Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls
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Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls
Part I 

(Author's note: My first erotic work. Feedback welcome. Let me know if you want to see the other parts)


If you’re like me, there’s always that amazing epiphany where your… desire gets revealed in all its glory. Let me tell you about mine and what happened almost ten years after that.

 When I was a kid I lived near a big block of social housing. The women were trashy, the men were loud and drunk, and the yards were always full of screaming kids. The girls there were constantly getting pregnant. They would hang around in our neighbourhood and then typically vanish forever when the baby was born. 

There was a Hispanic girl there named Laura who got knocked up by her thug wannabe boyfriend. A cute girl who sometimes babysat for us, but took a wrong turn in life and my mother stopped hiring her after she came home early from work and found Laura smoking in our driveway with two friends, and my brother and I watching TV alone in the basement. 

After that her and her friends would sit under the tree across from my house and hang out, and sometimes I would approach out of boredom. Laura was chatting with her girl friends. She was now visibly pregnant, but wearing a baggy t-shirt to vainly cover it. Sometimes she would lift up her shirt and moan to her friends about how big she was getting. I stared at her belly.

"I'm having a baby, can you believe it?" Laura said to me. "You wanna feel my belly?" She said, teasingly.


I stumbled forward and put my hand on her six month pregnant belly. Weirdly soft and hard at the same time. I could feel the sweat on her skin from hanging out in the summer sun. I was frozen in a sort of epiphany. I held my hand there too long, and the girls started laughing at me as they realised how weirded out I was. I spent the rest of the day in my bedroom, nursing a massive erection that I didn’t know what to do with.
 Lots of time passed; I flunked out of engineering at college, and moved two states south into a crappy town with tons of ghetto Hispanic girls to find work. 

The lust returned, buried since childhood.

I quickly found a job at a convenience store. After two months there, I was invited to the frequent after-work parties at my coworker Salvador's small backyard, a stone’s throw away from the store. His sister Rosa was there. She would weekly pop into the store while I was working, mainly to harass her brother playfully, who would scold her in Spanish and throw a bag of chips at her so she would leave. Recently I hadn’t seen too much of her.  Small, petite, with shiny black hair, wearing a white tank top and sweatpants, she looked bored and eager for a conversation. I watched her like a hawk as I sipped my not-properly-chilled beer. Finally, she stood up from the backyard porch to get some snacks. 

Oh my God. Can it be true? An ever-so slightly rounding belly was pushing against her white tank top. She touched her stomach absentmindedly as she grabbed some more pretzels from the picnic table.

I approached her. "Nice to see you again."

"Yeah,” she said, bored.

"Congrats… by the way.”

“For what?" She replied indignantly.

"Oh, sorry. I thought…” 

She glared at me and laughed. "Of course I'm fucking pregnant, you idiot." She lifted up her tank top and her belly was clearly rounded and stretched, but not huge yet. The skin was so tight and firm, with the smallest little out-poke of belly button. I froze, transfixed at the cute round belly right in front of me. My heart sped up and my loins stirred as I attempted to not seem weird and ruin this.

"Ah man, I guess that means you’re tied up then, haha. I was gonna ask if you wanted to grab some late night McDonald's after." 

Oof. Not very smooth. And this was somewhat of a bluff since I knew she was single. Salvador had told me many times about her sketchy boyfriend and all the strife he had caused Rosa and Salvador’s family.

She looked at me. "Well, I am pretty hungry."

We checked out of the party and got into my car, after getting a weird look from Salvador. The radio was tuned to the only decent station I could find, which was the local college-rock station. As we drove down the road I glanced over. Rosa was rubbing her belly and moaning a little.

"What's the matter?"

"My belly. The baby kicks and it flips my stomach upside down.”

"I guess that's pretty normal if you're pregnant, huh? Are you feeling sick? Should I pull over?" I grimaced, hoping this was not going to ruin my chance here.

"No, not sick. Just like a weird fluttering or something inside me. I think it's kicking.”

"Oh, wow. Is that your first kick?"

"Just started feeling it this week.”

"That's amazing. It must be an amazing feeling. Are you... excited?" I knew the complex situation with her and her baby daddy. Didn't want to pry too much into it, but I needed to know the situation a bit better. However, my cock was slowly taking over my brain, all I could think about was seeing her pregnant belly again...feeling it…

She sighed. "A bit, yeah. I always wanted a kid, but not now. This asshole ruined everything." She looked away.

"Do you know what it's gonna be? Boy or girl?"

"No. I couldn't afford an ultrasound."


"Yeah. But my belly feels pretty big already, so I figure it'll be a big one."

My heart raced again. A big baby... and she was so petite. She was going to get massive. Jesus. 

"Do you want to sit at McDonald's, or just go through the drive through and stop somewhere? Doesn't matter to me."

"Let's just go through. I wanna sit outside somewhere.”

We pulled through the drive-thru, got some food, and then drove around the city until we found a good place. It was a small, deserted park next to a church, so we were the only ones there. Rosa ate about half her McChicken and stared forlornly at the swingset in front of us. She was obviously worried about the future. 

"You OK, Rosa?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking."

“OK." I put my hand on her shoulder. If she was truly worried I didn't want to be too forward, but I was too horny to think straight. I watched her belly as it poked out from beneath her white tank top ever so slightly. Oh my God. All I wanted was to rub my dick all over it, coming right between her swollen tits... my mind drifted away. 

Suddenly Rosa shifted her weight beside me.

“Hey, what did you say your name was again?"

"I'm David."

"David, do you want to feel my belly? I’m getting more kicks."

I froze. "Umm.. yeah, sure." My voice cracked. My heart pounded in my chest as Rosa began lifting up her shirt. 

"There’s some good ones tonight."

I stared at her bare pregnant belly. Her tiny belly button was sticking out a bit, her skin was stretched tightly. The sight of a pregnant girl's belly had been my dream for so long, and I was finally going to get my wish. I tentatively put my hand on her belly and felt it, gently. It was rock hard, and hot. One or two stretch marks graced the curve of her stomach, which somehow turned me on even more. Rosa's face was flushed as she looked at me. She must have been only four months or so. Still.. there it was... my hand lingered, and ever so slightly I began to rub the soft skin above her belly button. I looked up at Rosa's face for her reaction. We locked gazes. Uh oh. Did I go too far? She stared at me with her brown eyes.

Rosa smiled, and looked at my lips. "Are you going to kiss me?"

I leaned in and kissed her softly on the mouth. Our tongues explored each other as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Mmmm... you are so handsome, David." She moaned, as I rubbed her belly gently.

"You are so beautiful, Rosa."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. I thought that the first time I saw you. When you came into the store.”

"Oh yeah? Why didn't you say anything?"

"I dunno. Salvador kept mentioning you had a boyfriend. Josh. Right?”

"Yeah, Josh.” Rosa pulled away slightly.

“I gotta admit David, things are really complicated with Josh and I. It's pretty fucked up and he still wants to make it work. I am pregnant with his kid, after all. But I don't think things are going to get better. I like this... I want to... go ahead but we have to be subtle about it. And... I dunno what's gonna happen after the baby is born. But... please...." 

Rosa took my hands and slid them up her shirt. Before I knew what was happening, I was feeling two adequately sized breasts in my hands.


"That's right. Feel them. I'm so horny all the time, especially now. Play with them."

I fondled her breasts and kissed her deeply. It was not long before we were rushing back to my apartment, her hand on my erect cock the entire car ride. I burst into my crappy one bedroom apartment over the laundromat, and ran to the bedroom to clean up. Rosa went to the bathroom. I threw the dirty clothes off my bed and turned on the lamp for low lighting. 

Rosa knocked politely and came into the room. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to consent to what was about to happen next. She wrapped her arms around me and slowly pushed me down onto the bed. The slight bulge of her pregnant belly pushed against my cock, desperate to escape the confines of my jeans. 

"Take your clothes off." I whispered in her ear. "And... do it slowly. Tease me." 

I unbuckled my pants and placed my hand around my dick as Rosa reached for the hem of her shirt. For the first time that night, she looked happy. Rosa looked directly into my eyes, and slowly lifted her white tank top up. I stared at the taut pregnant flesh being revealed to me. Rosa's belly button had popped out. Her small, round baby bump was being revealed to me as the tank top passed her breasts and revealed the soft belly underneath. She had a tiny white bra on, barely enough to contain her growing breasts. She stopped lifting her shirt up as her pregnant belly was completely revealed. She turned slightly, showing off her new figure, her belly poking out a little further, her small breasts and nipples visible behind the thin white material. She looked into my eyes again, and lifted the shirt up and off her head. I stared at her small breasts, which were growing, getting bigger and firmer as the pregnancy progressed.

"Fuck, Rosa. You look so hot." I rubbed my erect penis, trying to calm myself down.

"You wanna see em’?"

"Yes, fuck yes. Please."

Rosa reached back and unclasped her bra. She let the straps fall off her shoulders, and dropped the bra on the ground. She stared at me, and rubbed her breasts for a few moments. She pulled my pants farther down. 

"Cowboy style is easiest, I think you'll find at this stage," Rosa laughed. She stripped off her leggings and slipped off her panties. She grinded over my raging hard dick, her pregnant belly bobbing up and down in my face. 

"Be gentle please... there's... a lot of pressure down there." She slid herself onto my cock. 

Oh boy, this wasn't going to last long. No condom, and possibly the most turned on I've ever been in my life. Despite Rosa's caution, she could not help herself. She bobbed up and down with enthusiasm on my swollen member, making cute moans with each thrust. As I came close to coming she grabbed my shoulders. 

"Cum in me, David, cariño. Knock me up again..."

"Oh, fuck... Rosa!" I grabbed Rosa's belly and came, squirting a week's worth of jizz inside her. Rosa gasped in surprise. 

"David… So quick! naughty boy!" She laughed.

After the night's activities, Rosa and I got to know each other better. We talked and fucked, and talked more. The months passed, and Rosa got bigger, which made me even hornier. Sometimes we did it twice a day. During lunch I would sneak out of the convenience store and have a quicky at Rosa's place. After fucking, Rosa always got out of the bed, and admired her growing body in the full length mirror. This would succeed in getting me hard again. Rosa was amused by my horniness and returned to the bed, approaching on all fours. She was eight months pregnant at this point, and her belly hung pendulously along with her breasts. She knew what I liked best at this point. She grabbed my cock and rubbed her belly up and down on it until I came again. 

We even fucked the night she went into labour. Huge, bloated from the edema and massively pregnant, Rosa rode my cock with abandon, her body swollen with pregnancy hormones. The 60 pounds Rosa had put on in pregnancy weight had put a strain on her 5 foot 2 frame. Still, she fucked me without shame, her breasts damp with little drops of breast milk. 

After a quick good morning text, Rosa texted me back swiftly that she had been in the hospital since early morning. The baby was coming, and Josh, her boyfriend, decided to step up for the labour. 

Ouch. Guess I had to lay low for a while and give them space. 

I didn't hear from Rosa for over 6 months. I assumed she had gotten back together with Josh, and accepted it. As I washed the floor at the convenience store at closing shift, I sometimes dwelled on the crazy whirlwind situation that had unfolded. Truly this... obsession, fetish was unsustainable? All I could think about was the last time Rosa and I had sex. 
Every fuck, every fling I was going to have with a “normal” girl after this was going to be disappointing. Truly this was the most brutal fetish any man could possess. What was I going to do next? Hunt down another pregnant girl in the Mexican ghetto? Kill Josh and knock up Rosa myself? I didn't really want a baby at this point. But I needed more of it.

Almost a year after Rosa and I last fucked, she sent me a text. It was 10PM on a Wednesday.

"Can I come over? Are you still on Wilson over the laundromat?" She texted. My mind raced. Did she break it off with Josh? Did she need money, a place to stay? Was she in trouble? 

"Hi, Rosa. Yeah, I am. You can come." I texted back.

The next day I cleaned my place up and waited nervously for Rosa. I hadn't heard from her in months, and had no idea what to expect. There was a knock at the door.

I opened it, and there was Rosa. I stood, speechless. Rosa's hair was longer, and she had a new tattoo. But the most notable change was her figure. Rosa was still petite, but her breasts had grown, and her belly had a small rounded pooch.

"You're pregnant." I stuttered.

Rosa sighed, and entered the room. She looked tired, but still beautiful.

 "Yeah, again. With Josh."

"What... what happened?"

"An accident. Again. So… Here I am. And Josh is a good dad. He is so good with Nathalie, our daughter. I'm happy. Are you?"

"Yeah. I’m happy. But…" I trailed off. 

"Come here." I embraced her. I put my hand on her growing belly.

"Mmm.. feels nice, David. I'm not too far along, just about 5 months. I wanted to surprise you.”

"That is… quite a surprise. How is your family taking it?"

"Surprisingly well. Salvador's pissed, but I think he'll come around. My mom and sister are really excited."

"That's good." I said, rubbing her belly.

Rosa sighed. "Ohhh... David. I missed you."

" Really? I missed you too."

"You're not upset? That I just…"

"I'll get over it,” I said, as I led Rosa’s hand to my gradually swelling cock.

Rosa laughed.

We fucked again on my bed. Things felt a little different this time. Rosa's body had changed. She had plumped up a bit. Her once petite, round breasts were more pendulous and hung downwards. There was a good amount of flab around her middle, encasing her pregnant belly with softness. I couldn't help laughing to myself with joy as I grabbed Rosa's hips and gently inserted myself into her swollen pussy. I placed a hand protectively on her round stomach. Rosa smiled, and then groaned in ecstasy as she came. Afterwards, Rosa sat up in bed and stretched, her belly round and prominent, sticking out beneath her small breasts.

"Do you like the way I look now?"

"Fuck yeah. Can't you tell?" Rosa laughed. 

"I've gotten a little chubby. Couldn't get the baby weight off. I guess that's normal." She shrugged. 

"Hey, Rosa..." I said, a little quietly. She looked up. I didn't answer.

"What is it?" Rosa said.

"Next one is gonna be mine, OK?" I patted her belly. Rosa laughed.

"OK, cariño.”
Liked by 25 members: User71 (May 31, 2024), Lich (May 18, 2024), Ranito (May 17, 2024), imthedudeman (May 7, 2024), SolCron (Apr 29, 2024), VB88 (Apr 28, 2024), King924 (Apr 25, 2024), aspir (Apr 18, 2024), aoogha (Apr 18, 2024), satanismymotor (Apr 13, 2024), Raw Toast (Apr 13, 2024), Futra2 (Apr 11, 2024), sundaefan1234 (Apr 10, 2024), bigboy23 (Apr 10, 2024), Mesarocket (Apr 9, 2024), Ilovepreggos123 (Apr 9, 2024), Hunn2020 (Apr 9, 2024), Joofes (Apr 9, 2024), B17geek98 (Apr 9, 2024), grimlock79 (Apr 9, 2024), DrPowers (Apr 9, 2024), Viper9000 (Apr 9, 2024), MLR44 (Apr 9, 2024), (Apr 9, 2024), Batman_49 (Apr 8, 2024)
User 101938
This was amazing! I would love to see you continue Rosa and David’s story. Keep doing what you’re doing, this was amazing!
Liked by d7351976 (Apr 9, 2024)
This was brilliant love it
Liked by d7351976 (Apr 9, 2024)
That was awesome we need more.
Liked by d7351976 (Apr 9, 2024)
Nice work! Keep it going
Liked by d7351976 (Apr 9, 2024)
Nice work, she’ll pop this one out and then it will be time to knock up his future baby mama with number three.
Liked by d7351976 (Apr 9, 2024), B17geek98 (Apr 9, 2024), (Apr 9, 2024)
Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls
[Part 2] 

[Author's note. Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm expecting this story to be about 10 parts long] 


I was silent for a moment, watching Rosa’s perfectly swollen breasts rise and fall with each calm breath she took beside me on the bed.

“You can’t be happy with Josh. You wouldn’t be here if things were good, Rosa.”

Rosa froze.

“We are trying to make it work, David. I told you that.”

"You can leave him, you know. I’ll make sure things are OK. Salvador too.”

"What, are you serious?”


"You’re cute, David. But my mind is made up. But I will make sure you’re happy, too. Is that OK? I know that’s not what you want to hear.”

"No. That works for me. And that’s good. ‘Cause I’m not gonna be able to keep my hands off of you. I have a feeling you’re gonna get huge, this pregnancy.” I gave a little pinch to Rosa’s protruding love handle. 

She wiggled playfully.

"Oh my God, you're so weird, David."

"Hey, don't pretend that you don't like it. And... you know I like it too. That's why you're here, right? That's why you waited..."

Rosa sighed and rubbed her belly. "Yeah. It's true."

A few weeks passed, and I was officially falling for Rosa. I liked how she was loud, tough and extroverted with her friends, but seemed to melt into demureness whenever she was around me. I found myself trying to improve in small ways as well. Less alcohol and late nights. Cleaning the apartment more often. Just small things.  Most of our time together was spent late at night after she had put her daughter to bed and left the apartment she shared with Josh, for “pregnancy yoga”. I spent many nights with her at my place, gleefully stripping off her yoga clothes and watching her stomach grow seemingly by the day.
Before long, Rosa officially entered the third trimester. She had put on more weight than she had with the last pregnancy. I had no idea how large her belly was going to grow, but was looking forward to finding out. I took twisted pleasure in watching her groan, rubbing her belly, struggling to get dressed after we fucked. Sure, she was playing it up a little. Men liked that, I think. It shows how much a woman is sacrificing to bring a child into the world.

Exhausted one hot summer evening, Rosa sat down on her bed and undressed, her black hair wet from a quick shower. I was sitting in the bed beside her, watching a livestream on my phone. After an explosive argument with Josh, I had rushed instantly to fill the space and take advantage of an overnight stay at Rosa’s. Out of the corner of my eye I watched her take off her bra. Her growing breasts lay gently on her burgeoning belly. Rosa looked down, in almost disbelief at her ample, still growing body. The baby was big, and was straining Rosa's small 5'2 frame. 

"This baby is gonna kill me. I just stepped on the scale, David... 200 pounds."

My ears perked up. Jesus. That much? She was only 6 months along.

I brushed my hand down Rosa's naked back. What was I supposed to say? Comfort her? Hard to do that when my erect cock was saying something else. It was also hard to deny that I didn't enjoy her getting fucking huge. Luckily for me, Rosa came from a culture where pregnant women were expected to swell up, and “eating for two” during a pregnancy meant “eating twice as much.” While Rosa had fought hard during the first pregnancy, this second one she had let go. I also believed that Rosa was picking up on my hints that her letting go was not only fine with me, but also desirable. Along with her expanding belly and breasts, I couldn’t resist the extra padding developing on her backside and hips, the cute developing plumpness of her chin and cheeks.

"Well.." I said, tentatively, "Don’t worry about the numbers. Are you worried I’m gonna stop liking you?” I was careful with my words.

Rosa turned and looked directly at me, a bit scornfully, a bit playfully.

"Oh yeah? Well, what you do gotta worry about anyways. I’ve got almost four months left, you know. The only thing you’d care about is if I got too big to fuck. Then you and your dick would be concerned, eh?”

I raised my eyebrow. "Is that a challenge?"

"Maybe it is."

"Babe. Don’t you remember? I fucked you the night you went into labour with the first pregnancy. We found a way. Now come here.”

Rosa climbed on top of me, topless, as she slid my sweatpants down. She moaned as I began to rub my hard dick on the underside of her belly. Her skin was so warm and smooth, and her belly was huge. It felt wonderful, like a soft pillow.

"Yeah... I remember that night. We did something like this, right?" 

Rosa closed her eyes, as if reminiscing. I too, recalled that night. Rosa, almost 10 months pregnant, huge, round and swollen, gingerly bouncing on my cock, her belly and breasts jiggling ever so slightly as she hungrily satisfied her out-of-control pregnancy hormone lust. 

"Fuck, Rosa."

 I grabbed Rosa's breast and gently pinched her nipple. 

"Oh David...they’re sensitive. Please.”

An animalistic urge overcame me. I pulled Rosa’s body close to mine, and whispered. "Yeah? We're gonna have a lot more fun in the next few months. I'm gonna fuck you every night, as you get bigger and bigger. Cumming every time in that pregnant pussy of yours. Let’s get a hotel, Rosa, and fuck all day. Leave Nathalie with your parents, and let's go. You'll be my little pregnant goddess, as I stuff you with churros and worship that big growing belly of yours. We'll stuff that body in a tight dress, show you off to the world. That's my fertile girlfriend... my huge baby inside her. People will stare..." 

My breath grew ragged as I almost came from my own words. I barely held it together.

Rosa heaved a sigh, her heart pounding at my confession. "You like this, David? But I’m getting so fucking big…" 

"You have no idea, baby. Let me show you how much."

I pulled down Rosa’s panties, but she halted me with a manicured hand.

“No, please. I just showered.” She smiled and arched her back, the beautiful curve of her belly just brushing my twitching, raging cock.

Rosa moaned as she leaned in closer and rubbed my dick up and down on the sensitive skin of her pregnant stomach. I put a hand under her swollen, heavy breasts, and a hand on her round belly, and as Rosa wriggled in pleasure from the warm strokes of my cock, I came generously, ropes of semen spurting around her taut belly button.

“Hey. Did you not hear me? I just showered.” Rosa laughed.

"Sorry. You are just too fucking sexy."

Rosa laughed, slightly in disbelief. “If you say so. I can’t believe how different you and Josh are.”


Rosa frowned as she climbed off me. “He hasn’t touched me for a month now. He thinks it’s too fucking weird. He thinks the baby is ‘too close’ when we have sex.” 

I laughed. "Josh is probably gay."

"He's not gay!" Rosa said, indignant.

"Oh really? He's probably cheating on you with some dude right now.”

"You think?”

I smiled, and kissed her.

I was happy,  even though the truth made me sad again. I was just a side guy for Rosa, and one day Josh was going to find out, and things would really get fucked up. I was not ghetto enough to deal with this. I sighed. Plus, when the baby was born, I would probably have to vanish again. My mood soured.

"It's late, Rosa, I got a morning shift at the store tomorrow. And I don't want to wake up Nathalie." Rosa slipped on a nightshirt and bid me adieu from her small walkup apartment, just around a few blocks down from my own decrepit attic apartment.

I was happy with my life, despite the messy circumstances.
Liked by 17 members: Lich (May 18, 2024), Ranito (May 17, 2024), imthedudeman (May 7, 2024), King924 (Apr 25, 2024), aoogha (Apr 18, 2024), Viper9000 (Apr 13, 2024), satanismymotor (Apr 13, 2024), Joofes (Apr 12, 2024), Batman_49 (Apr 10, 2024), MLR44 (Apr 10, 2024), B17geek98 (Apr 10, 2024), sundaefan1234 (Apr 10, 2024), redd55 (Apr 10, 2024), bigboy23 (Apr 10, 2024), (Apr 10, 2024), Hunn2020 (Apr 9, 2024), Ilovepreggos123 (Apr 9, 2024)
Fantastic Story

Keep it up
User 101938
I love where this is going! Maybe you could try and incorporate the inevitable belly job, you keep teasing it!
this story is so good, can’t wait for more

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