ROUGH Pregnant Sex - Tempering Anna
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Hey all!

A new public story featuring a sex story with a little bit of angst. Some degredation, a little choking, maybe a slap or two!  

Below is the full story, and if you like it I'd be extremely grateful if you interacted with it on deviantart:

“She was found doing what?” my voice boomed over the tiled walls of the local facility. The watchful eyes of the police glanced over in my direction. I had to get my bearings, the last thing I wanted to deal with after hours of unpaid overtime was a bail. I leaned over the receptionist desk of the local police station. 

The chubby mustached officer looked up from the top of his monitor. “We have multiple eye witnesses that found Miss Everett in Riverside station wandering around nude from the waist up.” Silence set in as the second delivery of her actions settled into my brain. His eyes dropped back to his screen.

“According to the report she roamed around the station for approximately 15 minutes before being escorted from the station.” He finished slowly. It seemed the blank stare at the wall behind him gave me an ounce of sympathy.

“Now… She didn’t make it easy, but some of our guys are in the same boat as you. We tried to pull a few strings and we’re looking at a misdemeanor. We understand that this could be a stressful time for couples” 

My eyes snapped back to the officer . “I'm not the father.” I'd rather be caught dead than admitting that she was the mother of my child. The actual father was likely unaware of his bastard child either. 

“I'm grateful, and despite her… volatility, you have my word that she will be too.”

I passed by the other officers to the cells of the other unlucky bastards staying the night. I felt a chill in the air and the cement floors and wondered what she would be like when we finally got to her holding cell. We saw many people my age, undergrads or soon to be, stuck behind after making mistakes of various sizes, and, there she was. 

As she stood up her denim shorts caught between her ass and drew the shape of her crotch in their tightness. Her thighs bursted from between each leg of her shorts. If her continually growing curves weren’t enough to pop the button of her apple bottom jeans it was her belly. For the last 8 months I watched as two lines on a pregnancy test she took on my bathroom counter slowly made her stomach balloon to outstanding proportions.

Her stomach sat low between her hips, like one edge of a watermelon was sliced then taped to her abs. It pushed the open zipper forward to reveal a missing button and she was haphazardly covered with a shirt I had never seen in her wardrobe. The shirt would have been large enough to bunch up towards her inner thighs but they were tented through by her stomach. She glared at the officer before her scowl dropped and her eyes grew wide as I came into her sight.

“Heyy Rich…” she waved with one cuff still attached to her bench. Her stomach would have hit the bars before her limited reach did. In the matter of a few weeks her body was well into its transformation into a mother. 


“Don’t say anything.” I cut her off, massaging my temples. After a moment of silence I looked back up at her and took a deep sigh. “I’m taking you home.” 
Anna unfurled the paper wrapping on her double stacked cheeseburger with vigor before digging her face into the fluffy buns. Her face emerged from a mess of condiments that she washed down with her soda. 

“Sooo, I was wearing that super high crop top. You remember the one right? The one I wore to that one St. Patrick's party?”

“Mhm…” I replied lethargically. frilly affair that rode low on one of her shoulders, last time worn to reveal her spaghetti strapped bra underneath it. I could see she wasn’t far removed from living out at frat houses on weeknights.

“Yeah! The one that got really transparent! It would’ve been so hot if i showed up to the rave in that with no bra. And! Since I’m not drinking I totally would have dumped water on myself and see who ended up staring!” I would have praised this behavior just months ago.

“But my tits are getting sooo fucking huge! A train passed by and blew the whole thing off over my head. I was looking for it, and the next thing you know, I was getting arrested.” She slovenly reached her hand into the back seat and attempted to pull more food out of the bag.

“Not in the car.” I muttered, swatting her hand away from the salted fries. 

She beat my hands that were focussed on the wheel, and stuffed a fistful of fries in her mouth, the golden crumbs. “Mmf-... No!” she was muffled with a mouthful of food. She rolled up her lost-and-found tee over her stomach and revealed herself to me. “Girls gotta eat!” she was the absolute worst, it wasn’t like I’d ever stopped her before, though.

“They say I flashed the whole train, but that couldn’t have been true, I was cupping my chest the whole time! It was totes nothing to get arrested over!” Couldn’t say I disagreed. Knowing Anna’s pension to escalate problems with authority she could incriminate herself even if she was completely innocent.  We had run out of times when I was there to calm her down.

“I would’ve gotten so laid! And nobody fucks like rave guys on molly!” she giggled. A glance into her eyes revealed the honesty behind that statement. And with a glance into mine she raised an eyebrow. I thought my silent judgment was a little more subtle. 

“I just thought this promiscuous behavior would’ve slowed down after you got yourself knocked up.” I sighed as I pulled into my house. I’d lectured her a thousand times before, I’d lost confidence in thinking she would ever listen. Since graduation I gave up the lifestyle that brought Anna and I together in the first place. I put my head down and got to work while she continued to party. Yet only one of us was gaining new responsibility in a matter of weeks. 

Without a second stop she found her way into my bedroom. She promptly tossed her bag of food onto my bed and threw herself onto my bed with a groan. Took off her shoes and socks and threw them to the side of my bed. “Mmmfff… Your bed’s so much better than mine” she groaned while sprawled out, it was a miracle that a woman so small could take up so much space. 

“Are you gonna get changed?” I asked throwing off my jacket, leaving me with my button up and my office pants. 

“Nuh-uh.” she shook her head. Great, I was going to have to deal with jail and subway dust on my sheets. I sat on the edge of my bed and threw myself under the sheets.

“Oh? Joining me in bed this time?” scrolling on her phone, opened up to another dating app.

“I had a long day, and I’m going to have an early morning. Move over.” Being a host was the last thing I wanted to partake in. Far past pleasantries. As I felt her start to stir gently I thought I could have a peaceful rest. The rustling came from Audible moans coming from her phone

I rolled over and found Anna with one hand down her undone pants. “Are you fucking serious?” I snapped, rising up with anger. 

“Wh-aaat? My matches have been slow lately!”

“That’s not an excuse! Stop! Now!”  

“Can’t we just jerk off in the same bed like we used to? Unless…” Willing to pass out with the lights on as most days had been ending for me. To my annoyance I head the sheets ruffle 

“You wanna take care of me, daddy?” Her voice piqued the perfect pitch to make my eye twitch. 

“Not. Happening.”

“Come onnnn. Flirt back! You used to be so fun in college. What happened to you??” Edge of my wits. Last thing I refused to deal with was her brattiness. All semblance of responsibility seemed to be lost on her. Hopeless woman. And with a furl of my brow and my clenched teeth she only got more bold with her words.

“I bet you don't even have sex anymore. Wake up, work, eat, sleep. Like a zombie!”

“Please, when are you going to get your shit together?” I growled. “You’re going to be a mother soon, for god's sake!”. She’d gotten familiar with tuning me out with pouty lips. Her eyes went back to her phone with the volume blared up.

“Anna, stop.” 

“Orr, what?” The face of her phone stayed paused on the still frame of a pregnant woman gagged and tied to a bed.

In a trance of sleep deprivation and angst I tried my hardest to quiet my agitated voice “If you're staying here you're going to do what I fucking tell you.”

Her eyes lit up a devious shade of daring. Her orbs challenged me and she had a sneer. “Make. Me.”

Before I realized what I had done she was under me. She was pinned down by her tiny wrists which left indents on my firm mattress. Tried to squirm off of my grip but her arms wouldn’t budge. I watched the smugness disappear. Her breathing began to pace, entirely powerless. She released her phone. 

On edge, from my job, from my lack of direction. Wrists were tiny and her body maintained fragility from her relative college youth. Her breath paced, and with every inhale her stomach poked into mine. From this angle, looking down her belly was fucking huge

The more control I exerted, the closer our bodies became. In just inches of movement I felt the warmth of her inner legs wrapped around my thigh.  

“Ah~!!” She gasped as I pressed a knee between her legs. Her crotch was warm and cushy. Enough weight on her thighs that her skin silkily rolled against my leg. In her twitches that lost and found tee rolled up her stomach, snowballing under her breasts. Her dark brown areolas revealed from under her shirt. Would this be what people at the rave saw? 

Anna pathetically rolled her hips to get closer to the source of her pleasure. She arched her back to gain leverage and pushed her pregnant round into me. The oversized shirt rolled up from her body. Button freed from her nipples exposing her bare chest to me. So helpless and pathetic Perked up nipples. 

“Mnnaaah!~” She was so unbelievably sensitive. How backed up was she? Naked breasts rising and falling. Her tits were heavy, their full weight rolled against my fingers. It wasn’t long until they were going to nourish her child. 

Her hips awkwardly tried to steal friction. Anna’s body was a far cry from the lithe party girl I had known just last year. She had swollen up so much to prepare her for motherhood. Her old body had done its job getting her pregnant and now operated only upon her own hedonism in the pursuit of her own pleasure. 

My tongue drew against the side of her neck before my lips caught her earlobe, a shaky sigh  and a clasp of her thighs. “You’re not… Hannhh… Gonna do shit… You never hav-Nnnggghh!” A gasp was squeezed out of her. So sensitive, changes with pregnancy? 

“You’re just-Hah… Riling me up again… You’re… Unf- not going to fuck me.” I’d never bitten on her challenge before. But now it seemed like a different story with my life and her condition. I lifted that shirt over her head, peeling away another layer for her to hide in. Her gasps were sharp and desperate, chest rose and fell with all the weight pressing into her lungs 

“Are you sure about that? You dumb slut?” 

A whimper left her lips in this fight for control that she had no chance of winning. Her heavy body betrayed her as I held her down at her wrists. Her hips were mounted by her pregnant belly and unborn baby. “You’re so fucking helpless.” 

Her body practically begged to be set free from their denim prison. She sighed as her tummy was freed and allowed to sit against her lower pelvis. She lifted her legs as I fought those tight jean shorts over her thickened thighs. She huffed with the increased effort it took to move with her heavy body. She was shaved clean between her legs, another display of her vanity and now she laid, sprawled out naked before my bed in her entirety. Anna and her unborn child within her on my bed 

Immobilized against the bed I descended over her body. I let my Laid my cock against her underbelly as I did with so many other women before. Only this time I felt my cock draw the firm outline of her round stomach riding up against her womb until I poked against her belly button which has recently popped. If this measurement from the outside of her lower stomach was any indicator to where I would end up I would be knocking at the entrance of her womb. The warmth of Anna's body, another person. Layer of thin skin was her baby. Delicate and fragile little life inside of her

Anna's mouth hung open. Took deep breaths of anticipation upon feeling my cock. “Holy fuck, you’re gigantic!” Cocked my head and got close to her. As if she wasn’t there to hear each other's hookups from the thin walls of frat houses. 

“No shit.”

“Rich, it's as big as the baby! It’s not going to fit.” Despite her pleas there was excitement in her voice, the corner of her lips curling with her pacened breath.  

“Shouldn't you be getting ready for that?” She seemed enticed by the prospect of taking me being as strenuous as childbirth. The grotesque interest in her belly manifested itself with a gentle stroke against her stomach. Her skin was tight and her round belly was resisted with a firm delicacy. I could feel a pulse and a gentle stir within her, reminding me that what was peacefully residing inside Anna was alive. 

“You're gonna tear me apart-ooouuu-aaaaaaaaaa!” her eyes rolled into the back of her head as I pressed my large head under her swollen sensitive hood. Anna was left illiterate by dragging myself across her slit, lubing myself to enter. Her thighs spread herself wide, her vulva bloomed out for me, begging for me to plunge into her pregnant pussy, and with a press of my hips, I pushed into her. 

“N-NYuuuuggggHhhhh!!!” she cried as her plush folds opened for me. I let a long gasp leave my lips as a tingly wave washed over my body from her warm cunt. My temporary celibacy was ended by my careless friend. No inhibitions nor anxiety that came from fucking a woman raw, she wore her consequences heavily from under her ribs. Her irresponsibility was rubbing off on me… 

“What? Is it too much?” for the first time since penetrating her Anna's eyes opened. Her lashes flapped Like little wings, her pouty face revealed even with the tears in her eyes 

“I know you're better than this.” I grabbed her face with my hands. Her big beady eyes that I wanted to fuck into submission. One hand squeezed both of her soft cheeks and made sure she was paying attention. “Take. It.”

Her eyelashes fluttered and her body relaxed. Her breath paced to an anxious submission though she held her legs wide open and spread her legs for me to push my hips further. 

“Hee… hee… hoo… hee… hee-hoooooooo” her deep, sharp exhales heaved her body up and down while she was pinned against the couch. She gripped against the cushion behind her head and looked down to her pelvis as her chest rose and fell. She was using lamaze technique from Hollywood movies. Looked so pretty when she struggled to take me inside of her. Anna bit her lips with a scowl. Pushed through until I hit rigid walls with my tip. 

It was unlike any missionary I’ve ever had before. Tight and soft, the deeper I pushed into her the more her insides constricted around me. Took her into the base of my hips and I pressed against her stomach. First time I ever touched her pregnant stomach, equal parts alluring and bizarre. I only wanted to feel her more.

“Fu-fuhhhhhck” she whined down my entire length. Pouty face squirming against my cock. yelped when I began to move, finding every limb of her body to clasp to a piece of me. She clung to me with every movement. She kept her legs open for me. 

“It’s tearing me apart!” Anna moaned and squirmed, mounted pathetically by the weight of her womb. My hands traveled down her side, reading the shape of her torso and her hips and all of the space in between. 

My hands fit perfectly around the ridges of her hips as I comfortably pushed into her walls. Grabbed her by her slutty little waist and grinded as far as I could. The head of my dick rolled against rigid muscles and a roundness that sat deep within her hips. “It’s-hah-hitting… Unf… -!” She moaned between clenched teeth and gasped between every thrust. Her belly bounced with its own laws of physics. A whole new life she was nurturing inside of her body, feeling all of the forces of me thrusting into their mother. Feeling all of the sensations Anna felt her poor baby couldn't be treated separately from their mothers carnal desires. 

I could feel the tension in my body melt into passion while I fucked her. How much my stress disappeared while her body shook underneath me. All of the stress life had caused me, all of these impromptu visits from Anna. Her raw, tight cunt. Nothing else mattered, I could take it out on Anna. Her pregnant body was nothing more than a cock sleeve.

“Nngggh, fuck!” I moaned deep into my throat. Suddenly body squished her. Felt her hard, round stomach flattening between us. Taut layers of her uterus pulled tight, the infant’s little limbs flatten inside of her. I hit her delicate stomach with every thrust, stirring her child from the inside and out. 

Without a second thought I wound up and snapped her head sideways with a powerful slap. “Annnhhh~” she whimpered as her hips shot up. Redness started to inflame against her cheek. She choked against her moans when I thrusted my entire length back into her, plunging against her belly

“Why did you do that??” I growled at her face. “Are you trying to hurt your fucking kid??” I could feel her heart race inside of her. Anna’s belly bobbed up and down with her heavy breaths in fear.

“It feelsh good when you hurt me.”

“Sick bitch…” I replied. My response drew a smile I’d never seen from her. Her moans echoed against the walls of my home. Dirty masochist. I just hoped the baby wouldn’t feel the pain I was going to inflict on their sick mother before their birth


“I'm- Hah… Sorreh- Anh~... F-for being a bad mommy.”

 Pleash hurt meh more.”

I lifted her legs into the air, caught her ankles and planted them against the couch over her head. In Anna's current condition her flexibility was impressive. Gravity weighed on her body spectacularly as I mounted her. Breasts rolled into her collarbones. Belly turned upside down as I mounted her The weight of her round midsection following the extreme position. 

“Yesh-yes-yes-yes-yes!” she vocalized with eyes flirting with the back of her head. 

“My bellegh Is ghoing into my lungs!” She strained. Mouth hung wide open trying her best to take air into her lungs. She held her stomach, the first time I had seen her lovingly caress her bump to soothe her unborn child. Her breaths shortened in a desperate attempt to take more oxygen into her needy body, for herself and her baby. With every thrust I sent her uterus directly into her ribs and watched her 

“Glikch-” took the sides of her tiny neck. I could feel her arteries against my fingers. Her pulse in my hands. Her body recoiled in pleasure. Given the choice between fucking and breathing she refused to fight my grip, only looking to me with a wicked smile as tears filled her eyes.

The more I strangled Anna the wider she hung her legs open and the tighter she got. Her baby rampaged inside of her. Her cheeks started to turn purple. The sturdy bed frame beneath us trembled at the force. “D-on't- dun-haaaa!” The last of her breath escaped like bagpipes. The words that would leave her lips betrayed her body's instincts for air  “Don’t sTOOPP!”

With my wild thrusts I plunged into her expecting body. Her slides became thick and creamy as she came with all of her consciousness against me. Wet enough for me to worry if she broke her water against my dick. She pushed her hips deep into mine, her entire body losing control as it chased to pleasure her body. It was a horror scene as her hips twitched out of control and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

From my clenched fingers around her neck I felt her gurgle fight through. Her desperate gasps fought against her throat as her last breath of consciousness left with the violent groans of her orgasm

My moans I kept my hands clasped around her neck as I came, milking myself into her pussy. Every shot of cum inside made her unconscious body twitch. I pictured all of the semen being released against the entrance of her cervix.

Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Bubbly saliva leaking at the corners of her mouth and out of her nostrils. I released my grip, and as I saw her head fall limp with her eyes open I came to my senses. “S-shit, Anna? Are you okay?” An eternity passed in eerie silence until her chest rose dramatically with a heave. Her belly moved and contorted as if the child inside begged to be born after all of the abuse in their protective home. 

She was unresponsive with a weak smile behind her glassy eyes. In a moment, the exhaustion of the previous day caught up to me, and I passed out on my bed right next to her, watching my cum leak from between her wide open thighs.

When I woke up the next morning Anna was gone from my bed, leaving the damp puddle against my sheets. At the end of my hallway the lights were on with the shower running. As I checked on my phone I was already running late for work. I had no time to check in on her before I rushed to the office.

In the middle of my mundane day she wouldn’t leave my mind. I pictured every single outcome that would happen to our relationship from the night before. 

‘Hey Loser, I bet you're having a SHITTY day at work’

Three bubbles popped under her message

A picture of her in nothing but one of my hoodies, the mark of my fingers against her tiny throat that she pointed towards. Her midsection and chest were open with the undone zipper, the parted sides of my sweater covered her chest. Midriff remained open and left her stomach for me to see.

Three bubbles remained under the picture. 

‘Take it out on me again when you're done <3’
Liked by 11 members: WhatAreThose21 (Jun 3, 2024), EmptyHusk (May 29, 2024), infinitegest (May 28, 2024), SithMeister (May 28, 2024), Hunn2020 (May 28, 2024), bigboy23 (May 28, 2024), hughman (May 28, 2024), B17geek98 (May 28, 2024), Preggolvr12590 (May 27, 2024), Feunski (May 27, 2024), jin1976 (May 27, 2024)
Love it! My type of stories.
Liked by B17geek98 (May 29, 2024), 1987 (May 28, 2024)

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