Pregnant Celebrities
Karen Gillan
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Liked by Janosobsidasia (Sep 13, 2024), toto4u (Sep 9, 2024)

Doctor Who fans already made a comparison between her real pregnancy and the fake pregnancy from that episode. Heh, in that same post, this person also asked if she's done that Behind The Scenes belly dance, yet.

Kinda hope she does lol.
Liked by 14 members: subhuman23 (Sep 19, 2024), Janosobsidasia (Sep 13, 2024), Njameson (Sep 10, 2024), Derp99 (Sep 10, 2024), Cheshire (Sep 9, 2024), toto4u (Sep 9, 2024), PreggosArePerfect (Sep 9, 2024), ohbaby (Sep 8, 2024), Joetheclone (Sep 8, 2024), Screamer812 (Sep 8, 2024), Ace719 (Sep 8, 2024), MLR44 (Sep 8, 2024), bigbellylover6929 (Sep 8, 2024), rockysoulstar (Sep 8, 2024)
Liked by 11 members: Janosobsidasia (Sep 13, 2024), hardko (Sep 13, 2024), Cheshire (Sep 9, 2024), toto4u (Sep 9, 2024), ohbaby (Sep 8, 2024), Joetheclone (Sep 8, 2024), Screamer812 (Sep 8, 2024), Ace719 (Sep 8, 2024), MLR44 (Sep 8, 2024), bigbellylover6929 (Sep 8, 2024), rockysoulstar (Sep 8, 2024)
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Liked by ilovethemall (Sep 17, 2024), Njameson (Sep 10, 2024), rockysoulstar (Sep 9, 2024), ohbaby (Sep 8, 2024), Joetheclone (Sep 8, 2024), PreggoandBirthguy90 (Sep 8, 2024), Ace719 (Sep 8, 2024), MLR44 (Sep 8, 2024), SanjayLikes69 (Sep 8, 2024)
User 99663
This feels like a victory lap for us Preggophilians on the forum! If you've ever been through that chart going through everyone's most desired celebs to see pregnant, Karen was a name that came up quite often!
Oh dear! I'm so happy for her!
She confirmed it on IG of course.
Liked by 14 members: ilovethemall (Sep 17, 2024), Janosobsidasia (Sep 13, 2024), welshtable (Sep 13, 2024), Joetheclone (Sep 12, 2024), BigRoundGirlsss (Sep 10, 2024), Njameson (Sep 10, 2024), Derp99 (Sep 10, 2024), MLR44 (Sep 10, 2024), Dombi (Sep 10, 2024), Screamer812 (Sep 10, 2024), incredidunk (Sep 10, 2024), puppyboom9000 (Sep 10, 2024), Ace719 (Sep 10, 2024), rockysoulstar (Sep 10, 2024)
I sense more photo manipulation coming our way.
Liked by Janosobsidasia (Sep 13, 2024)
Liked by Ace719 (Sep 14, 2024), Janosobsidasia (Sep 13, 2024), Joetheclone (Sep 12, 2024), MLR44 (Sep 11, 2024)

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