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Question for men who have had sex with pregnant women other than their wife/partner
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wait! keep going!
I’m going to continue. Problem is, I started retelling this in enough detail that to pick it back up giving a briefer rundown would be kinda lame. I’m going to sit down and continue now, but I haven’t got very long to devote to this, so it might not reach its conclusion with the next installment either.

I’ve been trying to find the girl I referenced, the Pinterest or blogspot vegan who looked a lot like Jen. Haven’t found it, but I did stumble across a picture of 3rd girl’s face (she’s not pregnant, might never have been, idk) which isn’t as close a match, but which still reminds me of her. I’ll post it along with the text and see if I can’t find something resembling an outfit or two of hers, because I know I’ve seen ‘em.
“It did for a while” she said. “Last month I didn’t want to do anything but sleep all the time.”

“I bet, it’s an amazing thing you’re doing, making a whole new person.”

We continued in this vein for a while. I asked her the standard questions but didn’t get too nosy. She was either at the very end of her first trimester or the beginning of her second (as I noted above, I don’t remember exactly). Even though she was still early on, she’d needed an amniocentesis for something so she already knew the sex of her baby and had a name picked out (a girl, Caitlyn) How she was feeling (good mostly, a little nausea and her boobs were intermittently sore and her hormones made her irritable and crazy at times) She was excited, her parents were excited, especially her dad) She was not elated about the circumstances, though. “I’m going to do the single mommy thing” as she put it.

“That’s too bad, you really shouldn’t have to do this on your own.”

Well, my sister lives nearby and is going to help, and if I have to, me and the baby can move back in with my parents in Mollalla (extremely hick town at the very far edge of the most generous definition of the metro area).

“Is it ok if I ask...”

“About the father? She cut me off. “ yeah, I don’t mind.”
She went on to explain. She’d moved to the city with her high school boyfriend. He was either her first or second relationship and, I learned later, her first lay. Things went well between them for a while, until they didn’t. They broke up, but kept living in the same apartment. A month or maybe longer after they’d truly severed their relationship, he went out on a weekend night and didn’t come home till the next day. He’d let her know what he’d been up to, namely going home with a girl he met in a bar. Although they were through, that kind of shit very well. Her response was to go out the next weekend and do the same. She hooked up with the guy a few weekends in a row and moved out into the mobile home park. Five, maybe six weeks after their final tryst, saw two pink lines on the stick and everything in her life changed.

At this point I should mention a delicate subject. Jen was from Molalla, and In talking to her I’d learned about her background. Her family did not have a lot of money and, aside from her, not much ambition or anything beyond a kind of limited, rural worldview. At least that’s how it seemed from my perspective. You would be justified in critiquing me by my background as well.

I liked her well enough, and grew to consider her a friend, a good friend, so I mean no disrespect when I say that despite her educational and career ambitions, in her mind, getting unexpectedly pregnant from a rebound fling at 22 seemed to sort of strike her as just one of those things that happen to you sometimes in life.

Thank God for that.

(Posting this now, am going to continue writing in word then cut and paste into here.)
Liked by Ewri1972 (Apr 18, 2020)
Getting back to the father- she said he was willing to be funancially involved and wanted to be more than that, but that she didn’t want him in her life or the baby’s.

What she did want, she admitted was to “jump my bones” because she thought I was cute, nice, and going away sooon.

At this point, I need to address a flaw In my narrative. Thus far, I have neglected to mention my situation.
I was at this point about 3 weeks away from moving to the next major city up the interstate, where I would be taking over as Douwe Egbert’s sales representative for that state. This was a truly laughable job. I got $32k a year in 1996 dollars for driving around from store to store, seeing whether and which of our products were being sold, giving out free promotional crap, etc. My immediate boss was a 3 hour drive back down the interstate, and she not only wasn’t looking over my shoulder, she taught me how, and actively encouraged me to fudge my reports. Long story short, with a little planning, I could get a shit load of free time.

“So I apologize I didn’t tell you about me being pregnant and all. I really just wanted to jump your bones before U got all big and fat.”

“You’re not going to look fat, you’re going to look like yo’re having a baby and there’s a big difference. You’re hot now and when a beautiful girl is pregnant, she’s still a hottie. You’ll be a hottie when you’re full term.”

“Do you still want to hang out afterwards?” She asked, kind of looking embarrassed and towards the ground.

“Shit yes”

More t/k
The next 45 minutes at work were excruciating.

When they were finally up, I followed her back to her trailer. I was going to suggest we watch a movie or something, but she didn’t waste any time. The sex was good. Really fucking good, but nothing especially different. Her boobs somehow looked like they had been smaller recently, they seemed swollen. She was, IIRC, a c-cup, 34 or strap and had been a b cup until about a month earlier. When I took her bra off and started playing with them, she asked me to be gentle as they were still a bit sore. Her nipples and aureoles were dark, but not especially large.

We did it I think 3 times thst night. She came fairly quicklily and easily she was loud, which always something I can get behind. One of the effects of the hormone cocktail she was marinading in, she admitted, was that she thought of sex all day long and was inhumanly horny. Like just about every woman in the world, she certainly enjoyed her foreplay. She had a little pooch out up front, but if you didn’t know, you wouldn’t have guessed. She asked me to use a condom, which I understood, STDs are bad news in a pregnancy, but I did crack a joke about making sure she didn’t get pregnant, which she laughed at.

One time, early in, we lay in top of her bed, trying to get out breaths back and the subject of her pregnancy cane up. She put her hand in her lower abdomen and pressed inward slightly. “Check this out” she said, grabbing my hand and placing it where hers had been, “you can feel my uterus” Sure enough, there was a little lump I coukd feel under my fingers. I had been walking a tightrope. She had emphasized on many occasions that she wasn’t looking for a baby daddy, and I was grateful for that. I didn’t want to seem cold and uncaring either, though. So I rubbed the little lump and gave it a kiss before going down on her.

We hooked up 2-3 times a week until I moved. She wrote out her pager # on a slip of paper and gave it to me (very ‘96) I said I would give her a call next time I was down.

So I moved and spent the first weekend or two in my new apartment. I had a few friends in my new city, so it wasn’t bad. The first weekend I could get away, I made plans to go down there. As I was packing up to go, I checked my wallet for her number. It wasn’t there. I started getting frantic, tearing through all my shit. I had lost her number! IHAD LOST HER FUCKING NUMBER!!!


At this point, another critical fact that my disorganized train of thought sailed right past- she had her eye on a larger trailer in a nearby park (owned by the same people) I wasn’t sure exactly which one it was, because there were a number of them in the vicinity. She was going to move into it at the first possible opportunity, the exact date of which was for some reason unclear.
I drove down and stopped by the tobacco place where we met. The person behind the counter was someone I hadn’t seen before. I asked about Jen and got treated like a stalker. I came back later and knew the guy working, but when I asked if I could leave a message, he told me she didn’t work there anymore.

I hate to necro this, but if anyone would be interested, I’d be happy to start a whole new threat telling the takes. It’s been a long time, I know, so I apologize for that.
Liked by (Feb 28, 2021), jbtaco4321 (Feb 16, 2021)
I hate to necro this, but if anyone would be interested, I’d be happy to start a whole new threat telling the takes. It’s been a long time, I know, so I apologize for that.
Liked by jbtaco4321 (Feb 16, 2021)
(February 16, 2021, 2:16 am)CrazyHorse I hate to necro this, but if anyone would be interested, I’d be happy to start a whole new threat telling the takes. It’s been a long time, I know, so I apologize for that.
Please do!
Partially because you're really good at telling stories
Thanks. I need to learn brevity, though. I will get started and post in a new thread.
Liked by (Feb 28, 2021), Peepingtom99 (Feb 21, 2021)

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