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Colombia: Land Of The Preggos
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(September 27, 2020, 11:31 am)1Way
(September 25, 2020, 11:07 am)LTKNT101 Also preggophillia is not a secret anymore so a lot of these girls get pregnant just so they can cash in selling their knocked up bodies to us.

I fully disagree with this statement. I doubt most of the cam models are even aware of this site since I haven't seen not one of them on here. And other than Orta and a handful of other users, nobody else here is uploading their shows here, let alone paying them any attention.

And even then, these camgirls make absolutely nothing from this site since their shows get dumped for free here and they don't offer a store for custom/premium clips.

These girls have their own set of fans that have no affiliation with this site whatsoever.

I agree and disagree. A lot of cam models are either not familiar with this site, hate this site, or know but have yet to sign up. I have met all three online. Most cam girls know that pregnancy is a gold mine. They dont know that until they get pregnant and find out on their own or someone tells them when they get pregnant. The problem Ive found is that many ladies arent willing to do the work for whatever reason. Some ladies have body issues, some may be sick, some are just plain lazy. Some dont offer Customs because they may not want themselves out there like that or theyre afraid of violating the rules of whatever studio they work at. All of the ladies have different reasons for not providing Customs. I have begged I dont know how many models over the years to do videos and Ive found that many dont do it and regret it after the fact. They get online with the postpartum belly and lactating breasts and the first thing they hear is "Are you still pregnant? Congratulations! Did you make any pics or videos? Oh too bad, Id have bought it if you did". I guess thats when they realize everyone was serious all along.

(September 27, 2020, 3:22 pm)1Way
(September 27, 2020, 3:02 pm)LTKNT101 It is my opinion that the girls in Colombia know this and are supplying the obvious demand for said content.

That's the thing, they're not supplying the demand that people want. Most of them just sit on their ass and do nothing in front of the webcam. Tinygirl_BigButt is a good example of this. She's done nothing other than sit there and occasionally move or play with a belt while doing camera tricks to make her belly appear bigger. It's a plain quantity over quality issue that nobody seems to notice or care about.

Youre right about that.

The thing that annoys me the most about this is exactly what you just said. Do yall remember Renata? I like Renata. Shes one of my favorite cam girls ever TBH. She had the language barrier but I cant help thinking if she knew English and offered Customs shed have made a fortune. Let her have come to this site. People would have given her so much money shed never have to cam again. Shed probably have enough funding to be a SAHM for a good year or so. Im serious. People loved Renata. Remember Tia Taboo? She came here years ago asking for help paying her rent around November. I believe it was in January she came back thanking everyone because we had given her enough to not only pay the rent but also afford a wonderful Christmas for her children. Theres a big difference between the two. Now look at most of Renatas cam recordings. Most of what she did was sit there and maybe move her belly a bit. Later on people got some good clips such as her wearing outgrown clothing, dancing and her infamous squirting but most of her videos are her sitting and typing. Thats the case for most models whether Brazilian, Colombian or American. What amazes me about the American ones is that a lot of them refuse to do anything but sit there. They wont even talk to people who come in the room or theyll stay on their cell phones then get mad when no one gives them money. I guess when they get the memo that pregnancy brings in the money someone lies and tells them all they have to do is say theyre pregnant. Im hesitant to say it but some even get cocky. Some ask for absurd amounts of money to show belly or to do Customs. I know of one model that wanted $20/min for a video. This was literally her video. This was not on a site, through a studio or anything so all the money was going straight to her. That means a 10 minute video was $200 cash in her pocket. Thats ridiculous. Otherwise they do regular run of the mill videos that everyone has seen five million times over. We have that pregnant burping and farting thread, for example. Try going to a pregnant cam girl and asking her to burp. Youll probably get laughed at a few times first before you find someone willing and no, they wont make a Custom video of that. That wont make them any money, they figure. But go ask some models who actually did it and theyll tell you pregnant burping is a huge fetish and its made them a bunch of money. Ive also found some models actually have interest in doing videos and they also have a serious procrastination issues. I have watched models gain some of the largest bellies we have seen on this site, people flock to their rooms begging them to do Custom videos and them swearing they will do them only to keep pushing it off until they give birth.

Its frustrating but the bottom line is this. Its their money. Them refusing to do anything in both the chat room and any sort of Custom videos cuts into money they could be making. TBH I respect a cam model whom takes any and every idea into account and does it in video form over one that charges a ridiculous amount of money for it. Models dont seem to understand that no matter what they get paid. How much work is it to film a burping video? Drink a soda, turn the cam on, burp and rub your belly. They could do that as they watch TV and there they go. If its ten minutes long thats an easy $10. Even if only one person bought it thats $10 for them to record them doing something they probably do every day anyway. Outgrown clothing? Thats something they deal with every morning Im sure. Why not film it as they try on some clothes in the morning? No, some would rather demand someone pay them $50-100 for the video first then just film it. Some people arent willing to kick out that kind of money. Its either too much money or too close to their due date so they arent willing to risk it. The model never films it and shes lost money just like that. Shes thinking about that $50-100 she never got never realizing she might have made that and more if she made the video and had it up for sale all along.

(September 27, 2020, 6:28 pm)corvega Okay but are NOT purposely getting pregnant JUST to see an increase in income. Do you honestly think the increased income from those 9 months is worth the cost of RAISING A CHILD? No buddy it isn't and they know that to, they aren't that dumb.

No, they arent. But what I have seen is women getting pregnant once, realizing how much money they made, joking about doing it again just for the cash and then turning up pregnant again in a few months. Was it on purpose? Doubtful but they were happy because they knew the money was about to roll in again. The bigger they get the more money they made and they knew it. Plus add in the lactating breasts from the prior pregnancy? Two fetishes in one. They knew they were about to make some serious money.

(September 27, 2020, 10:41 pm)corvega Most of the pregnant models were camming before they got pregnant. Why would they stop when they get pregnant? Also yeah they are totally making a decision, you know, between camming to get some money to survive and, you know, not surviving. That's totally a decision dude.

I have to disagree.

I know many cam girls that ghosted everything when they got pregnant. I guess they didnt get the memo.

You want more recent examples? These arent cam girls but what about Sarah Rae? She was pregnant just last year. She did like three photo sets and that was it. Its not like she didnt know there was interest. She posted on Twitter asking for ideas for videos via Twitter and Email. I doubt any of them got made. Supposedly she wasnt pleased with how she looked and that caused her to not film anything. What about Nadine Jansen? What happened with her second pregnancy? We got like two photo sets, pure silence for months and now we get lactation sets. I dont know about yall but I was trying to see how big she got. These are professional ladies who are beyond camming. Did she even cam at all during her last pregnancy? Miss Mara / Winkingdaisys, did she cam? Some of these ladies just dont bother whether they know itll bring them money or not.
Liked by Karnage70 (Sep 20, 2022), sagerake (Oct 1, 2020), miradanz (Oct 1, 2020)
(October 1, 2020, 7:29 am)McKormick We have that pregnant burping and farting thread, for example. Try going to a pregnant cam girl and asking her to burp. Youll probably get laughed at a few times first before you find someone willing and no, they wont make a Custom video of that. That wont make them any money, they figure. But go ask some models who actually did it and theyll tell you pregnant burping is a huge fetish and its made them a bunch of money. Ive also found some models actually have interest in doing videos and they also have a serious procrastination issues. I have watched models gain some of the largest bellies we have seen on this site, people flock to their rooms begging them to do Custom videos and them swearing they will do them only to keep pushing it off until they give birth.

I got Tinygirl_Bigbutt to burp for me on her birthday. Granted she already had 'drink beer' as a tip menu option so all I had to do was give her tokens for that but burping was not part of the menu. That was a request from me. She basically did a custom video for me right in her Chaturbate cam room. You are correct that some girls will do custom content and some won't. To the original point of this thread, a lot of sex goes on in Colombia. Prostitution is legal and there is a huge preference to go bareback. Some of these pregnancies are likely the result of girls allowing guys to cum inside them. Not all pregnancies in Colombia happen this way but there is no denying that a considerable portion occurs that way. Once the girl is pregnant she takes to a webcam and uses her swollen belly as a tool to generate income. Maybe she has heard from other girls that pregnancy makes money.

If a girl's first pregnancy in Colombia was not concieved for financial gain you can best believe her second pregnancy will be especially if she has tremendous sucess selling her first pregnancy on webcam.
Replying to McKormick:

Reply to the first quote: Yeah dude they are so happy they are about to make more money. Y'know who cares about the fact that they are ABOUT TO HAVE A BABY. I mean who would be happy about that right? You and LTKNT101 totally have women figured out. Both of you totally know what they are thinking lmao.

Reply to the second quote: Brother. We are talking about PREGNANT COLOMBIAN CAM MODELS. Why are you bringing up these other women? Are they Colombian? I get that I didn't specify it in the quoted text but that's because it's part of a reply to a discussion about PREGNANT COLOMBIAN CAM MODELS. 
(October 1, 2020, 11:12 am)LTKNT101 If a girl's first pregnancy in Colombia was not concieved for financial gain you can best believe her second pregnancy will be especially if she has tremendous sucess selling her first pregnancy on webcam.
There you go again. Listen. No woman in their right mind would purposely get pregnant, WITH their own biological child that they will have to raise, just to make more money selling pregnant porn. Repeat this sentence in your head:

The amount of money it takes to raise one child is FAR GREATER THAN the amount of money made from selling pregnancy porn for one pregnancy.

I will grant you this. If a woman is making a decision on having a planned child ,and she does sex work of any kind, money increase from making pregnancy porn would go on to PROS part of a pros and cons list. Keep in mind this hypothetical woman is already thinking about having another pregnancy. She might already want to without the extra incentive of making more money.
(October 1, 2020, 8:26 pm)corvega
(October 1, 2020, 11:12 am)LTKNT101 If a girl's first pregnancy in Colombia was not concieved for financial gain you can best believe her second pregnancy will be especially if she has tremendous sucess selling her first pregnancy on webcam.
There you go again. Listen. No woman in their right mind would purposely get pregnant, WITH their own biological child that they will have to raise, just to make more money selling pregnant porn. Repeat this sentence in your head:

The amount of money it takes to raise one child is FAR GREATER THAN the amount of money made from selling pregnancy porn for one pregnancy.

I will grant you this. If a woman is making a decision on having a planned child ,and she does sex work of any kind, money increase from making pregnancy porn would go on to PROS part of a pros and cons list. Keep in mind this hypothetical woman is already thinking about having another pregnancy. She might already want to without the extra incentive of making more money.
I've heard stories of mothers selling their own daughters to men for sex. These mothers act like madams collecting the money. Remember, these are their own biological children they are selling out. If a mother can whore out her own daughter it's not hard to believe that a woman would get pregnant and use that pregnancy for profit not caring about the child in her belly. Once it's born she doesn't have to keep it and care for it. Giving it away to adoption is one way she can get around keeping it. This world is not a utopia. We might like to think such a heartless act could not be done by a woman but this is the real world and I have heard women doing a lot worse things with their biological children. It's even easier to see this happen in a place like Columbia where drug lords and mobs operate and sex work is not policed.
(October 1, 2020, 9:19 pm)LTKNT101 I've heard stories of mothers selling their own daughters to men for sex. These mothers act like madams collecting the money. Remember, these are their own biological children they are selling out. If a mother can whore out her own daughter it's not hard to believe that a woman would get pregnant and use that pregnancy for profit not caring about the child in her belly. Once it's born she doesn't have to keep it and care for it. Giving it away to adoption is one way she can get around keeping it. This world is not a utopia. We might like to think such a heartless act could not be done by a woman but this is the real world and I have heard women doing a lot worse things with their biological children. It's even easier to see this happen in a place like Columbia where drug lords and mobs operate and sex work is not policed.

Saying that these camgirls are more likely to whore out their own children is going beyond a stretch. You know absolutely nothing about these women to make such comparisons, and why, just because they live in a different country than you? There's drugs lords and mobs where you live at too, yet you don't see American cam girls selling their daughters to pimps. So it's unfair to even assume that these Columbian women would throw their children away for cash.
Liked by corvega (Oct 1, 2020)
(October 1, 2020, 9:38 pm)Milkjetstream Saying that these camgirls are more likely to whore out their own children is going beyond a stretch. You know absolutely nothing about these women to make such comparisons, and why, just because they live in a different country than you? There's drugs lords and mobs where you live at too, yet you don't see American cam girls selling their daughters to pimps. So it's unfair to even assume that these Columbian women would throw their children away for cash.
 You missed the point. I did not say the Columbian cam girls sell their babies to pimps. It was a comparison to show that women will do some unthinkable things so a woman getting pregnant just to make a profit in sex work is not hard to believe.
(October 1, 2020, 9:19 pm)LTKNT101
(October 1, 2020, 8:26 pm)corvega
(October 1, 2020, 11:12 am)LTKNT101 If a girl's first pregnancy in Colombia was not concieved for financial gain you can best believe her second pregnancy will be especially if she has tremendous sucess selling her first pregnancy on webcam.
There you go again. Listen. No woman in their right mind would purposely get pregnant, WITH their own biological child that they will have to raise, just to make more money selling pregnant porn. Repeat this sentence in your head:

The amount of money it takes to raise one child is FAR GREATER THAN the amount of money made from selling pregnancy porn for one pregnancy.

I will grant you this. If a woman is making a decision on having a planned child ,and she does sex work of any kind, money increase from making pregnancy porn would go on to PROS part of a pros and cons list. Keep in mind this hypothetical woman is already thinking about having another pregnancy. She might already want to without the extra incentive of making more money.
I've heard stories of mothers selling their own daughters to men for sex. These mothers act like madams collecting the money. Remember, these are their own biological children they are selling out. If a mother can whore out her own daughter it's not hard to believe that a woman would get pregnant and use that pregnancy for profit not caring about the child in her belly. Once it's born she doesn't have to keep it and care for it. Giving it away to adoption is one way she can get around keeping it. This world is not a utopia. We might like to think such a heartless act could not be done by a woman but this is the real world and I have heard women doing a lot worse things with their biological children. It's even easier to see this happen in a place like Columbia where drug lords and mobs operate and sex work is not policed.
Yikes dude. Well I tried but your world view is just too far off. Do you think the world is flat too? Just curious.
(October 1, 2020, 10:13 pm)corvega Yikes dude. Well I tried but your world view is just too far off. Do you think the world is flat too? Just curious.
 The United States is not even close to how bad things are in Colombia. We have more education here when it comes to sex and the U.S. is not as poor as Colombia is. Prostitution is not legal in the U.S. It is legal in Colombia. Sex workers are allowed to prospect clients at virtually any public place. I see way too many girls from Colombia on webcam, some of them look too young to be pregnant in the first place. That sort of thing is not allowed in the U.S. Don't take my word for it. Go to Chaturbate right now and see how many girls from the U.S. you can find and how many from Colombia. I'll bet my entire salary for the rest of this year that you will find more girls from Colombia and the surrounding areas. No matter how you slice it Colombia is the land of the preggos.
Liked by TheSexyBump (Oct 14, 2020)
(October 1, 2020, 10:11 pm)LTKNT101  You missed the point. I did not say the Columbian cam girls sell their babies to pimps. It was a comparison to show that women will do some unthinkable things so a woman getting pregnant just to make a profit in sex work is not hard to believe.

Again, you know absolutely nothing about these women. Stop making baseless assumptions. Not every pregnant woman who's a sex worker is a heartless monster or is even close to one.
Liked by pozfes (Oct 2, 2020), corvega (Oct 1, 2020), tomostrife (Oct 1, 2020)

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