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People who've gotten vaccinated, where y'all at?
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(January 13, 2022, 8:48 pm)tonythepreggoPony
(January 13, 2022, 8:32 pm)bellylover48 And finally, lets not forget:  Schools.  Here in Texas there's a laundry list of vaccines that children are *REQUIRED* to have in order to attend Texas public schools.  It's not a friendly suggestion.  It's a REQUIREMENT.  Oklahoma has a similar requirement list (I think there's maybe one difference.)  

That's what gets me. You don't get your kid vaccinated for school and the other adults will view you as a antivaxx moron. Yet not getting a Covid shot is somehow different, especially when it's free for literally everyone. I'm pretty sure you have to pay for those shots to be able to even enroll your kid into kindergarden.
Depends on your health insurance, the vaccination in question, and the manufacturer.  But yes, there is generally *SOME* cost.
Liked by AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022)
(January 13, 2022, 7:47 pm)LTKNT101 Nope we shouldn’t encourage anyone. Just like abortion it’s each person’s body and they have a right to decide what goes in it and what doesn’t go in it. For those that choose to get poked good for them but that doesn’t mean they have a right to push or “encourage” other people into getting poked if they don’t want to.

You can disagree with my opinion and that is perfectly okay because that’s what having an open discussion is all about. A respectful exchange of ideas even if some opinions on the subject don’t align.
I feel like this is more of an argument starter than a "respectful exchange". But then again, I see you a lot in confrontations around here.

But considering this is a legit life or death scenerio for millions of people, it's hard to justify using "it's my body, my rules when there's been literal stories of people calling covid a hoax and later regreting it later on their death beds.
Liked by AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022), hadeg (Jan 14, 2022)
I live near Boston. Scheduling booster my next project
Liked by Akhenaten (Mar 9, 2022), MaiPornStuff (Jan 14, 2022), hadeg (Jan 14, 2022)
(January 13, 2022, 8:32 pm)bellylover48 I *ALSO* approve of letting those that tempt fate to take themselves out of the gene pool, which also removes themselves from the public discussion.  While any avoidable loss of life is tragic, and I do have pity for their friends and families, I can not feel any sorrow for those individuals who pushed against vaccines and then died from the very thing they fought against protections from.
The same can be said for those who died after taking the vaccine because they suffered a fatal reaction to it. That’s what happened to one of my uncles. He was perfectly fine. Got the shots. Then he got sick and passed away. There is no doubt in my mind he would still be alive if he had not gotten vaccinated. As I said this is a freedom of choice issue. Ironically I was chatting with one if my friends earlier. She told me she was sick and feeling tired for 5 days with a fever after getting the first shot. I’m worried what is going to happen when she goes back and gets the booster but I will not “encourage” her to not get the booster. We are all responsible for the choices we make in life. 

Getting vaccinated is also tempting fate because no one knows how their body will respond to it.
(January 13, 2022, 10:51 pm)LTKNT101
(January 13, 2022, 8:32 pm)bellylover48 I *ALSO* approve of letting those that tempt fate to take themselves out of the gene pool, which also removes themselves from the public discussion.  While any avoidable loss of life is tragic, and I do have pity for their friends and families, I can not feel any sorrow for those individuals who pushed against vaccines and then died from the very thing they fought against protections from.
The same can be said for those who died after taking the vaccine because they suffered a fatal reaction to it. That’s what happened to one of my uncles. He was perfectly fine. Got the shots. Then he got sick and passed away. There is no doubt in my mind he would still be alive if he had not gotten vaccinated. As I said this is a freedom of choice issue. Ironically I was chatting with one if my friends earlier. She told me she was sick and feeling tired for 5 days with a fever after getting the first shot. I’m worried what is going to happen when she goes back and gets the booster but I will not “encourage” her to not get the booster. We are all responsible for the choices we make in life. 

Getting vaccinated is also tempting fate because no one knows how their body will respond to it.

I mean you can predict how your body will react to it within certain bounds. If you are immunocompromised, or suffer from an autoimmune disease or have allergies, or are in a risk category for certain side effects with a pre-existing medical condition there are legitimate reasons to not get vaccinated. There are a *lot* of people who are vaccine hesitant that do not have any of these conditions though. And are applying their own personal selection biases to the decision (anecdotes from friends and family, or fake news), which while understandable is not logical.

While it is your choice not to get vaccinated, it's illogical to not get vaccinated if you aren't in those risk categories. You are not exposing yourself to any greater risk than you would be from complications that come from contracting covid. The likelihood of you suffering serious or life threatening complications (even from Omicron which has better outcomes) is higher than having a serious adverse reaction to the vaccine. 

As a young man without pre-existing conditions, I think I had like.. a 0.006% chance or something of developing myocarditis from my second shot (don't quote me on the numbers, but I did look it up and it was really low)? It's still worth that risk to me to reduce the effect of the disease on myself, and reduce the risk of me infecting the older people in my family who *are* risks.

If I have a friend who had been strangled by a seatbelt in a horrible accident, me refusing to wear a seatbelt may be my choice. It may be understandable why I feel the way I do. It does not justify my refusal to wear a seatbelt as a logically sound decision. Unlike seatbelts though, vaccination affects the people around you as well. Even if it does not eliminate transmission it does reduce it.

I get that it's ultimately your choice to get vaccinated, but whether or not you choosing not to get vaccinated
1. contributes to burdening hospitals more (it does)
2. increases the risks for others around you (it does, and I'm willing to provide receipts for this as respectfully as I can)
aren't merely opinion

If you choose not to get vaccinated, at the very least own that unless you're in a high risk category that choice is not borne out of an understanding of the risks. It's borne from a fear of the risks you've seen and an ignorance of the risks you don't know about.
Liked by MaiPornStuff (Jan 14, 2022), AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022), hadeg (Jan 14, 2022), bellylover48 (Jan 13, 2022)
(January 13, 2022, 10:51 pm)LTKNT101 The same can be said for those who died after taking the vaccine because they suffered a fatal reaction to it. That’s what happened to one of my uncles. He was perfectly fine. Got the shots. Then he got sick and passed away. There is no doubt in my mind he would still be alive if he had not gotten vaccinated.

Sounds like he would've died anyway if he wasn't vaccinated and caught the virus. If he couldn't survive the virus in a netural state, then he would've had a rough time with the delta variant.
Liked by MaiPornStuff (Jan 14, 2022), hadeg (Jan 14, 2022), Thebige (Jan 13, 2022)
Back in 2000, I visited a friend of mine, LD.  Her grandmother had died in a car accident.  The medical examiner reported that if she had *NOT* been wearing her seatbelt, she probably would have survived.  As a result, LD refused to wear seatbelts.  As this was in the early heyday of the Internet, things like Google didn't really exist (and those that did weren't nearly as thorough.)  However, after having been through more than a few safety briefings (remember, Military Vet) I had a few juicy tidbits of information to throw her way.  The final straw that made her click it was the following:

"I'm not putting my car into gear until you buckle up."  

And here's the kicker:  If you're alone in a vehicle, yes, the seatbelt issue will solely affect you.  But what happens if you're in a vehicle with others?


This is a safety advert that will never be shown on US airwaves.  Thank goodness for the Internet.  While it certainly is a dramatic representation, it still shows how one person not wearing their seatbelt CAN INDEED drastically affect the health and safety of other occupants within the vehicle, all of whom were wearing theirs.
Liked by alexgraves (Jan 14, 2022), AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022), hadeg (Jan 14, 2022)
As predicted, there were going to be a few negative people here. Which as of now, have yet to provide a legit reason against getting vaccinated besides "muh body muh rules" and just pure selfishness.

But that's not going to stop this thread at all.
Liked by MaiPornStuff (Jan 14, 2022), AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022)
I am vaccinated with my booster shot I took last month and honestly I don’t see the problem. It is just a shot that mainly doesn’t hurt. Yes you will side effects like headaches, fatigue, soreness etc. But it only lasts a day or two and with my booster I had no side effects at all. Plus majority of the time places and doctors have the vaccines for free! So it is not like you are paying your way to get it. I encourage people to get, but a mandate though, that is more a tricky subject. Time is ticking before more places and jobs will have you require to have it. That is it!
Liked by MaiPornStuff (Jan 14, 2022), AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022)
I'm scheduled to get my booster in February.

The issue is that immunity to all coronaviruses in general isn't long lasting. Roughly 15% of common cold cases are cause by a coronavirus. People are going to have to get used to getting a yearly booster, like we already get for the flu, once COVID-19 reaches endemic status.

Regarding vaccine side effects, study after study has shown that a person is more likely to have serious side effects from infection by the virus, than from vaccination. For example, teens are six times more likely to get myocarditis from infection than from the vaccine, .045% vs .0067% respectively. All the people citing VAERS need to understand that it's for self-reporting incidents to allow for additional research. The reports may or may not be factually accurate, and anyone can submit an incident. I actually had some moderate respiratory inflammation for a few weeks after my second dose.

People have been accepting of vaccine mandates for attending school and enlisting in the military for decades now. I'd be interested to see every politician and media personality have to go on record and say if they've been fully vaccinated/boosted.
Liked by worldstar95 (Jan 14, 2022), AnonymousBump (Jan 14, 2022)

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