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How Do You Cope With This Fetish?
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How do you balance your fetish with your regular life? Some days it doesn't bother me and some days I want to kill myself.

Allow me to elaborate. I am very nervous when talking about my fetishes, I don't talk about them with anyone after in the past they made people uncomfortable and I lost some friends over it.

Now whenever the topic of pregnancy is brought up I either dodge the conversation & change the subject or put on an act of complete stupidity (as if I've never had sex-ed or read the internet (works surprisingly well...))

Every time a pregnant woman comes into where I work or I see one at school I get really aroused and it makes me feel uncomfortable because I feel like I have no control over it.

Like in the past few weeks when a co-worker revealed her pregnancy during conversation by pointing at her stomach and going "this situation" and I have to quickly put on my Deer-in-Headlights "no idea what you're talking about" expression to avoid revealing my fetish (even though I have a hunch she would understand) despite the fact I already had a suspicion from the curve of her stomach.

Every time she's referenced her pregnancy since then I just go "I have no idea how to reply to that" (when she talks about how she got pregnant) or "Sorry I can't relate" (when she talks about pregnancy pains) Because past experience has taught me that saying "Tell me more?" Or offering suggestions to comfort her only makes people uncomfortable and I really don't want to repeat past failures.

Long Story Short: How do you balance your fetish with your everyday life without appearing like a pervert or repressing it to a potentially unhealthy level?
Liked by XMaster (Mar 16, 2018)
Take what I say as much as you will, but for me - it hasn't been something I felt a need to cope with. Yes, I love pregnant women and yes, I do feel sexually attracted to them when I see them, but that's about it. I go on with my daily life without much thought and without the need to suppress any tendency to do anything. I find that pregnant women are beautiful and I much like to have them around to complement my view or to make my day happier. I've never been in a situation where I feel the need to violate their privacy and/or say things to make them uncomfortable. Sure, my girlfriend knows about it, and to us it's just something that I like more than other things.

For me, looking at pregnant women is almost the same as looking at a very attractive and very sexy lady. I have an acknowledgement within myself that she's hot and tend to keep my eyes around where she is, but I don't think it's healthy to have the want or need to do anything more than just looking at her more often than you would other people, and definitely not something worth killing yourself for.

Here's my two cents, don't see them as a sexual object, don't over-sexualize them or find the need to hide yourself from what you think you may do to them. See them as beautiful people and be appreciative of it, but in under no circumstances should you hurt yourself or hurt anyone else for it. If you are unable and do find an overwhelming need to cope with such a detrimental reaction to them, I think you should seek a trained professional (psychologist) about this matter. All the best my friend.
Liked by Junglebob1 (Mar 23, 2018), (Mar 20, 2018), TheFreak (Mar 16, 2018), Somarifan513 (Mar 14, 2018), bootlego (Mar 14, 2018), Akhenaten (Mar 14, 2018)
Pavelow nailed it. Awesome.

When I got my CHL (concealed handgun license) a few years back, I began carrying my gun on me pretty much immediately. I think the first time I ever brought it with me somewhere was to a grocery store. I remember walking around with this huge, hard bulge in my pants that wasn't normally there (LOL) and thinking, "wow, I have a gun on me, no one even knows! Eeek!" It's a weird feeling, like some great big secret I have that I can choose to share with strangers ("HEY LADY! I HAVE A GUN!!") or I can keep to my damn self and reveal only to the right people at the right time (pretty much no one, ever). And clearly, maintaining self-control -- never taking that thing out -- is 100% required, because if I do, I'll get in deep shit and people will be scared.

See the parallels? Keep it to yourself and in your pants, only talking about it and revealing it to people you can trust or who you've determined need to know. But it's not like you're going to explode if that never happens, and I think you know that.

Find the right person and you can talk about it with her... maybe even go to the range together. ;D
Liked by (Mar 20, 2018), supersonic (Mar 19, 2018)
I don't have a pregnancy fetish but I have a belly button fetish. I'll even say that I hate the word fetish because... well... Freud was a lunatic and he's the one who came up with the term. If anyone deserved psychiatric counseling, it was Sigmund Freud, because he had some serious issues. Fetish is supposed to mean a turn on to an inanimate object or an unusual sexual fixation. "Unusual". Hmm... too subjective. Who considers what unusual? Get the picture?

If you've never noticed, in general conversation when sex is brought up only the ass, tits, and maybe the pussy is mentioned in talking about turn-ons. Now my sneaking suspicion is that everyone is uncomfortable about talking about sex, but guys generally feel the need to talk a big game to other guys. Yeah, whatever. I don't know what kind of contexts brought your friends to end their friendship with you over your pregnancy fetish, but if you come off being too strong or uncommonly aggressive that may tip someone off, but if you're casual about it and open and confident about it, they're not going to mind as much.

It's all about situational context. I don't know if what I have said is helpful and maybe others can contribute a thought to mine.
Liked by XMaster (Mar 16, 2018)
I balance it by...doing other things totally unrelated to it. Smile And I haven't had a worry about "accidentally exposing myself" or "looking like a creep". I used to have an urge to talk with someone about it when I was the only one who knew about my pregnancy fetish, but when I revealed it to one really close friend of mine at first, it was like if a massive weight was lifted off my shoulders, because finally there was someone who I could talk about this and find out if this is weird or not....and it is not Tongue Since then, I have told this to a few people, but those are people I really trust and I know won't let me down, and so far, I have had only one negative reaction, but I haven't lost that friend. Speaking of which, if your friends cannot accept you for who you are...can you really call them "friends"? Do not pretend for anyone. Each one of us has our special something that makes us special. Wink And if they can't stand it, then they don't have place in your life. Harsh, but true. One of life lessons that I've learned the hard way.

And as for controlling yourself, avoiding conversations, actually, has the opposite effect - you become nervous, and people, ESPECIALLY women, will see that you're nervous, and that there is something fishy going on. Also, you won't have a chance to "get used to" pregnancy around you. I'll tell you what I mean: I used to feel just like you. Seeing a pregnant woman in public really made me uncomfortable and I avoided it as much as I could. Now, though, as I am older and quite a few people I know are starting to have families, it is inevitable that I will get in touch with some women who are actually pregnant. I now sing in a choir where two women are pregnant now...and I go and talk to them...and the more I talk to them, the less nervous I am. Smile Oh, and I have my best friend in choir who used to be pregnant and she is one of few people I have told about this fetish...and she surprised me by saying that it is quite common and that she knows about it. I asked her a ton of questions about her pregnancy and how it was being pregnant...and, also, some sex-related and fetish-related questions and she answered them in detail and was completely cool about it.

I know, I am lucky and it is hard to find people like this, and not everyone's experience is going to be the same. I am someone who can feel who I can trust and thus far I have not been let down. I lose trust in people very early and very quickly, so I trust my instincts. Therefore, with those people that I am open about my fetish I have no problem talking about it and, occasionally, getting teased about it Tongue But I think what you could take away from this is don't avoid pregnant women. Embrace them. Smile Of course, do not be pushy (but that is not just with the fetish. You wouldn't kiss a girl 10 minutes into your date. Same with a preggo - you wouldn't ask to touch her belly seconds after you've met her). Be cool. And you will do just fine Wink Good luck!
I just jack off to pregnant porn and hentai that's about it for me.
Liked by HelveticaBlues (Jul 11, 2019), Boone (Mar 18, 2018), Akhenaten (Mar 15, 2018), orta03 (Mar 15, 2018)
(March 15, 2018, 12:26 am)Somarifan513 I just jack off to pregnant porn and hentai that's about it for me.

In terms of satisfying the more "hardcore" aspect of this fetish, that how I am. If I was married or in a truly committed relationship where I'm willing to have a child with a woman it would be much easier to indulge.But there are literally thousands of means to get that kink satisfied to some degree. The biggest "problem" with this fetish is that it relates to a temporary process in a woman's life. It's not an everyday aspect of someone's life. A lot of fetishes are something people can find a way to "easily" indulge with somebody. It's a part everyone can see (Ass, feet, breast, ears etc) a frequent occurrence (fart, piss etc.) or simply role-play (Cheerleader, incest, JOI.) Here we are concerned with something that last 10 months, and even then we only notice it for half that. For me, it's a kink, a cherry on top. In my everyday pursuit, it's something about a woman i wouldn't turn away from.

Pavelow summed up a decent chunk of how I see it. For me friends and/or family members who become pregnant don't trigger it that hard for me, if at all. It generally gets shut down, but my "tell" about my fetish around my pregnant friends isn't me staring, quite the contrary, it my normally focused eyes darting a bit more. If I'm decently close to them I just present myself as slightly more interested than the average guy.

My surprise about your problem seems to be that you're still nervous around women you see (presumably) every day.I would become so numb to it after a while. Ultimately do what feels most comfortable for you. Going with 'lows final point, if you're truly feeling overwhelmed, talk to a professional.

Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 15, 2018)
Personally Im more to the pregnant porn than live pregnant girls. My wife was pregnant twice and she has a lot of female friends of same age. Was no exception for me to have three or more pregnant girls at a time in my house for a visit back then. Well I have never complained about getting a decent belly rub here and there,... but nothing I could not manage without them noticing.
Raider, I suspect you're young, relatively speaking? Are you in your 20's or teens? I ask because, now that I'm older(30's) and with the huge amount of pregnant content now available, this fetish is pretty much a non issue. Even if I'm around pregnant women, just a couple of glances is all I need now. I used to get all flustered about it in my teens and early twenties. Maybe, with age comes wisdom and fetish control? Tongue
Liked by Sabjan87 (Jun 24, 2022), (Mar 20, 2018), eternaldarknesss (Mar 16, 2018), Akhenaten (Mar 15, 2018)
(March 14, 2018, 7:22 pm)pacan1 Of course, do not be pushy (but that is not just with the fetish. You wouldn't kiss a girl 10 minutes into your date. Same with a preggo - you wouldn't ask to touch her belly seconds after you've met her). Be cool. And you will do just fine Wink Good luck!

I'll be the first to admit - and THIS is one of my major pitfalls - that asking a preggo to touch her belly seconds after you've met her can be a MAJOR problem. I know because I've done it, and it's led to some of the situations mentioned in some of the threads I've started.
Liked by pacan1 (Mar 18, 2018)

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