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I'm 32/F, feel like there is no way to incorporate this feitsh into my sex life
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I am female and discovered that I had a fascination with pregnancy and expansion when I was like 7. I have exclusively masturbated to it and it is the only thing that has consistently bought me to orgasm. I have never brought it into sex IRL and though I still find sex enjoyable as its own thing, I wonder if I am missing out on something by not finding a way to incorporate this fetish. Not doing so is partly related to wanting to keep this part of me private but also because I feel like the aspects of pregnancy that really turn me on don't translate into sex with another person. 

My current partner is aware of my pregnancy fetish but I have not shared the actual specifics with him and am not sure if I want to. He is a very accepting and non-judgemental person, but for the moment, I would only feel incentivized to share something so intimate and private with him if it had the potential to positively add to our sex life. If not, I think I am comfortable keeping this as my own thing that I just masturbate to.

Most of my interest centers around the idea of uncontrollable expansion, lack of control, big transformations, and embarrassment. There is a large element of schadenfreude involved in the fetish for me. I'm fasciated and turned on by all the "negatives" associated with pregnancy. As in, decrease in conventional physical attractiveness, not being able to find clothes that fit, diminished energy, agility, and coordination, overindulged/uncontrollable appetites, humiliation, public contempt/pity.

What I most enjoy seeing and the stories I write for myself involve an attractive, confident, popular, slim, haughty hottie, gradually becoming swollen, bloated, insecure, waddling, dependent, and gassy. I like the unflattering maternity clothes, large underwear, I like reading reddit/blog posts by pregnant women about their family/friend's comments abut their weight, worries about their husband being attracted to them, never losing the weight, farting in public, peeing their pants, feeling gross, having to wear maternity diapers. It's best when this is happening to the stereotypical mean/vain woman who deserves to be taken down a peg, and, very importantly, I prefer that all of this happen unintentionally and unwillingly. 

As a woman I have questioned why this gets me off. I have mostly been embarrassed by it (gradually getting to place of self-love and acceptance) and sometimes I feel bad that I'm turned on by negative experiences that relate to our messed up cultural taboos around weight gain and a women's value. 

So back to the question at hand: is there a way to incorporate this into my sex life? I don't feel as excited about getting pregnant myself and having those things happen to me. It might be relevant but I have always really loved my figure and don't like the idea of losing it. That said, sometimes I do get turned on by the idea of being pregnant and I have recently been dabbling in wearing a pretend belly. I think I would like having someone be obsessed with my pregnant body and how round it is but until I'm actually pregnant, what's a girl to do? 

All ideas and insights are appreciated!
Liked by 13 members: nunya2013 (Jul 2, 2022), bluedot (May 12, 2022), speed-devil (May 3, 2022), tofino (Apr 29, 2022), redslice (Apr 27, 2022), SPL (Apr 26, 2022), thurman176 (Apr 26, 2022), OliviaCohen (Apr 25, 2022), Willsmithfb (Apr 23, 2022), (Apr 23, 2022), belliesrlovely (Apr 23, 2022), egnever23 (Apr 23, 2022), Akhenaten (Apr 22, 2022)
Fake bumps are the closest you can get without getting pregnant. I'm assuming you're not really excited to get pregnant under any circumstance, even as a surrogate?
First off, just have to say: totally on the same wavelength with a lot of what you like about the kink. Very nice. And I'm also glad to hear that you're allowing yourself to love this part of you - that takes work in our culture.

There are ways to incorporate it into your sex life with a partner. You're fortunate that your partner is open-minded, though it's even better if they're downright excited (or even share the kink!), but that's pretty rare. Better than being closed-minded and/or freaked out, though... it's not fun to feel judged about this.

You might try with some of the more relatable stuff. You used male pronouns for your partner, so I'm assuming male. Many, but not all, men might have at least a subtle desire to breed. If you can tap into that, you can get into some roleplaying and/or dirty talk about him pumping seed into you, filling you up, you being stuck with what happens next, swelling with his babies, dealing with the growth/nausea/hormones/kicking/contractions, and so forth. You may not be able to take it to the extremes, but you may at least be able to meet in the middle.
Liked by bluedot (May 12, 2022), SPL (Apr 26, 2022), OliviaCohen (Apr 25, 2022), EmpressoftheEast (Apr 23, 2022)
Olympic Dames Fan
You and I seem to like the same aspects of pregnancy and I have no idea how to add it to my personal life. I think getting a decent quality fake belly is the best choice. But I also like the idea of writing stories. Is your writing anywhere I can read by chance?
Liked by bluedot (May 12, 2022), SPL (Apr 26, 2022), OliviaCohen (Apr 25, 2022), secreta87 (Apr 23, 2022)
seems like a pregnant lesbian with a humiliation fetish would be your best shot, but the chances of that are lowwww.

I mean what would be your fantasy if you could have it happen in real life? Can you make that a reality? Would you just be a side character in some womans life as they get knocked up? Because yeah that's not possible. Or would you actual like some sort of bdsm name calling stuff, because you might be able to make that happen. Otherwise unless you can get your boyfriend to get off with you simultaneously to some pregnant chick seems like your gonna have to stick with the ol reliable.

That's a weird spot to be in :/
My 10 cents is that they are your partner. I would imagine that you could totally incorporate it into your sex life or intimate moments. Like a good partner listens to each other, and works for the betterment of you both

Why not do a bit of roleplay? You could wear a pretend belly, and just act out being pregnant like that. Start slow obviously but it's a start
(April 23, 2022, 11:05 am)Olympic Dames Fan You and I seem to like the same aspects of pregnancy and I have no idea how to add it to my personal life. I think getting a decent quality fake belly is the best choice. But I also like the idea of writing stories. Is your writing anywhere I can read by chance?
Nice to her we have aligned interests. I haven't published my stories but am planning to - will definitely make sure you know, would be great to get feedback.
(April 23, 2022, 7:12 pm)Johnpole seems like a pregnant lesbian with a humiliation fetish would be your best shot, but the chances of that are lowwww.

I mean what would be your fantasy if you could have it happen in real life? Can you make that a reality? Would you just be a side character in some womans life as they get knocked up? Because yeah that's not possible. Or would you actual like some sort of bdsm name calling stuff, because you might be able to make that happen. Otherwise unless you can get your boyfriend to get off with you simultaneously to some pregnant chick seems like your gonna have to stick with the ol reliable.

That's a weird spot to be in :/
That's true - that seems like it would be the most obvious match but agreed, low chances and I'm not a lesbian :/. 

Good food for thought from you and the other commenters - much appreciated.
I am 100% with you on this! That’s literally my favorite part(s) about pregnancy. I’d love to read what you’ve written if you’re looking for any feedback.
Liked by EmpressoftheEast (May 3, 2022)
User 62025
(April 23, 2022, 7:12 pm)Johnpole seems like a pregnant lesbian with a humiliation fetish would be your best shot, but the chances of that are lowwww.

I mean what would be your fantasy if you could have it happen in real life? Can you make that a reality? Would you just be a side character in some womans life as they get knocked up? Because yeah that's not possible. Or would you actual like some sort of bdsm name calling stuff, because you might be able to make that happen. Otherwise unless you can get your boyfriend to get off with you simultaneously to some pregnant chick seems like your gonna have to stick with the ol reliable.

That's a weird spot to be in :/

Is it such a weird spot?  My impression is most fantasies kind of have to be left at just that --- fantasies. 

Some guys (like me) like really big boobs --- or even just *big* boobs, not even *really big.*  But I don't think you can structure your dating life around that --- or at least you shouldn't.  If you only try to date girls with big boobs, that might mean you just have a very long drought.  Or you miss out on lots of great possible ladies, only to finally find someone who has big boobs, but then she has a difficult personality, and then you have to ask, "Was it worth the wait?"  I would never advise this.  You just date women you are *attracted to* with "attracted to" =/= "big boobs" --- there's more to life.  

(The other thing is: when is enough enough?  I was with one lady who definitely had really big boobs, and they were nice.  They actually looked better coming out of the bra than they did inside --- they were not saggy, I was floored by that!  I slept with her twice, and we should have had a Netlix and Chill date at her place that could have been epic, but I said no because I wanted to ace a final exam the next day.  Sometimes I think back to that and wonder if I should have gone on the date --- I got the A in the class, but now that I'm married I may not ever have that kind of wonderful, uncommitted sex with someone with a "hot bod" again.  But even if I had, only three dates?  Why didn't the fates give us more time?  Or why, after I said goodbye to her and moved out of town, didn't I meet more ladies like her down the road instead of suffering from really rough, lonely years afterward? Just the other day I actually thought to myself, "Gee, maybe I should have spent money I didn't have and visited her one of those years just so I could enjoy those boobs one more time!" --- which is pathetic, by the way. My point is: I was really lucky, but even then, it's easy to feel like it wasn't enough, I would have liked more, etc.)

Or lots of us guys fantasize about being with an older woman.  I would have loved to have a 38-45 year-old, curvy FWB when I was in my twenties!  But actually finding someone like that is *hard*.  I hooked a 42 year-old who had big boobs on OKCupid --- she *claimed* to have very large boobs in her profile, but didn't show them in her profile pics!!! --- and she was literally like, "Ah, I just want to chat for a bit before I commit to going out with you.  I want to make sure I think we would have chemistry before we meet in real life."  So she just had me on the hook for a week or two, going on like that --- that's literally the entire extent of our conversations, just going on and on about how she needed to get to know me better first ---, with no indication she was going to agree to see me.  I'm sitting there thinking: "She clearly doesn't want this as much as I do, and it seems like she has more experience with this than I have had.  Who knows how many other guys are out there she could have in my position.  I seem to be at a huge disadvantage here."  All of which is to say, yeah, if you meet a "cougar" that's into you, luck you! --- but I *don't* think you should go onto dating apps (or going through life, for that matter) expecting to find one.  (If you are super attractive, OK... but most of us aren't.)

So, yeah, what I said above isn't even really about fetishes, just sexual fantasies --- and very common ones at that.  Once you get to fetishes... *almost* forget about it.  Role-playing with a partner is a healthy expectation.  Expecting to act out your fantasies is dangerous because most likely life will disappoint you --- hence the word "fantasy."
Liked by EmpressoftheEast (May 3, 2022)

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