Pregnant AI Artwork
AI Pregnant Women from pregR
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Welcome to our fictional pregR art profiles. All images have been created by way of Midjourney AI. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!


Team pregR

"He freaking said YES!!!"   

"Girls, it's a modern day. If he wont ask for your hand in marriage; ask for his. Men are such odd creators sometimes. Shaun had no problem planting a baby inside my womb, but always got cold feet when it came to actually putting a ring on my finger. Lol."

"Anywho, now we're at Kendra Scott's Jewelry looking at rings for the both of us. We're just looking. Baby steps right?" Shy  #modernlove "We're not sure what kind of wedding we want yet. Maybe we'll just elope. Or maybe we'll have a big party with all of our friends and family. But whatever we decide, we know that it's going to be a special day. In the meantime, we're just enjoying being engaged and talking about our plans for the future. It's an exciting time, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

Name: Claudja Woods
Age: 40
Occupation:  Chase Assistant Bank Manager
Residence:  Madison, Wisconsin USA
Development: 7 months pregnant
Liked by hughman (Dec 23, 2023), jackfowler96 (Dec 16, 2023), jimbobjoe789 (Dec 5, 2023), Cmamonopor (Nov 20, 2023), chops79 (Nov 17, 2023), hardko (Nov 12, 2023), mr-enigma (Nov 12, 2023)
Expanded re-post: Please enjoy today's content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!


Team pregR

"My best friend, Pammie, and I were meant to be friends. We met in college when we were both on the soccer team. We instantly bonded over our love of the game and our shared dream of playing professionally. After college, we both got married and had kids. We also both decided to coach our kids' little league soccer teams. It's been so much fun watching our kids grow up and love the game as much as we do.

Cut to today, we're not just soccer moms, though. We're also best friends. We're always there for each other, through thick and thin. We love spending time together, whether we're cheering on our kids at soccer games or just gossiping over coffee. I'm so grateful to have Pammie in my life. She's one of my closest friends and I know I can always count on her."

Name: Hayley Joseph                                                                       
Age: 33                                                                                                 
Occupation:  Camping World Little Rock                                                 
Residence:  Little Rock, Arkansas USA                                                     
Development: 7½ months pregnant                                                         

Name: Pammie Rodrio
Age: 34
Occupation:  Aramark Uniform Services
Residence:  Little Rock, Arkansas USA
Development: 8 months pregnant
Liked by Cmamonopor (Nov 20, 2023), thumbsout (Nov 17, 2023), chops79 (Nov 17, 2023), mr-enigma (Nov 16, 2023)
All fictional pregR art profiles have been created by way of Midjourney AI. Please enjoy our content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!

Team pregR

"Hi, I'm Agent Greene working as an undercover TSA airport security adviser. I am tasked with discreetly navigating the airport environment, seamlessly blending in with other travelers. My main objective is to carefully observe and evaluate the existing security measures in place, searching for any potential vulnerabilities that may be exploited by individuals with malicious intent. It is an intricate and demanding responsibility, but my profound dedication lies in ensuring the safety of our skies. 

My recent pregnancy has for sure added its fair share of challenges, such as the constant attentiveness required and the weight of knowing that numerous lives depend on my efforts, I find deep fulfillment in knowing that I am making a meaningful impact. Contributing to the preservation of airport security motivates me to continue moving forward."


Name: Alise Greene                                                                       
Age: 28                                                                                             
Occupation:  Department of Homeland Security                                                
Residence:    Providence, Rhode Island USA                                                     
Development: 6 months pregnant    
Liked by Cmamonopor (Nov 26, 2023), chops79 (Nov 24, 2023), KeensDaadsGrrang (Nov 24, 2023), mr-enigma (Nov 24, 2023)
All fictional pregR art profiles have been created by way of Midjourney AI, and dutifully written by our pregR staff. Please enjoy our content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!

Team pregR

"I'm Yvonne, and I could really use your prayers right now. Here is why; I am 31 years old and have had the privilege of working as an elite runway model in various renowned fashion capitals around the world. The experiences I had, from Paris to Milan to New York, were incredibly exciting, with the lights, the applause, and the vibrant atmosphere of the fashion industry. However, there was a traumatic incident that occurred one evening after a photo shoot, which drastically changed my life.  Tragically, I was subjected to unimaginable harm, being sexually assaulted by the photographer and his crew right there in the studio, essentially gang raped! Their actions were disgraceful, demonstrating a complete disregard for my well-being as they took turns taking what they wanted. Consequently, I am now faced with the difficult reality of being pregnant with twins of one of my attackers.

Living in a state where abortion is prohibited, I find myself trapped in this situation. It feels like an ongoing reminder of that horrific night, burdened with the responsibility of a life I hadn't planned for and never desired. These circumstances have left me feeling profoundly isolated, tainted, and shattered.

Though I strive to maintain a facade of strength and composure for others, internally, I am struggling to cope. Overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, and an overwhelming sense of guilt, these emotions consume me entirely. There are times when it feels impossible to continue enduring this hardship.  Again I ask... Please pray for me.  

Thanks for reading my story. Yvonne"

Name: Yvonne Hayes
Age: 31
Occupation:  Former Model and podcast personality
Residence:    Montgomery, Alabama USA
Development: 8 months pregnant
Liked by Caron (Feb 10, 2024), sqwkom (Dec 21, 2023), mr-enigma (Dec 7, 2023), KeensDaadsGrrang (Dec 2, 2023), thumbsout (Dec 2, 2023)
We hope you enjoy today's creative content. All our images are created by way of Midjourney AI. A kind like and share is always appreciated. 

Team pregR

I'm Moondrop!

"Moondrop here, the kaleidoscope queen of the carnival! My family's been running this traveling circus for generations, and I'm no stranger to the thrill of the midway. I've spun cotton candy clouds, tamed fire-breathing tigers (well, kittens, but they were spicy!), and even squeezed into a clown costume once (never again). But life isn't all fun and games under the big top. We set up our tents in a new city every two months, which means I've basically lived in a suitcase for, let's just say, a long time.

One night, a handsome stranger wandered into our carnival, and let's just say, sparks flew faster than a Tilt-a-Whirl. We dated for a whirlwind few weeks, but then, poof! He vanished like a magician's assistant. Now, I'm carrying a little piece of him in my belly – a carny baby on the way!

Some folks might call me crazy, but hey, I'm Moondrop, and I embrace the chaos. This little one will be the most well-traveled baby in the world, that's for sure! And who knows, maybe they'll even inherit my talent for juggling flaming batons. Just kidding... maybe. And hey, don't you worry about me, I'll find a brand new beau! Granted, I may not be the most stunning horse in the stable, but I definitely take pride in being the cleanest and smartest one.

So, that's me, Moondrop – a carny mama-to-be, chasing laughter and cotton candy dreams, one city at a time. This life may be unconventional, but it's never dull. Buckle up, baby, because the Moondrop family is about to embark on the wildest ride of all! You can follow me on IG and I post video content on Kookloo!"

Name: Moondrop
Age: 19
Occupation:  Traveling Carnie personality
Residence:    Quincy, Florida USA
Development: 2½ months pregnant
Liked by chops79 (Dec 8, 2023), mr-enigma (Dec 7, 2023)
All fictional pregR art profiles have been created by way of Midjourney AI. Please enjoy our content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!

Team pregR

No longer a Princess in waiting!

"Folks, imagine a princess trapped in a palace made of gingerbread. But instead of witches and candy houses, it's all stuffy suits and endless curtsies. That was me, Beekie, Princess of Orange from the Netherlands. Except my gingerbread was gilded gold, and the whispers behind my back weren't about sweets, but about royal duty and diamonds.

Then, one scorching summer, on a journey far from tulips and canals, I met Kwame. He wasn't a prince Charming in a shiny chariot, but a whirlwind in a crisp linen suit. A beautiful black Ghanaian doctor with laughter like sunshine and eyes that held oceans of wisdom (and maybe a few extra years, like twenty, but age is just a number when your heart sings!).

Kwame saw me, not a crown holder, but a girl longing for adventures beyond waltzes and etiquette lessons. We built castles under starry skies, not with bricks, but with stories traded around crackling campfires. He showed me the magic of healing hands and dancing feet, not just bowing heads and stiff smiles.  And now I carry his seed growing inside me.

Next month, the gingerbread crumbles! No stuffy carriage for me, but a vibrant parade drumming through sun-drenched streets. Instead of a heavy ermine cloak, I'll wear a customary African Kente cloth woven with love and laughter. Forget the crown, darling, it rests on a velvet cushion, because my real crown is Kwame's hand in mine. And the best part? My fairytale isn't locked in a dusty book, it's being written right now, with every beat of my free heart. And maybe, just maybe, yours can be too. 

I am in love with love, and I love you all for reading my story."

Name: Beekie
Age: 23
Occupation:  Netherlands constitutional Monarchy
Residence:    Accra, Ghana  Africa
Development: 17 weeks pregnant
Liked by KeensDaadsGrrang (Dec 19, 2023), jimbobjoe789 (Dec 19, 2023), chops79 (Dec 14, 2023)
All fictional pregR art profiles have been created by way of Midjourney AI. Please enjoy our content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!

Team pregR

Sometimes, it takes a village!

The turquoise waters of Mexico's Honeymoon Ridge, supposed to reflect love's serenity, instead mirrored the hollowness in Sarah's soul. Here, where Mark and her, both 27 and both untouched by love's embrace, had clung to the belief it could mend their lonely pasts, became a chilling monument to a stolen future. Each sigh of the wind whispered many of passionate first, virgins no longer on the sun-drenched shore, the hesitant hands tracing constellations in the velvet night, the unspoken love finally finding its voice. Then, in a cruel twist, fate ripped away their happily ever after with the swift, silent savagery of a shark. Mark was gone, swallowed by the ocean's wrath, leaving Sarah adrift in a sea of grief, clinging to the miracle of their child within her. But she wasn't alone. Her own siblings, their faces etched with a shared pain, arrived like anchors, dragging in love and laughter alongside groceries and tears. From across the valley, Mark's family appeared, brushstrokes of love painting the nursery sky blue, just like he'd dreamt, their carpentry crafting a cradle woven from his memory. This was their village, born from heartbreak, a tapestry of support where grief and hope intertwined, every thread stronger than the last. Sarah is incredibly grateful for this new supportive community as they smile where she cannot... The gratitude she feels is immeasurable.

Name: Sarah Brine-Erickshaw
Age: 27
Occupation:  Dental Hygienist
Residence:    Fargo, North Dakota USA
Development: 17 weeks pregnant
Liked by KeensDaadsGrrang (Dec 21, 2023), chops79 (Dec 20, 2023)
Would love to be able to create her physique and make progression pics
All fictional pregR art profiles have been created by way of Midjourney AI, with themes dutifully written by our pregR staff. Please enjoy our content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!

Team pregR

Hold that Beat! 

"My Mic dropped, bump popped! Adding a new verse to my life, y'all, and hitting pause on the tour. My Durban Rainbow Sunshine world tour just got brighter, with a heartbeat I can already hum to. Rhythm & blues royalty expanding – stay tuned for the sweetest duet yet!" ?? #ShaNahJunior #SadeFamGroovesOn #BabyBumpBeats
Name: ShaNah
Age: 25
Occupation:  Singer/Actress
Residence:    Johannesburg, South Africa  Africa
Development: 12 weeks pregnant
Liked by BuzzLighter (Jan 16, 2024), chops79 (Jan 4, 2024), KeensDaadsGrrang (Jan 3, 2024), jimbobjoe789 (Jan 3, 2024)
All fictional pregR art profiles have been created by way of Midjourney AI. Please enjoy our content. A kind like and share is always appreciated. Zoom in for best hyper-detail!

Team pregR

Act 2!

"Hello there; Michigan State Senator Marnie Hill here with amazing news! As many of your know at 52, I shattered preconceptions about age and childbirth by giving birth to my son Lucian. Now, at 57, the orchestra swells again with twin ballerinas pirouetting. Here we go again... Looks like I'm trading heels for onesies, redefining futures with double doses of love.  Did I mention TWINS? Lol.  The revolution starts with pigtails, giggles, and more. Watch this space for #MotherhoodRedefined #DCFirstLadyToTwinSquad. Your Senator, Marnie Hill."

Name: Marnie Hill
Age: 57
Occupation:  Michigan State Senator
Residence:    Lansing, Michigan USA
Development: 8 months pregnant
Liked by jimbobjoe789 (Mar 5, 2024)

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