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I guess it might be about time to delurk.
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So I've been lurking around these forums since PC and EM. Never really felt like participating; I'm just kind of anti-social. However, I come out tonight for a reason. Maybe you cool cats around here can offer me a bit of help. I recently found myself starting a new relationship. She's just a normal, sweet, good hearted girl. I've told her about my attraction to pregnant bellies and she's seems pretty cool with it. I'm not sure she entirely grasps it but not even I do to be honest. I haven't told her I'm interested in pretenders, particularly her pretending for me when we get deeper in our relationship... I'm not sure if it's acceptable to ask of a girl to stuff her shirt (or to build a fake belly suit would be better)... I'm not sure how to even bring that up to her or if it's okay to. I want to respect her, and am totally attracted to her as she is... but I've never been able to shake this fetish and well, it's nice to be indulged every once in a while, right?

So tonight I delurk with hopes of a helpful community. And I guess while I'm at it, I'll start sharing some of the masses of morphs I created over the years. One of these nights I'll create a whole thread in Morphs for it, but here's one or two offerings for coming out selfishly instead of productively.
I wish I had seen this thread earlier.

A lot of good insight there, but I still don't feel I've heard what I need to hear...
Thanks for the inspiring words. In the spirit of delurking, I too have felt the need to delurk recently but have not had the time or courage to do so.

I have been actively following the pregnant fetish community for quite awhile. I remember back in the days of dial up surfing Wren Spot and Cheviot's Place viewing all the images and reading all the stories. Lately I have been frequenting this website everyday (Thanks genteldude for the daily link posting) I have been harboring this secret fetish ever since I discovered it but it's not easy when everyone around you is super conservative and not very understanding. I managed to tell my girlfriend of 3 yrs last year and she thought it was really strange and was weirded out by it which makes me sad so I haven't really talked to anyone else about it in fear of getting the same reaction. I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Is anyone else in this kind of situation?

Thanks again and sorry to steal some of your thunder Hellcat.
Glad I could be of some inspiration, Woohoo. I came here for help so I'm more than happy to do so as well. I'm sorry your first experience came out so negatively. I actually haven't had a negative reaction from telling somebody. But I've never had a girlfriend in person get into it either.

I'm not really in a situation where I'm coming out about this, I actually have a nice little support group of friends who are aware of this. Buuuuut... I'm looking for advice on how or when and if I should bring this up to my girlfriend... Yes, she knows about it, but I would like her to participate and I just don't know the best way or time to bring that about. I'm not sure if she'd just spark the idea to do something herself... she is a cosplayer however so its not entirely out of line that she may. So I'm just looking for a little advice or insight maybe from others in the community with somebody they engage in pretending with.
Hey Hellcat and Woohoo! Welcome, to the both of you.

I don't mean to simplify it, but it sounds like you already gave yourself the advice I was going to give - about letting her sparking the idea herself. The first thing would be to give it some time, believe me I've been there and I know how easy it is to want to rush into things - especially once you've gotten the initial "telling her" part off your chest. But you mentioned that she maybe didn't quite understand the full extent of it, so I would start by re-introducing it slowly. Maybe make a comment here or comment there, if you're out in public and see a preggo or see one on tv, you could say something about it, or kind of give her a smile. She may ask more questions at that point, otherwise you can take the lead and say something. I would say once you get a bit further into your relationship and she understands this whole thing a little more because you've talked about it, then I would probably try and let her be the one to come up with the idea of dressing up for you. You might instigate this by starting with a simple "I wonder what you'd look like pregnant?" question once you guys are starting to be more intimate, and if you're lucky she might grab a nearby pillow to stick under her shirt, or puff out her belly. Once something like that happens, you can go from there. Tell her you really liked that, and would really like to see her do it again. Maybe this time with a balloon/beachball/etc. I don't know how early your "new" relationship is, but again I would save this conversation for down the road until you know each other quite well - so as not to freak her out with commenting on what she might look like pregnant early on, haha. However, if she's a cosplayer it sounds like you may have another option to try. You could ask her to look at some photos of her old costumes, and comment on how well she puts them together and how great she looks in them, and then casually/jokingly tell her how hot it would be for her to cosplay as a pregnant character for you. You may hit the jackpot with her, as most cosplayers I know are usually outgoing, more open minded, and very interested in "perfecting" their costumes - so maybe you found yourself someone whose more than willing to really put on a show for you. I don't know if this is any help, because it sounds like you were already on the right track... but as I mentioned in the other thread - my biggest advice is that I would definitely feel the relationship out for when is a good time to bring stuff up, and don't push anything quicker/further than you can tell she wants it to go. I've definitely had my fair share of fails by doing that.

I'm sorry to hear your girlfriend reacted that way. Having had that happen once myself, I can imagine how hard it was to finally tell her and get a less-than-desirable reaction. It's hard to give any solid advice on this one, because I think it depends on the personality of your girlfriend. If it was me personally, I think I would bring the subject back up and tell her what the fetish truly means to you. Maybe let her know that the way she reacted hurt or scared you, because its was hard to finally reveal something so personal. I would try to clarify what it is that turns you on, because its possible that she was weirded out because she just doesn't understand what it really means. Try asking her what it was specifically that she was weirded out by. At first impression, some women may think it actually has something to do with liking kids, so its necessary to QUICKLY clarify that element of it. Another fear for some girls may be thinking it means you are going to go around poking holes in condoms and stuff trying to get her pregnant. Again - make sure she understands the truth about all this, and reassure her of any issues she may have. -- This is all based on an assumption that you have a communicative relationship with her, but I realize not all relationships are like that. Hopefully there's someone who has gone through the same situation with a girlfriend who reacted this way, and maybe they can chime in about how they proceeded? The closest I've come to this happened with a girl I wasn't dating but had been hanging out with. She really liked me, and I wasn't very into her, but one night we were drinking and started talking about our deepest secrets. So for the hell of it, I wanted to see how she would react to it. She reacted very poorly, basically saying straight up that it was weird and even kind of gross. My understanding was that she simply did not think it was normal to find someone attractive while pregnant, let alone if its someone who is not carrying your own baby. We talked briefly about it, but I could tell she wasn't going to change her mind. This doesn't reflect your own situation very well, but I know how it feels to have someone react badly - I suddenly felt vulnerable and felt kind of bad and perverted, all because she was projecting those feelings towards me. It took me a while to finally shake that feeling, and me and her did remain friends and just kind of never brought it up again. My main tip for your situation is to make sure this gets addressed again with her. Don't bury it back down and pretend it went away, because all you'll be doing is bottling stuff up, and that will just build animosity and tension in your relationship which will eventually end badly.

Best of luck to you both, and keep us updated!
Belly Button
I'd say a warm welcome to the pair of you, but I can see you've both been members for a while - so I'll just say "Hi!" instead and thanks for delurking!

Unfortunately, I can't offer any advice on relationships to either of you. I’ll openly admit that I've yet to have a girlfriend. Unfortunately I'm one of those unlucky people who tends to be the only person ignored/snubbed at any social gathering. Would I come forward if I were to ever find one...? Hmmm.... I must admit it would take a lot of guts for me to say so. I would have to know the person very well before I'd even consider bringing it up, unless it was something she was into also and mentioned it first (highly unlikely!).

All I can say on that front is that you'll find a lot of women don’t really 'get' the pregnancy fetish and think there's some sort of really dark and sinister side to it. This is largely thanks to a small number of idiots who comment inappropriately on YouTube videos and the likes. I think that's why lots of males such as ourselves tend to 'lie low' and not mention it in public - or if they do, can only really express their thoughts and feelings on forums such as this. I certainly fall into the latter category.

Like woohoo, I've been around since the days of good old Cheviot's Place and Wren Spot also. Indeed, on a frustrating dial-up connection too! In those days all we had was the family computer set up in our dining room. The former's stories section actually inspired me to write my own stories. All bar about two of them (not really suited for here) that I've completed so far you'll find in our own stories section here. It took years before I actually plucked up enough courage to actually come forward and make myself known - so you're certainly not alone in that respect. This was the first forum where I actually made comments and shared my own material.
Thank you for the warm welcomes!

And thank you, ShotGlass. Sometimes its best to hear what you need to hear from somebody else. I think you've got exactly the right approach, just feel it out. That's also the problem, I don't have much of a sense for that. But there's really nothing here that could help me on that part. I'm not entirely sure if she is the kind of girl who would come up with the idea to dress up for me on her own, and if she is, I think she may not come forward with it without some guidance or hints that its okay. What I mean to say is I don't think she'll pick up on the fact that dressing up pregnant for me would be really nice unless there's subtle hints that dressing up would be really nice. LOL I have no idea if that makes sense to you guys. Simply put, I don't think she'll think that I like pretending unless that idea is introduced to her as something I like. I would like to hope so though. Smile Again, I think what you said ShotGlass is really what I needed to hear to feel better about this. I do get ashamed of having this fetish in the real world.

Belly Button, as you mentioned, it is something that actually feels dark and sinister to myself even. It's an attraction that I cannot justify to myself, but take much pleasure in indulging in it. It feels like an addiction but I decided a year a back or so that it is a part of me and I will not pretend it isn't, which is why I'm struggling with this in my relationship. I want to be forward about it, I do not want her getting herself into something she can't deal with when it's too late emotionally for us to make the hard decisions. I'm just dumping my thoughts here now, sorry about that guys.

Again, thank you for the support and the help!

And Woohoo: I hope you get to bring your girlfriend to an understanding on this subject too. Shotglass is right about just bottling everything up. But it's a gamble trying to reintroduce it to her too much at a time. Tread carefully brother.

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