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How do you feel about efforts to curb teen pregnancy?
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Question  iBreed
It is no secret that teen pregnancy is publicized as a disease which can ruin your life. Often the issues cited are inability to complete high school and thus reduced chances of going to college and risk to child's health.

What are your views on these efforts?
"Publicised as a disease" would be a bit inappropriate to say, but it is a problem. A child is a massive responsibility and given the huge pressure on teens at school - with all their homework, extra curricular and, because of the age, image (at that age it is important to look good, to have good "reputation" amongst your classmates etc. I know that cos my sister keeps telling me how people bully each other on their appearance, on what they've done etc etc.) - they would have to give up some study and extra curricular to take care of the kid. A baby is not a doll that you just give birth to and then forget about. And I think it has to be started with parents - how kids are being brought up - and then, sex ed. Have a look on YouTube where John Oliver talks about sex ed. It is far more serious than you think, mate.

Even though we love bellies here, a teen pregnancy could be a mental tragedy to some and defy could set kids back. There are, of course, some exceptions, but it is indeed a problem.
Liked by jin1976 (Sep 22, 2015)
From a society standpoint, and from my moral standpoint we should do what we can to stop it....

From my maiesiophilia view, we should be encouraging them to get (and in fact making those 18+) as pregnant as much as they can!!!!

Of course that is not the right thing to think, as it is damaging to lives, and I don't support it, but the bottom line is that when I seen a preggo teen I think, "hell yeah, look at that sexy thing!"
Liked by seedtheho (Nov 12, 2015), (Sep 21, 2015)
I agree with everyone, from a society point of view we should encourage contraception use and sex education to help drive pregnancy rates down. That being said, with my fetish fantasies, I would love it if every woman in the world was pregnant and hungry for some dick, haha
It seems to me that all three of you want to curb it because "from a society point of view " it is wrong. However the way a society reacts to teen pregnancy is itself wrong. There's no need for a mother to abandon school in order to have a baby. Ssome woman work 8-10hrs day right until the delivey. Moreover if a system is placed to provide the teen mothers with counselling session and treating their pregnancy as a gap year, i doubt mental health of the girls be affected.
Both points make sense. We should both need to prevent teen pregnancy and at the same time not outcast those teens who do get pregnant. I remember when I was a teen I would hook up with girls from a house for pregnant teens. Also what there is to do in the area is a big factor as well. In June I was at a friendly's in Painted Post NY there were four girls, I doubt one of them was over 15, all pregnant. Granted there really is nothing to do in Painted Post NY so all the kids do is have sex once they figure out tab A goes into slot B. My wife said the same thing about the reservation she grew up on. All there is to do is have sex
I will concede that for poor and lower middle class girls teenage pregnancy can be limiting and may disrupt their life. But rich girls don't have to deal with same issues of improper nutrition and the need to build career as much as their lower strata counterparts. They can get the best health care and support. Moreover it will not set them back badly if they still want to contnue education. A lot of teenage pregnancy statistics merge both income groups thus distorting the facts that health issues are actually due to mothers being unable to afford the healthcare.
you can curb it (like they have with smoking) but you can't eradicate it completely
Not my problem. It's like drugs & cigars... If they want to do it that's not our problem unless they hurt someone. Teens getting knocked up doesn't hurt me. I'm going to college if they do it or not. I knew lots in high school including 1 who didn't know they were. It was funny. Chick came to class with a huge belly & didn't know why it hurt. Turns out her baby was kicking her a lot. I don't care for others

Who chose to go down the wrong path. But for the love of God NO ONE cares if someone on YT is a teen mom. We get it! How do they get views? Pitty? They need to not glorify themselves. I'd tell this to them (which I did to someone's face once). It's the reason I hated girls in high school. Once I turned 18 I loved college chicks.

Plus my mom told me if I brought a baby home I'd be in the hospital pushing it out. I had a girl try to blame me for thinking I was the father but I never did a girl till college. Their wasting their life. My dad has me show them the life their missing. No being rich and glamorous. Try poor and working at Walmart.
With the way society is now, I think would be a good idea to curb teen pregnancy if it were possible for it to do any good. The sad truth is teenage girls and boys do what they please when they please and don't give a flying flip about what the rest of society thinks about them or anything they're doing.

I've been exposed to a few pregnant teens in the past who didn't handle having been pregnant well at all. They were heavy alcoholics, drug abusers, and prolific tobacco smokers. I don't agree with that kind of idiocy because their babies physically suffered for their actions. I know they were exceptions to the rule because I've seen teens who were very responsible mothers-to-be and became excellent mothers after they gave birth. Those unusual examples make me think it would be nice if teen pregnancy could be curbed, especially in those bad kinds of cases.

Regardless of anything else, the maiesiophile in me still enjoys seeing teenage girls choosing to be surrogates so long as their health is not negatively impacted by it. Surrogacy is a wonderful thing that should be encouraged.

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