Artificial Angels 1; Gwaine's Angels
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***Note: This story contains themes that some may find offensive. These include, but are not limited to sexual slavery, genetic modification, and suggestions of violence. If you are put off by any of these themes please do not read.***

Gwaine had experienced a multitude of bad days in his time, but this day seemed to top every single one of them. As he drove up the driveway of his two-story home he took a moment to shut off the gas and remember every denouncing factor he’d experienced in the past six hours.

First off, he was nearly late for work; his alarm clock was all busted after a small incident knocked it off the nightstand, and the thing now nearly cost him his job. Then, as he managed to make it to the shoe factory with minutes to spare, he ran into his bitch of an ex-girlfriend; although they broke up almost a year ago, she’d still been latching onto him from time-to-time as if he still owed her something. The fact that her father was also his boss didn’t seem to make the situation any easier. But the one event, the “cherry on top” of his shitstorm of a day, was when some moron scratched the side of his car; as he remembered this, he stuck his head out the car window to look with despair at the massive metallic scratch that trailed along a good length of his newly painted beauty.

As he got out of his newly scarred pride and joy (which took him a month’s worth of pay just for the paint job), the 23 year-old guy took deep breaths and made strides to calm himself down. He turned to take one last look at that scratch, and as he put his mind at ease, he told himself he’d try asking one of his buddies for a little help. Maybe they could give him some aid, thanks to all the ways he’s helped them out with past issues. As he made his way to the front door of his abode, Gwaine remembered the one thing (or three things to be precise) that would brighten up his day. For as he inserted the key and turned the lock, twisted the knob and pushed the door open, a chorus of three distinct voices echoed throughout the house; “WELCOME HOME, MASTER”!

Although Gwaine had hated what the day had brought so far, he knew he whatever remained of it would be beyond enjoyable, thanks to his three girls. They weren’t “girl” girls, nor were they real girls; they were actually just a trio of genetically engineered young woman he had gotten by various reasons over the past four months. Zara, a motherly-like light-brown southern gal, had been given to him by a friend as a means of covering a debt he owed him. He won the sexually charged, slutty and exhibitionist pale-skinned punk named Lara from a strip club that was running out of business. But Mara, a calm, submissive but heavily devoted maiden, was actually bought with his own, hard-earned cash.

Created by the Iden no Kanki company in Japan, these kind of girls were hard to come by for regular consumers like Gwaine. They were normally reserved for those lucky individuals with a ton of money to burn, just like a large house or a fancy sports car. However, by a huge run of luck, Gwaine had been able to acquire not only one, but three of these girls. He only wished that he had some of that some luck today. However, the girls would brighten that up a lot, so he decided to stop worrying, and go see what was making that delicious aroma in the kitchen.


Gwaine made the effort to kick off his work shoes and spend the rest of his day walking about in grey-toned socks, and then happily entered the kitchen to see what was being prepared for the evening’s meal. As he turned the corner, he gazed upon the familiarly large rump and bare back of Zara, who was happily working by the stove wearing only a white apron. As Gwaine attempted to give her a surprise scare from behind, she abruptly turned around to face her owner, giving a surprise scare of her own via her large and fully exposed breasts; “Hi, Gwaine. Did’ja enjoy your day at work?” Gwaine was too distracted by the chocolate-colored nipples in front of him to pay any attention; he still hadn’t fully adjusted to them since he got her less than a month ago.

Zara was the newest of the three girls Gwaine had gotten, and she was only given to him thanks to a debt one of his friends had owed him. He recalled that one of his buddies had gotten into some sort of trouble, and that he had to leave as soon as possible. Gwaine helped him move all of his furniture and junk to a house a couple of miles away, and with his friend having no money at the time, he decided to pay him with Zara, who was originally named Elizabeth. Gwaine could get a hint from the name that the dude had some mother issues, which was fully confirmed when he learned what “Elizabeth’s” modifications allowed her to do. Either way, he got a free cook, which is what Zara did a lot of thanks to her “gift”.

“Gwaine, y’all right?” Gwaine focused back to face the questioning, yellow-pupiled eyes staring at him. “It was fine, just a few bumps and potholes about, but nothing serious.” Zara smiled with satisfaction at this answer, and then set the wooden spoon she wielded down on the counter and made a slow walk towards Gwaine. “Is there anything I can do to make my baby feel better? Dinner needs to cool down, so there’s plenty of time to relax and play.” After all he’d been through today, Gwaine felt like he could start relaxing by leaning against the counter and giving his first command; “Zara, please kneel down, and give the usual routine.” Zara nodded and said, “Anything I can do for my little baby.” Yep, definitely mother issues.

As her hands grasped and pulled apart the side of his jeans, Gwaine reached down to slide down his boxers until his rod was released. When the fleshy thing jutted in front of her face, Zara eyed it with intent, and waited until her master (and her baby) gave the order. Gwaine nodded, and her chocolate lips parted, and enveloped the tip of the head.

Gwaine shuttered as her slick tongue grazed across the very tip of his shaft, which soon slid and squirmed all over it as she unexpectedly went down further. Gwaine was caught with such surprise that he grabbed the back of her long white hair to try to keep her steady. She went no further, but her tongue continued to fiddle and wriggle around with the thing she had managed of fully envelop. As soon as she needed to catch her breath, Gwaine let go of her head, and she slid off of his cock to catch a breather. As she finished catching a few long breaths, and as Gwaine took a few of his own, she politely asked, “Do you wanna go to stage two, hun?”

After another nod she propped herself up until her chest was level with his waist, and pushed it forward until his dick began to fit in-between her chocolate melons. As she squeezed her breasts against her master’s cock, she gave him a smile, and rotated them up and down. Gwaine watched and wiggled as her tits slid along and squeezed around his dick, drawing his eyes to the one thing that gave her away as an artificial being: the barcode tattoo upon her right breast. Despite how real she looked, she was only created to suit the satisfactions of her owner; I mean, previous owner. That little fact was soon made obvious as her nipples began to twitch and produce little droplets of a sweet smelling, whitish liquid.

At the sight of this, she moaned and exclaimed, “Baby, I think Momma’s got some milk for you!” Before she could go any further, Gwaine hopped off the counter and bent over to the still-kneeling woman, grabbing the left breast in his right hand saying, “That’s good, but I think I’ll only take half this time.” As soon as he finished, he pressed his mouth against the erect nipple and began to suck, and good timing too as sweet, delicious milk began to squirt fiercely out of the right breast. As Zara’s milk began to squirt out from one side, the other was being taken in by Gwaine, who despite the odd feeling he’d get from doing this, actually liked the sweet semi-skimmed taste of her “milk”. Just as Gwaine felt like he could take no more, the squirting reduced down to merely a trickle, and then recessed back to a few drops before finally stopping.

He swallowed whatever remained, and pushed himself back to rest his head against the counter and catch a breath. Zara sighed too, for in three hours this would happen again, and then another three hours after that. She looked with dismay at the mess her right tit had produced upon the tile floor, but was quite relieved to see that hardly any of it got on her Master, which is the least that could be said for herself. As Gwaine stood up and fixed his clothing back the way it was, he was about to make way to a wash cloth before Zara, now wearing a milk-soaked apron, told him to not worry about a thing as she’ll take care of it. “Why don’t cha go and see Lara as I tend to this matter.” As he shrugged his shoulders and proceeded to the living room, Zara called back saying, “There’ll be more where that came from later, dear.” Yep, definitely mother issues, but with good resolve.


Gwaine admitted that despite Zara’s odd capabilities, she wasn’t much of a bother; unfortunately he could not say the same for Lara. As Gwaine made his way to the front of the couch, he could see that Lara was laying down (more like posing for a portrait) in the nude, and watching some random crap on the adult channels. As she stared vacantly at the screen with bright green eyes, Gwaine recalled all of her glorious features: the front of her short hair was crimson, while the back and eyebrows were a grayish blue. Vines, tattooed all over her upper torso, erupted from a rose on her chest and wrapped around her long arms and pale-skinned breasts. A decorative barbed-wire design circled her right thigh, and the barcode tattoo that identified her artificialness was placed above the smooth, vacant spot where her snatch would have been, if she had one in the first place.

As Gwaine waved to the unresponsive form on the couch, he easily recalled how he managed to get such a girl. About a month and a half ago the local strip club, Artificial Angels, was running out of business; something about the owner having his bank account wiped clean. So, to pay off his debts, he was raffling off everything he could: the furniture, the stereo system, the building, and even the strippers. The strippers weren’t real women, of course, but merely created ones he had managed to buy over the years, and Lara was one of the most popular. She danced marvelously, worked the pole with a great degree of skill, and even spoke in a seductive Russian accent to the few customers who managed to get her at their table. Gwaine only managed once, and boy, did she have a great tongue! He was just as, if not more surprised than everyone else when he managed to win her at the auction. Heck, he’d only brought a ticket hoping to win the sound system. A lot of people actually got upset at him for it, even friends that were present.

However, he soon learned that although Lara was a great stripper, she wasn’t much of a great “anything-else”. When the club owner bought her, he customized her mind solely on the parts revolving around sex and being sexy, resulting in her being completely mindless on things that involved otherwise, even freezing solid when nobody else was in the room. He remembered that when he asked her to simply make a sandwich, he came back half an hour later to find her posing, not moving a muscle until he called out her name. She was, simply put, a sexually skilled simpleton. This could be proven now as he continued to wave at her, clearly standing within her line of sight, yet she didn’t even turn her pupils to face his. As far as he could tell, she was “activated” by sound, and would only respond when called by name, or to the door opening.

“Hello Lara.” The phrase instantly pulled her out of her “stand-by mode”, and her emerald gaze brightened up as she crossed her legs and spoke to her master in that oh-so coveted Russian accent, “Hello, Gwaine. How about ve have some play-time together, right here?” To be truthful, all she ever talked about was sex; it even seemed to be the sole thing she could even think about, if she could think at all. Gwaine shrugged, and simply reached his hands down to grab her pelvis and rotate it, having her naked bottom sticking in the air. This also had the benefit of revealing her final two tattoos, a star on each bum cheek. On the left cheek a stylized red and black star, and on the right cheek a plain yellow/gold 5 point star. As he sat down and began loosening his pants again, the red/blue headed girl wiggled her body to lie flat on the couch, with her arms and head propped up by the armrest. As soon as his pants were off, and his enlarged cock exposed, he stuck it in between the pale butt cheeks, sliding his rod against her anal hole.

Lara moaned as this happened, behaving as if that spot alone was her main and sole source of pleasure throughout her entire being. Actually, it pretty much was. When she had been made, it was done so with a few customer concerns kept in mind. Her previous owner thought that dozens of men would want to have their merry way with her, and the mere thought of dozens of men using and cumming in one of his most ‘premier’ girls was an extremely disgusting one. So Lara (who was called the Red Rose at the time) was made without a vagina, but that didn’t mean the owner never gave her any special features of her own. As Gwaine maneuvered his rod to make contact with the entrance, it was made apparent that her ass also doubled as a hidden vagina, with the clit put in and everything.

He made his mark, and began to have his manhood slowly pierce his girl’s rear, whose moans now escalated in pitch as she felt her ass become violated. She screamed with ecstasy when he made it to the bottom’s bottom, his dick buried to the base, and slowly pulled himself out and starting to thrust. He pushed in and pulled out repeatedly, resting his hands on the smooth back of the very girl he was violating, and was enjoying it. Through the moans and bobbing of her head, she spoke to Gwaine with the single question on her simple, little mind, “Are zou going to cum, baby?” As Gwaine continued thrusting his member, and as it began feeling a tingly sensation, he called back to her. “Yes Lara, yes. I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna….” A thought suddenly dawned on his mind, and he pulled his rod out of her bum in a heartbeat. “No, I’m not going to cum. Anyways, not in you.”

As Gwaine sat up and fixed his pants again, and as the tingly sensation died down but still lingered, Lara sat up with the intentions of further seducing her master. “Oh Gwaine, don’t you wish to see more of me? How about I do a little dance for you, or perhaps a little posing?” Gwaine didn’t feel like spending more time with her, so he decided to play along with her little game. “Okay, you wanna pose for me? Then sit up and pose like a begging dog with your mouth open. Also, don’t move until I say so.” Lara gave a mischievous smile, and obliged to her master’s command by posing the way he said. As he left the sitting room, with Lara still posing, he waited for about a minute before walking back in.

Indeed, Lara was still posed exactly the way he told her to, and he got close to her face to take a closer look. She didn’t respond as Gwaine stood a foot away from her cute, smiling face, whose green eyes shared the same empty look they had before he even entered the room. Gwaine deduced that she had returned to “stand-by mode”, with her simplistic brain now focusing on endless thoughts of sex and ecstasy. Gwaine chuckled a little at this, almost jealous of Lara’s lack of worries. He patted her on the head and said “Good girl”, before leaving the room and going upstairs.


As Gwaine made his way up the stairs to his bedroom, he told himself that after three months of waiting and playing along, he was finally going to do it; he was finally going to help Mara ‘give birth’. Unlike Lara and Zara, he actually bought Mara on his own, and, also unlike Lara and Zara, she came with no modifications. Yeah, he placed down his specifics and details about her, but he didn’t give her the crazy features that the other girls had, meaning that Mara was reasonably normal compared to the other two. She even had the barcode tattoo on the original spot most artificial girls have them, above the rear. She was his first girl, and for three months now, he had been playing a game of sorts to settle his relationship with her. He liked Lara and Zara, but he loved Mara, and Mara loved him back.

When he got to the closed door of his bedroom, he knocked to make sure it was okay to enter, and a soft and angelic voice within kindly said, “Come in.” As he pushed the door open, it was like something out of an erotic romance film: Mara laid on the bed, her soft, deep blue eyes staring at him. Her face was fair, and a braided red-brown tail stroked against her left cheek. She had a white frail on her styled hair, and wore a long, see-through dress with a black choker. The dress had 2 holes cut in it. One of these holes was to allow her capacious breasts to stick through, and the other to allow her belly to expand. Her legs were long and smooth, making no attempts to conceal her excellent womanhood. Her left arm covered the pink nipples of her soft, succulent breasts, and the right rested upon her enlarged belly. Mara, by all means, looked pregnant.

Although Gwaine didn’t have her with any modifications, he still wanted to enjoy her in some odd way, so he got a special drug just for her. It was weird; the company who made her also sold something called “specialty drugs”, which apparently enhanced the girls to make opportunities for some odd experiences. For Mara, he got her a drug that enlarged her belly and made her seem pregnant until Gwaine would cum inside her, something that he had prevented himself from doing ever since he got her. Well, in her pussy at least. After today though, after all the crap he had gone through today, he decided he was going to get it over with once and for all.

When she saw him, she didn’t bother to sit herself up, but continued to lie down on the silky, white sheets of the king size bed. “Oh Gwaine, it’s so good to see you. How has your day been?” As Gwaine closed the bedroom door behind him, he smiled as he heard the voice that sounded divine, but said in a hollow tone, “It was rough. I was nearly late, the car got scratched, and I even ran into Becca again.” Mara looked with a great deal of concern at her lover. He had mentioned Becca numerous times before this, but this was the first time Gwaine had actually run into Becca since she was delivered. “Did she….you know….give you a hard time?” Gwaine slowly made his way towards the bed, and just as he begun to lie down next to her, he spoke with a hint of difficulty in his tone, “She gave me, a very hard time. She was sad, but clearly still angry at me, and she even brought up…..that.” As he finished saying that last part, he reached a hand over to stroke her round and swollen stomach.

Gwaine and Becca had been dating for years, and at some point, they decided they were each other’s soul mate. However, after they tried multiple times, Becca just couldn’t get pregnant. They both learned that Gwaine was sterile from some of the chemicals he had been working with (he had used the compensation from this to buy Mara in the first place). This meant that as long as she stayed with him, Becca could never bare a child. Showing a greater passion and desire for bearing children of her own then that for her ‘soul mate’, she left Gwaine, and he felt guilty for it ever since. Gwaine was aware, and even Mara was slightly aware, that was why they had been doing this setup in the first place, and the thought of that realization only made him sad.

Mara turned to give her partner a gentle smile, and reached her breast-covering arm over to stroke his cheek. “Don’t feel sadness, Gwaine. Difficult things will always happen to us, but you have to learn to get over them. Otherwise, you’ll always be sad.” Gwaine was quite touched by her words. She was always very skilled in conversations, as was her design, and that skill was clearly shown now. Gwaine reached an arm to stroke her cheek as well and, in a sudden moment of embrace, they slowly got closer and kissed.

When their lips met, their tongues didn’t begin to immediately dive into each others’ mouths, but instead they went slowly, and performed at a motion that showed not signs of lust, but passion. When their lips pulled apart, with a small strand of saliva holding on, Gwaine quietly told her, “Mara, after all of this waiting, I think I’m going to do it now.”
Mara understood what he meant immediately, and as he rolled over on top of her and loosened his jeans one last time, she closed her eyes and gave him a bright smile. With his member now exposed and his arms rested upon the bed, he gave a huff of anticipation, pushed his hips back, and thrust his cock inside of Mara.

Mara was in some context, a virgin, never having her vagina used by Gwaine even once. Now, as his manhood pierced her pussy and took her virginity away, she gave a loud but song-like moan of first fulfilled pleasure. Gwaine pulled back, and pushed it in again, a process he would continue to do until the tingling sensation he felt before returned to his shaft. Mara’s moans became rhythmic, and her arms grasped onto the bed frame for some means of support. The sensation was at its’ fullest, and as Gwaine thrusted faster and faster into his lover’s pussy, they both gave a pleasurable yell as he finally fulfilled himself, and came into Mara.

The infertile seed of Gwaine gushed from Mara’s now used cunt, and tiny droplets of her piss began to drip out. Gwaine’s body collapsed onto Mara’s, and both gave long draws of breath to cool themselves down from their lovemaking. Their faces rested upon each other’s, and both gave one another an admiring smile of accomplishment. They were preparing to kiss again, but the moment was cut short when Mara felt a strange feeling in her legs. They both looked down to see that in the mix of semen and urine below their waists, other drops of liquid were mixing in, a light green liquid of now obvious origin.

Mara blushed, and looked at Gwaine with great urgency in her tone, “Ooohhh, I really have to go to the bathroom now. They said the residue can stain.” Gwaine instantly pulled out of her, resulting in more of that liquid dripping out, and quickly got off the bed and onto his feet. As Mara struggled to get up on her own, a kind hand reached down to give her aid, “Need some help getting there?” Mara happily nodded, and taking his hand with her own, they both rushed to the room’s en-suite to finally end their three month long game.


It was now dinner time, and everyone sat around a large, square table with the evening’s meal (Classic Spaghetti with creamy chicken) lay out in front of them. Zara, now wearing a clean apron, sat their asking everyone questions about how her cooking was. Lara, who was still (as always) stark naked, ate her food as slowly and seductively as possible, keeping her keen green eyes focused on Gwaine, slightly jealous that her posing had not elicited another sex session when he had reactivated her for supper. Mara, now wearing a simple shirt and short pants, ate the pasta joyfully, now sporting a slim, non-swollen belly. She told Zara that the food was wonderful, and that she was glad to be able to finally eat big meals at the table again thanks to, well, Gwaine.

As he ate his meal, he looked about the trio of “women” in front of him, and recalled to himself the fates that girls just like them come across from their owners. He knew that some owners, most he knew from the now defunct strip club, beat their girls and snuffed them brutally, getting some sick thrill out of it. As he looked around him, he knew he would never do something like that to them or anything relatively close. He’d never do it to Zara, who was a great and caring cook. He’d never do it to Lara, whose thoughtless drives brought his life excitement. But most of all, as he looked across to Mara, who caught his gaze and smiled back, he’d never do it to Mara. He loved all these girls, but Mara loved him back.

***I do have further stories written in this ‘universe’ as it were. Not all contain pregnancy, but pregnancy is mentioned in all of them. If there is any interest in these I will be willing to post them once they have been completed.***
***Additional Note; Any constructive criticism (e.g. grammar/pacing) will be very much appreciated)***
Who would like to see the next story in this series. Warning; may contain catgirls
Catgirls would be awesome
Ok, just finishing off the first of 3 or 4 parts. Will post in another thread since next story has new characters

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