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12 Ways To Satisfy Your Pregnancy Fetish Without Having Kids
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(May 31, 2020, 8:02 pm)LTKNT101
(May 31, 2020, 7:46 pm)InflatoPreggo
(May 31, 2020, 7:34 pm)LTKNT101
(May 31, 2020, 7:17 pm)InflatoPreggo
(May 31, 2020, 7:08 pm)LTKNT101   Are you kidding me? There was a pregnant girl posting in here a while ago offering services. I don’t recall you playing cop with her. This site is deviant okay so let’s just agree that u don’t like me and move on. If anyone else had said what I said you wouldn’t have come at them.
If I’m being honest, I had no idea that happened, but it seems to have resolved itself. You, however, are not helping the site as a whole. You keep bragging about the same literal crime over and over again, so I’m going to keep asking you to stop bragging about it. It’s not a good look for the site. Most of the adds of alleged prostitutes here don’t even end up being genuine anyway.
  Okay I need you to help me understand something. Who cares about the reputation of this site? It’s mostly invisible. Only fetish lovers come here. As I’ve said before this site is deviant in its theme. Has this site been reviewed by the top 10 best websites committee? Can you post some links to places were this site has been reviewed? This is a site for a fetish. It’s already past having a clean reputation in my opinion.
I’m just worried about articles like this:

We already dont have a good name. I’d rather not have this website investigated with another story like that somehow appearing, and all we have to show is “I nearly stealthed a prostitute, but I didn’t just because I didn’t want a kid” since that makes us look even worse in the eyes of the public. Yes, this happened years ago, but given the fact that there are many members here who probably do similar things to the man in the article, I’d rather not risk it. If it makes you feel any better, I have nothing against you. It’s just what you sort of brag about.
 I always say if you don’t want something out there don’t put it on the internet. If your Facebook profile is public anyone can look it up and lift pics. Is that really stealing? Also that was a nice belly! OMG!! I don’t blame the dude for getting those pics. I understand your point. If someone were to investigate fetish sites we don’t want to be so dirty that they call for us to shutdown. 
Thanks for the article. I love it when points of view can be supported with facts.
I’m happy to be of service lol, and thanks for being civil and actually hearing me out. I’ve been blocked by people in the past for the same reason.
Liked by Akhenaten (Jun 1, 2020), Lucifer Morningstar (May 31, 2020), LTKNT101 (May 31, 2020)
(May 31, 2020, 8:06 pm)InflatoPreggo
(May 31, 2020, 8:02 pm)LTKNT101
(May 31, 2020, 7:46 pm)InflatoPreggo
(May 31, 2020, 7:34 pm)LTKNT101
(May 31, 2020, 7:17 pm)InflatoPreggo If I’m being honest, I had no idea that happened, but it seems to have resolved itself. You, however, are not helping the site as a whole. You keep bragging about the same literal crime over and over again, so I’m going to keep asking you to stop bragging about it. It’s not a good look for the site. Most of the adds of alleged prostitutes here don’t even end up being genuine anyway.
  Okay I need you to help me understand something. Who cares about the reputation of this site? It’s mostly invisible. Only fetish lovers come here. As I’ve said before this site is deviant in its theme. Has this site been reviewed by the top 10 best websites committee? Can you post some links to places were this site has been reviewed? This is a site for a fetish. It’s already past having a clean reputation in my opinion.
I’m just worried about articles like this:

We already dont have a good name. I’d rather not have this website investigated with another story like that somehow appearing, and all we have to show is “I nearly stealthed a prostitute, but I didn’t just because I didn’t want a kid” since that makes us look even worse in the eyes of the public. Yes, this happened years ago, but given the fact that there are many members here who probably do similar things to the man in the article, I’d rather not risk it. If it makes you feel any better, I have nothing against you. It’s just what you sort of brag about.
 I always say if you don’t want something out there don’t put it on the internet. If your Facebook profile is public anyone can look it up and lift pics. Is that really stealing? Also that was a nice belly! OMG!! I don’t blame the dude for getting those pics. I understand your point. If someone were to investigate fetish sites we don’t want to be so dirty that they call for us to shutdown. 
Thanks for the article. I love it when points of view can be supported with facts.
I’m happy to be of service lol, and thanks for being civil and actually hearing me out. I’ve been blocked by people in the past for the same reason.
  No worries. Sorry for my comment about you not liking me. I think people should have an open mind and listen to different points of view instead of running from them. Never know what you might learn if you just listen lol.
Liked by Akhenaten (Jun 1, 2020), Lucifer Morningstar (May 31, 2020)
Lucifer Morningstar
(May 31, 2020, 7:24 pm)LTKNT101
(May 31, 2020, 7:11 pm)Avarics Look at when I criticized WallsD for his desire to impregnate an escort that seemed to be without her consent. I have also criticized Chicken Lawyer while having civil discussion. Not many listen to him, but I will listen to anyone. I'm just offering my side, but I am not calling you an idiot or something demonizing. I just mentioned a hypothetical that compares to your conduct. You had the restraint for going all the way and finishing inside. I applaud that. But still, I offer respect towards everyone and think others should too.
 I agree with your point of view. The thing is I’m noticing a pattern. Every time someone criticizes me in here it’s always the same profile pics. There’s 3 other dudes in here who do this. It’s like they just sit and wait for me to say something they don’t agree with then pounce lol.

I mainly debate in the discussion threads like these. I mostly leave the other sections alone where it isn't really necessary.
Liked by Akhenaten (Jun 1, 2020)
My least favorite part of this fetish is the number of people who don't actually want kids. The though of having my own kid/s frankly terrifies me, however I love children and will not shrink from the challenge when the time comes. I make a distinction between sexual fantasies/fetishes and real life stuff, if I had to choose between the two I would leave all of this behind to have a normal relationship/marriage/family. I do hope that my future wife loves pregnancy as much as I do, it's actually possible, but relationships and family come first. Too many people these days want nothing more than to live out their sexual fantasies and pursue their own personal pleasure without any responsibility involved, it's just not realistic. That's why so many gals get knocked up and abandoned, both partners just want fun but then the girl gets pregnant and they're like shit, we didn't want to be parents. But the guy is the one who can just walk away from the situation. I would encourage everyone here to live a normal life over some fantasy, I mean best of luck to y'all but if you're planning on getting married a fetish shouldn't get in the way of becoming a parent. I leave my fetishes/kinks online, enough said. Sorry 'bout the essay : p
Liked by belliesrlovely (Jun 1, 2020), Lucifer Morningstar (May 31, 2020)
Lucifer Morningstar
I definitely agree that people shouldn't have kids for the sake of the pregnancy and the belly. There's more to it than that. Most of the people in this thread said that they just don't want kids and would rather not tie themselves down. They don't think they would be to, or it is another reason. I don't want to speak for them though. I don't think the people in this thread have the problem of differentiating life from fantasy either. I can separate my fetish from real-life very easily. I am just simply not in the financial situation where I would be confident in starting a family now, so I will wait. I might not even have kids lol. I'll wait and see how things unfold. I'd just let people live their own life as long as they aren't outright selfish or cruel to others.
Liked by belliesrlovely (Jun 1, 2020)
I'm sterile and can't have them. Puts me in a bit of a bind. I'm glad I'll never have any little semen daemons in my life because as stated previously, I really don't want them, but I do so wish I could have a live-in pregnant woman somehow. Oh well. We can't have it all. The hand I was dealt just means I'll have more money and peace but won't be able to get my rocks off to my favorite thing. Life's weird.
Liked by Lucifer Morningstar (Jun 1, 2020)
Lucifer Morningstar
(June 1, 2020, 5:35 am)Akhenaten I'm sterile and can't have them. Puts me in a bit of a bind. I'm glad I'll never have any little semen daemons in my life because as stated previously, I really don't want them, but I do so wish I could have a live-in pregnant woman somehow. Oh well. We can't have it all. The hand I was dealt just means I'll have more money and peace but won't be able to get my rocks off to my favorite thing. Life's weird.

We can't have everything, but we can find happiness in anything. I'm glad threads like these exist. Hell, I have social anxiety sometimes attributed to trauma. So, I can sort of relate to it more. One bad relationship I was in that was abusive soon turned me to cynicism and pessimism, but I realized the only thing holding me back was myself. I might be able to some day start a family, but I'll do it when comfortable and when I am ready. I do acknowledge it might not ever happen though, and I can still live with that. Sometimes a closed door makes you look at others that are open and you never considered before.
Liked by Akhenaten (Jun 1, 2020)
(May 31, 2020, 9:00 pm)Dark@ngel My least favorite part of this fetish is the number of people who don't actually want kids. The though of having my own kid/s frankly terrifies me, however I love children and will not shrink from the challenge when the time comes. I make a distinction between sexual fantasies/fetishes and real life stuff, if I had to choose between the two I would leave all of this behind to have a normal relationship/marriage/family. I do hope that my future wife loves pregnancy as much as I do, it's actually possible, but relationships and family come first. Too many people these days want nothing more than to live out their sexual fantasies and pursue their own personal pleasure without any responsibility involved, it's just not realistic. That's why so many gals get knocked up and abandoned, both partners just want fun but then the girl gets pregnant and they're like shit, we didn't want to be parents. But the guy is the one who can just walk away from the situation. I would encourage everyone here to live a normal life over some fantasy, I mean best of luck to y'all but if you're planning on getting married a fetish shouldn't get in the way of becoming a parent. I leave my fetishes/kinks online, enough said. Sorry 'bout the essay : p
 I'd rather live out my fantasies than get tied down with little expensive bothersome copies of me. It's not the 1940s and 50s when having a family was manageable and the roles of women and men were not diluted. The world is so screwed up now that it's actually a crime to bring a child into this mess. If the parents are not extremely wealthy it's going to be a rocky stress-filled existence. With that said I'm not here to poo-poo settling down/having kids. I wish anyone who wants to do it the best of luck. The fetish, however, does not include family life. There are online communities for that sort of thing. Guys in here want to have fun and get their quote "rocks" off. Having kids is not considered fun but without them, we wouldn't have pregnant women to perv on so I salute those who make the sacrifice and breed. 

Lastly having kids is not really necessary. The actual purpose of it is to keep our species going. There are enough people breeding which takes care of that so those of us who want to party can do so without feeling like we have a responsibility to help keep the human population going. It's not the fetish that makes most guys not want kids. They just don't want them and living a single life free of the burden that kids create is also "normal" life.
Liked by Akhenaten (Jun 1, 2020)
Lucifer Morningstar
(June 1, 2020, 11:44 am)LTKNT101  I'd rather live out my fantasies than get tied down with little expensive bothersome copies of me. It's not the 1940s and 50s when having a family was manageable and the roles of women and men were not diluted.

Lastly having kids is not really necessary. The actual purpose of it is to keep our species going. There are enough people breeding which takes care of that so those of us who want to party can do so without feeling like we have a responsibility to help keep the human population going. It's not the fetish that makes most guys not want kids. They just don't want them and living a single life free of the burden that kids create is also "normal" life.

Children aren't copies of humans. They are unique and comprised of generations of DNA and evolution. Asexual reproduction results in copies, but still a new life-form. Also, the roles of men and women were significantly diluted in that prudish period where sex in the public sphere was only discussed as the point of creating a family. It is ironic to say that such a period did not dilute even though you have this fetish/attraction with us to pregnant women. Rampant domestic abuse was an issue... And back then, sex-workers were treated even worse than they are today. I'm a Libertarian that wants true equality of opportunity and nothing further, but there are plenty sciences like sociology and biology that play roles in people's decision-making along with life's experiences. The natural sense of procreation is to preserve the species, yes. However, it is also a way of preserving desirable traits. "Survival of the fittest" means those who actually procreate successfully are fit; that was a crucial part of Darwin. Even if a human male died after copulating like some insects, they still pass on the traits that made them attractive if the female became fertilized. Sometimes being able to avoid predators helps fitness, and sometimes having a huge feathered backside in male peacocks is what denoted fitness.

Today in Western and all other societies alike, children are pursued for legacy, accumulation of wealth in poorer countries, and other reasons. There are connotations that we have provided to reproduction with modern society. When we stopped being nomadic hunter-gatherers, we settled towns lead by a chieftan or ruler that often passed a Agnatic/Patriarchal inheritance. However, some societies and other animals were highly matriarchal. Hyenas are a matriarchal species like bees and ants. Bonobos (Pygmy Chimps) are also matriarchal, along with Elephants, Orcas, and other animal species. Bonobos and other primates gave us other insight to where our ancestors diverged from those cousins of ours (modern primates) Truly, it is the evolutionary progress combined with the phenomenon of socialization. After all, objective truth is fleeting. Popular opinion and practice can change years later. If things change drastically in our life or a species environment, like climate change for example since it harms us both, practices and tradition may be thrown out for more adaptive measures of coping.
Liked by alexgraves (Jun 4, 2020)
Lucifer Morningstar
In any case, we probably shouldn't debate this as much in this thread compared to the tokophobia thread. This thread is meant to help people cope with those feelings instead of debating them and making people who can't or choose to not have kids feel less human.

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