Family Secrets
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(Believe it or not, this was a weekend knock-off. I was trying to impress another writer who appears here occasionally. I sat on it for a couple of years. Here is the lesson I take from this: Write fast, write shitty, then edit. More stories are in the queue.)

Family Secrets

As they drove, Mark was nervous and excited at the same time. He and his girlfriend Erica had been together for a year now and this weekend was going to be the first time he met her family. Her parents and two sisters would be there. He knew Erica’s sisters lived nearby, but somehow he’d never met them. Meeting the family was the nervous part. The exciting part was that the whole trip was set up because Erica’s sister was pregnant and the family wanted to have a get together before the birth. Not just pregnant, but very, VERY pregnant… with twins! Erica was excited, too. She hadn’t seen her sister for a couple of months.

As far back as he could remember he adored pregnant women. His love for pregnant women had only grown throughout the years as he grew old enough to start a family. And, Jamie, Erica’s sister, was supposed to be pretty big at thirty-four weeks. He overheard a phone conversation between Erica and Jamie, and Jamie had said she was amazed at how she was waddling! If Jamie was half as beautiful as her sister and huge, Mark wasn’t going to be able to keep his eyes off her. Still, he didn’t want to be rude, especially where his relationship with Erica’s family was at stake.

Erica herself was gorgeous at 5’ 10", brown hair, hazel green eyes, and a 40D-28-40 figure. Mark especially loved her wide "child bearing hips" as she called them. She slept in the passenger seat next to him. God, she was gorgeous. He was always turned on by the way the seat belt emphasized her ample breasts. There was a sign for a rest stop so he grabbed her inner thigh to wake her up.

“Mmmm… Hey, baby,” she said as she stretched.

“There’s a rest stop coming up. Do you want to stop?”

“No I’m fine, but you look like you could use a break.”

“I’m alright” he said, “but I’m just a little nervous. That’s all.” They had talked a few times about his desire for pregnant women and she completely understood his feelings. She even indulged him with role play in bed. (‘Mmm… C’mon, Mark, get me pregnant. You’re going to love how big I get. Give me a nice, big belly, baby. I just know I’m going to get huge.’) Their role play had grown more intense lately, and Erica could always stimulate him to another erection. She confided she was growing very fond of the idea herself. It started out as role play for him, but she confessed that the desire was real and shared.  She was on the pill. Sometimes it was hard to separate desire from reality. That’s why he was so excited to go on this trip, but he had to play it cool. He didn’t want to alienate Jamie or anyone else.

“I told you baby, everything will be alright, and everyone will love you” she said as she put her hands between his legs and massaged his crotch. “You’re going to love my sister. I know how much you like pregnant girls. Jamie will be a lovely surprise for you. She’s nice and big, just the way you like ‘em! And nobody will mind a bit if you look at my oh-so pregnant sister like that,” she purred, “especially me.” With that, she slowly raised herself up and pushed her body next to his so that her breasts were firmly pressed against his right shoulder and whispered into his ear, “But you can think about her when we get there. Right now, you think about making ME pregnant. Imagine getting me nice and big. I dream about that every time we’re in bed. Whenever you come inside me, I imagine you’re making me pregnant and it feels so good. These hips of mine are gonna let me get HUGE! Do you want that, baby? I do. I’m gonna get so large that you’ll have to sell this old four-door and buy a van so you can carry me around. Now why don’t you slow down a bit so we don’t have a wreck. Just think about how big you’ll make me and how much I’m gonna love it.” She unzipped his pants, lowered her head, and began to work enthusiastically.

Erica’s parents lived just half an hour away. He was feeling pretty good by the time they arrived. As Erica got out of the car she smiled and greeted her sister, and Mark saw the most glorious sight he had ever seen.

Jamie was gorgeous, Jamie was really BIG, and, “You never told me you have an identical twin!”

“I don’t.” replied Erica.

“We’re triplets,” came a voice from behind the hedge, and another girl appeared who was as beautiful as Erica and Jamie. “Hi, I’m Carrie. I can’t believe she never told you about us!”

“Well, at least I told him I have two sisters,” grinned Erica, “I can’t let out all my secrets at once, can I?”

The three girls greeted each other with hugs and kisses. He couldn’t tell them apart except for Jamie. Jamie was stunning as she waddled over to shake Mark’s hand. The girl was enormous! She had nearly outgrown her maternity blouse!

“Wow! Thirty-four weeks?” Mark exclaimed.

“Well, hello to you, too. Yep… Due date is coming up fast. I’m getting kinda big, huh? I’m having twins, big ones. See? Who knows? They might even find some more in there.”
“Yeah, pretty big, alright… Beautiful, too…” he sighed as he looked her up and down.

“Yep,” she grinned, “Go ahead, take a good look!”

She patted the sides of her large tummy and stuck it out for him. She turned from side to side to show him how big she was. Mark knew perfectly well what pregnant girls look like with twins. Even so, he would have expected a nice, big bulge with some room left for the next month and a half. Not Jamie. She wasn’t just big for eight months; she was just plain BIG! She looked overdue. Her round, full tummy erupted far out in front of her beautifully swollen boobs. The buttons were beginning to pull on her maternity blouse. The front hiked up on her belly as she swelled. (“Honest, Mark,” she giggled, “it fit me fine last month. Look how much bigger I grew!”) She smiled sweetly and turned to give him a 360 degree view. Her belly had grown so wide he could see it plainly from behind. Her shorts fit fine around her thighs, but the button and fly were blown so wide open there was no chance they would ever close again. Her hips, her lovely hips, were shucking her shorts’ waistband. Her shorts were pretty much useless, but they whipped at his senses and made him stare all the harder. Her butt was a pair of round, firm, squeezable globes. Her fat, pregnant breasts were swelling too big for her bra. They squeezed up into deep cleavage and bounced with every move she made. Mark was in heaven.

“Wow!” Mark exclaimed, “Look at you! You look great!”

“Why, thank you! I was a little concerned about this blouse. I mean, it fit me fine last month, but look what happened to me,” she smiled as she wagged her belly at him, “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Mind? Of course I don’t mind! I get the feeling Erica already told you that. She already told me you were getting pretty big, but I had no idea! You are one very pregnant girl, aren’t you?”

“I sure am,” she laughed, “Compare me to Erica. Quite a difference, huh? How do you like it?”

“Jamie, you look marvelous, absolutely gorgeous” he murmured, mesmerized by Jamie’s burgeoning pregnant figure on display before him. The seconds ticked by in silence as he stared at her. Mark glanced at Erica and then back at Jamie, comparing the two. Jamie stood quietly, smoothing her blouse and twisting her hips. She tucked her blouse under her boobs which showed off more of her belly. The other sisters looked on patiently and said nothing as Jamie showed off for him.  He couldn’t tear his eyes away from this round, pregnant beauty, otherwise identical to his lovely Erica. She continued to display herself as he drank in the sight. Despite her size, still carried high and showed no stretch marks. She smiled and shimmied her shoulders slightly so her swollen boobs sloshed inside her blouse. She loved showing off.

“I’m getting really pregnant, aren’t I, Mark,” she murmured, “And I’m getting bigger all the time! Erica said you’d like it. I’m glad you do.” She smoothed her blouse around herself and smiled at him. Her boobs wobbled seductively.

He gradually realized he had completely lost his manners. He was flustered and tried to recover himself. “I’m so busted…,” he sighed, “I could look at you all day.”

“I thought you were going to. Or maybe all weekend.” Jamie smiled.

All three sisters chuckled.

“I’m getting so big, Mark! See?”

“I told you you’d be surprised,” Erica teased.

“Yeah, you sure did! It’s a surprising enough to learn you all are identical triplets.” He looked at Erica. “I’ve fallen hard for you this year.” Erica cuddled up to him. “But it’s a little unnerving,” he looked at her identical sister, “to look at Jamie… She looks just like you, but so pregnant!”

Jamie puffed out her belly proudly, showing off for Mark. He fell silent again for a moment, and then whispered quietly, “Oh, Erica, how identical are you?”

“Completely,” Erica whispered reassuringly.

“I think he likes the preview,” Carrie laughed.

“Oh, he likes the preview, definitely,” Erica added.

“God, yes, I like the preview!”

“I’ve got to sit down,” Jamie suggested, “Would you mind helping me into the house? I’m a little unsteady on my feet these days. You don’t mind, do you, Mark?”

Oh, hell no, he wouldn’t mind! She wound her arm around his, her warm, swollen breast pressed to his arm. They walked slowly, arm in arm, their speed limited by her slow waddle. The other girls went ahead. Jamie’s round tummy bobbed back and forth with each step and her cleavage wobbled heavily. Mark was spellbound. Jamie stopped.

“The babies are moving, Mark,” Jamie whispered, “Do you want to feel them move?

“Don’t tell Erica I told you, but she said the two of you have been adding lots of pregnant fantasy to your love life. I’m glad. She really, REALLY enjoys that. It’s good you two can share it. I think she really loves you. I KNOW she really wants you,” she gave him a peck on the cheek. “Oh, and don’t worry. You’re not going to offend me. Look all you want. I kinda like it. She said how much you like pregnant girls. I’m getting nice and pregnant, aren’t I? Trust me, you will LOVE Erica when she’s pregnant! I am what you two can expect for yourselves.”

“I love her, too. I don’t think Erica and I can hold out much longer. We’ve been burning up to have a baby. We tease each other and tempt each other all the time, in bed and out. It’s fun, but we can’t resist much longer. We can’t get enough of each other. And here you are, a beautiful inspiration to both of us. I know she’ll quit birth control soon, and I’ll make her pregnant. We won’t be able to stop ourselves much longer. Seeing you like this makes me want her even more.”

“Oo-o, that’s hot! Does seeing me nice and big like this nudge you along? I hope so. You can’t imagine how big I’m going to get. Erica will, too.” She rubbed his arm with her fat breast.

He settled Jamie into a chair and she gave him a wink and a warm smile. The other girls fawned over Jamie before they sat down. They all talked about their trip. Erica sat back and let Mark and the other two girls get acquainted. They teased him about getting serious with their sister.

“Better be careful, Mark,” Jamie smiled as she waggled her tummy at him, “Or Erica will look just like me really quick!”

Mark and Erica exchanged excited glances and smiled eagerly. Jamie preened herself for him, tucking her blouse under her breasts and smoothing it over her big tummy, showing him how pregnant Erica would be. Carrie and Erica sat next to each other whispering. There was an air of mischievous conspiracy in the room. He began to realize it would be a wonderful weekend just like this, but there was one other thing.

“Uh, it’s great to be here, but” Mark cleared his throat, “where are your parents?”

Erica laughed, “They’re not going to be here. I told you they live hundreds of miles away, and that’s where they are now – at home. We all wanted to meet you here instead. This is Carrie’s place, and, uh, actually this weekend is a test.”

Mark raised his eyebrows. “What test? A test for me?”

"Well, yes,” chimed in Carrie “Erica says she likes you a lot, and we can see the chemistry just by looking at you. Jamie has been having problems for the last few weeks, and we don’t want what happened to her to happen to Erica. Jamie’s husband left her when he learned our Family Secret. Poor Jamie,” she patted her sister’s belly, “she didn’t tell him about her condition until it appeared. She took a chance and it didn’t work out. We don’t want that to happen to Erica. We have to be sure you’re right for her before you two take the next step.”

“W-What? Wait a minute! What condition? Pregnancy?” stammered Mark.

“Well, it’s a little more than that. The doctors call it Macrogravidarum, MG for short,” said Erica, “It’s a rare inherited condition in women. Not many know about it. Women who have it have exaggerated pelvic bones, enhanced uterine and ovarian development, hormonal and muscular changes, and other things. It usually skips generations. We haven’t had a case in our family since great-grandma, but it’s always there waiting. They hit the jackpot with us. We are genetically identical. Once Jamie showed the symptoms we knew for a fact that we all have it.”

“What symptoms?”

Jamie rose from her chair and waddled toward him showing off her body’s extravagant curves.

“What Erica means to say,” continued Jamie, “is that we have highly tuned reproductive systems. When we get pregnant, we get REALLY pregnant! We love that pregnant women turn you on so strongly. We understand it’s frustrating for you. You see lovely, pregnant women around town, but there’s nothing you can do about it because they are already involved with a man. Worse still, the nice, big ones only last two or three weeks like that and they are cranky, uncomfortable, and don’t want sex! We are not like those women. We three will get so much bigger than even the biggest pregnant girls you’ve ever seen! We get positively HUGE when we’re pregnant and it will happen every single time. Look at me,” she showed him her tummy as it struggled to escape her strained buttons, “Thirty-four weeks with twins, right? Uh, no… It’s only one baby. I tell everyone it’s twins so they don’t bother me so much. Still, thirty-four weeks? Uh, no again… Only twenty weeks. I’m only halfway through it and look how big I am! I’m SO pregnant already and I have such a long way to go.

“This is how it is with us. We have large, healthy babies, usually over fifteen pounds, and we deliver them safely and easily. We always carry to term, forty weeks at least, even if we have multiples. Our bellies just stretch and stretch as big as they need to and everything else cooperates. It’s not even that difficult for us; we have all the right muscles. Abs, thighs, buns, all of these muscle groups grow to meet the demand. We can get around okay, at least until the last few weeks, until the world becomes too small for us. Anyway, we were all born to this. We’re built for it. We want it. It’s written into our DNA and we love it. I think that’s the hormones talking. I used to get so depressed when I got my period. Another month gone and I wasn’t pregnant. (“Me, too,” the others chimed in.) I threw my birth control away on my wedding day, and I was pregnant a month later. It was the happiest day of my life.

“There is a downside to our Family Secret. Our hormones go crazy after we conceive. Erica and Carrie haven’t experienced it yet, but I sure have! It started right after I got pregnant, and it gets stronger all the time. Basically, I’m HORNY AS HELL now that I’m pregnant! Men simply can’t handle our needs. I hoped MG had skipped me, so I didn’t tell my husband. I gambled and lost. When I was showing big at six weeks I knew I had it. All three of us have it. I was already wearing him out. My husband couldn’t handle my size or my sexual needs. I tried to give him time to recover after sex, but it just didn’t work. He was exhausted all the time and I couldn’t leave him alone. I was well into maternity clothes at ten weeks, and I needed a warm, virile man inside me several times a night. He left when I needed him most. He couldn’t help it. The Family Secret was too much for him.

“We don’t want that for you and Erica, so we’re going proactive. The fact that I’m pregnant and unattached makes this test possible. It’s not a spur of the moment thing. We have planned this for weeks, waiting for me to get nice and big. They wanted to wait longer so I’d be even bigger, but I couldn’t wait anymore. She thinks you’re the right guy for her, so we’re going to test you. First, we reveal the Family Secret to you and show you what MG is all about. Now we, uh, test your physical capacity. We need to be sure that you’re capable of being with Erica when she’s pregnant, that you’ll still love her and stay with her when she gets REALLY big. We hope it all works out this weekend, but we’ll all save a lot of heartache if it doesn’t. Mark, Erica, come up here with me.”

Erica kissed him briefly but passionately.

“Isn’t Erica beautiful, Mark? Look at her. Tall and shapely and lovely… You want her, don’t you? You want to start a family. Look at her tummy, Mark. Imagine it swelling inside her clothes, struggling to burst free, just for you. And that’s exactly what she’s gonna do. Oh, and she wants you, too!  All three of us know how she feels. She’s got this awful empty space in her tummy and she wants you to fill it. She wants to fulfill her potential! She wants you to make her swell BIG! She’s searched so hard for you and she’s positively stewing in MG. Now look at me. Feel my tummy. There you go… That’s it… Here, let me help. There’s the baby. Feel the outline? Pretty big, right? God, I’m so BIG at just twenty weeks and it feels GREAT! I look like I’m due, but I have many weeks left to go. Now feel my breasts. Aren’t they soft and firm and warm? Look at Erica’s. See the difference? I’ve grown big, beautiful, pregnant tits. Erica wants to do this for you. It feels so good to have your hands on me, Mark. You’ll find out in a minute how wet I am. This is me and it will be Erica, if you pass the test.” She stepped forward and rubbed her belly against him, “Erica wants you to get her this big and bigger. Right, Erica? You know you want it, Mark. Now you have to earn it. You have to satisfy me. Are you ready? Good. I’ve been looking forward to this. I haven’t had sex in weeks and it’s killing me. Girls? Why does this guy still have his pants on?”

“Uh, just a second, girls,” Mark piped in, “Erica, tell me from your own lips that you want me to do this.”

“Yes, Mark, I want you to do this, I want you to do this really well, and I want you to love it.”

“Jamie, don’t get upset if I forget and call you Erica. Okay?”

“Sure, Mark. That sounds fine.”


“O-oh,” Carrie said slowly, already aroused, “I think this… will be… a very… VERY successful test!”

Before he knew it, Erica and Carrie had his pants off and lowered him to the carpet. Although he felt weird about his girlfriend having him fuck her sister, his cock didn’t mind at all. He needed no further encouragement. He quickly sprang to life as Erica helped Jamie take off her tight shorts. The underbelly view was fantastic! Jamie shaved, just like Erica. Her pretty, pink bud emerged between her swollen lips.

She rubbed her hands up and down her lovely, swollen belly and smiled. “I’m going to enjoy this, and I hope you do too, for your own sake. You don’t know what you’d be missing,” she said as she grabbed a hold of Erica and the couch as her other sister slowly lowered her onto Mark’s erect and waiting penis. He felt her warmth and her pussy glistened with her abundant juices. As she sat down on top of him he ran his hands all over her swollen body. He couldn’t believe it! Not only was his dream coming true, but it was at the wish of the girl he loved. If he did this right Erica would be his forever. Jamie’s juices were sweet and slick and flowing from her. He could feel her powerful sexual need as she bore down on his thick, rigid cock. Her moans were deep and primal, ringing in his ears as he pleasured her. Soon her moans became screams as she reached her climax. Her belly was pressed hard against his as she fucked him. She leaned back on his bent knees as her orgasm gripped her. He massaged her belly and caressed her fat, swollen tits while she came. Her spasming vagina milked his cock as she pulled him in deep. Her breathing returned to normal a few moments later and she smiled into his eyes with satisfaction. His hot, ready cock was still lodged inside her.

“Oh, thank you, Mark. I needed that so much.”

“I’m glad, Jamie. Was it a good start? I’ve needed this for my whole life. Come to me, Jamie.”

Jamie struggled to lean forward. Her round belly was so big! It pressed down heavily and flattened out against him. Her hard-nippled breasts hung before his eyes, still bound up in her blouse. He reached out and popped a few buttons. He fondled her fat, pregnancy-swollen tits.  She was ready to start again, but she couldn’t move.

“Oh, Mark,” she teased, “I’m already too pregnant to hump you like this,” she stuck out her lip and pouted at him, “Look how pregnant I am! Just think what I’ll look like tomorrow. Am I getting too big for sex? Am I too pregnant for you? Tell the truth.”

“Too big for sex at only four and a half months? Don’t be silly! With months left to go, you’re just getting started. We’ll find something that works. We’ll find it whenever we need it. It’ll be fun! We are going to do this every day for as often as you need until you deliver. Then we’ll start all over again.”

The sisters all cooed approvingly. Erica’s eyes were wide and bright, and she was breathing hard. He blew her a kiss. She gasped and began rubbing herself.

He opened the rest of her buttons and her healthy, pregnant body surged out of its restraints. “Oh, that’s  much better!” Mark was captivated. Jamie was already enormous, but twenty weeks left? This is what Erica held for him? They both relaxed and he kept petting her round, abundant flesh. He whispered to her how beautiful she was and they had all afternoon to enjoy it. She ground into him and he shifted and twisted hips under the huge pregnant girl. His stiff, thick dick flexed in her tight pussy. Her luscious, bouncy tits were swollen the way only a good, vigorous pregnancy can make tits swell. Her breath came in gasps.

“Come on, Jamie, let’s try something else.” The sisters moved to get up and help Jamie, but Mark waved them off. “We have to learn to do this by ourselves. Jamie, you concentrate on getting nice and pregnant and I’ll find a way to make this work.”

Erica climaxed in her chair as she watched them.

He helped Jamie roll off him onto the carpet. Then, with an assist here and there and a good hard lift, he helped her to her feet. He stripped off the rest of their clothes. He stepped back to admire her as she held his cock. She was round and swollen everywhere she should be and tight and toned everywhere else. And not a stretch mark to be seen. He took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. His hands wandered all over her, marveling at how pregnant she was becoming. They held each other close, sharing their breath by each other’s ears. Her hands explored his ready, rigid cock throbbing with his pulse. She became hot and excited as she rubbed her round belly to him. His mouth was locked to one nipple as he massaged her other inflated, pregnant breast. His hand moved down her back and to her waist. “Oh, those beautiful hips…” he moaned, and she began to tremble. He helped her to the couch.

He sat her down with a pillow in the small of her back. She leaned back and Mark kneeled between her spread legs. He kissed and suckled her amazing tits until her brown nipples strained erect. He kissed his way down her belly to her warm, wet pussy. When his tongue touched her bud, she nearly levitated from the couch and moaned loudly. He lapped her pussy as he reached around her thighs to massage her big belly.

She pleaded through her moans, “It’s…uhh…good…uhh…but I need you ….ahhh… to pound me! C’mon, Mark, fuck me HARD!”

He lifted her feet onto his shoulders and lined up his cock at her vagina. He pressed halfway into her. Her muscles tensed and her toes curled. A moment for his cock to soak up her juices, and he pulled out to the tip. Then he rammed her! She bucked and writhed under him. Her hips rose to meet him as he rammed down into his pregnant partner. ‘Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack…’ On and on as she thrashed under his relentless hammering. She gave back to him as strongly as he gave her. She was over the top with a thunderous orgasm. She pressed her pussy hard against him as he pushed in deep. He used short, easy strokes, bumping firmly against her pussy to draw her orgasm along as she screamed and writhed on his thick cock. They paused to catch their breath.

“Oh, Mark,” she purred, “you really know how to make a pregnant girl happy don’t you? Look at me, baby. Do you like me nice and pregnant?”

“Oh, yes, you’re gorgeous, hot, and sexy. But…”

“But what?”

“But I want you BIGGER! Keep getting bigger, and I’ll show you how happy I can make a pregnant girl.”

“Ooo, Mark! YES! Get me bigger! Get me much bigger!”

They heard one of the girls behind them cumming loudly as they resumed their wild fuck session. Mark knew he couldn’t last much longer.

“C’mon, Erica! C’mon, honey! You’re good and pregnant and it’s time you got a good, hard fucking! I always wanted you pregnant and now you’re gonna get huge! Do you like gettin’ fucked while you’re big and pregnant?”

“Oh, God, yes! YES! Unh… Unh… Gimme more! I need it so much and you’re givin’ it to me great! KEEP GOING!”

He gazed at her vast belly as it bobbed up and down with their thrusts. Her engorged tits flew everywhere. He was close. He gathered her fat tits in his hands. He pinched her nipples, gently at first, then harder and harder as he fucked her savagely. That was enough for her. She climaxed…HARD!


Well, that pushed him over the top, too. With one final smack, he ground his pelvis tight against hers. His cock began to throb and he exploded.

“Oh, God, Mark! This is GREAT! C’mon, Mark, pump my pregnant belly full of cum!”

“OH! Oh, God! Erica! This is WONDERFUL! I DIDN’T KNOW IT COULD FEEL SO GOOD!! Oh, Erica! You’re so pregnant! UNH, I LOVE YOU! God, I’ve always wanted you like this! AH- h-h…”

He shot cum like a madman! Jamie’s squeezing, pulsing pussy drew it all out of him. She urged him on. First he filled her, then he overflowed her, then he made a puddle under her. He was empty. He couldn’t shoot any more. He collapsed onto his lover, his cock still deep in her belly.
Finally, he rolled off of her. He popped loose and his cum drained out of her splattering on the floor. The sisters covered them with a blanket. They cuddled each other and whispered endearments. They dozed for a few minutes.

“Mmm, Erica?



“Oo-o! So soon! YES! More!”

They stayed on the couch and fucked as they had before. They knew what to do now. They had happy, joyful sex and pounded each other silly. Jamie climaxed twice before Mark couldn’t hold off anymore. He pulled out and aimed. He painted her tits; he painted her belly; he painted her tits again before he collapsed beside her. She smoothed out his cum and rubbed it into her soft, glowing skin.

“Oh, Mark,” she breathed, “Where did you get all this cum?”

They cuddled under the blanket again. Jamie gently held Mark’s limp, exhausted penis in her hand as her sisters looked on. After a few minutes, the sisters got restless. Maybe the test was over. But Jamie was shocked to feel his penis hardening in her hand again.

“Erica… I need more! Can we do it again?”

“Oh, yes, Mark!”

He helped her off the couch to the carpet again. They positioned themselves in the middle of the room.

“Be careful, honey,” he said caringly, “I don’t want you to get rug burn.”

“Baby, I CAME here to get rug burn,” she growled.

She was on her hands and knees. She lowered her head to her crossed arms with her shoulders and breasts on the floor. She drew her knees up as far as she could and arched her back. Her cum-soaked pussy was there for the taking with her beautiful, round belly squeezing out between her thighs.

“C’mon, Mark… Show me what you got.”

“Oh, honey, you’re just perfect!”

He came to her again, and they worked each other. They fucked and fucked and fucked! He found she was expert at milking his cock. She had a toe-curling orgasm, then another, then another… He finally lost control and spilled volumes into her again.

She was oozing sperm onto the floor. “Where does all this stuff come from?” she asked again.

“My family secret,” he replied sleepily.

They remained as they were, she on her hands and knees, and he lined up behind her. She was relaxing after her powerful orgasms, and he was gently stroking in and out of her, churning his cum in her belly. His cock was softening. She loved feeling her insides being worked like that. She felt relaxed and contented, but after a few minutes she became aroused again. Then she realized Mark had returned to his full stiffness.

“Oh, Mark, really? Still more?”

“Yes, Jamie, still more.” He caressed her shapely belly and smooth bottom. “I just love your pregnant shape. You got me started. With a face and figure like yours, I could go on forever.”

“Be careful what you wish for, Mark.”

They resumed their lovemaking. It was gentle this time, but no less intense. She took several orgasms from him before he overflowed into her again.

They collapsed again, exhausted this time.

“Pillows and blankets, please?” They were quickly supplied.

He tucked a pillow under Jamie’s head and smoothed her hair from her beautiful face. He kissed her. The second pillow tucked between her knees.

“No pillow for you?” asked one of the sisters.

“Don’t need one.”

He laid his head on Jamie’s breasts and curled around her belly. They held each other close. The sisters covered them with blankets. They slept.

When he awoke he was still cuddled up to the sleeping Jamie. What a great day! He gently disentangled himself from her. She protested in her sleep. ‘No, baby, no…’ He reassured her, ‘Shh… It’s okay, honey, I’ll be right back. You just rest and I’ll come back.”

He padded into the kitchen to join one of the sisters. Was it Carrie?

“Mark! I can’t believe it!” she said, “I have never even imagined anything like what you did for Jamie! She’s been so miserable without her husband. You’ve made her very happy today.”

“Isn’t she beautiful? Well, you’re all beautiful, of course, but I’m crazy about her figure. What a beautiful pregnant figure she has. It drives me wild! I’m glad she’s happy. She’s sleeping so peacefully now, maybe for the first time in months.”

“You have really motivated me. I have to find the man of my dreams quick, so I can do with him what you and Jamie just did.”

“You mean, ‘what Jamie and I are still doing…’” Mark corrected her gently, “I told her I’d come back.”

“Unbelievable! Where can I find someone like you?”

“Carrie… Maybe you have. Maybe I’m the man of your dreams. I’m just saying. You and your beautiful sisters are in a rare situation and have very particular needs.”

“But you and Erica… You and Jamie…”

“I already love Erica. I just met Jamie this morning. You saw us together today. Who knows where that will go? This was supposed to be a simple test, wasn’t it? Well, it’s not. I can feel how much Jamie needs me. I think Jamie will ask Erica if she can borrow me, and I bet Erica will agree. Jamie has needs. You do, too. I mean, you’re very sweet and polite with me, but the way you all have described MG, you must be burning up, too.”

“Geez, Mark, I’d have to think about this. But you are right about my needs. I feel like I just HAVE to get pregnant soon. But sharing with my sisters? I have to think about that.”

“There’s nothing much to think about yet. This is all new to me. Remember, it was the three of you that organized this weekend. It was a total surprise to me. I’m just reacting to it, thinking out loud. It was supposed to be for Erica’s benefit. Maybe it doesn’t have to stop there. I have needs, too.”

“There’s more to you than I thought. Well, I’m going for a workout. Oh, Erica’s waiting for you in the back yard.”

“Have fun!”

Erica was sitting on the patio swing. She cuddled up to him and soon cupped his balls and stroked him. She smiled coyly as she said, “You were wonderful. I have a great surprise in store for you…”

Mark rejoined Jamie where she was sleeping. He stripped off his clothes and lay down behind her. They cuddled like spoons. He draped his arm over her belly and she held his hand.

“You were fantastic, Mark,” Jamie murmured, “You must really have a thing for pregnant girls.”

“What I really have is a thing for pregnant girls who look like you and your sisters. Erica really wants to have a baby with me and I think we’ll do it. Soon...”

“Good for you!” She sighed. “But I guess this means I’ll only have this weekend with you. Can we have another session before we go, Mark?”

She stuck out her shapely bottom and ground against Mark’s groin. She discovered that, yes, they could have another session. Right now! An hour later, she was sleeping soundly again with another puddle forming under her.

Jamie finally awoke at sundown. She waddled into the kitchen where Mark and Erica were eating dinner. She threw her arms around Erica.

“Erica, dear sister, I’m sorry. You can’t have him back. He’s mine now. I need him more,” she grinned, “Now I know why you like him so much. Whew! You gave me quite a workout,” she exclaimed.

Mark smiled at her.

Jamie sat down at the table patting her large belly. “You know, I’d love another session, if Erica doesn’t mind. But it will have to be tomorrow. You must be tired after all you’ve done today.”

“Well, it’ll be tomorrow,” Mark said, “but only because Erica and I need some time together.”

Her eyes went wide, “I’m impressed!”

“I’ll say. You’ve had a busy day,” Erica crooned, “Let’s see, once in the car on the way down here (‘You slut!’) and four in the living room…”

“…six in the living room…”Jamie corrected her. (‘YOU slut!’)

“Seven times?! Oh, Mark, you’re making me horny. Are you going to be like that when I’m pregnant?”

“Oh, yes! Seeing what’s happening to Jamie, probably more so. I want you pregnant so bad!”

“Uh, speaking of MG, do I look bigger to you?” Jamie asked, “Already?”

They agreed she did look bigger.  Mark just sat at the table astounded at his luck. How had he ended up with this wonderful girl? These wonderful girls? He felt like his long search was over.

“I’m famished!” Jamie exclaimed. “This little guy really takes a lot out of you. Where’s Carrie?”

“She’s working out. Here, sit tight. I made you some food.” Erica headed to the fridge. She pulled out her sister’s meal, closed the door, and placed it in front of her. She grinned at Mark seductively.

“I think it’s time you and I have some time alone.”

Mark didn’t have to hear it twice. They jumped up and headed off to the bedroom. She was usually a foreplay girl, but not tonight. She wanted all of him and as quickly as he could give it to her. Her body hungered for him. As she entered the bedroom she quickly shed all her clothing, revealing her ripe luscious body for his taking. She had known he was the one from the beginning. First he would glance at pregnant women trying not to be noticed. Then he started talking about having a large family, and after that, he confessed how much he loved pregnant girls. She loved it. And now it was time for his reward. She knew she had found someone to share her blessing with. If only Jamie and Carrie could be so lucky.

“Take me, Mark. Make me pregnant! I want to get as big as I can for you!” With that she dropped to her knees, but was surprised to find he didn’t need any encouragement.

They climbed between the sheets. She held her ankles and spread her legs wide for him. He settled into her. He started to kiss her, but she would have none of it. She ravaged him! She fucked him as hard as she could and took orgasm after orgasm from him!

During a lull, he said, “Erica, stop taking the pill!”

“I already did. I’m ready and ripe to get pregnant right now! What do think of that?”

“Hmm, what do I think of that? Oh, that’s easy.”

He held her feet up over his shoulders and spread her legs wide.

“Here’s what I think of that!”

He humped her one more time and plunged his cock in deep and held her hips to him.

“I’ve been waiting for this for so long.”

He kissed her passionately, and a moment later, she felt long, heavy streams of seed shooting deep into her fertile belly. She had another orgasm and cried out joyfully. She wrapped herself tightly around him and greedily drained him of every drop.

“I’ve wanted to do this with you since we met.”

“Oh, Mark, I’ve been aching for it for months. Just be sure you do a good job on me. Get me good and pregnant. I don’t want to have to wait another month.”

“You won’t have to. Show me what MG is all about.”

“Mmm… I can’t wait!”

She felt him grow full and hard again inside her again.

“Here, I’ve got some more for you, just to get you off to a good start. Now you and Jamie will be nice and pregnant, but what about Carrie? Does she have a boyfriend?”

“No, she doesn’t. But don’t worry. I have a plan for Carrie.”

They were still making love when Carrie came home from the gym.

“Hey, Carrie, how was your workout?” asked Jamie.

“Oh, not bad. I got a few guys but no prospects. I really need a man. Gosh, are you bigger, Jamie!?”

Jamie had popped two buttons on her blouse. She tried without success to button them. She giggled, “Yep, I sure am. Mark does good work.”

“Where am I going to find a guy like him? Well, I’m going to sleep, holler if you need anything.”

Carrie had her iPod on so she couldn’t hear Erica’s cries as she approached her bedroom. Carrie walked in and froze.

“Oh God, baby, let me be on top. I won’t be able to ride you like this when I’m as pregnant as Jamie, so let me do some of the work now.” Erica straddled her lover as she rocked back and forth and thrust her vagina onto his straining member.

Carrie was hypnotized. He was big and Erica was milking him hard! Carrie wanted to feel every inch of him deep inside her, ready to cum in her.

“Come on, baby, cum in me,” Erica moaned, “Make me pregnant right now. I don’t want to wait another month. That’s it, baby, that’s it! I’m all ready for you.”

Carrie was rooted where she stood, blushing but obviously very turned on. Her sister was trying so hard to get pregnant and loving every minute of it. It made her drip in her panties. Carrie dreamed her whole life about fucking a man that way and now she watched Erica do it for real. Erica was at peak fertility. She was filling herself with all the seed she could get. Erica was getting pregnant for sure! Carrie grew light-headed and her panties got even wetter. Carrie knew just how fertile Erica was. They shared the same cycle. Carrie was fertile, too.

He had already cum once, but Erica wanted more, she needed more. She had been waiting so long. She wanted to be so pregnant she could hardly move. Mark was making her dream come true.

“I love how much you like pregnant girls, Mark. This will be the best thing that ever happened to you. You really like how big Jamie is, don’t you? She’s not even five months along and she’s already bursting her maternity blouse. You’re going to make me look like that and more. That’s our Family Secret. I’m loaded with it. You’re going to love how big I’ll be when I’m due.”

He grunted and a moment later she was thrilled to feel him filling her belly again. Carrie watched from the foot of the bed.

“Uhhh, Uhhh. Come on, baby, I can feel it! That’s it! Give me all of it! You’re making me pregnant. Make me huge! Come on…fill me up…that’s it…”

Carrie was transfixed. Her blush intensified as she watched Erica get pregnant. Mark’s throbbing cock filled her fertile sister full. Soon he overflowed her. They wound themselves together in a tight ball as she filled herself with him.

Carrie felt a deep stab of jealousy. She wanted it, too, but Erica was in a sharing mood that night.

“Come on in,” panted Erica as she climbed off Mark’s dripping penis. “I can use a break, but I think he’s still going strong. I don’t know how, but he is.”

Carrie hesitated, but she couldn’t look away from Mark’s shiny, wet cock. Mark watched her struggle with the decision that was already made. The decision was made in her bones, in her cells, and in her belly. Mark knew she needed it and it made him get hard again as she grew flushed and panting. She was smoking, steaming hot and so READY!

Carrie knew she needed it, too. She watched Mark’s cock grow long and stiff for her. It throbbed with his pulse as it called to her. Her knees got weak. Her full breasts tingled. Her nipples strained inside her bra. Her lips were slippery wet and she had a puddle in her panties. The deep, aching need gnawed in her belly. This need is what she and Mark had spoken of at the kitchen table. Did she want to share her sister’s man? Well, now both of her sisters’ man? Could she resist?

“Carrie,” said Erica. She was naked, flushed, and grinning. She had her hips cocked to one side and a thick trail of semen ran down her leg. “Go ahead.”

Her resistance collapsed. She thought about her belly remaining empty for one more month and couldn’t stand it anymore. Off came the clothes, and she climbed into bed. She held onto the headboard as he lined up behind her. He reached around and embraced her. He cupped her breasts, identical to Erica’s. He caressed down her flanks to her beautiful, generous hips. One hand cupped her belly and the other cupped her shaved pussy. The length of his dick pressed to her ass. He massaged her pussy. She moaned as she lubricated furiously.

“You’re so beautiful, Carrie. I’m going to make you very pregnant tonight. Take your time and enjoy it, honey.”

“I’m finally gonna get pregnant. I’m getting pregnant with my sister. I’ve wanted this for so long!”

“Are you ready?”

“Oh, God, YES! Get me good and pregnant, Mark! Do your best and get me really, really pregnant!”

“Yes, I will. I’ll make you HUGE pregnant, and then I’ll keep you satisfied just like your sisters. Get ready, Carrie. You are about to get what you’ve always wanted.”

He pressed deep into her. He worked her gently as she warmed up. Soon her cries filled the air. Then he drilled her hard, just the way she wanted. He rammed her steaming pussy while she hollered for more.

“Make me pregnant! Get me big! Do it! Do it hard,” she cried. “I waaant iiiit AAAAALL!”

She cried out in orgasms as he pressed his hips hard against hers. Then she felt it deep in her fertile belly as he shot his seed inside her. He held her tight and pumped her full. She felt him bathe her egg in sperm as it drifted down her tube into her supercharged womb. Oh, that was so good!
“I’m pregnant,” Carrie sighed, “I’m finally pregnant.” She smiled blissfully. Mark cuddled and caressed her. He churned his sperm deep in her belly until they slept.

For the rest of the night, Mark filled them both up with his abundant seed, giving them both what they so desperately wanted. If one of them woke up and asked for him, he filled her eager belly again. God, he was so good. The two sisters couldn’t have been happier. Their bellies were full to bursting with potent seed. They fell asleep stroking Mark’s thick penis.

Mark awoke alone the next morning. He pulled on his boxer shorts. He went to the kitchen to find all three sisters incredibly happy.  They were all wearing identical tank tops and bikini panties. Jamie looked especially good stretching out her top. Their Family Secret had finally expressed itself fully in all of them, and the girls were comfortable and happy to accept it. When he sat down at the breakfast table, Erica (or was it Carrie?) stroked his cock.

“We’ll have to keep you around,” she said, “You’ll be mine, of course, but I think Jamie needs you, too.”

“Hey, not so fast!” Carrie chirped, “I’m gonna need him, too!”

“Does this mean I passed the test?” he smiled innocently. The girls all threw their napkins at him.

Jamie smiled contently as she patted her tummy. “Well, as far as I’m concerned, the test isn’t over. It’s only Saturday morning and this is a weekend get-together. I want to push your limits starting right after breakfast. My God, what have you done in the last twenty-four hours? Let’s see, we counted seven before you two attacked him. What about you guys?”

Carrie said, “I lost count at six.”

Erica said, “I lost count at seven.” (‘You got seven?!’, ‘I got there first!’)

“So, twenty at least? Wow, that’s some capacity!”

“And while you were counting my orgasms,” Mark asked, “Did any of you keep track of your own?”

“No, I couldn’t.”

“Me neither.”

“They all blended together. I couldn’t tell where one stopped and the next began,” Jamie patted her swollen belly. “I’ve grown since yesterday. I needed that workout. I’d love another one before we go. Maybe two?"

“Oh, we forgot to tell you the best thing about the Family Secret. See how I don’t have stretch marks? I’m never going to get them. And after I deliver, I’ll recover completely in a month or two. No saggy breasts, my tummy will firm up, my hips and butt will slim down, the baby weight will drop away, and my pussy,” she winked, “will still be nice and tight. You gotta love those hormones. Look at Erica and Carrie. Did you make them pregnant? Think how BIG they’ll get! And after they have your babies, they’ll recover and look just the way they do today. And we can all do that again and again and again.”

“Uh-huh,” Erica added, “Does that sound good? Thought so. All we needed is a man who can handle the workload, and I think we’ve found him.” She smiled contentedly and rubbed her tummy.

“Uh, wait a minute,” Carrie cautiously interjected, “Not that I object, mind you. But I have never even heard of man with so much sexual energy! How can you satisfy all of us so much and so many times?”

“Looking a gift horse in the mouth, are we?” he chuckled.

“No… NO! It’s just… truly remarkable. And it’s especially important to us because of MG.”

Mark sat beside Jamie.

“I know… I know… I’ve been waiting for you to ask. But first, I want to ask a question. Jamie, would you have liked to make love twenty times yesterday? Be honest…”

“I could have done it, but no… Twenty times would have been too much. Why?”

“Erica? Carrie? Twenty times?”

They looked at each other doubtfully. “No… we were happy the way it was… very happy.”

“Oh, I’m so happy to hear that. You see, I have a Family Secret of my own. It’s called ‘Gonadal Hypertrophism’, GH for short. Ever heard of it?” Nobody had. “I’m not surprised. It is a rare inherited condition in men. Leaving out the medical mumbo-jumbo, it means that when I’m properly sexually aroused, I can’t get enough. I produce an endless amount of semen and can always get it up. GH skips a generations a lot. That’s why it’s so rare, even in families that carry the gene. My dad and brothers don’t have it, neither did my uncles, cousins, or grandfather. My great-grandfather did have it. And I have it. Believe it or not, it’s considered a curse. A man with GH who loves and desires his partner… simply cannot leave her alone. He will bathe her in semen at every opportunity, and most women leave. They can’t take it. Who can blame them?

“You know I LOVE pregnant women. I LOVE Erica, and I hope I am going to LOVE all of you. Do any of you doubt this is true?” The enthralled women all shook their heads. “That’s good, because it is TRUE. GH is usually a terrible thing. To love and desire a woman and to have that desire become the reason she leaves you? It’s awful.”

“He’s right,” Jamie added, “That’s what happened to me and my husband with MG.”

“But I don’t feel that way this morning. Do any of you feel you’ve had too much sex forced on you?”

“NO!” came the enthusiastic chorus.

“Good! I couldn’t be happier with how the three of you have treated me. The thing is, while you have been testing me, I have been testing all of you. You all passed. The three of you will NEVER find men like me again. I’ll NEVER find women like you again. I believe the four of us can be happy together for years.”

He gave them a moment to think about that.

“Stand up, Erica.”

The two identical girls stood. (‘Oh, so that’s how it’s going to be. Triplet trickery.’) He stood between them and wrapped his arms around their waists to rub their bellies.

“How do you feel this morning?”

“Oh, we feel great! NEVER felt better! Like a weight was lifted off of us.”

“I’ve been watching you rub your tummies. Erica, Carrie, do you think you might be… pregnant?”

He watched as they listened to their bodies. A slow flush started in their chests and rose to fill their cheeks. They blushed furiously as he caressed their fertile bellies.

“I-I think I am.”

“Oh, that’s so good,” he breathed, “Erica, Carrie, I hope you’re already pregnant. But we’ll work on it some more, just in case. If you aren’t pregnant now, you will be by sunset. Jamie, shall we resume after breakfast?”

The beautiful, pregnant sisters were stunned by Mark’s revelation, but they couldn’t deny its appeal. They needed him. They wanted him. Nobody else will do for any of them. He satisfied them completely yesterday, and Erica vouched for his character. The sisters looked at each other, agreement forming on their faces. Jamie knew she had the next word. She quietly reached for him. He was hard. Not just hard, he was pulsing in her hand, yearning for her. She was nicely wet.

“Yes, Mark. After breakfast.”

The other two sisters sighed with relief.

“Good!” He headed for the stove, “How do you all want your eggs?”

“Fertilized!” came the enthusiastic chorus.
Liked by 37 members: Thebige (Apr 17, 2024), sundaefan1234 (Apr 10, 2024), Viper9000 (Mar 27, 2024), Bellylover29 (Feb 9, 2024), BigRoundGirlsss (Jul 2, 2023), MeinBlower (Nov 17, 2021), Tr4shknight (Oct 29, 2021), fiko515 (Aug 21, 2021), Artnonymus1264 (Jul 21, 2021), Quinn777 (Jul 11, 2021), Jonassnow64 (Jan 27, 2021), chunkylover58 (Dec 14, 2020), bumpbaker (Dec 13, 2020), hughman (Dec 12, 2020), Dogkascc (Nov 20, 2020), Twitchy (Aug 24, 2020), jimbobjoe789 (Aug 23, 2020), Bgman30 (Aug 14, 2020), nobug (Jul 19, 2020), Evevade (Jun 20, 2020), preglacluv (Jun 19, 2020), 78ihscout (Jun 18, 2020), Kick (Jun 18, 2020), Moonpotrz (Jun 18, 2020), toto4u (Jun 18, 2020), SPL (Jun 17, 2020), B17geek98 (Jun 16, 2020), Kayiter (Jun 14, 2020), petr99 (Jun 14, 2020), Birth_Love (Jun 14, 2020), Welshy (Jun 14, 2020), xxx22xxx (Jun 14, 2020), sboi32 (Jun 13, 2020), AnonymousBump (Jun 13, 2020), jokerpaso (Jun 12, 2020), Jeromeodawg (Jun 12, 2020), jin1976 (Jun 12, 2020)
Great story. Now we’re waiting for chapter two - fifteen weeks later... ?
Liked by B17geek98 (Jun 17, 2020)
(June 13, 2020, 5:03 am)jossaymurray Great story. Now we’re waiting for chapter two - fifteen weeks later... ?
Oooh... I like it! I had not considered, but I know I should...

Liked by MeinBlower (Nov 17, 2021), fiko515 (Jul 6, 2021), bumpbaker (Jun 15, 2020)
Another outstanding contribution from the undisputed master of pregnancy erotica.. I agree with jossaymurray; this is "ripe" for a sequel (if you'll excuse the pun). Fabulous stuff.
Liked by marafaka (Nov 4, 2020), B17geek98 (Jun 17, 2020)
Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I am pretty sure I read something like this some years ago. Have you posted this somewhere else before?

(June 14, 2020, 10:43 am)deux_anges Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I am pretty sure I read something like this some years ago. Have you posted this somewhere else before?

You might have. I have contributed several stories. I'm thinking about loading them all into Mega. Notabot wrote a story about identical triplet sisters but not the same story. You can buy his on Amazon for the Kindle. It's called "Seeing Triple". I recommend it. Actually, I sent him a copy of this one. Maybe he posted it somewhere.
Liked by B17geek98 (Jun 17, 2020)
(June 13, 2020, 10:07 pm)Craneskin Another outstanding contribution from the undisputed master of pregnancy erotica.. I agree with jossaymurray; this is "ripe" for a sequel (if you'll excuse the pun). Fabulous stuff.
Thank you! You are very kind to say so. And YES, I am working on a sequel.
Liked by B17geek98 (Jun 17, 2020), Craneskin (Jun 15, 2020)
(June 13, 2020, 10:07 pm)Craneskin Another outstanding contribution from the undisputed master of pregnancy erotica.. I agree with jossaymurray; this is "ripe" for a sequel (if you'll excuse the pun). Fabulous stuff.
Thank you! You are very kind to say so. And YES, I am working on a sequel.
Liked by ValarMorghulis (Jun 14, 2020)
(June 14, 2020, 10:43 am)deux_anges Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I am pretty sure I read something like this some years ago. Have you posted this somewhere else before?

Oh, crap! You're right! I was rummaging through my archives and found another story. That's why I was able to crank this out over a weekend. I found the original story somewhere and tarted it up to show this other author. No author was listed so I couldn't ask his permission. In my defense, I really tarted it up a lot. The original was five pages long and my redux was nineteen. I thought of Macrogravidarum and Gonadal Hypertrophy, and of course I filled out all the sex play. Damn, now I'm a plagiarist. Maybe that's why I sat on it for three years. Mea culpa...
(June 14, 2020, 7:18 pm)jfingers
(June 14, 2020, 10:43 am)deux_anges Maybe I'm losing my mind, but I am pretty sure I read something like this some years ago. Have you posted this somewhere else before?

You might have. I have contributed several stories. I'm thinking about loading them all into Mega. Notabot wrote a story about identical triplet sisters but not the same story. You can buy his on Amazon for the Kindle. It's called "Seeing Triple". I recommend it. Actually, I sent him a copy of this one. Maybe he posted it somewhere.
Aha! Yes, I've purchased Notabot's story. I just looked at my Kindle account and it's there.

Funny how the same themes crop up time and time again.


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