Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls
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Good read so far! My only negative comment is that there's a lot of "Josh" where there should be "Dave" or "David" in Part 6, at the family gathering.
I don’t usually read smut but this has my attention, very good!. Only comment I have is that there could be more foreplay and bedroom talk to reel me as the reader into David’s shoes but it’s your vision and your story so keep rocking and rolling
Liked by d7351976 (May 29, 2024)
User 103033
God I love this can’t wait for the next part!
Liked by d7351976 (May 29, 2024)
Belly Button
I've been reading over this, over the last couple of days. 

I have to say that, when it comes to my own tastes with the pregnancy fetish, this is the best story I've read on here for quite some time. Well done indeed! For me, anything that involves descriptive content of the belly/belly button as part of the story will absolutely get my attention and make me want to read more. 

Keep up the good work and thank you for the time you've taken to write it and share it with us.
Liked by d7351976 (May 29, 2024), Viper9000 (May 6, 2024)
Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls [Part 8]


In a power play, I called Rosa at 6:30 the next morning. I was already dressed, shaved and ready for work. 

“Hello? Dave? What’s going on?” Rosa was groggy. 

“Hey. We have to talk.” 

"Huh? Why?"


"Oh, shit. He talked to you?"

"Yeah, he called me."


"Rosa, you told him the baby was mine."

Silence. A creaking of bed springs as Rosa shifted uncomfortably. 

"Shit, Dave. I'm sorry I lied. But I just wanted him gone. All he did was make me feel gross and guilty. And things were getting serious between us. He's still an ass. You know that."

"I can't believe you would lie about something like that."

"Well, Dave, I don't need a lecture. It's done."

"Rosa, it's his baby. And he wants to be there for it."


"For the birth. He wants to be there when the baby is born."

Rosa was silent.

"Rosa. You've fucked this guy over pretty bad. I know you're on bad terms, but I think this is how you can make it up to him." 

"But... what about you, Dave?" 

My stomach dropped as I thought about what I was going to say. "Rosa. It's not my baby."

What was I expecting? Tears? Begging? Something like that. But Rosa ripped into me with unexpected Latina vengeance.

"You stupid motherfucker." Rosa snarled over the phone. " After all we've been through, you're gonna duck out on me? Nice try, asshole. You're gonna be there, if I have to drag you by your little dick while screaming in labour. I can't believe you, Dave."

"I can't believe you either." I was trying not to reciprocate anger.

"Oh. And we are going to Salvador's party this weekend. As boyfriend and girlfriend. I spent all fucking week trying to smooth things over between you and him. So you're gonna go." 

I had lost. 


Rosa hung up. 

That Saturday, after half a week of avoidance and textless radio silence, I knocked on Rosa's door. She opened it, and glared at me. She was wearing a dress that was tight, and revealed a lot of her body. The dress was dark green, and matched her eyes, which were narrowed, angry. She was barefoot, and I couldn't help notice her swollen calves and ankles from the pregnancy.

"Well. Come on in. You look like shit, by the way.”


I couldn’t help noticing what Rosa was wearing. It was like Rosa to show off her body, but there was something almost… aggressive about this outfit. Something seemed off. She was either trying to seduce me back in, or trying to get the attention of some random guy in order to make me jealous. She was on the offensive.

"Rosa. Listen, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have..."

"Just shut the fuck up, Dave. Okay?"


"Take Nathalie to the car. We're gonna drive."


Rosa glared daggers at me.I picked up Nathalie and buckled her into the car seat. Rosa followed, lumbering down the stairs to her car. She looked absolutely massive, bloated and uncomfortable. There was something almost absurd about her heavy, awkward body crammed into this  green cocktail dress, made for someone 50 pounds lighter and less, well, comically huge from pregnancy.  I took a perverse pleasure in seeing her in this state, as every pound added to her overnourished, fertile frame strained her body further. 

I sat in the passenger's seat as Rosa hoisted herself into the driver's seat. More awkward silence. 

"Did you stop by the store already?"

"Yeah. Go straight to Salvador's. You said… you smoothed things over between me and him?”

Rosa sighed. “Yeah. You’re welcome, by the way. It wasn’t easy.”

“What did you tell him?”

“I told him the truth. That you’re a good boyfriend and I love being with you.” 

We drove a few blocks to her brother's house, and pulled into the driveway. Rosa heaved her awkward body out of the car, and I grabbed the bag from the backseat. We headed into the house. An air conditioner aggressively whirred in the kitchen, struggling to keep the small bungalow cool. Salvador emerged, and gave me a handshake and a solemn nod. I couldn't help noticing ironically that Salvador had two kids of his own from a failed relationship. 

Rosa's family and some of Salvador’s friends were gathered around the back patio. Her mother, Salvador, one sister, and maybe a few cousins or friends. They all stared at me, as Rosa led me over to a seat at the table.

"Hi, David. Nice to see you."

"Hi, everyone."

"We brought some food. I'll bring it out, okay? Just a minute." Rosa disappeared into the kitchen.

"So, David. How are you and Rosa doing?"

"Uh, good, I guess."

"That's great. She is a lovely girl."


I was nervous, and was struggling to hold a conversation. Rosa emerged from the kitchen holding two casserole dishes, placing them on the table.

"Taco casserole. And taco salad. My specialties. Go ahead."

Everyone took their fill. Rosa stood by, watching me closely. I was still starving. I had not eaten since the night before, and I took a generous serving of everything. I sat down in the middle of a conversation about labour and birthing. 

“Second baby always comes faster. Look forward to that at least.” Rosa’s mother said with a wave of her hand. 

“You’re not gonna… ask Josh to come, are you? Or does Dave come?” Rosa’s sister asked solemnly. 

Everyone looked at Rosa, expecting an answer. She seemed nonchalant.

“I will ask Josh if he wants to be there. It’s his baby. If he says no, Dave will come.” 

I froze, in shock at Rosa’s words.

“Can’t they both be there?”

Rosa shrugged. “That works too.” 

Rosa’s mom pointed at me. “David, are you gonna come?” 

“Of course Dave’s gonna come,” Salvador smirked. “ That’s a perfect date night for him!” 

Everyone laughed and there was excited chatter in Spanish. I saw a small smile from Rosa, who sat up to refill her drink in the kitchen. 

As the conversation drifted towards Spanish, I took a chance to slip away and talk to Rosa in private.

In the small darkened kitchen, Rosa was leaning over the counter, her hand on the top of her belly.

“Rosa? You OK?” 

There was a pause as Rosa looked up. She smiled. “Yeah. I’m OK. It felt like… a contraction almost. But nothing serious, I don’t think.” 

I wrapped my arms around her, and gave a bit of a squeeze. My heart rate had gone up as I had seen her there. It reminded me that the time was coming soon. 

“I’m glad you’re OK.” 

Rosa sighed as my hands explored the curves of her body. Starting from the top of her hard, globular belly, my hands ran down to her sides and stopped on either side of her hips. I squeezed a bit and delighted as the meaty flesh yielded to my fingertips. 

“Dave.. really? Here..? No, please.” 

But it was too late. I was getting horny again. Our anger and fighting had only intensified my desires, and then seeing Rosa feel a contraction… 

How many more times were we going to fuck? How many more times would she cram half a pizza down her throat while murmuring to make her bigger and more pregnant? How many more times would she sit on my cock and delight in her huge, sloppy pregnant body, chiding me playfully for making her this way? 

My hands slid up her back and around her torso. One hand rested on her shoulder, the other, the side of her full, heavy breast. I could feel her breathing. I reached down and gently squeezed. 

I heard a soft moan.

I grunted, a bit animal-like. "You think you can get away with wearing a dress like this and not having me respond like this?" 

Rosa smiled, a bit indignant. "Are you punishing me for dressing a little slutty? 'Cause that's your problem, not mine." Rosa shifted her weight and slid a glorious ass cheek across my groin. 

"Damn. You keep acting like this, and you're gonna be pregnant non-stop for the next ten years." With a grabbing hand I slid a hand across the crest of her full-term belly, downward as I made my way to her crotch. My hand slid up the hem of her dress.

"Mmm, Dave. Stop."

Rosa gasped and leaned back against the counter. I pressed myself harder against her as my hand brushed against her panties. I was completely absorbed by the feeling of her pregnant body against mine. Rosa's breasts heaved as her breathing got heavier.

“Dave. We can’t do this now. Please.” 

In disappointment I withdrew my hand from Rosa’s skirt. She grasped it and led it towards her stomach. 

“The baby’s kicking.” 

We were both silent as we felt the little bumps from under the firm balloon of Rosa’s heavy belly. 

“I think he’s hungry.”

Rosa turned around and faced me with a pout.

“Oh my God, Dave. I’ve been so hungry this week. This baby won’t stop growing and I can’t keep up.” 

“Really? I wish I knew that. We could have…” I playfully nipped at Rosa’s love handles, looking particularly irresistible being squeezed by her tight dress. 

“Huh? What?” 

My mind drifted.

“You changed your mind. About Josh.”

Rosa avoided eye contact. “I realised it was probably the right thing to do. But David… I want you there, too.” 

My stomach turned. “OK. But only if Josh says it’s fine.” 

The entry of Salvador and a family friend into the kitchen ended our conversation.

“Everything OK in here?” 

“Yeah, just filling up the juice pitchers.” 

“Cool.” Salvador smiled. 

I felt somewhat a sense of relief, but could not resolve the general feeling of social boredom and horniness that pervaded my senses. Bored and thinking with my dick, I texted Rosa, despite her sitting six feet away from me. 

“If you’re still up to it after this, I’ll give you the biggest feeding and fucking you’ve ever had tonight. I want you to burst out of that tight little dress by the end of this week, babe.” 

I saw Rosa smile, and her face flush with anticipation.

Rosa texted me back.

"I think I will have to take you up on that. By the way, that yellow dress I wore to my family reunion won't zip up anymore." 

"Oh fuck. The one you wore in your last Instagram post?"


"I'll be honest, I've rubbed a few ones out looking at that picture."

"LMAO really? I should update. I've gotten bigger."

I texted back instantly, glancing over my shoulder for prying eyes. 

"How much bigger."

"I dunno the number. I just feel heavier." 

"I gotta know. For... research purposes." 

Despite all that set up, our plans were cock-blocked by a sick and cranky Nathalie, whining and clinging to her mother. In some ways this just increased my roiling horniness and desire for running my hands over Rosa's ample, burgeoning body. I kissed Rosa sadly as we departed outside her house, and I walked home dejected. 

Antsy and restless, I scrolled through Instagram past midnight, nursing a styrofoam cup of Cuban rum. I paused at Rosa's profile. She had posted something about an hour ago.

My eyes bulged out of my head. "Holy fuck."

There were two photos, taken in Rosa’s bathroom. A short sleeveless yellow sleep gown clung tightly to Rosa's pregnant form. It was almost obscene, the way her heavy, full tits and the curve of her pregnant belly, pushed out against the yellow fabric. A deep V plunged down her front, revealing her full, creamy cleavage, and her belly was so large that the shirt was raised, revealing a couple inches of her smooth, pregnant midriff. Her hips, full and curvy, pushed the matching sleep shorts tight around her legs. Her dark hair fell in curls to the middle of her back. She looked stunning, and her huge, round belly, filled with life, was on full display.

 I scrolled to the second photo. 

The picture was from a different angle, taken at the same spot. Posing seductively in front of the bathroom mirror, Rosa had lifted up her shirt to just below her breasts, revealing a full moon-like curve that seemed to stretch on forever. Rosa's belly was so incredibly full and round, it almost looked painful. I could see Rosa's bare feet in the mirror, the toes splayed and turned inward as she tried to accommodate the impossible, huge weight of her pregnant belly. Crowning the top of her glorious mountainous stomach, her breasts looked full and round, and ready to burst with milk. Her hair was messy, and her eyes were heavily lidded, seducing not only me, but whoever was enchanted by her growing fertile body. 

The photos were by all accounts, trashy. 

I wanted her so badly. 

There was something so fucking hot about how irresponsible Rosa was with her body, a lewd testament to the powerful sway I had over her libido. Likewise, over the immense power she had over me. A power that grew every day as she herself grew heavier, slower and more uncomfortable with a full-term pregnancy and excessive overeating. 

I grabbed my dick and exhaled through my nose. I downed the last of the rum in an attempt to calm my raging hormones. At last I read the caption below the photos. 

“Can’t wait to meet you, little one. Trying to enjoy the last few weeks of this pregnancy.”

Liked by 11 members: B17geek98 (May 31, 2024), Ranito (May 27, 2024), (May 18, 2024), sundaefan1234 (May 8, 2024), Riastrad23 (May 6, 2024), Batman_49 (May 6, 2024), bigboy23 (May 6, 2024), Tahajalee (May 6, 2024), Viper9000 (May 6, 2024), igamel (May 5, 2024), MLR44 (May 5, 2024)
(April 28, 2024, 9:00 am)scr00b Good read so far! My only negative comment is that there's a lot of "Josh" where there should be "Dave" or "David" in Part 6, at the family gathering.
Thanks for catching that!
Liked by sundaefan1234 (May 8, 2024)
Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls 
[Part 9] 

I tapped to see who had liked Rosa’s photo set. I noticed a particular profile right away. 


With rum in my veins, I shot Josh a message.

“You like what you see there? You know, pregnant pussy is the best pussy.” 

I could feel myself spiralling into a jealous rage.

Josh, after a minute, responded.

"I'm sure it is."

Hmm. Not quite the response I was looking for. Josh was more stoic than I thought. 

He was typing again.

"Enjoy it while you can. She gonna look like Jabba the Hutt in a few years. I dunno if even your standards are low enough for that."

"Don’t be rude. Nothing wrong with a little pregnancy weight gain. And she’s happier than she ever was with you. Addicted to food, addicted to breeding, addicted to my cum. She has everything she needs now that you’re out of the picture.” 

"I knew you were into some sick shit, Dave. And if you show up at the hospital, I'll punch you in the mouth."


It was a Saturday evening, and the first cool winds of September were beginning to blow after night fell. The air was still sweltering in Rosa’s apartment, however, where we were enjoying a night in as Nathalie slept in the room beside us. 
I turned to my left and looked at Rosa on the couch, transfixed by the final minutes of a good crime show I had recommended. Without clothes except for a black nursing bra and yoga shorts, Rosa sat with her legs curled under her like a vast, fertile female Buddha. She looked massive. She had one manicured hand on her bulging gut, breathing heavily in and out as the large baby shifted inside her. Every movement seemed to tax her bloated and overripe body. I had spent the last hour feeding her dozens of Totino’s pizza rolls while she contentedly teased my eager erection through my jogging shorts. The episode ended and Rosa’s attention finally diverted away from the TV.

“That was good, Dave. Thanks for showing me.”

I pointed to the kitchen. “Do you want anything else?” I stood up to fill a bowl with chips. 

Rosa drew her hand to the top of her belly and frowned. 

“Ughh.. I do, Dave, but.. I also don’t. I feel so tired. Too tired to even eat.”

Rosa lay down on the couch, her breasts drifting downwards like overripe melons. I watched gravity work its magic on her heavy body. 

“Fuck, Rosa. You look like art.” I sat down with another bowl of Lay’s. 

Rosa laughed, almost a snort. “Shut the fuck up. I feel like the fattest whale on earth.” Rosa reached for a chip, absentmindedly massaging the itchy, tight skin around her belly button. I watched as the rolls of chub around her ribs jiggled in response to her touch. 

“I really feel like the baby’s coming soon, Dave. I do.” 

God. It was like the world was coming to an end. I silently crunched a chip while Rosa stared into space.

“Nothing good lasts forever,” I muttered vaguely.

Rosa smiled, a little sadly.

“Can I.. take some pictures.”

“Of me?” Rosa looked a bit surprised.

“Yeah. I wanna remember this week. You at your biggest.”

Rosa looked a bit incredulous, but she accepted. I leaned forward and kiss her gently, my hand gently tickling the smooth skin of her midriff. I reached for her bra clip.  


We had moved to the bedroom. A fully naked, heavy Rosa sprawled on her side in her bed, a thin sheet covering her legs. She was facing me, one arm above her head, the other propping her upper body up, exposing her belly to my phone camera. The sheets barely covered her thick thighs and ass. The bedside lamp cast a glow over her dark brown hair, cascading over her pillow.

Rosa looked incredible. She had never been more pregnant. The size and heft of her huge belly, resting against her thigh, was unbelievable. Her belly button had become an outie, and was the centrepiece of the photo, surrounded by a soft, doughy layer of fat that spread up towards her rib cage. Her breasts were so swollen and heavy, they almost looked painful. I could make out the outlines of her hard nipples poking through the sheet.
I looked at the time stamp on my phone. We had been at it for  20 minutes, and I had taken maybe 50 pictures and several videos. I was in heaven, and Rosa seemed to be too, despite the occasional grimace as the baby strained her body. 

As Rosa shifted her pose again, my eyes ran hungrily over her flesh. I primitively stuck my hand in my shorts and stroked my cock as I started another video.Rosa responded, encouraged by my growing primal urges. The sheet slid off the bed, revealing the entirety of Rosa's body, including her huge, swollen, full tits, her wide hips, her smooth thighs, and the bottom of her heavy, round belly. Rosa shifted to her back, and I watched in fascination as the enormous sphere of her stomach heaved with her. I felt a surge of arousal and a twitch of my dick as the full moon of her pregnant tummy rested against her soft thighs. As she sat there, her belly softly rising and sinking with each breath, I imagined the weight of her ample body  pushing down on my hips as she rode my cock, my hands sinking into her doughy skin. Rosa let out a sigh of relief as her back rested against the bed, and her hands found the crest of her stomach. She was smiling as her fingers dug into the flesh, squeezing and exploring the expanse of her belly. She rubbed her thumb around her outie belly button, and moaned softly, clearly aroused.

"Dave... can you believe this? How big I am?"

I was too busy stroking myself and admiring the scene to respond.

"I feel so heavy. And full. Mmmm..."

Rosa was now completely absorbed in herself, and the hefty, swollen weight of her pregnant body. Her hands caressed her heavy breasts, and she began to tweak her nipples, letting out a moan as her fingers worked them harder and harder.

"Dave, please... touch me.” 

I slipped my phone back in my pocket, as Rosa lay back, her head against a pillow. I took my hand and started by running it across the peak of her mountainous stomach. I squeezed a bit, and a moan escaped from her lips. I then travelled down, past the crest of her belly, onto her lower abdomen. I could feel the baby squirming under my palm. My hand moved a little lower, to her thick, jiggly thighs, which were slick with sweat. Rosa smiled with self-satisfaction as she basked in the attention, as I explored the mounds, rolls and crevices of her doughy, full-term body. There was almost a perverse circus-freak element to my incredible awe at Rosa’s heavy, fertile body. I massaged her inner thighs, and her breathing quickened. Finally, I ran my fingers down her labia, which were dripping with excitement.

"Mmm. Oh, fuck."

I leaned in and kissed her, gently at first, but as she responded I became more aggressive, my hands grabbing the flesh of her heavy hips and soft, full ass. Rosa was moaning into my mouth, her hands running up and down my body, trying to pull me closer.

Suddenly Rosa grabbed my hand.

“Stop. Take your clothes off. Cum in me."

I took a few seconds to snap out of my stupor, and took off my t-shirt. I unzipped my shorts, and pulled them off, along with my boxers. Rosa was breathing heavily as I got onto the bed. I could feel the heat and pressure coming off her body.
I crawled up and kissed Rosa on the mouth, and she wrapped her arms around me. I felt the full weight of her belly press against me. Her breasts were so swollen, heavy and warm, and her skin was hot and damp with sweat. My cock brushed against her belly and she whimpered in anticipation. I grabbed her ass and squeezed, pulling her closer. She gasped. I slid down and ran my hands over the top of her stomach, watching as the rolls and dimples in her skin reacted to my touch. I was amazed by how heavy her pregnant belly was. I ran my fingers down to her navel, and traced around it. Rosa shivered.

"Oh, god, Dave. That feels so good."

I looked down, and her thighs had opened up, revealing her wet, engorged vulva.

"Mmm, baby, I'm so horny. Do you want me to make you a baby, too?"

I smiled at her words. " Another? You wanna be twice as big as you are now?"

Rosa bit her lip and nodded, and I lowered myself between her legs.
Liked by 10 members: Ranito (May 28, 2024), BeeHive (May 22, 2024), (May 18, 2024), sundaefan1234 (May 18, 2024), Viper9000 (May 18, 2024), B17geek98 (May 18, 2024), Batman_49 (May 17, 2024), bigboy23 (May 17, 2024), cripple135 (May 17, 2024), MLR44 (May 17, 2024)
User 103434
God I love this story, can’t wait to see where it’s going
Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls

[Part 10] 

After we were done, I sat beside Rosa on the bed, my hand gently on her belly.

"You know, David, I think that was the best I've ever had." 

I was somewhat pensive as I lay beside Rosa in the now-dark bedroom. Before I could respond, Rosa spoke again.

"I think the baby is gonna come this week. It’s just a feeling." 

I nodded. I still hadn't told her what happened earlier, after I had drunk-messaged Josh. It was too embarrassing to mention it now. After all the work Rosa had done to smooth this messy situation out, I had ruined it in about two minutes with my jealousy.

I glanced down at the vast mound of her belly. “Yeah. I think you’re pretty close. I can’t imagine that belly getting much bigger.” 

Of course that was a fucking lie. I could imagine that belly getting bigger, with careless babymaking and decadent overeating.

Rosa brought a hand to her mouth, and gasped. “I was gonna weigh myself today and I forgot. It’s been a while.”

My eyebrows shot up. “Are you serious? How long has it been?” 

“I dunno.” Rosa rolled her fleshy body over and off the bed. “Come with me and see.”

“Fuck, yeah.” I could feel my worn-out cock swelling again. So predictable.

Both naked, we tiptoed to the bathroom past Nathalie’s room. Rosa flicked on the light, and I caught a gorgeous view of Rosa’s fertility-goddess figure in the fluorescent light. Rosa gently pushed the scale in front of her with a toe. My dick was 
rock hard in anticipation. I wrapped my arms around her wide waist and pressed my red hot cock against her swollen buttcheek.

“Mmm, yes? Are you excited for this?”

“Step on the fucking scale, Rosa.” I planted a kiss on her shoulder. 

Rosa giggled, and stepped onto the scale. We both held our breath.

229 pounds.

My mind reeled. 229 lbs. Rosa had gained 80 lbs since we started. I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Fuck, Rosa, that's hot."

Rosa arched her back as I grabbed a handful of breast and belly, my favourite move these days. My teeth dug in lightly to her fleshy shoulder, and my cock pulsated as a final trickle of cum shot out over Rosa's thigh. 

"Jesus fucking Christ." I exhaled and buried my face into the crevice of Rosa's neck.

Rosa smiled and leaned back, rubbing my arms. "I can't believe it. This is the biggest I've ever been. And I'm still gonna get bigger, David. Just you wait."

"Shit." I could barely think.

"Do you know what I want, Dave? I want 300. And more."

“Rosa..." I could not believe my ears.

Rosa turned around and placed her hands on my shoulders.

"I wanna get as fat as I can, Dave. I love this body. I love it."

She kissed me, and wrapped her arms around me. I ran my hands over her smooth, taut, rounded back, and down to her buttocks.

"I'm so hungry all the time, and it just makes me hornier. And when I get horny, I eat more. And then I want you to fuck me, and fuck me harder than ever. I'm gonna get pregnant again so fast."

I was silent, overwhelmed by her words.

Rosa paused, and looked up at me, smiling.

"Do you like the idea, David? Does it turn you on?"

I didn't know what to say. My mind was blank.

Rosa giggled and ran her hand down my chest.

"I knew it, cariño. You are the dirtiest boy I have ever met."

"It’s just bedroom fantasy, Rosa. I didn’t think you would actually…” 

Rosa laughed and gave me a shove. "Don’t back down now, silly. And guess what. I'll be even bigger if I have another baby from you, David. You're so tall.  I'd bet we'd have a big baby..."

I was getting a headache. How would I ever pull my dick out of this? 

"Can we just go to sleep, Rosa?"
Liked by 10 members: Ranito (Jun 4, 2024), Hunn2020 (May 28, 2024), bigboy23 (May 28, 2024), grimlock79 (May 25, 2024), imthedudeman (May 25, 2024), DrPowers (May 25, 2024), B17geek98 (May 23, 2024), MLR44 (May 23, 2024), sundaefan1234 (May 22, 2024), BeeHive (May 22, 2024)
Trashy Pregnant Hispanic Girls
[Part 11]

The next morning, I awoke to the sound of Nathalie playing and talking to herself in her crib from the other room. We had both overslept. Rosa was beside me, fast asleep. I had to pee, and carefully lifted her arm, and got out of bed.I headed back into the bedroom, and slipped on some jogging shorts. Rosa was waking up, and propped her head on her elbow.



Rosa had a funny expression on her face.

"Everything okay?"

Rosa nodded, but her lips were pressed tight together.

"Yeah. I think. I think it's starting. Labor."

I was a bit stunned. "For real?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure."

"Huh. So you were right."

"Yeah." Rosa grimaced a little as a contraction hit.

"You gotta tell Josh. He has to drive you in." 

“Are you fucking serious?!” 

“I’ve gotta open at work. When I’m done, I’ll come as fast as I can. Promise.” I was well aware of the direness of this situation but I kept on picturing Josh pulverizing my skull in the maternity ward at the downtown hospital. 

Rosa let out a stress-filled sigh. "Fine." She tapped on her phone. 

"Does it hurt?"

"Not too much yet." 

Rosa slipped on some underwear and a bra, as she fished for her hospital bag. 

"And Nathalie?" 

Rosa closed her eyes in discomfort. "Get her some breakfast and I'll call my parents." 

After a stress-filled hour of preparations, we were finally ready. Nathalie's mother picked up Nathalie and gave Rosa a kiss of good luck. Rosa sat dressed on the couch. She looked uncomfortable but excited for what was happening. Me, all I could think of was how her black maternity top squished her milk-filled breasts together to perfection. 

"Where the fuck is Josh?"

"Let me text him." 


"Oh my God. He's at the hospital already."

"He was supposed to pick you up! Shit." 

"He must have been confused by what I texted. Dave, you're gonna have to take me there." 

"Rosa... I really can’t be there with Josh.”

"What? What are you talking about?" 

I sighed. "I guess I should have told you earlier. Josh and I talked.”

“About… what? I thought this was settled. I don’t care what Josh wants, I want you there with me, Dave.” 

“No, something worse happened.”


"Last week. I was a bit drunk. And jealous.”

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

"I said some stuff through messages. He didn't like it. I'm sorry, Rosa."

"You're a piece of work, Dave."

"I know. I'm a dick. Anyways, he told me he was gonna knock the shit out of me if I showed up at the hospital."

"Dave... I don't want this turning into a ghetto smackdown." 

"I know. I will drive you in and we’ll play it by ear, OK?"

“OK.” Rosa looked at me tenderly. 

"Are you nervous, Dave?"

"Yeah. A little. I'm not sure what to feel."

A contraction started, a larger one. Rosa moaned a little and breathed deeply, and lifted her shirt up to her bra, placing her hands calmly on her stomach, which looked hard and distended. I couldn't help notice pervertedly that these were the same moans that Rosa made when I fucked her.

God, I was fucking horny again. Her belly.. 

"Fuck, Rosa. I'm sorry." I grabbed my dick and slid my jogging shorts down.


"Rosa, I gotta just one more time, please." 

 She looked at me understandingly but with a little condescension. "It's OK, Dave. Seriously."

As I stood before her on the couch, one last time, horny and desperate, I reflected on what a pathetic loser I was, so enslaved to this addiction, so predictable. Rosa pulled down my boxers.

"You want... this...?" She stared down at the massive mound hanging low between her thighs. 

"Fuck yes."

Rosa took my dick in her hand.

"Oh God, another one.." As another contraction hit her, she ran my rock hard cock against the bloated orb of her stomach, riding out the contraction pain with each gentle circular stroke of my dick on her belly. I leaned into her motions, rocking my hips gently. Rosa looked at me with her eyes half-closed, her dark hair spilling over her face, and a soft smile. 

Awkwardly I reached out and grabbed a breast, as Rosa pressed my cock firmly against the little divet of her popped belly button. I bucked my hips up and down, and squeezed a little tighter on her breast. 

"Shit. That feels so good."


Rosa winced as another contraction started. With a last gasp, I spurted cum across the vast expanse of Rosa's exposed belly, a crude goodbye  to its gravid glory.

"Oh, my fucking God. Dave, really?"

"I'm sorry, Rosa. It was my last chance."

"It's okay, David." Rosa gave me a sad smile.

I looked down at the pool of sticky white liquid on Rosa's stomach.

"Shit. You can't go into the hospital like this."

"Here, clean me up." Rosa handed me a towel from the laundry basket beside the couch and I wiped up my mess.

"We better get going, Rosa. Traffic is gonna be bad.”

Liked by Hunn2020 (Jun 1, 2024), B17geek98 (May 31, 2024), SonofaPig (May 30, 2024), MLR44 (May 30, 2024), sundaefan1234 (May 30, 2024)

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