I'm looking for a story about a teacher that's pregnant and a stripper
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The main character just turned 18 and his friends take him to a stripclub because they know the teacher works there. Also they end up Haveing sex in the end. If any one knows about it I'd really appreciate the help.
It was story by Notabot on Deviantart (who I believe also posts here from time to time.) Unfortunately, it was removed due to being flagged.
Did anyone save it by chance?
Teacher's Second Job
by notabot999
Ryan was always a mix of excited and nervous when he had his class with Ms. DeRizzo. She was pregnant, he had a pregnancy fetish. It made for quite the mix. And not only was she pregnant, she was bursting at the seams. Mrs. DeRizzo was pregnant with triplets and she'd stayed teaching that year a lot longer than Ryan would have expected. Her blouse was straining at the threads to contain her swollen stomach, giving Ryan little glimpses of her stretched stomach skin in between the buttons. He could even see where she had a shirt on underneath to try and hide her bare belly from peaking out but she was too big for even that to be effective. That only made her hotter to her pregnancy-loving pupil. But as a young virginal student, he was nervous to be around a woman he was so viscerally attracted to, especially when she was his "superior" in the classroom. So as much as he loved seeing Mrs. DeRizzo waddle around the room and stroke her ripe curves, he felt panicked that he would stare too much or blurt something out or just generally get caught and have his fetish exposed.
But today, Ryan's emotional mix was even more fraught. Today was his 18th birthday so he was riding high most of the day. His friends already had a full night planned for him and he no longer had a bunch of arbitrary age barriers in his way to vote or see an R-rated movie or buy a lottery ticket, though to be honest he wasn't in a rush to start gambling. So he was naturally excited.
However, with that new age came some new expectations when he saw Ms. DeRizzo and her wide belly, plump rear, and heavy breasts move around the classroom. Now he was a man and he had a manly urge to do things with his pregnant teacher. What was keeping him from her, other than the student-teacher relationship? After all, everyone knew that Ms. DeRizzo was divorced and, despite the evidence in her womb, still single. When she announced her pregnancy to the school, there was the added caveat that she was a pregnancy surrogate. "Budget cuts," she told the students back when she was barely showing. "Need to make money on the side. I've already got three children of my own so I'm a good surrogacy candidate, even if I'm in my early 40s."
She didn't go into much other detail but to Ryan it symbolized a fantasy. She was already a sexy teacher but now she was not only going to be pregnant but she was still single? What was stopping him from making a move?
His own fears, as it turned out. Another day in school passed by and 18 year old Ryan acted the same as 17-year-and-364-and-a-quarter-days old Ryan. 
"Everyone, gather up the peer-graded essays and drop them on my desk," Ms. DeRizzo said as the period ended. She plopped down in her chair at her desk, letting out a big sigh and cradling her belly. Clearly, she was exhausted just from standing and waddling around the small space at the front of the room. "If one person could gather them up, please."
Ryan volunteered quickly, taking the papers from his classmates. It was an exercise in critical analysis; it wasn't so much the papers that were being graded but the students' ability to read and critique them. He walked to the front desk and slid them forward so Ms. DeRizzo wouldn't have to bend far forward to pick them up. "Here you go."
"Thank you, Ryan," she said, eyes seemingly on the stack. She wore very thick glasses that almost entirely obscured her eyes, but if he looked hard enough he could see they were a dark forest green. Her hair was long and light brown but she kept it up in a very tight bun, with one thick strand falling across her smooth face. Ms. DeRizzo had large, full cheeks that brought out her warm, tan skin and her plump pink lips curled as she scanned the first page, the little beauty mark beneath them moving around as she peeked. "And happy birthday, by the way. Is that right?"
"It is, thank you," Ryan said with a nervous chuckle. "I kind of thought you might have your birthday by now but, not yet I guess."
"Not yet, no," Ms. DeRizzo sighed, leaning back in her chair and putting both hands on her enormous belly. As she leaned back, Ryan could see more of her pregnant stomach stick out the bottom of her shirt, as her thick nub of a belly button poked through between two buttons. Her stomach skin was much redder than the rest of her olive-toned body. "They've still got a ways to go, despite how I look. And no maternity leave for a while either."
"No maternity leave? Even for triplets?" Ryan asked. He knew if he pried too much she might get suspicious but he was also genuinely curious. He liked seeing her big belly at school but at a certain point, it did seem unfair to keep her working.
"Budget cuts, like everything else. I already don't get much maternity leave because I'm a surrogate and they aren't my 'biological' children," Ms. DeRizzo said, clearly rolling her eyes from behind her glasses while doing air quotes with her fingers. "Plus with how little I make here, I have to take as many weeks of work as I can. You can thank the state legislature for all of that but...I can't say much more on school grounds or they count that as political speech which is a no-no for us teachers."
Ryan frowned, sad to see any teacher, particularly one this hot, so dejected. "Well...I hope you're at least getting a good paycheck for these kids. Triple the money, right?"
She finally smirked and let out a small laugh. "You'd think so." She gathered up the papers and looked up at Ryan, still smiling. "Thanks again."
"Yep," Ryan said, taking his cue to leave. One nice conversation with a hot preggo was better than nothing.

That night, after some brief birthday celebrations with his own family, Ryan's friends whisked him off to the downtown part of their city. His friends were already 18 and they promised him an unforgettable night, something they reiterated over and over again.
"Seriously, I can't believe what we found," Joey, the loud mouth of the group said as he drove them into the parking lot. "Alright, we're here. You all show him in."
As Ryan turned the corner and walked toward the building with his friends, he saw exactly where they were going. It was a strip club called Moonlight – not even the classiest strip club in town. He had never been but other high schoolers had always whispered and gossiped about its reputation. There was even talk that a few of the girls at his school danced there.
"I dunno guys, a strip club?" Ryan said, feeling butterflies in his stomach as they walked to the entrance.
"No, it's fun! It's just a place to goof around, trust me," Adnan, another of his friends said as he flashed his driver's license to the bouncer. "Besides, you're 18 now! You gotta try it at least once."
"Especially this one," Joey said, grinning as Ryan took out his license. The burly, stoic bouncer looked at it briefly, clearly doing the math in his head to see if Ryan was, in fact, 18. He wondered if he would tell him "happy birthday."
"If I catch you drinking, you're out of here," the bouncer said, handing the card back.
"Yep, got it," Ryan nodded, heading into the club at the insistence of his friends. It was darker inside than he was expecting, and a lot louder as the music pounded. Overall, it looked like any bar, save for the mirrors on the walls and the three stages with women either half naked or fully naked dancing on them. Ryan felt his face tingling as he watched these women dance, dipping down from the oiled up bars to spread their thick thighs andshake their exposed breasts in front of various patrons. He'd seen boobs on the internet and in movies, of course, but he'd never been in the same room as a naked pair of titties. He really was 18 now.
"Does he see her?" Adnan asked, shouting over the music to Joey.
"Nah. Hey, Ryan, lookit!" Joey said, putting his arm on Ryan's shoulder to guide his line of sight to the last stage on the left. "
why we had to come here!"
Ryan had to stop my jaw from dropping. Twirling around on a pole, though not very quickly, was a pregnant stripper. And she was VERY pregnant. Her belly was the size of a yoga ball, having to grow tall and not just wide to accommodate all that was inside of her. There were no stretch marks but her belly had a lot of thick blue veins, complete with a big popped out belly button with a golden piercing in it. The stripper had on a black bikini that looked almost leather plus dark high heels and a garter around her shapely thighs while she wore a pair of glasses on the tip of her nose.
As hot as he was, Ryan's first thought was panic. Why did his friends take him to see
in particular? Did...did they know about his pregnancy fetish? Did they take him here to show their support for his attraction or were they there to humiliate him?
Right before he could ask, Joey leaned in again so Ryan could hear him. "Recognize her?"
Ryan didn't understand but as he took one step forward, suddenly it became clear. Her long brown hair was down, her pink lips were covered with red lipstick, and her glasses were farther down her face than usual, but now he could see it. It was Ms. DeRizzo, his pregnant teacher, stripping and dancing and shaking her nearly naked body up on stage for tips.
She reached both arms behind her and gripped the glistening pole, sliding down slowly. Her legs spread wide, showing her tight thighs and waiting lap, all while her enormous belly hung out farther over the stage. The lower she got, the bigger it looked. Ryan had seen Ms. DeRizzo in class waddling around but now that she was nearly nude, he could really see how massive her pregnancy was. He didn't even think she could reach her own belly button at this point.
Then, when she couldn't get any lower, Ms. DeRizzo pivoted on her heels and stuck her ass in her customers' faces. It jiggled as she moved, which she helped along by shaking and swerving her hips. The customers took the hint and shoved dollar bills in her bikini strap, all getting at least a stroke of her butt cheeks in the process. She spun back around, her belly sticking out far before she bent down, pressing her maternal middle to the stage floor, and shook her chest. Each breast was as big as her head and looked like they would bust out of her bikini at any second. That is, if her belly didn't burst first.
Slowly, she got back to her feet, cradling and cusping her full stomach to counteract its weight. Ms. DeRizzo returned to the pole, putting it against her hip and twirling again, making sure to get the oil in her cleavage and over her already glistening rosy belly. Ryan was stunned, seeing his teacher now sticking her plump lips out as her hair fanned against her face, all while she showed off her tits and ass to hooting customers, all waving dollar bills at her.
When her routine was over, the music died down enough that Ryan could hear his friends more clearly. "S-so how did you know about this?" he asked.
"It was gossip online for a while but about a week ago, we came to see for ourselves," Joey said, grinning ear to ear. He thought this was hilarious. "She didn't see us, we're pretty sure."
"And it doesn't stop there," Adnan said as a short black woman in a sparkling dress walked up to them, carrying an empty drink tray in one hand.
"Your friends bought you a lap dance," she said to Ryan, a clearly forced smile on her face. "Let me show you to your seat."
"Oh," Ryan said, gulping and following her while his friends kept chuckling. He gave the woman a quick look over. She had a firm, round ass. A lap dance from her would be fun, although right now, she wasn't the one he was interested in...
She led him to a long couch seat lining the back walls and gave Ryan another smile. "Your dancer will be over in a few minutes. You need a drink?"
"No, I'm, um, under 21. But I thought you were-"
"Cool," she said, her tone dropping as she immediately left Ryan alone. He sighed and patted his knees, looking around the club to see other hot, half-naked women strolling around. But after a minute or so, he heard a gasp and turned his head.
There was Ms. DeRizzo, standing a few feet away from him (though her belly was closer to him than she was), hands over her mouth, cheeks bright red, and body still exposed in her leather bikini, showing off her swollen breasts and belly.
"Ryan...oh my god," she gasped, turning away and inadvertently showing Ryan her fat rear in the process. "I...I have to go."
"No, no, it's okay," Ryan stammered. "I-I didn't know it would be you. My friends, um, hired you." She stopped and looked back at him, more confused than panicked. "I think they meant it as, like, a prank. For my birthday."
"For your birthday...right," she said, waddling closer to him, one hand going between her breasts to steady her pounding heart. "So you aren't the only student who knows about...this."
"I'm really sorry, I didn't know," Ryan said. "I won't, y'know, tell the school or any parents about this."
"No? Well...that's good," Ms. DeRizzo said, sitting down next to him and resting one hand on her mountain of a belly. Ryan's heart was now beating even faster than hers. Here was his top pregnant crush, in a strip club, sitting right next to him and stroking her pregnant curves. "This isn't my first time dancing, to be honest. Pay for teachers in this state is...low. Really low. And we don't get many benefits either. Plus, with these past decade of elections, the state government wants to cut education funding more and more and more until I
 to work two jobs." She sighed and gave her belly a prod. "Well, three jobs, technically."
"Wow, you really do cut it short in school," Ryan chuckled. Finally, Ms. DeRizzo let out a laugh of her own and ran her hands through her long brown hair. "Plus, you are actually a good strip-I mean, dancer."
She sighed again and took off her glasses so she could grip her temples. "I can't believe one of my students just complimented my pole dancing. And while I'm seven months pregnant."
"You make," Ryan said. Ms. DeRizzo paused, turning and looking at him. Not angry, not confused, just...curious.
Then, a bald man in a suit walked by and snapped his fingers. "Hey, Lola. If you want to rest your pregnant ankles, don't sign up for lap dances. C'mon, paying customer there."
Ryan gulped. "Oh, she doesn't have to-"
"It's fine," Ms. DeRizzo murmured to him, getting to her feet and waddling in front of him. His whole field of vision was blocked by her taut, ripe belly and he felt his erection pressing hard against his pants. "Better to just do it than to argue. No tenure at a strip club, after all."
"Right...and your name isn't Lola," Ryan said, blushing as she moved in closer to him.
"That's my stripper name. Not bad, I think." She began slowly shaking her hips, making her big belly dip and wiggle around in front of Ryan. Her belly button got close to brushing against his lips a few times. Ms. DeRizzo looked over her shoulder, seeing her manager still watching, and ran her hands down her tits to her belly, slowly and gingerly. "There, putting on a good show?"

"yep," Ryan squeaked out.
"Less awkward than if I was shaking my butt in your face, huh?" she said with a laugh, shaking out her hair.
"Um...since we're both telling secrets today," Ryan started to say. "I've actually always had a...a thing for pregnant women."
Ms. DeRizzo stopped dancing and bent down so she could see Ryan past her swollen middle. "A thing."
"Y'know...a thing," he said, his face now bright red. "And I've always thought you were...particularly hot. I mean, look at you."
She brushed one hand down her belly, turning to the side and accentuating its size. It had baby oil smeared on it and was glistening in the lights. "You find all this hot? I know I get tips here for my boobs and butt but I thought I was mostly here as a novelty act."
"Yeah...I think you're sexy," Ryan said, nearly trembling now. "I really didn't mean to spring this all on you. I think it sucks that you get paid so little you have to do all of this. You're a really good teacher and you deserve to make a great salary. It's not fair that, like, a CEO or a hedge fund guy makes so much and you have to work nights on the side."
Ms. DeRizzo sighed and reached out one hand. "C'mon," she said.
He stood up and took her hand. Ms. DeRizzo led him out of the lounge they were in, toward a back corner. "Where are we going?" he asked, trembling as he gripped her soft, cool hand.
"To the champagne rooms," she said, turning back and smiling at him, lowering her glasses to wink her green eyes. "It
 your birthday after all." Ms. DeRizzo opened a door against the back wall and led Ryan into a small room with crushed velvet walls and a large chair in the middle of the room. "Take a seat," she cooed, and Ryan did exactly that.
"I don't know if my friends paid for all this," Ryan said, averting his eyes from Ms. DeRizzo's exposed body.
"Think of it as my gift. Well, part of it," she said, unhooking her bikini top and dropping it to the floor. Ryan couldn't look away now. Her heavy, full breasts now hung down and rested on top of her belly. Her nipples were the size of his palms and she had thick veins running throughout them. Slowly, she waddled toward him, shaking her hips back and forth. "You know, the reason I strip and dance isn't only for the money. I could get a job anywhere and pick up some more money."
"Right," Ryan stammered as she moved in, using her belly to force his legs apart.
"But I feel so good up on stage, letting people see this body. I thought when I got pregnant, that would go away but...knowing you like me this round and makes me want to start dancing more and more!" She began grinding her belly against Ryan's chest, swaying her hips and dipping down. "Don't worry, no bouncer's going to kick you out for touching me now."
Ryan grasped her swollen stomach, moving his hands in wide circles and feeling her size. It was tight and firm, but he could still press and feel its soft give. Then, something brushed against his palm and he gasped. "That of the triplets?"
"Mmhmm. They get active when I strip and dance too. Hope their parents never find out," she chuckled, still pressing and rubbing her pregnant belly against him. "They say surrogacies have a better chance of resulting in multiples but I don't think anyone expected I'd get this knocked up. Then again, this womb has some experience."
"You look amazing, Ms. DeRizzo," Ryan breathed, his hands moving up her belly to brush against her bare breasts.
"Call me Caroline. Or you can call me Lola if that would be more fun," she purred. "You know, I have three kids of my own and my ex-husband never liked me when my belly got out past my breasts. This is a little new for me." Caroline turned around and wiggled her thick ass in Ryan's face. "See?"
"See...what?" he said, nervously reaching out to grab her butt cheeks.
"Those dimples, those ripples. This is a mother's ass," she said. "Go on, give it a slap."
"O-oh, Ms. DeRizzo, I-I don't-"
She leaned her head back and pursed her full red lips. "I'm not asking. Slap my ass." Ryan gulped and, with a pitcher's speed, cocked his arm back and spanked his pregnant teacher on the rear. Caroline groaned and gripped her belly, letting out a few pants after. "Oh yeah, that feels so fucking good..."
"You want another one...Caroline?" Ryan asked.
"Yes! I haven't fucked since I became a surrogate!" she shouted. Ryan spanked her again, leaving a red mark this time. "Ughhh! The last time I fucked, it was right after my divorce! I fucked one of the janitors at school!"
"That's kinda hot," Ryan said, moving his arms over her back to hold her belly. "You sure these aren't his babies?"
She snorted a laugh and turned around fast, pushing Ryan back into his chair with her stomach. "You want to lose your virginity to your preggo teacher, Ryan?"
"H-how did you know I was a virgin?" he stammered, his erection growing even more.
"All teachers know, don't worry about it," she winked. "Mmm, I can feel it poking my tummy. I think I already know the answer."
"W-wait!" Ryan said, holding out one hand. "Could your hair up in your bun? Please?" He gulped again and gave a tiny grin. "Like you said, it
 my birthday."
"It sure is," she smiled, tying up her hair while Ryan stripped down. As he got his underwear off, he felt a shadow cast over him. Caroline's belly loomed over him, her engorged breasts resting on top, cresting the hill of her over-stuffed middle, as she placed one foot on his chair. Her bikini bottom was off and Ryan could see her moist labia lips, with tufts of brown hair around it. Looking up, he could see her glasses were back on, her hair was in its usual bun, and her plump lips were curled in a smile. "Better?"
He felt more of his pre-cum leak out just looking at her. "Better..."
"Then let's do this. Just relax, I'll take care of you," she purred. "Class is in session."
Stretching her leg up, Caroline wrapped herself around Ryan in the chair while pushing her colossal belly against him. All that pole dancing made her flexible and she could bend her hips to slide down and take Ryan inside of her. Without waiting, she took Ryan's cock and began to pump, pushing her fat ass up and down on his lap. He groaned and grabbed her belly, thrusting as much as he could with her weight down on her.
"Mmm, it's been too long," Caroline panted, using her free hand to slap the side of her belly. "And they're kicking up a storm in there! Hope you don't grow up and tell your momma and daddy about this!"
"You're so hot," Ryan moaned, his eyes moving from her glistening belly to her sultry face to finally her heaving breasts. His hands moved up her belly to her tits and he gave them both a firm squeeze. She let out a squealing laugh and cupped one.
"Go ahead, feel 'em up," Caroline said. "They're so sensitive now." That was all the encouragement Ryan needed. He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around her nipples, sucking and licking. She shivered and brushed his hair, pushing and churning her hips faster.
Ryan spoiled himself on her soft, warm chest and he felt his cock getting hotter and hotter. This was different than masturbating; he wasn't in control. The sensations were faster and stronger and happened without him expecting it. He felt his chest tingle and spread throughout his body.
"I'm gonna cum soon," he groaned, moving from his breasts to her belly as he stroked it and felt her triplets moving fast inside of her. "I'm gonna fill your belly up!"
"Do it! Cum in my belly!" Caroline swooned, sweat flying off of her as she moved faster. "Fuck, pregnant sex feels so good!" 
He watched her lips quiver and her eyes close, and with that, Ryan bust, shooting his virgin load inside of her shaking body. Both hands gripped onto her swollen stomach as he rode out his own orgasm, feeling his seed leak into his teacher. She rest her hands on top of his, guiding him to rub her belly where she wanted as her whole body trembled.
"Wh-whooo," Caroline finally gasped, taking in big gasps of air. "That was...intense."
"Yeah," Ryan said, waiting a second before giving her a peck on the lips. "T-thank you. That was, like, a dream come true."
"Mmm, I'm flattered," Caroline cooed back. "But listen, no one can know about this, yeah?"
"Yeah," Ryan said, his voice getting sadder.
She giggled and cusped his chin, turning him back to look at her. "But that doesn't mean we have to stop having sex. These babies aren't coming for a while." 

Liked by 23 members: thebigp (Jun 9, 2023), Thedeadsamurai (Feb 11, 2023), preglover8 (Sep 24, 2022), Bellykid23 (Aug 13, 2022), Nickrider (Nov 18, 2021), VB88 (Oct 3, 2021), AnonymousBump (Sep 28, 2021), B17geek98 (Jan 19, 2021), hughman (Dec 31, 2020), Frogger222 (Jun 9, 2020), Goalbob (May 10, 2020), Daniblacklist (Mar 31, 2020), brthlvr45 (Dec 3, 2019), Swaggyt1923 (Aug 28, 2019), c1025018 (May 13, 2019), riverdaleiscool (Apr 27, 2019), Viper9000 (Mar 5, 2019), MasterCactus (Mar 4, 2019), cladams123456 (Feb 27, 2019), Blank97 (Feb 26, 2019), (Feb 25, 2019), sinister (Feb 24, 2019), HazamaYun (Feb 24, 2019)
Thank you so much man your the best
Liked by SamGonzo (Nov 13, 2023)

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