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This Video made by TheChipMunk on Youtube:

This is a Worry this site is getting this Bad Attention.

Though does not help some people on here ruin it for everyone who is doing the Right Thing
Liked by humpbumps (Jan 4, 2018)
This is kind of an old story. The news story was referring to a member(now deservedly banned) who would purposely infiltrate private Facebook pregnancy groups back in mid 2016. Most people I've seen commenting on the story pretty much agree that one should be careful what they share on the web. So, I don't think we should worry. Though, that numbskull was back to his old antics and almost brought bad attention on us again back in the Fall. Thankfully that fire was put out before it got going.
Liked by DaveTheMan (Jan 2, 2018), janaie13 (Jan 2, 2018)
(January 2, 2018, 11:03 am)orta03 This is kind of an old story. The news story was referring to a member(now deservedly banned) who would purposely infiltrate private Facebook pregnancy groups back in mid 2016. Most people I've seen commenting on the story pretty agree that one should be careful what they share on the web. So, I don't think we should worry. Though, that numbskull was back to his old antics and almost brought bad attention to us again back in the Fall. Thankfully that fire was put out before it got going.

1 thing people need to understand is that: if you dont want it USED or DOWNLOADED by someone else then dont post it. Almost everything will be used and downloaded by anyone. So if they have a problem with that then they need to keep what they dont want used or downloaded on their computer for only them to see. IE: if you were a woman who posted preg stuff on your profile (IG or facebook) and you got wigged out by someone using or

Downloading it.. then ya shouldnt have posted it. Point blank. Im tired of women bitchin on YT or IG about "they used my pic or video". Then they shouldnt have posted it then. Anything posted (unless its made by a company or celebrity) can be used by anyone. As long ss they dont make money off it it get gifts. Same goes for women on YT. Dont want your video used or downloaded? Dont post it.
what the fuck its internet if post your penis or belly or boobs , pussy
dont post it WTF!!!! social media is bad voodoo fb ,twit , gram , youtube
my wife know i'm this site because she okay or cool with it. if was looking at other guys like penis or gay porn then got issues I hate that crap
(January 2, 2018, 12:27 pm)MrTek 1 thing people need to understand is that: if you dont want it USED or DOWNLOADED by someone else then dont post it. Almost everything will be used and downloaded by anyone. So if they have a problem with that then they need to keep what they dont want used or downloaded on their computer for only them to see. IE: if you were a woman who posted preg stuff on your profile (IG or facebook) and you got wigged out by someone using or

Downloading it.. then ya shouldnt have posted it. Point blank. Im tired of women bitchin on YT or IG about "they used my pic or video". Then they shouldnt have posted it then. Anything posted (unless its made by a company or celebrity) can be used by anyone. As long ss they dont make money off it it get gifts. Same goes for women on YT. Dont want your video used or downloaded? Dont post it.

This is just fucking ignorance right here. So you're saying that the woman is in wrong if someone who pretended to be a pregnant woman gained access to her private group, stole their pictures and posted them on a fetish site? Or what about a private IG or Youtube channel? Hell I'm pretty sure anyone would be pissed here if they found unauthorized pictures of their pregnant wife, sister, cousin or whoever on here with members making comments on how badly they want to fuck em.
Liked by janaie13 (Jan 2, 2018)
(January 2, 2018, 1:45 pm)1Way
(January 2, 2018, 12:27 pm)MrTek 1 thing people need to understand is that: if you dont want it USED or DOWNLOADED by someone else then dont post it. Almost everything will be used and downloaded by anyone. So if they have a problem with that then they need to keep what they dont want used or downloaded on their computer for only them to see. IE: if you were a woman who posted preg stuff on your profile (IG or facebook) and you got wigged out by someone using or

Downloading it.. then ya shouldnt have posted it. Point blank. Im tired of women bitchin on YT or IG about "they used my pic or video". Then they shouldnt have posted it then. Anything posted (unless its made by a company or celebrity) can be used by anyone. As long ss they dont make money off it it get gifts. Same goes for women on YT. Dont want your video used or downloaded? Dont post it.

This is just fucking ignorance right here. So you're saying that the woman is in wrong if someone who pretended to be a pregnant woman gained access to her private group, stole their pictures and posted them on a fetish site? Or what about a private IG or Youtube channel? Hell I'm pretty sure anyone would be pissed here if they found unauthorized pictures of their pregnant wife, sister, cousin or whoever on here with members making comments on how badly they want to fuck em.

Not blame per say.. theres many women who pretend to be pregnant on YT & IG. They use pics found on tumblr. Hell 1 girl used an old thread from maybe 2013-14 about a 15 year old Australian girl & got many followers on IG. Once something is on the internet it cant be deleted (unless you are some powerful hacker). Posting in private wont help. Someone likely can download your video before you make a private YT account. If you make the account private just make it easier & delete the channel. A video or profile thats not public is like having a phone

And never using it. It defeats the purpose of having it. Yeah people would be mad. The only thing to do is dont post what you dont want people to have access to. People can pose as regular folks on IG to gain access to private profiles. We both know the followers are moms & girls & guys who love pregnancy. Keep the pictures & videos off social media if you dont want them used or posted. Pretending & roleplaying is fine on social media

No matter how much people hate it. Its everywhere & cant be stopped. Theres girs who use pics from tumblr who get over 1300 followers & tons of DMs. Thats fine. Theres nothing wrong with pretending. All those YT accounts (JRoy, ScaryBabyBelly) ETC are doing nothing wrong. People love pregnancy & people will pretend. Those who dont like pretenders can leave.
While I don't agree with MrTek's justification of it all, almost implying that people have the right to infiltrate private stuff and use/distribute it how they see fit, he is ultimately correct in that if you put it on the internet in any way, shape, or form, you need to be prepared for it to become public. There is always a way for bad actors to gain access to your data. If you don't ever want to see it made public, don't put it on the internet.
Liked by Koolken256 (Jan 3, 2018), SweetMilk (Jan 3, 2018)
Once somebody thinks it is OK to post his material to a "private" group when all it takes to become a "member" is a generic email, he deserves whatever happens to that material.
If you post something publicly it's fair game. As for privately, I'm pretty sure most would know NOT to enable access to someone that they don't even known (even if it's a "fellow" pregnant woman). At that point you're basically asking for it if you're not using common sense, especially how the internet is today.
Liked by DaveTheMan (Jan 3, 2018)
(January 3, 2018, 3:37 pm)TacoTamale If you post something publicly it's fair game. As for privately, I'm pretty sure most would know NOT to enable access to someone that they don't even known (even if it's a "fellow" pregnant woman). At that point you're basically asking for it if you're not using common sense, especially how the internet is today.

Agree IF they have Pubicly uploaded something to Youtube or Other Social Media accounts then Fair Game.

But lot of Stuff on Facebook is Posted Privately to only be seen by Friends they have on there and not for Everyone else. So could that be something a bit Dodgy when people share those Pics as the Women don't want the Pics out for Public to See?

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