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Significant Other Supporting Your Pregnancy Fetish
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I didn't see any thread related to this topic so I thought I'd bring it up.
I would like to ask the users on the site if their significant other (boyfriend or girlfriend) has ever supported their pregnancy fetish. I'll provide an anecdote.

I dated my first girlfriend from the end of high school to the beginning of college. I never intended to tell her my attraction to pregnancy out of fear that she would reject me. However, as time progressed she gradually became more open to the fantasy of pregnancy from watching movies together and other life events. For example, she had to go crib shopping for someone amongst the wandering eyes of many shoppers. I think this experience made the idea of pregnancy more real and appealing to her because of the attention she was getting in the store. Of course I was excited to talk about it and ask her how she felt about it. I tried to play dumb and ask her questions about pregnancy to get her talking and thinking about it more.
Also, during this time pregnancy rom-coms were becoming increasingly popular. We saw "Knocked Up" and "Juno" together in theaters and once more at her house. As we watched "Knocked Up" on her couch I asked her something like, "Do you think you'd really get that big?" referencing Catherine Heigl's growing belly. To my surprise she stuffed a soft polystyrene pillow (google it) under her shirt which gave her a very realistic bump. We often lounged on her couch or in bed pretending her belly was real. And to me it was very real. From then on I would occasionally get texts from her telling me that she had the pillow under her shirt when she was going to sleep and mirror selfies with the fake belly. Sadly, I deleted those photos when we broke up. But I fucking loved it and made sure to let her know how amazing she looked. We even had sex once as she was wearing the fake belly. My idea!

I wonder if she developed an attraction to pregnancy because of me or if she just did these things to make me happy/turn me on. Maybe it was just another special "first experience" that we shared as a couple. I never told her how I truly felt because I didn't have to. We were on the same page with pregnancy related topics. I found that sharing my feelings about pregnancy with anyone, especially a girlfriend, was blissfully cathartic.

I would like to hear any feedback or related stories from other users!
Thank you for reading and Happy Holidays!
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
Thanks for sharing your story. So I'm curious, you never just outright told her that you had a pregnancy fetish? It's cool that she could just sort of sense it, but I'm surprised it never came up in direct conversation/questions afterwards.

Anyways, I totally agree that it can feel blissfully cathartic to share the whole pregnancy thing with someone that youre in a relationship with. I've told several girls that I've dated over the years, and for the most part its turned out pretty good. I probably had the best experience with my high school/college girlfriend, I think because of that young puppy love feeling, we were willing to share anything and try anything with one another. She would tease me out in public, pointing out big round bellies to me and then wondering if she would get that big some day. She also would poke out her belly to tease me, stuff herself with food just to show off, play dress up as a pregnant woman with something under her shirt, and occasionally we would even have an inflation session where I would pump up a beach ball under her clothes while she would act freaked out about swelling up. After being together a while, we would even have sex occasionally while watching pregnant porn or even some show that had a good pregnant character in it. It was probably my golden era as far as sharing the pregnancy fetish with someone, but eventually the relationship ended and by that point I think she had grown tired of the whole preggo thing. I had another girlfriend who did a lot of the same stuff with me, but she was not as into it and I could tell she was always doing it out of some obligation she felt rather than feeling like she was sharing the experience, like the earlier girlfriend had. I had another girlfriend that was ok with it at first, then realized what it all meant in the big picture and started to get jealous about the whole thing. For more just that reason, that relationship didn't last long. The weirdest reaction was a girl that seemed to not really care at all - she hadn't heard of the fetish before, and yet she didn't really think it was a big deal. She also didn't seem too interested in sharing in it or figuring out more about it (some girls ask lots of questions, she asked barely any). With her, we talked less about pregnant bellies and more just a general "ooh, get me pregnant" type of talk during sex.

Over the years I've chimed in on this topic on different forums (stomrszone, anyone?), and my thoughts have changed slightly based on experiences, but in general I still follow a few simple beliefs:

* DO tell your significant other about your fetish. I don't know how some people are with someone for a long time, and even marry them without telling them one of their most intimate desires. They will most likely want to know, and you'll feel a lot better for doing so. If they react badly when you tell them, my opinion is that they weren't right for you anyways - which I explain in my next point --

*Decide the right time to tell them. It will be different for everyone. I will say -like I said above - that waiting till you are together for years, or even married, seems crazy to me. But you also shouldn't tell them right away -- For a while I decided that I would tell a couple of girlfriends right at the beginning, basically when we were still talking and getting to know each other, because if they thought it was gross or something, then why bother to continue? The problem with this mentality is that for women, they are much more accepting if they have feelings for a guy (and vice versa, honestly), so now my rule of thumb is to wait and tell them whenever I realize that I have really do like them and can possibly see it as a serious relationship. That could be anywhere from a few weeks to a few months into the relationship, and it may be smart to wait even longer to ensure that you aren't confusing any of your developing feelings for excitement over her accepting the fetish (I've done that before). The good news is, that if you wait till you know that you actually like her, then at that point she probably feels the same about you and will be open minded and even eager to hear what your secrets are. BUT, that brings me to my last point --

* Don't overdo it once you "come out" to them about your fetish. As you can tell from what I wrote above, in a couple of the relationships I think I took it too far, and as a result it hurt the women I was with. Let them be the guide in letting you know what they are comfortable with, and don't get too greedy. Like anything else, she will sometimes be in the mood (to incorporate your fetish) and sometimes she won't. Don't get upset with her if on Tuesday she played preggo dress up, but on Saturday she didn't want to do it again. I've made this mistake, but hopefully I lived and learned.

Sorry for the long post - I definitely could ramble for hours about this topic, haha. Looking forward to hearing what others have to say as well!

Please do not repost any content I share, which is meant for members of this site only. Message me or email me at [email protected] if you're interested in private trades.
Liked by Preglore (Jul 21, 2015), Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015), orta03 (Mar 4, 2015), anselmus (Jan 12, 2015)
Thank you for your detailed response, Shotglass. Don't apologize! It's helpful to learn from your experiences so I can contemplate how I want to proceed in my current relationship. At this point I kind of like having this secret that she might figure out one day. When that day comes I'll just be honest and we'll see what happens. I'll provide updates here of course.
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
Thanks for the insight both rfuture4 and ShotGlass. This is something I am currently struggling with, with a new girlfriend.
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
Let us know if you need any further advice, Hellcat! Happy to help!
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
Thanks rfuture4, I actually have a thread in this section explaining where I'm at. It's "I guess it might be about time to delurk."
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)
My girlfriend made lots of erotic moves to support my pregnant fetish when she really was pregnant. Since though, nope. Unfortunately she has gained a lot of weight since then but fat =/= pregnant. Telling her was hard though, she's pretty conservative and not exactly open minded sexually. Acceptance was slow in the beginning.
Liked by Aranyosy (Mar 15, 2015)

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