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Stories of Pregnant Teachers/Family Members
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I had an awesome experience today. When I was signing up for classes for my sophomore year, I chose gym because we had to take it twice and I just wanted to get it over with. This school year I learned that I was going to be in upper pe, which is mostly seniors. Needless to say, I didn't really want to be in that class, but then I learned something. The teacher was pregnant. I forgot about switching classes and was almost excited to be spending every other day with a pregnant woman. Since she's a gym teacher, she usually wears hoodies and sweatpants, occasionally t-shirts. I spent most of my time just watching her when I got the chance. I rarely spoke to her in class except for a few small exchanges. So today i was just like "might as well try,' and after class I struck up a conversation with her. I asked when she was going to leave, she said it would be after break. Then I asked how far along she was, she was eight months pregnant, which I did not know. Then finally came the time, and I asked if I could feel her belly. She was totally cool with it, she said that I was very hard. So I just took my hands and gave her belly a few small squeezes, and it was very firm indeed. It was awesome and I hope that I get the chance to do it again before she leaves.
Liked by 12 members: Caron (Jan 23, 2024), Colewhiteshaw (Jan 30, 2021), Chross24 (Aug 15, 2020), Pregmatic (Jun 12, 2020), BrownCow (May 23, 2020), PregnantBelly (Mar 26, 2020), pregnantfan123 (Oct 16, 2019), OliviaCohen (Jul 16, 2019), Pennican (May 20, 2019), Monopolus (Mar 17, 2019), bigboy23 (Mar 17, 2019), Preglore (Mar 15, 2019)
(March 15, 2019, 11:37 pm)lovingbelly I had an awesome experience today. When I was signing up for classes for my sophomore year, I chose gym because we had to take it twice and I just wanted to get it over with. This school year I learned that I was going to be in upper pe, which is mostly seniors. Needless to say, I didn't really want to be in that class, but then I learned something. The teacher was pregnant. I forgot about switching classes and was almost excited to be spending every other day with a pregnant woman. Since she's a gym teacher, she usually wears hoodies and sweatpants, occasionally t-shirts. I spent most of my time just watching her when I got the chance. I rarely spoke to her in class except for a few small exchanges. So today i was just like "might as well try,' and after class I struck up a conversation with her. I asked when she was going to leave, she said it would be after break. Then I asked how far along she was, she was eight months pregnant, which I did not know. Then finally came the time, and I asked if I could feel her belly. She was totally cool with it, she said that I was very hard. So I just took my hands and gave her belly a few small squeezes, and it was very firm indeed. It was awesome and I hope that I get the chance to do it again before she leaves.

Go for it, @lovingbelly! You can do it! Smile
Liked by (Jul 22, 2023)
My only relevant experience with a pregnant teacher was in junior high back in 2001. My Spanish teacher announced that she was pregnant just after Valentine's Day when she was about two months gone and, being a terrible student in general because I don't like to do homework, I had to take summer school. As it so happened, I had Spanish class with her. The whole summer. And I got to watch her grow -- and how. She was a fairly young mixed Latina at 26 years old, with deep blue eyes and long, dark blond hair framing a lovely, soft face. Her skin was always lightly tanned (even in the winter), standing at about five-foot-nothing, very athletic to begin with, and with some very nice curves that she sadly tried (but thankfully failed) to hide with modest dress. She was fairly slim at the waist, so it wasn't very long until she started to show even as her hips started to flare out. She was still more beautiful and absolutely glowing by June, by which time I had no opportunity nor even the courage to ask to feel her belly. That all changed during the summer and into the beginning of the next year.
Summer classes started in mid-July, so by then she was definitely in full bloom. I swear she must have been measuring pretty far ahead, since she looked way bigger than 7 months. I had been doing good in her class by the end of the second week (probably because I was paying such close attention now LOL) and she asked me if I could volunteer to do some menial work for her after class. Of course, being a good boy, I heartily accepted. I was also working part-time (READ: under the table) for another former Spanish teacher of ours (whom she had replaced) after school all summer, so I had a little money saved for snacks and the like: snacks that I "generously shared" with her. i.e. Bought especially for her. It was all chocolate and mints, which she requested after I gave her some of the "fun-sized" candy after class that I had stashed away in my book bag. She cutely remarked that the baby would get it in about six hours, and that the mints helped her with her nausea.
Half way through, towards the end of July, I finally worked up the courage to ask her as we walked to the parking lot after I asked her for a ride home. She gently guided my hand to the top of her belly when the baby was stretching and kicking. It was surreal, feeling little bumps and rolls against my palm, and her skin was warm and tight as a drum underneath her thin dress. She didn't mind that I kept exploring it after she started driving, for which she had to set her seat back almost comically far already. She could only take me halfway, which sucked, but I was grateful to be out of the sun and muggy heat, anyway. Sadly, she was only amenable to giving me rides once or twice a week, but I helped her do her filing and general cleaning and got plenty of time to "cop a feel" (after I asked of course). She teased me about that, by the way, using more-or-less those exact words -- and she never let me live it down after she saw me turn almost beet red. Even as her belly, hips, thighs, and chest filled out, the rest of her stayed thin and toned. To me, she was always "girl next door" drop-dead gorgeous even before she was pregnant (which is probably why my grades suddenly improved right before the end of year (LOL), and her being pregnant only drove me even more wild. By the by, her predecessor (whom I was working under the table for at this time) left to start his own business just before Thanksgiving break, IIRC, to give the district time to slot someone else in.
She always had this sweet smile when she came back into the classroom after hours and saw me there ready to help her, and I wasn't the only one at first, either. She was generally beloved by her students, most of them at any rate. I say 'came back' after she waddled as fast as she could after doing that familiar 'pee' dance for the last half-hour or so because she was basically forced to hold it for so long. Unfortunately, we had some real assholes in our summer group that she didn't want to leave unattended, not that I blamed her. One time, she was so desperate that she had to sit down and cross her legs super-tight, breathing deeply and massaging the sides of her belly to get the baby to calm down while making pained faces. Personally, I thought she was going to burst! She was always apologetic for it, saying that the baby liked to jump and dance on her bladder when she was about to pop a valve. It was easy to see why, too, always seeing rolls and bumps under her big dress even from across the room when I snuck a glance at her while slow-rolling the tidying up. As with all good things, it came to an end. At least for the time being. After the last day of summer class, I asked her if she was going to be in school next year. She said she was debating rather or not to take maternity leave before then, as she was already 34 weeks and measuring well ahead of that. She doubted that she'd even make it to her due date, and even if she did, she'd only be there for the first month, anyway. So, I gave her a bunch of chocolates and mints, y'know, "for the road," and made sure to give her belly one more good feel before she dropped me off about half-way home. I gave her a small hug and an affectionate pat on the belly, wishing her good luck with the birth and for the baby to come out healthy and soon before hopping out onto the sidewalk.
Well, the next school year began and I moved up the next Spanish class and to the senior high as a freshman. On a lark, I decided to go across the sky bridge between the two schools to the junior high to see if she was still there after school.
She was.
I saw her in her chair, sitting side-on to me just before she turned and noticed me there in the doorway. Her belly was that much bigger than I saw her last. She was a little bit startled because she didn't hear me walking up (and I've always had this strange ability no matter my footwear or walking surface oddly enough), but lit up a little when she saw that it was me. She immediately asked me what brought me by, and I said that I figured she'd need some help if she was going to be teaching at the start of the year, and I'd volunteered myself to come and help out. She said it was sweet of me and, after excusing herself to the bathroom, she came back and tasked me with aiding her. I organized her outlined lesson plans by page, made sure the worksheets were filed to her liking, etc. Like old times, I treated her with chocolates and mints, which she thanked me profusely for as she said she really needed the extra calories now. She told me she was 37 weeks now, and I joked asking if she was still sure it wasn't twins (she was enormous by now and seriously looked like she was expecting twins). She tiredly answered no and, after we were finished, she offered me a ride home. I was ecstatic, and kept my hand roaming over her belly as she drove. I visited almost every day for the next three weeks, sometimes just to shoot the shit when she didn't have anything else for me to do and if she wasn't too busy for me to visit her. She really blew up over that short time.

A couple of days out from her due date, as we were walking out to the parking lot, she kept commenting on how huge and tight her belly was, even repeating her husband's question of her having the baby that night the day before. She turned side-on to me and asked me if her belly felt overly-tense to me. "Tense," she says. Ha! I gently laid one hand on the small of her back and lightly pressed just below her bellybutton with my other palm. It was absolutely as hard as a rock! It seriously had zero give whatsoever. Of course, I said it was very tense! It must have stuck out well over a foot in front of her and even bulged out over and past her hips by then (you could easily tell that she was very, very pregnant even from behind), and I loved watching it swing back and forth as she waddled. Her belly button popped out pretty far under her dress, too, as if to attest to the immense pressure that she must have felt at that point. She said it must have been all of the water in her belly, and truthfully her baby needn't even be that big to make her appear huge, either, with just how small and petite she was. Remember, she's barely five feet tall and even still more on the small side. On her last day there, the day before her due date induction, she warned me as such. She was at the full and mighty 40 weeks now, telling me that her OB had finally told her that she for sure had quite an acute excess of water in her belly, and this would be the first time I had heard the term 'Polyhydramnios.' Hers had rapidly crept up into the severe range just in the last week for some unknown reason, which was why she was getting induced so soon. She was measuring at more than 46 weeks! Though, thankfully, aside from the typical discomfort of simply being so huge and ungainly, they strangely hadn't really suffered for it yet. So, better safe than sorry before anything bad happened, her doctor reasoned. Her huge baby still hadn't dropped at that point and her enormous belly just jutted straight out in front of her, and she wasn't even having that many practice contractions yet. She was so full that the top curve of her belly actually sloped ever-so-slightly upward right from under her chest, which had swelled two cup sizes to a full and very perky D, before arching out and down towards her bellybutton.
I was as sad as I was honestly happy and excited for her. She had confided in me that she had suffered a miscarriage before she came to teach us, at about four months along (she would have had a boy), and now she and her husband were just over the moon at the prospect of finally meeting their daughter -- especially after him making so many jokes about her size. It went like the last day of summer class, with me giving her all of the rest of my candy and mints before heading out, being sure to keep my hand on her belly as much I could, before hugging her and patting her belly and wishing her and the baby all the luck in the world. I had heard a while afterward that she had safely delivered a perfectly healthy 9-pound, 12-ounce baby girl, right on schedule.

I always think of her whenever I am modeling pregnant women in my head while plotting and writing pregnant erotica, an example of which I've already shared here a long time ago (but sadly haven't had the energy or motivation to finish), because she was just so perfect. As an aside, I still have no idea how or by what miracle I managed to hide from her my raging hard-ons during and after class, always pitching tents as I was even in the baggy denim shorts I usually wore.
As for "copping more feels," as it were, I've actually long since steered away from pursuing that directly. Don't get me wrong, I still won't turn down a chance if and when it presents itself, but I hardly leave the house except for work, food, and vehicular maintenance. That's because I'm mostly just working on getting my shit together so I can eventually settle down with a lovely young woman who wants to start a family with me. I've been wanting kids of my own for a while now, and my sister recently having her daughter has really made me want that all the more.
Liked by 36 members: Generictoaster (Mar 24, 2024), Caron (Jan 23, 2024), nursultantulyakby (Jan 10, 2024), Heydatsprettygud (Dec 20, 2023), oBoxx (Mar 19, 2023), chops79 (Dec 30, 2022), EchidnaTea (Sep 12, 2022), Fredf69 (Jul 24, 2022), (Jul 18, 2022), kenstar (Mar 12, 2022), jfingers (Jan 29, 2022), Chairmanlmao69 (Jun 26, 2021), Pregbelly15 (May 29, 2021), Artnonymus1264 (May 19, 2021), Colewhiteshaw (Jan 30, 2021), PregoKiller0965 (Dec 15, 2020), Chross24 (Aug 15, 2020), BrownCow (May 23, 2020), PregnantBelly (Mar 26, 2020), SPL (Jan 18, 2020), TheLemmerPie (Dec 4, 2019), pregnantfan123 (Oct 16, 2019), lovingbelly (Sep 14, 2019), bellylover48 (Jul 16, 2019), OliviaCohen (Jul 16, 2019), AnonymousBump (Jul 15, 2019), Thebige (Jul 13, 2019), Pennican (May 20, 2019), Monopolus (Mar 17, 2019), (Mar 17, 2019), bigboy23 (Mar 17, 2019), Preglore (Mar 17, 2019), Ewri1972 (Mar 17, 2019), Pregpool (Mar 17, 2019), janaie13 (Mar 17, 2019), colt3654 (Mar 17, 2019)
Wow, very interesting
Resurrecting this, but I thought I’d add my memories and give my perspective as a woman, and a pregnant one at that.

From the time we are little, girls are made aware that one day we can be mommies. Babies, we are told, cone from mommies tummys! I first really became fascinated with this when i would play at my friend shannon’s house when I was 4 or 5. Her mom was pregnant and as she got bigger, i became fascinated withbthe growing belly and that there was a baby in there. All i knew is that i wanted a baby in my tummy someday. Whenever we would play house or play mommies or whatever, i would put things under my shirt and make sure everyone knew i was “expecting” or “pregnant”.
Later, we found out that the baby got inside a mommy from humping with the daddy. This was an exiting new piece of information and added sort of a “dirty” exciting edge to the whole thing. I used to wonder which of the boys in my class i would hump someday to get a baby growing in me.
In the third grade, Meredith, a high school girl who had babysat for me foubd herself pregnant. I thought the scandal was exciting! Grownups whispered about her!
She had always been the girl in the blick i looked up to. One day I approached her whike she was sitting in the park behind our houses. We started talking and she let me feel her baby move!! I couldn’t believe it. Being Neredith, she also showed me her boobs and she tild me what us was like to have sex, to find out toure pregnant in high school and to tell your boyfriend and parents. She knew she was the scandal of the neighborhood, but didnt mind, or at least pretended not to. She even confessed to still having sex with her boyfriend.
Not long after she had her baby, i convinced ny friends to play “pregnant teenagers”. Somebody ratted us out, though and I got a talking to from my mom.
Then- just before I started the sixth grade, my (single) mom sat me down. She looked embarassed and had sonething she wanted to tell me. Did I remember John? (the guy she dated for a few months then broke up with when she “discovered” he was married) Yes, i did, but I couldn’t see the relevance, and i never liked him too much. Well, you know, she conty, sonetimes grown ups have sex. Eeew! Yes, i knew, but this had nothing to do with me, and we’d already had the bitds and bees talk. Well, she confessed, she and John had had sex a few times, and something unexpected happened, but it was going to be a good thing. Then she came out with it: “I’m going to have a baby, and John is the father, but he’s not going to be a part of our lives.” I was shocked and appalled. My mom having sex? My mom pregnant? (On this count, i was also in the back if my mind jealous.) What would my friends think? To be truthful, once it got out, she did take meredith’s old place as the fallen woman of the neighborhood. It was embarrassing at 12 to have your mom pick you up it cime to a soccer game when she was hugely pregnant and scandalously single. I binded that year with maria, the inly puerto rican girl in my class. Her mom was pregnant too, and due just a few weeks after mine. She wasn’t married either.
In the last trimester if mom’s pregnancy, she introduced me to her new friend from work, David. David made her happy, she said, and took her mind iff of things. Late at night, when she thought i was asleep, i could hear David come over. I could hear them laugh and even kiss! Then they’d ho into her room and i heard noises id never heard before. The bed would rock, and i’d hear mom making funny noises ir saying yes! Yes! It was maybe the second or third time when i figured iit out. They were having sex! And mom was pregnant! I mean really pregnant! Dave would leave early in the morning before i woke up.This went on until right before my little brother was born. I never mentioned it, it seemed like mom would have been embarassed. I had another reason too. I was beginning puberty. My breasts were beginning to swell, i had some pubic hair. My period waited another year, but i’d read sim kind of sex manual my friend jessica had snuck frim her parents. It talked about masturbation and this thing called the clitoris. Once I located mine, a new world opened to me. When mom and dave were going st it, i’d play with my clit and pretend i was pregnant Meredith having sex with my boyfriend. After mom had my little brother, dave stopped coming around, but mom seemed ok with that. Guess she needed her fun and found a willing partner.

After that- letsee...i went through highschool knowing that getting pregnant would be a really bad move, even if it made me totally hot on one level. No girks got pregnant my first three years. The first day of my senior year, though. Two girls showed up obviously knocked up. Another three were also, but we wouldn’t know that fir a few months. I’d always been sort if frendly with ine if them, tammy. She was the inly ine still pregnant and still in school when we graduated. She and i had a free period together, and instead of study i badgered her wanting to know everything. She tolerated this, and my bidy would ache wanting to be in her position.

Once I actually got pregnant, i was shocked as hell. I hadn’t been expecting it or planning on it, but i mafe the decision to keep it. I hooked up with my current bf when i was about 10 weeks along. We followed the same hastag on instagram and he commented on a comment i left. Then he slid into my dms and we met. I wasn’t showing, and wasn’t going to tell him, i just wanted a quicky while i still looked skinny. We hit if off really good, thiugh, and one night i called him up and broke down crying. I tild him what was up and that I understood if he was dime with us. He came iver, though and we talked all night. He was happy for me. I already knew he liked girls who weren’t (at least visibly) pregnant, but it turns out he thinks pregnant girls can be sexy too.

I don’t want to make it sound like this is just some mutual fetish thing. Out lives will be changing drastically soon. The baby is more important than anything, including the sexual nature of my pregnancy.

But, its been sooo good to have him with me. Whether its just offering his moral support, taking care of me and doing things for me as i get bigger, helping decorate the baby’s room, taking me to my ob appointments and holding my hand in the ultrasound table, giving ne backrubs and bellyrubs, holding me close and whispering in my ear, cuddling next to me and caressing my belly and talking to my baby and feeling her kick and squirm, being my partner in the labor and delivery classes, he has been the sweetest, best thing ever. I know it sounds crazy, but i really think we might be together from here on out.

Then, there’s the sex. I had a decrease in my sex drive at one point early on in my pregnancy, when i felt like shit, and i goota trll you. Being pregnant is magucal, beautiful, sexy and all that, it is also hard and there are definitely bad days. Most if the time, we screw more than once a day even if im feeling ivky. On a good day like today? We have done it five times since we started browsing here.
Our favorite positions are me on top, diggy, reverse cowgirl and a modified missionary we have worked out. Im 33 weeks, big with a baby in me and we fuck like bunnies.
Liked by 16 members: Bavarian Boy (Dec 20, 2023), infinitegest (Jul 27, 2023), chops79 (Dec 30, 2022), EchidnaTea (Sep 12, 2022), nunya2013 (Apr 11, 2021), Colewhiteshaw (Jan 30, 2021), Chross24 (Aug 15, 2020), pregnantfan123 (Dec 28, 2019), jfingers (Sep 14, 2019), egnever23 (Aug 12, 2019), AnonymousBump (Jul 15, 2019), batman1432 (Jul 13, 2019), (Jul 10, 2019), PreggoPlaza (Jul 8, 2019), OliviaCohen (Jul 8, 2019), bumpbaker (Jul 7, 2019)
Other than the many grammatical errors, good story. Any pics of your belly you would like to share?
Liked by pregnantfan123 (Dec 28, 2019), hadeg (Jul 8, 2019)
I'm the oldest of 7 children and 5 of my six siblings were born before I was 10, the last when I was 15. To give some background I've always being attracted in some way to pregnancy, In P3(so age 6-7) my teacher was pregnant and i remember being attracted, not sexually attracted, just attracted, to her belly. That's the first time I remember being attracted to a pregnant woman and over the years i remember being attracted to random pregnant women I saw. Fast forward to age 11 when I started typing Naked women into Google. I was feeling curious and searched for naked pregnant women and when I saw them I loved it. I have two main subfetishes within the pregnancy fetish - pregnant petite blonde teens and pregnant mature bbw. My mother is quite large(fat) and was 40/41 during her last pregnancy so she fit right into my subfetish. When she started showing I started finding her sexier and sexier and I saw her naked and in her bra and found her absolutely massive belly and dark areolas on her tits that were so saggy that they rested on her belly so sexy. When she sat on the sofa with her top open on her belly feeling my sibling move I got so horny a few times that I left the room and even went into the bathroom to have a wank to it. I've never thought that she was nice looking other than her pregnant belly and tits. Even today, two and a half years after, I get hard if I think about it and masturbate to it.
Liked by Bavarian Boy (Nov 12, 2023), PBL69 (Sep 22, 2023), trmbnlvr (Dec 22, 2022), nunya2013 (Mar 12, 2022)
I was always kind of mesmerized by the sight of a baby going wild inside it's mother's belly. The thought of her having no control to stop what's causing her discomfort always turns me on.

These thoughts have been with me since the day my 10th grade English teacher allowed me to feel her belly the day she went on maternity-leave. As you can probably imagine, her belly was huge!

Before I left the classroom for recess, she asked me if I could wipe the whiteboard clean. Naturally, I agreed and she complimented me for having always been so helpful to her in these last few weeks.

Then, after I returned the wipes to my teacher, she suddenly groaned holding her belly on both sides. I remember her saying: "Ooof... Looks like he's awake again. Can't give his mommy a break."

I could only stare in pleasure at her seemingly never-ending discomfort. My teacher noticed my stare and asked me, if I would like to feel her baby moving. I looked around and noticed I was the only student left in the room.

So, I nervously agreed. She then proceeded to unbutton her straining blouse for me, revealing her bare belly to me. My teacher smiled at me and said in a reassuring manner: "Come on. I don't bite."

She grabbed my hand and put it on her belly. At this point, I was as hard as a rock. Luckily my jeans held my erection at bay. Her belly had that faint line going down from her popped bellybutton.

This was also the time my fetish for outies was born. A big kork-like knob sticking out from her stretchmark-free babybump. Like a flag on a mountain that says, this baby has conquered your womb.

I saw her belly shifting and moving as her baby appeared to stretch its limbs. After a foot kicked against my palms I laughed and said: "Could be the next Ronaldo the way he's kicking."

We were both enjoying this moment, but she stopped me before I could touch her outie. "I wish we could to this longer, but he's kicking my bladder again. Anyway, enjoy your recess!"

I thanked her for this experience, which in reality only lasted a minute, but felt like hours to me. Later that day when the time to say goodbye came, our teacher was willing to give each of her students a big hug.

When it was finally my turn, she opened her arms for me and embraced me in all of her pregnant glory. I tried keeping a tight grip around her back, so that her unavoidable belly would push against my groin.

I could feel her outie digging into my abs and she casually apologized for her baby keeping us apart. I looked down at her belly one last time and gave it a goodbye pat. That was probably uncalled for but she didn't mind.

I am so thankful for having had such a cool and gorgeous teacher that allowed me to experience one of pregnancys many wonders! Even after all these years I'm still dreaming about her.

Note: I might write a more detailed post on her pregnancy sometime later, since I don't have much time right now. Luckily, this wasn't my last encounter with my pregnant teacher!
Liked by 24 members: bellyhunter (Mar 26, 2024), Pregbelly15 (Feb 24, 2024), theamtram (Feb 5, 2024), Caron (Jan 24, 2024), Da2v (Sep 19, 2023), (Jul 22, 2023), oBoxx (Mar 19, 2023), EchidnaTea (Sep 12, 2022), Artnonymus1264 (May 19, 2021), Chross24 (Aug 15, 2020), BrownCow (May 23, 2020), PregnantBelly (Mar 26, 2020), PreggoPlaza (Jul 21, 2019), skspg99 (Jul 18, 2019), Akhenaten (Jul 17, 2019), bellylover48 (Jul 16, 2019), Bellyfan27 (Jul 16, 2019), OliviaCohen (Jul 16, 2019), hadeg (Jul 15, 2019), AnonymousBump (Jul 15, 2019), Pregpool (Jul 15, 2019), Thall954 (Jul 15, 2019), bigboy23 (Jul 15, 2019), Nighttime (Jul 15, 2019)
(July 13, 2019, 9:12 pm)preggome93 I'm the oldest of 7 children and 5 of my six siblings were born before I was 10, the last when I was 15. To give some background I've always being attracted in some way to pregnancy, In P3(so age 6-7) my teacher was pregnant and i remember being attracted, not sexually attracted, just attracted, to her belly. That's the first time I remember being attracted to a pregnant woman and over the years i remember being attracted to random pregnant women I saw. Fast forward to age 11 when I started typing Naked women into Google. I was feeling curious and searched for naked pregnant women and when I saw them I loved it. I have two main subfetishes within the pregnancy fetish - pregnant petite blonde teens and pregnant mature bbw. My mother is quite large(fat) and was 40/41 during her last pregnancy so she fit right into my subfetish. When she started showing I started finding her sexier and sexier and I saw her naked and in her bra and found her absolutely massive belly and dark areolas on her tits that were so saggy that they rested on her belly so sexy. When she sat on the sofa with her top open on her belly feeling my sibling move I got so horny a few times that I left the room and even went into the bathroom to have a wank to it. I've never thought that she was nice looking other than her pregnant belly and tits. Even today, two and a half years after, I get hard if I think about it and masturbate to it.

Did you get to attend the birth??
Liked by PBL69 (Sep 22, 2023), pregnantfan123 (Oct 16, 2019), Thebige (Jul 15, 2019)
(July 15, 2019, 5:45 pm)gmtobehere1
(July 13, 2019, 9:12 pm)preggome93 I'm the oldest of 7 children and 5 of my six siblings were born before I was 10, the last when I was 15. To give some background I've always being attracted in some way to pregnancy, In P3(so age 6-7) my teacher was pregnant and i remember being attracted, not sexually attracted, just attracted, to her belly. That's the first time I remember being attracted to a pregnant woman and over the years i remember being attracted to random pregnant women I saw. Fast forward to age 11 when I started typing Naked women into Google. I was feeling curious and searched for naked pregnant women and when I saw them I loved it. I have two main subfetishes within the pregnancy fetish - pregnant petite blonde teens and pregnant mature bbw. My mother is quite large(fat) and was 40/41 during her last pregnancy so she fit right into my subfetish. When she started showing I started finding her sexier and sexier and I saw her naked and in her bra and found her absolutely massive belly and dark areolas on her tits that were so saggy that they rested on her belly so sexy. When she sat on the sofa with her top open on her belly feeling my sibling move I got so horny a few times that I left the room and even went into the bathroom to have a wank to it. I've never thought that she was nice looking other than her pregnant belly and tits. Even today, two and a half years after, I get hard if I think about it and masturbate to it.

Did you get to attend the birth??
No, but I like to imagine it!

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