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Will there be a boom or bust of pregnancies after the outbreak?
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I feel like many people are too stressed out for baby making, and are worried about the economy to support a child. But that is just my hunch and not based on any research. Or maybe couples are at home with nothing else to do except get down and dirty. What do you think?
I don't think there will be a boom. In fact, there were already a lot of pregnant women waddling around before the pandemic so most people have already fucked and are waiting for due dates. There will be some babies conceived during and after the pandemic for sure but there won't be a baby boom like the country saw during the 1950s after WWII.
I’m booming during the apocalypse!

Pretty great timing...Makes me think of every pregnant woman in every horror movie I’ve ever seen. Maybe Covid is why my belly is so big with only one baby, I’m one of the silent carriers and this is one of the little known side effects. My belly just getting really big really fast and then I’ll be looking ready to drop quints by my due date?

Hopefully we all get out of this alive!
Stay safe and happy impregnating!
Two pregnancies later, my uterus wants more babies and to feel that stretched tight, heavy feeling again. My belly is currently very pregnant-looking but otherwise I am healthy. I’m into having my navel licked and sucked and belly caressing, and cum inflating! What do you like?
Liked by Preggolove94 (Mar 26, 2020), LTKNT101 (Mar 24, 2020), preggoadmirer1 (Mar 22, 2020), Walter Bernhardt (Mar 20, 2020)
I mean...the Great Depression was (somewhat) known for the surge of births, albeit not as much as the 40s and 50s, and that was a pretty stressful time in US history. Unless this pandemic gets to Black-Death-level rates (which I think it won't), I don't think it will be as much. Besides, the whole reason there was a baby boom in the 40s and 50s was because most everyone could afford a decent lifestyle for their family. Today, however, it's hard for many people to take care of themselves financially, adding another person in the mix would just be seen as irresponsible.
Now that I’m pregnant I feel like I’d be fine to try again for more if the world does reach a critical loss of life level. But what about all the talk about we being overpopulated as a species? Isn’t this kind of what we needed to keep the planet healthier? Not saying a bunch of us should die but a bunch of us could die (And I could bery well be talking about myself after all I’m not immune). If I’m still around and babies are needed and my body can go through another pregnancy after this one then I’d live to help repopulate the world a bit more than one baby I’m gonna have this August. I could do this again, it’s has been a pretty enjoyable pregnancy not the hellish ordeal some women have to go through...knock on something wood.
Two pregnancies later, my uterus wants more babies and to feel that stretched tight, heavy feeling again. My belly is currently very pregnant-looking but otherwise I am healthy. I’m into having my navel licked and sucked and belly caressing, and cum inflating! What do you like?
Liked by LTKNT101 (Mar 24, 2020), preggoadmirer1 (Mar 22, 2020)
i would hope that there wouldn't be a boom of pregnancies. the first birth of a baby infected with Covid-19 in the US happened recently (in NYC, one of the major hotbeds for the virus). more are happening as i type this.

i'd prefer that all couples/women put off any attempts at getting pregnant until after this whole ordeal has passed, no matter how long that is.
Liked by Jimbo89 (Mar 25, 2020), pozfes (Mar 24, 2020)
I don't think there will be a rise of pregnancies like we saw after world war 2. If the economy tanks even harder, then I think many people would not be in the position to be able to afford being parents. But then again, that doesn't stop a lot of people these days.
Liked by auto_asphyx (Mar 24, 2020)
I've always felt the mindset of couples making babies whenever they're stuck at home is a reckless one. I mean yeah people are going to fuck, but how many of them won't use some sort of birth control method? I doubt many people sitting in quarantine will go "Wanna have a baby?"
(March 24, 2020, 8:30 pm)TacoTamale I doubt many people sitting in quarantine will go "Wanna have a baby?"

never underestimate the stupidity of people.
A large number of pregnancies in America were not planned. In fact, many of them are mistakes. The result of one night flings. Irresponsible guys wanting to fuck bareback because it "feels better" and they think that pulling out before cumming means the woman can't get pregnant. Some dudes are so gullible they believe women that tell them they cannot get pregnant because of ______ or they are on the pill. I bet if a study was taken we would find that the number of "mistake" pregnancies dwarfs the number of planned ones. With this said there will be a lot of irresponsible fucking going on during the apocalypse and a vast number of babies born after will be the result. However, this breeding will not result in a baby boom. It will just put more lost children on the planet who will grow up and repeat the mistakes of their so-called parents.

Most teenagers find thems selves being forced to become parents before they reach the age of 21. The average age people become sexually active is getting lower and lower. Most of my friends have told me that they were between the ages of 13 and 16 when their cherries were popped for the first time. This is why it is nearly impossible to find a virgin. Most girls already have kids and have been through at least 2 or more boyfriends by the time you get to them these days. It's impossible to be the first man inside them.

Unplanned in the heat of the moment pregnancies will continue to lead the way in pumping out babies. There doesn't have to be a pandemic going for that to happen. Nobody asks "Wanna have a baby?" They just fuck and a few days later the girl starts feeling weird so she consults Dr. Google, gets's a home pregnancy test and finds out she's knocked up. She didn't ask for a baby but now she's got one in her oven.

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