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Looking for a story about a doctor who violates the law in her society and impregnates herself. Her punishment is to have nanites or something slow her pregnancy to a stop and she's stuck at full term pregnant for a very long time.

I believe the opening scene is her sunbathing or at a beach and another woman meets her.

I've read this not long ago, I read it on deviant art. I'll be sure to post if I find it
This seriously sounds awesome. No leads?
Ah, think I found it! Didn't make note who the author was, so I'm not sure who to credit. Sorry in advance for the formatting, when I saved it on my local, something must have broke in that regard. I tried to break out the paragraphs a bit better. Enjoy!


It’s a warm summer day in New Jamestown, capitol of the fledgling colony world of Niven. The clouds shone a rose pink in the slightly off blue sky, bioengineered pigeons adapted for the slightly lighter gravity practically floating through the air as the winged their way over Founding Park. The park is filled with young children, the result of the original population boom that always follows the start of a new colony. Young mothers watched with pride as their children played, though one woman, a mother to be, looked at them with an odd look. She sighs, rubbing her hand over her huge exposed belly, the lightly tanned skin showing. She’s dressed in a pseudosilk bathing top and light tan cotton pants, real cotton at that. She leans back on the bench, letting the sun warm her stomach. The soft wind blows her long blond hair behind her, hanging unnaturally long in the air in the 80 percent gravity.

Her eyes are closed and her face to the sky as she feels a vibration through the bench and peeks her eye open. Looking to the side, she sees a young woman putting her toddler down, who runs pell-mell into the sandbox to play with other children in front of the bench. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” The young lady says, smiling. Her eyes glance down to her benchmate’s obviously gravid belly. “Wow, you must be due any day! When are you expecting? ” The woman tilts her head down, a sad smile on her face. “In about seven years…” The young woman laughs suddenly, covering her mouth as she does. “Hahaha, I’m sorry, that’s very funny. I know what you mean, when I was expecting little Toby there, it felt li…” “…You miss understand,” the pregnant woman interrupting, placing her hand on her belly and turning to face the other. “I’m Dr. Helen Kota.” “Huh?” The young mother’s smile fades in confusion, then realization strikes her. “…oh.” Involuntarily she withdraws a little, then blushes. “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize, I mean, I…” “Don’t worry about it,” Helen sigh, “I’m used to the reaction.” “I heard about your, um, condition from one of the nurses shortly after I was thawed from hibernation, but I never...I’m sure you’re probably sick to death of people asking, but…” Helen laughed, running her hand in circles over the smooth skin of her stomach. “But how exactly did I end up like this? No, I don’t mind telling you. It started about 4 years ago, before you colonist showed up….”


Dr. Kota looked into the monitor in front of her, in reflective idle mode. She rubbed her faint blue eyes and massaged the sides of her temples. Her face showed the mix heritage that was common of those born on Earth. Her eyes a pale blue, a trace of slant in the corners, her skin a dark tan. Tall with an athletic build, hard earned, not ingested in pill format, with long blond hair to the middle of her back. Normally that was not allowed on shipboard service, a relic from days before grav plating had become standard. Still, this was a colony prep ship, lightyears and years from home, so such trivial little violations were ignored.

“Reggie,” she addressed her lab A.I. “Status of personnel in Blue 4 through 9?” An animated 3-D face popped on the screen, a black haired smart alecy looking young man’s face. “Dr. Thorston is on his way to white 10, Tom Bacho is monitoring the janitorial bots at his station.” The A.I. chimed.

Good, she thought. She had the whole medical wing to herself till 2nd shift in 12 hours, thanks to some creative schedule swapping. That gave her plenty of time to…correct a mistake long overdue. She had always wanted to have children but due to a one in a billion genetic mishap, she had been born with malformed fallopian tubes. A couple hundred years before her birth this wouldn’t have been a big problem, it was a simple procedure to extract an ovum, externally fertilized it, and replanted in her womb. It was a common procedure, with a high rate of success, even with the archaic tools of the time. It was beyond child’s play now, the facilities she was in was designed for just that…but only in lower lifeforms. In 2020, Earth’s ever burgeoning population caused a number of, while rather draconian, very necessary laws to be passed. The Zero Population Growth laws restricted offspring to one per female, and made all fertility treatments and procedures of any kind illegal. It was harsh, but with the advent of age retardation drugs, and with the human genome project virtually eliminating most disease, it was all that could be done to prevent mass starvation and resource depletion. There was always adoption for couples that could not have their own, and women who did not want children of their own could always sign their rights to reproduce to someone else. That was all well and good, and Helen understood its necessity at the time. But with the advent of cold sleep and the advances in interstellar travel, there was no reason for it, especially to the colonies that needed all the heads they could get anyway. She had always wanted a baby, since she was a little girl, but her parents crushed that dream at 13 when they had told her. She had studied hard all her life, always dreaming that she would be chosen to be a colonist and given the chance to have a baby of her own. Her interest with having a baby had led her into ecological engineering, adapting them for life the robotic teraforming probes had prepared. It was an outlet for her desire for motherhood she had always lounged for. Fourteen colonies had been found when she found out she had been selected for the ‘ark ship’ going ahead of the colony ships to prepare the ecosystem. With the technology in the lab they could modify, test and fast grow everything the world needed. It was exciting work and a fantastic opportunity, especially when she found out that since the planet was so remote, the first 3 generations on world were given practically unlimited birth allotment. It was more practical than sending wave after wave of colony ships to get the population to a stable productive point. It wasn’t until she had committed to the project and was underway that she broached the subject of her condition and was heartbroken that the waiver did not cover fertility treatments. The captain of the expedition assured her that she would put her full support in getting an exemption. Considering how valuable Dr. Kota’s research had been the captain was sure they would allow it, but Helen knew that it could be decades before the bureaucracy would get around to one little request to overturn an international law. Plus it would be decades more for the ship to get a response from Earth. The irony would kill her to find out she was going to be allowed to have a child when she was old and gray.

“Forget it, damn them. This problem gets resolved today.” Her plan was brilliant, and she was astonished how easy it came to her once the decision to commit a planetary felony. It was almost as if her subconscious had worked it out all through her career leading to this, preparing for possibility that just this would happen. She had pioneered breakthroughs in fast cloning, advancing the field to cover high order primates and having one a number of accolades for restoring the extinct Oraguntang and Mountain gorillas. Her genetic simulation programs were the most flexible anyone had ever produced, able to extrapolate from one cell to full growth in a millionth of the time. She had worked out a nutritional program that could figure out and produce a syrup that provides a nearly 100 percent digestible formula that provides all the needs of any organism it studies. It all had fallen into place one night while she was mulling the problem in the shower.

“Reggie, execute white rabbit object.” The computer chimed in acknowledgement and Helen leaned back in her chair, taking a breath to steady her nerves. Despite her calm exterior, it took concentration to steady herself. With those words she had set herself down a path she knew she would be punished for, but it was worth it. It had taken weeks of careful planning to set up, but now Reggie was racing through the system. First it locked down the lab facilities and smokescreen the sensors. From the cell banks it extracted the genetic information of one Dr. Helen Kota, and samplings from every other person on the ship, male and female, and assembled two template ‘male’ specimens. That was intentional, making it so that she was the mother, but no one else could claim more than 1 percent paternity. And since it was only small snippets of genetic information, it did not violate any of the laws against illegal theft of genetic information. This was combined with her own DNA by the labs cloning banks, Reggie masking the whole thing under the guise of a fictitious simulation of the equipment. The nutrients ran the now combined DNA strands and produced the needed fuel. Everything was completed in less than 15 seconds. Now the tricky part. Helen knew there was no amount of clever programming that would ever allow the artificial wombs to grow a human embryo. So there was only one alternative. She walked over to one of the medical beds as Reggie announced its completion. “Operation complete. May the Demon Murphy have mercy on your soul.” She smirked as she donned the medical smock and rolled up her sleeve, placing her arm into the form fitting rest along side. Tubes snake out and embed into her arm painlessly.

“Reggie, are you developing a sense of humor?” “Quite impossible Dr. Kota, humor is a defensive adaptation to an interrupted fear response, I’m not capable of fear. I believe it was the ancient philosopher Roy Rogers that sai…” “Ugh, stow it, I’m not in the mood to wax philosophically with you now. Are they ready?” “Yes doctor. I would like to warn you about the legal ram…” “I’m aware of them.” She took a deep breath, slinking into the bed. “Begin.”

“Yes doctor.” Directed by Reggie the ceiling opens, an articulated chrome arm unfolding down to her. It’s ‘hand’, a cluster of various widgets and needles hovering over her middle. The tubing at her arm shudders slightly as a clear liquid starts to flow into her veins, filled with various chemicals to facilitate what was coming. From the head of the bed a silver ribboned tube appears, arching over her to her mouth. “Pause Reggie, you’re not shoving the nutrient feed down my throat, I’m not a lab animal.” “Sorry doctor, it is part of the procedure.” “Yeah, well, I’m capable of feeding myself.” She grabs the tube and takes it to her mouth and draws a mouthful. Immediately her face twists into a look of pain, her mouth puckering. Turning her head she quickly spits the clear bubbly glop out, scraping her tongue with her hands. “Finagle’s Dead Grandmother, that is the foulest crap I’ve ever tasted.” “I wouldn’t know doctor. None of the animals ever complained. Perhaps you didn’t take flavor into account when you created the parameters? Would you like me to add a minty fresh additive?” “No smartass. Ugh, go ahead and insert the futzing tube.” “Compliance.” Helen shivers as she feels the tube work it’s way down her throat and feels a cool sensation fill in her stomach as the nutrient goo is gently pumped in. The arm from the ceiling extends a single long needle finger, moving to a spot just below her navel. “Ready for insertion doctor?” She nods, the needle slowly descends, only a prick is felt as it probes into her abdomen. After a second it withdraws, “Insertion complete.”

Yes, she felt something. Already the cellular accelerents were doing their work, the high value food pumped into her stomach shooting quickly into her bloodstream and metabolizing. After another thirty seconds, the tube withdraws, leaving her with a bloated feeling in her stomach. “Blech, I never want to do that again.” The leads into her arm also withdrew, the dosage dealt. She sits up, feeling a queasy sensation at her middle. Her hand rubs her middle. With a start she freezes, probing her fingers below her navel. Something, soft, round, was felt there. As she feels, she traces the outlines of a lump about the size of a golf ball. “It’s working! I can’t believe it, it’s working.” The problem with the whole plan she had worked out was that while it was beyond simple to get herself impregnated, it would take the first time she went to the bathroom for the ship’s master medical computer to detect the pregnancy and the whole thing would come crashing down. Her children would be removed from her and indefinitely kept in stasis. They wouldn’t be destroyed of course. But they would never see the light of day. Literally. So….

Inside Helen, her body is supersaturated with both the nutrient formula and her custom growth accelerator. The two tiny cells quickly start dividing, anchoring to the walls of her uterus. They grow quickly, forming buds incredibly fast and drawing in the nutrients perfectly tailored to their growth. As they start to stretch the confines of the womb, it also grows to accommodate, the special drugs also pushing Helen through the pregnancy. Tears well in her eyes as she feels the golf ball grow into a softball, starting to distend her toned belly. She cups her hands over the growing lump, a happy nervous laugh erupting from her lips. Standing up she holds her belly and feels her fingers spread over the growing lump, pressing the fabric of the medical gown. “Reggie, it’s working!” “Thrilling, should a get a cigar?” “What’s a cig…never mind. Monitor seven, mirror mode.” Walking over to the wall unit computer. It’s normal array of data blinks out of system, wavering into a shiny surface. Standing in front of it, Helen raises her gown, looking down to her middle. A small bulge shows, pressing her bellybutton out. She turns facing the mirror and watches as it grows, sliding along under bellybutton. Already it looks like she’s 4 months pregnant, though she knows she’s probably closer to 3 now. She shrieks and clasps it as the first flutters startle her. She simultaneously cries and laughs with joy as she realizes that it’s her twins moving inside. The tickling sensation is constant and grows as her pregnancy continues to advance unabated. Running her hands over the growing bulge she feels the kicks and pushing against the toned surface of her belly.

No strecthmarks, I knew I was meant to be a mother.” “More likely the growth drugs are helping by…” “Stop killing the magic Reggie.” “Forgive me doctor, I know that this is suppose to be a special time in a woman’s life. For the next 43 minutes anyway, approximately.” Cradling her expanding midriff, she sways back in forth, as if rocking the fast growing babies in her tummy. “43 minutes, that’s it? The dosage has been set to stop at a week before birth, right?” “Of course doctor, as you instructed.” “Good” She wasn’t about to give birth by herself, too much to chance. And at a week prior, there’s no was no alternative but to have the babies. “A mother, I’m going to be a mother. Ouch!” A solid kick causes her to flinch, rubbing the side of the swelling mound. “Excuse me, I am a mother, my pardons my darling sweetheart.” Already she was passing through the second trimester, her belly bulging out heavily, from beneath her ribs and arching out to nestle in her pelvis, the elastic band of her panties sliding lower beneath the swell of her middle. She was finding it harder to find her balance, shifting so quickly.

Waddling back over to the bed, she sits at the edge and scoots back, belly getting in her way as she swings her feet onto the bed. A long forgotten lullaby comes drifting up out of her subconscious which she starts to softly sing as she lovingly strokes her belly, rising up higher as the time passes. Suddenly she starts laughing hysterically, throwing her arms around her belly and drawing her legs up to it. “What is it doctor?” the A.I. asks inquisitively. She laughs again, shaking her head. Her hands are spread apart as her expanding womb swells ever larger. “With all the planning I did, with all the careful preparation and plotting, I neglected one thing…” “And what’s that Dr. Kota?” “I hadn’t thought of any names.” She breaks into another fit of laughter, patting her belly.

Hours later, a very angry Captain Kaiso sat behind her desk in her spartan office, looking up from her terminal to glare at the woman across from her. Helen sits in the chair, a soft happy smile on her face as she idly strokes her huge belly, round and swollen on her lap, admiring it lovingly. Behind her stood two stern face guards, actually drafted technicians. “Dr. Kota…Helen….why?” Helen looks up and gives the captain an annoyed look. “Oh you know why, the laws are ridiculous, what was I supposed to do?” “And what gives you the right to choose which laws to obey and ignore.” “Oh please captain, respectfully, what’s with the melodrama? And these two?” She throws a thumb over her shoulder. “We need these two? Do you expect me to now take over the ship? Or maybe you’re worried I’ll make a run for the airlock and make a break for it?”

The captain frowns for second then nods to the two men, who walk out of the office, the door closing behind them. “You know that’ll you’re going to face charges for this” “I don’t care, it’s worth it.” “It could mean the end of your career.” “That’s your pejorative captain. However, what’s more important, the mission or justice?” Seeing the captain starting to turn red. “I accept that what I did is wrong, I would not have done it if I had any alternative. I’ll go to the correctional psychologist, and I’ll continue my work for the project. I truly am sorry for having done…” She shrugs and points to her belly, “…this. But as a woman, tell me the truth, would you have not done the same?” The captain starts to say something, then sighs, shakes her head and turns to her terminal. “Walter, please bring up notation six six niner oh twelve please.” The ship’s computer chimes acknowledgement. The captain looks at the screen for a few moments and turns it to face Helen. Curiously she leans forward, with some effort. Hand on her belly she starts to read.

To: Capt. Henrietta Kaiso, commanding officer of the ark ship ‘Snoopy’ From: Council Member Jorge Kato, United Earth Gov. Dear captain Kaiso, I have received your correspondences. I must say, I was quite taken back by you impassioned plead for a special dispensation in the case of Dr. Helen Kato. Having reviewed your request and discussed it with my fellow council members we see no reason why a special executive order to allow Dr. Kato to receive whatever treatment is needed…. From there Helen could read no further, her eyes blurring with tears. “Captain, I, I, I don’t know where to start, I can’t believe you manage to do this. When did you get this?” The captain finally breaks an easy smile. “A few weeks ago. I was going to tell you once we arrived, as a special…housewarming present for you and your exempletory service. I told you that I would do what I said, why didn’t you just believe me.” She slumps her shoulders, shaking her head and passing Helen some tissue papers. “You betrayed me Helen, I went to the mat for you and you let me down. You violated half a dozen international laws. It doesn’t matter that technically you already had permission. This is my ship, and my law.”

Helen cleared her tears and sat up, regaining her composure. “I understand captain, a ship has to have discipline and this is too important a project. I understand if I have to be made an example for, I was a fool, I can’t put to words how a shamed I am now.” She braced herself, ready for whatever fate her captain was going to give her. Captain Kaiso turned the monitor back to her, scrolling through some files. She clears her throat and reads from the order she had written before Helen had arrived. “By order of Captain Henrietta Kaiso, commander of the ark ship ‘Snoopy’, and acting governor of the to be established colony world of Niven, I hearby sentence you to be administered a decade dose of Anagethic B. Furthermore…” “Anagethic B? Captain, that’s an age repressing…” “I’m aware of what it is, may I continue?” Seeing Helen fall silent and nod she continues. “Furthermore, she is forbidden to undertake any medical procedure, of any sort without the express and written permission of myself.” Helen was puzzled. “I don’t understand captain, anti aging drugs are usually reserved to reward invaluable service to the community, all you doing….no…you wouldn’t.” A cold shiver went through Helen, her hands going to her belly. “You wouldn’t, you can’t.” Across the table the captain smiles slyly and leans back, folding her arms. “I would, and I can…”


“The Murphy accursed damn ‘Let the punishment fit the crime’ futzing stinking lousy Verant eating Irony Clause of 2046. Curse those people for having elected a damn comedian as council head back then.” Helen says to the woman next to her on the bench. “Brilliant, the captain really got me good. She’s acting governor for the first decade till elections can be held she has absolute authority, and there’s no one I can go to for an overruling. I could send a message back home, she won’t stop me, but it’ll be a moot point by the time it gets back. Sure, the captain might get a stern lecturing about abuse of power, but I would be reamed. I’m in genetic stasis, so are the kids. And sense the pathways in their brains aren’t fully formed, they don’t really have a sensation of time. Or memory of it anyway. So they’re perfectly safe. So here…” She stops as suddenly she sees the woman start giggling hysterically. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, it’s just too damn funny. You wanted to be a mother so bad and now…” She breaks into another fit of giggles, snorting as she tries to get it under control. Helen scowls at her but breaks into a smile, sighing pathetically. “Yah, I suppose I deserved it.” She runs her hands over her belly, a now long companion. “Well, I think I’ve gotten my dose of humility for the day.” With now practiced ease she smoothly rises, pulling up the hem of her pants under the huge round sphere of her belly. “Besides, I’m hungry, as always.” She turns and starts to waddle away, lightly under the low gravity. “Wait, so did you ever decide?” Helen turns around, a questioning look on her face. “Decide? Decide on what?” “On names?” Helen blinks, dumbstruck. She suddenly smacks her forehead. “Son of a bitch!”
Yeah this was the one. Thanks!
From that synopsis that story sounded so much better Sad
u killed me man
I agree with Bagabula. Love the premise here, but execution leaves a lot to be desired. Someone else should give this concept another shot, because there's a ton of potential there.

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