Michelle's Story
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Come on, I need to finish this story. Can you please post through Chapter 8? Thanks!
My apologies, life has gotten in the way. I'll be posting chapter 4 soon, and once that is posted, if I don't get a new chapter up after a few days, bug me about it. I am curious, however, why up through chapter 8 specifically, parmaster?
Well, here is chapter 4 as promised. Enjoy.


When Michelle woke next, it wasn’t to the sound of the TV like she had expected; instead what she heard was a very faint, dull roar. It reminded her a lot of when she was on campus at school, which was almost under the flight path of a major international airport, so she was used to the sound of aircraft flying by. This was different, however; it was continuous, almost like she imagined it would sound if she was on a plane, and it also sounded somehow larger, more powerful than she was used to.

The second thing she noticed was that the room and bed she was in were different. The bed seemed a little bit larger, and the sheets and comforter were a different color, and softer than the last bed. The room was more dramatically different, with the bed centered in the room, with the foot facing a door and the head set against a wall. On either side of the head of the bed there was a night table built into the walls, and on either side of the door were what appeared to be a closet and what she guessed was a bathroom. The colors were slightly darker, with dark blue and purple being offset by touches of brushed metal and cream accents. What was strangest, however, was the walls, which were actually curved, and had what looked like oval windows with small translucent shades drawn set at regular intervals. Michelle had never been in a room like this.

What she noticed next was perhaps most puzzling of all was the fact that she wasn’t handcuffed this time, nor were there any extra locks that she could see on the door. This immediately caused a knot of dread to form in the pit of her stomach. Dave was clearly a very smart man, so he obviously knew they were in a place she couldn’t escape or he wouldn’t have left her uncuffed, collar or no. With that in mind, she got up and went to one of the windows and opened it. As soon as she did that, she knew exactly why Dave was confident she couldn’t escape.

The first thing Michelle noticed was the coastline, which was both far away and a long way down. Her parents had never taken her on a vacation out of the state she was in, which was landlocked, nor had she been in a plane before, so she had never seen a coastline before, and certainly not from this high up. But she had seen enough pictures and videos of coastlines to know exactly what she was looking at. And it was no pond, either; it stretched uninterrupted for as far as she was able to see in either direction, so she decided it had to be an ocean. She was definitely in a plane.

Now terrified that she had somehow slept through her only chance of escape, Michelle collapsed on the bed and sobbed, not caring if the collar shocked her or not. She was terrified now of what would happen, because she still hadn’t decided if she was going to make a run for it at the airport or not; now, that decision had been made for her, and she was completely at the mercy of her captor now.

After what Michelle figured was an hour or so, she was was all cried out, and decided to at least take a look around; Dave had said he wasn't going to kill her, so she figured she'd get another chance at escape someday, and decided to at least look around and get a bearing on her surroundings.

She first decided that a trip to the bathroom was in order, so she went to the door facing the bed, as she figured that was the bathroom and the sliding door that opened into the short hall was the closet. Sure enough, opening the door revealed a bathroom with twin sinks, a nice shower with a glass door and, curiously, a toilet on a raised pedestal. This confused Michelle greatly, as she could think of no reason why anyone would want to put a throne on a pedestal, so to speak. That was what she needed at the moment, however, so she stopped wondering why and instead just climbed the steps leading to it and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, however, the reason for the raised toilet became clear; while seated, she had a clear view out of one of the windows, and she sat there for several minutes enjoying the view of the coastline slowly scroll past the window.

Once she had finished enjoying the view and washed up a bit, it occurred to Michelle that she had watched the coastline slide by for several minutes, and the relative motion of the coastline indicated that she was in the very front of the aircraft, judging by the fact that there was no door leading forward, only one to the rear, and by the fact that the walls curved inwards towards what she decided was the front. However, although she was neither a pilot nor an aircraft engineer, she was pretty confident that her position would put her in the cockpit of the aircraft rather than a bedroom, yet there was no indication of any way to access anything forward of the headrest of the bed. She came to the conclusion that someone had separated the cockpit from the rest of the aircraft, and that the cockpit must be damned cramped...

With that settled, she opened the closet, to find that it did indeed contain clothes, mostly men's clothes, though she did spot a couple dresses towards the middle. Interested in the fact that she herself owned both of the dresses she saw in the closet, she slide the door the other way revealing the other half of the dresser. She was immediately surprised to recognize all the clothes there, including a tie-dyed shirt she had made at a friend's birthday just a month ago. Further confirmation came when she opened a box on the floor labeled "Michelle's" and saw that it contained her files from school. Clearly Dave was planning on having her stay a while, and wanted to make her feel at home. Strangely, that made her feel good; clearly he was concerned enough about her comfort that he thought ahead and risked being caught to get her stuff. She just hoped that she'd be able to make up her mind about Dave soon; in an odd way, the uncertainty about her feelings towards him were more stressful for her than if she could decide one way or another.

Done with her perusal of the closet and it's contents, Michelle turned her attention to the door and the rest of the aircraft. Although she was a little worried that the collar might shock her if she opened the door, she figured that her being uncuffed and alone meant Dave was confident she wasn't a threat, and had turned the collar off. After a few seconds of internal debate, her curiosity won out over her caution, and she opened the door and gingerly stepped through to the room beyond.

The room beyond turned out to be a surprisingly spacious living room, complete with sofas, love-seats, a large TV, and coffee table. This room was brighter in color, with a caramel color predominating, with touches of dark red and cream as accents. Despite being simple in design with no frills, it was all a complete set with no mixing and matching, and looked sturdy and perfectly matched to the decor so she guessed it was custom made.

So a private jet, and a fairly big one it seemed so far, devoid of any other passengers with custom furniture and fixtures throughout. Michelle was beginning to wonder exactly how much money Dave had.

From there, she moved on through another door at the rear of the living room, this one offset to one side. Going through it, she came upon almost the last thing she expected to see on a plane; a spiral staircase leading to a floor above. This was a morning full of surprises. Michelle decided to save at least one surprise for later, and continued along what she was, for now at least, calling the lower level.

Through yet another door, also offset (by the staircase, she now knew), Michelle found herself in a fairly narrow hallway with doors to one side. She moved through the hall, quietly opening doors as she went, not wanting to disturb anyone. What she found was a series of bedrooms, none as spacious as the one in the front of the aircraft, but nice nonetheless, following the color palette set by the master bedroom and complete with bathrooms and closets in each. Although they looked comfortable, they seemed to be geared towards travel, not extended stays, especially considering all the boxes they held at the moment.

Behind the bedrooms was a surprisingly large industrial looking kitchen which lead directly into a dining room with seating for twenty or so. And behind the dining room was a second smaller living room, though it was hardly any less well equipped than the larger living room, and all the rooms continued the theme of simple but elegant furnishings that lent an air of sophistication and maturity to the plane.

Having reached the back of the plane (and surprised, once again, by the apparent size of the aircraft), Michelle retraced her steps forward until she was at the base of the stairs that seemed so out of place yet that were obviously supposed to be there. Her curiosity driving her forward, she slowly climbed the steps until she found herself at the entrance to what seemed to be an office and conference room rolled into one. Seated at the far end of the table were two people. One she recognised and expected, Dave. He was talking to a woman at the head of the table. She appeared to be Indian and, based on the apparent height difference between her and Dave even while seated, about her height.

The woman saw Michelle first and smiled warmly at her. Dave saw this and looked back at Michelle, smiling as well.

"Glad to see you up, Sleeping Beauty," he said as he rose and started walking towards her. Seeing this, Michelle cowered back a bit, pressing herself against the wall, unsure what to think of Dave as she had yet again found herself taken, against her will, somewhere she didn't want to go. Dave's smile slacked a bit as he saw her reaction. "Clearly you're unhappy", he continued, "sit down and let's talk."

Michelle shook her head violently and scrunched up even tighter against the wall, not wanting to talk with him in the situation she now found herself in. She also hid her face in her arms, not wanting to look up and deal the Dave's alluring eyes.

She could sense Dave standing over her, and she felt like she was going to start crying all over again. But she was surprised to feel a hand on her shoulder. It wasn't Dave's, she was sure of that. This hand was far smaller and felt more delicate, more feminine, though it also felt confident and steady. When she looked up, she was looking into the eyes of the small Indian woman she’d seen at the table. Her eyes were beautiful, a bright royal purple that had to be contacts. She had a beautiful face too, round and feminine, with full sensual lips that didn’t look out of place or artificial on her. Her skin was like dark chocolate, and she had long wavy black hair. She reminded Michelle of Freida Pinto, only with darker skin.

The Indian woman told her, “I think you should sit down and have a chat with us before you freak out” in a smooth Indian accent, as she guided Michelle to her feet, giving her a better look at this unknown woman she had just met.

She was indeed about the same height as Michelle, and they had similar builds. She had long legs and slender arms, and wide hips as well. After that, things changed a bit; her breasts were even larger than Michelle’s, and looked very heavy and swollen. The most dramatic difference, though, was the huge belly in between her swollen breasts and her widened hips. On a woman about eight inches taller, the belly would like about ready to pop. On her far smaller frame, it looked like she had missed the deadline.

Michelle couldn't take her eyes off this woman. Every since she could remember, she had been fascinated by the shape of pregnant women, and, starting about age 11, she had fantasized about being pregnant herself. It was about three years later that she first began to get turned on by pregnant women; it wasn't that she was a lesbian, although she did have some bisexual curiosity that she didn't like to admit. No, the thing that turned Michelle on the most was thinking about what these women must be feeling, in her mind at least, and imagining it was her own body that was going through it. She had on more than one occasion masturbated herself to sleep after seeing a pregnant woman come into her restaurant or walked by her on the street. She had even once locked herself in a bathroom at the library after seeing a woman waddle by who looked to be pregnant with a horse, if the size of her belly was something to judge by.

This obsession with pregnancy was something she hadn't dared share with her family. Her parents especially had become increasingly religious as she and her siblings got older, and part of that was the view that sex was for procreation only, not pleasure, and that pregnancy was a burden for the mother, with the end goal of raising a "good" child being the rewards at the end of a long and arduous process, rather than the process itself being it's own reward. She hadn't even shared this desire and obsession online, not the full extent of it at least.

While all this was flashing through Michelle's mind, the Indian woman had guided her to a chair towards the head of the table, motioning her to take a seat before sitting heavily herself in her own seat. She placed one hand on her heavily gravid belly, and extended her other hand towards Michelle while saying, "I'm Keya. You must be Michelle."

Somewhat numbly, Michelle shook her hand and said, "I'm Michelle." She was aware of Dave sitting down across the table from her, but she couldn't tear her eyes off the fertility goddess sitting next to her. She heard Dave starting to talk to her, explaining why he picked her and what she could expect when she got there as well. The only thing Michelle got out of his little speech was that if she so chose, she would be welcome to have as many babies as she wanted while she stayed with him.

That last statement, along with Keya beginning to rub her enormous belly, caused Michelle to become flushed, and her pussy began to literally drip with arousal. All she could think of was here was her dream, to finally get pregnant and become a mother. And not only that, she could do it over and over, as many times as she wanted. She never thought it would happen to her. She heard Dave continuing to speak, peripherally aware that Dave was saying something about money and a job, but she could care less. All she cared about was her fantasy, and the liquid dripping from her pussy, which by now had begun soaking through her sweats, and were starting to pool on the soft leather of the chair she was sitting in.

Suddenly Michelle was aware of Keya speaking to her, and snapped back to reality. “Huh?”

“Welcome back,” Keya giggled, “Dave’s been talking to you for the last ten minutes, and you’ve been sitting there with your eyes glazed over, staring into the distance. I think this is a conversation that should wait. We’re almost home, so perhaps Dave can take you to the bedroom and take care of you before we land,” she finished with a wink.

Michelle nodded dumbly as Dave got out of his seat, chuckling, and took Michelle’s hand. He guided her out of her seat as Keya looked on and smiled, then guided her downstairs and into the bedroom. Once there, Michelle seemed to wake up, and turned to Dave, almost ripping his pants off, practically before Dave could react.

“Wow, what’s gotten into you?”, Dave asked, surprised by the sudden change in her personality.

“Shut up and just fuck me already,” Michelle snapped at him, dragging him to the bed and pushing him down. She quickly took off her own pants, and peeled off her panties, which by now were so wet and sticky that she literally peeled them off the lips of her pussy. Once she was bottomless, she got on her knees in front of Dave and grabbed his semi-soft cock before engulfing it in her mouth. She had never given a blow job before, had never even held a cock before, and could only get about three or four inches in her mouth, but her enthusiasm quickly got Dave’s cock fully hard.

Now that he was hard, Michelle quickly climbed on top of him and lined up the dripping lips of her pussy with the tip of his cock, before sitting back and taking it into her up to his balls. She immediately started cumming, but it was different from before; whereas her orgasms over the last two nights had been very intense and powerful, this time they were almost relaxing, remaining fully conscious and aware of everything around her, with waves of pleasure rippling from one end of her body to another. She started to slowly ride him, each stroke causing the muscles in her pussy to ripple up and down Dave’s cock.

Dave was just laying back and enjoying the ride, but he was far from a passive participant; as she rode him, he reached up and started rubbing her sides and belly, then moving up her body to caress her ribs before cupping and massaging her breasts and nipples. This caused Michelle to moan in pleasure, leaning into his hands and grabbing his hands in her own, encouraging him to squeeze harder. Dave was only too happy to comply.

As Michelle rode him, she enjoyed the feeling of the constant, whole body orgasms. Dave wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her down against his chest, causing her erect nipples to rub against his skin, and her sensitive clit to grind against his pelvis. With her chest against his, she couldn’t use her legs to ride him anymore, so he took over, rotating his hips to drive his cock in and out of her. One of his hands went to her head and pulled it against his chest, feeling her moaning breaths brush against his skin. The other hand went to her hip, holding her still while he pumped into her soaking cavern. Unlike before, however, this wasn’t an urgent motion, more a steady, relaxed movement that kept Michelle in a constant state of mild orgasm.

While she laid against him, one of Michelle’s hands when to his head, stroking his hair softly, the other hand was around his arm, holding herself tightly to him. She could feel the tingling in her clit start to intensify even though she was already cumming, and she somehow knew her body was building up to a very special orgasm. She could also feel Dave speeding up, and lengthening his strokes at the same time, and could tell that he was getting close as well. She hugged him tighter, her peak growing.

When he came soon after, the feeling of his semen splashing against her inside walls set off her own orgasm; her pussy walls contracted hard against his cock, her breathless “ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh” echoing around the quiet room and her hands squeezing Dave in time with her vaginal contractions. And as she trembled through her climax, he felt a wetness flow down his groin and legs and run onto the bedspread below. Once his orgasm was over, he smiled, knowing exactly what the tiny woman below him had done.

As she moaned out her climax and started to come down from her peak, she stayed where she was, continuing to stroke his hair in an unconscious motion. Michelle felt at peace as she lay there, as though it was where she was meant to be. After a minute or so, she could feel Dave’s cock soften and start to slip out, so she moved up his body, letting his cock slide all the way out and felt a small rush of fluid gush out of her vagina and pool on his stomach. She continued moving up until her lips were level with his, and she pushed up and softly kissed him without really intending to. She felt a thrill run through her body as he gently kissed her back.

They lay there with their lips locked for several minutes, slowly exploring each others mouths as they relaxed in the afterglow. When Michelle stopped the kiss, she just lay her head on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. Suddenly, she heard Keya’s voice come from very nearby, causing her to jump, and bolt upright.

“We’re starting our descent, so finish up and join me upstairs.”

Michelle looked around, confused, and Dave chuckled below her. “We’ll be up soon,” he said to the invisible voice. Seeing her confused look, he explained, “There’s an intercom system that links all the rooms in the plane together so we can communicate.”

“Oh,” she replied, laying her head back down on his shoulder, “that makes sense.”

“Well, sorry to interrupt your little break,” he continued, “but we’ll be landing in less than half an hour, so let’s clean up and go upstairs.”

“I’m enjoying this, can’t we wait?”

Dave chuckled again, saying “As nice as it sounds, we really should get upstairs to the seats with belts for landing. Besides, I wanted to introduce you to my pilots.”

“Oh, ok”, Michelle replied, without making any move to get up, and Dave didn’t make any move to get her to get up. After a few minutes, she finally sat up, and Dave got up with her, taking off his shirt. He held out his hand, and helped her stand up on unsteady legs before removing her shirt and bra so they stood naked together. He then helped her walk to the shower, where she leaned heavily on him as he turned on the water and let it spray over their bodies. Michelle relaxed, the hot water helping calm her rubbery legs, until she could once again stand on her own a few minutes later. Together they then showered, helping each other wash up, with a little gentle caressing thrown in as well.

Once they were down showering and had dried off, they went back into the bedroom to get dressed. Michelle immediately opened the side where her clothes were hung, which made Dave smile, glad to see she had looked around, and was feeling more comfortable with her surroundings. She got dressed in a simple blue sundress with matching bra and panties, while Dave grabbed some shorts and a T-shirt. Once they were dressed, they headed upstairs, with Dave helping the still weak-kneed Michelle up the stairs where Keya was waiting for them. When she saw them, and saw the pleased, dreamy smile on Michelle’s face, she smiled at her, and patted the seat next to her while Dave walked to a door near the head of the table, apparently heading to the cockpit.

“It looks like you enjoyed yourself down there,” Keya said with a smile.

Michelle just smiled in response.

“I’ve been with him for three years and I’ve never been unsatisfied. He’s amazing, isn’t he?”

“Yeah,” Michelle giggled. “He seems to know exactly what I want, and what makes me feel good.”

“That’s one of the things he prides himself in,” Keya replied, “he takes the time to get to know you so he knows exactly how to please you. He’s not submissive, as I’m sure you’ve noticed by now”, she winked at the now blushing Michelle, “but he makes sure to please whoever he’s with.”

“Yeah, I did notice,” the still blushing Michelle said. “I have only dated two guys, and neither of them really seemed to care much about me, and neither did my parents. It’s nice to meet someone who cares about me.”

She started to feel a bit depressed as she said that, thinking of the people in her life who didn’t seem to care about her. Neither her family nor her friends ever really seemed to care about her, certainly not in the way Dave seemed to.

Keya slid her seat closer to Michelle’s and took her hand, trying to comfort her. “Hey, relax, what’s happened in the past is just that, past. Don’t worry about it any more. You’re among people who care now.”

“But how can people I’ve known, in your case, for minutes, really care more than my own family?” Michelle said, her voice wavering, on the verge of tears.

Keya pulled the sniffling young woman into her arms, hugging her as close as her pregnant belly would allow. “I can only tell you what Dave and I have talked about. We chose you for a number of reasons. One of the big ones was we could see you didn’t have the love and support of your family like most children do, so we decided we would try and show you some of that love and support you were missing.”

“Thanks,” Michelle whispered, holding the pregnant woman close. They stayed there for a minute, holding each other close. Then Michelle started thinking about the woman she was hugging, and started feeling excited again. She quietly asked, “Can I touch your belly, please?”

Keya giggled, and replied “Sure, feel free”, and lifted the red blouse she was wearing, revealing her hugely stretched brown belly.

Michelle reached out slowly, almost hesitantly, her hand trembling a bit as she did so. She slowly pressed her palm against the swell of Keya’s belly, marvelling at how taut and smooth it was. She’d never had the chance to touch a pregnant belly, let alone one so huge, so she took her time, slowly caressing the massive dome with both hands as she marveled at the miracle that had swollen her so much and the size of the belly that had resulted. Keya just smiled, and sat back and relaxed, enjoying the touch as she let Michelle explore all she wanted. They were both a bit lost to the world, when Dave walked back into the room.

“Hey, you two,” he greeted them. “I’m glad you’re getting to know each other.” He continued, looking at Michelle, “We’re on approach, want to come and watch?”

Michelle wanted to stay and keep rubbing Keya’s belly, but she had never been in a plane before, let alone one so huge, so her curiosity won out. Besides, she figured, there would be time to rub Keya’s belly when they landed, and hopefully her own in the not too distant future. That thought brought a shudder to her body as she thought of herself being pregnant, then reluctantly removed her hand from Keya’s belly and stood up.

“I’m going to check it out, I’ll see you when we land,” she told her.

“No problem”, Keya replied, “I’ll join you.”

With that she held out her hand, and Michelle helped her get out of her seat. She was amazed at how heavy she was, and wondered exactly how many kids she had in there. Together, they made their way to the cockpit, where Dave was talking to the pilots.

Michelle helped Keya sit down in one of the raised seats behind the pilots, then turned her attention to the cockpit she was standing in. It was spacious, definitely much larger than she first thought, and as well finished as the rest of the plane, with leather on the dash and seats, and soft carpet underfoot. There were many information screens, dials, gauges and switches, but not as many as she expected; in her mind, she was picturing something akin to the cockpit shown in Dr. Strangelove, all crammed full of millions of mysterious gauges and switches. Instead it seemed very organized, and even tidy. The pilots, who both looked back at Michelle and greeted her as Dave introduced them as Steve and Adam, were both middle aged, but well dressed and groomed, and looked very fit and healthy for their age. Ahead through the windscreen Michelle could just see ocean in front of them, with a small dot of an island directly in front of them, a larger island off to the right, and what appeared to be the faint coastline of a mainland disappearing further to the right of the larger island.

“Are we heading to that small island in front of us?” she asked Dave.

“We are,” he replied.

“Are you sure it’s big enough to land on?”

That got a chuckle out of everyone there, as Dave replied, “I think we’ll manage.”

Michelle pouted a bit, feeling almost like she was the butt of some inside joke. Dave, not wanting her to feel put out, explained, “It looks small, but it’s longer than it looks. I’ve flown from there fairly frequently.”

Michelle brightened at this, glad he was willing to explain things to her. She also noticed the island was definitely getting bigger, and she could now make out a long runway that seemed to run the length of the left side of the island.

“We’re about a minute or so away from touchdown, so let’s sit down and get strapped in,” Dave said, leading her to a seat and helping her belt in, then sitting down next to her and belting himself in.

Michelle was starting to feel nervous, as various bumps and vibrations were felt through the body of the plane. Dave, sensing her unease, grabbed her hand to reassure her, and told her, “It may look small from here, but the whole runway and support infrastructure were designed specifically to accommodate this plane. We’ll be fine, it just takes some getting used to.”

“Ok, I’ll try to relax...” Michelle replied, squeezing his hand back. She watched as the runway started to loom large in the windscreen, getting closer and closer, as one of the pilots (Adam, if Michelle remembered correctly) kept calling out numbers, which she figured were altitude. All of a sudden, the end of the runway swept below them. About a second later, there was a sudden thud, causing Michelle to jump, and the same pilot called out “Touchdown”, followed immediately by a loud roar and a surge which pressed Michelle very firmly against her seat belt. After about 20 seconds or so of this, the roar subsided, as did the force pressing her against the seat belts, and soon after the plane turned, heading directly towards a mammoth opening in the side of the island.

Michelle looked around as they entered the cavern, and saw a number of planes throughout the space, all of them smaller, and all of them unfamiliar to her. She could hear the engines shutting down as the pilots talked to each other and the plane came to a halt.

When the plane had stopped, Dave got up, and made a sweeping gesture to the cave surrounding them (and presumably the island around it), and said to her, “Welcome to Palmarola.”
Another good chapter! Don't be shy about posting the rest Smile
Thanks for the continuing reads and comments. I'll try to get the story caught up (up through chapter 14) over about the next two weeks. I also have a couple other series I'll be posting as well, I hope everyone enjoys those as well. For the time being, enjoy chapter 5.


“Welcome to Palmarola.”

Michelle looked around, surprised by what was going on and not catching on as quickly as she normally would. “It’s a cave...”

Dave laughed, and hung his head. “Not quite the dramatic intro I’d hoped for...”

He got Michelle and Keya out of their seats and started escorting them downstairs while he explained where they were to Michelle. “This is the Isola Palmarola, although we usually just call it Palmarola. It is a small, rocky island a little more than a mile and a half long and about a quarter of a mile wide in the Mediterranean off the coast of Italy, about 60 miles west of Naples and 100 miles south of Rome.”

At this point they had reached the lower floor, and stepped out onto the stairway and headed for the ground. Michelle looked around as they descended, looking at the number of smaller, and some quite odd looking, planes that were arranged around what she now knew was a hanger. “What are all these planes?” she asked Dave.

“Oh, these are mostly toys, except for the blue and white Gulfstream near the door.”

Toys? That made for one hell of a toy-box Michelle thought to herself, wondering yet again just how much Dave was worth. If he had access to a club with toys like this... “These are some unusual toys”, she replied, her eye being drawn to a sinister looking all black aircraft that had a long body with an unusually long, pointy nose and narrow triangular wings with huge bulges on them that she assumed were the engines, and strange silvery tires. It reminded her of a vintage lawn dart, except even more dangerous looking...

“Hey, Lorenzo,” Dave greeted a mechanic who drove up to them in a golf cart. “Come sta oggi?”

“È stato occupato,” he replied, Michelle wondering what they were talking about. “Abbiamo finalmente ottenuto la pompa del carburante per il Blackbird in, ha trascorso la maggior parte oggi l'installazione.”

“Eccellente,” Dave said, seeming pleased about something. “Fammi sapere quando è finito, voglio dare perun volo di prova.”

“Sicura,” Lorenzo replied, looking towards Michelle. “Sto cercando di indovinare questa è Michelle?”

“Lo è,” Dave told him, putting his hand on Michelle’s shoulder. “Ti presenterò in seguito. La porto a casa in questo momento, ha avuto un paio di giorni lungo.”

“Nessun problema,” Lorenzo chuckled, “Prendo l'aereo sembrava finita. Ci vediamo.”

“Grazie. Arrivederci.”

“Anyway,” Dave said, returning his attention to Keya and a surprised Michelle, ”the house is nearby, on the other side of the island. It gets loud if a plane is taking off or landing, but that’s not very often, and everyone is pretty much ready for it anyway. We’re headed there now, our stuff will be brought over later.”

As he said that, he helped Keya into the golf cart Lorenzo had left for them, and whisked them out of the hanger into a small tunnel that ran away from the runway and started climbing. The tunnel opened onto a small road that opened to reveal a large but relatively unadorned two story house with large stained wooden patios. Michelle was starting to see a pattern here.

“And here we are at the house,” Dave said, pulling the golf cart up to a door at the house, then getting out and helping Keya out. “Come on in, and let’s talk, because I have a feeling you didn’t hear a damn thing we said on the plane.”

Michelle blushed that, remembering what she was thinking of just a couple hours ago. Laughing, Dave led her and Keya into the house and through a hallway. Once in the hall, they turned and entered the kitchen. The kitchen was very large and spacious, with very expensive and industrial looking brushed metal appliances, pale wood cabinetry and unusual dark blue marble counter-tops. The kitchen opened into an equally spacious, informal looking dining room with several tables made of brushed metal and pale wood to match the rest of the furniture. Keya headed straight for one of the tables as Michelle admired her body and sat down, understandable considering the massive belly she was sporting.

“Would you like something to drink, Michelle?” Dave offered.

“Water please.”

Dave grabbed a pair of glasses from a cabinet, and filled them from a tap in the door of the fridge before handing one to Michelle and one to Keya. He then returned to the fridge and grabbed a beer before returning to the table, gesturing for Michelle to sit between him and Keya. He opened the beer and took a sip as Michelle sat and Keya started talking.

“Now that you’re not so distracted,” she started, winking at the blushing young woman, “let’s talk a little about what’s going on here. First, do you have any questions?”

“Lots,” she replied, somewhat shyly.

“Well, ask away”, Dave said, after Michelle didn’t continue her thought.

“Umm, why me?” she asked, hesitantly. She was much more used to her parents, who didn’t like having their wishes questioned.

Dave had no such hang-ups, as he started answering. “Well, you had all the qualifications we were looking for. We literally created a list of things that we wanted in a new partner, and you fulfilled them. Aside from the obvious, we wanted someone that didn’t have a family that would miss them. In your case, you did have a family, but your relationship seemed very unhealthy, so we bent that qualification a bit.”

Michelle thought back to her conversation with Keya on the plane as she sipped her water, remembering she had heard Keya say something similar but not fixating on it for the moment. “What was the obvious that you saw?”

“You haven’t been around long enough to see it I guess,” Keya replied to her, “but Dave is a major pregnophile. He was looking for someone who shared his love of pregnancy and wanted to help him make it a reality. How do you think I ended up the way I did?” she asked, giggling as she placed both hands on her belly, causing Michelle to blush, before continuing. “The other thing he likes is submissive but strong women, and you fit that profile.”

“You mean you wanted to get pregnant?” Michelle asked, starting to get excited that someone else might share her desire.

“Of course, that’s why I got pregnant,” Keya replied, somewhat confusing.

“No,” Michelle said, shaking her head vigorously, “I mean, you really wanted to get pregnant and be a mom, and not work, and just raise kids.”

“You’re babbling a bit,” Keya laughed, “but I think I understand what you’re saying. Yes, I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I never saw myself as a career woman, although my family pushed me to go to school.”

Michelle was elated to find someone else who shared her desire to be a mother. For so long she had hidden this side of herself from others, thinking something was wrong with her, since, paraphrasing her parents, parenthood was something to be suffered through, with the goal of having successful kids that will support them when they retire, and because it was something society demanded.

"How many kids have you had?" Michelle asked, "And how many do you want?"

"I've had three so far," Keya replied, cupping her belly a bit, "and in here are number four and five."

"Oh my gosh!" Michelle was amazed that Keya's small body could handle such a large load. It certainly explained why she had gotten so big, though. "You're enormous, how long do you have left?"

Dave chuckled, and grabbed his beer and quietly left the room, sensing Michelle was going to be fixated on Keya and her cargo for a while. Keya just smiled at the entranced young woman next to her.

"I'm about 32 weeks in. Doc Reimo would like to see me reach at least 36 weeks before I go into labor."

"Wow," Michelle exclaimed, amazed that she still had a month and a half before reaching full term. "What's it like being pregnant?"

Keya smiled, remembering how she had felt the first time Dave had taken her home, and how many questions she had asked. "It's wonderful. I can relax and feel the kids move around, eat all I want, and generally feel very motherly. It is harder to move around, my ankles and back get sore easily, and my breasts have gotten a bit tender now that my milk has come in, but I wouldn't trade this experience for anything. Plus, my libedo gets stronger when I'm pregnant" she added, her voice lowering as if she were sharing some great secret, "and Dave loves pregnant women, so put the two together and you get the best sex I've ever had."

Michelle looked at Keya as if she were a fertility goddess, and her resolve to become a mother grew even stronger. "Wow..." was all she could manage at that moment. In the background, she could vaguely hear Dave talking, probably on the phone since she could only hear him, but it was unimportant to her at that time.

Noticing the almost trance-like state she was in, Keya let the conversation drop for a few moments until she tapped Michelle on the knee, once again getting the younger woman's attention. "I'm sure you've got more questions."

"Oh yes," she replied enthusiastically. She paused before continuing, gathering her thoughts for a second before continuing. "What about mood swings and morning sickness and all those other unpleasant side effects you hear about?"

"It depends on the woman, but I haven't had any of that too badly," Keya replied, thinking about it a bit. "I think it depends on the health and mental state of the mother, because neither Eshe nor Alice have had bad morning sickness or mood swings either. Nor have we had gestational diabetes, premature babies or any of the other nasty complications you might hear about."

"What about giving birth?" Michelle asked, not wanting the conversation to end. "I mean, you're as small as I am. My mom said childbirth was the most painful thing she had ever felt, and there's those scenes in movies that show women in childbirth, and it looks like they're in excruciating pain," she finished, looking like she was starting to become fearful of what might happen to her.

"Your mom probably isn't the best person to ask," Keya said enigmatically. "And just because you see something in the movies doesn't mean it's true. Hollywood is called Tinsel Town for a reason..."

"What do you mean by that?" Michelle asked, wondering about the comment Keya had made about her mom. It seemed like she knew something about her mom that Michelle herself didn't know. How could Dave and Keya know so much about herself and her family?

"Hollywood is famous for making things up or getting their facts wrong," Keya replied, misunderstanding what Michelle was asking about. "Yes, childbirth can be painful, but I think that is largely because people have made it that way. Women hear from everyone that it is painful, so they go into labor fearful about what it will be like. Most births also happen in a hospital now, where women are forced into an unnatural position and given drugs that totally changes what you feel during birth."

"The truth is, birth can be a wonderful, even pleasurable experience if you just let it happen. Both of my previous births were here, at home, and it was a wonderful experience, even a little orgasmic. Yes, there was pain, but it's like the pain of having sex for the first time. It's not the pain of something going wrong with your body, it's the pain of pushing your body to the limit."

“You mean you enjoyed giving birth?” Michelle asked, stunned at what she was hearing, and feeling her arousal once again rising despite being satisfied barely an hour ago.

“Yes,” Keya told her, seeing the amazement on Michelle’s face. “Until about a hundred years ago, women were giving birth without the aid of modern medicine, and yet they were still regularly having half a dozen kids, sometimes more. You think they would really keep doing that if it was as painful as modern society sees it?”

Michelle paused hearing that. “I’d never thought of it like that.”

“People are genetically predisposed to listen to those that are in authority,” Keya explained. “In the past that was mainly parents. Today Hollywood and the mass media have a become almost as important as parents as authority figures. And doctors pressure women into hospital births.”

“I see... So how did you decide to go through the whole birth at home?”

“Dave and Eshe first learned about it about 10 years ago,” Keya told her, “and decided to try it for the birth of their oldest. Since then, Eshe, Alice and I have all had home births. Although in our case, we’ve built a room dedicated to home births, we have a doctor that attends the births and we have an ambulance ready to go if something goes wrong.”

“Wow,” Michelle said once again, “You’ve got it down to a science. Has anything ever gone wrong?”

“Fortunately, not so far,” Keya replied. “Out of twelve births so far, there haven’t been serious complications.”

Dave walked back in at this point and grabbed another beer before sitting down at the table again. “Eshe, Alice and Rachel are on their way back from Ponza with some groceries. They’ll be here in 15 minutes or so.”

“Why did they need groceries?” Keya wondered.

“Alice is trying a new recipe. Brazilian, she told me,” Dave explained. “Anyway, what have you been talking about while I was gone?”

“Take a guess,” Keya said, smiling.

From the way Michelle blushed, Dave figured it had something to do with pregnancy. He smiled, knowing he had made the right choice, even if she hadn’t yet made a decision herself.

Dave just sat and listened to the two women chat for the next ten minutes or so, adding his own two cents now and then. The talk centered almost entirely on pregnancy and sex, with Michelle seeming to have a never ending stream of questions for Keya. They continued right up until they heard a faint roar coming from outside.

“That must be Eshe and the others,” Keya said, moving to get up. Michelle helped her up, and together they followed Dave into the living room.

The living room was huge, maybe 50 feet long and 30 feet wide. There was an atrium level, lined by brushed metal posts with slim wire railings that ran the perimeter of the room, with a lounge setup along the far edge. The far wall was all glass, both upstairs and down, with many sliding door sections along the lower floor. A large TV was on the wall at one end with a number of large sofas, loveseats and beanbag chairs. At the other end was a large wet bar, with some tables and chairs in a sort of lounge arrangement, and huge metal fans spun lazily overhead.

They went through the living room and walked out on the patio outside. The sun was setting, and Michelle could see the outline of a small dock down below them, and a faintly visible island, with town lights beginning to turn on. She wondered how far it was. Five miles. Ten. Maybe twenty. It didn’t really matter, it was farther than she could swim, and she had no idea how to start or drive any of the vehicles that she had seen so far. Not that that mattered either, she was still a prisoner to the collar. Perhaps if she was in a town, or near a well traveled area, she might have risked the collar’s sting, but if she tried that here, the only ones that would see her would be the fish.

Strangely though, that didn’t seem to bother her. She seemed to have resigned herself to her fate without knowing it, and so far wasn’t regretting it. The future certainly seemed brighter than it had just a few short days ago.

She was jolted out of her introspection by Dave’s hand at her back, guiding her down to the dock where he greeted the passengers and introduced them to Michelle.

First he introduced Rachel, a small, petite brunette who was an inch or two smaller than Michelle, and more slightly built. She had shapely legs, and proportionate hips and breasts. Her face was smooth but average, with light brown eyes and wavy brown hair that hung just below her shoulders. The effect was to give her a “girl next door” look, pretty without looking fake or unnatural.

Next he introduced Alice. Somewhat surprisingly, Alice was the only blond woman of the group; clearly Dave didn’t limit himself to only what the Western media said was beautiful, and instead made up his own mind. Alice was about 5’4”, had blue eyes as well as straight blond hair that hung nearly to her waist, and a lean, shapely body, with perky breasts that were a nice handful, long legs and slim but curvy hips. Out of all of them, she most resembled a model, but she didn’t need computer editing to look that way.

Last was Eshe, who was clearly clearly African given her skin color and accent. She was the tallest of the group at about 5’8”, and also, leaving aside Keya, the heaviest. She wasn’t obese, just a little rounder than the others. She had long, thick legs, broad hips and large, womanly breasts, and a round, motherly face. Unlike Rachel, Alice and Michelle herself, Eshe didn’t appear to have a flat stomach. In fact, she appeared to be pregnant as well, perhaps five months along, although Michelle suspected she probably always had a bit of a pooch. She had dark eyes and kinky black hair that was being worn in a bun.

There were also a dozen or so kids with them, ranging from six months to about ten years, too many for Michelle to sort out, especially considering how much the older ones crowded around her and moved about constantly. She tried her best to catch all their names, but it just wasn’t going to happen. She knew she’d be around them enough that she’d learn their names soon enough.

Once the introductions were over, everyone headed inside with the groceries brought from the boat that could be seen bobbing at the dock. In almost no time, the groceries were put away and the dinner preparations began. Michelle found herself volunteering to help Rachel and Alice in the kitchen, while Eshe and Keya looked after the kids and Dave took the boat to the marina and unloaded Michelle’s things from the plane. Before she knew it, she was sitting down for something she hadn’t experienced in a long time; a true family dinner, with none of the hard feelings and resentment she was used to experiencing with her own family.

Michelle was genuinely happy for the first time in years; she felt she had a family that cared for her, and, although she hadn’t sorted her own feelings out yet, she thought she could get used to this. She was looking forward to getting to know her large, unusual family, she thought with a happy smile.
Liked by B17geek98 (Oct 11, 2020), SirFapalot (Jan 31, 2016), morgans1991 (Jul 26, 2014), junglebob (May 14, 2013)
Looks like, for once, I'll be posting a chapter before readers get out their metaphorical pitchforks while waiting. No feedback has been given for chapter 5 so far, but I hope everyone enjoyed it. In the meantime, enjoy chapter 6


After dinner, Eshe and Keya again watched the kids while Rachel and Alice cleaned up. There wasn't much to clean up, since Alice made a point of cleaning as they went, so Michelle wasn't needed. Instead she wandered out to the patio and sat on one of the deceptively comfortable wooden loungers and looked out over the water to the lights of Ponza and mainland Italy. Above her she could see a great field of stars, something a bit alien to her since she had lived in the big city all her life, and had never really left, even on vacation. It was all new to her here, even the sky.

So lost in her thoughts she was that she didn't notice Dave walking up behind her. She just about jumped out of her seat when he sat down next to her and patted her knee in greeting.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he said, noticing her shock at his sudden appearance.

"It's ok," she mumbled, her heart still racing a bit from the surprise.

"Just admiring the view?" Dave asked, trying to get her mind off it's shock.

"Yeah, I guess," she replied, her heart rate pretty much back to normal by now. "You don't see stars like this at my parent's house."

"That's because in big cities there's a lot of light pollution from all the lights that are left on," Dave explained. "As a result, that light washes out the light from the stars, and all you can see are the very brightest stars. Out here, the nearest big city is Latina, about 30 miles to the north, and that’s still not that big a city, only about 120,000 or so, so there is very little light pollution out here. It’s one of the things I like about living here.”

Michelle looked out in the direction Dave pointed, seeing the lights on the mainland she had seen earlier. “Doesn’t it get lonely out here?”

“No, I’ve got plenty of family here,” he said, gesturing over his shoulder, where the kids could be seen watching a movie in the living room. “And if we feel like going out, both Naples and Rome are within an hour and a half of here, or we can fly to anywhere in Europe in less than three hours and have a weekend away from home.”

“What about work?” she asked. “Do you commute by boat?”

“No, mostly I work from home. When there’s a meeting or something I need to get to, I’ll take a boat or plane, depending on where the meeting is.”

“Do you ever drive anywhere?” Michelle continued. “You said you worked for a motorsport company."

"It's actually my company," Dave explained with a smile. "So yeah, I've got a car."

"So how are you able to afford all this? I mean, how can you afford to have a house here, and a boat, and rent that huge plane working for a racing company? I thought you'd have to be the CEO of a major corporation to afford all this,” Michelle wondered.

Dave laughed. She hadn’t seemed to care what his lifestyle was, or how much money he had, so it seems she would be in for a bit of a shock. “I don’t rent anything. This island, the planes, everything on this island is mine, bought and paid for, including the 747 and the runway.”

Michelle couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Until now, she’d figured that Dave was merely rich, and was renting the plane they’d flown on, like one of those clubs people could join that let them rent super expensive cars they couldn’t afford to buy. Now she’s hearing that he owned everything here; Michelle was no expert, but she figured that between what she saw in the hanger and the island it was on, that had to represent at least a billion dollar value. That meant she had been kidnapped by one of the richest men on the planet. She wasn’t materialistic, but it was hard to ignore the fact that if she stayed with Dave, she’d be set for life.

“You there?” Dave asked, waving his hand in front of Michelle’s face to get her attention. She’d been sitting, staring at him with her mouth hanging open; when he waved his hand in front of her face, her mouth snapped shut and she started back to reality.

“How much are you worth?” she asked him, the wonder in her voice clear.

“I’m not really sure,” he replied, “I’ve never bothered to add up my net worth because at this point it just seems kind of pointless. I’ve got everything I want and plenty of money to live on, so what do I care how much it actually is.”

"To get back to what you asked, no I can't afford everything I have on the salary of the owner of a motorsports company," Dave explained. "I'm doing that because I love cars and I enjoy working on them and modifying them. I was already wealthy before I started that company."

"A few years ago I developed and patented a device that made nuclear fusion power generation possible, and essentially leased that technology to major energy corporations around the world. Since then, about 95% of all new power plants globally were built using my technology, with an annual fee from each of them going to me."

"How much do you charge?", Michelle asked, a little awed that this man had developed a technology that she didn't even understand the fundamentals of.

"It depends on the reactor," he replied. "The standard licensing fee is $20,000 per megawatt."

"$20,000", Michelle said, curious, "That's not very much. How did you make so much money only charging $20,000?"

"The Palo Verde replacement reactors generate almost 6,000 megawatts," Dave replied with a chuckle, "so that project alone netted me almost $120 million. And there have been about 40 reactors built each year, every year for about the last five years. And some of the power plants are even bigger than the ones at Palo Verde. The numbers get big very fast."

"Oh," Michelle managed, once again stunned into near silence as she did some quick math, reaching a figure of between $3 and $5 billion dollars a year, for five years. She could barely conceive the idea of an individual controlling that amount of wealth, yet here she was sitting next to a man who had made that a reality. It was a bit mind boggling.

Michelle just sat, thinking about the vast amount of wealth that was sitting next to her, and only one question came to her mind; "What the hell do you do with that much money?"

Dave just laughed. "You're sitting on it!", he exclaimed, his amusement clear. "How many people do you know with their own island?"

As she realized his wealth had been staring her in the face since she woke up on the plane, she blushed and hung her head, feeling ashamed that she hadn't seen it.

And as soon as he saw Michelle slump upon seeing his reaction to her question, Dave knew he'd hit a very sensitive nerve, and immediately curtailed his mirth. Reaching over, he pulled Michelle close to him, hoping to show he hadn't been laughing at her.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you?" Michelle whimpered, tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes.

"No, I don't think you're stupid," he said, trying to console her. "I guess since I was the one signing the checks for all the things you see, I'm much more aware of how much everything costs."

This got a small laugh out of Michelle, so Dave knew he was on the right track. "Besides, I wouldn't have picked you if I thought you were stupid," he continued. "That was one of the reasons we liked you. After all, you're a psychology student, and you're doing pretty well considering how little time you had for your studies."

"It's too bad my parents never saw what you did in me," Michelle replied, being reminded of the insulting manner in which her parents so often addressed her. She was often scolded for being lazy, doing poorly in school, being too slutty, or any other thing her parents felt she was lacking in. She often felt that their criticisms of her were unfair and demeaning, but she had faced them often enough and for long enough that they had stuck with her, despite the rational part of her brain telling her they were seeing things or making them up. “Nothing I did was ever good enough,” she continued, “they were always calling me lazy or slow, and I don’t get why they would be so mean to their own daughter.”

Dave paused, knowing that what he was about to tell Michelle could be devastating to her. Still, he knew had to tell her. It was, after all, part of who she was. "I think I know why..."

Michelle looked at him expectantly, wondering what Dave had to share with her that seemed so important.

After a pause, "While looking through your family history, I discovered that your mother has never been admitted to the hospital for birth or any prenatal care."

"What do you mean?" Michelle asked, not clear what Dave was telling her. "I was born in a hospital just down the street from where I went to school."

"Yes, you were," Dave replied. "But according your mother's own medical records, she has never given birth. That means you and your siblings were all adopted."

"I don't understand," Michelle said, getting confused and more than a bit shocked. "My mother is listed as my mother on my birth certificate. I've seen it."

"Again, that's true," Dave replied. "But it is possible to set up an adoption before birth, and have the adopting mother listed as the birth mother. And she also never applied for maternity leave. And you and your siblings are each almost exactly a year apart, which doesn't fit with the idea of your mother as the super driven career woman."

"But why would she hide the fact that I'm adopted?" Michelle asked, feeling a strange sense of despair.

"I'm not sure," Dave admitted, "all I can do is guess. But it seems that it might explain why she treated you the way you were."

Michelle started crying as she listened to what Dave was telling her. She wasn't really sure why this was hitting her so hard, since she and her parents had never been close, but this lie that had spanned her entire life seemed to now color all her interactions with her family as she considered her past. She leaned into Dave's chest and started crying, letting all her anger and frustration with her parents out.

After almost 20 minutes, Michelle was finally done crying. She just sat there, numb, wondering if her parents had ever cared, or if it had all been a big, twisted joke. Or, perhaps worst of all, if it had simply been a job to her parents, just a retirement plan or a toy to show the neighbors, and wondered if she had ever mattered at all.

She thought that she would have broken down and started crying again with that thought, and in a way she wanted to, but her body didn't seem to respond to the turmoil in her mind, as if she was physically unable to cry any more. Instead, she just felt drained, physically and emotionally, and just sat there, leaning against Dave. After a while, she started to wonder about what she meant to him, as well; was she just a trophy to be won or a toy to please him and warm his bed, or was he being honest when he said she mattered to him? With the frame of mind she was in, she couldn't decide, so she simply asked him; "If I don't even matter to my parents, why do you care? What makes me special to you?"

"You're special because you are you," he replied. "I could see someone who was looking for someone to love, some place where she mattered, and that there was a place for you in my family. Our family may have started in a very unusual way", this brought a weary but genuine smile to Michelle's lips, "but that doesn't mean it is somehow less than any other."

"I studied you very carefully, to make sure you'd fit in with my unusual little family," Dave continued, "and I only acted when I saw enough evidence that you would be happy as well. I wasn't willing to sacrifice your happiness just to fulfill mine."

"So what did you see that’s so different?”, she challenged him. "Nobody else seemed to care, they just called me lazy or stupid."

“Well, let’s look at what you’ve done,” he told her. “You tested out of high school at 16 and immediately enrolled at a four year university. Then you started working full time plus often overtime to pay for the rent and schooling your parents demanded, yet still maintained a 3.3 GPA in a demanding program that you didn’t like. Maybe it doesn’t prove your intelligence, but it sure proves you’re willing to work hard.”

"On top of that," he continued, "you've studied psychology, and shown a genuine interest in children, so I felt you filled a need that we have, for someone who could understand children and help them grow up to be the kind of adult that makes a difference in the world around them, rather than simply getting by. I spent a lot of time by myself and with my girlfriends considering you as objectively as possible. Maybe it's not the romantic head over heels crap you see in cheesy romance flicks, but I'm convinced it leads to a better long term relationship than blind emotion would."

“I guess you’re right...” Michelle said, her spirits being buoyed somewhat. It may not have been what she dreamed of as a young girl watching Disney movies, but it was exactly what she needed to hear at that point. She thought about what he said for a moment, but decided she wanted to talk about something a little less serious at the moment. “So, you said you had a car, but I’m guessing you have more than one. Can I see them?"

"Sure," he said, smiling, "come on."

Dave led her back inside, and after letting Keya and Rachel, who were watching TV with the kids, know where they were going, he led Michelle back to the golf cart that they had used to get to the house and drove them back towards the tunnel they had driven through earlier.

What she hadn't noticed the first time they drove through the tunnel was that it branched off in three directions. Dave drove right into the middle tunnel, which led into the garage, where she couldn't believe her eyes. It looked more like something you would expect to see at a car show, not someone's garage. There were perhaps a hundred cars in front of her, all gleaming in the natural looking lighting in all shades of the rainbow. She started walking among them, only recognizing a handful of the ones she passed; there was a blue classic Mustang like in Gone in 60 Seconds, a yellow Lotus, similar to the one her uncle had, a black and white Corvette, a red Ferrari of some kind and a purple Lamborghini that like one her brother had once pointed out to her.

"This is an amazing collection," she said as she walked around looking. "How many do you have?"

"I've got somewhere north of a hundred and fifty cars, and seventeen motorcycles, plus a few working vehicles," he replied.

"Working vehicles?" she said quizzically. "What are those?"

"Transports, a couple of firefighting vehicles, maintenance trucks, things like that," Dave replied, following her as she walked around.

Along the back wall not far from where she was walking were the motorcycles he had mentioned. She didn't recognize any of them, but they all looked fast, and one of them looked very futuristic, like something out of I,Robot, and didn't appear to have any belt or chain to drive the rear wheel. Perhaps it was a work in progress, Michelle figured as she kept walking among the many parked cars. There were many that looked like race cars, with nothing covering their wheels, and many with large wings and things on them, as well as a handful of expensive looking SUVs and big sedans, but what caught her eye was like none of those.

In fact, what caught her eye was the sheer plainness of the car; in fact it looked like a car anyone might drive. She recognized it, it was a dark silver Toyota Camry, maybe three years old, and looked very similar to the one her dad drove, although there were a few details like the bumpers and wheels that were different. Still, it was very ordinary, and looked very out of place parked between something that looked like it would race in the Indy 500 and a very large sedan that said Rolls-Royce on the front.

"What is a Camry doing here?" she asked him, wondering why a man with so many expensive cars would bother with something as ordinary as a Camry.

"First of all, it is good for driving places without being noticed," he explained, "and second... Well, perhaps I ought to show you," he finished with a small smile, walking over to a rack on the wall that was covered in keys. He walked back and opened the door for her, and she sat down in the passenger seat. It still seemed like a perfectly ordinary car to her.

Dave got in on the driver's side and started the engine. It sounded ever so slightly different from her father's, but she figured that was just down to being a different model year.

They drove out of the garage, and Michelle realized they were driving alongside the runway they had landed on a few hours before.

"We do testing here, so we have beacons lining the runway for when we test acceleration and high speed stability,” Dave explained. “The runway is 3,600 meters long, with a pair of pulsing white beacons every 400 meters. 400 meters is almost exactly a quarter mile, by the way. And there are red beacons 1,200 meters from each end of the runway.”

Michelle could see the beacons he was talking about, along with single blue beacons forming wide lanes on the runway. They approached the end of the runway, and Dave swung the car onto the runway.

Suddenly the car surged violently forward, shoving Michelle into her seat. She could hear the sound of the engine change, going from a low hum like in most cars to a loud roar, and she could also hear a loud hiss from under the hood. She felt the car sliding sideways as Dave steered it into one of the lanes, with the first set of distance beacons flashing by just seconds later, the beacons marking the lanes blurring into solid lines of blue. Michelle glanced over at the dash, where a new digital display had popped up, showing a three digit number that was climbing rapidly, already over 300. Her heart was racing as she realized the display was a speedometer, and there seemed to be little slowing of the car’s brutal acceleration.

The second set of distance beacons streaked by the windows, followed very shortly after the third set with the pulsing red beacons marking out the three quarter mile markers. Michelle looked back at the speedometer on the dash, and saw that it was now over 400. The acceleration was slowing noticeably now, but still strong. The distance beacons were rapidly sweeping by the windows rapidly, and as the set of red beacons denoting the last three quarters of a mile of the runway came into view, the acceleration abruptly ended, with the speedometer holding steady at 450 before Dave let off the accelerator and began applying the brakes, rapidly slowing the car back to a more regular pace and turning off the main runway to return back to the garage.

To Michelle, the incredible acceleration and speed had wrecked havoc with her sense of speed, suddenly feeling as if they were standing still. She exhaled hard, realizing she had been holding her breath since Dave had floored the accelerator and was gripping the handle on the door with a death grip. As she started breathing again, she could feel a buzz of excitement in the pit of her stomach; not sexual arousal, but similar. She began to tremble a bit as the hit of adrenaline eased, enjoying the sensation, and deciding she wanted to feel it again, and learn to control a vehicle as incredible as the one she was riding in.

“That was incredible,” she said breathlessly. “What the hell did you do to this thing?”

Dave laughed. “Quite a bit. It’s got a custom 500 cubic inch V8 based on what you’d find in a Top Fuel or Funny Car dragster. It’s got twin turbos and burns a mix of ethanol and synthetic gasoline, although it can run on regular gasoline if it needs to. It makes about 3,500 horsepower, and puts that to the ground through a four speed automatic with a custom all wheel drive system. It uses either sport tires if I’m driving on the street, like I was recently, and racing slicks if I’m at a racetrack. It’s basically the world’s fastest sleeper.”

Michelle understood almost none of what Dave was saying. All she knew was it sounded like some serious engineering. She’d never driven a car, and had never really been that interested in them, but seeing all the gleaming machines in the garage as they pulled back in and experiencing the speed and power of the machine she was in made her want to learn more.

They had gotten back to the garage, and got out of the car as it ticked itself cool. Michelle's legs were a bit rubbery after the exhilarating ride she'd just had, so she leaned on the car for a second to let her legs regain their strength, and looked at the machine she was leaning against with a newfound respect.

"I never would have thought it possible to make a car go 450 miles an hour," she remarked as she rested.

"It can't," Dave replied, chuckling. "The speedometer reads in kilometers per hour. 450 kilometers per hour works out to 279 miles per hour. Which is still fast."

"It definitely is," she replied.

As she talked, Michelle was looking the car over, and noticed that there seemed to be some odd markings on the hood that were almost invisible against the dark color of the paint. Looking closer, she could see that they looked liked they had been cut out of the hood; in fact, as she ran her fingers over the marks, she realized they were. "What are these?", she asked Dave, now very curious.

"They're vents for cooling," he explained. "Because of how much power the engine makes, there's a lot more heat generated. When the engine is pushed hard, they swing open to allow more airflow through the radiator to keep the engine cool."

"Wow, that’s different. Is this the most powerful car you have?" she asked.

"Not even close," Dave replied with a laugh. "I've a few other cars with about the same power, as well as a TVR Speed 12 with over 10,000 horsepower."

When she woke up that morning, Michelle would scarcely have been able to imagine a car with even a thousand horsepower, yet she had just gotten a ride in a car with more than three times that. And Dave had so casually mentioned that he had a car nearly three times more powerful than even that! Clearly this man had been bitten by the speed bug, and bitten hard.

"What the hell do you do with a 10,000 horsepower car?" she asked, unable to imagine a monster like what he was talking about.

"Land speed racing mostly, although the thing is street legal, and I've drag raced it as well," he told her. From the look on her face, it seemed that the idea of a street car with a five digit power figure was going to take some time to sink in. "I'll show you all that later, however. Right now it's about the kid's bedtime, and it definitely takes some effort to get it to happen," he said with a wry smile.

Michelle rode back to the house with Dave in silence, a bit disoriented from the day's events. After all, going from a ride in a nearly 300 mile an hour Camry to getting a bunch of kids to bed is not exactly an everyday occurrence. Still, when they got back, she bravely waded in to help get a bunch of energetic young kids to bed.

Despite their excitement at seeing their dad after a week and a half as well as meeting a new person that would be living with them, bedtime was a remarkably uneventful affair, thanks in no small part to Michelle's help. And Dave was definitely impressed by the way Michelle had handled the kids; it confirmed they had made a good choice in picking her, and he felt she would be a very helpful addition to the household.

Once the kids were all in bed (save those that were too young to sleep on their own), Dave and the five women headed to the library where they were able to sit down for the first time without the distraction of kids and talk amongst themselves. Michelle was already well known to the others, so instead they took some time to tell Michelle about themselves.

Rachel had known Dave the longest; they had met at a club dedicated to Japanese anime while in junior college. They had remained friends, although it took Rachel a long time to admit her crush on him, considering Dave to be well above her reach. Part of this was due to the fact that her education was clearly below that of Dave and the other women, having only a high school diploma and some low level junior college classes on her record. Another part of this was due to her low self esteem, and that she considered herself to be too fat and ugly to be able to attract someone of Dave's caliber. Things had changed over the years, however, and her self esteem grew, especially once she left Christianity. Her curiosity had also grown at that time, and she had later taken it upon herself to start taking college classes again, determined to at least get an Associate's degree. She was also the only woman there, aside from Michelle, who was not a mother; she had been born infertile, and this would sometimes weigh on her mind as well. She was, however, the neatest person there, and was largely responsible for the remarkably clean and tidy nature of the house, which was invaluable with a half dozen kids running around trying their best to mess it all up. She also functioned as a sort of permanent wet nurse, allowing the other women to cease lactating and become fertile again without fully weaning the children. She may have been infertile, but she was still an integral part of raising the kids.

Keya had known Dave for almost as long, having met at another school Dave had attended, but had been a staunch Christian at the time. Between Dave's arguing and her own studies in psychology, she had come to doubt her beliefs, and had been devastated when her especially devout mother had disowned her and thrown her out of the house for voicing her doubts. Dave, fortunately, had been there to help her pick up the pieces of her life, and a relationship had grown between them that they hadn't really intended on, although they were both quite happy by now. She still had some self-admitted psychological scars from her upbringing, but time and psych studies had helped heal those scars.

Eshe was the oldest of the group at 41, eleven years older than Rachel, who was second oldest, ten years older than Dave himself (their birthdays were a mere three days apart) and about 22 years older than Michelle, the youngest of the group. She definitely had an air of maturity about her, and Michelle figured she was probably the one in the group that the kids turned to for comfort first. She was Kenyan, which explained her accent, but had lived in America since she was 19 and enrolled in a university in San Diego. After college she worked in a mental health facility, though she didn't like it and later got into interior design work, including the interiors for their house, their yacht and their several passenger planes. She and David had met online when she was looking for a sperm donor, and they had hit it off. She was the first one in the group to have sex with Dave as well as the first to have a child with him, and was sort of the second in command after Dave due to her experience, even though Rachel, Keya and Alice had all met him first. She was on her fourth pregnancy, which would be her last since her previous pregnancy had led to a difficult and somewhat premature birth, and she didn't want to risk her health or that of her child.

Alice was the only one of the three not currently pregnant, though she wanted to change that as her youngest (of four) was now five months old, and she was ready to get pregnant again. Though Caucasian, she had grown up spending a lot of time with an Indian family, and had actually married their eldest son without her parents blessing. When they married, she told him she would fill 16 cradles for him, but he had been killed less than a month into their marriage, before she had been able to start fulfilling that promise. A couple of years later, she and Dave had ended up in a relationship as well, and she made the same promise to Dave. Like Michelle, she had long had the goal of being a mother and a housewife, though she had been more able to pursue that goal, by learning to cook, sew, knit, fashion and anything else relating to domestic duties offered by the college she had attended. She was very much in charge of the kitchen where she prepared gourmet quality meals from scratch, though everyone else pitched in, and she also served as an image consultant and sometimes fashion designer for Dave and a few other select people.

Finally it was Dave's turn, Michelle could learn more about the man who had taken her from her previous life. He had a bit of a rough childhood, going through the divorce of his parents at seven, which was followed by a series of moves throughout his elementary, junior high and high school years, as well as an abusive step dad for much of that time. Things finally started leveling when he entered college in what would have been his junior year of high school, though it took a few years before he started being successful. Once he did, though, he became very successful very quickly, with a series of inventions and designs leading up to his fusion reactor design that catapulted him into the extremely rarefied group of multi-billionaires.

They had been talking for a couple of hours before they decided it was time to get to bed, so they headed upstairs to their bedrooms. Rachel and Alice were both eager to spend some time with Dave, Alice especially since she wanted to conceive soon, so the two of them cornered him and tried to drag him off to his bedroom. He laughed, and told them to wait for them up in his room, and he would be there shortly.

As Rachel and Alice walked away, whispering between themselves like schoolgirls, Dave smiled and turned towards Michelle. "Well, they'll be keeping me busy tonight, and I suspect you're probably pretty tired after an eventful day like today. Come on, I'll show you to your room."

As she turned to follow him, Michelle realized just how tired she was. The shock of waking up in a plane, meeting Dave's family, learning about Dave's wealth and her family's secret, and of course the ride in that awe-inspiring Camry had meant one hell of a rollercoaster of a day for her. So some restful sleep seemed very welcome.

Dave led her to a door nearby that had her name on it, in an Asian style script with Japanese cherry blossoms decorating it. The door opened into a fairly large but well thought out room. At the far end was a queen sized bed underneath a row of large windows, with a door leading to a patio on one side of the bed. On either side of the room were a pair of doors, which she figured led to a bathroom and a walk-in closet. On checking, she found that she was right, one of the doors led to a spacious bathroom, the other to a spacious walk-in closet, where she found her clothes and shoes had been put. Back in the main portion of the bedroom, there were a pair of plush seats on either side of a small coffee table in front of a good sized TV, and a desk with her books and school things on it beside the TV on the opposite side of the entrance to the bedroom. It was a well laid out and functional room, and Dave explained that she would be free to decorate and re-arrange her room in any way she felt like.

Dave hugged her, and kissed her goodnight, and Michelle held him, not wanting to let him go. Dave indulged her, and held her in his arms as she leaned into him. “Stay with me tonight. I don’t want to be alone right now.”

Dave thought for a second, and replied, “Ok. Let me go tell Rachel and Alice. I’ll be back in a moment. Get undressed and get in bed.”

With that, he left the room, and Michelle did as he said. A couple minutes later, Dave returned, stripped to his boxers, and got into bed next to her. She snuggled up to his chest, and he held her as she quickly fell asleep.
Liked by fluffyhead77 (Jul 18, 2013), junglebob (Jul 1, 2013)
Great writing!!! pregnantcommunity also has a story section maybe you could post there. =)
Hey BrotherBear! Sorry it took a bit for me to reply, I was out of town.

8 is my favorite number. Tongue So I wanted to see if I could read up to chapter 8.
The last couple of chapters have been good and I like the set up but I have to ask, why the long gap between posting new chapters?
Hey BrotherBear? Any more chapters?
Liked by junglebob (Jul 1, 2013)

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