Adventures in the PI - Baby Bomb
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Sometimes you have the most incredible luck and no one will ever believe your story. In this case, I was in the Philippines in Angeles City on vacation. It was my first time there and I was walking down the street heading toward many of the Go Go bars. The weather all day had looked like it was going to down pour, but I guess it held off until I decided to go bar hopping. The sky just opened up and let loose a torrential downpour. I decided to hop into the first bar to escape from the rain.

When I entered the bar, it was dead. I was the only guy in there. A girl was sitting at the corner of the bar and she tossed a towel over to me. She winked, smiled, and said I should dry myself off next to her in broken English. It was dark and I could not see her whole body, but she had big boobs and a nice looking face. I walked over to the bar and sat next to her. She smelled wonderful considering the smoky atmosphere. I asked her what here name was and she said it was Maria. I asked if she wanted a drink and she was hesitant, but she accepted. As I looked her over, I could see that her boobs were bursting out of bikini top – it almost appeared that the top was two sizes too small. I could not see the rest of her because of the angle of the bar, the darkness, and she was sitting close to the bar. We made small talk to the best of her ability, but I could tell she had an outgoing personality. As we talked, we played a game of was like Connect Four and we added shots and beer chasers. As the drinks flowed and her perfume hit, I really wanted to have her. I could tell that she was digging me to but appeared to be a little hesitant. I was kicking her but in the game, so she decided to wager. If I won, she would pay for all the drinks. If she won, I would have to take her out and get some food. I agreed and the next thing I knew she was pointing that she won. This is where it starting getting good.

I have a weakness for pregnant women and I love the feel of them. I have a “sixth sense” when it comes to finding pregnant women – I am not sure why or how. Well, in this case, I hit the jack pot. She told me she had to dance one more set before we could go. She woozily slid off the chair and I heard the floor creak. I was finally able to get a good look at her whole body – it was incredible. She looked like she had a baby bomb had gone off in her.

She was about 4’11, about 150 pounds, long black hair, brown eyes and with brown skin. She was wearing a bikini that was about two sizes too small. Her belly button had popped out and her bikini bottom was stretched to the max. You could tell that she was athletic at one time before the pregnancy and carried the babies well. She must have been in her 7th or 8th month from what I could tell.

She waddled to the steps of the stage. She climbed each step and you could hear the creaking of the floor boards. She waddled to a chair that was on stage and sat down. When she sat down, her stomach made a loud growl because she was hungry. As she rubbed her belly, you could see the babies move and kick. As the babies moved and kicked, this caused her breasts to leak a small amount of milk.[/size][/font]

To be Continued?
Liked by B17geek98 (May 13, 2021), morgans1991 (Oct 30, 2014), Sman7654 (Oct 28, 2014)
I like where you're going with this. It's a tad short IMO
It is. I have been debating if I should even try to write and wanted to give something back. I wanted some initial feedback before I write some more. Thanks for the encouragement.
You've made a good start for your first attempt, I'm intrigued to see where this story goes for sure, especially if she's a plump and hungry preggo, after that dance I imagine she'll have quite the appetite Wink
please continue, you have a great hook that builds anticipation for more of the story....
Thank you for the comments. It motivates me to write and improves my ideas. ;0

I was even amazed that she had the courage to go on stage in her condition. She pushed back the chair and slowly stood up. She just stayed in one place and swayed to the music as the song ran its course. I was, of course, mesmerized on her belly. No words could describe what I saw.

The song finished and she walked down the stairs. She said she was going to go change and then we would leave. I waited for what seemed was an eternity, but she finally came out. She came out wearing flips, blue stretchy pants that appeared to go over her belly, and a shirt. Not very sexy, but it did accent her belly.
We walked to a pizza joint near my hotel. This is when I got her story on how she got pregnant.

Apparently, the mamasan who ran the bar accepted some pills from a local pharmacist. This pharmacist had owed the bar some money and wanted to pay his debt. The pharmacist said they were “vitamins” and that she should give them to the girls to help fight STDs and keep their health up. He gave the mamasan 3 huge bottles (think Warehouse Club size) and told her to give each girl one a day. In reality, these so called vitamins were fertility pills. The mamasan gave each girl a pill a day. She really did not notice anything at first, but then the girls were getting “frisky” and not really caring who they fucked. Most of the girls of used protection, but accidents happen. Apparently, there was a “flu bug” that went around to the girls which explained the morning sickness and they started to become a little more hungry than normal. No one in the club could put it together that the girls were being fed fertility pills. On top of that, it Maria was a twin which increased her chances even more of caring multiples.

Maria did not really understand the implications of the fertility pills or being a twin. She told me while we were eating that she when she started taking the pills she was horny all the time. She understood about using protection, but sometimes she forgot. It was only a matter of time before the baby bomb went off. She noticed the usual pregnancy symptoms and was in denial. The rest of the girls were in the same situation. Early on in her pregnancy, she noticed her belly was getting bigger than the rest of the girls and was hungry all the time. She went to a midwife and told her symptoms. The midwife told her that she was pregnant and was probably caring more than one baby, but that was about it. She told Maria to make sure to eat as much as she could to ensure the babies were big and strong.

While at the pizza joint, I was amazed at Maria’s appetite. While there, she devoured an extra-large pizza (I only had 3 slices), 2 pitchers of soda, and a huge basket of wings. When done, she patted her belly and asked for desert. This girl could really put away some food and I was amazed on how much she could eat. When we left the restaurant, we stopped to get a bucket of ice cream for the hotel. Once we got back to the hotel, she asked if she could take a shower and watch some tv.

The anticipation was increasing and it was worth the wait. When she walked out of the shower, she had two towels pinned together. I asked if I could see her fully naked and she was shy, but she said yes. She dropped the towels and it was amazing. I was able to see her in the light and in all her glory. My guess was that she was caring triplets and about 7 to 8 months pregnant. Her areola was about the size of an American Silver Dollar and was dark brown. It was obvious that her breasts were engorged with milk and she was sporting a DD. Her belly button was poked out and she was about 175 pounds with all the baby weight according to my estimates. Once I finished gawking at her, she smiled and put her towel back on and sat next to me on the bed. She started to eat the ice cream out of the bucket as we continued to talk. She explained that she was very skinny when she got pregnant, probably about 100 pounds and a B Cup. Once she got pregnant, she was hungry all the time. She finished about half the ice cream before she kissed me. She had said that I had a kind face and appeared to be gentle. I kissed her back and then we fucked liked rabbits. Her pussy was warm like an oven and was surprised on how quickly she could move positions in her condition. She had experience sucking a cock and she knew how to please a man. As I was fucking her, I was wondering if I was pleasing her when I felt her pussy clamp down on my dick and climax. My question was soon answered and I responded in kind. We fucked two more times that night and it was the most memorable thing I have ever done.

In the morning, we cuddled and asked if she wanted breakfast. She smiled and nodded. We got dressed and went down for the breakfast buffet. We were there for about 2 and ½ hours and she definitely got my monies worth. She literally was an eating machine and enjoyed the food. After breakfast, we went back up stairs and took a nap. Around lunch time, she wanted to go eat again. After about two hours of stuffing, she was full. While eating, I noticed that she had to pull her blue stretchy pants below her belly. Were the stretchy pants getting tight on her?

After lunch, she told me had to go. I told her that I had a great time, but I wanted to see her again. She cried and said that she would like that. I told her that I was on vacation for about 45 days and had just started. I told her that I would meet her back at the bar that night.

What I did not know at the time was the adventures I would have with her while pregnant. This was only the tip of the iceberg.

Interested in hearing more?
Liked by B17geek98 (May 13, 2021), morgans1991 (Oct 30, 2014)
It's coming along nicely, I certainly hope we get to read of her putting on plenty more pregnancy weight, sounds to me like 175lbs is a little low, she should definitely be bigger Wink
please continue just keeps getting better
Thank you donbambino24, escape 60, and Badgerlord. Your encouragement really has motivated me. I hope you find the next installment better than the last two. I wish I was an artist so I could show what she looks like. As you probably can tell, the story has some real life experiences to it. I will let you determine which parts are true.

When I met her at the bar that night, she was excited to see me. I bought her a drink and we talked about what had happened the night before. She put my hand on her belly and I massaged it. Massaging that huge orb was exhilarating and making me horny. I told her that I was into pregnant women and since I was going to be in the PI for a while, I wanted her to be with me and wanted to help her out. She started to tear up and said she was “kilig”. I negotiated a deal with the mamasan to have Maria be with me for the next three weeks. The mamasan wanted to play hardball, but using reason and logic I won out. Most guys are turned off by pregnant woman and the ones that liked her were turned off by her size. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.

She got dressed in her street clothes (the same outfit from the night before) and we got something to eat. For the next the next two hours, she stuffed herself until they literally kicked us out because it was closing time. I told Maria that my hotel offered a buffet and it was part of the package I got. Her eyes widen and she squeezed my hand.

Over the next couple of days, we had a routine going on. Around breakfast time, she would waddle down to the restaurant buffet and stuff herself for about two hours. She would then come back up to the room, fuck me, and then take a nap. Around lunch time, we both go for lunch and she would eat until she was full. She would then change into her bikini that she used before she got pregnant and lay by the pool. I would usually drink near the pool and I it was always hilarious to me. When walking back from the bar, I would see this brown orb up in the air with two legs sticking out. After hanging out by the pool, we would grab dinner and she would definitely make a dent in the restaurant’s food budget in my opinion. We would the go back upstairs to my room and fuck like there was tomorrow. We would then watch some TV and she would snack until we fell asleep.

I could tell after a couple of days she was getting bigger in the belly. When I first met her, her stretchy pants was pulled over her belly. Now, she was wearing them around her belly. I am not sure if all the food she was eating was causing a growth spurt for the babies and the weight was finally settling in. I told her that I would take her to see a doctor (not a mid-wife) and to check her health and the babies. What I do know was that she was enjoying the love, attention, and the ability to not worry about her next meal.

Maria and I went to see a local doctor that had a sonogram. The doctor performed all the routine tests and the moment of truth came to see how many babies she was carrying. Maria was a little nervous and embarrassed, but I calmed her down and told her that it was going to be okay. The doctor smeared the jelly on her belly and she giggled (which gave me an idea for later on). The doctor put the paddle on her belly and he moved it around it. I watched his face contort as he moved the paddle around trying to ensure he found what he was looking for. He said, “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Reacher, you are having triplets!” It finally hit Maria that she was caring more than one baby and she squeezed my hand. I asked how far along she was and how the babies appeared to be doing. The doctor said that Maria appeared to be 30 weeks along but was a little underweight considering that she was carrying triplets. I asked what we needed to be done and he said that she needs to ensure she is not skipping any meals and getting plenty of sex. My jaw dropped when he said that, but he laughed and changed it to “exercise”. Maria squeezed my hand again and had tears rolling down her face.

I was thinking that I was over my head- triplets! I mean, I love pregnant women, but I was getting a little too attached to her. It was apparent that she had feelings for me and wanted to please me. It had only been five days since we hooked up and I had two more weeks with her. Did I make a mistake? Well, sometime women throw you a curve ball and you end up thinking with your dick and then your head.

Maria knew that I had been a little spooked by the doctor’s visit. It was becoming obvious to her (not me) that my heart was good, but I had a fetish for pregnant women. She asked instead of doing our normal routine for dinner in the hotel, that we could go out instead. She wanted me to clean up before her and meet her at the hotel bar at 6. As I was sitting the bar waiting for her, I was thinking all kind of crazy thoughts. Money was not an issue, but I was not looking for a relationship and maybe I should break it off. I told myself, yeah, I am going to break this off before it gets too serious. This is when she came down.

When she came down, the people in the bar became quiet. It was strange with her, something’s embarrassed her and something’s didn’t. She waddled to the bar to where I was sitting in a dark green one piece wearing flats. I could tell that she was not wearing bra or undies, the dress was very form fitting and accented all her curves (her belly button was poked out). My Achilles heel. She had really made herself look beautiful and was glowing. She came up to me and kissed me on the neck and said “Thank you”. I said “For what?” She said, “For being you and being kind.” I was in shock and awe. I leaned back and looked her up and down and was drooling. Her smell was incredible, her long dark hair touched her shoulders, her breasts were full and ample, her belly button poked out, her belly (which appeared to me to be out of control) sat comfortably on her, her legs muscular and firm, and she had nails and toe nails her done. This was her way of saying thanks. I almost spooged in my pants, but decided the night was young. If she wanted to go out and be my date, then it would be memorable.
I'm really liking this so far, keep it going man Big Grin

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