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The Sacred Pregnancy Fetish Timeline
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I find pregnancy fetish articles tend to be largely generic and/or obvious summaries of the kink. I'd be curious as to what a more fleshed out and informative article would contain. 

These articles often list Demi Moore on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine as a major milestone in the timeline of pregnancy fetishism.

I'd advocate for Serleena in MIIB to be included as a significant milestone too, as its this strangely common shared experience between a lot of pregnancy fetishists that the opening scene was an integral part in unlocking this kink.

I'd also list the Two and a Half Men episode 'Repeated Blows to his Unformed Head' as a public expose of pregnancy fetishism.

If there were to be an official pregnancy timeline, what would be some significant moments in the historical/cultural zeitgeist you'd include?
Liked by nunya2013 (Jan 15, 2024)
Liked by belliesrlovely (Jan 7, 2024), JackLazarus (Dec 29, 2023)
I think the movie Knocked Up is definitely in the conversation. Besides just riffing on pregnancy themes, it's also a commentary on how pregnancy was becoming "in" and fashionable IRL around the same time.
Liked by Ph_anonynous2 (Jan 31, 2024), Tahajalee (Jan 10, 2024), MLR44 (Jan 8, 2024), B17geek98 (Jan 8, 2024), JackLazarus (Jan 2, 2024)
Gingerale Afternoon in 1989 for sure. A very pregnant woman in a bikini for most of the movie, this was before Demi Moore, too.
Liked by Karnage70 (Jan 29, 2024), Appledagger (Jan 9, 2024), miguelitopistolas (Jan 8, 2024), MLR44 (Jan 8, 2024), JackLazarus (Jan 2, 2024)
Growing up I think 'Juno' left an impression on many young Gen-Z and Millennial fetishists. Really intimate, a lot of belly scenes, a birth scene, and a whole movie about pregnancy from start to finish. I watched it as a grade schooler with my family and in high school health class.
Liked by randomgirl (Feb 9, 2024), Karnage70 (Jan 29, 2024), Tahajalee (Jan 10, 2024), Appledagger (Jan 9, 2024), Dolphins66 (Jan 9, 2024), miguelitopistolas (Jan 8, 2024), MLR44 (Jan 8, 2024), B17geek98 (Jan 8, 2024), Thebige (Jan 7, 2024)
I'd include the creation of sites like PumpkinBelly's Patch and PG-13. Those sites were important to my adolescence. lol
Liked by Karnage70 (Jan 29, 2024)
Rachel from Friends probably played a big role, especially since she never seemed to wear maternity clothes

Liked by 15 members: JackLazarus (Jan 14, 2024), Tahajalee (Jan 10, 2024), Ajdjsnqjfbc (Jan 10, 2024), Appledagger (Jan 9, 2024), AnonymousBump (Jan 8, 2024), miguelitopistolas (Jan 8, 2024), MLR44 (Jan 8, 2024), bigboy23 (Jan 8, 2024), B17geek98 (Jan 8, 2024), bigbellylover6929 (Jan 8, 2024), loving_preggos2012 (Jan 8, 2024), speed-devil (Jan 8, 2024), tomostrife (Jan 7, 2024), 1987 (Jan 7, 2024), ILovePregnantsV2 (Jan 7, 2024)
For a more modern addition:

Jessica Alba's most famous scene from SpyKids: 4D. The original YouTube video is still up after a decade and has millions of views and comments of people acknowledging this fetish's existence.


The 41 year old virgin who knocked up Sarah Marshall and felt superbad about it. The movie was a mess but how many times has this iconic photo been shared?


And the most recent milestone, one of the most watched Half Time performances in history with over 121 million people watching Rihanna reveal her belly to the world. Unoffically the biggest pregnancy reveal of all time.

Liked by JackLazarus (Jan 14, 2024), Appledagger (Jan 10, 2024), supercash (Jan 9, 2024), miguelitopistolas (Jan 8, 2024), MLR44 (Jan 8, 2024), bigbellylover6929 (Jan 8, 2024), 1987 (Jan 7, 2024)
Unfortunately the general public seems to have a rather laissez-faire attitude of pregnancy fetishists - that we're weirdos, just horny boys being boys.

Very few people actually go into depth about how debilitating it can be to marriage, to relationships, to sex lives when our partners are not pregnant. Women cannot be perpetually pregnant and at some point our partners put their child-bearing days behind them. This dooms us to a situation where we can never truly be satisfied on an ongoing basis, leaving porn as the only real outlet. Unlike some other fetishes like feet, uniforms, big tits that are easy to find women willing to indulge us.
This fetish actually contributed to me getting divorced.  I am addicted to pregnant porn and couldn't have sex with my wife anymore. It's not a great situation but I seriously am still glad I have this fetish. Such intense feelings for these pregnant women.
Liked by cbr929rr (Feb 25, 2024)

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