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just found out the ex-is preg with twins
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I was just browsing the ole social media and noticed my ex-girlfriend from high school is pregnant with twins. We dated around 2 years ago and didn't stay in touch and now both in college (at least she was...). I can't believe she is not only pregnant but pregnant with twins. She never knew about my fascination/fetish. I'm not completely sure what to think about it because obviously I find girls who have twins amazing, and I was actually with someone who will now possibly become one of those epic pregnancies. She isn't a very big girl. I think she weighed around 100 pounds when we were dating. I'm just not sure what to think.. I kinda think its awesome lol. Anyone else had a situation anything like this with an ex getting preg?
Liked by preggomama3522 (Dec 23, 2013)
There's a girl I was really close to in middle/high school (not enough to call her an ex though)... she got pregnant in the middle of the undergrad years but baby daddy was an abusive shithead, ended up in jail, etc. She was lonely and I probably could have probably had some mutual fun together but I didn't even try. Stupid.

Not sure if that's what you're asking, though. You thinking about trying to get with her? Or is she still with the guy, or..? In any case, this type of situation is probably cool and fun to watch as long as you were OK with how the relationship ended. Otherwise I think I'd be a little frustrated...
I was actually ok with how it ended, never were all that serious. I actually think its kinda hot I get to watch someone I was with be pregnant with twins
Feel free to share please Smile
Sure, although she is still fairly early

She is about 16 weeks in the most recent photo
Liked by Guy4preg (Jun 13, 2018), TheHunter (Feb 21, 2014), Akhenaten (Dec 31, 2013)
Quite hot, man. Smile
very hot agree
Smile i loves pregnancy heartHeart  love pregnancy it gods gift of life and really hot round belly and like fertile bumps and love preggo women
Any chance you're willing to give us an update lasjuda? I gotta imagine she's starting to look pretty ripe.
I imagines she's popped or close to popping by now. Wonder how she turned out...
here's your "in." Basically show an interest like talk, chat, email, esp. FT since she has an iPhone. If you don't have one, get a cheap iPod. Spend time finding her interests and aligning your interest with hers. Ask about back pain, changes in appetite, the bio father (modulate this as needed, some like to talk about it less than others, and if it's a positive topic ask what she liked about him and creatively emulate that). Study up on pregnancy. The more you know, the better you can serve her interests and build a relationship with her. Also focus on some of the unpleasantries of pregnancy and research solutions: like constipation and probiotics, nausea and ginger, etc. And have no intention on having sex AT ALL! Girls when pregnant can smell that on a guy from miles away and the transition from wanting to procreate and serving they're biological of procreation changes these dynamics.
After you've built a solid rapport, you can then test the waters for intimacy time. AGAIN, never give any clue to having sex! Keep this completely out of your mind. Pretend like your harry potter to the sense your a virgin and its cute because your polite and unassuming. When I say intimacy, it could be sitting next to her and studying, watching movies, going out to eat. Just keep re-hashing your face in her mind. And make sure your clothes are washed with fabric softener. Women's sense of smell is heightened during this period and lavendar or saffron smells great.
Make your intentions purposeful for the soothing of the mother for the benefit of her children. There are studies all over the place proving the gestational environment has life long effects on the lives of her children. When she's feeling calm and relaxed, tell her your really good at soothing back aches. If she's willing, and you being a ex this shouldn't be a big deal, work on the muscles just to the side of her backbone. The goal is to gently pull the muscles away from the spine very slowly and without letting the muscles roll under the skin. If the muscles are rolling back to the spine as your apply pulling force away from it, your pulling either too hard/fast. It's uncomfortable when this happens. What you should notice is that what originally felt like steel cables will soften to squishy muscles. You should feel a slow yielding of the back muscles as they stretch out. Start high and work your way down the lower back. FYI, the shoulders are very erogenous and a gentile pinch of the traps while pulling will put her into full tilt. Always ask how it feels. Adjust accordingly. The litmus test is the lower back. If she's comfortable to gradual lower massaging then I think your good. Hope this helps. Good luck!

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