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Female POV videos
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I wanna create a thread where everyone can find and share videos with pregnant women from their (female) point of view (POV). I think it so interesting when you look at fingering, belly rub, moving, rolls etc like it's happening to you.
Here some of my favorite vids in that category, enjoy Smile
Liked by 46 members: tyler1154 (Aug 6, 2024), danielle.99 (Jun 19, 2024), fast2208 (Jun 17, 2024), Aggression (Jun 14, 2024), idktbh6948 (May 23, 2024), Xugugu (May 17, 2024), Preggofetishman (Apr 24, 2024), raegan (Apr 7, 2024), juniiii (Mar 16, 2024), Charley_Benedicts (Feb 10, 2024), Arbath35 (Dec 28, 2023), Pregnantamy (Dec 8, 2023), hughman (Nov 19, 2023), Timbrody123 (Nov 14, 2023), puppyboom9000 (Nov 7, 2023), Somedude069 (Oct 24, 2023), KingFtish (Oct 19, 2023), Derpsofthearcane (Oct 18, 2023), nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), mad_destroyer224 (Oct 13, 2023), ADC12-X9 (Oct 8, 2023), fiko515 (Oct 1, 2023), belka85 (Sep 30, 2023), anotherperson (Sep 27, 2023), klp21 (Sep 26, 2023), attemptosurvive (Sep 25, 2023), kodlate (Sep 25, 2023), perfguy (Sep 24, 2023), closedpreg (Sep 24, 2023), txbelly (Sep 24, 2023), Mike K (Sep 24, 2023), WhatAreThose21 (Sep 24, 2023), foxyoq (Sep 24, 2023), falloutghoul (Sep 24, 2023), MLR44 (Sep 24, 2023), DoctorCocktor911 (Sep 24, 2023), ZDWtever (Sep 24, 2023), LoverOfPreggo26 (Sep 24, 2023), vestrumtobias (Sep 24, 2023), Neo__hec (Sep 24, 2023), Expectful (Sep 23, 2023), OlaNordmann (Sep 23, 2023), huaizhu (Sep 23, 2023), Omea (Sep 23, 2023), miradanz (Sep 23, 2023), OwO777 (Sep 23, 2023)
It would be great if someone has a similar stuff
Liked by nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), Expectful (Sep 23, 2023)
She is so pretty.What is her name?
Liked by heyingqiang (Dec 25, 2023), belka85 (Oct 22, 2023), nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), MLR44 (Sep 24, 2023), ZDWtever (Sep 24, 2023), Neo__hec (Sep 24, 2023), Expectful (Sep 23, 2023)
(September 23, 2023, 3:26 pm)Thank you for this! I will add my stuff here when I get the time. I haven’t got a whole lot, but I’m happy to share what there is.Pregger890 I wanna create a thread where everyone can find and share videos with pregnant women from their (female) POV. I think it so interesting when you look at fingering, belly rub, moving, rolls etc like it's happening to you.
Here some of my favorite vids in that category, enjoy Smile
Liked by nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), preggohotties (Sep 26, 2023), zsinj90 (Sep 26, 2023), Pregger890 (Sep 24, 2023), Neo__hec (Sep 24, 2023)
(September 23, 2023, 7:44 pm)west0000 She is so pretty.What is her name?
Angelica_bibi. I found her in this thread:
Liked by nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), txbelly (Sep 24, 2023), (Sep 24, 2023)

Here are my previous attempts to find similar videos. @mysterium helped me in my search and I am sincerely grateful to him and other interested people!
Liked by nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), txbelly (Sep 24, 2023)
Liked by Caron (Nov 7, 2024), theamtram (Apr 6, 2024), nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), kodlate (Sep 29, 2023), pregfan1344 (Sep 27, 2023), Neo__hec (Sep 26, 2023), DoctorCocktor911 (Sep 26, 2023)
You can still help me find more similar content (if you want, of course). 
With respect, Pregger890 Rolleyes
Liked by nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023)
Liked by Thedeadsamurai (Feb 16, 2024), anotherperson (Dec 25, 2023), nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), belka85 (Sep 30, 2023), kodlate (Sep 29, 2023), Neo__hec (Sep 28, 2023), Pregger890 (Sep 26, 2023)
(September 26, 2023, 11:23 am)miradanz
Good channel with interesting videos. Thanks!
Liked by Pregbabe0220 (Dec 4, 2024), nunya2013 (Oct 14, 2023), miradanz (Sep 26, 2023)

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