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JDD 98
(March 6, 2021, 1:47 am)alienbelly pregnant with twins  horny
Welcome! I'm enjoying myself here as I'm fairly new. Congratulations as well ? Available for RP an chat if wanted ?
JDD 98
Don't believe I introduced myself so here goes

I go by J. Love the arts, illustrating and animating especially. Other pass times/passions of mine are hiking, the gym and technology. Building a PC at this time, excited for my ne graphics card.

In regards to pregnancy, I've had interests/attraction to the idea of it since I was very young. Something very beautiful about motherhood, the meaning of it, what comes with it, and the physical beauty of the changes that occur. It's exciting, wonderful, and sensual too me. I look forward to the day in the future when I can settle with someone and become a dad. In the meantime I'm focusing on my goals until fate aligns haha.

Glad to be here with like minded folk, thanks
Hello my Name Is Jimmy,I'm from New Jersey I'm 37,never had a girlfriend or Relationship Before(I might get mocked for that),I always loved Pregnant Celebs(that's my favorite thread on here,I had my fetish since 10,11)I work at Home Depot for 13 years.I watered all the plants, then cartboy & now I'm a janitor..I Enjoy & collect films for a long time which I have my own F.Y.E & Suncoast(when they go out of Business). in my CDs..Wwef Wrestling,Facebook..YouTube..Instagram..Ana De Armas Is My #1 on my Most Wanted List(she's been in the biz 15 years,6 in America so I'm More Then Beyond Itching To See That) I love makinglists of my Most Wanted Preggo Celebs(ie:Chloe Moretz,Samara Weaving,Salma Hayek #2 if that's still possible,Jen Lawrence,Camilla Car bello(Ana's Younger Twin Sis cuz she looks like her) Dove Cameron..just to name a Few.. Thanks n have a great day Everyone
Liked by rockysoulstar (May 21, 2021), alexnj (Apr 11, 2021)
User 34491
(October 20, 2013, 10:21 pm)Admin Pregnant? Attracted to being pregnant? Just curious? Female members are invited to introduce themselves here!

Feel free to include some pictures or a personal website/page. Everyone is welcome to comment on these introductions.
I love the idea of being pregnant and always have. Never been pregnant but I pretend so often that my belly can grow in decent size now! I've never taken pics until recently, here's my best one
Liked by 12 members: (Mar 22, 2023), Dombi (Aug 6, 2021), dumpdump90 (Jun 2, 2021), Baelthar (May 27, 2021), bumpbaker (May 22, 2021), hughman (May 9, 2021), ilcarpw (Apr 26, 2021), fernandofr (Apr 26, 2021), zzz (Apr 26, 2021), sandra (Apr 16, 2021), Preggolove94 (Apr 4, 2021), rubenger (Apr 3, 2021)

I'm Blake. I'm looking to rp, chat, and possible meet people.

About my kink: There are women, and then there are pregnant women. I like a woman that walks around heavy and proud, flaunting and showing off, putting on a display. Turning around sideways for reason and not. I'm not sure which impresses me more, the full frontal view, or the side view where you can see how far her belly stretches from her body, how that magnificent swollen orb of womanliness reaches out and rounds from her body, to the point that maybe makes you wonder how it's all possible. Achieving the epitome of womanhood, is how I see it.

The pregnant belly to me, is arguably a woman's biggest sex organ. I like exploring her whole body with her, the body that's been violently and deeply changed by the pregnancy, I want her to tell me everything, and I want to touch, feel, squeeze, and penetrate her. I want to hear, see, and feel how much she changed. Guide and direct me to what happened to her body over the months, and me telling her things I notice, feel, and see that has changed, that she didn't. I find it fascinating....and terribly arousing.

I revel in the idea of physically bonding with a woman carrying and growing life, soothing her aches, massaging her walls, stimulating her milky breasts to help them produce more. Helping prepare her body and finalize her pregnancy of sorts. Letting her physically and mentally connect to Man through coitus in such needy times, would help tremendously with her overall well being. The way I see it, Man plays a huge role aiding and holding the woman's hand throughout the journey...

High or low carriage, Linea Nigra, Stretch marks, Popped out belly button, Large veiny breasts, Dark sensitive areolas, Engorged walls, Lowered Cervix...All of it. I want to indulge and revel in all of it...

Don't be afraid to say hello!
(October 2, 2020, 12:28 pm)Kattattak Hello, all!
As my husband and I gear up for our third pregnancy, I thought it would be nice to be able to share it with all you lovely folks. While I do not share the pregnancy fetish, my husband does and I very much enjoyed being the object of his affection while carrying our two kids. 

In participating in this site, I hope to provide insight and support to anyone that is interested in perspective from a partner or pregnant woman. I'm fully open, so feel free to ask me anything-- there are no questions too personal or that I will think are weird or gross. I'm looking forward to open dialogue with you!

Below is a photo from my last pregnancy (which apparently I can't figure out how the hell to flip the right way), more to come with the next!
Very nice to meet you and thank you for letting us in on your pregnancy progression.. i look forward to more
Hey everyone!  I'm a long, long, long time member who has basically lurked in the background rather than getting involved but decided recently it was time to come out my shell and get involved and share in the love of this great fetish we all have.

I'm Phil, I'm from the UK.  35 years old and had a thing for pregnant girls since my early teens.  Reminds me of a documentary film I watched years ago about pro wrestling called Beyond the Mat, the opening line by the narrator was "I don't know why I like it, I just always have".  It's how I define my pregnancy fetish.  I can't explain it, really, but I know I like it haha!

Definitely love the celebrity section of the forum and spend most my time browsing around in there and have a list as long as a piece of string of favourite celebs who have been pregnant, are currently pregnant or I'd like to see pregnant.

Hoping to meet a lot of similar minded people on here, hence why I've decided to become active.  I am always up for a hot chat via messenger with anyone else who wants to talk about pregnant bellies or maybe even pregnant roleplay.  I am a very open minded guy so I am up for quite a lot, truth be told.  Always up for trying new things.

Drop me a private message if you ever wanna chat!
Liked by Ripjaw (May 22, 2021)
hiii :3 i'm new to this site~ my bf actually introduced me to this and i couldn't help but join with him!! we've been trying ever since we met cx

i'm a 19 yr old girl who has soooo many fetishes and i love the idea of getting bred :3
if you relate, we should be friends <3
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Liked by Blace (Jun 3, 2021), Breeders (May 22, 2021), ehud83 (May 21, 2021)

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