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What do you do for a living?
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I work as a note broker.
(November 23, 2020, 12:46 pm)Porkchop Lotus -
Good question! Prior to my recent forced retirement in January, I was an air traffic controller. I worked weird hours so I often had time to search for preggo's when everyone was working or sleeping. Definitely couldn't search for stuff at work but off times... absolutely!
Now that I'm retired, I have TOO MUCH time to do this!! ARGH!
Thank you for your (civil) service. You people don't get enough recognition for keeping air travel safe.
Liked by Bigmclargehuge (Nov 24, 2020), Akhenaten (Nov 24, 2020), OliviaCohen (Nov 24, 2020)
I draw house plans for a living. Quite busy right now even with the pandemic. Most be low interest rates.
Well I'm an accountant. I was a manager before the pandemic. I worked in a building where I was 1 of the only 2 guys there (the other was gay). There were 40 women in the building all attractive. Boy those outings were fun. Imagine sitting around women in hot outfts outside of work. Worked there for 7 years. I got the job during a recession.

My company started people working from home & it was right during the start of the virus. Then in March I get the call from my boss (a woman) saying my job was eliminated. She was crying but I hung up & yelled "Oh fuck!" But I found another job through looking online. Now I have a new Iphone 12 pro, Mac laptop, monitor & I already got the week off. I work from 9-5 & after that I'm done & they dont bother me on weekends.

Before that job 7 years ago: I worked in a nice accounting job. My boss was out of town & accidentally we t on a date with a married woman. The husbsnd found out & I was in the bosses room when the man came to work saying "you kissed & felt up ma wife!" I got my ass kicked (black eyes, lost 2 baby teeth, almost had an asthma attack). The boss found out & paid me big to not tell anyone. I told the guy who beat me up & when he found out, he paid me too. The guys wife also paid me to keep quiet. All this happened on my 1st week back in 2010. I called my sister (a lawyer) gave her the video of the guy beeting me up and the woman giving me money & they went to jail.

Lastly: the company went out of business 5 months later idk why.. I went to work, the building was empty. (Before the virus)
I'm a lead manager at a grocery yeah pretty much everything that has went wrong with year, I've seen and been through and then some. When people suddenly became stupid and emptied all of the shelves back in March, yeah I was there cleaning up the mess and making sure a stampede didn't happen. The 4th of July week, I was there making sure everyone didn't buy up all of the damn meat for their "precious" BBQs. The election and the days the followed, yeah I was there making sure customers AND employees didn't kill each other over the results. And now Thanksgivings almost here and while the parking lot is slammed full, the lines stretch almost halfway through the store, it's been a cake walk compared to March-October. 

I've had several employees quit, many of them good workers and great personalities because the job was too much for them. I've had to reset every department at least once since March. Do I hate my job? Not all at all. It beats sitting in a cubicle burning my eyes on a computer screen. Even the customers have began to realize how much shit the associates have been putting in and have been for the most part kind and appreciated to them. When someone comes up to you with tears in their eyes thanking you for having toilet paper or lysol in stock, it makes your day knowing that the person who's been traveling across the state all day (and sometimes even out of state) can finally go home with their heads held high. And that's the main reason I do it (that and I get paid surprisingly well, great insurance plan, 401K, retirement, and have a ton of OT, Vacation, Holiday pay, access to whatever I want as soon as the delivery truck arrives) As long as I can make at least 1 person's day, then my work wasn't in vain.

And to the people bitching about having to wear a mask inside for 15 minutes, try wearing it for damn near 10 hours straight and maybe then we wouldn't still be in lockdowns.
Liked by OliviaCohen (Nov 26, 2020), SPL (Nov 25, 2020), Akhenaten (Nov 25, 2020), (Nov 25, 2020)
I'm a DoorDash driver. That is all.
Liked by Akhenaten (Nov 25, 2020), (Nov 25, 2020)
User 19848
Big ups to the above two posters.

I'm a newscast director/video editor/master control operator for a local TV station.
Liked by OliviaCohen (Nov 26, 2020)
I work 1-day-a-week (usually) at a fast food restaurant and the remaining 5 days at a gas station.

Other than, I mostly try to write
i work for an investment firm. great hours, but not around anymore since the plague
I primarily do data analysis.

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