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Movie/TV/Web Fantasies
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(June 16, 2019, 2:40 am)cheshcat2
(June 16, 2019, 1:23 am)dork95
(June 15, 2019, 12:53 am)cheshcat2 Is there anything that you would like to see a pregnant woman (or pregnant character) do in a movie, TV show, cartoon, anime, or on a webcam?

One of mine was about an anime called Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. It would start with the Anarchy sisters (Panty and Stocking) being sent to hunt down a ghost. The ghost in question happens to be of an aborted fetus trying to find a perfect vessel to be "born". The sisters try to slay the ghost but to no avail, this makes the ghost choosing Panty as a perfect vessel. By next morning, Panty wakes up 9 months pregnant and Garterbelt says "let nature take its course," The rest of the episode involves Panty having to put up with the challenges of pregnancy, such as cravings, mood swings, and constant belly movement. The ending would be bittersweet since the baby is a ghost and will either die stillborn (due to the fact that it was already a ghost) and finally ascends to heaven, all while Panty is secretly missing her pregnancy experience and is being tsundere about it.

So what about you guys, I would love to hear your fantasy involving the media.

If only this could be a real episode.
It could always be a fanfic

That’s true and it would be good.
I have a long fantasies list that I could write in several answers when it comes back to me.

But one I've had for some time would be a post-apocalyptic film or series where the majority of humans over the age of 20 were killed by aliens and all the women among the survivors are suddenly permapregnant with alien queens, the kind of a baby who grew up and stays in the womb to lay eggs of a new half alien-human species to repopulate the Earth. Obviously all are under 20 years old but it's just a detail. So the surviving men have a lot of trouble with these pregnant women but some end up adore pampering and protecting them. Then some women become lesbians with time and make love with their enormous bellies and the alien queens exchange the eggs at the same time.
I do not know how could end this story but it would be fascinating to see on TV or in the cinema.
Liked by awakenedhero (Jun 19, 2019)
(June 18, 2019, 1:37 pm)Daraen9746 I have a long fantasies list that I could write in several answers when it comes back to me.

But one I've had for some time would be a post-apocalyptic film or series where the majority of humans over the age of 20 were killed by aliens and all the women among the survivors are suddenly permapregnant with alien queens, the kind of a baby who grew up and stays in the womb to lay eggs of a new half alien-human species to repopulate the Earth. Obviously all are under 20 years old but it's just a detail. So the surviving men have a lot of trouble with these pregnant women but some end up adore pampering and protecting them. Then some women become lesbians with time and make love with their enormous bellies and the alien queens exchange the eggs at the same time.
I do not know how could end this story but it would be fascinating to see on TV or in the cinema.

This is a pretty interesting concept.
I have simylar, but the cause is alien experiment failure and woman instad of givong birth to huma-alien hibrid they just lay comstantly unfertilised eggs. If they try not to they reach the size that makes them unmovable. It is possible because they heal quickly. Infected woman also develop second pair of huge breasts. Thay have sex with everyone they can to easr their libido.
There was this Mad TV sketch called "The Reading Womb", the joke is that it makes your baby so smart they start talking in the womb. I had a fantasy that the women in the sketch all went down to the beach donning bikinis.

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