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That "Oh Crap" moment...
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So while out running errands I also ran into a few pregnant ladies. And me being an opportunist to try to get a candid I achieved just that until this happened...

Now just a back story on things... I am usually pretty non-conspicuous when it comes to getting candids. I usually try to get them either while passing by or just blending into the crowd. I'm pretty successful *knock on wood* most of the time. I think I've been spotted maybe 3 or 4 times out of about a hundred or so. Anywho back to the story...

So I'm walking in my mall and I saw this one pregnant girl in a red jacket and looked to be pretty far along pushing a carriage with her older daughter in it. She seemed to be with her mother and was carrying on... As I got closer I realized "OH SH*T I KNOW THEM!". Mind you I haven't seen them in years but granted... not to be bothered and asked a million questions I turned away and basically avoided them at all possible times.

I've ran into a few pregnant girls I knew and a. either said hi and didn't take anything (out of respect) or b. avoided at all cost.

Has anyone else had this sort of thing happen?
Liked by loverofpreggos (Jun 11, 2014)
Belly Button
I’ve known quite a few girls who I went to school with have now had children. However as I generally don’t get out that much I’ve can truthfully say that I’ve only ever come across three of them since finishing school some 13 years ago...! Neither were pregnant, may I add and to my knowledge I know at least two of them still haven’t been...

I will say that one of them I did have a huge crush on when I was a teenager but was too scared to approach her. She’s still gorgeous now which made me feel even worse...!

All I can say is that at work I have witnessed four pregnancies in the three and a half years I’ve been there. Okay, not people I've known from my teenage years (if not prior) but people who I've been around for a while. I’ve witnessed their bellies grow and believe me, I’ve had so many private thoughts about their swelling middles during these times, as of two them are fairly decent lookers too. I’m half tempted to do a story with this in mind at some point...
I've only had this happen one time, where I ran into an old co-owner after not seeing her for a couple years and turns out she close to 9 months pregnant. It actually didn't turn out as bad as I thought it might have.

This was about 5 years ago, I was coming out of a movie theater and saw this short spanish girl waddling in front of me. She was wearing a tight track suit type outit, and her butt was squeezed into the sweat pants quite nicely. I could guess pretty well by the waddle that she was pregnant, so I pulled out my phone and sped up to try and get a pic. As I get closer I could see she's just massive. Her sweater jacket was zipped up but stretched to the limit over her big bump, and it didn't quite cover the belly all the way. I glanced at her face and recognized her, and of course my first reaction was that OH SHIT moment you mentioned lol. Second was *run run!* but before I could disappear she noticed me. I scrambled to shove my phone in my pocket as she waddled towards me, smiling. Before I could say anything she gave me a big hug and it was amazing feeling her huge belly press into me. She seemed to have been there with her mom and sister, but she waved at them and they kept walking for the door. We talked about the normal catch-up crap, and she finally said "as you can see, I have a lot going on" and patted her belly. I congratulated her, asked how many months she was. She was hitting the 9 month mark the following week, and added that she was ready to be done because she felt huge. I told her that she didn't look big at all (boldface lie, she looked enormous and I loved it haha). But she really enjoyed the compliment so I then felt comfortable enough to ask if I could feel, to which she replied "yes of course!". Then without hesitation, she unzipped her jacket and unleashed her belly to the world. Underneath was a small white tank top the only came halfway down her belly. I could also see that she had a pink bra on under the white shirt. I stood there stunned, as she peeled the white shirt off of the part of her belly that it did cover and tuck it with both hands under her fairly massive boobs. She smiled at me, and I reached out with both hands to touch her belly. It was super smooth and extremely tight. She didn't have stretch marks, and because she was Latin she had a nice dark linea Negra running down her belly. Her belly button was popped out, and her skin had this golden glow. She suddenly grabbed my hands and forced them around her belly, showing me different areas of the baby. Each time I got to press on her taught skin. Then I ran my hands over the whole bellly, and when i bumped over the belly button I mentioned that it was so weird and I played with it for a second, which made her giggle. The whole belly rubbing moment passed all too quickly, and soon she was covering back up her belly with her tiny shirt and zipping up her sweater before we said our goodbyes. I went home to add her on Facebook only to find from there that she (of course) had a boyfriend. We talked a couple times on there but never got to hang out or anything with her after that night :/

Sorry for the long response, but as you can tell it was one of my favorite experiences so I remember it pretty vividly. I never got the candid pic I was originally going for, but the belly rubbing was a great tradeoff haha.
Liked by BeeHive (Dec 28, 2021), bigboy23 (Feb 26, 2019), skspg99 (Sep 17, 2017), Stuffedbellylover (Apr 19, 2016)
Big Grin  untitled
Big Grin 
Wow, I didn't realize that anyone responded haha!

fructoigope...that is quite...amazing...I must say...

Knowning the bunch of women I know who have had kids/are having kids I've had probably many opportunities to have my own feels but never did haha (out of respect..or whatever...>_>)... anywho...

Had my own other kind of oh crap moment tonight...saw this girl and was trying to get a shot...then the BF showed up...and was eyeing me the whole time (i think she tipped me off)...I kinda got something but I felt if I got any closer he wanted to fight...he eyed me in the parking lot for a bit then moved on...kinda scary...anywho...hopefully I won't run into them any time soon again (I hope...)...I have gotten a crap ton of candids and hope to streamline them down and post them all...or of what I can...

But yeah thanks for the responses!
Once i was trying to get a few snaps of a short(ish) blonde lady, whose belly was a large orb that looked perfect, and she walked around a corner and I saw her face and I realised that it was my old science teacher. I hurriedly put my phone away and she recognised me immediately. She was wearing some tight yoga pants and a gym top that barely covered her belly. As we were talking, she asked me if I wanted to feel it so I said yes and she rolled up her top and tucked it under her breasts and grabbed my hands and guided me to where the baby was kicking. I then rubes her belly for a bit and then she said she was late for an appointment so we said bye an each left.
Liked by Stuffedbellylover (Apr 19, 2016)
I was walking to the beach when I saw an incredibly sexy girl, with an even sexier belly on her. As I walked closer I looked at her face and realised that it was my old gym teacher. She was wearing a tight white tank top and yoga pants that caused her ass to bulge out. She stopped next to me and we started conversing about her pregnancy and how she was still keeping fit, even with a big belly. Eventually she let me touch her belly and she even let me rub some oil on it. She mentioned that I must've felt awkward rubbing oil on her bump and to be fair it was a little bit. After that I gave her belly last pat before I went on to the beach.
Liked by Stuffedbellylover (Apr 19, 2016)
User 715
I was walking in a store and I ran into this girl with a big belly covered by a sweater I guess I was sticking with her a little to long trying to get a shot because she talked to an employee and then the employee asked me if I needed anything because I was looking in that direction pretty close call but most of the time no one even notices

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