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Question  watermelonbelly
i'm afraid of zika virus and are others too ???
Zika made a nasty appearance in Brazil around the time the 2014 FIFA world cup was held, now with the 2016 Rio summer olympics, tourists could bring Zika back to many places which never experienced Zika before and the virus is devastating to pregnant women which can result in microcephaly in infants after exposure to Zika. Brazil and Latin America (except the non-tropical country of Chile) never had Zika before and now the virus reached into Miami, Florida, USA caused by local mosquito transmissions. I worry about pregnant women and infants in the USA and the western hemisphere, it can also reach temperate climates of Europe and northern Asia. Zika is indigenous to Africa, has spread into the Middle east, India, Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands (could it enter Australia soon?) and since I;m in Southern CA's desert, we dealt with malaria, dengue fever and west nile virus (deserts have open water oasises and our man-made golf course climate is ideal for breeding mosquitos). The WHO would have to tell women not to fall pregnant, except this can be offensive to tell women that according to feminists, and scientifically speaking, men causes pregnancy in women. The best advice world health officials would do is tell any couples not to procreate or have babies at this time, wear condoms esp. if one of the partners have Zika in their systems (proven to be a STD) and Zika can affect everybody of any gender and age: Guillane-Barre syndrome is caused by Zika. Mosquito repellents should work and avoid wearing short-sleeved clothing for now. Just pray that a cure or vaccine can be found right now.
Pregnant women are growing, showing, knowing herself...and glowing bright with life. Angel

Genderfluid Gyneophile feminist here!

Autistic skills.
The one positive to Zika is, it's usually not life threatening to healthy adults and most can recover with some treatment. In fact, a woman who has recovered from Zika can get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.
Liked by watermelonbelly (Aug 9, 2016), (Aug 9, 2016)
i'm in northern MN i still worry of others and my unborn
my hirl is freaking out about it right now too she thought she heard a mosquito buzzing around her in the truck and her driver side window is stuck in up potion she liked to have wreaked the vehicle trying to kill it
I personally don't worry about it as I am not going to get married or have any kids so it personally does not affect me at all.
First, if you aren't pregnant or trying to be, you don't have to worry much about it. It's about like some sorta flu in danger otherwise. So tell her not to worry if you guys aren't pregnant or trying. Regardless of where you go traveling outside of country or not.

Second, CDC has news on only places in USA where's it's been transmitted by mosquito. One place in florida I think is it for now. The rest of the USA it's people who travel out of the country. So even if you are pregnant, if you are in the US and aren't visiting florida, you are fine.

Third, if you are traveling you need to take mosquito precautions anyway, since other countries have other bad things from mosquitos, not just Zika. And this is something you want to avoid if you are pregnant or trying to be. Otherwise, treat clothes in advance with Permethrin, and use 30% deet bug spray, etc. I traveled to Mexico recently, and did both of that, and didn't get a single bite, even when I briefly visited jungle there.

For official info:

So what categories do you and your girl fit? Figure that out, then figure out how much you need to worry.
Liked by orta03 (Aug 12, 2016)
User 19848
On the plus side, working for a local TV station, any time there's a story about it we run plenty of B-roll of pregnant ladies.
Liked by NicerGuy (Aug 13, 2016)
Guys, c'mon!

I'm from Brazil, Zika and Dengue just happen here in our summer (usa winter). The only news we have here is about the ridiculous posts on Instagram from Hope Solo. Nothing else.

So no worries. It won't screw you guys lives.

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