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Annoyance at Media
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Anyone else sick and tired of how the media is always blowing shit out of proportion and trying to find ways to claim an actress is pregnant when she isn't? I mean, it happens all the time. Some random person on a website makes up a rumor or jumps to a conclusion without even getting the full story.

And we've seen about a dozen different examples of this.

Remember how magazine articles claimed for about seven years that Mila Kunis was pregnant? And in how many of them, they claimed she was pregnant with twins.

Then there was about a year ago when Natalie Portman was out in the open looking a little bloated with a rounded belly. News articles claimed she was pregnant, and she called them out on social media, telling them to "do better."

And I just found a new one with Milla Jovovich: hxxps://
The people on the site used her wearing baggy and flow-y dresses as proof for their claims. You guys have seen most of my posts, you know I'd be ecstatic if it did happen, but the woman's in her mid 40's and I honestly don't really expect another one.

So, yeah, a little rant about how much I hate the media blowing stuff out of proportion, and making up news when they're out of interesting things to say. How do you guys feel about it all?
(Sorry if I posted this in a bad place. I have a hard time telling where the right place is sometimes)
I see more people on here blowing shit out of proportion than the "Media", which btw mostly pertain to tabloids that already have no credibility.

You mention Natalie Portman? Yeah, people here overreacted and blow up over a little weight gain....

Bindi Irwin? In a now deleted thread, people here were claiming she was pregnant again 4 months after giving birth.

Instead of blaming tabloids, blame the horny idiots on here who jump the gun whenever a woman doesn't have an ironing board for a stomach. Also, learn not to be sticking your nose into notoriously inaccurate media outlets and you won't be complaining about this to begin with.
Liked by preggolover_69 (Feb 27, 2022), Unreg_user (Feb 27, 2022), AnonymousBump (Feb 22, 2022), theblueblur42 (Feb 22, 2022), SPL (Feb 21, 2022)
Always down to bash the media
It's nothing more than sensationalized headlines designed to drive clicks and magazine sales. How many times has Jennifer Aniston allegedly been married/pregnant at this point?

When it comes to this site, keep in mind the Law of the Instrument regarding cognitive bias. (A.K.A "When all you have is a hammer, then every problem is a nail".)
We don't always know when an actress is pregnant... the girl who voices Penny Proud on Disney (forget her name) hid her entire pregnancy (this started maybe 2009). As far as rumors go.. ever wonder if people like Lucy Hale have kids? I bet a few bucks she got pregnant a few times but gave the kids up so she could have theblavis lifetyle she wants. Maybe the whole "bloated bellies" thing could be a cover by the women.. gives the press something to talk about to distract them from the real thing. People these days can't concentrate on things for more than a few minutes & have the attention span of a almost dead fly... so a few minutes later they will be on to the next rumor
And you are crying because the media knows there are people like you who can't wait for an actress to be pregnant. Ironic isn't it?
Liked by Unreg_user (Feb 27, 2022)
@TheAngelOfDeath Honestly, you're sounding like a hypocrite. Like was said earlier, there are people here who blow shit out of proportions, yet you act like the "media" are commiting crimes against humanity for doing the same thing.

Talking about the pot calling the kettle black.
Liked by Han401 (Feb 27, 2022)
Until people learn to mind their own damn business (which is never) you’ll keep hearing people and news agencies regurgitate gossip like it’s gospel. Nothing will change, personally I live under a rock so I’m not constantly bombarded by 24 hours of trivial celebrity bullshit. You could join me.
User 11841
The purpose of Media is to tell advertising.
(February 28, 2022, 6:20 am)Stuka The purpose of Media is to tell advertising.

Exactly. If it wasn't for the Media, he'd be complaining about nobody telling him who's pregnant.
Liked by Han401 (Mar 3, 2022)

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