New story coming up soon from me
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Here's another story:

Sorry for the delays, and I hope you all enjoy this one.
Liked by Ryuzaki155 (Feb 28, 2024)
New story ready after essentially almost of month of no written works:
Yet another story:

To spice the formula on posting my works, here's a 2k word preview of this story:
  • July 12, 2012 – First Day at the State University!
“It is my first time being in a place other than my hometown; growing up, it’s been hard being different in body and status, since I’m not exactly as financially sound as my other peers and I kind of bloomed late in my teenage years, but through hard work and constant lookout for any opportunity to better myself, I’ve finally managed to get a scholarship at the State University just a few hours' drive across the state. When I first got there with the help of my parents’ van, I felt nervous yet excited for what is to come when studying here. At the same time that I got into my designated co-ed dormitory, I met Erica Davis, of whom I’ve thought I would never see again since our graduation from high school two years prior. Here comes my new life as a freshman...”

A digital alarm clock began to beep repeatedly on a wooden shelf to wake up the sleeper beside it as a lightly hairy, yet small hand reached for the button to turn it off. Still feeling tired from not getting enough sleep from last night’s binge session of his favorite mystery series on HBO Go, Jordan Lang yawned heavily as he stretched his arms long and wide, while making sure that he doesn’t cause himself some leg cramps while turning to look at the time on the clock.

“6:45 am” The clock outputs.

“Urggh, right, I have lectures to attend at 7:30 am,” Jordan grumbled to himself as he rubbed his eyes, his breath that of stale bread that he ate last night during the episode binge.

Within a few seconds, Jordan quickly rose up from the upper part of the stainless-steel bunk bed, his feet dangling by the lower part rather lazily as he kept stretching and limbering his arms and back, his body now accustomed to the discomfort of lying down on a mediocre mattress. Looking down, he can see his best friend Erica, still soundly asleep with her face buried on one of her three large pillows that she brought with her in the State University with her head of ocher red hair frazzled about in a hairstyle of a bob. 

Trying his best with not disturbing his friend’s slumber, he carefully lowered himself down the bunk through a rigid ladder with each step being made making a slight squeaking noise from the whole bunk being shaken ever so slightly. Unfortunately for him, his still-tired eyes saw Erica stir momentarily before she lifted her head off of the pillow and turned to see her best friend who is trying to get down the upper bunk quietly.

“Heh, that’s the 4th time that you tried to get out of bed silently in this semester,” Erica said nonchalantly as she smiled at Jordan warmly, “Good morning to you.” 

“*sigh* Morning to you too, Erica. I’ll have to hurry and sorry if I managed to wake you up from your sleep with my movements,” Jordan resigned to Erica’s sharp hearing as he greeted back at her groggily.

“Jordan, still tired from last night huh? I feel great! You have classes early, yes? I’ll go help you with some coffee,” Erica said adorably to Jordan as she helped herself with getting up from her lower bunk and proceeded to move towards the dorm room’s tiny kitchen and pantry where their paltry inventory of food and drink are stored, awaiting the two’s needed consumption of them. 

Jordan just shook his head in appreciation for Erica’s daft yet sweet gestures for him as a best friend; his mind still lazy, he took a good look at the lady’s blossomed body, his memories of her from when they’re still in high school surfacing to compare between then and now: he remembers how he’s similar in height to her back then at 5’4”, which also made him self-conscious about his own height as he’s not as tall as the other boys back then, of how he looks much like an androgynous person from first glance even to today, but much more so when the only things that he worries about were belonging to a group and minor academics.

Nowadays, even she towers over him at 5’9” compared to his 5’5”, which made him recall a rather degrading term just before he graduated, that he is a “little boy” by other male peers of his age. Yet, it was Erica who made high school bearable enough for him to endure all of the ridicule and humiliation that he received, making him submissive and shy when he finally began his slow yet sure transition to young adulthood in the atmosphere of academia in State University. 

Average-looking to his eyes, Erica still attracted a couple of frat boys along her way, yet he knew that she has no boyfriend because of her preferred orientation to the same sex; she is a lesbian through and through from how she confided to him about his disdain to men who court her and how women were far better in her eyes.

That fact alone made him doubt if he even has a chance on admitting his feelings for her after all these years, but at the moment, he’ll need to wash his face before shabbily wearing his class outfit of a simple striped shirt that alternates between yellow and purple and a pair of denim trousers, its ends on his ankles just exposed so that he can expose free a pair of white socks and blue sneakers that matches the trousers’ color scheme. 

Walking to the dorm room’s bathroom, he turned on the light inside the room as he locked the door behind him as it became a circumstantial habit of his to do so after a series of rather embarrassing incidents back in high school involving bullying in men’s restrooms.

With the light on, he was able to adjust his eyesight accordingly for the day and allowing him to see his tired face on a mirror in front of him: seeing himself being somewhat gaffe after his recent conversation with Erica, he noticed quickly of his dirty blonde hair reaching down to the nape of his neck, his feminine-looking face with little in the way of facial hair giving off a mild pallor from the rigors of college life thus far yet he knew that such appearance will improve with time and confidence.

With as little hesitation as he could contain himself, he proceeded to turn on the tap on the bathroom sink in front of him, letting it run some warm water to allow himself to brace for a good face wash. Reaching for the medicine cabinet just above the sink, he grabbed his smooth facial wash with his left hand and then removing the cap to help himself with squeezing a fingertip’s worth of the stuff before placing the cap back on the packaging and returning it to where it is in the medicine cabinet. 

With the facial wash now spread all over his hands, Jordan then begins his daily ritual of facial cleansing by soaking his hands with some warm water and then closing his eyes as he began to vigorously rub his face with his wet soapy hands and getting some more warm water to make the scrubbing much easier. Making sure that every nook and cranny of his face is properly cleaned, he often tends to do such cleansing for several minutes at a time, sometimes at the detriment to whatever occasion beseeches his attention, be it important events or in this case, his time to get to class. 

Just as he finishes his hygienic routine, Jordan heard a firm knock twice at the door, along with the voice of Erica following after.

Hey, Jords, your coffee and toast are ready!” Erica called to Jordan; her jolly voice being muffled by the door.

“Coming!” Jordan called back to Erica as he finishes up with his facial wash, the warm water from the tap still running as he scoops some more water to rinse his face with.

Feeling grateful from having such a dear friend as a roommate, he then turns off the tap on the sink, the warm water now no longer flowing as he blindly reached for the fresh face towel just hanging on the towel rack beside the sink.

With rapid motions, Jordan quickly wiped off his face clean, his eyes now no longer obstructed by the wetness that is quite irritating in his perspective. Looking once more into the mirror, he can now see that the pallor that he has earlier has now been mostly gone, with his smooth cheeks becoming rosy from the warm wash and his eyes now much alive from feeling awakened with giving himself a chance to groom his face and hair with a couple of taps from his fingertips and his own comb nearby respectively. 

Leaving the bathroom has made him feel much more refreshed and ready for the new day and couple with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and somewhat burnt toast that is to his liking, his faint smile grew ever wider with gratitude.

Approaching the cramped dining room that is also the kitchen as well, he began to help himself with some toast and coffee, both of which were to his preference of being midway from just right to burnt; he didn’t know when he had a penchant for such preference, but he shrugged it off to prepare for his day in the lecture rooms of the university, all the while Erica is checking her new smartphone that was just released a few days ago, a new dawn in the age of social connectivity that has never before seen until now.

After having his fill of the paltry breakfast, he then head back to the bedroom of the dorm room to get dressed for today’s lectures and studies: wearing the desired set of admittedly aloof threads that he had in his mind, Jordan felt content with his new life here, the prospects of a better tomorrow truly savored and his relationships with the fellows in State University being academically platonic: none of the people here that he frequents with were that judgmental with how he looks and even got a few admirers for his unusually feminine physique and appearance. 

Heading back out again with his small backpack filled with the needed textbooks for the load of classes that he’ll attend today, he took a look at a casually lounging Erica by the only sofa in the dorm room one last time as he bade her goodbye before making his way around the dormitories of the university, the transition of places from the cozy red brick and mortar buildings of the student living spaces that is ways away from the main campus of the university to the somewhat dry yet lush outdoors of the well-maintained gardens of the educational institution in the Midwest, a gentle breeze being blown on his fresh-feeling face while the rising sun is giving way of the chilly morning to a more balmy day as is the typical summer in the region.

Just as he paced around the decorative concrete steps of the university to make his way into his first lecture regarding his pursuit of studying the variance of human nature as it befits his intended educational program of getting a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences, he noticed something, or rather someone, briskly walking along the same footpath as the myriad of peoples who go about their day in performing the same academic tasks and duties as he does.

Donning sharp doctor’s clothing consisting of a spotless doctor’s coat, a black and sleek polo undershirt, and khaki slacks with pumps having a good sheen on its black leather exterior, this womanly professor in the State University moved along with such confidence and professional air that most around her made sure to not bump into her, especially since she seems to carry several reams of documents with her.

Unknown to Jordan, her role is being a prestigious scientist and professor in the medical sciences that focuses on the intricacies of the reproductive cycle of humans, she seems to not just carry the distinction as a part of her achievement, she also lives through such achievements by the way of her current experiment, which from what Jordan have heard is an easier method to achieving conception and pregnancy.

He has a feeling that he might meet this person again in the near future, but Jordan thought first of his urgency in coming to his first class for the day.
Another story ready:

I hope that you'll all like this one.
Another story is now available:

I hope that you all will like this one.
Liked by MLR44 (Apr 14, 2024)
Here's another story, a continuation of one of the stories here:

I hope you enjoy this one.
Another story ready:

Another story is now released:

Liked by Ryuzaki155 (May 14, 2024)
Here's another story for all of you to peruse:

I hope you'll find this a good read.
Liked by Ryuzaki155 (May 21, 2024)
Another story from me, this time in celebration of Mayternity 2024:

I hope that I did good with this one.
Liked by chops79 (May 24, 2024)

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