Open Discussion
New Deviant Art is awful
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its another thing get used to and sorry dont like new site still big fan of you
(May 21, 2020, 8:48 am)sinister The new layout reminds me of browsing on my phone. I don't like it. I'd have preferred if they kept it how it was in the lead up to the new design, allowing people to pick that or stick with the original.

that's the direction websites have been going for a decade now... hamburger menus, optimized layouts for phone users.

as a desktop/laptop-only user, i resent it. but, there's nothing you can do about it. the majority of web users navigate on their phones.
(May 21, 2020, 2:39 pm)BelliusMaximus Odd thing is that the mobile app is actually easier to navigate on right now.

see my above comment...
You all think this is bad? Try the app. I have installed and uninstalled it many times over the years.

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