Pregnant at College
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This is my first story. It's about a girl who goes to college, gets pregnant, and starts gaining weight. Feel free to leave me any feedback.

     200 pounds… the scale read. 
     It felt like a lot. It certainly looked like a lot too, especially on her 5’0 frame. As she stared herself up and down in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself. Looking back at her was a girl with a rounded, chubby face and a double chin. The girl had chubby, sausage-like arms without a hint of muscle tone or definition. She had a huge round belly and a muffin top, giant, swollen breasts, and thick thighs that rubbed against each other. When she turned around, she saw her wide hips and giant, pillowy ass. 
     The girl looking back at her in the mirror was foreign to Lex, who, 9 months earlier, had arrived on campus at a svelte 98 pounds. 
     Lex had a pretty face with sharp cheekbones and a sharp jawline and beautiful brown hair that fell to her shoulders. She had beautiful olive-colored skin that gave her a nice tan year-round. Her body had been shaped by her years of tennis throughout middle school and high school. She had pert B-cup breasts, toned abs, and a flat stomach. Her ass was nice and toned, but nothing to write home about. 
     Lex couldn’t believe how far this had gone. This wasn’t supposed to happen to her of all people. She was the good, Christian girl. She was going to wait until marriage. She wasn’t supposed to get pregnant after her first college party. 
9 Months Earlier… 
     Lex was slumped over the edge of her bed, wondering how she could have gotten herself into this predicament. Just a week before she had finally arrived at her dream school, a devout Catholic university where she would be able to surround herself with other like-minded students. The religious community around her at home had never been as serious as she had hoped, so Lex was excited to meet other people as into religion as she was. The problems started when she went to her first college party. 
     Lex had never even had so much as a sip of alcohol in high school, so when she went to her first college party with her new friends, she quickly became heavily impaired and was taken advantage of by some seedy guy. When she awoke the next morning in the guy’s bed, she felt nothing but shame and the effects of her partying the night before. Lex hadn’t even planned on losing her virginity or coming anywhere close to losing it before she had gotten married but all it had taken her was one college party to make a horrible decision. 
     She dealt with her rough hangover that morning and once she finally felt better, she headed off to the dining hall for breakfast, vowing to put her poor decision-making behind her. However, curiously, her nausea and sickness did not go away. Even a week after the party, Lex was still vomiting constantly and felt nauseous. Her problem came to a head when another week later, realized she missed her period. So, Lex glumly snuck down to the campus pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test. 
     Her worst fears were confirmed when she looked at the results of the test, “Pregnant!” wailed Lex, “I can’t be!” This isn’t happening. This isn’t happening. Lex thought to herself. This could not be happening to her. She was the church-going girl, the girl who was waiting ‘till marriage. She couldn’t be the one who got pregnant during college. 
     Lex knew that she could never get an abortion, and she knew that she wasn’t ready to take care of a baby, so she planned to have the baby and give it up for adoption. When Lex tearfully called her parents and broke the bad news, they all but disowned her, expressing how disappointed they were in her. Lex tearfully listened to them on the other end and knew that they were right; this wasn’t the little girl that they had raised. Then, Lex had to break the news to her new friends. This did not go well as her religious, conservative friends quickly betrayed her and spread the news all around campus. Being a religious, conservative school, Lex had been effectively shunned by the student body. Pregnant and alone in a foreign place, Lex quickly fell into a depressed state. 
     However, Lex began to find refuge in food. She had never been a big eater before, always making sure to watch her weight and what she ate to stay in good shape for tennis, but now that she was pregnant, she felt freer. Lex started indulging herself a little bit more at mealtimes, eating more unhealthy food and even adding some desserts. It wasn’t much at first – perhaps two slices of pizza instead of one or maybe adding a brownie or a cookie to her meal. Lex was eager to sample the kinds of foods that she had avoided during her athletic career. Her meals slowly shifted away from salads and other healthier options to more filling meals like burgers or pizzas. 
     Soon, it was time for Lex’s first check-up. She made her way to the OB-GYN’s for her first appointment and met her new Doctor, Dr. Millen. 
     “So,” Dr. Millen started, “As this is your first visit, Lex, I’ll you how things work here. I’ll be seeing you every month for your first five months or so and then more frequently as you get closer to birth.” 
     “Okay,” replied Lex, “That sounds good so far.” 
     “Now, since you are quite young to be a mother,” Dr. Millen said, “Do you have any questions you’d like to ask me?”
     “Thank you, doctor. I was wondering how much weight you expect me to gain,” Lex said, maybe a little excitedly. “Well, for a girl of your slight stature, a healthy range is 35-40 pounds,” Dr. Millen said. “Wow, that much?” Lex replied, with a curious glint in her eyes. “That may seem like a lot, Lex,” Dr. Millen said. “But it doesn’t mean you have free range to turn into a cow, eating whenever you like. Most of the weight will come naturally,” he continued sternly, “Now, I’ll see you in another month. Good luck, Lex” 
1 Month Later… 
     Lex stood in front of her mirror, looking at her reflection, after coming back from her second appointment with Dr. Millen. The doctor was pleased with Lex’s progress so far, but cautiously warned her to watch her weight gain, noting that she already gained 11 pounds in 2 months, putting her a little bit ahead of where she should be. Lex wasn’t showing yet, but she could notice some slight changes to her body. Her abs had lost their definition, and her belly wasn’t quite flat anymore. Her body felt a little softer, and she could feel that ever boobs had gotten ever so slightly bigger. 
     Lex stopped holding herself back at mealtime. Her new appetite was nowhere near enormous, but it was an improvement from how little she used to eat. Dessert had gone from a once-a-week luxury to a once a meal luxury, as Lex made sure to have a brownie or a cookie with every meal. 
2 Months Later… 
     “Mmmph,” Lex let out a small grunt as she worked her way through her lunch. She had already eaten her main course of a greasy burger and two slices of pizza and was trying to get through the sundae she had created for herself. As Lex maneuvered her spoon with one hand, her other hand stealthily moved below the table where she undid the button on her pants giving her belly some room to breathe. 
     “Ahhh,” Lex said contentedly once she had finished her meal, rubbing her hand on her slightly bloated belly. “That really hit the spot,” she said. Once Lex had cleaned up her food and redid the button on her pants, she headed towards the doctor’s office. 
     “124 pounds,” Dr. Millen said. “Lex, you really need to start watching your weight gain. You’ve already gained 26 pounds, and you’re only 4 months pregnant. You’re on pace to gain over 50 pounds through the course of your pregnancy.” 
     “I’m sorry, Doctor,” Lex said. “I just feel so much hungrier lately,” she continued as she caressed her rounded bump. 
     “Now, Lex,” the doctor replied, “It’s nothing too concerning. You and your baby are still in perfect health, but it’s just something you need to watch out for.” 
     Once Lex had returned to her dorm, she looked at her reflection in the mirror, admiring the changes pregnancy had made to her body. She finally had a baby bump, as her belly curved out past her boobs. Her hips had also widened to make room for the belly, and, to her pleasant surprise, her butt had even started to gain some curve to it. Her old bras no longer fit anymore, as she had moved up to a C-cup. 
     Lex awoke early one morning in the fourth month of pregnancy and immediately felt the emptiness in her stomach. She slowly rose from her bed, feeling her extra weight, and went to her dresser to put on some clothes. Lex picked out an old white tank top and a pair of comfy leggings and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. Her white tank top was now skin-tight, flattering her new form, showing off her increased cleavage and the curve of her belly. Her tight black leggings hugged her widening hips and growing ass. Lex was starving by the time she got to the dining hall, and the enticing aromas of all the freshly made food did nothing to satisfy her growling stomach. First, she headed over to the omelet station piling a heavy omelet onto her plate. Then she continued over to the pancake station, dropping a thick flapjack onto another plate and dousing it in a heavy layer of maple syrup. Finally, she headed over to the waffle maker, where she took out two waffles and spread thick layers of Nutella and peanut butter over them. Lex topped off her breakfast with a tall glass of whole milk. 
     Lex sat down in a booth, plopped down her three heavy plates, and dug in. Lex tore through her big breakfast like a machine, going into a trance. Her skintight white tank top began riding up, revealing a sliver of her belly. When Lex had finally completed her massive meal, she surveyed the damage it had done to her. Her tank top barely reached past her belly button, and she felt impossibly full. “Oh my god, how did I eat that much?” Lex whispered shocked. “Here I am gorging myself like a pig, with my belly out for everyone to see,” she said, shame washing over her. “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean that I can suddenly turn into a cow,” she admonished herself.
Liked by fiko515 (Oct 16, 2021), bumpbaker (Oct 16, 2021), bigboy23 (Oct 15, 2021), Swaggyt1923 (Oct 14, 2021), rubenger (Oct 14, 2021), awakenedhero (Oct 13, 2021)
Intruging. Excitrd to see more
Liked by kocim12345 (Oct 13, 2021)
(October 13, 2021, 7:08 pm)Theguyinahat Intruging. Excitrd to see more
Thanks! Part 2 should be out soon.
Here's Part 2!

1 month later…
    Over the next month, Lex resolved to keep her appetite in check,  but that was easier said than done. Lex was a growing girl, and she found it impossible to say no to her hunger all the time. Sometimes, she  just had to give in.
    It was the day of her 5-month pregnancy check-up, and Lex had  just finished up class for the day. “I’ve been eating better recently, so  why don’t I treat myself to some Chick-Fil-A before my doctor’s  appointment?” She thought to herself.
    “Hi, how may I help you today?” the worker greeted Lex, cheerily.
    “Hi, can I have 2 chicken sandwiches, the 8-piece nuggets, and a  large vanilla milkshake, please,” Lex asked, rubbing her belly, “I’m  treating myself, today.”
    Once she had been served her food, Lex sat down and went  straight to business. She quickly finished her nuggets and started going  to work on her sandwiches. However, trouble struck midway through  her second chicken sandwich. Lex’s tight purple blouse had already been  in trouble before her big meal, stretched tightly over her belly, but the  calorie-laden fast food was too much for it to handle.
    Lex momentarily looked away from her food and saw that her  bottom button had shot off while she had been stuffing herself, revealing  a large amount of her bare belly.
    I can’t believe it. I’ve let it happen to myself again! Lex wailed to  herself. It’s too late now, though. I don’t have time to go back to my  room before my appointment, so I’m just going to have to walk into Dr.  Millen’s office looking like the butterball I’ve turned myself into.
    “135 pounds!” Dr. Millen said furiously, “Lex, what I have said  about watching your weight? You’ve already hit your weight limit, and  you’re only 5 months pregnant. You’re going to be obese by the time  you give birth if you’re not careful!”
    “I’m so sorry, Doctor,” Lex sniffed, tears streaming down her face.  “I don’t know what’s come over me lately. It’s like I’m always hungry.” “Well, you just need to learn a little self-control,” the doctor said  firmly, “Look at yourself. You must’ve pigged out on your way here.  Your belly is sticking out through your blouse!”
    “I just got too carried away, Doc,” Lex mumbled, “I promise I’ll  do much better from now on.”
    “Good,” Dr. Millen responded, “From now own you’re to go on a  diet.”
    “I promise, you Dr. Millen. I’ll do much better from now on,” Lex  said tearfully.
2 Weeks Later…
    Lex became miserable over the next 2 weeks. Since her pregnancy  had begun, Lex had been subconsciously taking out all her negative  feelings on her food. With her diet restricted, she had nothing to relieve  these negative emotions. As she got more and more pregnant, Lex had  also become increasingly isolated from her classmates and found herself  feeling more alone than ever. To top it off, Lex had been struggling in  classes. With all the emotions and hormones from her pregnancy, she  found it impossible to concentrate in class and her grades started  slipping, sending her into a further depressed state.
    One day it became too much for Lex to handle. She was sitting in  Biology class, waiting for the results of her midterm to be handed out.  She channeled all her energy into studying for the midterm over the past  two weeks and was desperately hoping for a good grade. At the end of  class, she got back her test and looked at the score.
    A 72!? This has to be a mistake. Lex thought, tears starting to roll  down her face. I’ve done nothing but study for the past 2 weeks and all that effort went into getting a 72. Maybe there’s some mistake.
    “Excuse me, professor?” Lex asked. “I was wondering if the grade  on my midterm was correct. I thought I had done a lot better.”
    “Let me see, real quick,” the professor responded, looking over  Lex’s exam. “I’m sorry, but everything seems to be in order here. I’m  disappointed in you Lex – I thought you were a much better student then  that.”
    “You don’t understand,” Lex replied. “I’ve put everything I had in  the last two weeks into the midterm,” she said, now sobbing.
    With that, Lex rushed out of the classroom, heading for the dining  hall as fast as she could (Well, as fast as a growing pregnant girl could). Without thinking, Lex piled plate after plate high with as much comfort  food she could find. She made her way to a table in the corner of the  dining hall, far out of the way of any prying eyes, and dug in. She started  with a greasy, heavy double cheeseburger and quickly finished it off,  and then began working her way through a generous plate of Mac &  Cheese. As she made her way through her plate of Mac & Cheese, she felt her hoodie and jeans become tighter and tighter. Lex ignored this  feeling and started on the final portion of her first course, four massive slices of pizza. As slice after slice disappeared into her stomach, Lex  rubbed her mound with her other hand.
    After she had finished the first course of her feast, Lex moved onto  dessert, retrieving herself a handful of cookies and brownies and three  massive slices of rich, heavy chocolate cake. The cookies and brownies  went down easy enough, but her jeans were becoming perilously tight,  but Lex ignored it and went to work like a girl possessed on her first  slice of chocolate cake.
    Lex looked and saw her belly pushing through her  previously buttoned jeans, her stomach filling the space in between the  two sides. If this bothered her, she didn’t show it as she quickly went  back to town on the two remaining pieces of cake.
    Lex was in a state of euphoria as she was pounding down her  chocolate cake, putting all her negative emotions over the past few  weeks into her massive meal. As she ate her cake, she entered a trance-like state, one hand shoveling the cake into her mouth at a furious pace and  the other making lower and lower circles on her belly. Her hand continued going lower, and as she reached her last slice of cake, she was  caressing the underside of her growing tummy.
    When Lex finished her last slice of cake, she late a sound of pure  contentment, and lowered her hand further still, into her now slightly  damp panties, which snapped Lex out of her trance, as she remembered  where she was. Oh my goodness. She thought. I’ve never felt anything  like that before. 
    Once Lex had gotten back to her room, she looked in the mirror,  noticing the changes her lunch feast had made to her body. Her sharp facial features had melted a little, as an ever so slight layer of fat had softened them. Her hoodie was for more revealing than most would  think a hoodie would be, only making it past Lex’s belly button and  showing off her increasing bust. Her overly tight jeans showed off her widening hips, and when she turned around, Lex was met with a  rounder, fuller ass. She had never had anything that she would classify as an “ass” before, and she certainly relished this development.
    I look kind of hot. Lex said to herself. I’m starting to like the  bigger me.
    Over the next few weeks, Lex’s attitude toward her weight gain  had changed, and she started to embrace her swelling body. While she  didn’t have any feasts as big as her previous one, she started indulging  her increasing appetite at mealtimes and started to enjoy herself more.
    Since Lex didn’t have any friends at school, she started a ritual of  watching cheesy movies and stuffing herself with junk food on Friday  nights. After classes one Friday, Lex headed to the campus convenience  store and loaded up on unhealthy snacks for the night. When she got  back to her room, she slipped into her bra and panties, put the movie on,  and plopped down on the couch. Before the movie was halfway through,  Lex had already finished her bag of chips, container of Oreos, and liter  of soda. She felt herself getting fuller and fuller, but she still had to get  through her tub of ice cream. Lex ate spoonful after spoonful of  delicious, creamy ice cream, loving this new feeling of her stomach  tightening. As she neared the bottom of the tub, Lex brought her other  hand down to her panties again, brushing them aside and sticking her  two fingers in. She started eating faster and faster, increasing her tempo  as she ate. Once Lex came to her senses,  she tried to stand up, but felt weighed down by her heavy belly, so she  just crashed on the couch, falling asleep with her hands rubbing her  stuffed stomach.
A Few Weeks Later…
    Lex’s first semester was finally finished, and all she had left before  she want back home for Winter Break was her 6-month check-up with  Dr. Millen. Lex had already packed most of her clothes for home, so she  threw on a pair of scandalously tight spandex short shorts that showed  her of her thick thighs, wide hips, and full ass and a skintight bright red  tank top that showed off a generous portion of her underbelly.
    “Lex, you know the routine by now, can you step up onto the scale  for me please,” Dr. Millen said, pausing for a second to get a reading of  her new weight. “148 pounds! Lex you’ve gained 13 pounds in the last  month alone. You’ve now gained 50 during your pregnancy. What  happened to your diet?
    “Doctor, I tried your diet, but my body react poorly to it,” Lex  responded. “It only made me hungrier, so I gave in and started to indulge  myself.”
    "Lex, I’m sorry,” Dr. Millen said, “but I can no longer in good  faith have you as my patient anymore. You have blatantly disregarded  my orders for you. You’ll need to find a new doctor for the remainder of  your pregnancy.”
    “Well, I don’t want to have you as my doctor anymore, either,”  Lex replied, angrily walking out of the room.
Liked by Thebige (Oct 19, 2021), rubenger (Oct 19, 2021), grimlock79 (Oct 18, 2021), VillainX (Oct 17, 2021), pokemun (Oct 17, 2021), awakenedhero (Oct 17, 2021)
I like how this story is progressing, hopefully Christmas indulgence does even more for her.
Liked by kocim12345 (Oct 18, 2021)
(October 17, 2021, 6:41 pm)pokemun I like how this story is progressing, hopefully Christmas indulgence does even more for her.
I suspect it will  Sleepy
I like it. It's more of a weight gain story than a pregnancy story, but that's okay. Lex needs a boy friend.

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