see the change in her, from the straight laced psychology student from a few days ago to the wanton inner slut that was now laying under him. And instead of letting up on his teasing, Dave simply stepped it up a notch, grinding even harder against Michelle’s highly sensitised skin.

By this time, Michelle could barely stand it, and practically screamed between her moans “Please! Fuck me! Please, now! Fuck me now, please!”

Dave was plenty ready himself at this point, and instead of taking the time to undress Michelle he simply pulled her to her knees and yanked her sweats down to her ankles before getting between her legs and positioning the tip of his cock against the dripping lips of her pussy. He paused there for a second, and just as she started to beg him to put it in, he practically rammed himself all the way in in one thrust, causing her to scream in a combination of pain and pleasure.

Almost immediately Michelle’s body was wracked with convulsions from a level of pleasure she hadn’t dreamed was possible. Dave could feel her convulse beneath him, her pussy contracting as much as it could around the huge invader, the hot moist tunnel going on autopilot much like the rest of her body, all rational thought having long since left her mind.

Dave knew he wouldn’t last long this time, not with the lewd display of sexuality in front of him, so he decided to make the best of it; with that thought in mind, his right hand gripped her hip almost hard enough to leave a bruise and his left hand reached up and entwined itself in Michelle’s long black hair before grabbing her at the junction of her shoulder and neck. Using his handholds, he pounded into her, making his balls bang into her highly charged clit, setting off another series of orgasms and causing her to let out a strange, strangled sounding moan that make Dave wonder for a brief second if he was actually doing her physical harm. The trembling thrusting of her hips, however, quickly convinced him she was fine. Once he knew she was fine, Dave let his own orgasm go, pulling her hips into his as hard as he could, spraying his cum as deep inside her as he could before he collapsed on top of her.

Throughout it all, Michelle was completely incoherent, lost in the combination of all the sensations she was feeling. She just floated from one incredible orgasm to another, her eyes unfocused and glazed over, muscles twitching and her mouth hanging open, making unintelligible sounds. She was so lost in her pleasure that when Dave collapsed on top of her, she simply passed out, unable to get enough oxygen to maintain what little conscious thought was left in her brain at that point.

They just lay there for a while, Dave panting as he recovered, Michelle comatose and limp as a ragdoll, unable to do anything. After a minute, Dave pulled out and rolled off Michelle, allowing her to breathe and her pussy to start contracting back to it’s original size. When Michelle finally regained consciousness, she just lay there, amazed at what had happened, and just basked in the afterglow.

After a few minutes, Dave said to her, “That was fun, wasn’t it?”

All Michelle could say was, “Very...”

Dave grinned at this. “I’m glad to see I won’t have to fight you all the time.”

This made her blush a violent red, knowing that even though she was a bit drunk, she had wanted it as much as he had. She had even begged him for it, and she couldn’t blame that on the alcohol, much as she still wanted too.

“Not ready to admit how much you like this, huh?”, Dave asked the still silent Michelle, who also hadn’t stopped blushing yet. But even though she didn’t reply, she did roll over and bury her face in his chest as if to hide her face from him. “Don’t worry”, he told her, “it gets easier.”

“Why are you doing this?”, she asked. “You said you aren’t a cruel person, so why are you tormenting me?”

“It’s all part of the process,” Dave chuckled, as he started stroking her back. “I’ve done this before. No, not often, but this isn’t the first time.”

“If that’s supposed to make me feel better, it’s not working.”

“Like I said, I don’t force anyone.”

“You forced me last night,” Michelle pointed out.

“Okay, true,” Dave conceded. “But it’s just once. It’s the push to get you started; after that, it’s more or less up to you.”

“The collar suggests otherwise...”

“I guess,” he said, “it’s more like insurance though. Just to make sure you don’t run off or something like that. After that, it’s all about making sure you enjoy what’s happening so you have some incentive to stay with me.”

“And why would I do that?” Michelle asked. “Yeah, I’ve enjoyed it, but I’m also a prisoner. Why would I stay with the guy who kidnapped and raped me?”, she continued, starting to cry into the chest of her accused kidnapper and rapist.

“Just relax”, Dave said, holding her closer, trying to get her to calm down, “you don’t have to decide anything now. When the time comes, you’ll have the chance to say no, and leave. But if you did say no, you’d be the first.”

“The first of how many?” she demanded.

He paused for a second before replying, “Four, not including you.”

Michelle suddenly stopped crying, not sure how to process that; when she’d heard Dave describe himself as a “collector” of women, she’d pictured a harem of dozens of women. Four was unexpected. Apparently he’d meant it when he said none of the women were trophies. Her inner psychologist resurfaced briefly, deciding that she’d once again misjudged him. Clearly he’d put some thought into picking women, into picking her. Once again she was questioning whether she wanted to leave. He said she would have the chance to leave later, when they got to wherever it was they were going to go, so maybe she’d risk not trying to escape at the airport after all, and see where it leads...

“You there?”, Dave asked, snapping Michelle out of her long silence.


“You zoned out on me. What’s up?”

“Oh, umm...”, she stammered, not sure what to say at this point. “I was just thinking, about... things.”

Dave smiled, figuring she’d tell him what she was thinking when she was ready. He could let it be.

For her part, Michelle didn’t really want to say anything, fearing that she would say something that would show Dave how indecisive and vulnerable she was feeling. For now, she just wanted to not speak. For his part, Dave let her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable. He just lay there with her, enjoying being there with her.

Michelle simply lay there thinking, trying to figure out what she really wanted and what she was going to do. She kept running things through her head, wondering what he would do when they get where they were headed, wondering what she would do when they got where they were headed. The more she thought about it, the more confused she got about everything. Finally she decided was she’d decide what she wanted to do at the airport.

She didn’t know how long they’d been lying there, but at some point she realized she was getting tired. It was puzzling to her; she had only been awake for about seven or eight hours and yet she felt like she would fall asleep at any minute. She wondered if maybe Dave was drugging her or something, it would explain why she was sleeping so much. The question was when was he slipping it to her. Whatever the answer, it didn’t really matter at the moment, there wasn’t anything she could do about it then. She’d worry about it later.

All she could do before passing out is say, “Goodnight.”
Liked by hughman (Jun 16, 2021), junglebob (May 3, 2013)
This is pretty great so far. Would love to read more!
Nothing's more beautiful than a pregnant girl!

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