Story Request--Similar Interests
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This was one of my favorite stories back on the old PregnantCommunity site before it went down. Did anyone manage to save it before the site's demise? It has been included on various other sites but I can't seem to find it. It involves a man meeting a massively pregnant woman and ,after flirting with her, she takes him back to her place where they fuck.

It's a good read, good stuff. I'd appreciate it if someone has a copy or link.
that's nearly every story. Do you have any specifics?
Similar Interests

I had just picked up my order from this deli near my apartment and was walking around to find a place to sit. As I walked past a booth, the woman sitting there dropped a magazine she had lying next to her. I bent down to pick it up for her.

“Oh, thank you,” she said. I smiled and said it was no problem, then I saw the magazine’s cover.

“You read The Narwal? I thought I was the only one who got this!” I said, surprised. She laughed and said she thought the same thing, then asked me what I thought about the short story in last month’s issue about the train conductor’s son. After a few seconds of discussion, she asked me to sit down with her.

I gladly obliged, and she introduced herself as Megan. She wasn’t just interesting to talk about, but she was also gorgeous. She had long, wavy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Whenever I’d make a joke, she’d give a great laugh and I could see her soft, pink lips dance. After about ten minutes of talking about short stories, movies, and other sorts of chit-chat, she started to move out of her seat.

“I’m going to get some more napkins,” she said. As she got up, I saw what the table had obscured: Megan was pregnant. I was too stunned to get a good look at her, but she was definitely pretty far along. I stirred in my seat, trying to pull down my shirt to hide my now-growing erection. As long as I can remember being attracted to girls, I’ve always had a special affinity for pregnant women.

As Megan walked back, I got a much better look at her. She was wearing a very tight t-shirt, so I got a fantastic idea of her full shape. Her belly was enormous, much larger than a typical pregnant woman’s is at full term. It jutted out and any weight she might have gained during the pregnancy seemed to be all in her belly, as she still had a svelte and curvy waist that I wanted to wrap my arms around.

Megan’s eyes met mine, and she let out a small laugh and she placed one hand on top of her belly.

“I guess you noticed, huh?” I laughed too, trying to seem casual.

“How many weeks are you?”

“Oh, asking weeks and not months? You really know your stuff,” she said, raising one eyebrow and sounding impressed. “I’m about 29 weeks along.” Internally, I was shocked. Megan looked like she could go into labor at any minute, but she’s still over two months away?

The conversation shifted somewhat to her current state. Megan told me she was actually a surrogate for her sister, who was also adopting a baby from China. I tried not to dwell too much on her pregnancy in case she thought I was getting creepy, and we went back to our previous conversation topics.

For a while, we were both just sitting in the deli talking, having both finished our meals about 10 minutes ago. Some couple or group a few tables away starting arguing loudly, and Megan winced comedically at me every time the pitch rose.

“Do you want to leave?” I asked with a smirk. She nodded enthusiastically, and we both threw our trash away and went out the door. As we stood outside on the sidewalk, Megan gave out a small gasp and asked me if I’d ever read some book â a satirical piece on being an EMT driver. I told her I hadn’t and it sounded good.

“I have it at my apartment, you have to borrow it!” she said, pointing in some direction off to the right. “C’mon!”

I followed her; unable to believe what I was hearing. I walked beside her. Megan was quite a bit shorter than me, and as I looked down on her to talk, I could see her large belly as it bounced a little with each step. Her tight shirt also accentuated her massive breasts, which behind the shirt looked like firm, smooth softballs. My lower abdomen got a little damp with pre-cum, but I tried to hide my growing passion and lust for Megan.

We arrived at her apartment. The elevator had a sign on it that said it was out of order. Megan sighed, and as we walked to the stairs, she looked at me with big doe eyes.

“Can you help me up these? It’s a little hard with this,” she said, putting her hands on her belly and wiggling it for emphasis. I laughed and said it was fine with me. And believe me, it was.

“It’s only on the third floor,” she said, as we started up the stairs. I held one of her arms as the other held her belly from the bottom. She took deep breaths as she climbed, and despite needing my help, she actually moved more quickly that I would have thought looking at her. As we started up to the 3rd floor, she bent over slightly to catch her breath. I took my hand that wasn’t holding her arm and held that arm’s hand. I rubbed in with my index finger and thumb. Her skin was softer than any bed sheets I’ve ever slept in and was so smooth my fingers practically moved themselves.

“Alright?” I asked coyly. She smiled and nodded and we continued our voyage. Once we made it to the 3rd floor door, Megan reached her arm across my back and gave me a hug against the side of her body. For a brief moment, I felt her belly press against my torso. My impression was that I needed more contact with it, and with her.

“You’re great, thanks,” Megan said, walking me down the hall to her apartment. We walked inside, and she turned on the lights.

“Is it okay if I get myself a glass of water?” I asked, because my mouth had gotten dry from excitement and just from general thirst.

“No, go right ahead,” she said. “I’ll look for that book.” I went over to her sink and found myself a glass and had a drink. Megan called me from another room, and I followed her voice into what looked like her room. She was sitting on a bed, with the book in hand.

Megan patted her hand on the bed, with an excited look on her face. “Here, read this ‘By The Author,’ it’s hilarious!” Shaking nervously, I took off my shoes and sat down next to her quickly as we read along. It was actually really funny, and we both laughed hard. As our laughter subsided, our eyes met one another’s and Megan chuckled at the awkward silence.

“It’s nice to meet someone with the same interests as me,” I said.

“Is that your way of asking to meet me again?” Megan said, smiling devilishly.

I smiled back. “Yeah, I guess that was my next question.”

“It’s not too much trouble to have to help out a big, fat lady up and down town?” she said, shaking her head.

“I,” my mental filters were working on over-drive, “it’s no trouble, and besides, you look fine.”

“You mean besides the pregnant part, right?” My mental filters burned out at this point â it was just too much stress in a short period of time for the little guys.

“I actually find pregnancy very sexy in a woman,” I said, smiling like a 50s movie star. Megan gave me a very big “oh really” look and I immediately turned red and looked down sheepishly.

Then Megan put her hand on my chest and gently pushed me down to lie on the bed. “Tell me more about how you feel about pregnant women,” she said in an incredibly seductive voice.

I swallowed, and decided I had said enough already, so there wasn’t any point in being coy or evasive. “I find all the different parts of pregnancy attractive, but most of all I love the big, round, belly,” I said, pausing, and then adding, “like yours.”

Megan reached over to my arm and slowly dragged my hand against her belly. I felt my eyes bug out of my head and she must have noticed too, because she let out a huge laugh. “Hold on,” Megan said, getting out of bed and turning off the lights in the room before switching on a small lamp near the bed, giving me just enough light to see her come back to bed and lie down next to me.

“Do you have anywhere to go tonight?” Megan asked. I told her I didn’t have any plans, and she smiled, wrapping both hands around me in a hug. I tried to move my arms to accommodate our new position. I was lying on my back with one hand on her shoulder farthest from me, with the other hand resting on her belly, while both her hands were held together on my shoulder.

“This is nice,” I blurted out. I couldn’t see her face, but I felt her head move as she laughed. With one of her hands, Megan reached down and pulled up her shirt and moved my hand onto her bare skin. I felt my erection jolt as I rubbed my palms against her. I had never felt a pregnant woman’s belly before, and hers seemed like a great starter. Her skin was just as smooth and soft as her hand, but on her belly, it glistening with a bronze hue. Moving my hand around in small circles, I took in the warmth of her belly, which made my chest tingle like I had just had a lot to drink at once.

I started to rub her belly more gingerly, tracing my fingertips against her curves. Megan sighed deeply and hugged me more tightly, pulling herself closer. She moved her legs to wrap around mine and rested her head against my shoulder, nuzzling against me. I pulled closer as well, until her belly was pressed firmly against my side. Megan’s bare legs and belly were warm and made my body relax deeply as they touched me.

As I continued to take in Megan’s roundness with my hand, I moved my hand and began stroking her belly button. I felt her body shiver and she reached her head up and kissed me on the neck. Megan’s lips felt like tiny pillows, incredibly soft and firm, and so wet and moist that my body ached from the contact. She slipped one of her arms under my shirt and began to caress my bare chest, as she started speaking to me in a soft, sensual voice.

“When my sister asked me if I could think of anyone who carry her baby for her, I jumped at the chance,” Megan said. “I’ve always thought of being pregnant as being incredibly sexy.” I could feel the tip of my erection begin to burn with anticipation.

“You’re amazing,” I said back to her. Megan pulled my shoulder to roll me over. I was face to face with her now. She was blushing brightly and her eyes were now heavy and looking at me longingly. I reached my hand behind her head and felt her hair. It was silky and the hairs brushed my skin lightly as I pulled her closer. Megan held my chin with her hand and tried to pull her lips towards mine, which only pressed her belly and breasts more tightly against my body.

Bending towards her, Megan and I kissed gingerly. We separated, and she rubbed my chin and neck and laughed quietly. Immediately, we pulled back together and kissed more intensely. I felt her smooth, wet lips against my own, as her tongue lapped at my lips. I pressed my lips against her as well, as my hand slid down the side of her waist and held the side of her gorgeous belly.

Slowly, our arms wrapped around her other and we began to sit up, our mouths still locked in a passionate embrace.

“Let me take your shirt off,” Megan said as we separated. I gently lifted my arms and she leaned in close to me and reached over my back to grab the back of my shirt. As she pulled, my face was pressed against her breasts, which were as soft and firm as her belly. When my shirt came off, she pressed down on my chest to get me to lie down. With my back on the bed, she moved towards me on all fours and began slowly unzipping my pants. She pulled them off and then moved closer, placing her hands on my throbbing erection.

Megan purred as she slowly moved her hands up and down my cock through my underwear. I gripped the bed sheets as my balls tingled with anticipation. Just in time, Megan began slowly moving further towards me, bending down to kiss and lick my torso as she did. Her massive hanging belly rubbed against my erection and I reached my hands to squeeze the sides of her swollen womb as she came up. When we were face to face, I put my hand to her cheek. She laid down on top of me, her belly providing enough support to hold her, and placed her hand on top of mine, snuggling into my palm and closing her eyes.

“You’re the first person to hold me like this since I got pregnant,” Megan moaned. “Everyone is too intimidated by my belly.”

I pressed my hands against my shoulder and began to sit her up. “They’re intimidated because they know you’ve got power. You have the biggest, sexiest belly anyone’s ever seen.” I started to take her shirt off. When I got it over her head, I kissed her neck while she threw it to the floor. “How big is your belly?”

“Bigger than a beach ball,” Megan said, stroking my hair. I started kissing the top of her belly, which made her start breathing deeply.

“How many babies do you have in there?” I asked, working my way down her belly with my lips.

“The doctors say two, but I’m carrying triplets,” she said, her eyes closing as she let out a soft moan. “I can feel them kicking.”

“How much longer do you have?” I asked, beginning to lick and suck her rubbery belly button that stuck out like a nipple.

“Over two months,” she gasped out, as she removed her bra and began squeezing and pulling on her breasts.

I reached my hands around her pants and began to pull them off. Megan continued to rub herself as I pulled down her underwear.

“Oh, yes, yes,” she whispered, her voice now an octave higher. “Put a baby in me”

I lay down on the bed, my own underwear now off, holding my hands against her belly, ushering Megan towards me. “I’m going to make your belly swell with our child,” I said, my mind lost in the excitement.

Megan thrust herself onto my cock, and we both began pumping furiously against one another. Her pussy was so wet and tight it felt like her mouth was sucking on my erection. I leaned up and continued to lick and kiss her navel, as well as rub her belly, which was now slippery with sweat. Her gasps began to get louder and louder.

“I can feel my belly pressing down on me,” she moaned, one hand pinching one of her nipples, the other laying firmly on top of her belly. “Ooh, this is so intense!”

I felt my cock’s head begin to burn again, and I was already out of my head. “I’m going to fill your belly with my cum!” I yelled exhaustedly.

“We create new life!” Megan screamed, approaching climax as well. “We are gods!”

Then, a few moments later, Megan tried to scream, but a whimper came out. “I love you,” she whispered weakly.

We both orgasmed simultaneously. I gripped her butt and waist while pressing my face against her belly. One of her hands held the side of her belly while the other rubbed against my cheek. Megan’s voice squealed as I felt myself erupt inside her while her own pussy held my erection in a soft, sweet vice grip.

I took my cock out of her dripping vagina and held her in a tight hug, bringing her back down to the bed. Megan laid on top of me, wrapping her arms around my neck as I rubbed her beautiful belly.

"That was good," she said, a single tear streaming down her face.

"It was the best," I said back, kissing her on the cheek. "Let's do it again tomorrow."

Liked by Darkshade (Apr 24, 2021), Daniblacklist (Oct 28, 2020), Ewri1972 (Oct 28, 2020)
Thanks, really appreciate it
Sure thing. I have a few other stories from other authors saved as well.
oh haha that's actually one of my stories. I'll try and get as many that I still have uploaded now that I see people actually liked them
notabot, I actually love your writing, you're one of my favorites, here or
haha wow thanks

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