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Question for men who have had sex with pregnant women other than their wife/partner
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I consider my ultimate fantasy adequately fulfilled by sex with my wife during her pregnancies, which was all around wonderful. But I do often wonder how different the experience would be of having sex with a woman pregnant not by me. I can imagine it have an added subversive charge... like the fox robbing the henhouse. What are your experiences?
Liked by (Mar 26, 2020)
I’ve had the luck to have done this four times. Three of them were single (as was I), the fourth was heading that way rapidly.
The charge I got was knowing I was getting off scot free. With the one who was still technically in a relationship, I was concerned about both her psycho boyfriend and her psycho self, but I moved out of my apartment in the space of a few hours after the second tryst and never heard nor saw from her again. (Sounds sleazy, I know, but it was a long story and ultimately a good move/ also, this was before cell phones when this kinda shit was easier to pull)
Liked by (Mar 26, 2020)
As far as the fox robbing the henhouse thing, in each case it was like the hens threw themselves at the nearest friendly non-threatening Fox.
(March 26, 2020, 11:54 am)CrazyHorse As far as the fox robbing the henhouse thing, in each case it was like the hens threw themselves at the nearest friendly non-threatening Fox.

I think I am not only speaking of myself when I say we need a precise account of all four, especially body descriptions (nipples size/color)
Liked by bumpbaker (Apr 5, 2020), (Mar 26, 2020)
(March 26, 2020, 1:52 pm)Conatus
(March 26, 2020, 11:54 am)CrazyHorse As far as the fox robbing the henhouse thing, in each case it was like the hens threw themselves at the nearest friendly non-threatening Fox.

I think I am not only speaking of myself when I say we need a precise account of all four, especially body descriptions (nipples size/color)

Heh. I second this. After all, I'll never be with a pregnant woman again (not complaining, happy for the great experiences I did have!), so a few naughty details would be much appreciated. About their bellies, too.
Liked by (Mar 26, 2020)
I really don't think it feels different.  I met my wife when she was about 4 months pregnant even fucking her during the pregnancies of the 3 kids I put in her it really doesn't feel different
I would love to, esp. If I connected with her in an emotional relationship of some kind and she's interested like I am. She should have a good body image and self esteem, confident about herself and the body changes are sexy and beautiful.
Pregnant women are growing, showing, knowing herself...and glowing bright with life. Angel

Genderfluid Gyneophile feminist here!

Autistic skills.
I’m writing my first story out now. I’d wanted it to be brief, but god it’s been fun writing it out. Not brief anymore. I have other shit that needs doing right now, but I intend to come back later today and finish this one. The other three should be shorter and quicker.
Fuck it. I’m gonna post what ive written down so far. I’m getting back to this soon, but really just can’t finish it today.
Liked by Fakery (Apr 4, 2020)
Ok- sorry for the delay.
I’ll tell them in chronological order. I’m going to keep it relatively brief, feel free to ask fir more detail. In order of how much i enjoyed each, the first was the best, followed by #s 4,2 and 3.

1) Jen. This was in 1997, making me 26. I remember because of its proximity to a vacation I took, the dates of which  I know. I remember she had just recently turned 22 and I also remember her due date as October 17, because of it’s proximity to my brother’s birthday.  The cool part about that is that I just did the math on this, that means this thing started like within a week or so of today’s date, which is as awesome of a coincidence as Ive had in a long time.
I had been bartending but took a side job that eventually became my first, then only job. A friend of mine and I were co-managing a promotional campaign for a Dutch coffee and tobacco company, Douwe Egbert. Basically, we hired people to give Drum rolling tobacco away at bars, smoke shops and liquor stores. We’d also work shifts doing this from time to time. I’d scheduled us to give away stuff out at a tobacco store in what might charitably be called the city’s “wifebeater” or “white trash” quarter.

I get there, and there’s a cute girl behind the counter. You know how every once in a while you can feel not just an immediate physical attraction to someone, but feel it coming from them, too? This was as strong as Ive ever felt it. She wasn’t the hottest girl in the world, but very decently cute with something intangible that I dug. She had sandy light brown/dark blond hair thaw went to roughly her shoulders and curled a bit. There a girl I’ve seen in here who’s face (but not really body) reminds me of how I remember hers looking (same basic hair description, she has a damn good progression set, maybe two, she runs or ran a blog somewhere (blogspot?) with a focus in vegan mommyhood. The resemblance was strong enough that I’ve got her shit saved somewhere) She had a good body, a nice rack, not huge, but very nice and while was by no means at all heavy or anything like that, looked to be pretty ...solid, I guess is the right word, kind of muscular for a girl, again, not incredibly so, but it’s one of her features I remember.
It was a four hour shift. I think just me and her we’re working the first time. Anyhow, we hit it off well, pretty damn well, and were flirty the whole time. I’m thinking I must have had something to do following the shift, because I don’t remember asking her what she was doing when she got off, but I do remember asking about her schedule and learning when her shifts were so I could match my schedule to hers.
So it was either the second or third shift we spent together when she asked me if I wanted to hang out at her place across the street. She lived in a trailer park, which I found interesting and actually kinda hot. There was some kind of reshelving being done by 2-3 other employees of the store that day, the owner had also stopped by. His name was Lanny, probably in his early to mid 40s, and he had a reputation for a lot of things, one of which was selling ephedrine pills by the case out of his store to some of the most obvious meth cooks/heads Ive ever seen. He was also a regular consumer of the finished product (Lanny was someone I’d dealt with before, he owned a few tobacco places, and I seem to recall maybe a dive bar or two)

At one point, Lanny’s teenaged looking daughter stopped by to drop some papers or something by. Lanny was white, his daughter seemed to be half Hispanic, quite pretty and really fucking pregnant. So the other workers at the store, when the daughter walks in, are all “oooh, look at you, you must be getting close, etc etc” the way women fawn over a pregnant chick. For some reason, it looked like Jen just did not want to see this girl.

So after a few minutes of that, the daughter turns to Jen and is all “how about you? How are you feeling? When are you due again?” At this point, I almost shit myself (in a good way)  The other workers, like myself, didnt know that Jen was also expecting, so they are all acting excited and offering their congratulations. I add mine.

A few minutes later, the daughter is gone, the other employees are back to their project and there’s jennlooking kinda sheepish. I had no idea how to handle this, so in retrospect, I made what was probably the best decision I could have. I didn’t. I picked up the conversation where we’d left it off. She was kind of looking visibly stiff and awkward, but after I kept this up a while she relaxed. It was like a half hour later, when she was talking about her other job and that she was also going to school part time, when I broached the subject. “I though having a baby made you tired all the time.”

That kind of broke the ice regarding the subject.
Liked by judejonsson (Apr 5, 2020), Fakery (Apr 4, 2020)

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