Birth for art best!
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Liked by citus (May 9, 2024)
Could someone who has a Tumblr account please post the story here?

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# Story is below, but in case you want to search other stories by these great tumblr authors (or others in general) -> You can bypass that "all your data belong to us" kraken by adding filters in script/adblockers.
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Here is the copy Paste of the story for those that have troubles of getting that to work. Wink
(Had to split the long text in 2)

Quote:Giving birth for art

(By birthandsex)

Sitting at a small table at the station, I scanned the room for anyone I knew. It had been a while since I'd graduated college, so most of the students around were fresh-faced and unfamiliar.

Michael, a friend of mine, had called me the day before about an artist friend of his who was looking for volunteers to help with an extended project. This friend was exhibiting at a gallery showing in a couple months, and desperately needed a model to help complete the project.

Half joking I asked if it was some kind of nude modeling or something, to which he dryly replied it most certainly was. I asked, 'why me?' and he told me this friend of his, David, was looking for a good fit for a very specific type of model. It seemed I was the only person Michael could think of at the time, and had offered to give me a call to see if I'd be willing to consider it.

I didn't like the sounds of posing nude, although I've always been comfortable in my own skin. I mean, I don't go around showing it off or anything, but I don't have any hang-ups about my body either.

I agreed to meet with David and talk it over, if only to see what he had in mind. Maybe a pregnant pose with my legs crossed would be okay. Regular training had kept me in peak condition despite my pregnancy.

As I sat at the table, every person who walked through the door of that Café somewhat startled me, until finally it opened . . . and in strolled the most amazing handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life.

To say he was angelic would have been an insult. You could have placed his sparkling blue eyes and his enchanting smile on a rusty flagpole and still wanted to ask it on a date. I couldn't think straight. All I knew in that instant was that I would definitely be taking my clothes off for this man.

Our eyes met, and his widened upon realizing I was the woman he was there to meet. He walked right over and asked, "Taylor?"

I stood so fast my chair tipped back, and I clumsily lunged to catch it before it could crash to the ground. His amused expression when I turned caused my face to flush. I smiled wanly, put my hand out and said, "David?"

We chatted about ourselves for a few minutes.

"So how does this work?" I finally asked.

"Well, as you already know you will need to be in the nude to model for my project. Does that bother you?" He began.

I tried to keep my eyes locked on his as I said, "It might. What's the subject, besides the human body I mean?"

"The pregnancy and then the birth.” He said simply, letting the words hang there for me to try and desperately grab onto like a slippery bar of soap.

"The . . . Birth. You m-mean like . . . only that?” I stammered, and thinking he couldn't very well be sitting around creating portraits of naked women giving birth all day.

"Well… yes… mainly that.” He said as if we were talking about the weather.

"So… it's paintings you're doing.. of women giving birth.” I asked and stared at him.

"Yes." He answered.

"Of a birth." I said.

"Of a woman giving birth.” He corrected me, immediately short circuiting my thoughts and my speech mechanisms at the same time.

"You mean . . . you p-paint, on . . ." I struggled to put the pieces together.

"On a birth. A real childbirth. I’ve painted a lot of pregnant women and now I need to paint a birth to complete my project.” He finished for me.

My eyelids and brows lifted high as my mind struggled to connect the dots. Not only did this little vixen want me out of my clothes, but he wanted me give birth in his studio without medical help when he did a painting of me. What the heavenly fuck?

As my mind reeled and my pulse quickened, I watched David reach into his shoulder bag hanging on the chair. Out popped a tablet which he immediately swiped to life, running his dainty fingers across the face in quick horizontal blurs.

“I heard from Michael you planned to do a natural home birth. I will pay you if you say yes to this.” He continued as he set the device in the center of the table between us and swiveled it around to face me. I gazed upon a magnificent painting, one of a lush garden scene featuring a cloud of deep blue morning glories bursting from a roughly woven basket hanging on a hook. It was definitely not the graphic display I had braced myself for.

"Wow David did you paint this?" I asked.

"I did. Do you like it?" He answered.

"It's incredible," I admitted, my eyes popping from one intricate detail to the next.

"Thanks Taylor.” He smiled with a genuinely expressive grin.

“So you don't mind the fact that there's a woman spreading her legs with her child crowning in the frame?" He asked and smiled at me.

I jerked my head a bit in surprise and looked at the image again. It was all flowers and leaves and completely innocent.

"Keep looking Taylor.” He said when he noticed my head shaking back and forth.

I put all my concentration in this painting and tried to look more closely at the fine detail he had used. I noticed a slight shadow running from one flower to the next. It seemed like a trick of the camera which had taken the image, but then it all came together . . . and I almost fell out of my seat!

"Holy shit David.” I whispered in the small Café. He smiled and sat back, allowing me room to fully grasp what I was seeing. Stretching in the middle of the frame was the barely discernible shape of a big head between two legs and above you could see a large belly. It was perfectly camouflaged within the rest of the image to all but completely disappear. I looked up.

David’s smile was wide as he looked into my eyes. Without a word I reached forward and swiped my finger across the screen again. This time a field of golden daffodils filled the screen, painted beneath a brilliant blue sky. This time I knew what to look for, and while it still took me a few seconds, I found the hidden woman and her child. This time she was standing on her knees and her child’s head was hanging between her legs. Blades of grass and elaborate flower petals were painted in fine detail along the taut skin.

"Oh my god. It’s amazing” I finally managed to get out.

"When is your due date? You look amazing with that big round belly." He said to me with a hint of allure and mystery. I swallowed hard, trying not to seem shocked out of my skin by his words, but I most definitely was. Words escaped me.

"I’m sorry if I’m to straight forward.” He said with a casual smile, one so honest and compelling I will never forget it as long as I live.

"No problem… My due date is in two weeks from now.” I answered.

“From what I've heard, you will make a great model for my project." He said, clasped one of my hands in both of his for a moment, his big soft hands swaddling my calloused hand like a cozy bed. He let the moment linger, gazing deeply into my eyes, and I was lost forever.

"My god… Ok I will do it.” I said finally, into his searing vortex of unfathomable beauty.

“Of course you most definitely will." He answered.

When the labor started I called for him and told him I was in labor but had no idea how long it would take to be in more active labor.

We decided I would call him again when it became more intense.

After a couple of hours I felt something happened and the contractions came every ten minutes now. David and Michael came by and picked me up and drove me up to his house.

They picked me up gently in their arms and carried me off to a room next to the hallway. They placed me down onto a table. The room was big and full of material, paint and the walls was covered with mirrors and paintings. As they laid me down David surprised me by catching my lips in a kiss. The sensation that moved through me was indescribable. He pulled away only to start removing my cloths. I looked up at him, a little sheepish but full of desire. I groaned when I felt another contraction start.

Michael smiled at us and said good bye as he walked out of the house and drove away.

David looked at me when I sat on the table next to a birthing chair and I wondered how on earth I would become one of his stunning works of art. There was no way I was going to be coming to attention just from lying naked on a table giving birth.

I reclined back on the soft material and pulled my legs straight out, keeping my panties on. No need to show something I didn't yet have after all.

"Oh Taylor. You look amazing.” He whispered, staring at my tits and big round belly, now available for his artistic craftsmanship.

"How are you doing?" He asked with a slight smile but also with genuine concern in his voice. He had obviously been through this before.

"Okay, I think.” My mouth said, my brain on the other hand wanted nothing to do with this conversation.

"You have a great body Taylor.” He said, purposefully running his eyes down to my chin, and then along every bare inch of skin between it and my knees.

“This will be fun, I promise!" He said when he grabbed my panties and ripped it apart, allowing the unobstructed view of my swollen pussy. I looked up into his eyes as they dragged back up my body and connected with mine again.

Sinking deep into his mesmerizing gaze instantly made me feel better, and all at once I wanted him to see me. I wanted him to paint me. Truth be told . . . I wanted him.

He moved his hand and placed it on my belly, delicately rubbing my bare skin beneath his touch. My god he was spectacular! Just the mere feel of his big fingers on my exposed body was enough to start blood flowing to all the right places.

I wanted him to pull him on top of me and keep him there until the sparks we created lit everything on fire. Feeling all of this sexual desire in an instant had me quickly forgetting why I was here for a few seconds until another contraction hit me.

I heard a squelch of a sound, and instantly felt some oil on my belly and pussy. He used all of his tantalizing fingers, worked the oil up and down my bare and hairless body, rubbing my belly and down my clit. He continued rubbing it in, making me groan under my breath at the incredible feeling of having him rub the oil all over my body.

"How does that feel Taylor ?" He asked me after a minute of intense rubbing and fondling of my pussy.

"Incredible.” I answered, feeling an orgasm was coming.

"Now I just get started before the baby is coming. You don't mind do you?" He said.

"I don't anymore," I revealed honestly

"I'm glad, and I just want to tell you again how beautiful you are, if you don't mind me saying so. I'm really excited to get started, are you?" He told me and spread my legs.

I tried to answer him but I cried at the incredible sensation of having him rubbing my clit.

"Great, then we just need to get you into position.” He said, slowing his slippery strokes into a gentle caress up and down my swollen lips. Sit on the table and get your hands behind your back and spread your legs.

I arched my back, clutched my belly when another more painful contraction started.

"Oh my god.” He whispered as he sat back on his stool.

Not even I believed that my body was perfect, but again I appreciated the sentiment.

"That's nice of you to say," I mumbled, unsure of how to really respond to compliments about the perfection of my pregnant body.

"Really Taylor.” He said, tracing his fingers up and back down on my belly, sending a lusty shiver through my nude body.

“I've done this quite a bit, and now I'm just worried your birth continues without a stop until I’m finished.” He said and moved his fingers back to my pussy.

"I'll do my best, I guess." It was all I could say before another contraction began.

"Don't worry, I'll help you. Just focus on your birth.” He said running his soft fingers up to my stiff nipples, squeezing them hard before turning toward his work station. With his attention directed away, I could only focus on my birth.

He moved quickly, organizing a number of brushes and paint caps while I breathed through another contraction. I could feel my attention moving softly from arousal back to focus on my birth.

"Taylor honey, I need to see that pussy of yours being stretched out beyond your imagination and then hold the baby in that position until I allow you to birth the head. Can you do that?”

He asked and turned to his painting and continued to paint a little and then switched brushes.

For quite a while I sat on the table in that position with my hands behind my back and moaned when the pain increased and the breaks between the contractions got shorter and shorter. A breath of air touched my bare skin, causing my nipples to harden and cooling my body. I rubbed my tight skin and squeezed my round aching tits. Milk leaked out from them soaking my big belly. David watched me big eyes and swallowed hard as he got back to his work.

I looked at him and saw his big bulge in his pants. Looked liked I wasn’t the only one sensing the sexual tension in this room. My pussy was completely soaked in my fluids and all I could think of was David.

"Oh Taylor you’re something special, this is working out magnificently.” He swooned as his stool scooted back a foot or two, allowing him to take in the evolving work.

You could see the contours of his cock in his pants. It looked so big. I stared at it and rubbing my big belly. He noticed it and smiled at me as he tried to hide his big bulge with his hands.

"Typically I would be wrapping things up at this point, but since I'm trying something new today, I have a final layer of detail to add. Do you think you're up for it?" He looked at me with those lovable eyes and his captivating smile, and I really wanted to refuse, but I sighed and nodded softly, ready to see if I had the ability to go the extra mile for him.

David stood from his chair, standing next to me as my eyes followed his movement. He looked me right in the eyes and started . . . to unbutton . . . his long, colorfully speckled shirt.

My eyes grew wide and my pupils probably dilated to black as the bare skin on his sweaty muscular chest began to appear. He worked the buttons quickly, looking into my eyes the whole time with a playful mischief.

"You don't mind if I make myself a little more comfortable in here, do you Taylor?"

Speechless I moved my head back and forth, trying to keep my eyes from leering their way under his open shirt as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down.

"So you don't mind if I'm sitting here in my underwear while I paint a picture up the side of your deliciously naked body?" His words rolled out in a suggestive way that made my head spin with a needy lust.

"Oh my god that would be incredible," I managed to croak out before another contraction hit me. I looked away from David and turned my attention once more to my children. David stroked the pale skin of my heavily overdue belly as a new contraction ran through my body. The belly was so immense it rested on my thighs. The babies stretched from within and a foot strained out into a little mound under the skin. I rubbed the spot where the baby kicked.

“No no it hurts…no.” I mumbled to myself.

He stepped up and loomed over me, his face like the sun peeking down a deep valley of skin between shirt-capped hills to either side. All at once the two cotton halves slipped away, and I found myself staring up at his bare six packs and muscular body.

I was no longer in fear of becoming soft on him, although I was in fear of not being able to experience the silky softness of his body again. I needn't have worried though, for he lifted my hand again and placed it gently against his chest, and gently moved it around his abs.

I gently felt his body, cautiously testing every inch of skin and mapping the delicate coordinates in my mind. If I ever got back to these lands of plenty, I would surely know the way.

Before we began, David had made it perfectly clear that he never has sex or fools around with his models. I could only think I might actually be a special case, judging by his actions.

He exhaled deeply and pushed his bare torso into my hand firmly. Then he eased my hand back down against my own familiar and lackluster skin. His fingers stayed on me though, and drew a seductive invisible arc down my belly, around my clit and underneath to my soft lips. The light touch of his nails on my bald pouch surged my body up to the farthest reaches of space.

I exhaled immensely and the smile on my face was genuine and content. I no longer cared how long he tortured me on this table. I only wanted to be there for him, to exist only for his needs, to give myself up completely.

"Does this ever turn you on?" I asked, seriously wondering about his unique perspective on the bizarre art form he had invented.

"You mean staring at naked pregnant bodies all day long?" He teased me.

"It used to turn me on a lot, especially when I first started. There is definitely a level of familiarity that has set in lately though. It's gotten to be a little routine, so I've been looking to up the game a bit. That's when I ran into Michael, and he mentioned you. It got me excited again, and honestly I couldn't wait to see if you would bring that extra level I was hoping for." He said.

"And?" I asked him.

"Ohh Taylor, I'm standing here wearing only my underwear, letting you actually feel me all over my body. I think you could say I'm a little excited."

"You never let me touch your… all over your body.” I pointed out before I had to arch my back when a contraction began.

"I know. I'm just trying to get you to picture it now . . . my bare body, lowering into your open pussy, my tongue running circles around your hard clit, and my hands on your body, wanting to reach around and feel your sexy ass." He smirked and moved his chair back to the painting.

"You're the devil," I moaned, fairly certain he had an impish smile on his face.

I let the image of his cock being pushed into my pussy appear in my mind, and then instantly wanted nothing more. In my imagination we were lovers, passionate and hungry; our combined energy mixing and building our intense craving for each other. I closed my eyes and let my fantasy grow. I slurped his erection between my lips and grabbed his balls tightly between my fingers.

I heard his chair move again and some brushes click around. The next thing I knew I felt his presence close to my pussy again, and before I could open my eyes I felt a touch against my lips. My eyes snapped open!

He knelt down between my legs and without asking he parted my lips and licked my sweet pussy, slipping a finger inside me as well. I gasped in surprise and grabbed the table, pressing my clit harder against his tongue. He licked and sucked my little clit until he felt my muscles getting tight, he could hear my breath coming shorter and shorter and then I screamed, finally, from pleasure. I came for him and he licked my lips softly, raising his head. My heart was pounding unbearably but the pain subsided thanks to his action.

He pulled away only to start removing his underwear. I looked at him, saw his amazing body and big cock. It was both long and thick, and it continued to grow before my eyes. His balls dangled between his legs as he stroked his cock. It was the biggest I’ve ever seen, and I felt my mouth watering just at the thought of having him inside me.

He kissed me on my big belly and the entire way down, working down my lower belly, my clit, my swollen pussy. I let my head drop back as I enjoyed the sensation and the waves of contractions rolling through my body. David made his way up my belly, circling my bellybutton with his finger and continued to my round tits and then down to my.

“This is beautiful.” He said, kissing the skin around my clit, making me want him to lick me there. I moaned, pushing my pelvis forward, trying to encourage him, but he chuckled and kept kissing around it, working his way down my inner thigh.

“Ahh David. That’s so mean!” I protested, but he kept going at his own pace, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I spread my legs apart even more and reached down, fingering myself while he played with my tits. He sucked and squeezed the milk of out my tits and let in ran down my round belly. He touched my hand and steered it away gently, replacing it with his tongue, flicking it against my clit as I leaned back against the rock and moaned. Next, I felt his finger rubbing the outside of my slit, coating it with the wetness that seemed to be pouring out of me mixed with my milk.

“You’re soaking.” He mumbled, as his finger slid inside. He moved it slowly at first, in time with his tongue, then added another finger and moved them faster. I felt them plunge into me, stretching me, preparing me for his cock. The idea drove me wild. I pushed my pelvis out as far as it would go, letting the table support my weight. All I wanted to do was fuck him. David had the same idea. Even though he was between my legs, I could still see his hard cock bobbing as he moved and everything about it was enticing—the stiffness, the thick girth, the delicious long shaft that looked like it would feel incredible inside me. He stood up, smiling, and grabbed his cock, slapping it against my clit.

“Ready?”He asked, his voice hoarse with desire. I obeyed and felt him press his cock against my clit and angled his cock against my swollen pussy until he felt my muscles getting tight again.

“Yes… do it.. ohh yes… it’s to big.. ohhh the pressure.” I whispered and then gasped sharply as he entered me slowly. David growled low, trying not to cum on the first stroke. Then he pulled out and put some oil on his big cock. David put his cock on my pussy and pushed it in again.

I gasped again when he entered me and clutched my belly when it became rock hard.

“To big… me no… you’re just so incredibly tight Taylor.” He mumbled as he worked himself deeper and deeper inside my tight pussy at the same time as the pressure against my cervix increased a lot.

I could feel him reach places no one had ever done and stretching my inner walls so good, I shrieked in pleasure and pain as I orgasmed on his big cock. The painful pressure on my cervix grow larger for each seconds. David pushed as deep as he could and hit my cervix a couple of times.

I screamed loudly and looked in to his dizzy eyes as I tried to push him away. David pulled out immediately not wanting to hurt me and out with him came a huge gush of fluid.

“Wow… Your water broke.” he said trying to reassure me, but I continued to wail. This contraction was much worse than the ones that had come before.

“Ah, I think you’re getting closer now, just breathe and when it’s over I’ll check to see if you’re ready to start pushing.” He said to me and tried to calm me down.

“Ooooooooooooh that was so much worse!” I whimpered and throw my head from side to side and I fell down on the table.

“I know, it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better.” He said, slipped his fingers inside of me and felt that I was completely dilated and ready to start push.

“Breath through them” He said and lifted my legs up to his shoulders.

“Help me.. It’s coming out. David help me?” I asked nervously feeling another painful contradiction start again.

He was inside of me again before I could finish my question, and now with him pushing his big cock inside of me again I was struggling to hold off. I started to moan again with another contraction but this time he didn’t stop. He increased his speed and he pushed his hands under my ass and lifted me up to meet his thrusts. I clutched my big belly as I felt his balls clap against my butt cheeks, sending his dick in me at a different angle that put pressure on a spot that sent me to delirium. I was squirming on the table now, grinding down on that fat length of his while my pussy contracted around it, squeezing him tight and causing my entire body to quiver. I turned my head to the side and looked in a mirror and saw David fucking me hard as I arched my back in pain and pleasure.

“I… I have to push David.” I groaned loudly, feeling my baby pressing against my cervix.

"Then push honey. Push!” He snarled and fucked me hard enough to shake the table. I trembled in ecstasy and I could feel every single vein and ridge on his cock. The orgasm took control over me and eased my pain, releasing in a fantastic flourish that caused me to writhe and tremble on his cock over and over again.

"Oh, David! My baby is coming.” I gasped shaking as the orgasm intensified. He continued his thrusts, pushing past my tightening cunt and dining out on the feeling of it gripping his flesh as he sent himself to rapture. I tried to look at him in the mirror the whole time now. I could tell he was on his way to orgasm, with a serene look of determination etched across his features. He couldn’t hold back any longer, he filled my tight pussy with cum and then stayed deep inside until my orgasm had subsided.

I stayed still, holding him inside me, never wanting to let him go, but then his cock began to soften and our bodies released each other. David wiped sweat off his forehead and leaned over me, panting.

“Oh my god. I can't believe we did it !” He panted, looking me in the eye with surprise. His bare sweaty body was trembling as he leaned his weight over my tight belly. He withdrew from me and walk to the side of the table and watched my belly change shape during another hard contraction.

"You better keep painting," I mumbled begrudgingly, but quite sure I was solid enough to proceed.

I looked at his hard cock and his eyes told me everything, this was working out famously for him. He looked to me and nodded, that bright and enchanting smile warming me in a different way.

“Taylor sit on your knees, arch you back and hold your hands on the table.” He said as he straddled that lucky stool again, his erection pointed forward in the air, and he grabbed up his implements of creation, focusing his attention back on his palette of colors.

I looked up and wondered where all this was going. Was he really into me? Did he want me as much as I clearly wanted him? The fresh smell of sex enveloping my senses convinced me he did.

Once I felt his hand on my thigh, I knew he was back at his craft. I was breathing through another contraction as hard as I could, sinking quietly into madness.

“That’s good, sweetheart, keep going...” He said caressing my belly.

He encouraged my insanity by saying, "Just think of how many people will be staring at your stretched pussy; studying it." I was floored by the thought. It hadn't occurred to me how real this actually was. My body was going to be part of a full exhibit. Art dealers and aficionados would be on hand to gaze upon my big round belly, milk filled tits and fully exposed pussy.

"What have I done?" I thought.

He kept talking, making it worse. "Many of them envy me you know, all these beautiful pregnant ladies with their big round bellies to touch and paint on. I'll probably get many requests for your name and number. They'll all want to see the pictures and videos I have.”

He reached up and pointed to the corners in the room, it was cameras every where you looked. Then he pulled a blanket to the floor revealing a surprisingly elaborate photography set up. Two towering light poles with black umbrellas flanked a serious looking camera rig mounted to a muscular tripod.

I should have known he’d have a good set up, but I assumed the large sheet was just for privacy. Everything got very real in my head as I watched him flip on a power switch and climb behind the camera.

"Don't worry about the videos or photographs Taylor.” He said loudly as if hearing my thoughts. His face was hidden behind the camera.

“Just focus on what I told you in the beginning, to keep your crowning baby in position as long as you can!" He said and kept taking pictures of me. Watching him expertly manipulate the tripod was hardly distracting enough to keep my mind from diving between his legs again. I groaned loudly as I felt the baby began to spreading my cervix, more of David’s cum dripped out me on the table and down the floor.

"Or do you think you it’s to painful?” He continued as he made more adjustments.

"You'd have to focus really hard I think. Maybe I could put my hands and put some counter pressure on the head." He mumbled.

I nodded weakly, my head lolling to one side before I grunted and pushed hard, instinctively lifting my knees up and spreading my thighs wide apart.

“Ohh my god I can feel the head! It’s moving down - uuuuuugh oh god it’s coming!” I tried to slam my knees together to stop the pressure that was building up.

David held my knees apart and told me firmly to go slow.

“That’s it, push down nice and slow.” He said. David could see that my gaping pussy was still leaking fluids as he started on a new painting.

For an hour I sat there and pushed my baby down, feeling it stretching my cervix wide open.

I kept my eyes closed and heard him padding back over next to me. The next thing I knew my brain was melting all over the studio floor as his mouth locked onto mine and his tongue wormed its way inside. My lips parted instinctively, and the hot lust that poured into my face was aggressive and intense. It was the most sexual kind of kiss I had ever felt, like a "please for the love of god let me fuck you again" kind of kiss. I lay my back down on the table and felt an oncoming contraction.

He stood right in front of me, pulled my lips apart before he let his fingers swirl around and teased my clit.

"How nice is that pussy going to feel slipping my cock Taylor?" He asked me and pushed two fingers deep inside my pussy. In an attempt to find the baby.

"Better than this contraction… oh my… my pussy is burning!” I wailed as he finally touched my baby’s head. My body was shaking in pain and he kept painting with his other hand. He looked me in the eyes and slowly stretched my lips to make it easier for the baby to come out.

“I can’t do this! I don’t got… ahhh.” I screamed and pushed hard, feeling my baby enter my birth canal. Soon my pussy began to form in to a little teardrop. David began to stretch my lips into a big circle when I pushed the baby down. But it moved back in when I stopped pushing. David stood on my left side kissed me passionately, holding his big erection in his hand.

“Where should I put it.” He pondered, brushing his dripping cock down my hip, teasing me. I breathed deeply and laid myself down on my side, lifted one leg up, desperate for him to fuck me somewhere, anywhere, just as long as he was deep inside me. He continued to brush his cock against my skin until he got to my ass and pussy. He gently moved his cock over my holes and let the tip of his cock enter my pussy and then changed to my ass. Right when I thought he was about to slam his dick inside me, he stopped and got back to his work.

A hard contraction started and I screamed when I pushed down.

And at that point it seemed like I wouldn’t stretch any further without tearing but the head still hadn’t come to a full crown. David put my leg down and continued to paint again.

“Fantastic Taylor! Please change position so I can see the head crown. Keep pushing that baby into a full crown.” He said and grabbed a brush. I changed position between two contractions as David had ordered me to do. I was now laying on my back giving him the full view of my birth. I screamed loudly when I tried to push the baby into a full crown.

“Good job. Looks like the baby is really coming now.” He said as he touched the head of the baby. The teardrop began to form in to a ring.

I shrieked again as I began to feel the ring of fire, the enormous head inside me was starting to crown finally and all I could do was scream. David told me to pant it out but I couldn’t stop myself from pushing. He held his hands on my perineum to support me as I pushed and birth fluids dripped out of me.

“Ohh... AArrrrrrrggghhhh... David!! ... Have to get it out now!” I screamed and, grasping my solid thighs behind my knees, I tugged them furiously back beside my enormous heaving belly and as wide apart as I possibly could, my strong, muscular legs flailing the air.

“Ohh wow… Taylor…  it’s coming… I’m coming.” David mumbled and I understood he was aroused again, watching me struggle. Knowing that soon I would be crowning just for him.

I shook my head in panic, dug my toes into the table and arched my back, clutch­ing my big belly ­tightly. I gasped and bit my lip hard as the pain sliced through my huge belly.

“David... ahhh... aaiiieehh... help me.. help me!” I screamed to him, feeling the big head started to emerge from my pussy and a bit of the head was now visible between my lips.

“Great good girl. It want be long now before your baby is fully crowned?” David said and mixed colors and changed brush again. I nodded frantically, took another breath and squirmed uncomfortably as the baby moved back inside me, still not crowned enough to stay put. I wanted it to be over so much, and I longed for David’s cock inside of me instead of having a baby stretching my inner walls. David placed two pillow under my head before he kissed my forehead.

“David.. ahhh.” I groaned and relaxed as my contraction passed, looking at his magnificent erection when he walked around me. David kissed me on the forehead before he walked away and stood between my legs.

“It’s going to be best painting I’ve ever done. Don’t forget what I said before.” He said and kept looking at me the whole time and noticed that he could see the baby’s head peaking out just a little bit as I pushed hard. The head was bulging against the inside of my vagina, and my pussy was filled to an imaginable big size now. The baby moved forward, stretching me to my absolute limit, before stopping at a full crown. I breathed hard, moving my hands to my contracting belly. I shook my head weakly from side to side as the painful feeling from the ring of fire between my legs grew every second.

David quietly leaned in and resumed his work. My mind was short circuited from the pain and titillation of having my pussy stretched beyond my imagination. I never knew my pussy could be on fire from the inside. How long could this process really last, an hour or two?!

The room was almost quiet again as David rinsed a brush and grabbed another, gently poking it into more paint and applying it to the painting. Minutes passed and I really tried to focus on not push through any of the agonizing contractions that passed but my body did the work for me, causing my baby to move outwards.

“No no no no… not yet… please stop it.” David mumbled and put the brush in his mouth as he tried to push on the baby’s head.

“Taylor... don’t push... you will destroy the painting.” David mumbled and put his hand on the baby’s head, trying to keep the baby in place. He just knew, that if it moved another millimeter before I had time to stretch, I would tear, and most important at the time destroy his chances of painting a crowning baby. He put some gentle pressure against the baby’s head with his left foot and started to paint again. While I on the other hand practically hyperventilated, trying to keep from pushing.

“Ohh mmhmm yes... You’re fully crowning. Just let me finish this... Ohh god Taylor!” David mumbled looking at the big head stretching my pussy as he felt himself leaking pre cum from his aching erection.

“Please hurry up.. ahhh let me push it out!!” I shouted while I arched my back in pain.

“Fuck let me push!! Remove your hand!!! Ohhhhhhhhh please David help me!!” I howled uncontrollably.

“Mmm… just a little bit more. Almost finished.” David answered trying desperately to finish the painting with my overstretched lips around the big head.

“That’s the biggest head I’ve ever seen in a pussy. Amazing! You’re doing so good Taylor.” David said in shock and his eyes went wide at the sight of the head every time he looked at it.

I was starting to seriously worry as I felt my body shake in pain. I looked at my side and saw him stepped over his gear a couple of times before he got back and stood in front of my wide spread legs, staring, smiling and painted.

I looked deep into his eyes, understood that I was allowed to push now. I grabbed my legs and pushed long and hard. He dropped his brush and grabbed his throbbing erection and slowly removed his hand from the baby’s head. He stroked himself slowly as he took some more pics with his camera. I screamed and screamed during some painful contractions. I started to cry, thinking the baby was completely stuck in my tight pussy.

David put som oil on the baby’s and my tortured lips. Then he took another canvas and started to paint again fast. Half of the head was sticking out for nearly 30 minutes before the head finally popped out between my legs with a huge gush of fluids, hitting David’s erection.

David stared between my legs as he increased his speed and soon his big cock erupted in front of me. Loads of cum was shot right up in the air, landed all over me.

“Ohh fuck David I’m covered… ahh check for the umbilical cord.” I groaned and tried to breathe through the next contractions.

The baby turned slowly and David search for the cord behind the large head. After a moment he finally found it and pulled it if the baby’s neck. Then he told me I could start push again.

“Sorry Taylor… couldn’t hold it anymore. That’s it push... push baby.” He said and stroked his big hard cock and more cum dripped from the tip of his cock.

I moaned in pain as one shoulder, then the other pops out of my aching canal. Half of the baby was now sticking out of me and I just laid there totally exhausted.

“Ahh you did it hun, just one more big push.” David said enthusiastically and he loved to watch my overstretched pussy being filled with my baby.

“Come on baby push it out. You can do it.” David said as he grabbed my thighs and spread them even wider. With one last push I finally pushed the rest of baby and a huge gush of fluids hit David again. He lifted my baby up so I could see it. I changed position so I sat up on the table with my legs dangling. He gave me the baby and reached for some towels on the floor.

“Aaaannhhh… Oh god, I got so horny watching you struggle to give birth. I’m so sorry.” David said and looked very ashamed as his enormous erection subsided before my eyes.

He stroked his wet semi hard cock, the last few drops was dripping on the floor, and he wiped his hand on a towel and then wiped me of with it. He walked back and cut the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby in a blanket while I rested on the table.

Seeing David walk around naked with a baby in his arms made me fantasize about giving birth to his children in the future.

In just a few seconds David stood in front of me and put my baby in my arms, and I tucked it near my breast.

“Thanks Taylor this was the best day in my life.” David said and smiled to me as organized among his paintings on his big easel.

“I will go through all the pictures and videos before I can finish the paintings Taylor.” He said and smiled at me.

My belly became rock hard and an enormous pressure began to build up against my cervix again. From that moment I knew my second baby was prepared to come out. I groaned loudly and rubbed my slightly smaller belly, even though it was still big and round.

“What is it Taylor?” David asked me and looked worried.

“I think my second baby is ready to come out already.” I answered and breathed fast with the arrival of a contraction.

“Oh my god Taylor… you’re having twins? Wow it’s amazing… I can understand why Michael suggested you.” He mumbled through ragged breaths as he fumbled with his brushes. My body shaked as stronger contractions ran through my body. I had a hard time feeding my newborn and concentrate on giving birth.

"Ohhhhh god… take my baby… here it comes…ahhh.” I screamed as another contraction hit me and gush of birth fluids squirted out between my legs.

“Wow Taylor. Wait for me." He replied simply, his breath still coming out in gasps as he took the baby and laid it on the couch.

Another contraction hit and I kept my eyes on my body in the mirror. I could see my belly squeezing and my nipples pebbling. I moaned at the sight as my constricted body strained against itself. I watched my pussy starting to stretch open as more and more pressure mounted in my pelvis begging me to push. I let my hand fall between my thighs, though it was a struggle to reach around my expanding and contracting belly.

I was really going to miss having such a big round and heavy belly.
Liked by Thebige (May 11, 2024), MLR44 (May 10, 2024)
Part 2

Quote:David sat down next to me massaging my big belly and my stiff nipples while he watched me push with every contraction. He became more and more excited when he understood that I was about to have twins and he was going to witness a twin birth.

I rocked my hips back and forth and the movement against the tension felt amazing. A long, continuous moan came out of the base of my throat as I continued to move. One hand twisting my nipples and the other hand holding his growing cock. My eyes were still locked on the mirror watching my own mixture of euphoria, pain and desperation. I could see David’s cock started to grow again. It was impossible for me to wrap my hand around it now. I gripped it hard when a contractions started. He grabbed the camera and took some photos of us as he groaned.

As soon as one contraction finished, another began. I screamed, clutching my belly as my muscles tightened fiercely. My body did everything it could to force the baby out of me but it was stuck and for almost half an hour nothing happened. He pushed two fingers inside my pussy periodically to control my progress.

“Why want it come out... ahhh... help me!” I screamed and looked at David with tears in my eyes.

“Maybe you should try another position Taylor.” David replied and helped me down on all four.

The contraction never eased and my muscles loosened just a bit before locking down again even harder than before. “Taylor let me do a painting of you in this position.” David asked when he knelt next to me and stroked his fingers around the underside of my pregnant belly. I nodded and arched my back, threw my head back and pushed as hard as I could. David got closer to me into my new position. I rested my head against his chest, looking down at his semi hard cock dangling between his legs. David enjoyed it even more the second time watching me giving birth on all four. He was so impressed of me that he couldn’t hide his excitement. After a few seconds his cock was rock hard again and he had a hard time to focus on his work. I gave him a little smile and spread my legs even more so he could get a better view of my swollen pussy.

“You want me to fuck you again?” He pants, squeezing my well shaped ass and his erection presses against my butt.

“I’ll fuck you. Spread those legs nice and wide.” He said and squeezed my butt really hard and gave me spank before he pulled his cock over my gaping pussy.

I obeyed, spreading them shoulder-width apart. I heard David moaned as he slides his hand up and down his cock.

“Now lean forward.” He instructed me as he slaps his erection on my butt cheek.

“Are you ready?” He asks, and I know he wants to fuck me before he explodes again. I nodded and tried to smile as another contraction began. When he presses the tip of his cock against my exposed pussy, I knew I’ve made the right choice. I’m already slippery wet from my previous action. Still, he’s bigger than I’m used to and I gasp from the enormous size.

“I’m not hurting you, am I?” David asks, holding his pose steady.

“No, you’re just a lot bigger than I’m used to and I’m trying to push a baby out of me.” I gasped. David smiled at me as he put the umbilical cord away and pushed into me in such a gentle and tender way that I admired his self-control, knowing exactly how badly he wants to fuck me. My body relaxes around him, giving some resistance at first but gradually letting him in. And it feels sublime. It’s like all of my fantasies, multiplied by a hundred. The sensation of his cock sliding inside me was thousands times better than having a baby forcing its way out. This is exactly what my body’s been craving. I let out a moan as he reaches all the way in me, gently pressing against my opened cervix.

My leaking tits dripped onto the floor as he pounded into my pussy, my juices running down my thigh. He held the bottom of my belly with one hand and the other rested on my clit. He started to thrust faster

“How does that feel?” He asks.

“Ohhh ahh not so deep.” I said honestly, but I was not prepared for what comes next. He draws himself back out of me and then plunges back in, making me squeal with pain and pleasure. I moved forward as much as I can, preventing him from going in deeper with the next thrust.

I arched my back as he squeezed my shoulder tighter and increased the pace of his thrusts until his balls fly up and slap my clit.  The pain turned to pleasure inside me, a kind of involuntary wave that I couldn’t stop, not that I’d want to. It’s almost like he’s found a new part of my vagina that didn’t exist before today, and he’s milking it dry. Is this what they call the G-spot? I didn’t have the time to think about it too much because the first wave of pleasure breaks. My back arches, my pussy spasms and I even feel my eyes roll back in my head.

It must have felt good for David too because he shudders too, his body spasming inside mine. It makes my orgasm stronger, makes my pussy grip around his cock, milking it, begging for more. He started to shoot loads of cum inside my pussy and falls on top of me and we’re both sweaty. David’s weight pressed my belly against the floor which increased my distress and my contractions got worse.

For another half hour I tried to push my second baby fully into my birth canal as David did a another painting of me giving birth.

When he is finished with that he sits next to me and his cock grew hard again. All I want to do is climb on top of it, so that’s exactly what I do in my mind.

He took my nipple into his mouth flicking his tongue against the tight nub. I sighed feeling that warm flood of pleasure between my thighs. He bit down hard and I squealed in pain and ecstasy.

“Ohh god the pressures is unbearable.” I said as I felt the now familiar pressure on my pelvis. David pulled me into his arms so that I was sitting in his lap and he was supporting my back. He played with my nipples and tits as the surge hit twisting my insides with a knife. I let the pain and the pleasure mingle in a huge cocktail of emotions.

David pushed on my upper belly right at the peak of a contraction as he continued to finger on my nipples. His erection grew bigger and harder against my back and left marks of pre cum all over my lower back, flowed down to my ass.

“You’re making me cum again David.” I groaned as the waves of pain subsided and the orgasm took over. He slapped my thigh again in response. Just then a sudden increase in pressure assaulted my pelvis and a gush of water squirted out from between my legs onto his floor.

“Ahhhhh!! David it’s finally coming...” I screamed in pain as the big head finally started to emerge and stretched my cervix open. For a long moment it was stuck there just like my first baby. David moved his chair and rubbed my clit to ease the pain. Soon more of the head emerged from my uterus and filled my pussy.

David tried to hold the baby’s head in that position so my lips could adjust to the huge head, but his main thought was to finish another painting he had started on. I screamed in panic at David to remove his hand but he ignored it.

“Taylor don’t forget about our work here, we are doing it for the art.” He said and kissed my forehead.

He watched carefully when I slowly pushed the big head to a full crown. Creating a big hairy circle and my red swollen pussy looked liked it could tear any second now, to David’s complete satisfaction.

“God it burns… I’m going to tear... finish the painting.. ahhh.” I screamed in pain.

“Good job Taylor. Breath... long and deep. I have one more round to go before I’m finished with this.” David said and gently pushed my lips back around the big head at the same time as he put some pressure on the head. I breathed and focused with all the strength I had left and ignored my urges to push. He kept painting for almost half an hour before he moved behind me and allowed me to push again. He watched when I pushed the baby into a full crown again.

He stroked his big aching cock as he watched the second baby stretching my sensitive lips. I tried to push as hard as I could but the baby seemed stuck inside my pussy.

“Looks like it stuck again Taylor.” He said and stroked his big cock while he touched my burning lips. A little reluctant at first, he got back painting a little more. Sensing I was about to panic he stood up and helped me up to my feet, kissed my forehead. His cock jabbed against my body and I became actually aware of his enormous size again. I looked him up and down boldly, my eyes feasting on his magnificent manhood.

I leaned against the table and spread my legs, hoping gravity would help me.

David watched me as I arched my back and tried to push the rest of the baby out, but it was definitely stuck. I glanced at him and he moved his hand to the baby’s head. He touched the wet head gently before he pushed at it. I groaned and shook my head in pain as he pushed the head back in. The head was much bigger then I had anticipated and I squatted down, with the next contractions the baby came back out to a full crown and he watched it stretch my lips with each push.

“Wooahh... Ohh... ahhh... pull it out... David... ooahh.” I screamed as the head stretched me even wider this time. Soon a little bit more of the head was sticking out from my tortured pussy. My struggle turned him on even more and I could feel his erection point at my butt as he rubbed my clit, bringing me closer to an orgasm again as he pushed the head back inside of me again.

“Wow… this is worth another painting. You have to let me do another painting… your body figure is perfect.” He mumbled as he grabbed my butt cheeks and started to rub them.

I was exhausted from giving birth and the burning sensation between my legs caused me pain. But David’s stimulation eased it a lot and I almost collapsed on the table in front of me, feeling some painful contractions ran through my body. David could see the baby’s feet kick inside my belly as milk dripped out of my tits. He started to stroke himself gently and pushed his cock between my butt cheeks.

“David... pull the baby out...get it out... get it out...” I cried out in panic and tried to spread my legs. But the painful contractions made it impossible to move.

David moaned, he was very close to empty his balls again and he stretched my lips as much as he could when waves of pain and pleasure ran through my body.

“Ohh urghhh I’m going to tear... ahhh..” I screamed as I felt the emerging baby stretched out my lips even more than ever before. David saw it and it made him even more excited.

“Ohh my god this baby is huge Taylor. Stop pushing and just let it stay there so I can paint.” He said to me with a trembling voice when he stared at my pussy and tried to keep painting on the paper. David placed his big hand on the head and pushed it back in. Keeping it in place, making it impossible for me to push it out further.

David dropped his brush and circled his big wet glans around the baby’s head and pre cum mixed with birth fluids made my overstretched skin wet and moisturized. He pushed his cock on my gaping asshole and I groaned in pain and looked back at David with a dizzy look. He smiled back then he pushed in relentlessly, enjoying my gasp as he spread my rectum wide with his thick cock inch by inch. I let out a big whimper as he pushed forwards and pushed my legs together.

“Ohh David my baby… I’m so close… ahhh ahh !” I cried out, tensing my jaw as I felt him stretch me impossibly wide. My muscle slowly relented as he pushed balls deep.

“It’s so fucking tight and perfect view for the painting Taylor.” He said and reached for a smaller brush and more colors.

“I don’t think I can make another painting,” I gasped, and it seemed to propel him onwards.  He pulled out slowly and then thrusted several inches of his cock quickly inside me as he took several pictures with his camera a couple of times before he stopped. He pulled out a few inches before he continued painting. Contractions were strong and fierce and kept coming without stop.

I let out a yelp and reached back to make him pull out completely, touching his chest. David looked at me and slowly pushed a few inches of himself inside me again. I stayed as still as possible, feeling his arousal fill me, as I tried to spread my legs again. Soon the pain dissipated and left behind the satisfied feeling of being completely full. My ass gripped him tight and seemed to acclimatize to him as my body was taken over of another contraction.

“Taylor this is going to be best painting ever.” He said with a confident voice as he pulled out a few inches again and painted with a firm hand.

I looked around in the room and could see every move we did in the big mirrors that was placed all around in the room.

David smiled at me and thrusted all the way into my ass until his body touched my firm ass and his balls slammed into the wet head of the baby before slowly pulling out and thrusting into me again, sodomising my glorious ass over and over again. The umbilical cord from the first baby dangled between my legs and teased David as he pumped inside me, hitting his balls and thighs.

I did everything I could to prevent myself from pushing. A double penetration I never could imagine in my life was just happening. Contractions mixed with pleasure made it impossible to protest. After a while I could finally enjoy the feeling of having my tight ass filled up by David’s wonderful cock at the same time as my baby filled my pussy. I breathed hard through the next contractions but I couldn’t do nothing about the sudden sensation of a new orgasm building up and wash me over one more time as my body did everything to force the baby out of me. He fucked me slowly with long deep moves a couple of times before he increased his speed, feeling the baby’s head press against the underside of his cock. Which increased my distress even more and made me scream loud in pain and pleasure.

“Ahhh Ohh. David I have to give birth… ohh good another orgasm… I’m so..” I mumbled between my screams.

He pulled out and found some space between my legs for him to slip his fingers in and rub my clit again. With each contraction I did everything I could to prevent myself from push, he rubbed a furious rhythm on my tender, swollen flesh. The pressure of the baby combined with his fingers brought me to orgasm yet again, each frantic squeeze of my inner muscles bringing more of the baby into the world before David would push it back in again so he could continue his work.

“Spin around Taylor Let me see your sexy body. Arch your back and hold your hands on your belly.” He said and stared at me as he took another brush and mixed some paint.

I moved slowly around a couple of times as contractions run through my body and gravity forced the baby down on my tortured overstretched lips. The words were barely out of my mouth when my belly cramped again sending me into that hunched position as pain radiated from deep in my center out to the rest of my body.

“Ohh ahh arghh… it’s coming out of me.” I mumbled as I felt the head move.

He quickly moved to me and pushed his hands on my ass and moved slowly down to my baby’s head. He stopped and pushed the head back in, the baby kicked violently inside my uterus. Then he opened the drawer under the table and took out some more oil. He opened it and rubbed it on my sore ass, pussy and tortured lips. Our eyes met for a moment and he kissed me as he squeezed my ass gently.

The kiss was interrupted by another contraction and lost control and squatted as I pushed the head back out. I grabbed his ass hard, pushing my nails into his sweaty body and his big soft cock was pushed into my face. I ran my finger across it sending a tremble through my own body and his cock moved up and down when it began to grew again.

“Looks like I’m still turning you on in this situation.” I mumbled to him.

I looked up as another contraction started and saw him paint as fast as he could.

“Ohh god I’m sorry David couldn’t hold it back anymore.” I mumbled as I tried to stand up again. He smiled at me and then I felt his cock hard cock hit me in the face whenever he moved. I grabbed his cock and stroked it with my hands, it felt amazing to hold in such a beautiful big cock. I kissed it and licked his thick shaft before another contraction started.

He groaned and smiled at me as he put the brush in his mouth and grabbed another one.

I pushed again as another painful contraction began and soon I could feel the head was fully crowned again.

“Good job Taylor.” He mumbled as he looked at me and pre cum dripped on my face.

“You’re so big.” I answered and stroked him hard.

He picked me up and guided me to my feet. His eyes looked wild with lust and I knew mine did too, even though I was in the middle of giving birth. We gazed into each other’s eyes and somehow ended up kissing again, while I play with the tip of his big cock. It’s shiny and wet, soaked in my juices, and that turns me on even more.

He grabbed my hand to turn me around, but I knelt instead and licked that monster cock before another contraction started. David gasps with surprise and held my shoulder for support as I grabbed his entire length hard.

“Taylor whatever you do don’t push it out yet!” He gasps, and when my contraction ended I smiled, my saliva drips down his balls. But I kept moving my hands, wanting to feel him explode.

He pulled his cock out of my grip and kissed me deeply.

“Get on all four again.” He told me, and there’s something about how he said it again, the assertiveness or authority, that makes me even hornier. I complied immediately, arching my back and spreading my legs, my ass and overstretched pussy pointing in his direction.

“Looks like the baby is coming out any second. No we can’t let that happened.” He said, as he gently pushed his cock on the baby’s head and started to rub my clit.

The position is better for me, I could finally rest my legs again, it felt like we were on a better angle. He pushed the head back in and then he started to push his thick cock inside me, causing my overstretched lips to hurt even more.

“David… my baby… you’re to big… I’m going to tear.” I mumbled as my eyes flew opened.

I couldn’t move as the feeling of being overstretched and overwhelmed with pain and pleasure washed over me.

He held my hips hard and slowly pushed his cock inside me, using all the strength he had.

Pressing my in and down in my pussy. His cock was forced in between my baby and thin layer of skin between the pussy and the rectum.

Sounds finally escapes my lips when inched his way inside me, deep enough to touch my open cervix. Not quite a moan, more like screams. I arched my back as he squeezed my ass tighter and increased the pace of his thrusts until his balls slapped my baby. I’ve never felt anything like it. Pleasure and pain swelled inside me, a kind of involuntary wave that I couldn’t stop, not that I’d wanted to, even though it could hurt my baby.

He stopped and almost pulled his cock out, just leaving the tip inside of me, as I tried to push my baby out.

I pushed hard with every contraction, feeling David’s big hand all over my ass och pussy.

“This is going to be some incredible pictures… and maybe a new painting.” He said as he started to move his hips and took pictures of us on the floor.

After a while he got up on his feet grabbed some brushes and started to paint again.

Unable to anything I did everything I could to birth my child. Every single cell in my body told me get the baby out now.

David kept looking at me the whole time and noticed that he could see the baby’s head peaking out just a little bit as I pushed. The head was bulging against the inside of my vagina, and my pussy was filled to an imaginable big size again. The baby moved forward, stretching me to my absolute limit, before stopping at a full crown. I moaned, one hand moving to my contracting belly. I shook my head weakly from side to side as the ring of fire between my legs took over.

“AAAAAH it BURNS!” I was grunting and spreading my legs as much as I could. The next few pushes were futile, the head was stuck in my pussy. I strained and sweated, but there was no progress.

“Good girl... now stop push...or you will ruining my painting... ahhh mmmmh.” David mumbled as he stroked his throbbing cock and painted. He placed one foot on the head preventing it from coming out as he admired his own work for a few seconds.

“Perfect paintings… thank you Taylor.” He said as he took one step back.

I moaned and squirmed and clutched my belly as painful contractions controlled my body like an instrument. I was helpless to resist as the contractions rocketed through me, bathing me in waves of pain and pleasure that turned me into a trembling mess. I fell to the floor, completely unable to stand now and trying to look at the paintings.

My eyes lost focus and, as it slowly returned, I saw David crouched over me, his hand glistening with my juices as he had started to rub my clit.

“Do you like the paintings?” He asked. I nodded.

“Well, you’re gonna like this even more.” He whispered.

Then he grabbed my body, pulled me up against his body, then spun me around and pushed his cock deep inside my ass again. Making my whole body shake in pain and pleasure. I felt my fluids running down my inner legs and moaned loudly as I felt him stretch and fill my gaping asshole again. I tried breathing through all of it and clenching my teeth, trying to push. I gripped the easel with both hands and let him nudge my hips back so my ass was sticking out behind me, exposing my filled pussy to him.

“That’s beautiful Taylor.” He mumbled, moving his hips while he continued to paint.

He pulled out a few inches after a few minutes and focused on his work. There I stood between David and the easel as he painted and I tried to push my out. He put one hand on my pussy and put some pressure on the baby’s head again as he played with my clit.

I spread my legs further, silently begging him to hurry up and let me give birth, even though my heart wanted him to take me one more time.

“Ohh my Taylor I’m almost done… soon we can let the head come out.” He said as he pulled his hand away and replaced it with his cock, slowly stroking it up and down my ass and pussy. I tilted my hips back, trying to steer him inside me, but he pulled away.

“Please…ahhh ohhh” I begged.

“Really… one more time. Are you really sure?” He teased.

“Yes… hurry up the baby… it’s coming..” I mumbled back and pushed my hips back further.

“Do you want me to? You look so pretty with the head stuck behind your lips.” He said.

“Yes.” I answered . I couldn’t physically push myself back further, my body were aching as it was. My pussy felt like it was about to explode now. I craved his cock with a fierceness I’d only ever imagined. He pressed his cock into my tight ass again and slid it all the way in. My body gave him a warm welcome, it opened to him like a tunnel. I felt every single vein and ridge of his thick cock as it stretched my hole.

“God, you’re so tight.” David moaned, as he plunged inside me.

“You are so beautiful. Do you want to have my baby one day?” He whispered.

“Yes.. ohh ahhh.” I said, holding the easel tighter as his thrusts gained momentum. His thighs slapped against my ass and I knew that if I looked later, they’d be red.

Suddenly he pulled out and stood behind me and watched me push through a couple of hard contractions.

Then he thrusted deep inside my ass again, and begun to pump me with long deep moves, while he held one hand on my shoulder and with his other hand he kept painting.

David wanted to go deeper into my ass, so he pulled my upper body against his chest. I screamed in pain and pleasure while I let my head rest on his shoulder. David could feel the big head move out little by little when he continued to fuck me. Finally it popped out with a gush of fluids, hitting David’s balls. David pulled out and stared in shock at the huge head sticking out from my tight pussy together with the umbilical cord from the first baby.

“Good job baby! You’ve done a great job today.” David said and smiled at me.

“Ahhh... check for the umbilical cord.. please.” I gasped and looked at David while amniotic fluids continued to squirt out around my child’s head. The head was placed tight between my legs. It didn’t move any further and my lips closed tight around the baby’s neck. Fluids continued to leak out and down my thighs when David kept painting.

“Please don’t push I’m almost finished.” He said and focused on his work and kept on hand on the baby’s head.

I stood there with a big head between my legs and tried to resist my urges.

“Gotta push... I have to push now.. ahhh.” I mumbled as I stood still and breathed deeply.

“No not yet… I’m not finished… just a little bit more.” He answered quickly.

David almost found it after some agonizing minutes at the same time as he started to shoot loads of cum on my ass and thighs, while he managed to keep two fingers inside my pussy and grabbed his throbbing cock with his other hand.

“Ahhh David what did you do? I gotta push... UUUUUUUuuuuuuuhhhhhhggg.” I continued to gasp when he somehow managed to get his fingers underneath the umbilical cord as it started to tighten up and unwrapped it while he felt his orgasm ran through his body.

David squeezed my ass and touched the baby’s head as he masturbated his huge cock and shot the last drops of his semen out of his tensed balls while we groaned aloud together.

“Ohh god. Wow. Ohh... Ok baby you can start pushing. I will make it easier for you.” He said to me as he brought his hand down to my clit and I gasped, trembling with overwhelming desire as yet another contraction hit me. He pressed his hand to my swollen belly as he pinched and pulled at my hardened nub, and he felt me shake and trembling of arousal.

That’s when the pain turned into pleasure and got stronger with every contraction as my orgasms were pushing the baby further out, I arched my back panting and moaning.

The baby’s head dangled behind me and cried as it kicked inside the uterus. For a moment I wanted this moment to last a little longer when the shoulder brushed against my g-spot I almost passed out from the pleasure.

David couldn’t believe it was possible for such a big mass to come out of a woman’s pussy. He shook his head then stared at the baby.

“David! Ohh it’s happening .. the baby ... it’s coming! Help meeee!! ... baby ... I’m coming it feels so good!” I wailed harshly. My little audience watched with big eyes as the first shoulder popped out. I struggled to push the rest of the baby out, the baby was huge inside of me. David grabbed his camera and took a lot photos. Then the other arm popped out, my voice hoarse from screaming, the belly slightly deflated again, breasts leaking milk freely, and the second baby was now half out of me. I kept struggling to push it out as my orgasm slowly subsided and I fell to my knees so I could rest on the floor for a while, desperately panting for air. The baby dangled between my legs until it finally emerged with a gush of fluids and fell down on the floor. David stood behind me and watched the baby on the floor before he picked it up.

“It’s a boy Taylor.” He said and smiled at me.

I panted and looked at my newborn son and then on David, today’s midwife and artist. I examined every inch of his naked muscular body and gave him a little smile. Semen was still leaking out of his semi hard cock creating a puddle on the floor. David blushed and smiled back, as he put his underwear back on.

Once we both recovered he gently cleaned me and helped me put my clothes on as I fed my babies. We just sat on that soft couch and talked for hours before he drove me home.

As it turned out we had a lot in common, besides the boiling lust for one another's body, and we both knew this was the start of something special.

We talked on the phone almost every day after that, and once life started back up we tried to see each other as often as we could. We got together for dinner a few times a month, and after a period of gradual build up, it was almost as if our dating hadn't started with one incredibly erotic night together.

The night of his big opening finally arrived, and David had been at the gallery for days, arranging and displaying the breadth of his art. I wasn't allowed anywhere near it, so when the night finally came to see all of his effort on display, I was excited, and a little nervous. After all, my naked pregnant body was surely part of one of the works on display. I adjusted my black dress before entering through the wide open doors.

The first thing my eyes locked on was a crowd of maybe 50-60 people, couples and single pregnant women, all staring up at perhaps twelve 6 foot work of art, which featured a deep, lush garden scene bursting with colorful flowers and dew dappled leaves. I knew this piece,  intimately I thought to myself.

I was shocked at first by the massive size of it, then by the crowd, and then a bit relieved that I couldn't see myself in the image anywhere. Maybe he just decided to skip the paintings of me in the end; these four was absolutely magnificent anyway, but I was a little bit disappointed.

As we waited for David’s  introduction, I stared at his paintings on the wall and realized that it was actually covered in a large sheet. The image on the sheet was being projected by a device hanging just above and back a couple feet. The real art was still hidden. I gulped.

Just then David emerged from around a partition in the wall, and his aura was amazing. He wore a black costume with sequins in vertical stripes of varying lengths and widths. They sparkled and danced under the bright lighting, and everyone started clapping as they noticed his arrival.

He slowly approached the microphone and looked over the crowd. His face was serious and professional, and I got a new perspective of this deep and enchanting man as he surveyed the group. Then, his eyes locked on mine.

The slow unfolding of his lips into a glorious smile made my heart leap in my chest for him, and I was so in love I could barely breathe. Then that perfect mouth opened, and he began to speak.

"Thank you everyone for coming, this exhibit has been a long time in the making. I know many of you have helped me get to this point, and I want to thank all the avid supporters of my art and my assistants and wonderful models."

Her eyes met mine quickly again, and then continued to scan the room. When he finally got to the big unveiling, he seemed to light up more brightly.

"The pieces you see before you is hidden only because I want you all to experience it for the first time together. I always knew that something was missing from my unique project. It always felt a little novel, like a quirky side project; but I knew there was potential for more.

"When I began this four pieces, I knew that only the right subject could help me complete my vision. When I first met this model, I was surprised by the sudden attraction I felt. I knew immediately I had to see if perhaps this was the element I was missing from my project. I am now convinced it was.

"When we started the process I experienced a feeling that, in my own life, was an anomaly . . . real desire. I had a strong desire to paint at a young age, a desire to learn from great teachers later in life, and even a desire to abandon my schooling and to set out on my own. None of this compared to the new level of desire I had discovered, one much more powerful and invigorating."

With that he swung his arm skyward, sending the spotlight and everyone's eyes to the brightly lit fabric, the blank sheet wafting quietly to the floor.

When the material dropped, there was a long silence filled only with quiet gasps. My eyes were trained on the wall, and as his artwork finally appeared, my jaw fell slowly, and completely, to the floor.

The entire image was filled with the same garden scene I had remembered, but it was now somehow alive. The tangled vines and dancing leaves seemed to move with existence. The flowers that burst from the foliage seemed to each have its own emotion; excitement, trepidation . . . hunger. There was so much life on that wall that it seemed to jump out of the artwork and into the room. The drops of moisture and mist in the air looked real and wet, dripping into the scene, keeping it nourished and alive.

I was so taken aback by the sheer beauty and magnificence of the painting that I wasn't even looking for my role in the piece. I was simply in awe at the depth and life of her art.

I heard people start to whisper, and then mumble, and then someone started to clap. This one clap was immediately joined by the rest of the crowd, and suddenly it was hard to hear over all the cheering and applause.

And then all at once I saw it.

The way my eyes took in the hidden event was a miracle in itself. A couple broad leafs in the middle with a drop of dew descending from its edge, morphed gradually into my pussy with my baby stretching my lips. It transformed quickly from non-existent to the most obvious focus in the scene. The rest of my naked body unfolded from there and my spread legs moved from middle to each side. Once it was there, it seemed to lean out of the picture and settle back in, a trick of the light or my own perception. The next picture have caught the perfect image when I was standing on all four with my second child crowning with David’s his huge cock inside my ass.

The third painting involved David when he let his cock tease my ass, as the giant cock leaned heavily on my butt as my baby’s head dangled between my thighs. The fourth painting involved a huge green field. When you looked closely to the field you could see me standing on my knees with my child crowing as I stroked David’s cock. Those little streams were his semen running down my belly. When you looked from another angle you could the lines in the landscape was mirrored.

The painting was the hardest to see but after a while I saw the dripping dew I was sure had been painted, was clearly my own leaking precipitation leaking from my pussy and his semen covering my ass! How did he do that?

Although I was nervous about being exposed before a large group of people, it didn't feel like it was actually my own body up on that wall; it was the vision and execution of a highly talented and inspired artist, my own part in the work being as important as the canvas or the brush.

David came up next to me pull my ear down to touch his lip, and he whispered words sunk into me deeply.

"Let me impregnate you and have sex with you when you’re pregnant Taylor and I'll help you give birth again.” He growled into my brain.

I swallowed hard, taken aback by his forward and lascivious words. He turned to stand in front of me, his arm still in mine, and I felt his hand trace a line down the front of my dress between us, unseen by the crowd. His eyes were full of playful mischief as he pushed his overflowing chest into me, concealing her wayward grip from view as he grabbed my hand firmly and put onto his big cock.

“David I love to do it again.” I whispered and gripped his semi hard cock.

Michael and wife passed through us quickly as possible and smiled at us.

“Looks like you too are working again… have fun.” They said and smiled back at us as they rubbed her big belly.

“Are they in one of the paintings?” I asked. David nodded and we continued to walk around in the gallery.
Liked by Thebige (May 11, 2024)
@Paradox thank you!

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