stories with massive pregnancies
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I'm looking for some stories that focus on massive pregnancies. Similar to a story that was posted on here a while ago "Pregnant with 50 babies".
Liked by Thedeadsamurai (May 16, 2023), B17geek98 (Dec 17, 2022), BalValor (Jan 18, 2022), Dickmaster (Dec 29, 2018)
There is this one called the chem geek written by sickstar, it has been a long time but an archive website still has the story stashed away.

The Chem Geek: Semester One

In the halls of a major University walked a timid little geek. This geek wasn't too different than most geeks. He was nerdy looking, an outcast, & exceptionally smart. But there were two things about him that made him different. He was a prodigy when it came to Chemistry. As a matter of fact, that's how he got here. When everything was said & done, this geek's knowledge of chemistry surpassed even the professors who taught him. But there was something else, a secret life he led. This geek had a certain penchant for big bellies. He knew it had to be some psychological condition, maybe a chemical imbalance, but all he knew was that the site of a pregnant woman would making him stiffer then a wooden 2 x 4. But that side of him rarely ever came out. The geek's name was Walt & this is the story of his sophomore year.

After settling into his new dorm, he began to get to work on chemicals that would advance mankind. But instead, he stumbled upon something else instead. It was a total accident. It was late. His test rats were very 'active' that night. Annoyingly active. So a tired, cruel Walt, holding the pink, possibly fatal concoction he had whipped up in a sleepy stupor dumped it into his rats' water supply & headed for bed.

At around 5:00 in the morning, after only 2 & 1/2 hours of sleep, Walt awoke, getting ready to get dressed to go to work in the cafeteria. It was a job he had last year & a way to pay off the dorm fees. In a hurry, he ran past the rats' cage quickly w/o paying attention, heading out the door, a minute past by. The door swung back open & Walt ran back to take a look at the Rats' cage again. He was shocked by what he saw. 'Subject B', as he affectionately called the female rat, looked a lot different than her usual active self like the night before. The once 2 inch mouse was now looked like a soft ball with little rat hands, feet & face. She was rolled up onto her back in the corner of the cage, unable to move a muscle. As Walt pondered what could have happened he looked thru his sloppily written log entry from the night before. In what was a possible subconscious fertility kick, he read the ingredients of his concoction from the previous night.

"Of course!" He screamed almost laughingly. Why hadn't he thought of it before? He had actually made the greatest, most efficient fertility drug the world had ever known! Of course it'd call for further analysis but he had to get to work, fast! And with that, he ran out the door again.

Showing up about 5 minutes late, Walt went to work & prepared breakfast. He couldn't think of anything else. All of his thoughts were on the chemical he had made by mistake! Frying up the bacon, the most devious thought he had ever thought came to him. He could some how contaminate the food with the substance & make all the girls on campus massively pregnant! He shook his head what was he thinking! That was wrong, not to mention illegal & perverse. But some how his mind kept slipping back onto this sick plot.

After finishing work in the kitchen at about 8:30, he had a good 45 minutes until his first class & decided to study what happened to Subject B. Further research showed him that in fact the chemical didn't only increase fertility. But it also increased the rate of growth (actually growing in spurts every 6 hours), the number of embryos (Subject B was at least carrying 25 mice, easy!), appetite (after placing her closer to the pellet dispenser, Walt had to refill it 5 times in at in the 45 minutes), & the sexual activity of the subjects (Let's just say there was no way to pull Subject B off of her male counterpart, Subject A). Walt's mind slipped over to the dark side again.

"Wow!" he thought. "All the chicks on campus, pregnant like 6 times over, very hungry, growing very fast, & craving sex like 3 cent whores!!!" He slapped himself. Those thoughts were just rotten! Yet he couldn't keep his mind off of them. Trying to keep from thinking about it, he continued his research. Another thing he found out that surprised him was that the fertility of a subject depended on its physical activity beforehand. That's why the 'active' Subject B was so large now. Thinking in human terms he thought about how all of the cheerleaders & jock girls would grow larger that the less active girls. This intrigued him.

At about 10 he decided to start over towards his class just so he wasn't late. But before he could Subject B let out a loud squeak. Looking closely, Walt saw her grow from softball to about volleyball size.

"Poor girl!" laughed Walt, patting her on the head & running out the door. He reached his class & prepared for the lesson. Five minutes into it, he started losing interest & sketched in his notebook with out looking. The next thing he knew the class finished & he started to pack up his stuff, but not before noticing what he had sketched. There were a whole bunch of little stick figures with bellies twice the size they were. He threw it in his bookbag & ran back to the dorm as quickly as he could. He couldn't fight it any longer! He had to do it!

During the run he plotted it all out! He knew all the girls either ate salads or drank soda at dinner. If he was some how able to mix the chemical with the syrup for the soda or salad dressing he could effectively reach every girl on campus. His rotten immoral plot was spawning in his head, soon to be set into motion that night, when he worked in the dinner staff. He just needed to whip up some more of the chemical before now & then.

That night, he walked in with a full bookbag. Telling his co-workers that it was his schoolwork, he was able to sneak it into the storage room. Right before the evening rush for dinner, when everybody else was too concerned about getting their jobs done, Walt was able to get a gallon of the chemical into the soda machine & another 1/3 gallon in the salad dressing. His studies showed him that a drop per subject was enough but he just wanted to be sure he got everyone.

Finishing up early at about 7:30, Walt was eager to see his results. He walked thru the cafeteria, hearing a comment about how well the salad dressing tasted. Another girl said they must have added something. Walt laughed. He checked. There was only 3 girls who didn't have either a soda or a salad (1 had a salad but w/o the dressing). Walt laughed at his success. He noticed a few looking hot & flushed, one sweating like crazy ran out the door calling for her boyfriend to wait up. Phase one had worked & now phase two looked like it was under way. Now that all of the girls had the formula in their systems, they just needed to be fertilized. Walt sat & laughed, watching each & every girl get up, sweaty, flushed with randiness. He took inventory. Most of the Cheerleading squad & softball team had consumed the chemical. A few of the swim team & women's soccer players had as well. Walt kept a count right next to his pregnant stick figures in his notebook. After all was said & done, 52 girls, mostly athletic jock-types, were hyper-fertile thanks to Walt's 'magical elixir'. As the last girl left the cafeteria, Walt packed up his things & took the long way back to his dorm. It was a crisp September night with a light breeze & very bright moon. It would have been perfectly silent too. But as Walt strolled along the sidewalk he could here a symphony of orgasmic screams & bouncing bedsprings echoing throughout the entire campus. It was music to Walt's perverted ears & he sat on a park bench, basking in it all. Soon every woman here would be the woman of his dreams. But more evil thoughts popped into his head. He began to think that if he kept releasing the chemical into the food, he could be sure every girl would get pregnant, even the ugly ones he laughed! But then what about the girls who already had the formula in their systems? Would it make the girls all get even bigger? He could just imagine it now. The University having to cancel the school year because the entire female portion of the student body was too pregnant to move, let alone attend classes. Then his guilty conscious spoke up. It was bad enough he did this much. He's ruining people's futures here. He couldn't do this! His good side whined for about 5 minutes without rest. Getting tired of it, to Walt, it seemed almost as that part of his brain clicked off. He would continue with his fertility rampage.

The next day, Walt's alarm clock went off without need to. He was already up. Part in anticipation to see the girls' growth so far & part because even if he could, the bouncing bedsprings & orgasmic screams kept him up. As a matter of fact, some were still raging, echoing thru the dawn air. Walt laughed it off. It was a small price to pay.

Reaching the cafeteria that morning, Walt was a little down-trotten. He saw 23 of the 52 subjects, with no physical changes as of yet. But Walt didn't mind. He knew that human fetuses, even on his drug, grew a lot slower than mice fetuses. That's why Subject B was so large. Which reminded him, he forgot to check the progress of his pet rat that morning. Then his thoughts were interrupted as his big, mean, pro-wrestler looking boss called him into the storage room. His heart sank 25 floors. Was he found out? Walt ran to the back to see an oddity- His boss actually grinning.

"Kid! I don't knows' what' cha did but dem girls? Dey were ravin about chua salad dressin' las' night!" He said with his heavy, hey-look-at-me-I'm-from-Brooklyn accent. "D'ju do sumpin' diff'rent?"

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no sir…. Well I added a little… uh… sesame?"

"Really?" He laughed. "Dats great! A Bio-chem-whatchamacallzits usin' his know-how ta make da perfect dressin'! Keep it up!" He laughed, patting Walt's back who was cracking a relieved smirk. "Oh & by da way. We're short on cashiers t'day! As a matta o' fact, everyday from now on. So you're takin' da position. Y'got numba' 2 dis mornin'!"

"Y-y-yes sir!" said Walt as he confidently strolled to the awaiting register. He figured that'd be the perfect place for him in the mornings now! Add the chemical at night & check the girls' progress up close as cashier. He laughed with glee.

As the first girls went thru the cafeteria's lines they were either one of two ways- dragging their ass tired or fresh from the afterglow. But they did all have one big thing in common, the amount of stuff on their trays. They were loaded with food. The thing was that most of these girls were the rushing types who hardly ever even thought about breakfast. Yet they actually were spending $10-$15 on huge breakfasts. One girl, named Veronica blew a whole $35! For Breakfast! Walt could only try to hold back the laughter. It had to have worked! Their appetites had risen drastically. Not a crumb was left on any tray he saw. He thought maybe even if some of the girls didn't conceive, they'd at least plump up a little. Ah, who was he kidding? He knew they were all pregnant! They had to be.

After finishing up & surveying the cafeteria, Walt decided to slowly stroll to his next class. He had plenty of time but figured he could listen into conversations along the way & listen to the beauty of his work. 'Oh boy! Me & Mike! It was the best ever last night! I don't know what it was but I was just so… so… well… horny! It really hit the spot' he heard one girl say. 'Dammit! I'm sooo hungry! Maybe all that last night made me work up an appetite.' Another said, clinging onto her boyfriend with one hand & an apple danish in the other. Walt could hardly contain himself. He ran to class so he could get under a desk to conceal the noticeable bulge in his pants.

Today, a few other people had beat him there even though he was still about a half-hour too early. One was a girl named Brandi. Normally she really annoyed Walt. She was captain of the swim team & all her swim team flunkies would gather around & block Walt's seat. But today, Walt was dying to hear the conversation.

"So then what?" asked one girl.

"Well, let's just say my uh…'readiness' really turned Steve on!" Brandi laughed. Walt tried make it look like he wasn't listening. The girls probably wouldn't have noticed a geek like him anyway but he just wanted to be safe.

"So how was he?" Another girl asked.

"Perfect! We were up all night!" Brandi laughed. "I'll fill you in on the details later though." She laughed. She then whispered, "this isn't the place!" With that the conversation died down for a second. "Have you guys been feeling a little odd this morning?" Brandi asked her cohorts, Walt's ears perked up.

"Just a little weird. I feel full & hungry at the same time." The first girl said. 'Paydirt!' thought Walt.

The professor walked in & everyone scurried. They still had 10 minutes yet but they didn't want to piss this professor off. He was from Berlin & had the personality to prove it.

"Let us get sta'ated early, ja?" he said, slamming his heavy briefcase onto the front desk. Walt looked at Brandi. She had an odd look on her face. She looked like she was getting a little restless. She kept gritting her teeth & clenching her eyes every so often. Walt spent the entire class with an eye on her & the other on the lesson. About 20 minutes into it, she started letting out barely audible grunts & started breathing a little funny. Walt knew something was afoot. He saw her sort of adjust the waist of her baggy jeans. Walt knew what was coming. He smiled in anticipation. He scanned the class, About 6 other girls were doing the same thing, 2 of which were the girls Brandi was talking to prior to class.

"Ist tha'a 'zumthing ze matter, Miss?" The professor asked, looking directly at Brandi. He thought the girls of the swim team were causing some king of ruckus in the class & if they were, she'd be the ringleader.

"I… I… Omigod!!!" Brandi wailed almost orgasmicly, falling out of her seat & onto the floor. Wiggling onto her back, the closer students, including Walt, surrounded her.

"Give ha' 'zum air!" screamed the professor as he stood over her. She clenched hold of her tight athletic abs, looking a bit puffier than usual. More screams echoed thru the class, The other 5 women were experiencing the same thing. Walt could hardly hide his excitement. As Brandi wretched in pain on the floor, the student who sat on Brandi's other side pointed it out.

"Dude! She's getting bigger!" He screamed pointing at her. "Whoa!"

"She is!" said one of the jocky football players. Walt could only try & hold back the laughter. Brandi, the once athletic, buxom swimmer was growing like Subject B. "Brandi? What's happening?"

"Z'tep away! She ist building 'op pressure!" Hollered the professor. "She may explode z'uddenly!"

"You're probably making her feel so much better!" said the first kid.

"Ungh! What's… Happening?" Brandi struggled as the button on her jeans shot off like a bullet, hitting the professor square in the forehead, knocking him out cold. It wasn't a major growth by any means, just enough to send the button on her already-tight shorts flying. She looked like she was 4 months along although she had only conceived the night before. Walt then remembered the other girls doing the same exact thing.

"What… What happened to me?" asked a timid, straining voice from the other side of the classroom.

"Jesus!" screamed another from the opposite side, starting to cry. Walt could only smirk. Other, non-pregnant girls felt obliged to walk the girls to the nurse's station which was just down the hall. Walt watched all 6 walk by, walking oddly because the newly acquired weight they received in front.

His other classes had vacant seats. All of the 'test subjects', as Walt called them, must have reported to the nurse like the others had. Like he expected they would. But he thought about it. If all of these girls had the same problems, would they be sent to emergency care facilities? Would Walt ever get to see what would happen to his subjects? He feared the worst.

That night, after his kitchen job, Walt had a large sigh of relief. All of the subjects were there, eating large dinners. A few were still coming in after nurse examinations. He listened in on one of the softball players.

"So you're… pregnant?" asked one of her teammates.

"As far as the nurse could tell! She said that judging by my size that I was four months along! But I mean I just started growing this morning!" the girl sobbed.

"But what about the team? Can you still play?" another teammate asked.

"I don't care about being on the team!" she cried. "What am I going to tell my parents?" she screamed, running out of the cafeteria.

"Poor girl!" said the one teammate.

"Yeah." Agreed another. With that, their conversation returned back to the usual. Walt was appalled by the lack of concern, but was to busy trying to listen in on other conversations.

"So… How does it feel like?" a girl new to the cafeteria asked, chugging on a soda Walt had just contaminated an hour or so before.

"A little funny. I feel like a ton, but I shouldn't complain now. I just hope I'll be able to move by the time I get into my 9th month!" she laughed. Walt figured she was taking it well. He scanned the cafeteria. Most seemed to be sad, depressed that they were pregnant. Walt really couldn't blame some of them. Some weren't thrilled but didn't seem to mind being pregnant. Walt thought they'd change their minds though as time went by. Then one girl caught his eye. She rubbed her four-month belly happily. She seemingly enjoyed being pregnant. Sitting alone at a table near the wall, he recognized her from classes last year. She was really artsy & really an outcast, like him, even though physically she was a knock out in Walt's mind, even before being pregnant! He thought her name was Sydney. Walt watched in astonishment as she played with the bulge in her middle. Walt almost got the nerve to approach her but lost it at the last minute.

The next day, a groggy Walt stumbled towards the cafeteria. Not paying attention, a door swung open & smacked him in the face.

"Watch it, nerd!" whined a girl named Celeste. She panted heavily & bit into an apple danish she had got from the vending machine inside.

"Sorry." Walt said timidly. Her belly covered by a struggling periwinkle button down sweater & her gorgeous black hair swaying in the breeze. Walt managed to get around her & into the cafeteria. It was still early. Too early for the cafeteria to even be open. All the girls were crowded around the vending machines, fighting over who'd plug their dollar into the machine next. It was like music to Walt's ears.

"Kid! Isn't dis jus' grand?" a raspy voice beckoned. It was Walt's boss. "I mean it ain't good dese gals are gettin' knocked up! But sales are sextupling, if that's even a word!"

"I know. It's… uh…crazy!" Walt laughed nervously.

A few weeks past by. Walt did some math & calculated that almost 45% of the student body was pregnant. If they weren't affected by the first contamination, they had to have been by the ninth or tenth! Noticing the pregnancy predicament, the school issued a statement to the students & the press. After some had speculated that they'd postpone the rest of the school year, they wanted to set the record straight. First they said the academic year would stay the same & there would be no postponements made. Walt took a deep sigh of relief. He'd get to watch his 'subjects' progress. Second, noticing how much of an oddity it was to have almost half the student population going through a trimester of pregnancy almost overnight, they decided to start investigating what led to this. This got Walt worried. That is until he remembered how incompetent the University officials were. He felt relief again. The school also said that they'd start special programs for the girls, but only if they attended classes like usual. Some took offense to this & said it was blackmail. Others said it worked for them & were just lucky they didn't get their pregnant butts expelled or something.

Some of the males began to look down at the pregnant girls, calling them names & such. Many of the boyfriends left their pregnant girlfriends before long, usually for some other lithe 'townie' vixen. Walt laughed & thought they didn't know what they were missing. He felt bad for the girls too because many of them were stark, raving horny too. Too bad he was too much of a wimp to ask anyone. There had to be some desperate enough to say yes.

The girls on campus who didn't wind up pregnant looked down upon the other girls ever worse than the guys did. Walt could only think that these women must have cooked for themselves back in their dorm rooms. He thought about giving out free samples of soda to them. Then he thought about how his boss would maul him. So he just lived with the fact that there were a small minority that he wouldn't be able to reach! Since many of the subjects were star athletes, most of the sport teams shut down for the season because of low rosters. The preggos also received special treatment from most of the teachers because of their delicate conditions, which pissed the non-preggers off even more. Though some were still more popular than others & treated with a bit more respect, for all intensive purposes, they were the laughing stocks of the school.

The pregnant girls themselves lived in constant fear & embarrassment. They had lost all their dignity when their bellies began to grow. Many didn't have clothes big enough & wore stuff that was tight & tearing at the seams. And if that wasn't bad enough, the constant fear of going thru a sudden growth spurt always lurked over them. It wasn't uncommon to hear popped buttons during some of the classes, followed by the laughter of other students. By this time, many of the girls looked about five months along, though they'd only conceived only three weeks prior. This made Walt terribly hard. Especially a few certain ones that caught his eye.

One was Brandi, the swim team captain & the girl from Walt's class. She boasted one of the largest bellies on campus with what looked like five & a half months along. She was 'dismissed' from the swim team, though she often took swims regardless just to keep fit. Walt decided to sometimes spy on her from behind the towel racks. Though wearing a one-piece suit to hide her belly, it looked like it was under some tension & ready to snap. Another one of the 'special' subjects, Celeste, who almost ran Walt down before, seemed to be having the most frequent growth spurts, though not as noticeable to others. Celeste majored in theater, particularly dance. Though warned about being too active, Celeste was somehow very determined to not let her pregnancy get in her way of her ballet training. However, the more her belly grew, the less flexible she became. Walt knew that despite her determination that before long she'd be far too pregnant to keep up her dancing. He felt kind of bad for her actually. Then there was one of the richer girls Veronica. She was by far the hungriest of all the girls. Sharing a dorm with a non-pregger named Renee, who couldn't stand her to begin with, Walt had over heard that she had gained 21 lbs already. And the usually-lithe snob looked it! Most of the weight went to her hips & breasts, which just made her look a lot chubbier than pregnant. Walt had also heard through the grapevine that she was extremely horny but didn't know to what extent. He disliked her anyway, even if she was a growing girl. And then of course there was Sydney, the art chick. Walt kept bumping into her all over campus, & was still too shy to say a word. She wasn't necessarily one of the larger bellies, but seemed like the most friendly & overall happiest-to-be-pregnant of the girls. Walt had even heard that she was glad her boyfriend left her. She hated him! She just wanted to become pregnant. Walt was unsure if it was just a rumor or not, but regardless, he held a special place in his heart for her.

Walt heard another thing that started to bother him. Many of the girls were scheduled for abortions (Author's Note-- Not making it a moral issue here, just a realistic story detail, so just relax! LoL! -SS)! Walt didn't care about ethics here! Abortions meant less pregnant chicks & he was against that! Plain & simple! After a while, when the girls came back, they had found out that for some reason, the hormone levels were way too high! They couldn't abort even if they tried! Walt heard about this & laughed like the demented Chem Geek he was.

A month had past since Walt's initial testing. The girls, on average were all looking to be about five & a half months along. Rumors were spreading like wildfire about some. Veronica's ever ballooning weight. How the German professor had a thing for preggers also. How they were all carrying alien babies. Everything you could imagine. Since Walt never really engaged in social interaction, this was his only source for news. There were some things that he knew were true & some things he knew were fake. But there were a few things he knew for certain. Like for instance, only the girls' swim team remained out of the other 5 team sports for women & they still lacked half a roster. They actually got some girls from the local high school to fill spots. And she had to be 'dismissed' too after buying a soda one night after practice & being found the next day stuck behind her car's steering wheel, about 4 months along, or so he heard. Also the whole campus was starting to get overrun by press, not only local but now national too. Though it was mainly used as a fluff piece to end the nightly news, Walt was happy that his work was getting national attention. He also knew more & more attention would come, eventually.

Life was pretty sweet for Walt. Surrounded by beautiful pregnant women all over campus that made his classes nowhere as serious as they were, a formula probably worth trillions if he went to the pharmaceutical companies or even some farmers for livestock, but there was one thing! One thing that urked him more than anything! And that was Sydney! Her belly was blossoming into one of the larger on the campus, fairly quickly too. And Walt could see the joy it gave her. It almost made him giggle like a schoolgirl to watch her do so. But he couldn't even breathe when he saw her, let alone blurb out some stupid pick-up line! So he decided to get involved with things she was involved with. So he signed up to help out at the free ultrasound screenings the university was offering. He figured what better way to find out about all of the subjects, especially Sydney, than helping them there! But that was a few weeks away yet & Walt wanted Sydney now! But he could only watch from afar.

Another week had went by & Walt wanted to check on his other favorite subjects. First, it was Brandi's turn for a check up. She began looking 6 months before any other girl on the campus. And despite her growing size she still took daily swims. Her former swim team coach got her a maternity bathing suit after seeing how much she enjoyed these theraputic swim sessions. It was a good thing too. The belly area of her old suit was pulled so thin, it began looking like a sheet of paper. Walt knew that she'd probably be keeping up these daily swims as long as she could make it to the pool.

Then there was Celeste, who wasn't at all far behind Brandi in terms of size. Walt liked to watch her dancing sessions. It seemed as though she was in denial of the pregnancy, wearing skin-tight spandex & forcing herself to flex past her distended proportions, despite the fact that it was getting harder & harder. Walt laughed. Instead of being concerned, he just watched. He knew that soon she'd be too pregnant to even move.

Then there was Veronica. Walt had heard a story that she had paid one of the guys in his British Literature class a $100 for one screw & how she was eating the entire time. Walt could only giggle childishly at that. He had seen her almost everyday at the cafeteria, getting $45 of food per sitting. He had always noticed how hot & flushed she had always looked too. That led him to believe these obscene stories.

The more they grew, the more the preggers began to become embarrassments to their friends & especially themselves. Any non-pregger with pregnant friends had cut all bonds at this point in time. Even with former teammates. Walt felt bad about this but could only say that if that was the case they probably were never truly friends to them to begin with, as sappy as it sounded.

Some of the girls began to realize something was really wrong at about this time. Most were about 6 months by now, only they had conceived a little over a month prior. When their growth spurts started to become more frequent, they went to their doctors immediately. Most were laughed at & told that they were at 6 months & that the growth spurts were nothing more than poor dietary habits. But Walt knew the real truth.

It was the weekend right before Thanksgiving that the Ultrasounds were given. Walt woke up at about 7:45 on that Saturday morning & marched eagerly to the mobile truck they were being given. There was already a line out the door but Walt walked right in. There, he was greeted by an OB/GYN called Dr. Lyons & his assistant Nurse Jackson. They seemed really nice & told Walt was his job was for the day. He basically had to help the girls & make them comfortable as possible. Walt said that wouldn't be a problem & with that, the first girl came in. Low & behold it was Veronica. She walked in silently. Walt offered a helping hand but she sneered at the geek. As she walked to the observation bed, Walt knew he had the last laugh, he could tell that she was beginning to waddle! He held back his laughter. Walt looked out the truck window to see if he could see Sydney in line anywhere, that was until he heard the loudest, most frightened gasp he had ever heard.

"Doctor! You have got to take a look at this!!!" yelped the nurse. The Doctor dropped some charts he was looking thru & ran over.

"What? What is it? What's the matter?" asked Veronica in a tizzy. She couldn't sit up but she bent her head up to see the problem looking over her fat breasts & gravid tummy.

"My God!" said the doc. There was a moment of silence as the Doctor & Nurse stared at the screen with their mouths gaping. They tore themselves away when they realized that Veronica was starting to cry. "Veronica? Have you ever taken any sort of fertility medication or… anything like that?"

"N-n-no! Why? What's wrong with me?"

"Because your uterus…" The doctor gulped. "… We can't even tell how many are in there!"

"What?!" Veronica screamed. Walt was stunned. He ran to look at the monitor. All he could see were almost a hundred relatively small blips dotting the screen. The nurse said that those were all developing babies! "No! You've got to know how many! How many are there?" The doctor & the nurse began to count but kept losing track. A few minutes later, The truck's door swung open & Veronica swayed down each step in tears, hands on her belly, asking herself "How many?"

It was like that with every girl that came in. So many fetuses that they couldn't even count them all on the screen. Every girl walked out in a state of shock. The doctor & the nurse, being trained medical professionals had never seen anything like this. Walt knew the number of fetus would be pretty high, but never to this extent! During the lunch break, the Doctor joked that if the girls carried that many to term they'd be literally the size of houses. This made Walt lock up with horniness. They went back to work & things got rather slow. At about 4pm when they were starting to pack up, screaming for them to wait could be heard in the distance. Walt looked & almost lost it. It was Sydney. She was taking swaying steps as fast as she could to catch the van. Walt convinced the doctor into taking an ultrasound for her. So he did. When Sydney got the same results that the other girls got, her face dropped & she seemed like she was trying to hold back intense joy. A contained, muffled laughter, could be heard squeaking out of her mouth. And that in turn made Walt try to hold back intense joy. A contained, muffled laughter, could be heard squeaking out of his mouth. Walt even got a chance to touch Sydney as he helped her off the truck. Walt was paid a whole $100 for working the day & he turned to Sydney. Sydney seemed to be scoping him out for some reason. Did she like him too? Maybe it was just her urges! But still, it almost made him faint.

"Um… Walt, right? Wouldja spend some of that money on a poor lonely pregnant gal tonight? I know I'm a freakin' blimp… but…well… Please!!!" Was she begging him? Walt was speechless.

"Ye-y-e-YES!!!" He said, finally managing! "I'd love to! I-I-I-I'm W-W-Walt!"

"Yeah! I remember!" she laughed, sensing his fear. "You were in my advanced art history course last year… when I wasn't as… you know!" She said with a playful laugh while rubbing her belly. "Remember me? My name is…"

"Sydney! H-h-h-How could I f-f-f-forget?" Walt laughed.

"Oh c'mon! I know you're just fooling! It's not like I'm a bombshell or anything!"

"No! Honest! I've liked you for a long time now! But I could never muster the strength to… talk." He squeaked

"For someone like me? Are you on any sort of medication?" the two laughed & Walt walked her to her apartment. Well it was more of a waddle for Sydney actually, but regardless. They reached her apartment. It was the same lay out as Walt's but far more cluttered. There were sketchbooks & easels with artwork everywhere. Sydney went into her bedroom to get changed. Walt looked at her art. He remembered just how great it was. But now, the more recent-looking sketches & paintings were dominated by pregnant women. Many looked like they were progressive, like the same girl getting bigger & bigger until an abstract piece where she was just a giant belly with 2 boobs & a head mounted at the very top. Walt was beginning to like Sydney more & more all the time now. "Ready?" asked Sydney, waddling out with a tight white tank top that form fitted her belly, & long black silky skirt. And with that, the two headed out for the night.

That night was one of the greatest nights in Walt's life. They headed to a coffeehouse just off the campus. Sydney said she hung out there all the time. They sat there & talked all night. They talked about everything. Politics, Saturday morning cartoons, you know the usual. Then, while listening to a beatnik-sque looking goth type Sydney kept giving the evil eye & talking about self-degradation, Sydney clenched her belly & looked to the ceiling. Walt got worried & kept asking what the matter was. Sydney giggled & told him not to worry, it was just his true test of being her boyfriend. Suddenly Sydney clenched her eyes shut with pleasure. She was going thru a growth spurt. She let out a contained moan of pleasure. Walt seemingly drooled in anticipation as Sydney's tank top strained to contain her & her silky skirt was pushed down to allow room. Sydney came out it & took one look at Walt.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?"


"Yeah! Sure!" Sydney laughed. "It's okay. I'm glad. You passed! If I can let you in on a little secret, I enjoy them too!" she giggled. "I mean I know if you walk around campus you hear all the other preggos whining about looking like houses, but I like it!" Walt was speechless. The 'poet' finished up & they each gave a click for him. "Don't go spreading this around," said Sydney, leaning over to whisper. "But if I had it my way… I'd be pregnant forever!" Walt almost lost it. Sydney quickly changed the subject with a wink. They were the last ones there when the owner had to kick them out. Walt then walked the tired Sydney back to her apartment. She wanted him to come in with her, but Walt chickened out. But this proved it. She was his dream girl alright!

Thanksgiving break had come & everyone had gone home for the week that is except Walt & a dozen other outcasts. None of which were any of his 'subjects'. Though Sydney invited him to come home with her, he declined shyly & said he had work to do. Walt missed all of his subjects. They were all gone for the week & he had no one to watch progress. Even Subject B, who had given birth to a healthy litter of 38 a week before! It felt like an eternity. But Walt said that their growths would be more noticeable after not seeing them for periods of time.

Then their holiday was over & all of the students had come back. Walt ran into Sydney in the cafeteria after his shift one night.

"Walt!!!" she yelled, motioning him over to her table in the corner. "How's everything?" Walt took one look at her & couldn't say a word. "Yeah I know…" she said a little frustrated. "I grew quite a bit didn't I? I can understand if you don't want to…"

"Y-You're so… amazingly… Beautiful!" said Walt in astonishment. Sydney was now beginning to look like she was beginning her final trimester, though only two months along in all actuality. She looked like her diet was even 'healthier' than usual during the break & the once frail girl's hips & breast looked like they had gained some definition.

"That… That's the n-nicest thing anyone's said to me since I found out I was pregnant!" she said slightly teary-eyed.

"So, how was it? You're break I mean!" Walt asked as he took a seat across from her.

"Just as I expected." She said, regaining her composure. "My parents were angry about this!" she said pointing to her belly. "And my mom said I was eating way too much & that if I kept it up, I'd come out of this pregnancy a 'fat cow'."

"What did you do?"

"Pile on an extra couple helpings of stuffing!" she laughed. "And then when they started to really lay it into me, I said screw the turkey & got about a dozen buckets of fried chicken at KFC. Don't worry, you didn't miss much." She continued. "How was yours?"

"Same old, same old." He laughed. "I did the KFC thing too. I guess I still coulda joined ya!"

"You see!" laughed Sydney. There was a minute of silence.

"So how are you feeling?" asked Walt.

"Oh okay." She laughed, glad at least someone was concerned about her. "I feel gigantic & my waddle is getting much, much worse. Must be these 3 dozen babies in me." She laughed as she sarcastically complained like one of the others. Walt, again, almost lost it! They talked again for another couple of hours until they had to leave. Walt walked her home again… but again he chickened out on making any moves!

Sydney wasn't the only one who changed over the week. All of the girls were somewhere around 7 months or so. Many of them were able to get maternity clothes over the break. Walt was a little disappointed that he wouldn't see most of them trying to squeeze into everyday clothing. However many of them, had gotten full-blown waddles now, which made them even funnier.

Walt decided to do his methodical check-ups on his favorites that week. First there was Brandi. She still amazingly was taking her daily swims. There was one day where he had heard she had skipped all of her classes just to swim. When he reached the pool he saw her, appropriately enough, doing a belly stroke to the other side of the pull. Her massive 7-month belly slowing her down like a lead weight. However, all of the effort, with the extra food in her tremendous diet, was making her rather muscular. But Walt knew that in the next few weeks she'd be too big to swim freely anymore. Next, it was Celeste. Walt approached the dance studio, imagining how humorous this would be. She'd be easy to spot! The only ballerina there with a waddle he laughed. He walked in as the lesson ended. The other lithe, non-preg dancers seemingly pushed him out of the way as they stampeded out of the studio in unison.

"Ha! I've heard of house dancing but I've never seen dancing house!" laughed one with an almost jealous scoff.

"How could she could keep that up?" another asked. "She's gigantic! Doesn't she know that?"

"Don't worry! She'll stop soon! If not she'll probably go thru the floor!" joked a third. They all laughed in graceful, but snotty ballet unison. Walt sneered at them & walked into the studio, where he heard classical music playing, followed by loud thumps & bangs. He looked into the studio to see Celeste, sweating like a pig, seven months along & trying to do a new step. But she was too large & clumsy. Then, her instructor walked out of the changing room with a towel draped around her neck.

"Celeste!" the instructor screeched with her pseudo-Russian-meets-French, 'Professional Ballerina' accent.

"Yes, madam?" Celeste said, relaxing herself. The instructor turned off the music & Celeste waddled over to her.

"Hue are too beeg! Hue cannod do zis no longa!" the instructor screamed. "Hue are too clum-ze & lage-uh! Hue will fall & hurt hue & da baby!"

"But… Madam…?" Celeste said in tears.

"But Nah-zing! Hue cannod take zis classe no longa! Goodbye!"

"Yes Madam!" Celeste whimpered as she was handed her stuff. She stuck her feet into her shoes, making them bend at the heel, & walked out of the studio in tears. "She'll see!" Celeste screamed as she past by Walt, not noticing him. Walt said damn & decided to check on Veronica. And he knew that she'd be in only one place. Figuring he had to go to work anyway, he knew he'd see her there. Walking into the Cafeteria, there she was, sitting at one of the center tables, ravenously eating a triple cheeseburger. Walt hardly recognized her. The once frail, petite, snobby little rich girl was now much, much bigger. Not only was her belly around 7 months like the others, she must have gained 30 pounds over the week as well, bringing her to a grand total of about 70 or so now! She was huge! And gathering a small crowd around her. They were mostly the people she had picked on & people that didn't like her, poking fun at what had become of her. But Veronica was too deeply involved with her meal instead! Walt could only laugh at her transformation! But he had no time to kill watching Veronica turn into a full-blown fat ass! He was late for work!

He finished up & walked out into the cafeteria to see if Veronica was still stuffing her face. But instead, he was greeted by a much more welcoming face instead.

"Hey Walty!" said a huffing voice. "How was work?" It was Sydney, in a tight fitting gothic-looking dress, straining to hold in her tremendous girth. "You're doing us all both a favor tonight!"

"I am?" asked Walt.

"Yup all 38 of us!" Sydney laughed as she waddled up to him, slumped forward & threw her arms around him!


"What else, silly?" she giggled. "You're not saying no tonight! It's time!"

"Damn!" laughed Walt. "If you insist!"

"Trust me!" she said, pulling herself towards Walt's ear. "I never knew pregnancy made women so horny! And I haven't done it in 3 months or so!" Walt laughed.

"Okay then!" Walt laughed, uneasily. "Sure! Why not!" he chuckled. This was it! Walt knew there could be no excuses now. It was time for him to be a man! Or at least a manly geek! A cold sweat was coming over him as he followed Sydney as she waddled hastily back to her apartment.

The next morning, Walt woke up late for his job at the cafeteria, but didn't seem to mind. Nothing else mattered anymore. He looked over to Sydney, her burgeoning belly dominating most of the bed sheets. She giggled happily.

"You were great! I really needed it!" she giggled, rubbing her belly thru the sheets. Walt joined her giggle & kissed her belly as he stood up. "You know! I'm really surprised! I thought guys would only screw preggos like me to keep the peace! But you seemed to really enjoy it didn't you?" she asked with laughingly inquisitive eyes but Walt silently pleaded the fifth. "Tell me! You like preggos don't you? I want you to 'fess up!" Walt trembled. Fearing she'd think him some kind of freak, he started to gather his clothes, Sydney hoisted herself up slowly to stop him. "You think I mind?" she screamed. Walt froze. "I got dumped because I was pregnant. That guy at the coffeehouse! It wasn't only the fact that he was gonna be a daddy! It was because he couldn't stand to be seen with a preggo! He had some sort of morbid affliction towards bellies! Bellies like the one I love! To me! Walt! You're… my dream guy!" Walt dropped his stuff along with his jaw. "I'm glad there's a guy who enjoys preggos as much as I love being one!"

"Well, since you put it like that…" Walt hopped back into the bed, kicking off his pants again in mid air. Sydney smiled & gently lowered her girth back onto the bed. But before Walt could even touch her, she stopped him. Walt was puzzled. That was until he saw her body begin to quake like a fault line. With an erotic groan, Sydney's belly swelled into her 8th month, pulling the sheet out from under Walt, making him fall out of the bed. Sydney laughed & asked if he was okay. Walt laughed as he crawled back under the sheet, hornier because of her growth.

It was at least 2:30 before either one of them emerged that afternoon. Walt helped Sydney get dressed into some maternity overalls that were already getting tight on her. He fixed her some munchies for breakfast & saw her off to her painting class. Though she liked her belly, Sydney had to admit it was getting harder & harder for her to get around. Walt laughed & said he wouldn't mind helping her around, Sydney smiled & kissed him on the cheek, turning to waddle to her painting class. He said he'd see her later, saying he had work to do. He thought it over. No classes for him today! Besides, with the preggos missing most of their classes, attendance wasn't really paid attention to anymore. With that, Walt ran to the pool! It was time for his weekly updates. With two more weeks until Christmas vacation, Walt wanted to know all of his subjects progress before the break. If the week of Thanksgiving was any indication, the three weeks of 'Winter Recess' would be a time of major growth among the girls.

As he walked, the nagging question whether to send his chemical to somebody kept popping into his head. If he could get it to work on livestock as well as it could for the girls on campus, he knew he could be a billionaire. And what about all those poor, unfertile women all over the world. It could be a huge sell with them, if they didn't mind having 6 more kids then they planned on. Walt laughed. It was something to think about.

As he entered the pool arena, faint, puffing cries for help could be heard. Walt recognized the voice & ran over. It was Brandi. She was near the edge of the pool. She was so desperate for help, she actually noticed Walt come running for her. Walt looked at her & tried not to laugh. Her once tightly straining one-piece maternity suit was a ripped two piece, with her massive belly sticking out between.

"Hey you!" she yelled gaspingly. She had exerted a lot of energy. "I need help! I was swimming around in here when suddenly I got bigger! I snapped my bathing suit & I can't make it out! Help me!"

"Okay, hold on!" Walt said, choking back the laughter. He hoisted her up with all of his might. Interested to know, Walt asked why she still swam at this size.

"Because It's the only exercise I get! I eat so much now! I'd be a huge cow if I stopped!" She yelled. Walt got her out & gave her her towel. "Thanks, geek! Didn't know what I'd do without you! Probably be in there until the swim meet tonight!" she laughed. Walt, semi-offended, waved & walked off, leaving her there a mess. She knew she wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer.

Walt hadn't seen Celeste around campus in a while. He didn't think she'd be at the dance studio, but low & behold, she was there rather early, before her former instructor showed up to kick her out. But what she was doing could hardly be called ballet. Seemingly unbeknownst to her, she was far too big for it. It looked like she was just waddling around clumsily in the studio. She hopped a few times to pirouette but looked like a blimp when she was airborne & made the wooden floor creak like an anvil had landed when she touched down. Walt could only laugh at the poor girl, took some notes & left.

To check on Veronica, Walt knew the Cafeteria was the place to go. But after missing work this morning, Walt knew he had to make sure his boss didn't see him. Taking the corner booth, with his back to the kitchen, Walt had a perfect view of Veronica, or the blob she had become. In less than a week since coming back from Thanksgiving break, Veronica must have put on a good 15 pounds or so. She was gaining more & more all the time. Around her sat all of her enemies & betrayed friends, both preg & nonpreg. They sat there, watching & laughing. The nonpregs, willing to part with a few scraps of food were actually giving her their leftovers while laughing at the poor girl.

"Stop this!" Veronica screamed between bites of a grilled cheese sandwich that looked like it was made with a half a pound of cheese. "I'm so hungry…-Munch munch- …You know I can't…Mmmm -munch munch-… -swallow-… fight it… & you're all just…-Munch-… making it worse!"

"We know!" laughed a pregnant redhead named Cathy. Walt didn't know much about her, but knew she hated Veronica because she had slept with his boyfriend. She actually thought that her boyfriend was the father of both their babies. Walt didn't know for sure, but he kept watching anyhow. He was shocked to she her, after just buying a huge bowl of spaghetti, offer it to Veronica.

"Gimme!" Veronica lunged, unable to fully stand up because of the bench.

"Okay, sure!" laughed Cathy. Though hungry herself, she took the bowl & smooshed it into Veronica's face. Instead of the customary food fight that Walt though would happen, Veronica grabbed hold of the bowl & started to lick it clean. Sauce was smeared all over her face but she didn't seem to matter a bit. She only wanted to eat! The girls just laughed. The once snotty sophisticate was now the slobbish jester to even the preggos! Walt joined them in their laughter. Veronica was just happy she was getting food!

After watching the spectacle Veronica had become for a good half-hour, Walt decided to go catch Syd as she came out of her class & felt inspired to take her out to a buffet somewhere.

A week had past, everybody's minds were on getting out of school for the holidays. Sydney insisted Walt come with her & spend them in the mountains with her family. Walt made up some story about how he was going on a cruise with his parents. Sydney sighed, knowing that she couldn't persuade him. She warned him that the girl that comes back might look a lot different than the girl that leaves. Walt kissed her on the cheek & said he wouldn't mind one bit. In reality, that was the idea! Instead of watching the gradual growth, Walt wanted to see how much she'd grown over time. But he kept that to himself. Sydney left on a Tuesday. After she'd left, Walt realized how much he had missed her. He realized that even though he spent all his time with her, he treated her like just another one of his subjects. That's when he found a manila envelope sitting on top of his computer monitor. Written on it was:

"Happy Holidays, Walty! I'll give you my present when I get back… & what a big present it will be! But these are just to tide you over! Call them a wish list or better yet, coming attractions! Just don't let your parents see this on that 'cruise' of yours! What kind of girl would they think me to be? Anyhoo! Have a happy! To you & yours & all that jazz! See you next year!"

He opened it. Inside was a sketchbook. He took it out & laughed. Opening up to the first page, it was a self-portrait of Sydney… of sorts, with a huge belly, like she was going to deliver triplets. Walt laughed with pleasure. Walt flipped thru, each page featured a large bellied picture Sydney had done of herself in some sort of erotic pose. Each belly was a different size, but there were none under what looked to be full term! And every page was filled. Walt knew she was the one! He vowed to make up for how he treated her & make sure she got what she wanted! So her 'wish list/coming attractions' came true/soon!

-End of Semester One-
Liked by fiko515 (Feb 5, 2023), wolverineczech (Mar 13, 2021), B17geek98 (Jan 25, 2021), Bobsuckit (Dec 1, 2020), ThorBear450 (Nov 18, 2019), AbbyAB (Mar 26, 2016), falloutghoul (Feb 11, 2016), teenpreggobellylover (Jan 10, 2016), longsword52 (Jan 6, 2016)
The Chem Geek: Semester Two

The halls of the dormitories were empty. Everyone! Boy. Girl. Preggo. NonPreggo. All home enjoying the Winter Holiday, all except one miserable geek.

This was the loneliest Christmases ever for poor Walt. All he could think about was Sydney & her baby-swollen tummy. He couldn't wait to see her & her belly again. But for now, all he had were the wettened pages of the sketchbook she had given him to keep him satisfied. He loved each & every picture of her, each far more pregnant than the last. It was a great gift & Walt had to return the favor! He wanted to make every picture a reality!

That time off was the perfect time to whip up a formula to make her pregnant like this forever! Like she wanted! He knew it had to be of some variation of the original compound. He just didn't know what the variation was. That original formula, he had stumbled upon by accident. So he developed three different formulas to try out each with a different variation. There was one problem though. He couldn't test these on Sydney! It was too dangerous. He had to wait for class to begin again so he could slip it to some of the others as a test. Once he found the right one, he'd give it to Syd & they'd live happily ever after. Or at least that's how it would've been in a simple world.

It was New Year's Day. Walt was so anxious waiting that he was standing outside of the bus station in the freezing cold weather. Some light flurries were falling, not helping the matter much. Walt was looking at his watch. He'd been waiting for 3 hours & felt the frostbite starting to sink in on his toes. He jumped up & down & shivered.

"C'mon! C'mon!" he jittered, waiting for the bus. Remarkably just then, he had heard the engine of the bus pull up right in front of him. "Finally!" he laughed, his chapped lips laughing over chattering teeth. He couldn't wait for her to step off. The door opened & the passengers met the cold air, bundling up more in their coats & gloves. Walt watched as everyone seemed to get off, everyone except for Sydney that was. Walt peered in. "Excuse me?" he asked the driver. "Is there a pregnant woman still on there?"

"Oh! Damn!" shouted the driver, running towards the back. Walt waited, hearing shuffling footsteps come towards the front of the bus.

"Thank you!" he heard a serene, polite voice say. "I probably would have been stuck back there all night!" He couldn't believe it! Sydney reached the steps, taking each one at a time with a new girth. Stepping out into the cold air, her belly brushed against both sides of the door. "Ooooh!" she giggled as she took a step onto the curb. Walt couldn't believe it. "Walt!" she screamed, bending over her tummy to give him a hug. Walt kissed her.

"I… Can't believ… you… you're…!" Walt couldn't find words.

"Huge! I know!" she sighed. She looked up at him playfully. "How do you like it?"

"You're… so beautiful!" Walt finally said.

"I'm glad you like!" laughed Sydney, hugging her full term-sized belly, visible even thru the layers of clothes she was wearing. The thing was though, Sydney was only four & a half months along! She was one of the larger bellies on campus & Walt was so enthralled that she was his! "It's freezing out here! How long were you waiting?" laughed Sydney. Walt noticed that her shoelace was untied. He bent over to tie it for her.

"I… wasn't…" Walt looked up only to see a giant belly blocking the view of her face as two delicate hands reached around it & rubbed it gently. He sighed & laughed. "I wasn't too cold!"

He stood back up & Sydney smiled.

"How about I warm you up some?" she laughed playfully.

"Okay!" laughed Walt. And they started towards Syd's dorm, luckily only three blocks away. As they started, Walt laughed. Sydney asked what the matter was. Walt said nothing, putting his arm around her, waddling with her to keep pace.

Upon reaching her place, she waddled as fast as she could into her bedroom. She said she was just going to get something comfortable on, but began shouting thru the door.

"Yeah! My mother said I look ready to deliver any day now. She couldn't believe it." Laughed Sydney from inside.

"Really?" asked Walt, knowing that truthfully that wouldn't be happening for quite sometime yet.

"Yeah! But the thing is I'm growing all the time now! I get a little spurt every couple hours! And the past couple days, I've seemed to get bigger, faster!" Walt was felt the crotch of his pants feel tighter. "I hope it never stops though! Imagine if I had to carry for nine months like this? I'd be gigantic! Now wouldn't you like that?"

"Uh…Uh…" Walt muttered, ready to explode with randiness.

"…Being all helpless… You'd have to wait on me hand & foot you know! I'd be too big to walk! Even Waddle!" she laughed from inside. She knew exactly what to say. Walt was about to reach boiling point. "I'd probably only be able to lay there all day.. Me, on top of my gigantic belly, filled with god-knows-how-many babies!" Steam was coming from Walt's ears, his body actually began to shake. Suddenly the door opened up & there stood Sydney, in Lingerie that would've been skimpy on Kate Moss, pulled tightly around her pregnant frame. It was almost down to its threads. "Would you like me to be that big?" she smirked sexily. The bottom of Walt's jaw dropped thru the floor & was sighted coming up in China! She pulled him in by the collar towards her bed. "I told you I'd give you a big present when I got back! Well? Here it is!"

"Have mercy!" laughed Walt, Sydney throwing him on the bed.

"Sorry if I'm a bit rough! I've been sort of saving it all up & I've never felt half as horny as I do now!"

"Be rough!" laughed Walt as Sydney slowly, yet gracefully lowered her swollen body to the bed. She unzipped his pants & Walt helped her by kicking them off onto the floor. "Be Very Rough!" laughed Walt.

The next morning, after making love all night, Walt lay with his arm over Sydney's belly.

"You know I was serious!" sighed a tired, but very happy Sydney.

"About what?"

"About wanting to be that big!" she laughed. "And I'm glad you'd still want me too! Could you imagine me if I was still pregnant like this in June! It'd be… "

"A dream come true?" Walt laughed.

"Yeah!" smiled Syd. "For both of us!" she smiled, rolling her belly onto her side towards him as they cuddled

"Um…" Walt thought of telling her of his work on the formula. That he could make their dream last longer than June!

"What?" smiled Sydney, putting her hand on top of Walt's as he rubbed her belly.

"Nothing!" laughed Walt.

"Oh?" laughed Sydney. "Would you like me even bigger? You greedy little man you" She laughed. Walt just smiled & the two went right back at it again.

Over the next week, things seemed to get more & more back to as normal as they were before Syd left. She had grown some over this time period, just enough to look as though she was carrying a few weeks late. When classes started back up on the following Monday, Walt had to go back to work at the cafeteria so he'd still have a dorm to do his experiments in. That's when he saw his other 'test subjects,' as he called them.

Walt had used this job at the cafeteria to slip the girls the chemical. Now, four months later, Walt was happy to see what had come of it. Just under half of the student body, almost all but a handful of girls were looking as though they were 9 months along! Walt was in a trance of sexual bliss. He had done this! He'd made these girls his dream women! But they didn't matter that much to him anymore, for now, there was only Sydney!

"Hey! Howzda geek doin'?" laughed Walt's gorilla of a boss.

"Um... okay!" Said Walt. Walt was too busy wondering why any of these girls weren't taking time off now that they were this size!

"Dese preggos! Dey're bringin' so much money!" the cook laughed, looking at girls fighting for places in line at the vending machines. Walt smirked. He enjoyed watching them for another reason. There, lined up in a row, he saw his three favorites from before! Brandi the swimmer, Celeste the Dancer, & Veronica the Rich girl! Brandi used to have the biggest belly on campus & now she was second only to Sydney. It looked as though maybe she'd stopped her daily swim exercise routine & now started to put on a little weight. It wasn't bad though! All of the fat was going to her hips, ass & especially her breasts, which were almost nonexistent before she was pregnant. She was dressed in a tight, yet-large-enough-to-still-be-considered-a-maternity pink cardigan & black stretch bellbottoms, stretched to the point of almost exploding. Walt looked at Celeste. She had a leotard under her coat & maternity jeans. He was amazed they sold them in her size! He was even more amazed when he realized sh

"Excellent." Smirked Walt.

He figured that he'd go to class today, & since he walked straight over, he also figured he'd be the first one there, since it was about an hour before class began. He was surprised to see that Brandi was already waiting there before him & he couldn't help but laugh when he saw her. Her monstrous nine month belly in her pink cardigan sweater, with serious stress on the buttons. The desks, the old desk/chair combo, had too small a space for her giant belly, Walt couldn't believe she was able to wedge herself in the seat! The edge of the desk cutting into her belly tightly, making two bulging hemispheres of it. Crumbs from her danish had scattered all over the top half of her belly. Walt giggled.

"What?" asked Brandi bitchily. "You fucking nerd! You think I'm funny?"

"Yes, actually!" said a confident Walt, taking one seat over from his usual one right next to her, just enough to avoid grabbing reach. It wasn't like she could easily squeeze her way back out of the chair. And even if she did, it'd be fairly difficult for her to catch him with a girth like that to support. Walt continued to laugh. The embarrassed ex-swimmer could only growl at him.

More & more came into the class, but it appeared as though Brandi was the only preggo to show. Since the number was well over half of the class, the angry German professor, a knick in his head from the button blow he'd received months earlier, decided to dismiss class early. And this was how all of the classes were going! Most of the preggos, thinking themselves ready to deliver, didn't go to class. They were starting to get too big to get around comfortably. And since that was just about half of the student population, classes didn't seem so important anymore to anyone. Professors or Students. And yet somehow, school remained open.

This trend continued over the following week as well. The girls grew larger & larger yet, though they were just a little over the half-way point, they all looked as though they were carrying a month late. Especially Sydney. She looked almost as if she was about to deliver twins, but amazingly, she still made attempts to go to class. She'd joke with Walt that if she was going to be pregnant for the full nine months, she'd better get the waddling in while she was able to. Walt smiled, watching each step she took & thinking that soon she'd be too big to move.

One night, at home, a scheming Walt sat up late, prepping the formulas for his three intended subjects. He laughed evilly, probably waking up people in the four surrounding dorms. Sydney made his dream come true. Now it was his turn. He waited until the following Friday night. Walt was finishing up mopping the kitchen floor in the cafeteria. Veronica was finishing up the scraps of food around her. Walt smirked as he watched her. As the chef approached her to kick her out as he did every night, she scarfed down a quick hoagie. After a full day's eating, she made an attempt to get to her feet. The plus sized maternity clothes strained against her body, especially her massive belly & breasts as Walt thought back to her once, Calista Flockheart-like appearance before she was pregnant. Adjusting to a standing position, the fat preggo began to waddle. Walt got done & quickly followed her out the door.

He'd watched her before, he knew her routine. Every other bench, roughly every fifteen feet, the massive girl would need to rest her gigantic frame. Walt figured her to be by far the easiest target of the three. Not only was she slow physically, but now with her mind always on eating, mentally, it seemed, as well. Walt was right, she took a seat at the second bench she came to, the boards creaking under her tremendous weight. Walt smiled politely to her, though being the geek, he went unnoticed. Walt quickly got to what he predicted to be her next seat, ducking under it in the frigid air of the night.

After almost a half hour of freezing his nuts off, the loud pants approached the bench.

"Getting too… big… for this… shit!" she panted, reaching the bench. Weighing down on the creaking boards, Walt was afraid she was going to make the thing collapse on him! He'd surely be crushed to death! Walt prepped the needle, only to see that the fluid inside had frozen. He would have gotten really angry, had he not been trying to keep of this level of stealth. He clamped the syringe in his hands & began to breath on it. "I'm… dieting… right after… I… deliver!" panted Veronica to her self "Oh… damn… What if I… have to… breast…feed?" Suddenly she felt a needle prick into the back of her ankle. Being far too big to bend down & see what it was she sat back & whined. "Damn… mosquitos!" Walt could only try not to laugh. He quickly ran to the bushes behind the bench & started to watch her.

The effects of this one were almost instantaneous! She had experienced two growth spurts close to one another. Nowhere near Sydney's size, but just enough. A flushed look came over her face & Walt knew what was happening. This formula increased the effects of certain hormones. She'd grown a little faster than before, but mostly, it was making her hornier than anybody else on Earth. And the more horny she got, the bigger she got. Though she was only resting, her panting got stronger, as if she were ready to pop! She needed loving & she needed it quick! She slowly pushed her large frame to its feet & began to waddle briskly toward the Gymnasium.

Walt caught the rest on the 11 o' clock news at Sydney's. Apparently, Veronica had gone to the guy's locker room after a basketball game. She was so desperate for someone, she went around naked, a 20 sticking out of her mouth & other 'areas'. Yet nobody obliged. Unable to get any, Veronica only got hornier & hornier!

"Wow!" smiled Syd, her head lying in Walt's lap as she was sprawled out on the couch massaging her belly. "And I thought I was bad!"

Walt snickered. He watched on as they interviewed a point guard from the team.

"I don't know. She was just too big & nasty! And I don't know how or why! Maybe all the preggos are like this but, it was like she grew when she didn't get any!" he smiled while in a state of shock at the same time. They showed paramedics dragging her out on a stretcher, but there was something unfamiliar about her belly! It was huge! Twice as large as Sydney's! Sydney was shocked & looked a bit jealous. Veronica looked like she was at term with triplets!

"Just what did she do that I'm not doing?" asked Sydney, a little upset. Walt shrugged with a smile on his face. "You like her belly better don't you?" said a green Sydney.

"No! No of course not!" stuttered Walt. "She's a fat hog anyway! I bet you'll get far bigger than her!" smiled Walt, rubbing her belly with her.

"Aw…" cued Sydney. She thought for a second. "Maybe if we put off sex for a while, I'd get really horny… & then I'd get bigger?"

"What?" asked Walt. He didn't like the sound of that.

"Just like her! It's worth a shot!" smiled Sydney joyously. So Sydney planned to put off love making for a while, just to see if it made her bigger. Walt knew he had only himself to blame for that one! But that only meant he could pay more attention to his experiments. He tried to get any info he could on Veronica's condition. Though he only heard it through other people, Walt had learned that Veronica was indeed growing when she was in heat! Walt however was planning for Sydney to be much larger! Besides, the way the hormones affected her, Veronica had gotten a lot hungrier! He wanted Syd to have a huge belly, but not a huge everything else. He decided to wait & see what would come of the other two he was yet to test out.

The weekend passed into the following week. Walt was frustrated because even though Sydney was completely randy, she wanted to see if she'd grow like Veronica had. It was pretty unsuccessful. Walt still planned on his other subjects though. Celeste was his next experiment & he knew just where to find her. At the Dance studio, that Tuesday afternoon, Walt snuck in with a vial of the formula. He knew it would be easy. She was usually so worried about dancing… or at least trying to, that she left her water bottle completely unattended.

Walt slid in like a cobra, the music of the Nutcracker Suite filling the air. Walt knew Celeste's routine as well. So determined to dance, she'd sneak in before the ballet class she got kicked out just to imagine she was still able to move with beauty & grace. This was of course against everybody's orders, but Celeste didn't care. Now, looking like she was ready to drop a baby & a half, Celeste tried twirling around in a leotard pulled so tight that if it fit her like another layer of skin. Walt that this was perfect. Off to the side of the studio, there was a little plastic water bottle sitting on a short parapet. Walt snuck behind it & grabbed the water bottle. He hastily dumped the liquid into the bottle & twirled it with his finger. It gave the water a sort of dingy red look but he knew she'd be too thirsty to notice. He placed it back on the wall & slid back around the corner to watch.

Fifteen minutes had past & she hadn't even gone over for a drop. Walt was beginning to get impatient. That's when he remembered he had to walk Sydney home from her ceramics class. Just as he walked out, Celeste approached her water bottle & took a drink.

"Hmmm…" she said in loud pants. "Sorta… tastes… funny… ohhhhhhhhhhh…!" she panted, keeling backward.

Half an hour later, Celeste's old instructor stepped into the building the studio was in, to get an early warm up before class. There, students who had came before her were gathered around something in the middle of the studio, gasping in horror.

"Vat is dee matter, girls?" she asked pushing her way into the circle. When she saw Celeste she screamed & fainted.

Shortly after, Sydney & Walt strolled past, only to see an ambulance pulled in front of the building. A stretcher was being pulled out of the studio with Celeste on it. Walt couldn't believe what had happened. He'd never expected this! Celeste's belly was the same size, about the size of a pregnant woman term with twins. But her breasts! They were equal to the size of her belly! And growing! She laid on them & her belly as if they were giant firm cushions.

"Wow!" said Sydney. "That looks kinda fun!" she laughed, stopping to look. Walt was still in shock. He didn't see this one coming! It really was kinda cool, but it wasn't what he was going for. Sydney sighed as they walked on.

"I'm sorta jealous again!" she joked. "You know what? I'm so horny! Let's forget about that put-sex-off thing… at least for one night!"

"Anything you say!" laughed Walt as Celeste was loaded in the ambulance, her breasts leaking with milk, a trail of droplets from the studio door. She sighed & stroked her tender tits as the doors slammed shut.

There was only one formula left to try. And Walt knew the perfect place to test Brandi. That Saturday was the big swim meet! Brandi, standing next to her former teammates was like a comparison between a blue whale & a few dolphins. Of course she wasn't going to be there for competition but she had to show for moral support. She was dressed in a white blouse that clung to her large belly & black stretch leggings underneath. A few of her teammates helped her over to the bench where she rested her immense tummy & slurped a jumbo-sized cola. Walt, sneaking under the bleachers, used his stealth to get past a couple making out & get behind Brandi. It was the perfect position. Again he had in syringe form. He knew that Brandi had better reflexes than Veronica did though so he'd probably have to make a break for it right after the injection if he didn't want to be seen. Easier said than done in this jungle gym of bleacher supports. He uncapped the needle & prepped it. Her tip-toed behind her, s

"What the hell!" she screamed as Walt injected. She frantically did her best to turn, to see what had poked her just as Walt ran, the syringe in his hand. He was unseen but still ran, just in case. That was until his head smacked into one of the supports, knocking him out cold. Brandi, went back to watching the game, figuring the poke was some kind of weird baby movement from within her. The meet continued. Brandi cheering her team on, though feeling quite odd. And Walt, unconscious behind the bleachers.

About an hour later, it was over, Brandi was standing there with her coach & former teammates.

"You guys did great out there." Smiled Brandi to her team as she rubbed her white blouse against her gigantic belly.

"So are you coming back? After you deliver I mean!" asked one of the freshmen girls who'd become a starter because of the small roster.

"I… I don't know… I… doubt… it…!" Brandi panted oddly. She again began to feel a little weird.

"Are you okay?" asked her coach.

"I feel… weird!" she panted, rubbing her belly.

"Here, have a seat then!" said the coach leading her towards the chairs. It was at about this time that poor Walt had come around. He realized that the meet was over but he could still hear voices, & looked out between the bleacher seats. There, sat Brandi, surrounded by her old swim team. She was rubbing her belly gently & letting out a soft moan.

"Should we call an ambulance for you?" asked on of the girls after helping Brandi into the chair.

"No… no… it's nothing…" Brandi smiled, looking as if she was coming out of it. "Just… let me … sit…" Brandi shut her eyes & leaned her head back resting, still rubbing her belly. The swim team looked at each other & then Brandi.

"Oh god!"

"Brandi… you're….!"


"What's the ma… oh no!" she leaned her head down to look, only to see her blouse being pulled tighter to a growing belly. Suddenly, in seconds, Brandi was Sydney's size, looking down at her belly & quivering in fear. "This… this isn't… a normal… spurt;….Unnnnnnnnngh!" she groaned as the rest of her body fell limp. Her belly grew larger & larger, the baggy blouse now as tight as spandex. Walt watched from his seat in the bleachers, trying to hold back his perverse laughter. He couldn't leave now! He'd realized that this compound was the chemical he needed to bring Sydney's wish to reality.

"Call 911!" screamed the coach to one of the swimmers. Brandi, looking ready to deliver full term quints, murmured frantically as her belly grew uncontrollably. Walt couldn't handle it anymore. He had to get out of there before her exploded from randiness. Hearing the echoing cries of the subject even from outside. He had to go home & be with Sydney! After finally getting the results he'd been waiting for, Walt just didn't know. Something just didn't seem right for him to do this, even if it was Sydney's wish. He remembered the look of agony on Brandi's face & just felt so guilty! Besides, he didn't want to put Syd in danger! Who knows what would happen to her if she drank such a formula while she was already in a delicate condition. And what if after he whipped this serum up, Sydney asked if he was behind them all getting pregnant in the first place? He just decided to wait & see what happened, putting his formula tests on hiatus for a while.

It was President's Day, Sydney had grown by leaps & bounds, looking almost as if she were a little past term with triplets. She didn't go to classes anymore, she hardly left bed because of the difficulties she'd have getting around, she could hardly even squeeze out of the doorway to her dorm anymore. But other than her rapidly growing size, she was the same old Sydney, maybe even more cheerful than usual. Unlike the other cranky subjects, she was happy & very talkative, which made it a pleasure for Walt to wait on her hand & foot. Sydney felt lucky to have someone like him but then began to feel like she was becoming a bit of a burden. Besides, what if she just went into early labor or something? Fortunately, that's when the University decided to act for all the preggos. Since most of them continued to keep growing, their unknowing doctors ordered them to bedrest. In what used to be an old Exhibit Hall, the University opened up it's own type of maternity ward for any pregnant girl on the campu

"Walt… help…!" she laughed, a quarter serious, a quarter scared & half glad. After much pulling & pushing, they finally got her out & Walt walked her to the old hall, luckily only across the street. Upon reaching the place, Sydney was brought to a bed along a wide hallway. Almost all of the other beds in the hallway were already being taken up by other subjects with gigantic bellies. Sydney eased herself onto the bed.

"Comfy!" she laughed as Walt put her stuff down next to her. He got her settle in & left to head back home. He felt bad about having to leave her but promised her he'd visit everyday. And he knew that Syd would hold him to it!

Weeks past as March came. Walt walked toward the exhibit hall, almost like a daily routine now. He walked into see the sea of moans & whimpers. All in hospital robes on backwards exposing giant bellies from left to right, all taut, looking ready to burst with babies & growing steadily every other hour. They all looked full term with octuplets! All except for one. Walt walked up to the belly in question, looking like ready to bear dectuplets. He placed his hand on it, caressing it gently. "Hiya, Syd." Smiled Walt.

"Walt?" she laughed with surprise even though she'd been expecting him all along. She'd heaved her body into a position so she could just see him over her massive belly, raising about 4 feet into the air. "So how's the outside world?" She joked as Walt pulled up a seat next to her. Walt sat by her side as he would any day, rubbing her tummy & keeping her company. Sometimes he'd order in food for them to, despite the special diet they'd prescribed her.

Time passed by & Sydney grew larger thru out the entire month of April. Walt noticed something was up. She was beginning to seem a little depressed. He had no idea what it could be, she was the size she'd always wanted to be. But poor Sydney. She was getting close to her due date & knew that she wouldn't be pregnant for that much longer. She was doing everything she could to delay labor, even as far as to try & talk one of the nurses to give her some kind of medicine. It didn't work & poor Syd lived in a world where she feared every little growth spurt might be her last. Another month had past. May had come & not a single one of the preggos had even shown a remote sign of labor. Every subject in the exhibit hall was so large & cranky they'd just sit there all day moaning & rubbing their giant tummies, hoping they'd stop growing. Sydney on the other hand began to get more & more depressed. Even though she looked like she was full term with about a few dozen & growing a we

"It was great while it lasted." She smiled to Walt one night, after visiting hours. The nurses, seeing how sweet Walt was to Sydney, always let him stay a while longer. "Are you going still find me attractive, you know… even without the belly." Walt had been debating whether he should give her the serum or not.

"Of course! I mean why would I've came everyday these past months, you think I have nothing else better to do?" Walt laughed as he rubbed some moisturizing cream on her belly. Each stroke made him want to give her the formula more.

"They still don't know how many I'm even supposed to have! They're guestimating around at least a hundred or so… What do you do with that many kids?"

"You never have them in the first place!" slipped Walt in mental turmoil over the formula.


"Syd… I… I… I need you to come over to my place!" said Walt frankly. "I have something to show you." Sydney paused for a second & turned back just to laugh, her belly shaking as she did. "I'm serious!" said Walt with a little frustration. This was the angriest she'd ever seen him, not that she was afraid of a puny little geek like him. They stood there & Walt looked into her eyes.

"You are serious." She sighed. "But how the hell are we even supposed to make it there look at me! The two of us couldn't get me there!"

"Now did I say it was going to be easy?" smiled Walt, offering a hand.

"Well I have had cabin fever…" she thought. "Okay… whatever… I guess…" she said easing herself up slowly so she was tilted over her belly, She grabbed Walt's hand. "So how are we going to do this?" she smiled as she lie delicately on her belly as Walt put a jacket on her arms. "Maybe you could just roll me! How far is your place from here?" she asked, realizing she'd only been there once.

"I'm not going to roll you! That's crazy!" he laughed. They realized that they were getting too loud for the other preggos, moaning in their sleep. "Here! Let's try this!" he laughed as he ran to get something, Sydney sat there on the side of her bed, her belly & breast pushed up in her way, unable to see what was happening. Suddenly, Walt pulled up an extra wide wheelchair next to her. And by extra wide it meant that a woman at term with one baby wouldn't get stuck in it, but the case was going to be different for Syd.

"Again…" smiled Sydney. "Why don't you just roll me?"

"Let's just try it!" laughed Walt. He delicately held her belly button, just under her navel, lifting it just enough for Sydney to stand. As they slowly rose to their feet, Walt took a step back. "Okay. Nice & easy." He smiled. Sydney swayed her entire body to follow the step. Slowly but surely, Walt lead Syd to the wheelchair. "Almost there!" he said, feeling Sydney getting a little tired. He began to back her up into the chair. "There!" he laughed triumphantly. Sydney smirked, sitting down as they both slowly lowered her belly. "How's that?"

"I think I'm stuck." Said a laughing muffled voice from behind a large belly & set of breasts with legs sticking out from under it. Two delicate hands struggled to pull in as much of the belly as possible but it couldn't be done. Walt got behind & kissed Sydney on the top over her head, her face buried in her own bosom. "Just push." She said again. And Walt did just that.

"Okay… And we're here!" said Walt pushing the wheelchair by his door.

"Great… I think I was starting to asphyxiate." Mumbled Sydney thru her breasts. Walt laughed as he got the door, only to realize they had a new problem. He looked down at the bulgy belly in the chair.

"Okay… almost there… And… just a little more…" panted Walt sometime later. Sydney was now standing & wedged into the doorway. Someone down the hall shouted no moving after 7:00 but Walt only shrugged sorry. As Walt pushed, he could feel the hinges of his door weaken. "C'mon!" he said pushing a little harder. Sydney let out a ' light 'Oooophhh' & suddenly the hinges gave way & Sydney fell onto her massive belly, the doorway falling in around her. "Oh! God! I'm so sorry!" pleaded Walt. "Are you okay?"

"You know…?" asked Sydney, tilting her head up on one hand & tapping the floor with the fingernails of the other. "I'm beginning to think that this was all a bad idea."

After Walt had fixed the door, he walked back into his dorm, Sydney sitting with her belly, taking up an entire couch. "So what's the deal?" she asked taking a sip of milk from right out of the carton. Walt strolled up in front of her.

"I have something to tell you…" he said leerily. "Something that might upset you…"

"What?" she asked a little annoyed by the prospect.

"Well… this whole preggo thing… every girl on campus… I… I…"

"What? Spit it out!" she said.

"I dumped this special chemical into the cafeteria's food that made all the girls on campus very fertile & very horny! That's why they all got pregnant…… like this."

"You did this?" said Sydney, with a tear in her eye but a growl in her voice.

"I'm sorry… I… I…" there was a long silence.

"I have to report you!" she said with a pout. "But…" She went thru a heavy mental turmoil as she rubbed her belly. Technically, she thought, Walt was these babies' father. He was a father to all the babies on campus without even having to take his pants off. "Wow!" said Sydney, wiping a tear from her eye. There was another minute of awkward silence. "Well if you are the bio-chem genius you say you are… make me something that will keep me this way!" she shouted with a smile.

"What?" screamed Walt, not expecting that one.

"You heard me! You know it's been my dream to be like this… I had a lot of fun with you tonight getting here! I love being this big! I mean I don't want to be a bitch & blackmail you… but I'll report you if you don't…"

"I was working on one for you!" Said Walt in a coincidental matter.

"Oh great! Were you just going to slip it to me like the first time?" said Sydney angrily. "I'm sorry." She whimpered.

"Don't be… I was going to tell you… but I didn't know if the second serum would be safe!" he said, sitting down next to her on the arm of the couch.

"Listen… the last month! It's been hell! I mean I know it's selfish but all I can think about is delivering these babies & going back down to my natural size! I hate that size! I don't care what the danger is. Give me that serum." she smiled with tears rolling down her cheek.

"I don't want anything to happen to you." Smiled Walt.
"It'll be okay!" smiled Sydney back to him. Sydney kissed him on the forehead & Walt gained the power he needed to get to work.

For almost an hour he toiled in his little mini lab, mixing & boiling different compounds, all blending them into the pink formula that was in the syringe that Brandi was injected with. He added a bit of Celeste's so her breasts would grow a little larger. And then he added a touch of the one from Veronica's, to make her little hornier. He then poured it into a Yankee's cup he'd gotten from Dairy King, knowing how Sydney hated needles. He approached her, handing her the pink, bubbling concoction.

"All I have to do…?"

"Is drink." Gulped Walt.

Sydney held it under her nose, smelling the bittersweet odor the bubbles were emitting. Suddenly, in a case of the 'now-or-never's' Sydney dumped it down her throat & swallowed. She handed him the cup back. There was a second of silence.

"Feel anything?" asked Walt.

"Nope. Not yet at least!" she smiled, pulling him closer. "You know I was only trying to bluff you into giving me the chemical! I wouldn't tattle on you! I'm glad it worked!" she laughed. "I am a little upset. I mean how could you've done that without telling anyone! But I… I lov… I… oh boy I think it's… starting… to… work!" she said with a small burp. Suddenly her hands were drawn to her belly. She began rubbing it briskly, liked she'd never rubbed it before. "Oooooooooh." She moaned, her body beginning to quiver. "Stand me… up!!!" she screamed. Walt obliged. Slowly lifting her belly up so she could get to her feet. Walt could actually feel it giggle with the beginnings of a monstrous growth. Sydney looked up at Walt with wide eyes. "uh-oh" she said under her breath. Suddenly her belly surged forward & Walt was sent flying into the far wall. Sydney's belly was just swelling from all angles as she gently rolled to the floor atop it. "Walt! It's… working!" she panted. Walt, a little dazed from being thr

"Whoa…" he said.

A few weeks later, it was graduation. All of the seniors were there, excepting their diplomas. Luckily by this time, all of the senior preggos had gave birth. As a matter of fact, almost every girl on campus had delivered. Walt looked around, taking the funny sight of over a thousand screaming newborns in carriages as their mothers' accepted their diplomas. The average number of babies born came out to be something around 46. Walt never expected those types of results, in humans anyway. He took one last look around. What a Kodak moment, he thought walking back. He was disappointed he didn't see a few of the faces he wanted to. Like Veronica. It was rumored that after unenrolling from the school, her parents got the best doctors money could buy, all living with her in their summer home. People were saying that she delivered about 48 pudgy little bundles of joy. Celeste, it was rumored, was living at a farm. Originally, after having to use a breast pump to get the milk out of her massive tits, she began prod

"Honey! I'm home!" he laughed, looking around. It looked empty b/c of everything being in jackets.

"How… was it?" a kind voice asked from another room.

"You should have seen it! It was hilarious! They must have pulled people in off the street, just to hold carriages & stuff! There were literally a couple thousand screaming newborns!" laughed Walt walking around the corner of his dorm.

"I could see it." sighed Sydney. She laid there, her belly making her literally, the size of a minivan! She was tilted slightly downward, lying on her belly & large, milk-leaking breasts, the TV on to keep her semi occupied. "Ooooooooooh!" she said with a small jiggle. "Growth spurt… that's four this half hour." She laughed eating a potato chip. Some might think of her existence like this as a wasted one, but to Sydney, it was her dream come true. She'd lay there naked all day on her enormous, taut belly, Walt waiting on her hand & foot. He was also the perfect relief as well, seeing just how insatiably horny she was because of weird preggo hormones. "You know what though. I'm really horny! Can you… ?" she looked up at Walt in a sweaty, flushed smile.

"But of course!" he laughed, walking around the side of her & unzipping his pants. He laughed as he climbed up behind her, spreading his arms around as much of her as he could & preparing to fuck her senseless.

"It's good to be the Geek!"


Walt sold his formula to a major pharmaceutical company. They were intrigued by its effects. The potential to make an infertile woman a baby-making machine! It caught on quickly & after a short testing period, the formula was released for the general public. Walt made his first billion in a month & a half! This college kid, this geek started his own little Forbes 500 bio-research company, Geek Bio-Chem! It was sort of like Yahoo, a company named after its original founders, or in this case, founder. Shortly thereafter, he & Sydney married. Walt looked almost like a normal human being in his tuxedo, Sydney in a custom made bridal gown to hold her massive pregnant tummy, brought down the aisle with a cart strategically hidden under her dress. Walt had became so rich, he actually bought the island in the Caribbean that they went on for their honeymoon. Actually it cost less then airlifting Sydney back home. So they stayed, building a large estate on the island, Walt relocating h

"Hello, Geek Bio-Chemicals?" a polite voice asked.

"Honey, It's me!" said Walt, no longer the unnoticed geek he once was but now a young, successful business… geek. "I'm on my way home now, the flight's in a half hour. Everything went great!"

"Awesome! Congradulations on another successful sale!" she smirked playfully. "I can't wait for you to get back!" she smiled, lying on her belly in their office sunroom. "I feel up for a swim tonight! Would you be interested?" She'd become Walt's business manager, far too big to do anything else! With a laptop on her about-the-size-of-a-belly-with-triplets-in-their-own-right breasts & a cell phone resting on her massive belly next to her, she'd cut & settle all of Geek Bio-Chem's deals. Amazingly, despite all the business they had, she still found time to paint, though it was a bit difficult from her lying position. She got used to it fast & produced all the works that hung around the house, even making a few large sales of her own.

"A swim…?" smiled Walt on the other end. "That'd be great! See you soon!" They kissed & hung up. Walt sighed & snickered. He looked up at the crowd in the international airport. His drug, a world wide phenomenon, was now as universal as Television, Radio, or even the net! Women from all walks of life began to waddle instead, massive bellies growing outward & from all sides of their bodies! He looked up, seeing just about every woman of childbearing age pregnant with at least quads! He knew it wasn't really helping the world population problem, but at least it made the world a better place in his mind! It was more common to have large families again, seeing where as each pregnancy brought about 4-6 kids into a family. Woman no longer felt big & ugly, & the state of being pregnant was beginning to become a sex symbol! In Paris, sexy new fashions came out accentuating the belly. It seemed the bigger belly a girl had the sexier she was considered. It was for these types of ae

"I'm home!" he shouted, the help escorting him in with his luggage. He made a beeline out back.

"Welcome Home!" she cheered, being just about eye-level, though lying down along the side of the pool in her specially made ultra maternity bathing suit. The two kissed as Walt leaned over her massive breasts.

"Ready?" smiled Walt.

"Very!" smiled Sydney sexily.

A few minutes later, Walt floated in the water.

"Okay, okay a little to the right!" he guided. Sydney smiled, attached to what looked like one of those crane-like devices they used for transporting sea mammals. She was gently lowered into the water, her nipples hardening to double-thumb size under her bikini top. "Perfect!" smiled Walt. The crane was brought back to the pool house & the young couple was left to themselves. The pool was the only place where Sydney could still get around on her own & it made her feel better to know she was still able to do it somehow.

"So how were the other bellies? Anyone like me?" said a pouty Sydney.

"Are you kidding me? The closest one was possibly this one lady they had on the news." Joked Walt, swimming alongside his wife. "It was funny! They made such a big deal about her, but she looked only as if she were having about a hundred or so." He said placing his hand on Sydney's tight yet soft belly. Further ultrasounds still couldn't determine just how many were inside of her. The closest estimation was at about 350 at least! So many that to extract them now would prove harmful to her. So all they could do now was sit back & watch the children grow inside her.

"Well good!" laughed Sydney. "I'm still the champion!"

"Undisputed!" Walt quipped, making Sydney laugh.

"You know…" smiled Sydney. "I don't know if I ever told you."

"Told me what?"

"Thank you!" she giggled.

"It was my pleasure!" said Walt, rolling her downward in the water to reach her beautiful face. And the two kissed as the sunset

Liked by wolverineczech (Sep 4, 2020), ThorBear450 (Nov 18, 2019), smittsterxxx006 (May 28, 2019), falloutghoul (Feb 11, 2016), teenpreggobellylover (Jan 10, 2016), longsword52 (Jan 6, 2016)
I've already read chem geek parts 1 and 2. Thank you for replying though and contributing. You wouldn't happen to know any more stories would you?
Liked by smittsterxxx006 (May 28, 2019)
i am also intrested in knowing
Here are a list of stories that I have found.

The extreme soda:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

The Huge Mermaid

Baby Borrower:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3.1
Chapter 4

Expecting to be Expecting:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

From Barren to Bounty

Bursting with children (Warning contains bursting)

The Last Fertile Woman

Only the beginning

Family Assistance (warning contains bursting)

Spontaneous Propagation

The New Generation

Pregnan-seein' is believin'

The Drug

Lola's Pregnancy Predicament

A fertile Outcome

Growth fantastic (Has multiple expansion elements among pregnancy)

Poppin' Momma

Just a little bigger

The Preg-Transferer

All fictional caracters depicted in these stories are of legal age.
Liked by 11 members: donsenor (Oct 7, 2023), fiko515 (Jan 25, 2023), vanessarodriguez (Jan 25, 2022), xxx22xxx (May 18, 2021), wolverineczech (Mar 13, 2021), ThorBear450 (Nov 18, 2019), (Mar 30, 2016), falloutghoul (Feb 11, 2016), longsword52 (Jan 10, 2016), deux_anges (Jan 8, 2016), Byzantium (Jan 7, 2016)
whoa! Thank you for all the stories, I see a few I haven't read. Thank you again!
link to baby factory does not work
(January 7, 2016, 11:12 pm)sheas link to baby factory does not work

Looks like the server was taken down, here is the story itself, a little bit extreme maybe, not your vanilla story.

Baby Factory

Darla jumped for joy at the positive test result. Right there in front of her was the delightful little mark showing that she was finally carrying the little bundle of joy she had been trying for for several years.
Bluntly put, Darla was a slut.
A prostitute by profession, she humped as many guys as possible, as often as possible, and insisted on no condoms, ever. She had obsessed about pregnancy since going through puberty years before, but nothing ever seemed to work. Now, at last, her dream had finally come true.
To keep the money rolling in, she continued to do her job, knowing that the bigger her belly, the more she could charge the part of her clientele that got off on screwing a pregnant woman. She started to show a littler earlier than most, much to her delight, and made sure to wear anything and everything that showed off her bump.
Darla could not imagine a more wonderful life than being pregnant, screwing as many guys as she wanted whenever she wanted, and getting paid for it on top of that. Every morning she woke up full of energy, massaging her growing belly and admiring herself in the mirror before taking her daily deep enema cleansing. The sunlight found her at the beach in the tiniest bikini that was still legal, the moonlight found her with two, three, four and sometimes more men than that, all of them taking turns at whatever openings she allowed them to push into. When they tired of her, shed seek out a new group, and the fun would start all over again until a waterfall of white spunk flowed from both vagina and ass.

Bigger she grew, and she began to wonder if she were carrying twins, so she finally caved in and went to the prenatal center to get an ultrasound scan. That's when something curious was discovered.
Its an interesting medical anomaly. the nurse was saying. When a woman is pregnant, her ovulation stops and that part of the reproductive cycle ends, so that the growing fetus isn't discarded with the uterine lining every month when you bleed. But you're not doing that.
Darla looked in wonder at the images. There was one infant, almost to term, his feature perfectly formed, and behind him was a second fetus, which the nurse judged to be several months along, but conceived at a completely different time.
But what does it mean? Darla asked.
It means you need to stop having sex until both these children are safely born.
She gasped, crushed. But why
Because, said the nurse, looking at her with concern, If you're continuing to ovulate, you could end up with a half dozen babies in there before the first ones even born. Don't you remember the Octomom?
Darla did indeed remember, and had masturbated to images of that incredibly huge belly over and over on the rare nights that she couldn't find a John. The thought that she could get that big made her shudder with desire. The nurse took it as a shiver of fear.
Exactly, said the nurse. So take a breather, have these two kids safely, then we'll reassess and go from there.
Darla thanked her, waddled out of the center, and never went back again.

She could feel her babies moved inside her belly. She had been cramping a little, and the nurse said she was within a week or so of the big event, so she went home to her innocent-looking little house and called up a friend of hers who had helped other prostitutes deliver their babies safely and quietly. AS an added bonus, Venus had a wide network of business partners who knew how to find waiting couples for the unwanted children. AS much as Darla wanted to be pregnant, she had no interest in being a mom. That was someone else job.
It was painful and a little messy, but a few days later the first of her children was born. Kicks from the inside told her that the next one was doing well, despite the disruption, and the next day she was back on the job with a respectably round belly.
Now the challenge was not just to get pregnant, but to see how pregnant she could get.
The money flowed in as client after client had his way with her, sometimes alone or sometimes in groups, whichever they preferred. Either method had its pleasures, and Darla happily sucked up as much jism as she possibly could.

A few months later, she was bigger than ever, and could feel at least two moving bodies inside her womb, which stuck out like a beach ball.
Hi Venus, she said upon opening the door. Her friend admired her swollen belly and caressed the pale sphere with her big black hands, slightly jealous.
Hi girlfriend. Whats in the oven today? Are we close again?
I think so. I'm getting a little of that cramping again, and there's been a lot of shifting and kicking lately. I think its moving into position.
Great. Love it. So wheres this box you need help with?
Darla waddled to the side door and showed Venus the large box that was in the garage. The two managed to get it open, and inside was an ultrasound machine, just like at the clinic.
I was hoping you could use it on me, and we could see whats in here. she said, caressing herself. Im dying to know how many are there.
A half hour later they had moved everything to the living room and Darla reclined on the sofa, licking her lips as the hand-held scanner glided over the lube.
I'm no nurse, said Venus slowly, But I think there's at least three.
Really? Darla squealed, watching the monitor closely.
Here's the big one, head down, said her friend, running it over the biggest lump, then another, a little smaller here then a little one back here. The smallest almost looked like some kind of little animal, with paddles for hands. Another cloudy lump was off to the other side.
Whats that? Another?
I just said, Im not a nurse, said Venus squinting at the image. I guess well have to wait and see.
A week later, her second child was born, and a few months after that, the third. More examinations with the ultrasound showed that six more waited inside her, all in varying stages of development.
Almost there, she sighed dreamily. I'm trying for at least nine.
Still she continued to work nightly. It had become very difficult for her to walk the streets, and she was instantly recognizable to any cops that might drive by, so she had contracted with a downtown services house to rent the largest of the service rooms they had, big enough for a dozen men to join her at any one time.
This went perfectly for several more months, but her knees were the first thing to suffer. Getting out of bed in the morning was becoming a struggle, and as she approached 300 pounds, it was all she could do to get to the kitchen for a bowl of cereal let alone travel to her downtown workplace.
Finally, after her tenth baby slid forth easily with only a gentle push, and the machine revealed that she was, in fact, still carrying twelve more behind him, she made a decision.
Venus, she said over her impossibly immense bell, Call your brother.
The other woman's eyes widened. Are you serious? You're really going to?
Yes, Darla sighed, a blissful smile on her lips.
Venus brother was the Chief of Police, and knew exactly what his sister did for a living , because he had been intimately involved with her activities for years.
Shes really continuing? he said as he pulled out of the tiny Asian woman on the bed and wiped the spunk off his big black shaft.
Yes, isn't it amazing? She watched him, admiring his size.
Open-ended. She wants to see how big she can get.
I haven't done her yet. Maybe I can help beyond just giving you girls protection.
Venus generous lips curved into a devious smile. I'm sure shed love it.

Darla grew with every passing day, taking careful measurements of her girth and not just making personal notes, but posting it to her blog for potential clients to see. Getting from her bedroom to the living room was a Herculean effort- she would take one step, then rest, then another shuffling step, then rest, her belly seated comfortably on some pillows and sliding along the hardwood floor before her.
She had long since given up on wearing any sort of clothing, and after nearly getting stuck behind the narrow bathroom doorway several weeks before, had gotten a temporary toilet installed at one end of the living room. She grew moist at the thought of being unable to use even that any longer.
Finally, the fateful day arrived. Bed creaking underneath her, Darla attempted to hoist herself onto her feet. Attempted, but did not succeed. She was trapped there from the sheer weight and size of her impossibly immense pregnant belly. For a moment she panicked, heart racing, but then the erotic reality of the situation took over and she smiled. This was what she had worked so hard for.
Carlos! she shouted, knowing that the handsome cop was nearby on his usual shift. He strode in, shirtless, the sight of his ripped body exciting her and making her pussy twitch. Carlos, its time. Call the boys.

The pillow nest had already been constructed in the living room, and within an hour, several strong police officers were carrying her to her final resting place there. She helped position herself so that her hips were elevated at perfect fucking height, then relaxed onto cushions with a blissful sigh. In payment for their help, each of them took their turn with her, and she climaxed hard over and over, knowing that this helpless state was to be her life from now on. She would only get bigger.
She had hired a full-time male nurse who carefully monitored her heart, lungs and other systems to ensure that they could keep up with the demands being put onto them. He injected her with vitamins in the morning, and with his semen at night. Other men came to lovingly bathe and feed her and suckle from her milk-filled breasts, still others with darker fetishes took care of her elimination needs when the nurse was away.

Knowing that she was essentially helpless, Venus brother or one of the other bodyguards he'd hired watched over her constantly. Rather than pay the ad hoc harem of men in cash, they got to add to the baby batter inside her for free. It was a perfect system.
Men from all over the world were starting to show up, discreetly slipping in through the sliding glass door in the back of the house, and usually freezing in disbelief when they encountered her in the flesh.
Mein Gott said a well-hung, tall, blond German. I thought das war a fake picture on ze internet
Nothing fake about it, baby. Come closer and feel them.
Being a prisoner to her own body had become an entirely new set of erotic delights, and she now housed over three dozen growing children in various stages. With a womb the size of a love-seat, it had become impossible to determine exactly how many were inside because the ones in the middle were hidden by the ones on the outside edges. But it didn't matter, because Darla no longer cared how many there were, now she was focused on size and immobility.
The big German approached and ran his hands all over her belly, then began to feel more carefully.
Ooh, a doctor, huh? She knew that type of examining caress well. When you're done there, why don't you check the inside too?
For a moment he was puzzled, then, upon approaching the back of her, understood what she meant. Between the constant penetrations and near-constant births that came every few weeks, her vagina hung open in a permanent gape. Her hips were tilted up just enough that there was a huge pool of spunk that accumulated, like a subterranean landscape.
His mouth opened in amazement as he easily slid one of his large hands which seemed to go inside forever.
Yes. she gasped, her eyes becoming more unfocused. God that's so good! more!
He was already up to the elbow in her enlarged hole which had clearly been stretched and used constantly for years. Curious to see if he could do it, he pulled back, then as if diving into a pool, put his hands together and pushed into her. She tried to push back, but was unable to move, so simply rocked the best she could, excited that she was a slave to herself and to this stranger who could choose to do whatever he wanted with her, and she couldn't do a thing about it.
Darla suddenly cried out, juices squirting all over the mans arms as she climaxed, the disturbed pool of jism dribbling onto the floor. In an instant he was changing position and had both his hand and his shaft insider her tunnel, where he stroked himself to a shuddering conclusion deep insider her flesh.
Thank you! she gasped, feeling his spunk splash all over her cervix which drank it up as she twitched around him.
The bodyguard made sure that the German didn't forget to pony up the second half of his payment, and ushered him out as the next man came in. Without a word, the newcomer dropped his pants and guided his tip straight into her generous cervix.
Holy fuck! Darla squealed and squirmed, the bodyguard stepping forward, but she waved him off.
You wont lose a drop of my baby makers, the stranger said with a dark sniggering laugh, then proceeded to thrust. She cried out, his whole body pounding against her because of the depth required to mate with her cervix. Every thrust sent her belly rocking, the children inside kicking here and there, until soon bother Darla and the man were spasming with climax, his entire load flooding her fertile womb directly, as promised. She almost felt as through she should be paying him instead.

The cervical method proved quite popular, especially for men who didn't want to jack off inside her cavernous hole or use her ass or throat for their own pleasure. The goal, after all, was maximum impregnation, and her cervix was the tight fit most men were looking for on top of that.
Months and births came and went, her belly continuing to grow, her cervix shifting position the more it was used, so that the relapsing opening was lined up perfectly for entry. In fact, if a man did want to use her vaginally, the new hole had to be held up out of the way. Most clients, however, preferred unloading into the narrower pink pucker, knowing that every bit of what they show would ass to her impossible size.
Darla had been purchasing fertility drugs with her new-found riches, and often had sets of six, eight or more embryos forming behind the other sets. She now proudly carried nearly a hundred inside her womb, which filled the entire living room. She was not just a slave to her own body, she had moved far beyond that into being nothing more than a life support system to a one-woman baby factory.

Darla drifted in and out of sleep between clients, her life one long, dreamlike string of men and births, centered always around the constantly growing size of her womb. It was never enough. She hired workmen to tear down a few walls so that her home was nothing more than one huge room under a seemingly ordinary roof. It was always easy to hire anyone she wanted, to do anything she wanted, they would do anything they wanted to her, as long as at least one load of spunk went into her cervix.
The shape of her belly had been slowly changing, becoming more horizontal rather than perfectly round. The pull of gravity gave her flesh nowhere to go but out, so with each new impregnation, her womb grew longer, the distant end of it easily twenty feet away. Her belly button was only a vague memory.
One day she gazed at herself thoughtfully, her moving flesh filled with dozens and dozens of her children inside one elongated chamber.
Im like an insect queen, she thought to herself, liking the idea of being a queen very much. She could populate a whole town by herself, and she was treated like royalty, men from all over the world waiting on her every need, and even paying her for the privilege.
Yes. Ill do this forever, she though in a haze of pleasure as another client released his load into her cervix.

Liked by Thedeadsamurai (Feb 11, 2023), wolverineczech (Mar 13, 2021), Birth_Love (Jul 3, 2020), falloutghoul (Feb 11, 2016)
I never figured out who wrote Baby Factory. Whoever they are, I hope this isn't a one off and they'll write more.


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