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Can we ever be happy in a permanent relationship?
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Been wondering if pregnancy fetishists can be happy in a traditional sense of a relationship? As in a monogamous relationship with kids somewhere along the line. 

Modern day families are likely going to include 2-3 kids max. And this is presumably on the higher side given the growing number who don't want kids. That would mean 2-3 pregnancies to enjoy with your significant other, hence just that long a window and that limited the opportunities to fulfill your fetish with that significant other. This is a fetish that is distinct as no one of interest to the topic stays in a pregnant state forever. After you've had the number of kids you'd like to have, that sort of ends acting upon it with your partnet. 

This is not to trivialise the difficulty the average person has in finding pregnant women to have no strings attached fun with as evidenced in these forums, but that is besides the point. Neither is it to sociopathically, coldly compare the love and comfort of a family to love and cherish with fleeting moments of sex to fulfill a fantasy. Would just like to know the consensus thinkinh among fellow maeisophiles. 

Liked by Lucifer Morningstar (Jan 26, 2020)
Really good point of view, and also one of the sad-to-admit-dilemmas I have in life. I’m still young and single, so I can do whatever I can now, with no strings attached, but like you said once you end up with a permanent wife, you’ve only got that long of a window to live out your fantasies and that’s it. You’ve got to confide in a life where porn would have to suffice after your last child is born to fulfill your fetish, as casual hookups with pregnant women are no longer options if not entirely taboo.

I have a strong desire to have a proper family and no immoral notions to cheat on my future wife but as of now I foresee my fetish to be quite significant too for the rest of my life. After real pregnant sex is porn even going to cut it anymore?
Liked by Lucifer Morningstar (Jan 26, 2020)
if your sexual interests/proclivities prevent you from having any sort of regular committed relationship, then maybe psychiatric help is warranted.
Liked by kermit90koopa (Feb 11, 2020), doubleintegral (Jan 26, 2020), alsx (Jan 26, 2020), tomostrife (Jan 26, 2020)
Lucifer Morningstar
Personally, I accepted the fact that due to previous trauma that it was best I don’t get into a new relationship so I wouldn’t break a girl’s heart because of paranoia and general pessimism. Since I waited for roughly 3 years now, I am more willing to find some commitment even though I’m still recovering a bit. I do prefer pregnant women to non-preggos, but not for relationships. That is really only sexual attraction, which would change if I was already in a relationship with a girl and she became pregnant.

Relationships are strictly emotional with connection for me instead of sensuality taking the forefront like I did with a few hookups. What had happened to me caused a lack of commitment due to fear, cynicism, and a sense of respect for those who wanted commitment instead of no-strings.

Ideally, I don’t think marriage is for me. I’d only consider it if there were children involved, but that also would require extensive thought and debate between the two of us. I just don’t like being tied down as much as I used to. I tend to cut and run when I feel things are off or I’m being used. With that said, I am very upfront and honest about how I feel so there is no misunderstanding.
Liking pregnancy isn't the end-all and be-all of my personality or my sexuality, so I'm inclined to say "no".
Of course we can have happy, healthy relationships! 100%! Just figure out what works for you.

You might find yourself in a bit of a pickle if you stick with the strict, "traditional" monogamous husband-wife stuff, though (and the divorce rate, at least in the USA, was over 50% last time I checked!). More and more people these days are finding that monogamy doesn't make a lot of sense for them, so polyamory is becoming quite a bit more common. As long as you've discussed everything with your partner(s) and are always keeping the lines of communication open, you can find ways to satisfy all your needs and desires. Often we can't get everything from one partner, and that's okay... it's kind of cruel and unrealistic to expect someone to be everything to us in the first place.

I have been polyamorous for quite a few years now and, as a result, have managed to successfully sidestep the conundrum of "how do I have a girlfriend/wife/whatever but also play with pregnant women?" And there are other benefits...
Liked by (Feb 11, 2020), bongo79 (Jan 28, 2020), Abbegirl (Jan 26, 2020)
I'd like to be in a happy relationship one day. I don't talk about this turn on outside of here so no one knows about it in RL. I've been cheated on 4 times and ghosted but I'm still hopeful someone good is out there for me.I'm pretty quiet and distant not really the type to get close to people. (Not that anyone is really trying either) I'd like to have maybe 1-3 kids one day but this woman would really have to mean something to me. I would not bring a kid into the world if there's no love involved on one or either party. No accidental pregnancies. I actually want to be in love and have someone to lean on but life is not always fair so I'm just going to wait it out and see what happens.
I've thought about this, and while yes it does bum me out slightly that unless my gf and I hit the lottery or find massive success in our careers, we can only realistically afford 1-2 more kids (she has one already from a previous relationship). But there's so much more to life and relationships than just fulfilling fetish fueled desires. So I'm just going to count myself lucky and grateful during the times my gf is pregnant the few times she is in the future, and just enjoy our relationship normally otherwise. While my pregnancy fetish is a big part of my sexual interests, it's not entirely that. I can live the rest of my life just enjoy having a gf who wants to have sex with me, even if she isn't pregnant.

Though this won't stop me from eventually pushing the idea of her possibly doing a surrogacy sometime lol
Liked by (Feb 11, 2020)
Very early in our dating relationship my wife and I began looking forward to her future pregnancies. When they finally happened with our kids, we made damn sure to make the most of them. After we were done having our kids she was fortunate enough to be a surrogate, and you bet your ass we made the most of that too.

We are reasonably certain that she's never going to be pregnant again. Catch me on a bad day and I might be kind of sad about that, but the content here is enough to fill the void on days like that and, generally speaking, I really just feel fortunate to have had the experiences I've had. Not only have I satisfied a number of lifelong fantasies, but with the surrogacy I got a bonus opportunity to do that without any of the emotional or financial strings attached. I know I'm a lucky fuck.

In short, I was physically attracted to her before she was pregnant, and I'm still physically attracted to her now that her pregnancy days are behind her. If that wasn't the case then my fetish would have grown into an addiction and I'd be getting some mental help for it.
Liked by Raw Toast (Jan 26, 2020)
Marry someone who wants to do surrogate pregnancies and has a pregnant fetish. She can have a job being an at home pregnant wife. This will up your experiences some but still probably won't be a lifetime of pregnancy fetish experiences. If she's into 3somes and including pregnant women then you hit the jackpot.

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