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Is it normal?
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Is it normal, being female, to sort of subtly envy other pregnant women when you are not pregnant yourself at the age of 21? I am practically at war with myself on this subject, because I never have envious feelings of any sort, yet when it comes to seeing a crap ton of women around me who are expecting, I think what I might be feeling is envy. I want to be pregnant and experience childbirth like every other woman. I am a knowledge and experience seeker, so perhaps it is the experience I am envious of?
Hmm, I think it also ties in with your own desire to become pregnant because of our shared fetish here. Seeing people who don't share what you like getting it is natural in my book. I'm 21 as well and a lot of my friends around me are getting pregnant or married, or both, and I too get a bit envious of them, and I'm normally not the person who would care. I blame facebook and stuff for this...
Liked by (May 23, 2016)
My wife hates being pregnant but when she's not pregnant and she sees someone who is she goes into overdrive and has to fight herself from trying to get pregnant.

So yeah, pretty normal by the looks of it.
It seems to be normal. I think that culturally, we see pregnancy and parenting as a rite of passage, so when everyone around you is doing it and you aren't, you naturally get this kind of "me too!" thing going on.

Pile on top of that the fetish, and it must be especially excruciating for you. I feel your pain from the male side of things. Tongue
I hate it, it feels like I am just stuck inside myself and I can't escape my feelings, and they're just suffocating me. I'm mostly afraid my desire for pregnancy may drive me away from my significant other for his desire to wait a few years, yet here I am wanting to move forward.
Hang in there, it will be worth the wait since it's with and for someone who loves you
I feel the same way about couples in general. I want nothing more than to have a girlfriend but no matter what I do I can't even get a date!
(May 31, 2016, 12:04 am)Prego_Toodlez I hate it, it feels like I am just stuck inside myself and I can't escape my feelings, and they're just suffocating me. I'm mostly afraid my desire for pregnancy may drive me away from my significant other for his desire to wait a few years, yet here I am wanting to move forward.

You have options, you know. If being pregnant is really going to bring you a great deal of joy, you should find ways to do it. Life is pretty short you want to eliminate the potential for regrets.

One option is to produce babies and adopt them out. There are a lot of people in this country who desperately want to adopt, so you'll actually be helping someone. Just be absolutely certain you're ready to carry something for those 9 months and then part with it!
Belly Button
Going back to the opening question, I'd say this was fairly normal based from my own observations/overhearing of conversations. I wouldn’t say so much up to around their mid-twenties but from there onwards, yes.

I work with two women who are currently getting broody. One has just turned 29 and feels 'left out' as she's almost the only one left in her own group of friends who hasn't had a child. I have caught her a few times looking at Facebook on her computer, commenting to other people about her friend’s pregnancy pictures with comments such as "she's huge!".

The other, 31, has decided she wants a child within two years. If not, she's going to a sperm bank and getting pregnant that way... I was shocked when she openly said that to everyone in the office.

I hate to say this, but there does seem to be some sort of 'race' in life to have children these days - as if it's become a social 'conquest'. Some sort of unwritten 'rule'. I don't mean that in a nasty way, it's just the impression I get.

(May 31, 2016, 12:06 pm)LovePreggies I feel the same way about couples in general. I want nothing more than to have a girlfriend but no matter what I do I can't even get a date!

Seconded, unfortunately... At least I know I'm not the only one!
(June 4, 2016, 3:38 pm)Belly Button Going back to the opening question, I'd say this was fairly normal based from my own observations/overhearing of conversations. I wouldn’t say so much up to around their mid-twenties but from there onwards, yes.

I work with two women who are currently getting broody. One has just turned 29 and feels 'left out' as she's almost the only one left in her own group of friends who hasn't had a child. I have caught her a few times looking at Facebook on her computer, commenting to other people about her friend’s pregnancy pictures with comments such as "she's huge!".

The other, 31, has decided she wants a child within two years. If not, she's going to a sperm bank and getting pregnant that way... I was shocked when she openly said that to everyone in the office.

I hate to say this, but there does seem to be some sort of 'race' in life to have children these days - as if it's become a social 'conquest'. Some sort of unwritten 'rule'. I don't mean that in a nasty way, it's just the impression I get.

(May 31, 2016, 12:06 pm)LovePreggies I feel the same way about couples in general. I want nothing more than to have a girlfriend but no matter what I do I can't even get a date!

Seconded, unfortunately... At least I know I'm not the only one!

I think this is the result of women deciding to put off having children to focus on their careers. It's the case of that family, work life balance for a woman. Do I work now and possibly have difficulty conceiving in my early thirties or do I lose money and job experience by having kids now in my prime fertility years(18-30)?

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