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New Kid on the Block
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Heya, I know you guys have been asked this time and time again, so I'll make this brief.

What sites do you suggest going to for pictures, and how do you go about obtaining and sharing them without violating anything? I have a tumblr blog for pictures that I find exceptional, and want to share them as a +1 for the community. With that being said, I want to respect the ladies that I find, and would like to obtain said photos without emotionally scarring the community and the woman. Unlike a lot of people nowadays, I'm trying to make use of common sense and empathy.

Thank you in advance.
Whats up bud. Glad to have someone as enthusiastic but willing to at least figure it out.

Heres a small guide with some general tips

Check out the rules in the forum. But basically it comes down to Look, but don't touch. Meaning theres lots of ways to find sexy girls, but if you were to say, find a girl on instagram. Maybe dont follow her, or comment how you find her sexy, yadda yadda.

Anything on the internet is essentially public(unless you paid for it). You can save pictures or videos and post them here. The goal is to not creep any girls out. There's not really a gold mine of sexy preggo girls on any one site. Some people look through various tags on instagram. Some follow preg VLOGs on Youtube. Just don't post any links

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