looking for some stories from love pregnant .com
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I know im new, I have some stuff, I may have to get with folks here to figure out a way of loading it up. I have stuff like Ruth Bl@k well... and so ATK stuff. also have a few from some older sites.

any way...

there were some stories they had that were awesome.

one in particular was about a "commune" that all had the same fetish. THey impregnated one of them while she slept. And told her body " natural" does this. And they gave her drugs to keep her from going into labor for a an extra month just so she could have like a 20 lbs kid....

if any had the love pregnant stories I looking for them.

Id really appreciate it
Would that be 'For the Good of the Commune'?
Got for it, if it's just test the filesize should be pretty small. Upload a zip of it somewhere perhaps?
Maybe I don't remember the story name.

There was also one about a spy that infiltrated an enemy hold to find missing female spy's and they all get super knocked up.

Be much obliged if some one would post them. I can try post some stuff but I need to know how to go about doing that.
I'd like to know if the second half of "Stacie part 2" was made or not. Dying to know what happens to her
(May 26, 2015, 9:25 pm)PregBellyLovR I'd like to know if the second half of "Stacie part 2" was made or not. Dying to know what happens to her

tedrotc posted that he has the 3rd installment but won't post it without the first two ...
(May 27, 2015, 4:21 am)Museca
(May 26, 2015, 9:25 pm)PregBellyLovR I'd like to know if the second half of "Stacie part 2" was made or not. Dying to know what happens to her

tedrotc posted that he has the 3rd installment but won't post it without the first two ...

OMG Thanks so much!! I did save the the first half of part 2 in my notes app but not the first Sad think he'd make an exception?
(May 24, 2015, 11:18 pm)Natas1889 Would that be 'For the Good of the Commune'?

Where can we find it? Or can you re-up it somewhere?
For the Good of the Commune
by yaten » Fri Nov 11, 2011 2:42 pm
Found this one another site.

Sister Nancy wiped her hands on her apron, turned to Emma, and asked, "Are you ready to go visit Brother Lowell, my dear?"

"Yes, Sister Nancy." Emma replied. She shut the cupboard on the last of the clean dishes and turned to grab her coat. In truth, she was slightly puzzled. Normally they had breakfast at midmorning meal with everyone else in the commune, but this morning Sister Nancy had woken her before daylight. Even having finished the meal and cleaned up, it couldn't be past 5 am.

"Uhm, Sister?"

"Yes child?"

Emma tried to think of a way to ask her question that would not offend the old woman. As a junior member of the sorcerors commune, Emma was permitted very few questions. Still, she couldn't help but be curious. "Why do I have to spend the day with Brother Lowell? I am leaving for Grendale in just another day."

The good Sister straightened her cloak and have Emma a harsh look. "It is because you are leaving tomorrow that you must see Brother Lowell today. Now," Sister Nancy stepped forward, straightened Emma's tie, and headed towards the door, "We must go. It would be a grave mistake to be late, today of all days."

Emma swallowed back her other questions and followed Sister Nancy across the land. It was a blustery, cold day, and would likely rain in he evening. She was glad that she had worn her grey traveling gear, which consisted of a grey long-sleeved knee-length dress, grey stockings, knee-high leather boots, padded gloves that reached above the elbow, and her grey hat the came up in two points like a pair of cats ears. The gear covered all but her face. A particularly cold gust of wind hit her and she used her hands to hold her hat and cloak tie in place, all while keeping up with Sister Nancy's quick gait.

It took half an hour of brisk walking to reach Brother Lowell's house. He lived near the outskirts of a commune in a solid one-story house with no particularly close neighbors. Sister Nancy led Emma up the porch, then grabbed the girl by the shoulders and looked her straight in the eye. "Now you listen to me girl. I'm going to tell you one very important thing, so pay attention! What I've brought you here for is a long tradition that is absolutely vital to the continued success of this commune. What Brother Lowell tells you to do, you will do. I've raised you to be good and obedient, and I'll not have you shame me."

Emma nodded enthusiastically, not wanting to incite the wrath of her mentor. Once Sister Nancy seemed appeased, she let go of Emma and turned to knock on the door. "Brother Lowell, it is I, Sister Nancy. I've brought Young Sister Emma to spend the day with you!"

Brisk steps could be heard in the house, and soon the door was opened by a tall man in his early thirties. He wore his hair long and tied at the nape of his neck, he wore a simple long-sleeved white shirt and brown trousers, and a pair of thin reading glasses was perched on the edge of his nose. The definition of his upper body spoke of time spent outside helping build houses and bring in crops, though he lacked the large build of a woodsman. The man, Brother Lowell, smiled easily, and Emma found herself wanting to smile back. He quickly backed up and held the door open. "It is lovely to be graced with two such fine ladies on such a day. Please come inside."

"Hrmph." Sister Nancy bowed and turned. "My presence is no longer required. I intend to return before nine in the evening, please be sure to be done with her by then.

Emma found herself put at ease by the good sisters words. Surely nothing to be nervous about could take place in just fifteen hours. Brother Lowell, however, seemed slightly troubled by the announcement. "My good sister, you are undoubtedly aware that these things cannot be fully controlled, not even with the use of sorceries such as ours. However, I will do my best to be done with your young charge by such a time."

"See to it." The good sister replied, and walked back out into the field.

"Well, my good Sister Emma, would you be so kind as to step inside?"

"Ah, of course." Emma said. She walked into the house and he shut the door behind her.

"Please leave your cloak and staff in the entryway. You won't need either today. Would you like tea?"

Emma dutifully hung up her cloak and left her sorceror's staff in the entryway. She also took off her shoes, so as to not track mud inside the impeccable house. She then sat on the creme colored chaise lounge in the living area. The good brother soon returned with a cup of tea and sat in a chair opposite her.

Brother Julian Lowell surreptitiously studied the girl while she sipped her tea. He estimated her age, slightly younger than the girls who were usually sent to him, but by the look of her body she would still do just fine for the day ahead. She was short in stature, but generously endowed with a lovely hourglass figure. Her breasts were pert, slightly larger than most girls her age, and she had wide hips but a small waist. She was also fair of face, with a light and smooth complexion. Her eyes were large and the reddish brown of mahogany wood. Her hair was thick and straight, slightly layered, and a greyish-brown that contrasted nicely with her eyes. All-in-all, it was looking to be a most pleasurable visit. A pity her mentor would not give him more time with her.

He carefully set his cup on the table and cleared his throat. "Young Sister Emma, what has the good Sister Nancy told you about our visit today?"

The girl carefully cradeled her cup in her hands and mulled over the information she had been given. Finally, she set the cup down. "I was only told that the visit had to occur today, and that what will occur is a very old tradition is important to the success of the commune. Oh, also..."

The good brother noted the pause and stifled a smile. He was sure he was going to enjoy this. "Yes, young sister?"

Emma blushed prettily, though she wasn't sure why. "Also, I was told to do everything you tell me."

Ah, an obedient girl. The last one had called him all manner of names and tried to hit him. He was going to enjoy this very much indeed.

"Tell me," he said, carefully looking away from the lovely little thing, so she wouldn't see how much he was already enjoying this, "does your Sister Nancy prize obedience most highly."

"Oh yes, she insisted that obedience was an essential attribute to a learning sorceress."

"And this kind of learning has served you well?"

Emma sat up a little straighter, and informed him proudly, "I have learned my studies quite quickly, and ambeginning my other-town training two years before most of the other young brothers and sisters."

He gave himself a mental pat on the back for being right. Outwardly, he simply slapped his hands on his knees and stood up. "Well, first things first. I need you to follow me into the dining area."

Emma got up briskly and followed him into an adjoining room. The table had been pushed against the wall, a magic circle was drawn on the floor.

"Step inside the circle." Brother Lowell instructed.

She stopped to ask a question, then thought better of it and simply stepped inside the circle. The good brother retreived his staff and chanted several words. A green light zipped over her and then the circle was quiet again.

"You can step out now."

She did so. "Wha.." she started to ask without thinking and then slapped a hand over her mouth. It was most discourteous to question an elder, especially when her direct guardian had left her in his care. Rather than take offense, he smiled easily and answered her unasked question.

"Like all good mentors, Sister Nancy had placed several protections on you, to keep you safe until such a time as you didn't have use of them anymore. For today's ceremony, they had to be removed."

That question only begged of more questions. Safe from what? She wanted to ask, but kept her mouth shut. She was beginning to have doubts again, but it would be foolish to voice such a thing.

"Stay there," he instructed. She watched in fascination as he quickly grabbed a piece of chalk, erased most of the symbols within the circle, and drew new ones in their place. She had only just begun learning the art of circle magics, and as a result the design on the floor was far too advanced for her to decipher. The good brother must truly have learned a lot to be able to carve such complex work from memory.

He finished the circle, wiped his hands off and took up his staff again. "Step back inside the circle. Don't move unless I say otherwise."

Emma nodded and quickly did so. She could feel active magic in the air, and was beginning to be very excited about what was happening. He pointed the staff directly at her and began a long chant. She could only make out several words: "take... grow... time... accelerate." She was quite proud for being able to pick out the last one. Unfortunately, it still wasn't enough for her to really get an idea of the magics he was weaving. Quite suddenly, a beam of pure magic rose from the symbols, gathered in the staff, and shot straight into her stomach. It filled her with an electrifying warmth and then vanished just as quickly.

The good brother seemed a bit worn out He leaned on his staff and panted, "Step.. step out of the circle."

She did as he told her. Brother Llowell quickly reached down and erased the symbols in the circle a second time, drawing yet another set in their place. He saw her questioning look and simply said "so I will be best prepared next time."

Having finished his task and regained his breath, he sat on the floor and studied her for a moment. "Now we are getting to the more exciting stuff." She was informed. "So, take off your clothes."

At that she did back up. "Pardon?"

He glanced at her slyly. At some point during the ceremony his hair had come loose, and several whisps clung to his cheeks most attractively. "How would the good Sister Nancy respond if she knew you had questioned an order?"

Emma paused just one second longer and quickly bent down to remove her stockings. Next she moved to the gloves only to have him interrupt her, "Leave those."

She did as he bade and reached towards the top of her head.

"And the hat." He ordered. "And the tie. Remove the rest."

She quickly reached to undo the back of her dress, blushing madely so her cheeks and shoulders flushed. So engrossed was she in her task that she didn't realize he was also removing clothes. Soon she stood completely nude except for her hat, tie, and above-elbow gloves. To preserve modesty she used one hand to cover her nethers and the other arm to cover her ample breasts as well as she was able.

"Look at me." Brother Llowell ordered. She did and immediately glanced away again. He was still wearing his long-sleeved shirt, but had removed all of his other clothes. His male organ stood large and engorged from a nest of thick dark curls. He advanced towards her. "Tell me," he said, following her as she unconsciously backed away. Soon her back hit a wall and his body was so close to her that she could feel his heat. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "What has the good sister told you of men and women? Of the conception and growth of children?"

Emma jerked so suddenly her head cracked against the wall. "The-the-the go-good sister thou-thought such subjects m-most inap-pr-pro-pro-propriate." Emma stammered.

"Ah," he slid one finger down the length of her cheek. "So she has told you nothing."

Emma shook her head, still carefully avoiding meeting his eyes or seeing his maleness below.

"Oh Emma," he laughed quietly, "You are so sweet."

The good brother was so close, she was intensely aware of just how much larger than her he was. The top of her head just barely reached his chest. He reached down between their bodies and pressed her hand solidly into her nethers, forcing her to rub herself up and down. She let out a high whine and tried to move, but he had her solidly trapped. He groaned slightly and lowered his head, sealing his lips over hers and plundering her mouth with his tongue. It was not a sharing but a claiming. Her head felt stuffed with cotton. Suddenly both his mouth and his hand were gone, and she breathed a sigh of relief, barely noticing that he had started to lower himself even further. Quickly he was on his knees in front of her. He grabbed both her wrists and held her to the wall, then efficiently licked her most feminine place. She did squeak then, which only seemed to encourage him, and soon he had her thoroughly wet. She struggled, but the good brother held her in place and soon she quit for fear of hurting herself. Once she calmed he transferred both of her wrists to one hand, and then stuck a finger inside of her. She was breathing quickly, and he continued to lick her and then inserted two fingers and then three, fluttering them and brushing the walls of her femaleness.

He looked up at her, amusement clear in his eyes, and said "Most scholars refer to it as a vagina. Similarly, the male organ is called a ****."

She had no idea what she had mumbled aloud, and was distracted by Brother Llowell fluidly moving upright. He transferred her hands to his shoulders, and having not a coherent thought to spare she grabbed on while he lifted her beneath the knees. She had the fleeting thought that it was most ridiculous to refer to a human organ by a name also used for a kind of fowl, and then his mouth was on hers again and he had speared inside her.

His mouth muffled her sharp cry or pain. It hurt awefully, and she immediately quite certain his "****" was not meant to fit there. He answered her cry with a gutteral groan and hitched her legs a little higher. Brother Llowell held his body still for just a few seconds and then began to lazily thrust his hips. Their mouths were no longer fused, both needing too much air. Instead he leaned his forehead against the wall and tucked his face into her shoulder while he continued to move in and out of her. She fisted large handfuls of his shirt and continued to gasp and whimper. Instead of stalling him it seemed to encourage him, and soon he quickened the pace and was thrusting his hips vigorously. Just as the pain was lessening he stilled and bowed his body against her. A shiver seemed to run through him, and then his **** went soft and slid out of her wetly. He lowered them both to the ground so she was sitting in his lap and petted her mahogany hair whilst regaining his breath.

Her hands were shaking awefully, and Emma set them in her lap and numbly hoped Brother Llowell didn't notice. His **** was shining and slightly covered in blood. A few moments later she also noticed a bit of blood smeared on the inside of her thigh. Hers, then. No wonder it had been so painful if he had made her bleed. The ever-present intellectual in her wondered what kind of ceremony they were doing that required not only pain but blood. He placed a hand over her abdomen and murmured "I wonder if it's taken hold yet."

She looked up at him, and so numb she was she didn't even have the presence of mind to stop herself from asking a full question. "What's taken hold? Are we creating something with this ceremony?"

The good brother seemed to be in quite a splendid mood, despite all of his exhertions, for he smiled and said "Oh, we most certainly are. But it will be some two hours before we know for sure if it's worked. In the meantime, we will heighten our chances of success if we repeat the ceremony, as you called it." He emphasized the word "ceremony", as if it amused him.

Emma twisted her fingers together. "Are you certain? There is no way to be sure sooner so a repeat is not necessary?" Rational thought was creeping back, and she was beginning to question how wise it was to ask such questions. What if he told the sister later?"

He laid on the ground and stretched before answering again. "Oh yes. Usually it would take quite a lot longer to be sure, but one of the magics I used will have sped up the process considerably."


"Oh yes," he replied, still smiling. "You seen, what we are creating here usually takes months and months to be completed, but I've accelerated the process so that what would usually take a month will instead only take half an hour." Brother Llowell frowned then, "Usually I make it so that one month occurs in exactly one hour, but with the instructions your guardian gave me I had to speed it up even more."

"So..." she said, gathering her courage one last time, "how long, exactly?"

He stared at her intently, and then shrugged his shoulders. Evidently she was amusing him greatly, though she hadn't the slightets clue why. "Our ‘creation’ should be done growing by...” he glanced at the clock on the wall, “11:30. But then there is another process that will take an indeterminable amount of time. I’ve no way of knowing how long that will take.”


“Truthfully, it is not uncommon for that part to take even longer than the time I have already secured for us but,” he paused, and raked his eyes rather obviously over her body, “I think you’ve got a good chance of making it.”

Emma again found herself blushing, and was sure it had to do with the way he was looking at her. She managed to control her tongue this time, and didn’t ask why.

“I can tell what your thinking.” He said. “It’s written all over your face. I wonder if perhaps it is not just your mentors strictness that has made you advance
Liked by HelveticaBlues (Mar 11, 2020)
so quickly, but perhaps your own inquisitiveness as well?”

She looked away shyly.

“In answer to the question you are not asking, well, basically you will be bringing our creature from one world into another. Since you have never done this before and I can only offer minimal help...” He shrugged his shoulders again.

“Oh! But surely I am not advanced enough to help with such complicated magics!” Emma exclaimed.

Brother Llowell lifted and eyebrow and laughed mightily. “I think, Young Sister Emma, that you will find that no magic will be required for that part. And that is all I can tell you about that. The rest you will find out on your own.”

Her curiousity was aroused more than ever, but she was distracted by hands settling on her hips and urging her to kneel over him. Oh yes, she remembered, we’ve to do it again.

She positioned herself as he motioned, and was soon resting with her, what had he called it, vagina, resting on top of his still-soft ****. She had expected him to want her back at the wall, but knew she had already asked far too many questions for one day, and instead restricted herself to being obedient and letting her senior sorceror lead.

“Lay your palms on your thighs.” He instructed. She did so, and one of his hands started to rub over her nipple while the other slid fingers into her femaleness-no-vagina, and his thumb brushed over something on the outside that felt rather less-than-bad. She remembered his tongue brushing over the same spot earlier, and had been ashamed at how not-bad it had felt. His thumb was a surer pressure, and his fingers inside were helped by how slick and sensitive she still was from the first time. That added to the sensation of his hands pulling at her nipples, which was both painful and oddly not, soon left her breathing unevenly and digging her fingernails over her own thighs. He increased the pressure at the base of her legs, and leaned up to pull one of her nipples into his mouth, laving it with his tongue and biting it softly with his teeth, and she was absolutely mortified when a little moan came out of her mouth that had everything to do with how good she felt. Soon he was stiff and engorged again, and when he motioned for her to lift herself over him she had no qualms about letting his **** slide in her once more.

There was only a slight pain, and everything else felt too good for it to truly matter. His hands on her hips helped set a rhythm, and soon their bodies were rolling together steadily. His hand again returned to where their bodies were joined, and he began playing with that spot that had felt so good earlier. She knew her breathing was quite uneven, but it seemed like a distant matter, not worth worrying about. The small gasps and moan issuing from her mouth were a similar matter. The rhythm was taking her somewhere, helped higher by his thumb, and then something clicked and her vision blanked whilst she was knocked senseless.

When she came to, she was slumped bonelessly on top of him while he was still moving beneath her.

Brother Llowell grinned. "Back with me, sweet Emma?"

She nodded numbly.

"Lean back."

She did as he bade. His **** was still stiff, and it slipped out of her while she settled on her back. He was quickly over and inside of her, moving his hips urgently, and soon after his body shook once again and he fell on top of her. The good brother's weight was rather more than she was used to, but he soon gained his breath and slid out of her before standing up.

"Stay exactly as you are." He ordered, and then walked out of the room. She heard running water and more footsteps, and when he returned she saw he had washed up and was once again wearing his trousers. He held a wet cloth and a long, thin cylinder in one hand, and a blanket in the other. He kneeled next to her, moved her legs up, and inserted the cylinder in her vagina. "As soon as I'm sure things are going well, you can remove that." He informed her, then he gave her the cloth. Emma gratefully wiped herself with it, as she had sweat and all other manner of fluids on herself. Once she was done he took the cloth and handed her the blanket.

"I've left your clothes folded in the entryway. You aren't to bother with them until I say so."

"Yes Brother Lowell," she replied, and speedily wrapped the blanket around herself.

The good brother led her to the bathroom, where she took the opportunity to wash herself more thoroughly. The cylinder was an uncomfortable thing rubbing her from the inside, and she would be glad once he allowed her to be rid of it. Once she was done he invited her to eat a light meal of nuts and fruit in the kitchen before directing her to the sofa.

"Since it will still be another hour at least before I will be able to tell if it has worked, I suggest you sleep. I will be in the next room."

"Will you wake me once you know?" She asked timidly.

"Oh certainly," he laughed, "If you wish it."

She nodded, once again baffled by his humor, and laid down. Her body felt tender all over, especially her breasts. She heard him leave the room, wrapped the blanket around herself more securely, and was soon asleep.

Some time later Emma felt a hand shaking her shoulder. She blinked open her eyes and saw Brother Lowell next to her. Emma yawned widely. "How long was I asleep?"

"Just over an hour." He replied. "However, I am quite sure it has worked."

"Oh, good." As pleasurable as the second encounter had been, she felt better knowing they would not needing to repeat that particular ceremony. "Does that mean I can remove...?"

"By all means."

Grabbing the blanket to be sure it wouldn't slip, she quickly went to the bathroom to remove the cylinder. She was feeling well enough, except that her breasts and her nethers were still tender, and there was a most annoying ache in her back. Once she closed the door and dropped the blanket, she immediately noticed that her stomach seemed not as flat as it had been previously. It was slightly but noticeably rounded out, and an exploration of the skin revealed it to be firm and not at all like any other, for lack of a better term, fat, she had ever encountered on a person.

Emma quickly took out the cylinder. She set it next to the washbasin, not sure if Brother Llowell would still want it or not, and then urinated and washed her hands and face. Figuring she couldn't avoid the encounter any longer, she wrapped the blanket around herself once more and returned to the living area. Suddenly, she felt a fluttering in her belly and stopped. It did not happen again and she decided it must have been her imagination.

The good brother stepped into the hallway. "Are you quite all right, Emma?"

"Oh yes," she said, and quickly returned to the living area. He had set tea and crackers at the table, and she found herself suddenly ravenous, and began eating a little more quickly than was polite. Once the plate was clear she turned to him and asked, "So, our creature?"

Brother Lowell smiled widely. "Oh, it seems quite well. I think it took the first time and is some five months along by now. I would think it will be done growing by 11:30 just as I'd hoped."

"Oh, good." She quickly finished her tea. "Also, I wanted to ask, is it normal that my stomach should be rounder?"

"Oh yes, that's to be expected. Don't let it worry you."

"But.." and then she remembered again, that she shouldn't be asking questions. "Nevermind, I'm just glad things are going well."

He finished his own tea and set it down before continuing. To her disappointment, he did not answer the question she had been intending to ask. "There is one more important thing I want for you to do for me."

"Of course, good brother, what is it?"

"If you start feeling any pains near the noonday meal, be sure to notify me immediately. This is very important. If you were to not notify me immediately, it could unnecessarily complicate everything."

She of course did not ask why she might be feeling pains, and insead only said, "Oh, of course. If such a thing happens I will let you know right away."

"Well," he said, standing and quickly taking away the teacups. "Since we've nothing to do but wait for several hours, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to help with your instruction. What is the good Sister Nancy having you focus on right now?"

Oh, well, this was rather fortuitous. "Actually, Sister Nancy just began teaching me circle magics."

"Really," Brother Lowell seemed slightly surprised. "You really must be getting into the advanced magics, then. Out of curiousity, did you recognize any of the elements from today's magic circles?"

"I was only able to make out a few letters," she admitted. "And the symbols are still completely alien to me."

Brother Lowell went to the bookshelf in the room and quickly selected a text. "Well, you really oughtn't be doing magics today anyhow. I can help you with the theory though."

Thusly he was able to occupy her for another hour. She ignored the slight cramps and flutterings in her stomach and quickly digested all he showed her in the book. However, just before 10:30 she felt a much more solid movement within her and was so startled she had to stop. She could no longer ignore just how large her stomach had grown. The movement within was quickly followed by another, and another. She placed her hands over her stomach and asked breathily, "What's that?"

"Hm?" The good brother placed his hands next to hers, and she knew he surely had to feel the movement even from he outside. "That's normal. It's good, actually."

Emma stared at him dumbly. He laughed, and this time it wasn't a kind laugh but actually a bit cruel sounding. "Emma, you boast you are so smart. Can you tell me that you have not yet figured out where our little creature is growing?"

It took a minute for it to process. "Oh," she said quietly. "Oh." And then there was a sharp jab from inside. "Oh," she gasped, this time from pain.

"Yes, it is quite a strong little creature." He sounded pleased. "Active too."

Emma curled in on herself. "How... how is it going to get out?"

"Oh, that is for me to know and you to find out." He said sweetly. "I told you, I don't think you'll have any problems. Also," he retreived her hat and put it on her head. "You dropped this earlier. Do try to keep it on."

She nodded numbly and he walked out of the room. Just less than two hours before her stomach had only looked slightly rounded, but now it looked like she had swallowed a melon. The flesh was firm and smooth, and seemed to be growing larger before her very eyes. Her breasts had also grown larger, and in fact were partially blocking the view of her stomache. They felt sensitive and heavy. The creature inside continued to move within her, and the very thought made her feel slightly sick. What kind of magics brought a creature to life through living inside another person? What kind of tradition was this?

Emma started to stand up, only to find that the continually expanding girth made it difficult to keep her balance whilst walking. She gave up after only a few steps and sat down on the chaise. She contemplated the book that Brother Llowell had left on the table, but found herself too nervous to contemplate doing much of anything at all. Instead, she continued to watch her stomach grow bigger in morbid fascination.

Brother Llowell was growing a bit frustrated. It was just past 11:30 am, and though she showed signs of acute discomfort, the girl had not yet shown any signs of pain. The Young Sister Emma had grown quite large, and looked ready to give birth any minute. He was quite glad he'd made the decision to force her to accelerate at double the usual rate. Some girls wouldn't have survived such a thing, but despite her obvious mental distress her body seemed to be handling the changes relatively well. He occupied himself by double-checking the circle, which was still perfect, and then passed the time by doing menial tasks around the house. At just a few minutes past noon he heard a high wine come from the living room. Someone was in pain, it had best be the girl. Sure enough he heard her yelling "Brother Llowell, Brother Llowell!"

A brisk walk to the room revealed Emma in all her glory. Her hands were grasping at her stomach, where the muscles clenched visibly and in rapid succession. She was quite large, obviously overdue, and he took a minute to wonder if she perhaps carried more than one "creature" inside of her. Inwardly, he chuckled at the little euphemism he had chosen, if only she knew. Her breasts were likewise engorged, the nipples darkened and large. Her eyes were wide with shock and her hair had gotten a bit limp. The gloves, tie, and hat were the only clothing she wore, and he found himself pleased with her natural obedience.

Gently, he pulled her up by the elbow and started to steer her towards the circle. She clutched at his arm and whimpered, "Brother, brother, it hurts." He shushed her soothingly and led her to the circle. She immediately hunched over her aching belly, groaning all the while, and didn't respond when he tried to pull her back up.

"Emma," he said, in his most authorative voice, "This is most important. I need for you to stand up straight and not move. Stand perfectly, as if there were a book on your head, and don't move until I say."

She sobbed quietly but did as he bade, the large mound of somach jutting impressively in front of her. He quickly began the chant and aimed his staff at her rippling midsection. Soon light had coalesced around his young charge, gathered around her abdomen, and then shot to his staff. He immediately placed the magic back into the symbols from which they had come. Such advanced magics always life him slightly out of breath, and he leaned on his staff while he composed himself.

Emma was looking at him perplexedly, her eyes round and relieved. She placed her hands on her distended abdomen and said, in wonder, "The pain stopped." Then, suddenly, a cry emerged from her as another pain gripped her abdomen and water spilled between her legs and onto the floor. The circle was ruined by the liquid, but Brother Llowell was just glad it hadn't happened before and ruined the incantation. That would have been inconvenient indeed.

"You may leave the circle now," he informed her. "I have not stopped the process, merely slowed it down to a more natural pace."

She quickly left the circle and leaned on the kitchen counter. He could see that she wanted to ask more questions, but he wasn't in the mood to answer.

"Face the counter and move your feet apart."

She did so, and he unceremoniously stuck two fingers inside of her, measuring her width. She squeaked slighly, but didn't move away. She was relatively far along, but the worst part still hadn't come yet. He quickly dried his hands on a washcloth and gave her more instructions.

"You see that hallway?" He asked, pointing towards the south end of the house. This part, unlike the rest of the house, was devoid of decorations such as rugs and wall hangings.

Emma nodded hesitantly, her hands still on her distended stomach.

"I want for you to walk up and down that hallway. You can stop to take breaths and alter your position when you are pained, but otherwise continue walking until I say otherwise. Do you understand?"

Emma nodded again.

Brother Llowell removed his glasses and made a show of his agitation by pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did the good Sister Nancy not teach you how to best address your elders?"

The threat of a report to her mentor seemed to do the trick, for Emma's eyes grew large and she immediately replied, "I understand perfectly brother. I'm to walk the length of that hall until told otherwise!"

"Good," he said, setting his glasses back on his nose. "Get to it then."

Emma was unaware of the time, only that she must have walked the length of the hall hundreds of times now, and that she couldn't see what it was bringing her except more pain. The muscles in her belly, thighs, and lower back clenched once again, and she squatted down and leaned against the wall as another pain overtook her. She did not hear the long, low groan she let out. As soon as the pain left, she once again stood up and resumed walking. Her entire body hurt, she was covered in sweat, and her back ached especially terribly from carrying around whatever creature was lodged in her abdomen.

She managed to make it to the end of the hallway before another pain overtook her, and she squatted down, not sure if she would be able to get back up. The pains were lasting nearly as long as the times without pain, and towards the end they became sharp and filled her entire being with the jagged edges of it. She could feel how the creature had dropped lower in her body, and was only more scared.

As the pain receded Emma realized that another pair of hands was low on her belly. Brother Llowell was pressing his hands against the large mound, and then stuck his fingers inside her again. He wiggled them, then withdrew them and stood up.

"Do you see that door, over there?" He wiped his fingers on a handkerchief and pointed to a closed door at the end of the hall.

She nodded and stood, knowing pain was not far off.

"Go inside and lie on the bed with your feet facing the wall."

The prospect of actually lying down was blessed. She started to walk to the door, and made it halfway there before another pain came. She had to stop, unable to move in the face of such wretchedness. Even through the pain she could hear the high edge of her own hitching whine, but didn't have the ability to stop the sound.

Finally Emma made it and sat on the bed gratefully. It was awkward, but she managed to lie across it with her feet towards the headboard, and her eyes staring at the wall.

The Brother was right behind her.

"Sit up," he said, placing several pillows behind her as she complied as best she could. He started to tell her something else, but then the pain overtook her once again and she was lost. Emma felt the creature slip deeper in her pelvis, accompanied by an increase in the pressure radiating from the center of her body. Her muscles were clenched unbearably, and she tried to accomodate, to do something about it, but in the background she could hear Brother Lowell saying "No, not yet," and instead she choked out a cry and helplessly twisted her hands in the sheets.

When the pain left her once again, she opened her eyes to see Brother Llowell leaning from the side of the bed, inspecting the area between her obscenely spread thighs. After a second he looked up and smiled.

"Things are progressing splendidly!" He informed her. She wondered if by "splendidly," he meant she was closer to death, and then wondered if it would be a bad thing. A lifetime of rearing in regards to how one spoke around elders staid her tongue, and instead she continued to pant. Talking would take too much energy anyway.

"Now Emma," he said, in the same tone a teacher uses with a willfuly disobedient student, "I know you are beginning to feel the urge to push, yes?" He waited a few seconds, and when no reply came he said, in sterner tone, "Answer me, child."

She nodded her head, and the Brother continued, "But you absolutely musn't until I say otherwise. Your body still needs to prepare a bit more for the rest of this process. In the meantime, I want you to simply breathe through the pain. Again, breathe, but don't push with your muscles. Do you understand?" She nodded again, and hardly got through the motion before the pain was on her again. Her body consisted of burning jagged edges and more unbearable pressure until it ebbed off, and she was again a girl lying on a bed.

When she opened her eyes the brother had his hands on her belly, poking and prodding. Emma didn't even have the energy to be intrigued by his actions. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out. Pain, pain pain pain PAIN PAIN! Don't push! Pant, pant. Breathe in, breathe out....

Finally, after what seemed like forever, she came up from the pain and felt the brother grasp her hands and situate them so they were gripping her thighs. She had felt the creature slide down a bit more, and was no longer sure if she could avoid pushing. However, once her hands were situated the brother looked her in the eye and said, "On the next bout of pain, I want you push for as long and as hard as you can." Emma nodded and barely had time to suck in a breath before the pain was upon her again. It was a natural instinct to push the creature out, but instead of lessening the pain and pressure it added to it. She sobbed and cried and pushed only because she couldn't not, and when the pain was over she swam to the surface of reality feeling that something was uncomfortably lodged between her hip bones, stretching the tissue and muscle beyond what she ever thought she could endure.

The brother was looking between her legs again. Then he looked up at Emma and said, "Good. Again."

And as if in response to his command, the pressure returned, and she could do nothing but obey. She gripped her thighs, curled her body forward and pushed as hard as she could, frustrated at what seemed to feel like hardly any progress and even more stretching and pressure down below.

This time the brother stuck his fingers into her again, and once he was satisfied with that, he straightened her hat and nodded. Then again, the pain came, and she curled and pushed and wailed, to no avail. This time when it stopped she took a breath and froze, suddenly overwhelmed by the feeling and surely a human body wasn't meant to expand this way, and there was no way she was going to be able to get it out. .

The pains were coming quickly now, one on top of the other with no real rest between. Emma was frustrated, gasping and crying but not actively aware of the sounds, afraid it would never be over, and overwhelmed by the feeling of pushing whatever it was, something huge and round and firm, from a space in her body that had previously only accomodated Brother Llowel's ****, and before that nothing but her own hesitant and sparse investigations with her own finger. But really, there was no room or time to think. It was all action pain and pressure and fear and no thought.

Brother Llowell was very impressed. The young sister Emma undoubtedly somehow managed to carry the child until it was quite overdue, and he was a bit disappointed he would be unable to experiment and find out if this was a natural proclivity of her body, or if the magics were responsible. He had watched quite carefully as she obediently walked the hall, and then, once he could tell she was close, when she lay down and began heaving and making all matter of sounds in her efforts to push the "creature" out of herself. the small canal between her legs had slowly but surely opened enough to accomodate the necessary girth for the delivery, and now he could see the head just a bit inside the edge of the opening. By his estimates, she had been pushing for over an hour. She was obviously wearing out, but doing better than many other girls he had worked with would have in the same circumstances. At this rate, he would have just enough time to wrap things up and have her ready when Sister Nancy arrived.

The girl moaned and curled her body forward again, and he watched in fascination as the head slid forward a bit more and the moan turned into another high-pitched cry. This time when Emma laid back, panting and trembling, he brought one of her hands around her leg and to her opening, so that her fingers touched the nearly-crowned head. "You're doing very well," he informed her, "It will be done very soon."

Rather than reassuring her, the girl seemed more distressed. "Brother, please, please," she cried softly. "Please."

She didn't elucidate, but he could guess. He had heard it all before, "Please get it out," and, "Please make it stop." He'd had some girls get so distressed he'd resorted to tying them to the bed. It was crude, but it allowed him to maintain control without using magics during a delicate part of the process. In any case, Emma had done well enough so far, he wouldn't mention her slip to her mentor. Instead, he told her, "I would if it were necessary, but it's not."

She seemed not to hear him, and curled in on herself in her distress. Then another contraction overtook her, and she stayed curled on her side, grasping at the covers and arching her body as if she could escape. Once it passed he rolled her onto her back and resituated her body. The head had finally crowned, distending the outer folds of her sex. It would be over soon indeed.

"Please, please, please," Emma chanted, "Please, please, please." Brother Llowell sat on the edge of the bed and put his hands just outside of her sex. On the next contraction Emma's eyes grew big and round. "Brother," she gasped, "brother, what," and then she cried, heaved half involuntarily, the the head slid out in one swift effort.

He looked at Emma, sweaty and grasping her thighs, her eyes open wide like a child who skinned his knee for the first time. "I did tell you that you were close to done," he said.

She was looking at him, but not really seeing him. Then she cried out again, her feet pressed hard to the bed, shoulders deep in the pillows, her body heaved a final effort, and the rest of the child slid into his hands.

The brother quickly lay the child down, cleaning his mouth out and cutting the cord. In that time Emma expelled the afterbirth, but otherwise lay flat on the bed, weak and dazed from her efforts.

Emma looked down the length of her body, covered in sweat and other fluids as it was, and saw Brother Llowell bundling up the thing she had just forced out of her body. It was simple, human, a baby. Sister Nancy had always said that when she was old enough she would know how the world worked, and until then there wasn't any point explaining. If anyone had told her she wouldn't have believed them anyway. Still, it seemed odd that before today, she had no idea such a thing was, to all appearances, a common occurrence within the commune. Another pain gripped her, firm but not as bad and before. She flailed a bit, panicked, thinking surely not again, but instead of a baby it proved to be a fleshy sack of some sort, and slid out easily enough besides.

She drifted for a bit, and was awakened by Brother Llowell tapping her on the shoulder. He pointed back out of the room and said, "Circle," in a curt, no-nonsense fashion. He wasn't holding the child. She had a distant sense that its lack should upset her, but otherwise felt nothing but her aching body.

She limped to the circle and came out dry, clean, and with fewer aches. He pointed towards the next room, where she methodically put her clothes back on. There was a knock at the door, a voice, "Brother Llowell, I hope you have her ready for me!" Ah, sister Nancy. She gathered up the rest of her things and glanced back towards him.


He shrugged his shoulders. "The population of the commune has been exactly 500 for over three centuries, everyone knows that. We have to keep the numbers stable somehow." He lazily tossed his hair out of his eyes. "Don't worry about the child. One of the sisters will be by to pick it up momentarily."

There was another knock. "Emma, come out here!"

Even after all this, she couldn't fight how she'd been raised. "Yes Sister," she said, and headed towards the door.

If nothing else, she was completely ready to leave home.
Liked by vanessarodriguez (Jan 25, 2022), braysl (Sep 29, 2015)

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