stories with massive pregnancies
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(February 17, 2016, 4:12 pm)notabot I've got a ton of stories involving hyper-pregnancies on my deviantart account but the one with the most hits is this one:

Thats one of my most favorite stories you have written, I always wished there was a second part to it, but I think that has been a common request.
(February 17, 2016, 4:12 pm)notabot I've got a ton of stories involving hyper-pregnancies on my deviantart account but the one with the most hits is this one:

And you even got some art collab with SaburoX. Props to you, I love his art, and it compliments your story so well!
Thanks for the compliments. All the collaborative stories with SaburoX have really large pregnancies and pretty much all my other stories too, including the commissioned stories.
Liked by egnever23 (Mar 11, 2016)
Does anybody remember a story I recall reading, I think on Deviantart, that featured a group of women that were selected to colonize a new planet (like 9 of them). They were all implanted with several (like 8) artificial self-fertilizing ovaries that would cause them to have multiple accelerated pregnancies. The story picks up when a male follower visits the colony several generations in the future and learns that one of the woman's self-fertilizing systems went into overboard and impregnated her with ever larger amounts of children with each pregnancy. If I remember correctly, it was a 4 or 5 part series.
(February 25, 2016, 2:12 am)goblinm Does anybody remember a story I recall reading, I think on Deviantart, that featured a group of women that were selected to colonize a new planet (like 9 of them). They were all implanted with several (like 8) artificial self-fertilizing ovaries that would cause them to have multiple accelerated pregnancies. The story picks up when a male follower visits the colony several generations in the future and learns that one of the woman's self-fertilizing systems went into overboard and impregnated her with ever larger amounts of children with each pregnancy. If I remember correctly, it was a 4 or 5 part series.

I know exactly the story you're talking about, but I can't remember what it was called. I think it's off the site.
The Arc Project
by ~beableblob, Jun 5, 2013, 6:45:05 AM

Chapter 1 - The Visitors

"Captain, we are now in orbit around Tau Ceti g."

"Very good. Do they know we are here yet?"

"It doesn't seem so. I very much doubt they are watching for visitors and their radio appears offline."

"Indeed. Lets scan them first so we know where they are."

"Aye aye sir... Initiating scan... OK, I have located them - they're on the north end of the largest continent..."

"On screen."

"...but there must be something wrong with our scanners..."

"What do you mean Ensign?"

"Well the briefing said to expect to find around 10,000 there by now."

"That is Correct."

"But I'm picking up over 100,000 individuals."

"What? That's impossible. Recheck your numbers!"

"I have been sir, three times, and it's consistently coming in at the 100,000 mark. The area with the highest concentration of life signs is on the view screen now."

"What do you make of if Doctor?"

"Well, Captain, there are a couple hundred of wooden huts, surrounding a circular one much larger than the rest - Ensign, what are the dimensions of the largest hut?"

"Approximately 8 meters in diameter sir."

"This is clearly the center of their civilization and I believe that the cylindrical object to the left is the landing portion of the Arc. From this distance I cannot explain why we are seeing ten times the number of individuals all our simulations predicted. There are two logical explanations. Either our simulations are wrong or something has increased the rate of reproduction of the colonists. Can we identify any of the seed individuals from here?"

"Not from orbit, no."

"Well, there is only one thing for it. All hands, this is the Captain. Secure the ship for landing. Deorbit in one hour."

Chapter 2 - Introductions

The ship entered the atmosphere high above the western continent and flew over the great central ocean to the colony's primary settlement. The sight of a strange object in the sky threw many of the colonists in to a panic as they had never seen such an object before. Young children ran to the safety of their mothers, the older ones stared in wonder at the craft with its long cylindrical body and bulbous tail section . Of course, they had heard of they "airplanes" of old in their lessons but they had not been recreated since the colony had been established. The ship touched down in a clear area a few hundred meters away from the central square.

A youngster ran in to Nicole to tell her of the strange occurrence. As Leader of the settlement and Commander of the mission she knew she must go and see this for herself. She set the two infants she had been nursing down in a crib and lifted herself out of the chair. With a slow and deliberate gaite she followed the young boy to the place where the new ship had landed. By now the dust cloud had settled and Nicole could see it was a space ship, somewhat similar in design to her own ship, the Arc, which still lay where it had landed not far away. She stopped about 40 meters from the craft, looking it over. As she did so, she noticed a door in the front section begin to open and a humanoid figure stepped through. Nicole decided to stand her ground and see who or what this invader was and what they wanted with her people. Then she heard a voice calling her name.

"Commander Stevenson?" she looked over her shoulder, expecting it to be one of the colonists but then she realized it was coming from in front of her. "Commander Stevenson?" the figure repeated as it approached.

"Er, yes." she replied, hesitantly. Clearly this newcomer knew who she was.

"Commander Stevenson, may I introduce myself. I am Captain James Masterson of the Earth ship Prometheus which you can see behind me. I can see we have a lot to update each other about!"

Nicole was stunned. This was the first contact with anyone from Earth since the last automated message they'd received whilst in transit. There was no mention of a second ship nor any other humans leaving Earth. Then she looked down at herself and blushed slightly - in common with many of the women in the colony she was topless and the many years of breastfeeding had caused her breasts to expand to the point that they hung past her waist when she stood. This too was common among the women, particularly those chosen to nourish the youngsters.

"Ah yes Captain," she said, blushing a little more in the presence of this strange new man, "as you will see this is a fairly common site these days here on NewEarth. Please, come this way and I can show you around." She led him back to her own hut and sat down in her nursing chair again, her breasts almost filling her lap. She motioned for him to sit in one of the other chairs and picked up two more infants again and they began nursing again. "I'm sorry, but as you will learn, there are many more offspring here than planned and we all have to spend a lot of our time caring for them."

"Well we noticed from orbit that there were about 100,000 individuals here, whereas our predictions led us to expect only 10,000."

"That sounds about correct, although we have not had time to count everyone recently. Now, before I tell you some of the history of this place perhaps you can update me on your own story."

"Certainly. As I said, I am James Masterson and I am the Captain of the Prometheus. My crew and I left Earth in 2183, shortly before The Plague reached our last outpost - have no fear, we are all free from the disease so we will not introduce that to your settlement! We left 162 years after you did but thanks to some advances in the design of space ships we were able to travel a bit faster than you did in an attempt to catch up - how long have you been here?"

Nicole thought for a moment "About 31 Earth years. It's a little hard to judge as here the 'day' is 27 hours but the 'year' is only 252 days."

"That is what we thought, give or take a year or two. We had hoped to get her sooner, maybe just as you were starting the project, but the ship had to take a couple of small detours en route which set us back a few years."

"Why was there no mention of you or your ship in any radio messages that were beamed to us during the cruise phase?"

"We didn't want you to know about us, in case we never caught up with you or there was some other problem. They wanted to ensure you proceeded with the primary mission without distractions."

"OK, but what news of Earth? Is it really dead as they predicted? When we left The Plague was restricted to areas of China but spreading slowing and relentlessly."

"We think it is. Like you, we went in to stasis soon after leaving Earth. The ship picked up the last radio message about 45 years after we left, then nothing. We watched as The Plague spread over all Asia, Africa and Europe rendering all the female mammals, humans and animals alike, infertile. With no children being born, towns, cities, even countries were dying out as well as countless animal species. Then it seems to have crossed the South Atlantic and in to the Americas. The US erected massive fences along the Mexico border to stop infected people from reaching the country but the pathogen, or whatever it was, was airborne and no fence could stop it and soon it was spreading through California, New Mexico and so on. It was then that the President ordered that my Crew and I, and the support team, were to assemble in Florida and prepare to launch The Prometheus to follow your ship. Our ship was a little faster than yours and we covered the distance here in 'only' 589 year -you took around 720 years?"

Nicole nodded.

"We have brought some extra resources including some machines to help us fabricate some of the items you are going to need. There are also some more Seeders to help build up the colony and increase the genetic diversity, but by the looks of things they're not really necessary! What has happened here in the past few decades?"

Chapter 3 - Amanda

Nicole swapped the children she was feeding with another pair. "Let me go back to the beginning. As you obviously know, myself and nine other women came here to start a new colony. We'd been medically altered to have ten ovaries and ten testicles - hermaphrodites, basically - so we could self-fertilize. This was in the control of an electronic implant that would stimulate one ovary at a time to release an egg and, at just the right time, cause all ten testicles to release sperm directly in to the path of the egg, thus ensuring we'd get pregnant every time, the random nature ensuring that we got a good genetic balance. The implant also produced a chemical and hormone cocktail which would cause the babies to grow to term in just forty days, instead of forty weeks, and also ensure that after birth, they grew seven times faster too, reaching maturity in about two years, at which point their growth would slow to normal levels and they could also reproduce normally from that point onwards. Then after 150 pregnancies, or around twenty earth years, the implant was to deactivate. This all worked fine for myself and eight others, however, the problems came when Amanda first became pregnant."

"Amanda? She was the Teacher from New York?"

"Yes. I see you've done your research. Well, she was the ninth to have her implant activated - I was already 35 days in to my first pregnancy by then and apart from Julie, and her, the rest were at various stages. Things looked normal for Amanda for the first day or two but then she started to show a lot earlier than the others. After a week she was larger than Claire and Joanne who had started two weeks before her and were already the equivalent of five months gone and by ten days she looked overdue. Our sonogram machine wasn't working at that stage so we had no idea what was going on - all we could see was that Amanda was getting bigger and bigger and bigger. After three weeks her belly was nearly one-and-a-half meters round, and very soon she was confined to her cabin in The Arc - we were still living on there back then you see and her belly was too wide to get through the doors! Her breasts had also grown enormously too, each as big as her head and she still had over two weeks, or the equivalent of three months to go!"

Nicole paused to drink some juice from a glass on a side table.

"Sorry, I forgot my manners - we don't get many visitors here!" she laughed. "Would you like a drink? It's quite nice, made from the fruits of one of the many trees that grow here."

"No thanks, not just yet. Do go on with your story."

"OK. Well, I was well in to my second pregnancy by this time and having to split my time between my first baby and Amanda. She was now in to her final week with a belly nearly two meters around and boobs bigger than my belly was at full-term. Her milk had also just come in too and as she had an over abundance we decided to share the nursing duties and Amanda took a lot of pressure of us. Claire, the Doctor, and Sam, the midwife, were constantly checking on her as well but they'd just had their first kids too and were starting on their next. Julie, the Nurse tried to help the best she could too but she was over 8 months too having started her pregnancy at the same time as Amanda but was dwarfed by her colleague's giant abdomen. Then, finally, after five weeks, four days and seventeen hours, Amanda went in to labor. We all knew she must have had multiple children inside her to get so large, but were unprepared for the finally tally."

"How many where there?"


Nicole watched her visitor's reaction. "Twenty-five?" he gasped.

"Yes, twenty-five. We tested their genes afterwards and found they had come from different eggs so we surmised that, for some reason, all of her ovaries had produced an egg, some more than one, and that all had been fertilized. We quickly realized that Amanda couldn't hope to keep up with feeding all the babies so we divided them amongst ourselves and wet-nursed them. Amanda's belly shrank a lot after that, but her breasts didn't, but she was at least able to leave her cabin for the first time in a few weeks."

Nicole stopped. The babies she had been feeding had fallen asleep so she gently placed them in a crib next to her chair

"Go on. I doubt that is the end of the story!"

"You're right. As you know, there is a nine-day recovery period programmed in to the implants before they activate again. Well, after the nine days was up Amanda reported feeling the little electrical spark that we all got when the implants activate and we all were anxious to see what would happen this time. Well, we didn't have long to wait. She started showing again at only two days and it was only a week before she started looking overdue and we knew she was having multiple children again."

"How many babies this time?"

"We couldn't tell at that stage as the sonogram was still offline so we just had to wait it out. Amanda didn't fancy being trapped in her cabin again so we built a wooden shelter outside for her which she moved in to in her second week. We made her as comfortable as we could but couldn't do much more as she continued to expand. By the time she was due she was easily larger than before at well over two meters around and her breasts were gigantic too and almost always dripping with milk, even when she wasn't nursing one of her earlier brood. Anyway, the time eventually gave for her to give birth and we were a bit better prepared this time - we basically setup a sort of production line to cope with the babies as they were born - all forty-one of them."

Captain Masterson looked stunned at this figure.

"Of course, we had to divide them between us again to feed them. Then a couple of days later we had a conference to decide what to do. We had eight-four children to care for, whereas the plan was she should only have had twenty by that point and what's more, Amanda would be pretty much incapacitated, as far as helping build the colony anyway, if she continued the way she was. A couple of people, its now irrelevant who, suggested we somehow deactivate Amanda's implant as her over-production of babies was jeopardizing the mission. I argued that the mission was to repopulate this new planet and that this was exactly what we were doing, albeit a little faster than planned. Also there was a risk with disabling the implant - there was no clear way to do - it had never been intended to be switched off mid-project, and the sudden change in hormone levels could even harm her. So in the end we agreed to let things continue. We had to reorganize a few things, since Amanda would be spending most of her time massively pregnant, she wouldn't be able to take up her teaching role and the large number of children we would be caring for would mean we couldn't develop the permanent settlement as fast as planned.
"We made the adjustments as Amanda commenced her third rapid and huge pregnancy - this one 'only' resulting in 32 babies. The first few years were hard as we had more and more children to care for. Fortunately all our children, including Amanda's, developed as fast as planned and were young adults in around two years, at which point they reverted to aging normally and began to pair off. Originally we had intended that two people from the same birth mother shouldn't get together to ensure a good mix of genes but obviously this wasn't going to be possible given the huge number from Amanda so we relaxed things a little and instead genetically tested everyone and only permitted those pairings which showed no crossover. These 1stGens, as we call them, started to have children of their own, which massively assisted us as they could then help care for Amanda's many offspring. In fact, it became a rule that anyone getting pregnant would have to adopt some of Amanda's children too."

"What of Amanda? How was she doing?"

"Well, she was still doing well - I think she secretly enjoyed being hugely pregnant! Anyway, we did notice a trend - the number of children she was having was slowly increasing from around thirty a time to in to the forties, then the fifties and beyond to the point she is now having over two hundred babies at a time!"

"Now? You mean she is still having babies? I thought everything shut down after 20 years and it's been over 30?"

"Yes. That surprised us too. The rest of us reached our 150th pregnancy and the implant shutdown as planned but for her, it kept on going - she's currently on her 233rd pregnancy! We estimate she has given birth to nearly 30,000 children, which, when you consider those the other nine of us had and add on their means we're probably at the 100,000 mark you detected."

Masterson let out a low whistle. "That certainly explains things. And the babies you've been caring for?"

"They're from Amanda's last pregnancy and are awaiting permanent adoption families. Our custom is that any new mothers report in when their own baby is a couple of months old and they will be assigned an adoptee. There are a group of women coming down tomorrow who will take on these little ones. As you can see the constant wet-nursing has had an effect on my physiology too, plus the others of my crew and the early 1stGens - our breasts responded to the constant milking by growing quite large and so we dispensed with shirts quite early on - they just got in the way and the climate here is mild enough that we don't need them except in the few coldest days of what passes for winter here."

"Could I meet Amanda? Would that be possible?"

"I would need to talk to her and the rest of my crew. If you could come back here at around this time tomorrow then you can meet the others and maybe Amanda too."

Sensing that the meeting was over, Masterson rose and returned to his ship to report on his meeting to his own crew.

Chapter 4 - Meeting

The next day Captain Masterson returned to Nicole's hut as scheduled to meet the rest of the original crew of The Arc and, he hoped, the legendary Amanda. He knocked and a voice called for him to enter. Commander Nicole was sat again in her nursing chair but, he noticed, the crib was empty, the children he had seen yesterday must have been collected that morning. As before she was topless with her large breasts resting in her lap.

"Good afternoon, Captain Masterson. Thank you for your patience."

"No, thank you. You are the leader of this settlement and I am merely a visitor. You also out-rank me as well!"

"I spoke to my crew yesterday and they'd like to meet you. Please follow me."

Nicole rose from her chair and led the way through a side door of the room. Masterson followed and found himself in a larger room.

"Welcome to our cabinet room. This is where we conduct the business of the colony and meet with any of the colonists who needs our help or advice."

Masterson looked around the room - it wasn't large, maybe four meters across, semicircular in shape and arranged around the curved side were nine chairs, which looked like they'd been salvaged from The Arc. Nicole took her place in the central chair where she was flanked by eight of crew - the missing member being, of course, Amanda. Masterson took a seat in one of the chairs opposite obviously meant for visitors and looked at the women in turn as Nicole introduced them one by one. Like their leader, they were all topless and all sported large breasts, a few were even larger than Nicole's, and one, who was introduced as Joanne, the British Teacher, was sporting a pair that overflowed her lap and would reach her knees when she stood.

"OK." said Nicole after the introductions. "We have an opportunity here to make use of the resources that Captain Masterson and The Prometheus have brought but we need to prioritize. What do we need? Claire, do you want to start? "

The Colony's Doctor spoke up. "Well, the overall health of the colonists is very good. A diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables, a lack of any man-made pollution plus zero harmful bacteria or viruses have all contributed to excellent health - not only those born here, but the ten of us too - would you think to look at us we're all in our fifties or sixties, in Earth terms, anyway?"Masterson looked round the room at the assembled women. If he was asked to age them he would have put them in their late thirties or early forties, ten or twenty years younger than they were. The most extreme example was Sylvaine, the Biologist from France who, on paper at least, was fifty-four but bearly looked thirty.

Claire continued. "The only thing we are really lacking is a regular source of protein - sometimes we manage to catch one of the deer-like creatures which live in the woods surrounding the settlement but they're pretty quick! So I guess working on a domestication project would be my top priority."

"Do we activate the six 'Seeders' from The Prometheus?" Nicole asked.

"I'm not sure - we're still not sure what happened to Amanda to make her go in to overdrive as it where, so without solving that I don't want to risk activating these others in case one of them has the same problem."

"OK, understood. We will discuss the 'Amanda Problem' at a later time I think. Who else? Brenda?"

Brenda, the colony's Engineer spoke next. "My biggest problem is the lack of electricity. There were ten fuel cells on our ship but now only three of them are working. I've had to cannibalize parts from the others as spares but I'm running out of bits. As a result only a couple of hundred homes have power at the moment."

"I think we can deal with that quite quickly." Masterson replied. "The Prometheus does not carry fuel cells but we have a nuclear fusion generator - this was perfected after you left Earth. This can be hooked to your grid and should be able to produce enough power. There's plenty of fuel for it too and if we can get some water from the ocean we saw as we landed, we can make virually limitless fuel."

"Excellent - that I think is our first job." Nicole said.

"One other thing," Brenda added, "is that we need to find a better source of metal - iron, copper, aluminum, that sort of thing."

"We should be able to use the Prometheus' scanners to locate seams of ore that we can then mine. It'll take a while to reconfigure them to work from ground level instead of from orbit but I can get my crew on to it as soon as we've hooked up the fusion generator."

"Good news. Joanne do you want to contribute?"

Joanne spoke up. "I believe Commander Nicole has informed you of the situation we have with Amanda?" Masterson nodded. "Well, she was supposed to be the lead teacher for the children we had and I was going to be helping her. However, as you know, she was unable to fulfill that role plus we had many more children than planned so we had to rely more heavily on the Education Computer on The Arc to do the bulk of the teaching for us, but it's not as good as a person. The rest of us did what we could too but we were all having to do our own jobs plus cater for the enormous number of children Amanda was producing, which also caused us some problems of our own," she glanced down at her own lap-filling breasts, "so the education has suffered somewhat. I'd like to set up a sort of 'Boot camp' to train up some more teachers who can then go back to their locality and teach the others."

"Good plan Joanne but I think we have higher priorities at this time but we'll keep that in mind for when we've resolved our other urgent issues." Nicole said, Joanne looking a little disappointed at the news.

Nicole looked round the room. "Any one else think of anything we may be able to get Captain Masterson and his crew to help with? Nothing? OK then, lets get on with the connection of the Prometheus' fusion generator and scanning for minerals then we can work on the other things we discussed."

With that, she rose and headed for the door back to her room, beckoning Masterson to follow her.

Chapter 5 - Encountering Amanda

"If you want to meet Amanda, she is in the hut over that way. Just go in - she will be expecting you."

Masterson looked in the direction Nicole was indicating and saw the same large hut they'd see from orbit. He walked over to it, marveling at it's size. He knew the colonists hadn't yet got large scale metal production off the ground, yet still they'd been able to construct such a, large structure using basic tools and the native wood. From the ground it looked even larger than it appeared from space with it's walls standing a good meter above his head with a cone-shaped roof reaching a pinnacle at least two meters above that. There were a couple of windows on the side facing him but hey were currently covered with wooden shutters. He circled round the building to the left for about a third of it's circumference before coming across an door which was standing open. The inside of the hut was in near darkness such that it was impossible to see what lay beyond the door from the bright, sunlight outdoors so Masterson stepped inside. Blinking in the sudden darkness he took another step and instantly bumped straight in to something large, slightly soft and warm to the touch.

"Hello?" came a voice from the other side of the hut. "Is anyone there?"

Masterson took half a step backwards, his eyes growing accustomed to the gloom. He could now see what he'd walked in to. Filling the floor of the hut, with only a narrow gap by the walls, was a gigantic ovoid object, it's peak nearly three meters off the floor.

"Hello?" the voice called again.

"Uhm, er, yeah, hello." Masterson fumbled his words, realizing the owner of the voice also owned the flesh-colored wall in front of him - Amanda. "I'm Captain Masterson. I believe you were expecting me."

"Yes, please come round to where I can see you better." Amanda called out.

Masterson worked he way round the edge of the hut, there being only around sixty centimeters between Amanda's flesh and the hut walls. Then the space opened out slightly and Masterson noticed a pair of feet suspended nearly a meter off the ground. He looked up and saw a large hammock-type arrangement holding what he realized was Amanda's right breast which was at least double the size of Joanne's he'd seen earlier at over two meters across.

"Hello?" he called out again.

"Hi." came Amanda's voice from somewhere above his head. "Do you want to come up?"


"Yes, there should be a rope ladder there somewhere. Come up so I can talk to you properly."

"Won't that hurt you, or the babies?"

"Not at all. My helpers do it all the time. How else do you think I can get food? Just please, take off your shoes first."

Masterson removed his boots and walked a little further round Amanda's form until he located the rope ladder and began to climb. It was easier in the lower gravity of the planet compared to Earth. He reached the top and tried to stand but it was like walking on a waterbed and he quickly fell to his knees.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, just not used to walking on someone's abdomen!"

It was brighter now he was off the floor as some light was coming through gaps between the parallel branches that made up the roof not far above him. He made his way closer to the location of the voice and set eyes on Amada's face for the fist time, her brown hair was straight and long, hanging past her shoulders, a few wisps of it pooled on her chest. She certainly looked a lot younger than the 57 years she should have been, not accounting for the time in stasis, no doubt down to the environmental factors Claire, the colony Doctor had spoken of earlier.

"Hi." he said, shifting himself in to a seated position on top of her belly before realizing that he was sat between two breasts each larger than himself. "Sorry for, er, walking in to you."

"No problem. I wondered if it was one of the local kids messing about. Anyway, Nicole says you're from Earth, yes?"

"Correct. My ship and I left about 160 years after you but we travelled faster in an attempt to catch you up."

"You were in stasis though?"

"Yes, the journey took us nearly 600 years and we were in stasis almost all that time, like you were."

"So the Earth really did die then?"

"As far as we know, yes. It wasn't looking good as we left with almost all the mammal species extinct, or nearly so thanks to The Plague rendering all the females infertile. I have no idea what it's like now - who knows, maybe the dinosaurs have come back!"

"He he - maybe. It still sad though to think of all we knew and created just dying out like that, all those people..."

"Yes, but the human race will continue, thanks to the ARC project."

"Yeah, Accelerated Reproduction on Tau Ceti. They got that bit right, just don't think they planned for this!"

"Commander Nicole told me of your situation, and I can see she wasn't exaggerating!"

"30,000 or so and counting."

"When's this little lot due?"

"About four days, give or take a few hours. I can feel them getting a little restless, like they want to get out already. This usually happens in the last few days."

"Do you know how many there are?"

"Not sure. There's no way to tell until they are born but it feels like a lot. My helpers tell me I'm getting close to the walls again. A few cycles ago I actually started touching one wall! Fortunately I gave birth before knocking it down - I had over 270 that time but I don't think it's quite that many now - it fluctuates you see. I'm getting a bit worried though as the number of babies I'm carrying seems to be getting larger and larger - what will happen when I'm too large for this hut?"

"I've no idea. Did Nicole tell you we could see this hut before we landed?"

"No. I had no idea I would be visible from space!"

"Well, you are pretty big, if I may say so. We measured the hut at about 8 meters across."

Amanda suddenly gave out a yawn. "Oh, excuse me."

"Oh, sorry, I hope I wasn't boring you."

"Oh, no, not at all. It's just that it's quite tiring growing a hundred or more babies. Plus it's almost time for my scheduled milking."

Masterson looked at the breast to his left. He noticed it had swollen up considerably since he'd first seen it to be nearly three meters across now. It's partner to his right was equally as huge, the nipples as big as his fist had started to drip with milk.

"I think I ought to leave you to it. Would you mind if I came back tomorrow or the day after so we can continue our chat?"

"No, not at all. Farewell Captain Masterson."

"Call me James, please."

"OK, farewell James."

He half-walked, half-crawled back to the rope ladder and descended to the floor. Regaining his boots he met a couple of women carrying two long hoses. These were clearly Amanda's helpers come to milk her. Unlike the other women he'd encountered so far, these two had a basic shirt on covering their D- or E-cup breasts which, though large by normal standards, were the smallest he'd seen since landing. They showed him a way to a back door and he left to return to his ship.
Liked by deux_anges (Feb 26, 2016), falloutghoul (Feb 26, 2016), samoanpride (Feb 26, 2016)
That's the one! Thanks for posting. Do you have the other parts?
Chapter 6 - Back to Amanda

It was two days before Captain Masterson could return to Amanda's hut. His crew and he had spent the intervening time unloading various items from their ship with the help of some of the men of the colony. They also had further discussions with Commander Nicole and the other eight leaders over if and when to activate the six "Seeder" women that had travelled with them - they concluded that at this time it was not necessary given Amanda's continued prolific production but they would review it again in a couple of months. Meanwhile the new arrivals would continue to integrate themselves with the existing colony.

Masterson returned to Amanda's hut, entering through the door he'd first used previously. However, this time, he waited on the threshold until his eyes had adjusted to the lower light levels before proceeding.

"Hi Amanda, it's James." he called out on entering.

"Hi, please come right on up!"

Masterson worked his way around the wall to the rope ladder that hung from Amanda's abdomen. He noticed that the gap between her belly and the wall was now down to forty centimeters which made it harder for him to circumnavigate. At this rate she could well be touching the walls again before giving birth in a few days time.

"Hi." she said as he once again took up a seated position on top of her belly, flanked by her mammoth breasts. He noticed that this time, they were connected to the hoses he'd seen previously and that white creamy milk was being drawn off both by a pump he could hear humming in the background . As such they were slightly smaller than before, but still larger than himself.

"How are you doing?"

"Pretty good I think. They hooked up the milking machine this morning. It'll stay on 27 hours a day now until a few days after I give birth. These things always produce liters of milk at this stage. Would you believe it, it’s one of the Arc's fuel pumps doing the milking. Brenda, the Ship's Engineer built this machine when they realized they couldn't keep up with my milk production!"

Masterson blinked, still trying to get his head round the fact that the 'day' on this new planet was 27 hours, not the 24 he was used to. "Tell me, what made you decide to volunteer for The ARC project?"

"It's a long time ago now! Well, as you probably know, I was a teacher, living in New York. I think I'd just qualified when news of The Plague broke. Anyway, the reports of the Plague coming out of China didn't look good and with the media getting all panicky about estimates we only had 50 or 60 years left, my students suddenly didn't see much point in studying anymore. If the world was going to end, they just wanted to have a good time until it did which kinda depressed me. So one day I came across this advert asking for volunteers for some project to 'Help humanity escape The Plague'. I wasn't going to sign up at first but one of the girls I taught looked so sad that there seemed to be nothing we could do, I decided to apply, for her sake.
"Well, after a few months I got an email asking me to go up to M.I.T. in Boston for up to a week. My principle wasn't too keen but when I showed him the email with the .gov bit he relented and let me take a week off. I flew up to Boston and reported to M.I.T. on the Monday as requested. There, they put us through all these tests - medicals, genetic profiling, psychological analysis, but you probably know that bit. I was a little shocked to hear on the Friday that I'd been selected for Phase Two and that I needed to go to John Hopkins in a month's time.
"I flew back to New York that night and went back to my school on Monday. The Principle wasn't best pleased with me asking for more time off so I resigned on the spot! He didn't seem to 'get' it and I figured if it all went wrong I could always get another job later. So I kicked my heels for a month before heading to John Hopkins where I met a surgeon attached to the Project. He told me that not only had I been selected for Phase Two but that I was to be a 'Seeder' - one of ten women who would be blasted off to this planet we're on now to continue the human race. He said I could back out if I wanted to but as I was single and just quit my job, I had nothing to go back to I decided to stick with it. Anyway, as you know the ten 'Seeders' moved to NASA at Huston for astronaut training, interspersed with some time at John Hopkins undergoing the numerous medial procedures to install the implant plus the extra ovaries and the testicles - it did feel kinda a weird being turned in to a hermaphrodite like that I can tell you!
"Finally we flew to Cape Canaveral, boarded The Arc, blasted off and entered stasis whilst the ship spent the next 720 years navigating us here. I guess Nicole has filled you in on what happened afterwards."

"Yes, she has."

"Well, that's me, tell me a bit about you?"
Masterson repeated some of what he'd said to Nicole on their first meeting. In fact they talked for several hours before realizing it was getting dark.

"I'd better get back to my quarters on The Prometheus, but I'll come back soon."

"I'm due the day after tomorrow, that is if this lot keep to time!"

"I'll be back before them, I promise".

Masterson climbed carefully down and made his way back to his cabin The next day he had to help rig up some of the fuel cells from The Prometheus to the settlement's grid to back up some from The Arc that were wearing out and so was unable to visit Amanda but found he couldn't get her out of his head

The next day dawned, Amanda's due date. Captain James Masterson rose early and made straight for her hut. He reached the door he'd used in the past but found he was unable to get in - Amanda's belly had extended right to the threshold. He put his head in and confirmed that there was virtually no gap between her and the walls of her hut. If she carried on like this they were gonna need a bigger hut! He withdrew and made his way to the back door and enter the hut, calling to Amanda as he entered. He came to her from behind and noticed that her feet which had formerly been about a meter off the ground only a few days ago were now nearer his eye level. She called for him to come up to her and he found the rope ladder and ascended it. Once at the top he found he was unable to stand due to the lack of headroom between Amanda's abdomen and the roof so he crawled back between her breasts which, in spite of the constant milking had ballooned out to over three meters across each.

"Looks like you've had a bit of a growth spurt."

"Feels like it. I think I'm touching the walls again. How big did you say this hut was? Eight meters? Well, it's just as well I'm giving birth today or I'll have this hut down by tomorrow!"

"You ready then?"

"As I'll ever be. I've given birth over two hundred and thirty times now but each time is slightly different. First few times hurt like hell but they don't anymore. How's the unloading of your ship going?"

Masterson told of how they'd been able to boost the power supplies and that they were to soon start scanning for metal deposits they could mine and refine. He was half way through explaining how they were planning to enhance the food supply when Amanda let out a little moan.

"It's starting."

"Oh, Ok, I'd better get down. Do I need to tell anyone?"

"No, stay where you are. Its just an initial contraction. This phase takes about an hour. My helpers will be here before then. Anyway I enjoy these chats of ours."

They talked some more then Masterson heard some people entering below him.

"Looks like the team are here. I'll go now."

"Get down by all means but you're welcome to stay and watch if you like."

Masterson nodded and climbed down again and waited. Within a few minutes, the first baby was born, a boy, followed a few minutes later by another and then another. The team of helpers moved around like a well oiled machine quickly moving the children out of the hut to an army of waiting wet-nurses. The process lasted nearly all day. Masterson watched and helped where he could. By the end of it Amanda's belly had shrunk considerably so her feet now reached the ground once more with her belly stretching 'only' a meter in front of her. However, her breasts had expanded further to be nearly four meters across each , almost filling the hut in place of her abdomen, despite the ongoing milking.

"How many?" she asked breathlessly after the last one had been born.

"Two hundred and fifty-nine by my count. One hundred and thirty-seven boys, a hundred and twenty-two girls."

"Not quite the record of 268 but close! No wonder I nearly filled the hut! Now there's the nine-day rest phase before it starts all over again. These things should shrink back down a bit too." she said, patting her chest.

True to her word, her breasts did start shrinking after a couple of days. Masterson managed to visit nearly every day and observed the reduction for himself. After three days, the milking machine was disconnected and by eight they were down to just over a meter across. Her belly had shrunk slightly too, to around 80 centimeters.

"This is one of the few days I'm actually mobile!" she said when Masterson came to visit. As if to demonstrate she lifted a breast with each hand so it cleared the floor and walked unsteadily over to him. Suddenly she bent over and kissed him.

"What was that for?" he asked, slightly shocked.

"For being there for me. I've really enjoyed having you around. You're the first man I've spoken to in over thirty years who is even close to my age, plus you remind me of the old Earth."

This time, he leant over and kissed her.

Amanda's 234th pregnancy started the next day and produced 169 babies forty days later. Number 235 started after that and she bore 196 more.

Chapter 7 - Number 236

Amanda's next pregnancy was her 236th. It began normally, nine days after her previous one when her implant stimulated the production of eggs and sperm as it had done for the past three decades. It progressed much as normal until day 33 of the 40 when Masterson visited. He'd been away for a few days helping with some repairs on the far side of the settlement and had not been able to visit. He entered her hut via the main entrance as normal but found that there was only a 20 centimeter gap between her heavily pregnant belly and the walls of the hut. Calling out to her he squeezed himself round to the ladder and climbed up to her again. She hadn't yet been connected to the milking machine full-time but her massive breasts were two and a half meters across each and were almost touching the roof. Positioning himself between them, he looked worried.

"Are you alright? only you're filling a lot of this hut and there's still a week to go."

"I know. My team told me the other day. I don’t think this hut is going to survive this one."

She was right. That night, her belly grew to touch most of the walls and by morning, ominous creaking sounds where audible from the hut. Masterson visited again mid-afternoon and, finding the main door blocked and flesh actually bulging out of it, he entered the back door. There, in the dim light, he could see Amanda's belly painfully pressed up against the walls and her feet where dangling just above his head.

"Amanda?" he called out.

"Still here." she replied. "But it's getting a little cramped and they haven’t been able to milk me since yesterday!... Whoa..."

There was a crash from above. Masterson bolted for the door as part of the roof started to break apart. Retreating to a safer distance he turned to see the entire roof collapse, leaving two humongous breasts, each over four meters across exposed for all to see. Then, their structural integrity severely compromised, the walls started to fail, with trunks and planks falling outwards as the great mass pushed from within. In just five minutes, the hut had been reduced to a pile of broken wood. Masterson ran back to the remains of the building and quickly climbed up the rope ladder to the summit of Amanda's abdomen, clearing fallen roof materials on the way.

"You OK?"

"Yeah, I think so but... ooohh... I so need milking! They're beginning to hurt."

Masterson looked at Amanda's breasts - he could almost see them growing, surpassing four and a half meters in size.

"We need the milking machine, now!" he called down to those alerted by the noise of the collapse. Someone passed him up the two hoses and he attached them to the giant nipples. He heard the noise of the distant pump start up and soon white milky liquid was flowing through the pipework. Amanda gave a little sigh as the let-down reflex kicked in.

"Thanks for helping. That's the first time I let a man hook me up, normally it's just the women who do that."

"I feel honored. Now if you're alright, I need to go and help shift some of the debris."

With that he climbed back down and started moving the broken wood away. A few minutes later, Nicole arrived to survey the scene. She called Captain Masterson over.

"I think we need to seriously look at shutting down Amanda's implant. That was about the biggest hut we could build with the trees around here! I'm not sure if we can make her a bigger one! Her contribution to the colony has been useful, there are limits!"

"Agreed. I'll talk things over with my Doctor and one of my Seeders has a degree in Electronic Engineering - she may be able to help too."

"Good idea. I'll ask Claire, the Doc from my team to help you as well."

"We'll start first thing tomorrow."

Chapter 8 - Shutdown
The clean-up operation lasted well in to the evening and by nightfall it was complete. The milking process had also help reduce Amanda's breasts to a mere three meters across. Masterson went up to see her.

"I spoke with Commander Nicole. We've agreed we need to find a way to shut down your implant without causing you any problems. You're just getting too big now."

"I'm scared James. What's going to happen to me?"

"I won't let them do anything that will hurt you, I promise."


"Yes. I care too much for you."

"You do? Even if I remain a massive over-producing baby machine for the rest of my life?"

"Yes, even then."

He reached over and the two of them embraced.

"I need to go now, it's getting late."

"No, stay, sleep here, with me."


"How about right where you are?"

Masterson looked around at the three-meter breasts flanking him and the expanse of flesh stretching several more meters beyond that on which he sat. There was certainly enough room and it would be safe enough to sleep up there.

"OK, if you don't mind."

He lay back under the stars on the belly of the woman he found he was falling in love with and fell in to a deep sleep.

The next morning the rising sun work Masterson up. It took him a few moments to realize where he was before the memory of last night came flooding back. He noticed Amanda was still asleep to he carefully worked his way back to the rope ladder and climbed off her expansive abdomen and returned to his own cabin to wash and shave. The rest of the day was spent in discussions with Peter, the Doctor who had travelled with him on the Prometheus, Sonia, one of his 'Seeders' who was an expert in electronics and Claire, the colony Doctor. They were primarily concerned with how to shut down the implant in Amanda that was responsible for her massive, repeating pregnancies.

"The first thing is to try and establish what exactly has caused the implant to go haywire and over-stimulate the egg production." Sonia suggested.

"Agreed." put in Peter. "We can't solve a problem until we know what has caused it."

"OK. So what are our theories?" asked Masterson.

Various options were put forward ranging from a design or production fault to a few lines of code that had been altered by a hacker back on Earth. Most of these were dismissed as being too far fetched or impossible to get through the checking process but then Sonia hit upon an idea.

"Cosmic Rays!" she exclaimed.

"What?" asked Masterson. "Shouldn't the ships shielding have stopped them?"

"You can't stop everything. All it needs is some highly energized proton from a distant quasar to, by some fluke, pass through the atoms of the shields - as you know an atom is mostly empty space with only a dense nucleus in the middle. If that were to hit some part of the implant it could send it in to an unpredictable state, alter memory locations or anything."

"And make it behave strangely. OK, so I think we have our cause. What do we do about it?"

They drew up some plans and agreed to take them to Commander Nicole the next day. After several hours the meeting broke up and the participants went off to start to put their ideas in to action. Masterson found himself with nothing to do so went back over to the site of Amanda's hut. All the debris from yesterday had been cleared with the usable pieces being taken for reuse or recycling, those which were too damaged were to be used as firewood for cooking or heating water. During the day some of the colonists had erected a sort of fabric roof so Amanda had some protection from the sun but her pale skin was already beginning to turn a little pink.

"Hi Amanda, how are you doing?"

"Hello James. Think I'm OK. Nicole came to see me earlier. She said you were talking about how you were going to shutdown my implant."

"Yes, can I come up so we can talk?"


Masterson climbed the ladder again and settled down in a more face-to-face position with Amanda.

"We reckon a comic ray hit your implant at some stage in the journey here and has scrambled it's programming somehow. We're going to try and reset it and gain some control over it so we can shut it off. But we can't do that until you've given birth to this little lot."

"Good - that's five more days. Then I'll be in the rest phase."

"Yes, so we're going to try the reset procedure in about a week."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Not sure - we're working on that. None of this should harm you - I've vetoed all the surgical options as we can't be sure of their effects on you."

"Thanks. You're a good man James Masterson."

Amanda suddenly yawned.

"I should be going."

"No, stay a while. I like having you near me. It makes me feel kinda special. You can sleep here again if you like."

Masterson was in two minds but eventually consented and the two chatted about other things until late when they both fell asleep.

The next few days passed quickly and all of a sudden it was Amanda's due date again. In spite of the continued milking, her breasts were up to three-and-a-half meters and Masterson paced out the circumference of her belly as nearly thirty meters, giving her a diameter of around nine-and-a-half.

She gave a low whistle when he told her the dimensions. "That poor little hut never stood a chance did it."

The birth process started mid-morning but it was nearly dark before the last baby had arrived.

"Two hundred and eighty-six, a new record." was Masterson's report. "No wonder you destroyed a building!"

They tried the reset procedure on the implant a few days later. Sonia had built a portable transducer from parts salvaged from The Prometheus and they spent a few hours sending a continuous radio signal to the implant, instructing it to reset. The next day, they sent the shutdown sequence. After that, all they could do was wait.

After the nine-day rest period was over everyone was intently waiting on news from Amanda - would she feel the little electrical jolt that signaled that the implant was activating again, or not. Word came in the middle of the afternoon - the attempt had been a failure, Amanda was pregnant again. Thankfully this time is was only 169 babies but everyone knew it was only a matter of time before she had another massive brood.

During the rest period this time, a new tactic was tried - repeated off and on commands were sent to the implant in an attempt to get it to go in to a 'safe mode'. This attempt too was a failure and soon Amanda gave birth to another 198 children.

"This isn't working!" Peter, the Prometheus' doctor said. "We need to go in surgically."

"No, it's too risky." Masterson retorted.

"I do hope you are not letting you feelings for Amanda cloud your judgment." Peter shot back.

"There is one more thing we can try." Sonia put in trying to defuse the argument she could see building. "If we can induce an overload in the implant it should shut down."

"Isn't causing an overload a little dangerous?" asked Masterson.

"Less so than surgery but there's no certainty it will work."

"OK, we'll try this time, but after that it'll have to be surgery." he conceded.

Chapter 9 - Overload
Later that day Masterson explained the latest plan to Amanda. She was in the "rest phase" after her latest super-pregnancy and was nearly back to what amounted as 'normal' for her with her abdomen 'just' one meter across and her breasts 'only' one and a half. As she was just-about mobile she had walked, with help to the Prometheus and , with some difficulty, made her way to a spare cabin that had been prepared for the procedure.

"I don’t like the sound of 'overload'" she said.

"Neither did I, but we're running out of options. It's not without risk. Sonia says that doing this could actually cause your pregnancies to be even larger - three- or even four-hundred at a time plus you'd be huge, all the time! The Docs are pushing for surgery so we've got to try this first."

The plan was to try the overload procedure the very next day. Sonia produced two electrode pads which were placed on Amanda's stomach either side of where the implant was. The pads were connected to a spare fuel cell from the Prometheus which would send a large voltage between the pads, the theory being that some of the electricity would pass through the implant, overload it and cause it to shut down. Masterson explained all this to Amanda as they set up the equipment.

"Would you do it?" she asked him.


"Yes please."

"OK, here goes."

Masterson hit the switch to complete the circuit. Amanda gave out a cry and jumped as the current leapt through her body. His finger hovered over the switch - Sonia had said that it needed thirty-seconds or more to overload the implant - he counted them off in his head. Finally, at thirty-one he flipped the switch and killed the current. Amanda sighed and fell in a heap on the ground, out cold. The Doctors checked her vital signs and pronounced that everything looked fine. Someone fetched a glass of water and in a few minutes Amanda reopened her eyes and sipped at the drink.

"Did it work?" she asked weakly.

"We don’t know yet." Masterson said in a soothing tone. "We need to check tomorrow but the real proof will come if you don't get pregnant again in three days as scheduled."

She lay back in the bed and closed her eyes and was soon asleep.

The next day Sonia visited Amanda. She passed a scanner over Amanda's implant, her face lit up as she looked at the readings.

"I can't detect any electrical activity from the implant."

"What? None at all?"

"Nope, none. I think the 'Overload' procedure has worked. The implant has completely shut down."

"So that means no more pregnancies then?"

"Yup! Not unless you... you know...!" Sonia gave a cheeky grin. Amanda blushed.

Just them Masterson entered. Sonia said good bye, gave Amanda a wink and left.

"So?" he asked

"Sonia said that she couldn't detect any activity from the implant so that's that then. No more mega-pregnancies."

"That is excellent news. But the Docs want to keep you under observation for a couple more days, to verify that you're OK."

"That's a shame. I'd wanted to get out and explore a bit. I've spent a most of my time here pinned down under dozens of kids. I wanted to see the trees, the wildlife, the views"

"A couple more days won't hurt. Those things will still be there. If you like, we can go exploring together. I've not really left the settlement since arriving either."

"That would be cool."

Over the course of the next two days Amanda was checked over by the two doctors, they took blood samples, scanned her abdomen with the sonograph and questioned her about how she felt. On the third day they sat down with Nicole and Masterson to discuss their findings.

"Well, there is good news, and there is bad news." Claire, the colony doctor said.

"Why don't I like the sound of this." Nicole said.

"The good news is that the implant is totally offline. The electric shock seems to have fried its works and it's no longer producing the hormone levels needed to sustain a rapid pregnancy..."

"But...?" Masterson added sensing the statement was unfinished.

"She's pregnant." Claire finished.

"How is this possible?" Nicole said, with one eye on Masterson who shook his head.

"We've talking it over with Sonia and what we think may have happened is that during the 'Overload' the implant sent one last command to release eggs and sperm before shutting down."

"Another multiple pregnancy?"

"Yes, but we can't tell how many. The other thing is, without the implant producing and pumping out all the hormones to speed things up it won't last forty days, but forty weeks - a normal human gestation period."

"And, I guess, the babies will age normally when born too?" Nicole asked.


"But you're certain the implant is shut down?"

"One hundred percent. We could remove it with no ill effects, but there's not much point. I don't like opening up a patient for no real benefit - too much risk of infection getting in the wound. So we're going to leave it in there, unless it becomes imperative to remove it."

"So in summary she's going to have one last mega-pregnancy, with an unknown number of babies, but it'll last a regular forty weeks." Nicole summed up.

"That's about it."

"Well, we'll just have to deal with this one and then work on getting everything back to a more normal situation."

"Would you mind if I explained things to Amanda?" Masterson asked.

"Sure, go ahead. She needs to know what is going to happen to her and it's probably best coming from you given your, ehem, friendship."

The meeting ended and Masterson went to find Amanda. He told her what he had learnt in his meeting. When he finished he saw she had tears in her eyes.

"One more? I thought this would have been the end, and to have to go forty weeks too!"

"Most women go forty weeks,"

"Yes, but not with a few dozen kids. And they don't even know how many I'll have What if it's a two or three hundred again?"

"I don't know, either, but what I do know is that I'll be here, by your side, through it all, no matter what happens."

"Thanks," she sniffed, "that means a lot."

Chapter 10 - The Big One
Amanda maintained her semi-mobility for the first month of her last, mammoth pregnancy before her growing breasts, and her expanding abdomen put an end to all hopes of moving until the birth. After the first month her belly was two-and-a-half meters across and her breasts two meters each. By the second month, she was four meters across, and by the third month nearly six. Masterson visited her regularly, often chatting late in to the night. He had, however, decided not to sleep on her stomach again, as he had done in the past as people had started to gossip.

As the months rolled on, Amanda's dimensions continued to climb - by five months she had reached ten meters across, even larger than she was at term with her previous record brood of 286. Everyone now knew she was on for a unimaginably large number of children.

Half way through the sixth month, Masterson returned from a fortnight spent searching for metal ore deposits about forty kilometers north of the settlement. Without any form of transportation it had taken them several days to hike there and back, carrying all their equipment as they went. Masterson made a mental note to at least get a cart made to carry the gear next time. As soon as he was free he went to visit Amanda. Even from a distance, he could see she had grown considerably in the time he was away. To large for any building to hold her, they had erected an improvised fabric shelter, but in spite of this her skin had developed a deep tan from the sun. He walked over, finding the rope ladder to climb up to see her, he noticed it had been extended to it still reached the ground.

"Hi Amanda!" he called out.

"Hello. Is that you, James? Come on up. I've missed you!"

He hauled himself up the eight-meter high form that was Amanda's abdomen.

"Wow, you've grown some!" he exclaimed looking around at the vast expanse of flesh on which he now stood.

"Don't I know it. Thirteen and a half meters across they said. Forty meters around. And there's still two and a half months to go. How much bigger can I get?"

"I don't know." he said sitting down and leaning back against a breast easily twice as tall as him and four times as long. "I don’t know, but however big you get you'll still be my little sweetheart."

"You mean that?"

"You know I do. Your size isn't important. It's what's inside that matters and what's is inside you is a beautiful girl."

"Then why don't you come up here more often? You used to camp out lying on my stomach..."

"Well, I've had to go and help other parts of the colony. We struck a seam of copper just last week you know."

"Enough about you and your 'helping the colony' business. Ugh. You lot are all the same. Always on about 'The Mission' or 'The Greater good' when you should also be thinking about the little things around you. What about me? Us?"

"Sorry. I didn't know you felt this way..."

"Well I do. Please don't go away again. Not until this lot have been born. There I've said it."

"OK, OK. I'll tell Nicole to take me off the Away teams for the next few months."

"And please stay with me, even just for tonight."

"But people are beginning to talk, rumors are flying about , that sort of thing."

"And you let that bother you?"


"Good then. So you'll stay here, with me tonight? Please."

"OK. I will."

"So what was the northern area like then?

Masterson described some of the things the team and he had seen and how they had located the copper which they would start to mine shortly. They talked on into the night whereupon Amanda announced she was tired so Masterson curled up between two seven meter breasts and they were soon both asleep.

The next two months passed quickly. Masterson got himself assigned to more local tasks so he could spend more time with Amanda and watch her grow. With two weeks to go before her due date, Amanda was a little over sixteen meters across and her breasts where almost nine meters long. Masterson climbed up that evening to chat to Amanda.

"Good grief, you're enormous"! he said, looking around. "I think each breast is bigger then your old hut!"

"Yeah. They tried to hook up the milking machine earlier but my nipples were too large. They've got to make some bigger suction cups for it!"

"So how are you doing?"

"Apart from being the size of a house you mean? I'm OK. Can't wait to get this lot born though. I can feel them moving around - they're having a right old party in there!"

"I've got a question for you..."

"Go on."

"Wait a second."

Masterson got up and tried to reposition himself.

"Where are you going?"

"Down on one knee. It's not easy when you're on someone's belly!"

"What on earth for?"

"To ask you to marry me."

"What?" Amanda laughed, then stopped herself. "Marry?"

"Yes, will you?"

"I don't see to many churches or priests around her do you! We don't really do marriage here nowadays. People just pair up and setup home together and that's kinda it."

"OK, that's not the reaction I was expecting! I don't care what everyone else does, I'm asking you, Amanda Louise Jones to marry me. My old mother was a Catholic and it would break her heart if I moved in with a woman who wasn't my wife. "

"Ok, you soppy old romantic. Yes, James Masterson, I will marry you!"
Chapter 11 - Commitment
Two weeks and three days later, Amanda felt the first pangs of pain heralding the onset of the contractions which would, finally, bring her mega pregnancy to an end. Her seventeen meter wide belly quivered with the abundance of life within, stirred on by the contractions were now coming more rapidly and lasting longer. Soon, the first child was born followed by a myriad of others in a labor spanning the next two days.

By the end, 783 babies had been born and Amanda's stomach had retreated to 'only' three meters across. Her breasts, thanks to themilk they were producing in preparation to feed so many babies had ballooned out to twelve meters each. Masterson who had been at her side the entire time congratulated her.

"Well done, 783 babies and all healthy and strong. no wonder you were so large!"

"I'm not done yet! Now to get these boobs down to a more manageable size!"

Amanda remained hooked up to the milking machine for the next two months which helped reduced her breasts down to a mere two meters across. Her belly also shrank to just one meter. Claire, the colony doctor, checked her over regularly.

"I don’t think you're going to get much smaller than this." Claire announced one day. Amanda looked disappointed, Masterson looked her over.

"Well for someone who's given birth to over thirty thousand kids in the past three decades I'd say you're looking pretty good!"

"I had hoped to get a bit smaller. They're still too large for me to move and as for doors, forget it."

"On that thought..." Masterson said disappearing for a moment. He returned with a small wheeled cart. "I had them build something like this for the surveying trips, to save us carrying all the kit on our backs. They built these for you to help you get around." He tenderly lifted each giant breast in turn and placed it on the cart. Amanda tentatively tried to move. She found the cart moved freely and she was able to maneuver herself around with relative ease. She turned to face Masterson then suddenly lunged forward, engulfing him in her enormous cleavage.

"Come here you!" she said grabbing him, partially smothering him with her breasts. They kissed long and tenderly. "Now, what about this wedding then?" she asked.

"I had a chat with Nicole. She's happy to do the ceremony - just us and her, unless you want any one else."

"No, just us would be fine. When does she want to do it?"

"When we're ready. Next week?"

"I think I'm gonna need a little longer. I've been working on a little surprise for you. Say a month?"

"Err... sure. Take as long as you need."

Masterson ticked off the days to the wedding. He wondered what sort of surprise Amanda had in store for him. Whenever he'd visited her in the past couple of weeks, one of her old Helpers barred his way, delaying his arrival so that they could hide whatever it was they were working on. When questioned, Amanda's eyes would sparkle and she'd say 'Wait and see.' Well, the waiting was almost over and he was standing nervously in a clearing in the woods a little way from the main part of the settlement with Commander Nicole, awaiting the arrival of Amanda. A few minutes later she arrived between two trees to the west - it was a tight fit as she only had a few centimeters of clearance either side of her bust. Masterson could see the surprise she had been working on - a stunning wedding dress, albeit one made for a woman who's breasts reached the floor. Granted the fabric wasn't the finest and the stitching not the best but Masterson hardly noticed these deficiencies as his bride-to-be maneuvered herself next to him.

Masterson leant over and whispered in to her ear "You look stunning. I guess this was the surprise."

Amanda nodded. "You scrub up pretty well too." she whispered back.

Nicole gave a little cough to catch their attention. "If you two are ready then we can begin..."

The ceremony only lasted a few minutes. Masterson produced a shiny silver ring that he had fashioned from a part of The Arc's long redundant engines which he slipped on to Amanda's ring finger. After the ceremony, Nicole left, leaving the two of them standing alone in the woods.

"Thanks for doing this. Mother would have been proud." Masterson did his best to hug his enormously busty wife.

"No problem. Anything for you my love."

"Now, I have a little surprise for you too." Masterson said cryptically. "Come with me."

He led the way out of the clearing and through the woods, back towards the settlement. Amanda followed, her breast-cart rattling over the fallen sticks and she found she had to take many detours to get around trees that grew too close together for her to get her giant bust past. They eventually made their way out of the woods to a clearer area where the ground was smoother and the trees mode widely spaced.

"Where are we going?" Amanda asked.

"Wait and see!" Masterson replied, echoing Amanda's repeated response when he questioned about the surprise she was planning.

They walked through the settlement for about thirty minutes before reaching the south-eastern corner. "There." said Masterson, pointing. Amanda looked in the direction he was indicating. Situated about forty meters away, and set apart from the others was a low building. It was larger than the norm for the colony with a wide door which stood open. Amanda approached it cautiously. "Go on in." Masterson urged. As she got nearer she realized the doorway was wide enough for her to enter. Inside the main room was spacious with all the furniture arranged around the walls and a cooking area at the far end. There was a second room off to the right - this also had a wide doorway so Amanda passed through it. The only thing inside was a padded platform two meters long and five meters wide standing about 20 centimeters off the floor covered in animal skin blankets. She looked over her shoulder at Masterson who was just behind her. "It's not much, but it's home, our home."

"It's amazing!" Amanda replied in awe. "I've not been inside a building for two years since I grew too large for that hut I was in. How did you manage this? Nicole said we couldn't build anything larger than that hut."

"Look up." Amanda did so. "See, the beams are made from iron - this is the first metal-framed building on the planet! It means we can make much larger structures than before. I told you we found copper on one of my trips. Well, we also found some iron ore which we were able to smelt. I told Nicole of my plan and she let me use it to build this, partly as a test, and partly for us."

Amanda looked at the bed. "I think we need to try this out!" she said with a grin, "but I'm gonna need help getting out of this dress!"

Masterson was all to ready to assist and Amanda climbed on to the bed platform and lay down, her two meter long breasts falling to either side of her, showing off her large abdomen, permanently stretched to over a meter across by her many massive pregnancies. Masterson climbed in after her, pleased to see that despite the size of his new wife, there was still a little room on the bed for himself. He would have to sleep close to her but he figured that would not be a problem. They quickly consummated their marriage not once but twice, then fell in to a sex-induced sleep. It was early evening when Masterson awoke, the sun was going down and it was getting dark. In the half-light he tried to remember where he was. He was lying on a set of blankets and was cuddling a large soft olive colored object that was larger than he was. As he came to more he realized it was Amanda's left breast. Amanda. His wife. The day's events came back to him. He looked over at her. She was still sleeping on her back - he figured she couldn't sleep any other way with her giant breasts either side of her massive curved stomach. He resisted the urge to wake her and make love again. Instead he felt his stomach rumbled and figured he should get something to eat - she was probably hungry too.

He got out of bed, wrapped a blanket around his waist and went to the kitchen area to see what food there was. Turning on the single light bulb that glowed dimly above the worktop he found some bread and some salad-like vegetables and proceed to make some sandwiches. He was nearly done when he felt something brush the back of his head. He turned round to find himself face-to-face with one of Amanda's giant nipples.

"Hungry?" he asked holding up the plate of food and wondering how she had managed to creep up on him given her size.

"Yes, but not for that."

She turned slightly and advanced on him a little more so he had to hurriedly put the food down before he was engulfed in her cleavage. He worked himself in deeper, letting the blanket round his middle drop to the floor as he did so. As soon as he was close enough he kissed her and they made love for the third time that afternoon.

It was totally dark outside by the time they had finished, only the small light bulb gave them any illumination at all.

"Eat up." Masterson said. "We've got a busy day tomorrow."

"What are we doing tomorrow?" Amanda asked between bites of the sandwiches.

In reply he just winked at her.

Chapter 12 - Again?
Four months later Masterson arrived back from his current job which was connecting a few more homes to the electricity grid they were developing. Unusually, Amanda was not back from her work - with her new found mobility, Amanda had joined the other teacher, Joanne, in tutoring trainee teachers who would then go and teach the others in the colony who had missed out on a proper education particularly in the early days when things were less organized. Masterson secretly wondered how much the trainees learnt, particularly the men given the trainers where two of the biggest-busted women on the planet.

Masterson decided to start preparing dinner so they could eat when Amanda arrived. He was just chopping some vegetables when Amanda came in the door.

"Hi. You're late home."

"Yes, I stopped off to see Claire on the way."

"The Doc? You're not ill are you?"

"Not exactly..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm pregnant..."

"What? How? Why? I mean... You're pregnant?"

"Yes, and if you don't know the 'How' by now maybe you should come to one of my classes!"

"No, I mean isn't your implant offline still?"

"Yes it is. This is 100% natural. You're gonna be a dad!"

"But I thought this couldn't happen?"

"Well, when the implant shuts down it's supposed to induce a sort of menopause so that the host doesn’t get pregnant again, accidentally. However, in my case, because we overloaded it with that electric shock, which jolly hurt I can tell you, anyway, because we over loaded it, it never sent the proper shutdown commands so I've remained as fertile as any 'normal' woman and the rest you can work out for yourself. Relax, your going to make a great dad."

"And your going to be a great mum - after all you've had a lot of practice! Our baby's is going to have the best we can give them."

"That's the other thing..."

"What is?"

"It's not one?"

"Not one? How many? Two? Three?"



"Yes, ten. Before you ask why, remember then implanted extra ovaries in us so we would have a better genetic mix with the babies we were going to have. Well, it seems that on this cycle, all ten produced an egg and your little guys got them all!"

Masterson sank into a chair, trying to take in all Amanda was telling him. "Ten." he kept repeating to himself. "How far gone are you?" he asked at last.

"Three months. Give or take."

The next few months sailed by. Amanda's pregnancy was very easy on her and she was able to keep up her work with the trainee teachers whilst Masterson was overseeing a extension to their house comprising another couple of bedrooms for the babies when they arrived. Whilst her pregnancy was not as large as the many that had proceeded it, Masterson did notice the amount of space he had on the bed was reducing as time wore on as her already sizable belly and breasts grew even more. By eight months her abdomen had swollen to one and a half meters across whilst her breasts were nearly three meters each.

"Hi, James, Honey?" Amanda called out one day on her arrival home. "I, err, need a little help here."

He followed her voice to find her half-in and half-out of the front door of their house. "I think I'm stuck." she said, her voice coming from outside.

"I can see that!" Masterson said from the other side of the door. "Let me help you."

They both pushed and squeezed her giant breasts and finally she made it through the door. Once inside it was clear her girth was taking up a considerable portion of the house.

"I think I must have had a little growth spurt today!"

"You're telling me! Why are they getting larger? Weren't the big enough already?"

"All womens' breasts get a little bigger when they get pregnant. I guess because I was quite large to begin with, the effect is magnified! I think we'd better tell Nicole I'm stuck in here now." Amanda said eyeing up the doorway which was at least twenty centimeters too narrow.

After dinner, and a similar effort with the bedroom doorway she flopped down on to the bed, exhausted, watching as the sun went down.

"Only a month to go." Amanda sighed. "'Till then I'm staying here."

"I think I'm going to have to sleep in one of the new rooms for now - there's no space her for me any more." looking at the narrow strip that was all that was left.

"Why don't you sleep up top, like you used to? Go on, it'll be fine. Promise."

"Err, OK." Masterson said as he climbed on to one of her huge breasts. It was like lying on a large soft pillow.

They were both soon asleep. Masterson got used to his new sleeping arrangements and spent most nights lying atop Amanda as her breasts and belly ballooned out further eventually topping out at three and a half and two meters respectively. Finally, one morning she felt the familiar pang of contractions. Masterson sent a messenger to fetch Claire, the Doctor. Within two hours the first baby, a boy, was born, followed soon after by his nine siblings. Claire checked them over and Masterson helped them take their first feeds from his wife's gigantic nipples.

"I'll leave you lot to it then." Claire said after checking all was well.

Masterson nodded as she left. He then sat back, looking at the sleeping form of his wife and the ten babies arranged around her and for the first time in many years he felt truly happy.

hyper preg audio for sale not the most story intensive but considering ive never seen any other I enjoyed it
Liked by falloutghoul (Mar 12, 2016)

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