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The declining birthrate in Japan and Korea.
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these countries now have extremely low birth rate according to the news.

that could be the reason why JAVs with pregnant content are rare nowadays. 

but also, i think these countries should push for more pregnant content as a way to, you know, encourage people to make more babies. not just limiting to JAV but also Manga, Hentai and other type of media.  it could work in a certain way i think. 

all in all, if you care about JAV like i do, as these countries attempt to increase birth rate, we should see more pregnant content one way or another in the future. 

what do you guys think on the matter?
This isn't anything new. Japan's birthrate has been on the decline for almost 2 decades now. A better theory is that the format is slowly fading out. It's getting harder to find pregnant women willing to be filmed for 2-4 hours over the course of several sessions. And given the internal conflict Japan is dealing with regarding pornography as a whole, I have low expectations for any increase in JAVs for the forseeable future.
Liked by RJ4444 (Jun 18, 2024), bencart333 (Jun 11, 2024), Chinchil (Jun 10, 2024), Spambasket (Jun 9, 2024)
A friend of mine hooked up with a girl at a ski resort and they had to get morning after pill. He said it was like $400, because they're trying to make it hard to avoid contraception.

Love the fantasy of the government creating incentives for creation of Pregnancy porn to bolster birth rates.

A more real world alternative could be to offer cash incentives for surrogates, and reimburse couples with fertility issues who want kids.
(June 10, 2024, 9:22 pm)JackLazarus A more real world alternative could be to offer cash incentives for surrogates, and reimburse couples with fertility issues who want kids.

Surrogacy is still rare and controversal in Japan. There's a reason why a lot of LGBT couples in Japan come to the US for surrogacy.

The second reason is that the yen is still horrible and raising a child in Japan is still not worth it, even after the childbirth allowance that Japan gives out.
Liked by RJ4444 (Jun 18, 2024)
Well, there are many reasons for the recent decline in the birth rate in Japan. Two major reasons are common among them. The one common among them is probably financial.

The increase in life expectancy has increased the per capita cost of pensions, and although it may be hard for people in other countries to believe, the income disparity is quite severe in Japan today, with the younger generation tending to have lower incomes.

Another major reason is that young people are no longer in love. The Vtuber that has been all the rage for several years is probably the best example of this.

Until now, anime characters have literally been residents of another dimension or world, but by having real people play these characters, Vtubers create the illusion that they can communicate with anime characters that they have never been able to reach before.

In sober reflection, they are merely avatars of real women. But point out that fact to some (or many) young people with little romantic experience, and they become surprisingly aggressive.

They earn little, have few opportunities to communicate with the opposite sex, and even a small income is consumed to attract the attention of Vtubers. I don't know how it looks from an overseas perspective, but at least as a Japanese person, I believe that the future of Japanese youth is not bright.
(June 18, 2024, 6:05 am)marururun Well, there are many reasons for the recent decline in the birth rate in Japan. Two major reasons are common among them. The one common among them is probably financial.

The increase in life expectancy has increased the per capita cost of pensions, and although it may be hard for people in other countries to believe, the income disparity is quite severe in Japan today, with the younger generation tending to have lower incomes.

Another major reason is that young people are no longer in love. The Vtuber that has been all the rage for several years is probably the best example of this.

Until now, anime characters have literally been residents of another dimension or world, but by having real people play these characters, Vtubers create the illusion that they can communicate with anime characters that they have never been able to reach before.

In sober reflection, they are merely avatars of real women. But point out that fact to some (or many) young people with little romantic experience, and they become surprisingly aggressive.

They earn little, have few opportunities to communicate with the opposite sex, and even a small income is consumed to attract the attention of Vtubers. I don't know how it looks from an overseas perspective, but at least as a Japanese person, I believe that the future of Japanese youth is not bright.
This feels like it was written by AI lol
One big issue is oftentimes in how the local cultures treat women: Japan, China, and South Korea are all pretty bad places to be a woman, for example. Increasing education also provides opportunities outside of being a baby machine and organic housecleaning robot, something I'm VERY happy to have benefited from TBH. Now, add in the fact that we are, as a species, overburdening the planet by at least 6 billion people, and a declining birth rate starts actually being a good thing IMHO. Now, if someone made a genetic modification that made pregnancy A) non-mentally altering, B) safe, and C) completely controllable, with indefinite healthy lifespan to boot so that we didn't HAVE to sacrifice independence for offspring, and birthrate would probably go right up. And faster, if you made is so that two women could have kids together au naturale, so to speak.
(June 18, 2024, 8:03 pm)Pregwifelover This feels like it was written by AI lol
I am translating Japanese into English before I write, which I think is making you feel uncomfortable. Sorry.
Liked by Preglore (Jun 19, 2024), Pregwifelover (Jun 19, 2024), deadname (Jun 19, 2024)
(June 19, 2024, 1:31 am)marururun
(June 18, 2024, 8:03 pm)Pregwifelover This feels like it was written by AI lol
I am translating Japanese into English before I write, which I think is making you feel uncomfortable. Sorry.
There's nothing to apologize for! Translation between any languages is difficult for programs to do. Translation between Japanese and English is especially difficult because the grammar is so different and both languages require a lot of cultural context.

I am not Japanese, so it's not necessarily for me to speak on, but I've heard from friends that the work culture of Japan is a big contributor as well. Ridiculously long hours will harm anyone's ability to lead a normal life, as we're also seeing the effects of in America.

It's hard to want to bring a child into the world we've inherited, maybe especially so where cultures demean us for not having more to show for all our work.
(June 19, 2024, 1:31 am)marururun I am translating Japanese into English before I write, which I think is making you feel uncomfortable. Sorry.
No, it is because of the formal writing style. While that is easier to translate, it can feel less natural to read. Don't worry, accuracy is more important here. It's good to get the opinion of someone from one the countries being discussed.
日本語が少し分かるんで、でもちょっと下手んだよ www

I see Vtubers as the next stage of idol culture. Now people have easy and almost daily personal interaction with their favorite Vtuber. Unlike with anime, the people who portray Vtubers are not simply actors. They are adding parts of their own personality and lives to a fictional character, and this makes them feel real. People end up developing a one-sided relationship and see them as real friends. Why risk getting rejected by a real person when Vtubers always love their fans.

I think Japan's work culture is also a big factor. Women want to work after getting married, but it seems that Japanese companies tend to not have good maternity leave or childcare. This is still a problem even in America. I assume the older generations who are in charge of the companies hold the traditional idea of women quitting work after marriage. At the same time, men are expected to work until night, but aren't being paid enough to afford a home or support a whole family anymore. I hope this starts to change.
Liked by RJ4444 (Jun 22, 2024)

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