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24 weeks now - back from the maternity home
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(August 29, 2022, 12:40 am)playboypreggo honestly you\re kind of stating the obvious like you have three kids with three different dudes like why yes I do. I am also heavily tattooed that's like being like hey did you know face tattoos are super job ruining and permanent and you can never take them back. Like yes I kinda knew that getting tattoos on my neck face and hands would like close a million doors for me. But ya I guess I will need a thick skin in real life when people are like how many kids do you have ??? FOUR ???? But I think your stating the obvious like yes I am fully aware I am a baby crazy weirdo that wants to have a million billion kids but to be clear once again I do NOT have pregnancy fetish I am not getting pregnant because I have pregnancy fetish, and I'm only really shooting for like one or two more which would bring my grand total to five kids. But ya I know it's strange don't see why you want to give me a hard time about it. It's not like I'm robbing banks or murdering people there are worse things. This reminds me of people getting on my case for drinking soda pregnant like that's too much sugar !!! That's bad !! I'm just like well I'm not using drugs or alcohol pregnant I think a coca cola is fine could be worse
(August 28, 2022, 8:32 pm)tonythepreggoPony I don\t want to have a baby for pregnancy fetish I
(August 28, 2022, 5:13 pm)playboypreggo So I'm looking for my next baby daddy if anyone is interested...I'm kind of a baby crazy weirdo I want more kids than I can care for. I have the baby I'm pregnant with now but would like to have one extremely soon after like she is due in November I'd like to get pregnant again in six months and pursue open adoption where I get a relationship with the child photos visits updates but I really don't want to care for like two kids under two is anyone interested in potentially getting me pregnant for this ? Maybe like I could live with you short-term so you could pregnancy fetish out but I would have my six month old with me. No control freaks please I have several male friends and would want to do pregnancy fetish work like webcam etc I'm also open to potentially keeping the baby though ideally this would be a larger age gap between children but no scrubs you have to have a stable job and be decent. I really prefer adoption because the family goes through extensive background checks and stuff I would get photos and updates and share them with the father. Typically only the birth mother gets these updates but yeah if you would want to keep the baby you would need to have the capacity to be a single father and stuff or the main parent. I'm also judgemental and weary of internet dudes that want a baby that can't find a wife or girlfriend to pursue this with like not to be a total meanie but like what's the deal that you haven't made it happen so far. Maybe someone with children already that wants one more or someone that wants to pursue their pregnancy fetish but isn't ready for a child. I just want to have more children then I can properly care for and there are several couples out there just dying for a baby with really nice jobs and careers and a lot to offer . Also we don't have to live together if you do adoption the adoption agency also helps with living expenses and stuff but nothing excessive. Expect to talk to me for quite awhile to see if you are chill. Also I really don't want to relocate from California but am open to someone out of state traveling here to get me pregnant usually I like to have sex every day for 30 days and get pregnant like  really fast. I don't know if I would be able to have sex daily in the maternity home but I will move out at some point . Again I want to emphasize I am very promiscuous I don't want to be tied down in some situation where all I do is be with you and your like deleting all these dudes from my phone cuz im pregnant with your baby or something. I want to do webcam, see other guys, have a bunch of freedom. I'd also like to keep going to school and pursue that . So let me know if you are interested in fathering a baby for an open adoption or another situation.

This is going to piss off everyone but whatever, this sounds pretty reckless. Adoption agencies and orphanages are already slamed full and are begging people to adopt. Adding another child into an already full scene just to satisfy a fetish for a few months doesn't seem like an ideal thing to do, especially when you're not even sure if you want to keep it or not. You're still pregnant with your current kid and you're already thinking about another one when you're hopping in between maternity homes. At the end of the day it's your body so do whatever you want with it, I just want to put this out here since it's dirty to just fuck, get pregnant, and drop the kid off hoping for the best.

Not to mention you're giving these high standards and requirments on who can knock you up, to the point where the ones who will are looking to establish a full family and not just adopt the kid afterwards and let you dip.
@playboypreggo Regardless on how you word it, you still have a fetish when you can yourself a "baby crazed weirdo". There's a difference between wanting 5 kids and having a segmented family tree of 5 kids with 5 different men. I get you want someone who'll look and talk like you to love, but your method of doing it isn't going to fare well when your advertising yourself on a pregnancy fetish site. Most men here don't even want children, let alone even hear you mention about some other dude's.

You even mentioned about not wanting to be tied down with the guy, which again what is even the point of hooking up if you just want him for his sperm? Why not go to a sperm bank instead of creating a mess of baby daddies?
Liked by MrTaquito (Aug 31, 2022), StarFox1993 (Aug 29, 2022), Unreg_user (Aug 29, 2022), Stretchedtummy (Aug 29, 2022)
[quote='tonythepreggoPony' pid='324591' dateline='1661774508']
@playboypreggo Regardless on how you word it, you still have a fetish when you can yourself a "baby crazed weirdo". There's a difference between wanting 5 kids and having a segmented family tree of 5 kids with 5 different men. I get you want someone who'll look and talk like you to love, but your method of doing it isn't going to fare well when your advertising yourself on a pregnancy fetish site. Most men here don't even want children, let alone even hear you mention about some other dude's.

You even mentioned about not wanting to be tied down with the guy, which again what is even the point of hooking up if you just want him for his sperm? Why not go to a sperm bank instead of creating a mess of baby daddies?

I don't mind being "tied down " I just want to be in an open relationship or able to webcam, etc. Do pregnancy fetish work . Sperm banks are expensive and it's not too hard to find guys willing to participate. The guy that got me pregnant this time was a willing participant.  I think your trying to force your values down my throat that all 5 of my kids should have the same father that only the husband and wife and white picket fence should have babies. What about gay couples are they allowed to have children ? I think it's perfectly reasonable to be like hey anyone interested in impregnating me on a site dedicated to pregnancy I've gotten over fifteen responses and your the only hater clogging up my thread with a bunch of b.s. like gee your in a maternity home already planning the next one ! Like why thanks captain obvious what would we do without you to break this down for us. Basically you just don't like what I'm up to and that's fine you don't have to I just don't see why you have to share like I DONT LIKE THIS like ok, got it.
If you want to do cam work or more fetish stuff, just get a fake pregnant belly and spare some people of the inevitable heartache. Get your tubes tied after this one is born. You are obviously not very educated and extremely irrational, not to mention extremely unstable. Admin can delete my comment, I don't care I'm just tired of your drivel being spewed here.
Liked by MrTaquito (Aug 31, 2022), StarFox1993 (Aug 29, 2022), tomostrife (Aug 29, 2022), FuccboiLLC (Aug 29, 2022)
@playboypreggo I don't get why all of a sudden you're getting defensive over my questioning of your motive. You keep going back and forth between you wanting 5 kids and couples begging to adopt and you being the answer to their problem. Make up your mind, are you going to keep the kid or are you going to put it up for adoption? Having a laundry list of wants and demands for an ideal sperm donor when you yourself have proven to not be the most stable person is not only asinine, but hypocritical.

And if you're not mature enough to handle someone questioning your logic and long-term planning, then you're definitely not mature enough to be advertising on here for a partner. I'm not going to sit here and kiss your ass just because everyone else is. Your refusal to accept a different viewpoint on the scenerio doesn't justify anyone being a "hater". It just makes you look close-minded and stubborn.
Liked by MrTaquito (Aug 31, 2022), InflatoPreggo (Aug 29, 2022), StarFox1993 (Aug 29, 2022), Unreg_user (Aug 29, 2022), tomostrife (Aug 29, 2022), FuccboiLLC (Aug 29, 2022)
(August 29, 2022, 1:18 pm)tonythepreggoPony I understand you have a different viewpoint I think we just have to agree to disagree. I\m disagreeing with you not getting defensive I'm trying to argue the points but it really seems like you just don't like what I'm up to and want to express that like I'm not into this ! I'm just like, well, I guess not then. Some people think two children is ideal I think four or five is ideal but a lot of people frown on it so I should probably get a thicker skin. Also as another point I've noticed people get really riled up about the idea of adoption in our society it's perfectly okay to abort your baby but if you want to give them a loving home you get a bunch of static like you don't live your baby your rejecting them . Like your some horrible piece of shit I think it should be more socially acceptable. I may be unstable I guess but I'm doing the best I can with the cards I've been dealt in life I think like poor people have kids, unstable people have kids, I think this is kinda judgey like like you have to first meet your husband, purchase a home make a rose garden then have 2.5 kids and a dog and that's the only acceptable way to have kids with the utmost stability. Poor people shouldn't be allowed to have kids nobody can grow up in an apartment complex ? The baby I'm pregnant with ( Bianca) I would like to have a sibling for when she is like three or four and can potty and is more autonomous.  If I were to get pregnant like immediately after this pregnancy, say, six months after I would want to do an adoption because I really think two under two is crazy . So maybe like get pregnant right away, adopt, then get pregnant with bianca's sibling and keep. It just depends too how I vibe with the men that respond. So basically I would be sneaking an extra baby in in there that I can't afford but would be able to have a relationship. having kids is so valuable and magical and special . But ya sorry if I seem defensive it's just your presenting an argument so I'm arguing the points and defending my stance but it just seems like you want to be negative or judge me . Unfortunately there's no psychological exam to pass to procreate or minimum income . Why don't you give teen moms a hard time like your immature! You aren't prepared for this! It's a crazy responsibility! Like not everyone is in an ideal living situation owning a home so do they not deserve to have family and kids and grandkids and enjoy that . Anyways I hope you can still enjoy my pregnancy pictures and I apologize if I'm calling you a hater like honestly I keep trying to take accountability here like yes I'm in a maternity home no I can't really afford kids but I'm so desperate for a baby I will pursue it regardless of my setbacks . Is this healthy ? No. Is this great ? No but at least I can take an honest look at myself and admit my shortcomings. Like are you trying to talk me out of it like I know I am not perfectly stable and I'm immature and I'm selfish and I want a baby and stuff like what's the purpurpose of making these points  Like you live in a maternity home you can't afford a baby ! Like I knew that when I impregnated myself barely paying rent that's why I'm like thanks for stating the obvious am I supposed to cancel the baby now? I am in college just started this semester for drug and alcohol counselor it's a two year program then I can work at like an upscale rehab and really get off welfare and get a nice two bedroom apartment for me and Bianca and really care for me and my child so I think it will be a hard few years but I will end up in the right place. Some women are just baby crazy and desperate have you seen these nutjobs that want a baby so bad they attack a pregnant chick and cut the baby out like women some women are super desperate to be a mother most women want to be at some point in their lives . I'd say I'd like wanting babies bad enough to attack a pregnant woman is a ten on the baby crazy scale I'm like a 2 or 3 at best but like why keep pointing out like your not in a good position to parent ! Like I am aware I'm just so desperate for children I dont care like I said I'm not an axe murderer but yeah I'm aware of all the points your making I thought it goes without saying. "playboypreggo" I don't get why all of a sudden you're getting defensive over my questioning of your motive. You keep going back and forth between you wanting 5 kids and couples begging to adopt and you being the answer to their problem. Make up your mind, are you going to keep the kid or are you going to put it up for adoption? Having a laundry list of wants and demands for an ideal sperm donor when you yourself have proven to not be the most stable person is not only asinine, but hypocritical.

And if you're not mature enough to handle someone questioning your logic and long-term planning, then you're definitely not mature enough to be advertising on here for a partner. I'm not going to sit here and kiss your ass just because everyone else is. Your refusal to accept a different viewpoint on the scenerio doesn't justify anyone being a "hater". It just makes you look close-minded and stubborn.
If you’re mentally stable enough to admit it’s not a healthy environment, or that you can properly afford to have a baby, then I feel like the logical conclusion is that you shouldn’t actively try to have a baby.

Side note, but nobody here is saying poor people can’t have a family. That’s not at all the case. Very few of us are probably from well to do families so we all understand people of different economic standings are still capable of having families. The problem lies in economic stability and not economic position.

It sounds, generally speaking, like you have a lot of self reflection to do. Nobody here is “against you” or “hating” on you, since most other people on here who might be deemed “critics” are simply offering their input in a less than desirable situation. As stated before, you’re better off making pregnancy fetish content with a fake belly if you’re so inclined to continue making pregnancy fetish content. Getting pregnant just to be pregnant isn’t a net positive.
(August 29, 2022, 6:05 pm)InflatoPreggo If you’re mentally stable enough to admit it’s not a healthy environment, or that you can properly afford to have a baby, then I feel like the logical conclusion is that you shouldn’t actively try to have a baby.

Side note, but nobody here is saying poor people can’t have a family. That’s not at all the case. Very few of us are probably from well to do families so we all understand people of different economic standings are still capable of having families. The problem lies in economic stability and not economic position.

It sounds, generally speaking, like you have a lot of self reflection to do. Nobody here is “against you” or “hating” on you, since most other people on here who might be deemed “critics” are simply offering their input in a less than desirable situation. As stated before, you’re better off making pregnancy fetish content with a fake belly if you’re so inclined to continue making pregnancy fetish content. Getting pregnant just to be pregnant isn’t a net positive.

Well I'm too desperate for a baby to care. Obviously I have a few screws loose I just don't see the point in pointing this out. Like am I supposed to have some moment of clarity like gee I don't want two more kids anymore now that you've said this. Or is it just to be harsh and negative . Like yeah I'm prolly some weirdo that's a few cards short of a deck and prolly shouldn't have a baby but I'm doing it regardless why crucify me and tar and feather me. Like you shouldn't have a baby !!! Like I know dude but they're cute and cuddly and look like me and it makes me happy and I'm going for it with like a wish and a prayer which is utterly ridiculous. We've established I'm probably not the best to have a kid do you guys want to say it 500 times and give me a hard fucking time or be like wow this stripper is nuts and enjoy my pregnancy pictures. That's why I'm like what is the goal here what's the objective to throw shade like this is some shitty shit. Some crazy stripper that impregnates herself all day found our site and posts herself like stop roasting me already . Are you trying to get me to change ? Get therapy ? Or just like want to talk shit like that's selfish. Ya well I'm 7 months pregnant this baby is coming no matter what so it just seems like a bunch of negativity and beating a dead horse
It took longer than I expected but yeah, this thread ended up going the way I thought it would go.
Also I am not getting pregnant to keep making pregnancy fetish content I don't even make pregnancy fetish content I like take selfies and post them up on the site. I've been a stripper for ten years I model and honestly I get a lot of support on here I'd rather talk to dudes then like baby center . But yeah holy shit let's all take a picture this stripper freak gets pregnant all day with like one dollar to her name have we fully covered it yet or we need to say it 500 more times . But if I do have two more pregnancies I would like to webcam and do pregnant porn and really get good at it. But I'm not getting pregnant for the sole purpose of doing pregnancy fetish work I don't know why that's been said twice it really isn't profitable most dudes only want like eight months pregnant content anyway and I've only made $15 off here so far I've just beefed up my support emotionally and made friends . But yes I am baby crazy and selfish and immature and unstable and broke and having my little doll baby Bianca anyways and just like hoping for the best outcome like I'm a long time stripper most strippers are super fucked up in the head

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