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Good news
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Wink  MrTek
Well I'm assuming this is good news (for the people here since in all honesty I don't care) but..

JRoy is "fading away". I say that because a user told 4 people so far about her stealing the videos. so JRoy made them all private and she messaged me saying "I will be putting them all either on google drive or photobucket". which means its all good.

the photobucket people don't care s long as there's nu nude stuff there. so I'm assuming all of you are cool with this. I don't really care, never did care. but that's a lesson for ya... everything on the intenernet once its out there is no way to stop it from being downloaded. we never JRoy's true identity but I guess some people like being secret.
Liked by pacan1 (Jan 3, 2016), (Jan 1, 2016)
User 14865
Thank goodness. That guy has been getting away with his crap for way too long.
Wel they are now saying they will still be uploading vids but most of them will only be available to their google+ circles. i also heard they will be making a Facebook with their stuff on it. but I honestly dont know what the problem is. if its just a girl "roleplaying" then why does it matter. As long as their not using the videos to get money or gifts then its not illegal. people on sites like google+ create fake celebrity profile profiles & they use the actual celebs pics & no one cares. plus I've seen many Instagram people who do the same thing that JRoy does. but I'm just in it for good vids.
User 14865
(January 2, 2016, 3:25 am)MrTek Wel they are now saying they will still be uploading vids but most of them will only be available to their google+ circles. i also heard they will be making a Facebook with their stuff on it. but I honestly dont know what the problem is. if its just a girl "roleplaying" then why does it matter. As long as their not using the videos to get money or gifts then its not illegal. people on sites like google+ create fake celebrity profile profiles & they use the actual celebs pics & no one cares. plus I've seen many Instagram people who do the same thing that JRoy does. but I'm just in it for good vids.

The problem is that J Roy is a guy that doesn't know what "look but don't talk" means. I've seen him post pervy comments on tons of pregnant vlogger videos, giving the pregnant fetish community a bad name. He's just immature and has no self-control.
Odd... do you have any screenshots of their comments? & how are we sure it's a guy? I've seen guys on YT pretend. But no guy I've seen makes stuff like that. I've never seen a guy make hot descriptions & comments like that. What's worse (if it is bad) is that I've video chatted with them many times. But based on some comments I've seen they don't talk about sex. I'm tired of seeing "cum" in peoples comments. I don't even know what cum is.
I knew this thread was going to appear, no doubt written by you. Smile I think you really have a compulsive lying problem, maybe you get off to that, I don't know.
Liked by iggles123 (Jan 10, 2016), Tanya_D. (Jan 3, 2016)
What does this have anything to do with not telling the truth. I'm just a regular dude who gets what he needs from here & does his way. No need to make conflict.
(January 3, 2016, 11:28 pm)MrTek What does this have anything to do with not telling the truth. I'm just a regular dude who gets what he needs from here & does his way. No need to make conflict.

So how do you know about users telling how fake it is? Did you see them in the comments? Because I've only ever seen undying praise from people who seem to believe it all.

If you 'never cared' you wouldn't have started this thread. Smile
Liked by iggles123 (Jan 10, 2016)
I know because I've seen them. I have people who get me what I need to know & when. when there is something i want to know but i dont feel like doing it i have my buddies get what i need. I hardly believe in anything. I was raised not to trust hardly anyone. a friend is just someone who hasn't betrayed me yet. I don't care about this at all but my buddy.. lets call him "AM" thought it would be good for me to do this. I dont pay him but he does what i tell him to do. I've been betrayed a lot, had a lot of near death experiences so I know what to do. there isn't a single person I've met on a website that I've trusted since smartphones came out. but I've seen many users YT accounts. my people get me info on others accounts on many sites. I didn't see the coments but just to make sure I want to see what the guy in the thread gives me, based on his words he seems legit. I will just see what he gives me then have my buddies give me the info to see if they are the same.

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